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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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e,,,,,,,, ,o ....... Maple Beach Site For V.F.W. Picnic On Sunday, Aug. 5, the annual picnic of the VFW Post and its Auxiliary will be held at Maple Beach• All members and families are invited to attend. Ice cream, pop and coffee will be fur;fished and games will be condncted for the ehihiren and parents. Families arc to bring their own silverware. NI,%V JERSEY VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Slagle flew to the area last week from New Jersey to spend a month with her mother, Mr¢. W. L. Price and fa- nflly of Shelton. Belfair- Ph. ESsex 7-6464 • FRI. - SAT., AUGUST 3 - 4 • D"EXPERIMENT IN TERROR"• • Glen Ford .... Lee Remick • • "NORTH BY NORTHWEST" • 4) Cary Grant +--Eva Marie Saint • • SUN. - MON. - TUES., • • AUGUST 5 - 6 - 7 • • "MARINES, LET'S GO" • • TOM TRYON • • *+SEVEN WOMEN FROM • • HELL" • • PATRICIA OWENS • • BUCK NITE every • • Wed. & Thurs., $1.25 a car. • • 2 BIG hits -- Bring a gang! • ,, +1 i r i ,, i , = , i i Little Skookum Bay Rummage Sale Friday [ Little Skookura Bay Improve- ment chtb will hold its rummage sale Friday at tile former loca- tion of Timber Appliance, across from the Tradewell Store. The sale will begin at 9 a.m. and last until 5 p.m. ............... +: ........ WCTU Luncheon At Kneeland Park The Won+inn's Christian Temper- anee Union will meet for a potluck hmcimon Friday in Kneeland Park. The luncheon wfll start at 12:30 p.m. Each inember is encouraged to bring a friend. MIDWEST VISITORS Throughout th summer months ihe Jobn Kangas family has had many visitors from the Midwest. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaijala and sons from Detroit, Mich., flew here by plane. Mr. Kaijala is tile brother of Mrs. Kangas. Visiting here during the early part of July was her sister and family, Mr• and Mrs. Ewald Erick- son and son, James Scott, from lshpcnning, Mich. The family mo- tored through Yellowstone Nation- a] Park on their, return home. Other summer guests in the Kansas home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kansas, Ishpenning, Mich., Mrs. Ernest Heikkinen, Boroga, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs, Dona Per- result, also of Boroga. Mrs. HeiR- kinen and Mr. Ray Kangas are brother and sister of John Kansas. While in the area the visitors pent some time at "Century 21" in Seattle. It hmnd IO0 The oldest incorporated trade association in the country, the United States Brewers Associatr was organized in 1862,,, the same year that Ilhl WASHINGTON, farmers were harvesting the state's first recorded wheat crop, the forerunner of one of the state's principal-products. After the harvest, farmers toasted their new crop with foaming steins of beer. Even then, beer was the traditional beverage of moderation. Beer still provides enjoyment foe folks in Washington, as well as a good living for employees and suppliers of the WashingtoQ Brewing Industry. "MY, .llm centerm year, the+Unttedates Brewers Association still works constantly to assure maintenance of high standards of quality and propriety wherever beer and ale are sewed. i WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KffCHEN?I SI-TEX.TON--MAsON COUNTY JOURNAL - Publishelin 'OhriMmasfow n, U..A, i , , ........ i, i i . : ..... ii I .... i. i 11 i!,, i, J. L ........... Recipe Favorites of County Residentst+ MRS. FRANK SALISBURY llt i + Hamburger Pie 1 medium onion, chopped 1 pound ground beef salt and pepper 1 no. 2 can (2, cups) gTn beans 1 can condensed tomato soup. 5 medium potatoes, cooked  cup warm milk 1 beaten egg salt and pepper Cook onion in hot fat until, gold- en; add meat and seasonings; brown, 'Add drained beans and soup; pour into greased 1/ quart casserole. Mash the potatoes;, add the milk, egg and 8easonm.s. Spoon in mounds over meat. Bake in moderate oven {350 .deg.)'for 30 minutes. Makes six servings. Glute Bread +A cup of unsaturated oil 2 cups of Gluten flour 6 cups of Stone Ground flour % cup of lmney 1% quarts of warm water, with 1 pkg. of yeast. Mix ingredients together: as any other bread recipe. Kitchen Band Entertains Local Golden Age Club A meeting of the Shelton. Gold- en Age club Will be held next Thursday, August 9. ,The potluck hulche, on will be served at theMe- mortal Hall at'noon: : Members are reminded of the club sponsored rummage sale held every Friday and Saturday at Sec- ond and Cots. The Kitchen Band from Olympia was featured at the