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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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page 12 • ; 7 i Southside 4-H Club HasFishing Trip To Kalaloch By Mrs. Ray Krateha SOUTHSIDE .... Tinle %Va tehers ,t-H club and invited guests wire lpent h&apos;om Friday till Sunday camping and smelt fishing at Kal- aloeh were Sandy Bedell, Cindy Jackson, Kay Lmrtscher, Judy Rains, Sue Mallory, Linda lo:tng- acre. Joan Quimby, Rose Mary Wetter, Judy Sroud, Kathy Meil, Laura Riehey, Sally Wolf, Patty Mell and chaperones, Mrs. Betty Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedell. They reported a good catch of smelt and a good suntan. Friendship Club is having a pic- nic at Krieeland Park on Aug. 8. Grace Wright and Ann Pearcy are hostesses for the picnic. BUSY BELLS 4-H elub met at the home of Beth Quimby to dis- eus their skit. for canlp and what to do at camp. Leader Mrs. Jack- son gave tile naembers books about the Fail'. Mrs. Jackson told the Busy Bells they may enter the Fair. Refreshments were served. Tim club members worked on their record books. After tile meeting the Busy Bells went swimming at Beth Quimby's on Hamniersley In- let:. Attending 4-H camp this week at Pu:n, .ndW. 1sake are members from the Four Leaves, Busy Bells, Mill Creek What Nots, Thunderbirds, Time Watchers and Live Wires. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle spending a month's vaca- tion are their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mc- Intyre of Honolulu, Hawaii. WARREN BALDWIN, formerly of ShelimL stopped on his way from Alaska Monday and visited Darlene Holtorf. Mr. Baldwin wan on his way to Italy where he'll bc doing electrical work. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hohnan is their dsugh- ter, Mrs. Peggy Ross and daughter Robin of Juneau, Alaska. Mrs, Ross ha. spent three years in Alas- ka where Mr. Ross is stationed. Dicky Holtorf is spending this week in Seattle visiting his grand- intents, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Sta- ey. lilsap Oounly To Have Preview For Fair And Rodeo A pr(:view (If Chief KltSap Stampede, faiv and ro(hx) will be held Aug. 11 in l:)'enlerton. Pur- I:ose of the (went is If) presimt a forn/al of the Aug. 16-19 county Inir and big tinio I'odeo iilld to hllrodilee Chief Kitg:lap Sports Car lace, Aug. 12. Thongh all (,vents are to he open to the puhlie, aim of stag- ing rodeo action at Thurlderbird Lidiunl will be Lo give a realistic pretauto for repreaentatlve.a of press, television and radio, Cllicf i{isaj) ,l,Jlllpl!l]e Lq lhe {',l'Hllftiql;iJld show of l(it,;ap COllllly £aJi', '/'tie 1:7,000 seat, rodeo slad- iiirn, five miles norlh of l:Jrenier- loll, was llllilt 1we years al4'o as p:irl 0f a new 80-ae, l'e fairg'l'ollnds. lodeo l)e!'forrnallces ape >eheduled Tilllrsday, Friday and Sa, l;llrday nigllls and Sllilday Hf|ornoon, Fair olmns at l0 a,ni. Tllin'sday for a 1 ollr-day riln. "rhc $!),000 rodeo, illlri4e yeal'ly draws about 100 ])rofcssional cow- boys fl'onl the U.S. and Canada to compele in five events.- steer wrestling (bulldogging), 8a(ldle t)rolle, harebacl¢ lilid Brahrlla bull Iidirlpz arid calf ropillg. Cowgirls Oll hand take lheir ttlril ill lhe Rrcna for clover leaf barrel rac- ing. This ye, al" on the Sunday before tile l'odeo, the 8tanipede corpora; If(in will spollt.,(ll' sporls ear l',lCeS on it fonl'-lnih* c()ill'Se a,i; Kitsap t;ounty airporl, 10 miles SOlllh\\;vest el Brelllel'Lon. Six or nlorc indiv- idual races will be staged under lhe mlapiees of liortllwesI, regional Sports car Chib Ot! Anlericit. PIONEER PICNIC I)ATED AUGUST 5 .Maoll County's ttilnu;ll piollt.