August 2, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Lilliwaup Community Olub Has Card Party On Friday
arrived by the time the Journal
goes I;o press.
SmMay lhe Evans attended the
marriage of n daughter of very
close friends, Sandl'a MaEGregor.
Faith was asked to pour at the
recept ion.
MR. AND MI|R. BEN Bn.rbcr of
the l-loodsport Marin't are En-
joying a visit from Ben's collsin
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bar-
bet' of Cape GeiqA'dEall, Me. The
Ed Barbers tnu|'ed Cmmda before
arriving oll the Cll'al.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin oft
Triton Head hqve as their g'tiEst's,::
Mr. and Mrs. L: IC MeBreen of Se
t, ttle.
,Frank HambnJtlg'hl of Lqng,ood
Beach aeeompanled by two a'!,iends
lly Mrs. Nell VanEe
LTI.,LI.VAUI ) ....... Eight t.ahles of
phlochle were played Frhlay Eve-
ning ai lhe card party given by
.lhe Lilliwaup Comnumity Clnb.
FIlgh Heore went to Anna Berge
:rod Kenny Baker; low to. Frances
Moake and Oran; 300 pinochle
to Alta Nielsen and John Nlel.'ten,
while Frank McIntyre was the
winner of the door prize,
Evelyn Nicholson and Nancy
Ca,'d were hostesses for l:he eve-
ning. The next card party will he
Aug. I0.
I,'AI'I'II AND LEV Evans of
I-Ioliday Beach braved ,th'tieht
el the weekend and traveled, to
Everett to winh 'a happy blthday
to two of theft" grandsonsl Mark
,""!lol'nn"' S ,,n, Davh| Nelson. They are tile froTn Yelm, Kenny Lauffh,lin and
,0nr of M,'. and Mrs, Cliff Nelson :Don A:ndersot, hiked in 10 miles
who also have a year and a half over the big litlmp on the Duck-
H u I old chihl, Cliff Jr., and are hourly -bltsh Riwq', where they f is!aed,
II@IA iMAV Expecting a fo trth child brother all three catching their limit of
UIIJ U A or sister? You can bet what ev- fish. This Ires been an anntml ltike
-- -- -- eryone is pulling fox', Mark's for Frank for the past 10 years.
0.1 ('n]'a .f ibI'lhday was July 21 and David's WAITER AND Virginia AIIi-
.......... wili be Aug4 so a combined cel- • .... .... red
[ • " : ' ' son of Triton Head mote . to
€ hz at mn was held
[*' ' .' " • Paltlsbo wher( they spent Salur-
......................... l'le new addition may lmve day attd Sunday wiih Dr. and Mrs,
............... - ...................... .... p, Josepil Colhngsl, tnjoynlg then
--" IIIBP AIIPi qPIIP IRIIqPPI _-_ long friendship.
-= ilIIIP mlllPlf IMP IlVILIIPlif - Mrs. Stella Morken of Eldon
=- BanilBi VHI-,il BUlk innn-,,.um = accompanied her' son-in-law, Gee.
/ , Brown Seattle, to their heine,
. . .IN THE PANORAMIC SPLENDOR OF LAKE CUSH- -- July 2'0,.where size spent a few
MAN AND THE OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS. = days visiting the fmilv. On Sat-
• *= . "P- ,, f " . ,
= The Swiss AIls have nothing on the beautiful -- tirday and Sunday ,hey all vmlte,t
settin of MasohCount's newest quality din ng -- the fair. where [l's Morken ltad
_ g Y . • = .... .. ,.
