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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursdar, AUgttlIRt 2, 1962 rs.Take ' 00utheran To ,'r,00ane ,ao00m00i!e Hymnal s I umn w Dobbers Gar- an outing on grian I'lal,00.o,, hy';;,,i: n(riw ire park. The Lion of Shtllon \\;\ill Po,00 --O ..... : picnic hmeh p 1 r)]] top of the Learn how tO !ee Book and Hymnal" , flL,.aany years 'of de- 4 all011 on ) rip honle the l-l[armolly ::17: the prrrt (f • UPl!lllD¢ns . ,and litm'g..o v (on - at the Rhythm • P Prayers three sell- ies and toured ,  Order o' mzd so forth i Ith. _ _ f worshi I) of that will make  elan Colmeil Synods, 'cal forms, an£1 600 BI-TELTON--MA0 C0UNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "OhTtmastown, U:.S,A." Shelton, Washington ' F'e l:t i i iii i - - ........ ill i i i nun I I I iiiml i ii i i ilU i i i i iii i i i ii illlll ii ii iii i i i i n ii i i mill) J 'T - I Ill IlIll Eli f .......  ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ , ; I Would no more quarrel ,;{.{i a Physicist.Minister To Speak At Ohurch Program At Fair He\\;. \\; illian G. Pollard, ]:xecu- tire 1)ireelor of the Onk I.i(tge hmlitule of Nuclear Studies since 1947, will be one of tlm speakers at lhe Episcopal Church's "Space Age Christianity" Program Mon- day nt b p.m. at the Playhouse on the World's Fair grounds. Dr. County Dairy Business Goes From The Cow To The Consumer Mrs, Hansen Galls For Naval Academy A P ,P Is)IIaJt0OnN  ,Special) --- Congresswoman Julia Butler Hart- sen today urged young men of Southwest \\;Vashington interested m I)ecoming midshipmeu at the II.S. Naval Academy to write to man because oil his religion !:.h'.a,z I would becallse of his art. ,,, ........ Mary Baker Eddy -,,0o, HE w sights on the Pollard was acl.ively engaged on lhe "Manhattan Project" in the years 194,1-45; later he helped or- ganize, fillfl \\;vas it meml)er of the , :];fildin/,. )fortlt J first Board of Directors of the trip v,'c:'e Ai- . :e y0tff y l=;ax.Lel'. Oht ptaying so much' I American Nuclear Society. Dr. Pollard was ordained a 'wood. P:u,linc interesting" .h,,,0f nklin. Treasia ___ ,fmL,) the congregation l.riest of ihe Episcopal church in Tayl,,,'. M,, :,, CALL OU] '.lyed, either for them- addition to his duties as Executive 0111,0tllo 1 l)irector ,)f the Onk Ridge Insti- nlb;:utgh, Marj for a lesson aPP e and chur(,h llse, Bl., O the eongregati(m, tute of Nuclear Studies, he exer- cises m] active ministry ns Assoc- )(lwin and t.he TEACHER WILL /'hyranals. Extra C.Ol)- late Rectr)r of St. Stephen's Epis- .a RobertW°rl partYsar. Monday-THREE DAYSTuesdayA le;addedr fture, to this supply copal ehurci. Oakridge, Tenn. )rive on Tues- Make Appointrn¢0l ¢ .... Part of a four-night program being sponsored by the Episcopal a ri(le are tO , --.=..._---- [ .tilding" at 9:30' .-.....,l#''---,l church. Dr. Pollard will be joined ng are asked inUHililIS..__ I on the l,'ogram by Ed Wells °-- vnnNI}.l: It vice president-g'eneral manager of the Mililary Aircraft Systems Dtv- liam ,. Watts U llellZ ountiful, Utah I niualv It'lrtK¥ i l Both speakers will be concerned 'att's parents, i ---- . ..llll,llj/?. a  it with the develol)naent of their par- ticular physical sciences, and the 'hile here the ' I N,-7:- "t I I part thai'religion has played, oz" yes in Seattle i  "26 4# I!,,,IUHT i may play, in their present and eattle World's m ;none . ;. ;-- i family went m 20 cola .b, to 2 .q.m. i f,,t,,,'e usages. " " . ..... Reserved sent tickets for this 'undtheL°°P'l:2M'o"...__ $2i:5 II Pll''gm ' 1" ' a" d t ' e (' th'' " elliI] g )KEN Y0 St•David'sEpiscopnlchureh. Shel- ton, or the Diocese of Olympia, . 