*el' ph?rilc is ;:cl'ledllled fol" Stnlday, A llgilSt. Fi :-it illeeland Park, Sponsored by tlle Shelton-I%l(s- on Collniy Cllalnber of Conllllerce Slit| the Mason County Piolleers Asaociation, the piente is open to all old-lJnle courtly residents and lh¢iv fanlilies alld friends, The (3hal'ilbel' provides cofl')e, crealrl and Sllgar for the occasion, New Insurance Plan i ..ill i i Levelizes any number SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL --Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Th Allyn Residents Entertain Vacationing Friends, Relatives : ',,,ii:::'yi '+ (]a,ehk iinli J(lanne all(l Doug and a fl'iend Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Sam elements, Mr, and MI'S, Ed Val- enthle of Tleonlll, and MI'. and i Mrs, Jim Von Osten and Karen Ih t t )rely (hty lind a p:-itio din- nor wit ix MI', and Mrs. Steve, Bovee at their beach honle Still- da). Mr. alid Mrs. Cal'l Izett's son, Jim, with his wifl Jean and chil- dren Jeanne and Jill from Spring- field are .,'.pending the weekend with his paronls. BOll KI{EIVrZER and Mary Anderson of Seatlle spent the weekend witii tile Jinl Von Ostens. Kim Cal'son celebrated his 81;11 birthday lasl; Thursday. He had several friends in for a party and cake and ice i'l'e;in'l. We hear tho new baby, Patrick C',ohL is a very prelty baby and quite lhe apple (if his hi'othiws alld sisters eye. David Kawalt>.zyk has been spendillg several days ill Tacoma vcith friend Jim Edlllan, forinel*- ly of Allyn. The, annna] Interstate Horsc Show held ai Colunlbia fair grounds was very interestiug. They had a parade througil St. Helens befol'e the show, Vieki Am- mher attended tho sllow with the Kawalczyk's. Sam and Elsie Clemenis have taken friends from Salt Lake, Utah to Vicloria for several days. They plan to stop and fish at Westport in their return trip. Mr, and Mrs. Frank White are visiting in Vancouver for a few days. MII,. ItENRY STOCK of Neall Bay iv visiting his brother and lamily. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock for the wee, kcnd. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Von Oste, n at- tended thc fair Monday. They saw lots of inieresting things but said it wa.s much i;oo hot. Lakewood iv tcaming with viM- tors this weekend. The Carl Ma- lronie's are spending a few days a{ theh' lake eahin, Mr. arid Mrs. I)livid Sergent arid fivc ehildreil fi'om Porth:lnd, Ore., are speidiilg their wtealiOli at lhe Sllllilner cabiil of her parenis, Mr, alid Mrs, Earl Wolfe. Mi, aild Mrs. 'Keiill t-lnlllor are lql('ldhlg sonic tinm with lhe ]-Iar- voy '7olfes. MI'. and Ml's. Jewel Von Os- len I!il ve i'etlll'nod hOl'lle fl'()l'll Vall- e0tlVel' ;tlOll wilii I'rionds I"1'(1111 I)envei', MI', ;itld l%,1i.I. Boil t,111>1 '. Mr. l-tlll'l' l'ollii'!ied Io l)(qiver Siill- dil, y alld |P(!l'no Ill}Ill4 I<) I.,'O if)b]U- 12J?lle, Ore,, fol' li ,qluul linie alld It) re|lli'n In visit ;iwhih! hlligcl', MI. alid Mi's. Sieve l{oyee, Mr. and Mi's. Saill Cleilieills, and Mp. iiild ,{l'S, Melville Hemphill spen.t lll+fl, { fishing' at W(.!;d- port. Mel caught his limit while Steve lind Salri didn't have their llSIJtl+ goQd luck. MRS< LOII TI01111EIA, has re- I lit'nod holli(! fi'ol/i i}ill[liVS, J<li/I,, rol)ollinff I]ial i3eii.y is doing fine. ,,Ve're ;ill g!ad tO see her back. Mrs, Torrcil received a W+lW nice letter frolll Ml's. Harold Cleve- lalld sayin:2,' how lllueh shc enjoyed l'eading 1}le Shelioll .h)llrl;ll alld always looked for t,be AllyYi col- ii11111. She sel/t US !