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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14 i nl i NO. 3376 NtI&apos;rlCI, I'O CigEDITIIIIN TI) I)III*',NI';NT AND FII,I¢ CI.AIM[4 :IN THI; SUPER]Oll C'OUWP OF THE STATE OF WASIIIN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY tin PI{A)BATE) IN TIlE MATTEIt O1/' TIIE ESTATE ely TtIEBENA Y, ASMFH.VII.,LE. Du- I'l'a41!d. NOTICE IS IIEREBY (.lIVEN tlmt tho Olld!l'S D'ned, AnIla t.ll i" 11! I.eildl- llian tlas D(,Pn aDjlOilllod ltlld ]laH (ltlali - fied a:t Exet:uivix of the Last Will }l(] tJ+ SIIlIIll Ill alld ill i lo. !slate oI Tlll'l'Ola F.asRvrville. deceased ; gild that all t)IWSOllS having t'laitrJs agli|nsl t, lt( sllid esl[lie O1' till! said decoased l|l't hel'Pt)y I''qail'ed 1o st,rv, • the Slll@ duly verified in duplicate with Ills lteces.ary %'(,UCIIi*t'S attached, llDon the tlndt!rsll-511ed Executrix of her allorney O[ l'(,(ord a[ lilt, law (dfi('e of 1. Franklilt Hellsion. Angle l.]uilding, heitllll, Wttshill }"D,II, I|nd file ellen chlilllS logt,lhi!l' wilh .ill'eel (J1' SOI';'I('@ Legal Publications NIL 3325 NOTICE OF nEARING ON FINAl. REPORT AND PETITION Fill{ DISTIll nl"r ION. IN TIlE SUPERIOR C()URT OF TIlE WrATE OIV WASttINGTON FOR MARON-C()UNTY In itlo MSl tel' of 1 It,, (()lTibDlod E.I ates of ALBEBT ]gARTZ nnd ffATILDA F.ARTZ, Deceased. N(.)TIC, E IS ltEREBY GIVEN that I:hqena '. Rae. Executrix of tile Last Will and Testtmwnl of Albert Bartz. 0eeeaspd. aml Admintslratrix el' the estalo of Matilda Barlz. deceased. ]Ills l'i]od wilh tile Clel'R of the above en- tlth,d CO(let her final report and pe- Ill]oll ]or dls[l'i I,tll ioU agktzlg tile O(iurl tO sollle and l!pprove, said /Jllal report and l)elitlon Iov distribution, to dlslribule the properly to ihe per- s, ns ther.,to enlill{,d lllld lo discharge tile said Flx,g.ulrlx and AduHnistralrix. NI.)TJCE IS FIJB.TIII,]R GIVEN tlmt sahl filml r(q)orl alld petithm for dis- lJibuthnl will I.. heard (m Friday, 1lie with th,' (!lerl of Ihe al)ovl elltilled Court wilhin six (6) l[lOHlhS a|'tol' Ihe 17 (lay ,]" Augtlsl, ]1162, at the hour dale of lhe first l)tlblt('alion of this of 10 o'chffk in the :forglloon at the notire. 1e-wit: 12 July 1962, or all Court ro,,la in the CourthotlsS zn ClailllS not :o l,rosoI'liHd ;lIl(l fib"el will bellon. WasiliagtOll. 1l( l'ol'evel' ]IllI'DHI. ANNA MARIE REICItMAN. Ex(-cutri×. Estale of q?heresa I*mskervtlie, deceased. All dies.l; : WalRer Park Addn., Shelton. Washingl on Yl. IRANKLIN tIEUSTON', Atovney for ssid Estate, Angle :t>.l(Ig,. Sllclh,n, Vrashington 7/12-19-26-g/2-4t 1)ATEI) TllIS lOl,h day of July, 19112. ItARl%Y DEYETTb Mason Colln|y Clerk. I.()FIERT L. SNYDER 1251A. N. 5th ,qhelion, Washington Attorniw for said Estates. 7/12-19-26-S12-4t Try A Journal Want Ad Cltles, .... Towns. Increasing, , £ev, y, Pertodss Proposed Amendment to the00 State Constitution, Io be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 19611 .... _ _ %. = Office of Viet. St'. Meyers. j Secretary of State, State of Washlngt0n, '/% Whom It Ma Cneer 1 In obedience to the State Constitutio., and file $011 Resoru. tlon of the State Legislature hez'einafter referred to, there i$ hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of .the said state, as follows: A .................. ...... OFFICIA BALLOT TITL Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 1 CITIES, TOWNSz INCREASING LEVY PERIODS Shall tile  State Constitution be amended to permit city and town voters to authorize tax levies in excess of the 40-mill limit at .a specified ntaxinium rate for up to fmlr years for capztal outlay, if the proposition or propositions be approved by a three-fifths majority and-the number of voters voting thereon constitutes not less than forty percent of the votes cast at the last preceding general election iu such city or town? Re It Resolved, By the Sunate. an.d. House og RepresentatlV Of the. State 0£ Waslingtbn in iegi,l}ttvd"eMoa assembled: t THAT, At tle geral eluctioh to be 11c1 in this state on the Tuesday next sueeedillg tim lirst Monday in November, 1962, there shall be su6mitted to the qualified electors of the state, for their approval and ratification, or rejeation, an amendment to ArtMe 7,. section 2 as amended by Amendment 17, of the Constitution of the State of Washington, by adding thereto a new subsection degignatcd as subsection ( I which shll read as follows: Article. V,.fectio n 2, subsection ( )2 By any city or town for. the purposes. , and in the manner in this subsection provided. The tax levy or levies at a specified maxim u:m rzte for each geh may be authorized at an.'," single election for a speeilicd numer ofyears 'not in excess ot' l:our years for a lev, for capita outla. when ti proposition therefor laas been approved byia majority 0 at le@st _tree-flfths ot the