= fac ities, where you can relax wath your favomte _ a wonderful tune. Brown brought
= cocktail in "THE LIARS DEN", and dine on TOP Mrs, Vol'kbn home late Monday
w • , ---- • 9 led by iW mother Mrs Millie
=_ Com[)let Droners from $2.50 Chdd s Plate $1 = . ,: . ., ,, .:. ,
" .. iaaamaa a II IDAAIi /.)leBen ancl IVlZ'S• Slella MorKen,
---- Hoodsport, Washington Phone TR 7-5388 ] Apply Instant drying T-4-L. You feel It
m, - - , i take hold to ehek itching, bstrnllg, In
---- Reservations if deslredWe cater to group lunoheons and droners [ minuies Thea in 3 to II days, watch
e I infedted kln slough off. Watch healtlw
• DINING ROOM OPEN" 7 DAYS A. WEEK • = skin replace It. lr not pleaed IN ONI,:
. .... __, .---- .r. an -at ilOUIt, your 48¢ back at ally ttrug
. DANCING A'I'NI IU :UU l'qivl.. _-- ,o,. m)w Aa,
= . : , . " ]PnEP1 'S ItlCX/LI. DItUaS
f. ,,,:
motored to the Olympic Hot
Springs Wednesday.
Mrs. ,Terry M;leh and children
Cheryl and Terry of F'ori.hmd vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKa.q.on
from Sunday until Tttes(hly (If
last Week, taking home her (lallg'h-
h,r Anita, who had been visiting
tie MeK%ssons fQr a wc, ek, C}IOI'-
yl and Terry remained with the
McKassons unlil Friday, relurning
home from Sl!elh)n orl GrEyhound
bus. They both had a wonderful
lime fishing' and swimming.
Wtlile Cheryl and Terry were
vil4iting the McKassnns llley En-
joyed a six-mile hike to Lena
LaRe with their "rant Jean, Julie
nnd Billy, and all were very tit.ed
after th,ir hikE, but they had
t wonderfHI finis and it wits worl]l
JULIA McKA88ON, (httlghter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKasson,
hft Monday morning with the 4-H
group on a Ilk, e-day camping tri 1)
at Paaahan(lle Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Neff Vance en-
Joyed a visit from their grand-
dmtghter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Tongedahl arul son David of Ta-
E0ma, Tlu{rsday al,ld Friday.
Friday afternon their son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Etll'g and sons James Michael and
l?aul of Taconm arrive(t to spend
n, few days with the Vanees. The
Bnrgs tll(t just returned from a
5,000 mile trip through the East
as far as I(ansas, returning home
by way of Eugene, ()i'e., where
they visited Johnnie' a son, Mr.
and Mrs. John C. Burg Jr., who
is attending the University of Of
eg'on during the summer on a
TIlE VANCI!/N enjoyed a bar,
becue dinner at the home of their
daughter and son:in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Johnston Sunday. Quite
a relief to get away from home
for a Jav after so nlllCh conl .
pany. '
Journal Want Ads Pay
Waves To Observe
20th Birlhday
The y(,'lr:19fi2 has a special
ignifiEancE for more thqn 100,000
\\;VOIIII!I1 \\;vho h,'l VE served their
country in the U.S. Navy. This
year l|lal'ks t]leir 201}I anniwwsary.
Since 1912 through war and pe:t('.e.
!hes(, \\;Villi|ell have he]ptd to (Io
tlleir share in the defenSE effort
of the lhfilcd St'ales. Wave offi-
cers wol'k alol]gside their lnaJe
COllnttwpill'ts in sIlch wu'ied fields
tt CoIIInlLlllica| ions, Personnel,
['ui)lic hfformalion, Special Serv-
ices, Naval Operations, Education
and Training. and many lechnical
The peacetime mission of the
Waves is to provide a ntlclellS of
well trained pers(mnel which can
readily expand ill ease of emer-
gency, New fields in which WOlnen
are particularly ilsefill nre EOn-
slanlly I)eing Exph)ved• At the
present time there is a contin-
uing need for well qualified young
\\;vonle]l who :ll'e e.ollege gractnates
and who have a sincere desire to
(to a worthwllile job to serve as
officers in the Navv. The selee-
lion siandards are 'high, the re-
sponsiMlilies great, but the re-
W,'tl'ds of aa iml)ortant job well
done is gratifying.
Qtmlfied y('mng wonten college
g'radu'(tes ttay contact the local
ReEruiter loc;l.ed at The Mason
County Sheriff's Office at. 10 a.m.
• 'S '
each Monday and fol
further ini!m:mation.