&IvorD ] II<rS llotes. Thanl( yell Mi',:. Clevelaild for )'()Ill' Ilice COlllp]illlclils. ]till', and Mrs, H:irohl Clevchin'.l hllve JllSt returned to their Alaska home al: the Dltvidson Logging" Canlt) wheie Cleveland is co-own- er, afler two weeks wteation, The fil'st week was spent at l}leir Allyrl honw wl,ere lhey \\;verc, happy to lind L}/eir son 1)uaue alld family also vacationhlg' ill i:heir tittle cabin next door. The two fanlilies niade a ll'ill io Oak Harbor [o \\;'isit lhair olher son al'ld bl'olher, T)Ill a, ll(i faini]y. The ilex[ Irip the C]evehuids took was to Mount Rainier IJ.nd thert ,to the "Torld's Fair to lake in A.lasRa Day. Visits with frierids and family niade their week go all too quickly. thlrold C]ev(;]al+d plirchased a new piclulll (iul'ing theii' week. ili Allyil, so the return Irip I.o Alas- k'l was niade by ear a,lotlg the P'l'af'4w ttllfG! SkeenH |,ivor hiKllway, l ilrOllgh (Tanada io Prince Rtil)ert where the ph'knl) was lefl. l,li tie sent. eli later hy blliit to l{el.ehilum aiid l,llen to camp, l'roill Prill('e. l{upert 1.he Clevclands inade their trip by l)Isne. DI1R, IN(I TllElii, absence, {he Carl Ize, l.ts, Allyn, were visiling tim I+'lton Clevehmds a,t (',ainp and Htayed ill ttle Harold Clevelalld'8 .... All polities for home, of policy premiums .o.., boot, bu,in,,, mid life ore brought into one convenient l,gether inlo one in- ...... surance plan with regular monthly pay monthly payment rnenli. SAFECO nlakt it cay Sor agen{, like our:clves, to give you the fine,t, most complete insurance coverage posit. ble. For example: *Now you can pay al| your insurance premi. ms with just one convenient moathly check ! IgAFEC0 offers niany other time-savirig, nloney.aving benefits, It would be our pleasure to discuss all the advantages of SA FEC0, LIFC0 or GENERAL Insurance po]icie at your convenience. o c m,x You,,,, v=CO00INSu00... ,o-,,,,>,,, o o ---00ces licit| 0:1€,€ | $1f ll t l'lll HEMBROFF AGENOY all, a \\;VOlldorflll wicalion was re- ported. Mr. ali(l Mrs. Dorl l-eeson look advantag'e of {he lovely weather, whil(, 1)on w;ts on vacation, and Look several hoat tl'ips 1;o Tacorna and niany fishing trips. Mr'. and Mrs, Earl Tel:rell spenL Friday evening visiting with theh" friends in Lal(ewood, Mr. and h{l's. Harvey Wolfe, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfe. Mallock Youlh Finds RarelAlbino Swallow Da ,i: Valley, Matlock, brought an albino swallow in to the Mason County Extension office last week. The bird was cntirely white with pink eves. It was a complet;e al- bino, Co,,nty Agent Charles Peck said. Tho yotith found the bird at his homc after it had flown otll. of its nest,. Like all albinos, Peek said, the bird's eyesight is probably so bad it. would not have been able to see well enough to catch insects IleedFo! prayer Golden Text from the Bible (1 Jo}nl 4:): "God is love: Hnd hc that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God ili him." A citation to be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Soriptures" by Mary Baker 116 North Second Street Phone 426-3357 and consequently would have starved to death if left on its own. When the bird dies, it will be sent to the Washington State Un- iversity for mounting. Toastmasters Hear 2. 1962 Poliii©alCapdidal+s Well Drilli f00eDepa Three melllberA who are candi- ale:' m the clections this fall "+'+ +'+<+ +'* *"° PicnicS00 lntwning nleeting of the Shelton Tolts{ma<ter's Chib ill the Shelton ,,,>t,,1 WATER WELLS -- TEST he tantaliz- Charles S<lva,'e, I.)t,nlo(:rat, and Sieve ViKer, [7,el)ublic, all, candid- clams and ,,<\