1551 Tenth Ave., East Seattle 2, Vash. ! ,, Come Oul and Try Y Leon K. Avery, seaman recruit .,.. ...... Shelton. completed recruit training :i at the Naval Training Center at San Diego. Calif., last week. i i i T? ELECTRICALLY  World's Newest Way to Cook. YOU LIKE CHICKEN e golden brown, tender, cooked in pure vegetable oilS, atural juices and goodness • HERE OR TAKE IT WITH qoUl: NO LONG WAITING ted from raw through to the bone ",. IN JUST 7 MINUTES 'coos ASO FEATUIND llo s Dine, real Neat" Potlatch -- opposite TacO'S: ht Powerhouse on Highway 101 Phone Hoodsport TR 7-9488 WAY TO BEAT THE' HEAT . • . ELECTRIC AIR-CONDITIONING to make refreshingly cool. See your dealer about AIR CONDITIONINGanother way to RETTER ELECTRICALLY l MASON PmU.D. NO. 3 COLE, president; TOM WEBB secretary; Commissioner; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager | • MAKING ICE CREAMLeighton Mason makes a batch of car- tons ready for Darigold and Shelton-Maid ice cream. When the cartons are filled, ice cream is hardened in a sharp room at 10 to 20 degrees below zero. The Shelton Darigold plant makes 20 flavors of ice cream for Shelton-Bremerton consumers. Warren Knutzen manages the local plant. (Extension Service Photo) :: ?'::: NO CRAMP, NO SQUAT, NO KICKJack Wilson puts a me- chanical milker on a Holstein cow in Stanley Johnson's modern, Skokomish Valley milking parlor. Wilson pulled a drop-rope that opened the parlor door to the cow holding pen. This cow ambled in and into an ampty elevated stall. She was washed thoroughly, and fed automatically. Wilson then attached the milker, Milk moves in overhead, glass pipe lines to the bulk tank. It is chilled instantly• Johnson manages 200 acres and 120 Holstein cows. Wilson milks twice daily -- from 3:30 to 11 a.m. and from 3:30 to 7 pm (Extension Sezwtce Photo) Woman Honored On 86th Birthday BY Frances .Simmons KAMILCHEAbout 60 friends and relatives gathered in the church dining room last Saturday ,- honor _Mrs. Annie Whitener .... 8gth birthday She on her . received a variety of gifts and flowers and cards. A beautifully decorated cake, ,,,o, ,,,,,, OPPOSES LABOR COUNCIL ELECTION :,; RITNER You know that Roy Ritner helped defeat labor's most impor- ,ment Compensation Bill since he has been in the leg- Was the bill raising unemployment Compensation to $45.00 fhfid milk each year. On the other hand, in partner- ship with Kitsap County dairy- men, they own Darigold, the firn that processes milk and distributes dairy products to consumers. Last year, 20 Mason County dairymen shipped milk through Darigold. They received milk checks totalling more than $390,- 000.00. This direct income, coupled with $98,000 paid in salaries to local Darigold plant workers, is an important spoke in Mason County's economy. Each year the Mason County dairy business makes up nearly a half-million dollars spent locally for farm supplies and labor, and for family living expenses. In this day of mounting costs and squeezed farm incomes, farm- ers, especially dairy faxmers, must keep up-to-date. Cutting costs on one hand and malntalnihg high quality milk production on the other, are their chief concerns. Like other business men, they must keep their Recounts in the black. For those who picture a dairy farm in brush strokes of a buxom maid juicing old Betsy in a fence corner, take a look at a modern Mason County set-up. Two years ago, farmers spent from three to ten thousand dollars each to completely revamp their milk-handling systems. They In- stalled bulk tanks in their milk rooms. This did away with the classic milk cans, making instant- ly-chilled