00uniyr,,;ip.; i
Of Road In Relocahon
Mson Connty will get a sec-
tion of old Highway-101 when the
new four-lane ueci.ion of the road
.is completed, the State Highway
Department said last week.
The 3.2 niiles of road which
will be turned over to the c(mnty
for maintenance purposes is a
:,ection of the old road hich will
no longer be on the Highway be-
cause of re-location.
The turnover will )e made 3an.
1, the state said.
Meet Mr. Digit... He's Vice lsident in Charge of
Numbers at Pacific Northwest Bell. And he's an-
nouncingthat telephone users in Shelton and
Hoodsport now have ALL-NUMBER CALLING
The introduction of these "new look" telephone
numbers became effective in these communities on
Sunday, August 5. At that time, telephone numbers
changed to all numerals- no letters.
What is ALL.NUMBER CALLING. Numerals
have replaced the letters of your former phone num-
ber. For instance, if your number was HA 6-8610, it
became 426-8610. No change in dialing and no actual
number change.
That'sall there is to ALL.NUMBER CALLING.
Prefix letters merely change to their number equiva-
lent These are good reasons for switching to the new
plan. Mainly, it's the only way to make enough dial.
ing combinations to cover our fast growing popula-
tion. Numerals will provide about 50% more prefix
combinations than letters. And it cuts down confu-
sion between "look alikes", like the letter "O" and the
number Zero, (r the letter 'T' and the number One.
Please make sure everybody knows 'about your
"new look" number. Print in on your stationery and
tell your friends, relatives and business associates
And when you list your number or give it to people
outside of Western Washington please remember to
include your Area Code- 206. You'll be helping us
to help you to the best in teIephone service.
If you would like to arrange for a showing of the highly entertaining 16i/-minute techni-
color "Mr. Digit and the Battle of Bubbling Brook", just call our business office.
Televiaion's famous "Ethel and Albert" team up with Mr. Digit-the numbers man-
in the story of a typical American euple where telephone number is lang changed.
Liana Whitmarsh Of Skokomish
Valley Married To Seattle Man
SKOKOMISH .... Of interest to
lnnny ill the wdley was the wed-
ding of Miss Liana Whitmarsh
nnd Brian Sclu)ening Saturday ev-
t,llitlg' ill the F'n'st Christian c|tnrch
P.t Sheltnn.
Miss Deana Whitnmrsh, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor, and
Rona.ld Haigh, a CO/Isin of the
gl'ooln WtS his attendant. The
vocal numbers were by Mrs. Ver-
n'belle, accompanied on the
organ by Wilma Mills.
A reception for friends and rel-
PElves was hehl in the church.
Pollowing a short honeymoon the
young (:mlplE will nmke their home
in Seattle, where Brian is em-
l)h)yed at Boeing and Liana is
vtten(ling Peterson's Business col-
Lpent some time al the ,Vorht's
}:'/i r.
l=ecent' visitors at the home ot!
Mr. and Mrs. Fian Miller were
Mr. an(t Mrs. Henry ChampEau,
Eugene, Ore. Mrs. Champeau is a
sister of Mrs. Miller.
WE just heard of the recent
nlarriage of Frank Norsby and
Miss Shara Weir. They are mak-
inff their home in Henderson, Nev.,
where Prank is employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley
made a trip to el'egos last week,
ntopping one night at the Da\\;,id
England home in Corvallis, then
going on to Newport on the coast.
The cool ride up the coast was
(njoyed very nnlch after l}le heat
ot the intm:ior. They also visited
nt the Edwin Ahern honte ne'tr
Out-of-town guests were the Chehalis
groom's mother, Mrs. J. ,V. Schip- TAKING IN TIIE Seafair Da-
ley of E1 Segundo, Calif., Mr. and rade last Saturday in Seattle x{ms
Mrs. Fred %Vhight, Senttle, and Mrs. Arthur Johnson nnd Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitmarsh, Mrs. Chester Valley, and Miss
erring. I)onna Hnlbert. Later in the. eve-
MR. AND MRS. AI,BEIUr John- ning the V'tlleys boarded the
son had as lheir guest for the Dominion Mot{'ch t) hear the
l'ms.t tWo weoks, Mr ..... Jo[lnson's sis- mnsic: . of the Viceroys.. .. of w}liell
ter, Mrs. Clara MeChmd, Vancon- theu. grandam Jmamy Valley has
vet', B.C. While here Mrs. Mc- een playing' the past three weeks.
