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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, AU!st 2, 1962 .... !i 00ving Classes Biing Taught ean0h Park By Lifeguards Ethel DIby tt past couple of weeks, left Sun- I Announcement has day for the return flight to their 'a " .g ldmg the Senior northern home. zwanoh State Park TIlE MISSES Hart and McCoy July 23 at 9 a.m of North Shore entertained last 'e being tau ht Men- Saturday afternoon--2 to 5 p.m. riday, and gill con- a garden party for their house- t weeks. If the time guest. Mrs. Jean Morrow, who was t nConvenient, special also celebrating a birthday. Pres- t may be made. The eat to enjoy the event were tim  quirement is 16 following friends of Mrs. Morrow: n + young children Mrs. Lloyd Cook, IVlrs. Mary Jar- cuuraed to take the ! is ilportant for at co, Mrs. Fritz Wilbur, Miss Clara raoll on every beach Eastwood, Mrs. Dorothy Jessup end Jean Moore, Mrs. Don Beck- .''. u'aining in water man and sisters-in-law, Mrs. Jean ° claimed many aeci- h:ve been prevented Reed and Miss Lois Beckman. i'g?eat had had the At the home of Mrs. Don Beck- man are her two sisters-in-law of Seattle, Mrs. Jean Reed and Miss Lois Beckman. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood and daughter, former Shelton residents and Unionites, now of Richland, spent several days at the Woods' beach cottage last week, here ing new is be- :s wishing to aid, and who do rticipate in the .he course, may ] and also watch Warren visited some with his It is felt that childhood friends. when prop- Mrs. Richard Richarda? Los € helpful hz Gates, Calif., motored to Union Sunday calling at the Dalby home from 12 to 15 enrout'e to Union, where she vis- regi., er immed- Red with the Lud Andersens. Mrs. H ct ill junior life- Richards lived in Union 45 years s in session now, ago along with her parents, Mr. ill be started if and Mrs. Frank Baird. Thc Bairds 39 C I sh°wn" and Mr" Richards built and °per:Intermediate s are being ated a. small mill on the site no occupied by the Charles Wright's 'Z. Tuesdays ana new home. Mrs. Richards (Ivy ar :he first part of Jean) writer, sculptress and paint- bore classes are er, has won a niche in fine arts lifeguards at circles in California for her work. 'k, Mary Rupert She is a member of the National , Who are qual- Pen Women group, and a former s necessary for musicians' colony of Union, and raediates. A 50 was active in Seattle during her n  -'harged for les- residence there, having, organized • |Ulh, th Seattle Verse Writers Club 30 |ttg. e farewell lun- ; %tl Mr. and Mrs. Gil- years ago. :ll i uon from Union the marriage of Gene Stark, son m L Lt'.  iller, rs. Mabel of Mr. and m's. M. C. Stark, and I.' Mrs. M C. Stark, Mrs. Betty Everly, Portland, Ore., 'i],bil ;lad And'ersen, and at the Lutheran church July 21. A reception and dinner followed, Ome 30 members, at the home of the bride's sister. i, attended the rune- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Struck (Virginia • Were decorated fez" Stark) attended the ceremony m lvlrs. Gilmore has where she was matron of honor. t UOd Canal Womans Tne couple will live in their new-   the past two ly purchased home near Renton. • 'aey are moving At Olympus Manor Monday )e S., shortly to morning Orre Nobles turned on his ( LffY FROZEN FOODS! ch 'em -- Your Choice 10-0 Pkgs, $ lVleut Pies fANSONS-- Fresh Frozen f, Chicken or Turkey ) DONUTS ' (lows "" 33' WP.IOHT'S IAMS (r le Wood, made by ti Ckinson of Hoods- Y his wife Rule, l bath was uresent.  '°s. t,.. and M,' ', n'mer Unionite ] 's /rnest Well, t .eh dwellers now of ,.' eattle, came out i  !ae event, i[bert and Rule I," charge of the v'ere assisted by 0n of the club in anl" Improvement "-- a % uake sale Satm'- 10 .q Gift Shop, from ettanlilton and chil lh aPent last week . d Hamilton and /:: as. Also at the la Week were Mr. r, Riverside, CaN I :,'., • from a 'ttl t'°Ud the Loop. [e ( .rayland and ,l -o the new road ,j:d SOuth Beach. :to lYeda Slmday trip "mu out their va- {a-' l.etty and Chertl } qrltla lIlce t y evening for ', i: o join their 4-H  tdtmp. Combined qa'vltics are craft, itlg and dancing. t.ald- of speea, t 0 • on ake which , hi.' ,, oy Mrs. Georgia ri,, is open to thq 'O t,: "e Salmon bake "eff'r.adUlts and lmlf , "  to 12 years o£ Morris ac- Billingslcy Mrs. soil Bill of Little of :Mrs. Steve made a mer- wile en- zn the upper tst Week. 011 celt the same around tJm past Wheel. left • aftemmon Iltz divided and also sketches e×lihits. and young been SttELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI]-- Publlshe In "Oh#¢, U.S.R.]' Slielon, Washin i . r ,i , .... i .