last meting. Mrs. Mabel Clark accompanied the group. Also ou the program was Mr. Charles Savage, showing the flhn, "Land of Promise". The Tune Toppers furnished music for the dance which followed the meeting. Journal Want Ads Pay There's always a taste treat in store when Mrs. Frank Salisbury nses her considerable culinary tal- ent. Mrs. Salisbury, a widow for the 9ast six years, has a busy, active life. Varied interests--plus her six children and 11 grandchildren-- keep her on the go. For the past 20 years Mrs. Sal- isbury has lived in Shelton. Born at Grand Arbor, Michigan, she came to Shelton When her hus- band was employed with Simpson Timber Company. Her children, who were raised in Shelton, now live in Minnesota, Ida., and sur- rounding areas of Seattle. Her sons, Harry, Hugh, Robert and Roger, all have their Masters Degrees and are teaching in Min- nesota, Edmonds, Auburn and Kirkland, respectively. One daugh- ter, Mrs. Alice Marshall, resides in Seattle anti the other, Mrs• Ru- by Reed. lives at Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Salisbtu'y tries to see all the children as often as possible. She makes an annual trip to Idaho and every two years, as Christmas gift from her children, she visits her son in Minnesota. She is represcntative for the Salvation Army truck which makes monthly stops in Shelton. As hobby work, she crochets han- kys and does some kniting. Lovely plants beautify her home. Outside, passers-by can get a glimpse .of her colorful window box and climbing roses. Fixing dinners for large groups can be a problem to some but not to Mrs. Salisbury. She has often been called on to cook for ler clmrch dinners arid its no wonder sPlc's a fine cook after many years of feeding a family of eight. Something a little different is her recipe for Hamburger Pie-.-a w(mderful suggestion for m£nmer picnicing• In addition, she adds a bread recipe for waistline wat- chers. It is one high in protein and very low in calories. Joint Youth Camp Scheduled Aug. 13 At Black Lake Junior and junior high youth irom the First Baptist chnrch, Shelton; Hoodsport Conununity church and tile Olympia Emman- uel church, will arrive aL the Ilacl¢ Lake cnp grounds Mon- day noon, Augmst 13, f(u" a week at the joint clmrch spousored summer camp. key. Alfred Sandoval will be camp dean. Personnel at the camp will be the parents and pastors from the churches represented. Missionhry speaker will be Miss Ahna C. Kludt, who has been a missionary to India for several years. Featured Speaker will be Dr. Herb Tyler, former evangelist for Youth For Christ IPternational. Dr. Tyler is past direc[or Of the Hawaiian Youth For Chrisl and newly appointed foreign secretary for Teen World. Daily activities will include in- spirational messages by the guest speaker and missionary. Bible stu- dy groups will follow interesting topics• Recreational activities will include swimming hiking, lmnd- m ft, flfe"ennis, volley ball and baseball.. Other activities will in- clude skits, special music and surprise features. Boys and girls entering the 4th, 5th and 6th grades this fall will be in the junior division. The cost for meals, registration and insur- ance in this section will be $10. Junior high young people, 7th, 8th and 9th grades, will be en- rolled in a junior high program costing $12 for the week. Special classes and forums for adults will be held for a $12 fee. Transportation will be supplied by, the Shelton Clmrch and the Flshermen's Club. The buses will leave the church at 11 a.m. Aug. 13 and return at the same time Aug. 18. Every person planning to at- tend this camp should register at cne of the churches not later than Aug. 6. A deposit of $2 is re- quired with tile registration. Stuck And Dundas Win High Scores At Card Party At the last Eagles Auxiliary card party held Saturday, high scores were won by Erotic Stuck and Virginia Dundas. Second high score,s were held by Art Hazel- quist and Marie Lewis. Ernie Stuck and Marie Lewis had tray- cling pinochle. The next card party will be August 11 at the airport hall. The public is invited to attend. " Shelton, Washington India Missionary Speaks At Picnic Women's Missionary Fellowship of the Baptist chm'ch met for a picnic luncheon at a Lake Isabella park Tuesday. Guest speaker at the . luncheon was Miss Alma Kludt, returned missionmy to In- dia. Miss Kludt explained her \\;vork in that lan(l and informed the Womens' Fellowship how they to() can help supply her material iteeds. Miss KIudt is a native Wash- ingtonian, ]laving been born in Tacoma and spent