milk possible and giving consumers a hgher quality pro- duct, Nowadays cattle are machine- milked. The milk is delivered im- mediately to the milk tank by pipeline or by covered, sanitary pails• Here, it is held at controlled temperatures until regular pickup times. Each morning, a refrigerated truck is pulled along side the milk room. Milk is pumped from the bulk tank into the tank truck. It is hauled to Brelnerton to the main processing plant Where it is fin tered, pasteurized and packaged for home consumption. The Shel- ton plant makes ice cream for all customers in the Kitsap-Mason County area. Shelton-Maid ice cream has won several awards £o, exeelhmce of texture, taste and quality. How mucli does It cost to oper- ate a modern dairy? Here is how you can arrive at an average fig- ure: When you pass a dairy farm, - , i i l m their business three ways: effici- ent production of high quality l'luid milk ; nmmffacturing and pro- cessing the best of dairy products, and efficient delivery to custoners. I)aivying is Lhe hackbone of Mason County's agricultural bus- iness. By eonstanLly improving Froduction and processing, an(t keeping abreast of consunler de- :llands, Mason Couuty chtirymen aim to keep it that way. METHOD OF MOTH 'MURDER' GIVEN Take a pail of water, 1)uL an inch or' so of oil on top of it;, hang a. light a few inches above iL ..... then watch those big summer moths die by the hundreds. Those moths are the predeces- sors of tent caterpillars which herl )licationat rashington,forms. I).C., for ap- tl IIAI rI IT' Graduations aL Anapoiis have I create(t thlree vacancies which ean[ t)e filled by appointment from the] Third Cogressional District, ac- I cording t.o Mrs. Hansen. [ Each member of Congress may have five. appointc, es at Lhe Naval CHAIN SAW Academy at: any one time, nortlin- ated from among residents of tlze congressional districts which the congTessnlau represents. Congresswoman Hausen ex- plained that she is authorized to nominate a lnaximunl of six can- didates for each vacancy. Appli- cants should be U.S. citizens, be- tween 17 and 22 years of age, and mmmrried. Fm'ther details on eligibility re- quirements and an application form may be obtained by writing At Iltlit at S.0 weekly alter small down payMti • only 19 pounds less bar and ch3in ;"*:*, • direct drive ": • tells hes up to 3 feet In diameler :',', ', rugged, fast-cutting, dependable L " • ground-level cutting • ..... • all-pasifinn culting • available with straight blades fr0r 12" to 21" $0I ths new lull IInl el HemelitI chzln s]lw15, ,'., Ask Ior a trll dem0nstrall|g, Saeger Meier Shop:: on plague the countryside every year to Congresswoman Julia Butlcr HILLCREST '" or so. They're thietc now, and the Hansen, Washington, D.C. "Service and Sales" more moLhs you can eradicate the .................................................................................................... fewer caterpillar nests you'll have to contend with next year. A. O. Charlson has tried the method suggested here, swears it works excellently. 'Tve found hundreds of moths dead in the oil after a single evening," he told the Journal. Pickering Picnic To Be Wednesday Piekering Community family picnic will be held next Wednes- day, August 8, at Simpson Rec- reation Grounds at Mason Lake. Meeting time is :mheduled for 11, Each family has been asked to bring enough wieners and huns for themselves and a potluck dish. latter', coffee and cream will be furnished. Hammond Organ 6 Lessons & 30 Day Home $4J100 Use  All for Mrs, Loui Larson 426-3376  Rt. 3 Box 325 or call Sherman Clay Music Co., Olympia '//.'''-.