|1 i i __ J [| t ] | I . .. .q i.._1 radio while having his cup of coffee to laear his friend Jim French, who had received a letter of Noblc's last week) speak for some time about Windy Cliff, No- ble's studio home in Seattle, and about the designer and collector htmself. Ore also made the Em- melt Watson column last Wednes- day in the Seattle Post Intelli- tenter, zn a colorful and amusing maturer. Paul Livington of Venice, Cal- ifornia, who has been s hoHse guest at the Manor place for sev- eral days last week aeeompanie¢1 Nobles on a tour around the Loop. Among phtees visited were Hurri- cane Ridge, I. Push and the Rain Forest. Charles Truit, who was a visitor last week during Orre's absence, left for his Seattle home the first of the week. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Andersen last Saturday were ker two nieces, Mrs. Mary Gard- rer, Santa Moniet, Calif., and Mrs. Jean Walker. Vancouver. Both young women lived at Union as small children, with their parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed Me- Reavy, of the old-time pioneer family. THE IIOOD CANAL Garden Club meets today at, the riverside home of Tom Webb for its annual out-door pmnie, with Tom as honor gaJest, and husbands also .... enjoying the affair. A feature of entertainnent of the afternoon will be the modeling of hand-made floral hats and cute awards for the most original mad artistic creation. A/lc William H. Utter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Utter, Shelton, has been reasigned to Francis E. Warren Air Force Base. Wyoming, following his graduating from the Air Force training course for missile com- munications systems technicians at Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex. Call Hoodsport TR. 7-527 Our Hood Canal Representative NOTHING TO WEAR BAGK TO SOHOOL Now is the time to LAY-AWAY Sweaters Skirts Dresses Blouses Select now while collection is com- plete -- Small deposit will hold for 60 days. KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler-Plymouth Cars International Truok AT TH le Mix .,+.,,. rfs 9 A.M. Wednesday, Aug' Saturday, August 4fh. We resa limit quantlfie. No 11 tl'nl /el liar +sck- ' mZt • t al,-, fiL and their t 'qrjtr.)r;k off for , , '.tl o ]'ldsy, with t, tt:tt ,. " quiet, refi- ll ti'lt) lovely spot '|r.%. that accmJnls it V % l,.t+,. ,.,?,e ,.,u idea 'Oil + S ;+lid trailers :!a G?e .i*,,,,,ed i,, 1+¢,; + i'" i'ow,,vev, tire l+i +:,,a . °',,e l l,y her V tl II AKlimbal I and I 'm r-ih rusks, who e, "'t , , ' |Ira at the home -- "1 ..dal Kimball +rlertds for o ILl I I .  L AI  -- I ..... I . surrtrnew- _ +!i ,`:.+++:'++ ............ + 5. "::.: . ""* .+ ""i :.'. i. .. ! '.":'. 0, Prices .... o;=nl '`;++'- ++ Effective Friday Morning at zau.:+u'aor+ w, MERCHANDISE REDUCED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT --..: Children's Department  .  Men's+Department 6iris' Blouses . . . . . Vzeff , .. , Zo:iy... men s 6wlm wear, 3 to 6x and 7 - 14 $ .o,.' m.o, =..v. re, irk,. o. 1 . ' 10 pair Terry Robes wdh Hoods . / off Men's Washable Golf Slacks Reg. $12.95 T,ItW (No Ohildmn'sHats . . . . 1/2price only /"*"" Alterations) 8 pair • Women's Ready-to-Wear • Summer Goats Short Coats $15.95 to $29.95 Long Coats $19.95 to $55.00 V2 price Summer Dresses Regular -- Juniors -- Half Sizes ............ + + $4+029.95 I group Girls Dresses Sizes 1 - 3 -- 3.6x -- 7 - 14 all at just / price • Hardware Department • • 1 lot ½ price Summer Hals $2.95 to $5.95 V,. price .............. SPORTSWEAR Blouses -- Tee Shirts -- Shorts Jamaics -- Surfers -- Capris Skirts -- Jackets $2.98 to $14.95 % off Name,Brand Swim Suits $10.95 to $29.95 % off I I I 88 c Fuller inlerior Paint CLOSE- V2 prim I tble ........ Misc. Giflware & Houcowams ½ price Furnilure Depadment Many items .n our Furniture De- partment prmed to clear. IAv- ing room, bedroom, outdoor, ap- pliances, eta. BUY NOW and SAVE '• Dry Goods Department • FINAL YARDAGE GLEARANOE Dan River Ginghams, TABLE OF OHILDREN'S ITEMS Cotton Knits, Oxford Cloth, Sailtone Prints Men's Beachcombers ,, MMERNITY WEAR T.per Pa2nts $3.95 • Skirts $3.95 Smocks $1.95 to $4.95 79¢ to $3.98 Imr yard Garland Sweaters ........................................ iron, $6.95 1//3 off '/2 price .$5.95 & $5.95 !'2 price 6 pair Men's Bermudas price $7.95 Boys' Boalneck Sweatshids a/4 Sleeve: Lt. Blue -- Green -- White Re, $2.19 $00 .... only Boys' While Oanvas Oxfords Reg. $4.49 ,29 s only Men'sGanvas Slipons L Blue and Driftwood ........... Broken Sizes,:36 Reg. $5.95 I ALL SALES RNAL No+Returns 4) No Exchanges Boys' Beachcombers & Bermudas g- $'M.7 $3.98 " Garland Malching Skids ................................... $9.95 Shapely Blouses ' ,,o., $3.98 Miss Pal Dresses .......................................... ,om $9,98 MR. & MRS. SHOP - SUMMER CLEARANCE CONTINUES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS 4r m i