nmst of her youth on a lO-acrc ranch in Pu- ynllup Valley. She became a Chris- tian when just a young girl and soon knew she wanted to become a missionary. She attended the Bible Insti- tute of Los Angeles and upon graduation applied for service '¢vith the Conserwttive Baptist Iroreign Missionary Society. She was accepted in May, 1948 and since ilas spent her life in In- dia. telling the Gospel story to people of that land. She has'only recently returned to the United States on furlough. V.F.W. Regular Meeting Tomorrow Tile next regular meeting of the VFW Auxiliary will be held Friday at 8 p.m: in the Memorial Hall. Auxiliary members will work with the VFW Post members that same evening, at the teenage dance being sponsored by the VFW Post in the IWA Hall. Luncheon Today For Navy Mothers Shelton Navy Mothers Club will have a pothmk luncheon at the home of Mrs. Leo Pearee on Hood Canal today at noon. The ladies are to meet at 9:30 a.m. in front of the Memorial Hall for trans- portation. BABY BOY Bryan Wesley is the name given to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley L. Loback born July 24 at Edmonds. Bryan joins an eight- year-old sister, Jean. The Lobacks are former Shel- ton residents. Grandmother is Mrs. Ruth Drm'y of Seattle and great grandmother is Mrs hIan- nah C. Sherwood of Shelton. Well Drilling 426-4245 or 426-2455 DARIGOLD and SHELTON MAID PACKAGED ICE CREAM IN 'ALL YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS Now available for your convenience in self-service refrigerator at McGONKEY'S DRUG CENTER Evergreen Square Dirt Dobbers Take Trip To Hurricane t Twelve ladies and two guests of the Shelton Dirt Dobbers Gar- den club enjoyed an outing on July 24 to Hurricane Ridge. Leaving from the PUD build- ing at 8 :t.m., their first stop was at Sequim Bay slal.e park. The ladies visiLed the Musemn ;it Port Angeles and had a picnic hutch at the state park on top of the tidge, On the return trip home the garden members stopped at the beach in Port Angeles and toured the Arts and Craft:, :Zuild;ng. Those making l he l rip v,'c:e Ai- lone Schroeder, Mary *=;axLcG Ota Chase, Daisy Underwood, Pa-line Emsley, Connie leranl(liu, Treasia Lambert, Lueille rraylor, MaC; t3ednarski, Kay. Brmnbaugh, Marj Johnson, Mable Goodwin and the lwo guests. Tile club will hold a work party nt tile home of Mrs. Roberl Sar- gent, Island Lake Driw on Tues- day, Those wishing a ri(le are to meet at the PUD building at 9:30 a.m. Those attending are asked tc briug sack lunches. IIERE FROM UTAll Mr. and Mrs. William I. Watl.s and three tons of Bountiful, Utah are visiting Mr. Watt's parents, the T. J. ,¥atts. While here tile Watts visited relatives in Seattle and attended the Seattle World's Fail'. Last week the family went on a fishing trip around the Loop. Thursdar, Au t 2, 19,62 utheranT0 "00te Hymnals with your :llg Sund ...... |+t. ay a[. llle +11 10rg --" ..,,"!serviee "].lilh lulb-.L ' An,I o+ +t,,,,,,,,, w,,, ' .L" mr0 rise Learn hoW to pl !j:ee Book artd Hymnar' . . ¢[..m,,y .ve,,'s ot dc-  aU011 on ) liarmony :;!t172' the part (f • U'P!!IMIDetns, ,an(t littn'g..+v (+on - Rhythm "': 'prayers, th,'ee setl- o.- so :ort h m)' of ,,.,,,sb+p ,it ttmt win'make eol:an Council Synods I' eal forths, atlll 600 ) forth • e yo playing so much  interestin,i0f the congregation CALL OUR t:' elthe,, for for a lesson aPP ""'ti''  and elmr(.hthen]'use. fll$ t0 the TEACHER WiLL .lahyra congregati(m, " Wr, rik,C nals. Extra c.el)- THREE DAYS  "',;af:ded to this supply Monday - TuesdaY' ture. Make Appointrn¢t JOHIIII+00 TO QUICKEH YOUR Come Out and Try It's the World's Newest Way to Cook. T? ELECTRIt IF YOU LIKE CHICKEN You'll love golden brown, tender, chicken cooked in pure vegetable oilS, with all the natural juices and goodness 1 EAT IT HERE OR TAKE IT WITH NO LONG WAITING --= It's cooked from raw through to the bone IN JUST 7 MINUTES SEA FOODS ASO FEATUEII).;: Millo's Diner+ On Hood Canal Near Potlatch -- opposite Light Powerhouse on Highway 101 Phone Hoodsport TR 7-9488 with WAY TO BE ELECTRIC AIR-CON 0re refreshingly cool. AIR CONDITION BETTER ELE MASON COUNTY I .COLE, president; TO eollissioner; CLAL or I y i MAS LABO i Ice Cream and Sherbets LEC 't IT'S A FACT You just .can dish up a more welcome dessert than our own ice creams and sherbets AVAILABLE IN ALL FLAVORS IN ALMOST ALL STORES OR DELIVERED TO YOUR .DOOR QUALITY PRODUCTS OF KITSAP.MASON DAIRY Your Farmer Neighbors Phone You know that ] ment .Co his ,%kTas the bill rai the past two Weekly warral the origin= d a loss This political adv