= Reg. $5.33 Value PAINTS Lawton Lumber Co. . .. A " ;; FREE 00OO00oFULL" -'; I 4" TYNEX NYLON SIDE PAINTING . . • • , . when you buy five gallons or more of any "C and C" outside paint at the regular price. Here's the greatest! paintin' pardner you can have--a really GOOD brush . . . and it's yours when you buy enough "C and C" outside7 paint to paint a house (5 gallons or more). You may corn-! bine any "C and C" outside paints to make up 5 gallonsk such as house paint and trim paint, porch and deck enamel,i etc. Offer expires August 15, 1962. 420 So. First St. Phone 426-4303 ......  THI W T B the past two years (July 1, 1960 to June 30, 1962) a totaI , Weekly warrants were issued to the unemployed of IaSOll I)N DAIRY the °riginal It5"00 g°al was defeated'!n the legislature Phone d a loss in excess of $60,000.00 to the people of Ma- This political advertisementpaid for by Mason County Labor Council. P. O. Box 268, Shelton, Washington made by Mrs. Eugene Taylor, was served. Coming from Olympia was her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Rober- son and from Tacoma Mr. and Mrs. George Sumner and daugl- ter Judy and Mrs. Gertrude Olfers, From Shelton was Mrs. Eva Willis and Mrs. Gertrude Saeger, Mr. enl Mrs. Gene  Hoosier and daugh- ter and Mrs. W. D. Strankman. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson re- turned Monday from a 10-day plane trip to Sparta, Mich., where l hey visited an uncle and with a cousin, Clarence Fullmer and fa- mily. The plane trip was very en- aoyable, although while in the air etween Chicago and Grand Rap- ds they saw two tornado clouds in the sky. They found the wea- ther there cold and windy and i ainy. MR. AND MRS. ADRIAN Ad- ams and two sons of Tacoma vis- ited their parents, the Percy Ad- o ms' Sunday. Mrs. Beverly Taylor and chil- dren Jessie and Zane of College Place, and Carmel Wokajance, Kennewick are visiting at the Howard Fuller home. Gall Ful- ler also returned home from her visit in Eastern Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ¥hitener of Bellingham visited his parents the Wes Whiteners last weekend. Guests of the Cecil Blackweld- crs the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Martin and baby of Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder and mo- ther, Mrs. Dorritt O'Neal of SHOPPINO FREE STANDING WOOD FIREPLACE 0 SGREEN DOORS FOR DO-II"- 3-0x 6-9 Complete W/Screen & Grate YOUIRSEklFEIRSI Reg. ,99oo =59'5 $136.25 FIBER GLASS ALUMINUM PATIO PANELS, SCREEN DOORS 2-8 or 3-0 x 6-9 -. ==, '12 9s Quantity Limited  ,. -it-f, es f.,it, mtmial...Wet Cowt htmtmt. CLOSE COUPLED CLOSET s2495 Less Seat FERTILIZER 80 lb. sack Reg. ,4so $5.75 ELECTRIC WIRE SPECIALS Reg. #10/3 Underground ................ .... 16¢ 11¢ ft. #2 T.W. Single Wire ................ 20¢ 13¢ ft. #14 T.W. Single Wire ............ 1]2¢ 1¢ ft. #12/2 Romex ...: ............................. 5¢ 4¢ ft. #14/2 Romex ................................ 4¢ 2½¢ ft. ZONOLITE INSULATION Pour Type $1 s5 Sack PRIMED SHAKES '12's,,.,,o ALUMINUM SLIDING WINDOWS 2' x 2'. ....................................... $14.80 3' x 2' ........... ............................ $1.24 3'x 3' .................... .................. $21.08  4'x 3' ....................................... $23.66 6' x 4' ...................................... $37.76 :t Campbe]l, Calif.. visited the Cen" 00lndustrial Builders Supply00 fury 21 Exposition last Monday.  i" The Arnold Draven family moV- ii ed from Kamilche Valley to make their home at Adna near Chehalls, Mrs. Grtrude Olfers of Tacoma visited at the Frances Simmons lmme last weekend.  1st and PINE 426-4393 !) Use Journal Want Ads