Clolld took sick and was rllshed Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
1o Vancouver where she will spend Ba.rkley Sunday were Mrs. Bark-
some time in the hospital, ley's brother .,and wife, Mr. am}
Bob Norsby and son Bill Val- Mrs. uuy mitn of tsremerton ann
ier, Mont., "Vmited • his brother, Mr. and Mrs. NEd Barber of Sioux
Norman Norsby and family and City, Iowa. The Barbers were here
.......... --___Z to take Ln lhe \\;Vorld's Fair.
SVE ARE IIAPI"Y to repnrt
iiA I ....... Jim __ Humphrey Nelson is home after
I. rarnmr.00 .0010011 catching a 34V, pound salmon at
,= mm====v=v =II Sekin.
P mA B --m Several of the Valley ,I-H
inAI0 I|I;IM iOlelldTIAAIgr°up s are enjoying a ;eek at
Panhandle @balerones for the
nu/ Mum niOLIbU .....
Igroup are Mrs. Bob Whitmarsh
About 70 farmers in Mason land Mary Alice Crossan.
Cotmty have signed up for Agri- Mrs. Icla Johnson drove to Te-
cultural Conservation Pl'ogramlnino Monday and spent the day
practices so far this year, Joe I with her mother, Mrs. Cliff Gm{-
McAlfrey, office manager of the[dereau.
Mason Comaty ASCS office said I
this week. I l III A
Of tiaese, 22 have completed the IIIMh wnmnn ua
work re," which they signed up. iillV IIlllbll UMI
Tbe work done includes about[
120 acres of new grass seedings, 'A__.I P lU n
40 acres trees thinned and pruned; u,lrl rrnm wrr
shout 20,000 trees planted and vnuu war,,vi
about one-fotu'th mile ditches and A tra-ed- was averted last
tiling for drainage , . -" Y. " ' ' ,, ". :
' . ' . . veel{ when two lrOlllCll pnlte(:l a
Si lnedSa0 d :oV'eis2:lePvl;a,o nave little girl from the water in Ham-
g . up . " . .... P-Y- mersley Inlet after she had stray-
ments. The payment rate tins year ed too" far from shol e
is $44.50 for each $100 received
tot' shorn wool.
Funds are available for almost
any type of soil and water con-
serwtion work, McAlfrey said•
The funds are paid on a cost-shar-
ing basis, usually about half of
the cost of the project.
Building Permils Get
Approval From Gounly
Buihting permits approved by
the Mason County Colnmission aL
i-meeMonday included Nel-
son E. Major, cabin, $2,000; Rich-
ard Koch, cabin, $2,740; Ross Kin-
eaid. cabin $2,500; Lawrence Be-
dell, remodel residence, $2,000;
Homer Adams, add to residence,
$500; Merle Luther, piling, $140;
Eugene Gehrman, piling, $250;
Gilbert Parker, piling, $125; W. H.
Stephens, utility shed, $150; Har-
vey Dahl, addition to residence,
$250, and Ronald L. Gosser, ad-
dition to residence, $1,000.
Mrs. Hal T. Condon told The
Journal of the incioent at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Graham
Mrs. Condon said she lind gone
to. the Watkins home to welcome
Mrs. Watkins to the comnmnity.
Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. Corlinne
Pittman, Dayton, were sitting on
the front l'twn, when they noticed
the Watkin's oldest daughter ap-
Feared to be out too far in the
water and her mother called her
L(.. come back.
The lille girl was caught in the
current and went down at least
once before Mrs. Pittman went in
after her. Both were in trdubld'ht
the water when Mrs. Watkins
went to the rescue, and the two
women, between them, go the
girl to shore.
"It was the closest I ever hope
to eome to a water tragedy and
maybe the telling will alert nlore
parents to the treacherous current
on Hammersley," Mrs. Condon
?:i¸:!7:¸¸:?/¸¸i i
SAVINGS deposited in
your account by the
tenth of the month, earn
from the first of the
month. Add to your ac-
count now!
compotmded four times, annuMly
Shellon Branch
Thurston County Federal
Savings & Loan Association
Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L.I.C.
9 A.M. - 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday
10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays
Home Office Branch Office
5th & Capitol Way • • 313 Railroad Avo.
Olympli Wash. 6helton, Wash,
SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • Private, Confidential, Economloal
Bell - ......
lh( By Sally Ta,, ,:
'' Mason CotlntY ='
monthly meeting W,I 0 ,
the Cipital Club r'el::!i. '
The eluh house will b
place for the next Y er'tr ;: .7"
The r),,n Anders0'{;am,!!:'"
a trill Sunday to Y.e.; I' ..
horse fol' SLIt' AIlfl, w: ,
WrestEd in breed
nice gentle horse. *;'li
horse is mt only .}l}
'but n real nice lo01}
whiEh makes three ;!"
the club. Need a f°t'Pi::
1]1is EVelI.
The Belt "VVilli:
left ahont !), 't.ln. lllKl I/11
': ?, ', tmluuu 15H
l'li,'.l':,','l)t'd'4r. ; DRY pninnT
thtt( daughb IIt'--o
,,,:,:.r,o,,.; oeY 6LENDE|
bt.lsy i([i22 DBY MUS'HRO'
Sw,mm,n! ANDB¥¢U1
In Progre, ; ,
n,nF.;r AN DBY CH|
,,,.,z00fi|00,00NIIBY SELEGT
to enroll vo,ms,o?i;l!lAunnv ""'"""
day WiLl1 lesSOn' l!"llllnV ;_lllIII Illl
mo,'ning at 9 ''' }:,r;:' ---- "l "" unILI un
otherwise .ati I "----
will begin W
Ers. The time tor "i,t#:; ......
es will be set at l:el;dai,<:' '
istering for tt
done with any , ,:
lifeguards, " SUM#
of I(a)'in Silnac, '
10 a.m. to 8 P.:
for the
The North Sh(
Eddy was the
Belfair Voluntee
picnic held
nic for the
rallies as
gala day wa!
firemen have
the picnic, tO TARI5
quell fires, a
rH IllS.
MEM i,I;.I'S I1
Atlxilial'y to the t i''h r
Fire,ell LUM$
shower last weel ;Ill :
Lane of the Old
Participating i !!
Mesdames : KaY 'J
Henningsen, Cha
liam DeMiero, jc
vin Petty ,lolV 1
vine, Barry SnOV
ran, George We
00ohn ,ohnson, ii
son The new ado i
family will joi t
two "sisters' sON
nmnth. ; :'!" i
. 1
ried out in
rosebuds made
a bridal
Shore home
Mrs. W. C.
hostess, MrS
er honoring
Marvin. MiSS
Charles Helmet
ing the part
B. Marvin, '
"Weeks, Gen,
:'kin, W. J.
Clarence JoB
Lynn Beatty,
Weeks, Su .
ham, and
Ind., are spe
with Mr.
Olson of
are the
Chuck and
Brown was fo!
then Olson.
for a
James M.
and daug
in the Bald
sized Kings
taken during
ing from
Thursday an
pound 12
scored on
ing salmon
W. Gayle,
edorn, and
Point ReSOl
ell wit.h
that same
scored Satur
King, a
were Don
Lueshen, N1
bow, L. Allre
Hire, Mrs.
E. P. Jame
and N". Bell.
Peas, Chopp|
& Carrots, R
Beails, Cut C,
French Fried F
Spinach, Mixe
or Italian Gr,
ew enve.lope Pac$
MILK ..........
This coupon g
' chase of 5 tins
to sauce for or
Limit one coup
Cash value 1/*"
Coupon expire