electors voti|}g..thereol 9 at.,3vhich election the number of persons voting on l.le proposition shall constitute not less than forty pgrcet)tum 11 the t'otal number of votes cast'fit the last' pt:eeeting.ugenq;'al election in such el.t or town. If any tax levy is authorized .pursuant to the provislans of this subsection, the governing b9.dY of tt efty or town shMl determine annually thereafter the amount of fund required 'fr0m the authorizeil "ievy or levies of the city or town' fro-' hapital purposes, and within the Itmlls of each tax levy so .autborie 9.1ev,v shall be made at. the rate reqtfired to prodt!ce [he'amunt 9t funds.determined as aforesaid. The proposition or propositions to authorize ddltional tax leVieS for cDltal..0utlayfl may be submitted to tile electors, of a eRy 0r town at any election, whether called specially for this_ ma be submitte ,ear. to the electgrate upon 9ulhoritY of auttioptZe addRional levies, for for which such electors have, sub- se • n, time submit to the electorate a" proposition to substitute for any prior l'actual obligations of .the citY or town incurred by reason,of 'authorizat the date of the election at which it was authorized and then be 12n lieu of any tax le%v autimrtzed by:the 4/persetl:ed ]!Uther,: ization, The procedures specified in this subsection shall be deemed cmulative to tte other procedures specified in this see,ion. And Be It Resolved, That the ecretary of state shall caus the foregoing eonstitutional amendment to be published for at |eht three months next preceding the election in  weeldy newspaper in every county in the state in which such a newspaper il published. Passed tle House March 30, 1961. Passed the Senate March 9, 1901, JOHN L, O'B2IEN, JOHN A. CHERBERG, Speoker ol the House, President o! the Senate, EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words underscored do not appear in our State Constitution as 1t Is now written but Will be put in if this amendment is adopted. _= I, Victor A. Meyersl Secretary of State of the State of Wash° Ington, hcreby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Substitute }louse Joint Resolution No. I, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Substitute Joint "Resolution now on file in my office. witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Wash|rig(on this 1st day,of August, 1962. A Legal Publication From.the Office o£ SILTON--MAON COUNTY 30URNAL -- Publishei tn "Ohrst:astowrt, U.S.A.," helton, Washington Legal Pubiications NO. 336:1 NOTICE TO CREI)IT(]S IN TIlE SUPERIOI. COURT o1 THE STATE OF WASIIINGTON 'O l'. MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Esla|e of LOCI{: LeROY WREN. Dermse(I. Malml Elizabelh Wren is the sp- poinled nnd qaaliriod Adnlinistrstrlx (d' sitid esllP, All persons llaving tdahns against said deceased are re.. tlil'od 1(i ,er'¢e the same nl duplicate, uly verified, oiz sam Adnlinistratrlx o her attorney and Agent, Robert L. Snyder at Ihe address below stated. i i i i Levi Publieation s NO. 2873 NOTICE OF llEAltlN{ FINAL ]IF.I?OIIT AND PETITION FOIt I)INTRIBIITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtlE STATE OF WASHINGTON ]fOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE 111 the nlaler of Lhe eslale o1: DAISY ADAMS DOUGLAS. Deceased. .... Legal ..... Publications NIL 3326 NO'rlCI,; OF III,:AIIING FINAl, nFPOIUr AND 1'I,TrlTION IN)It I)IN'rllIB[ITI()N IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHIN(ITON I,OR THE COUNTY OF MASON Ill tile Mall,,r (11' Ill(" l!]slale of CEORGE M. BREWER. NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN that Din,eased. DORIS MILLER. Adlninistratrix, llas NOTICE IS HEREIIY (.lIVEN that filed In th(, offic(, of the Chu'k of said Eh,unor A. kh'ewer, pxe('utrix of the estate ,11" G(,orge M. Br,,w(,r has l'i](,tl Court a fiaal report and petition [or distribution, asking lhe Court to settle said report, distribute 1he property to the persons ?hereto entitled trod to dis- had file the same with lhe Clerk of said Cotn, t, togetller witll ]),',:,of of charge thc poll[loner 0,S adlainislratrlx; such service, within six months after and that said report and petition will lilt* date of fh'st pul)]i('ath)n of this be heard on the ll}|ll day of August, notice, or the same will be barred. 1962. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenooll of 8aid day, bz' as soon thereafter as the nmItev (:an be heard at the court roonl O[ the above-entitled court, in the Courthouse In Shelton. Mason Cotulty, Washinglon, al which time and place any pPrsoIl interested Jn said Estate may appellr and file ob- jections thereto ltnd eonlest tile same. Dated this 6th day of July, 1962, HARRY DYETTE Clerk of said Court. GLENN E, CORREA Atoruey for Estate Boll Bldg., 121 South 4th St,. Shclton, Washington. 7/12-19-26-8/2-41 CALL FOlt BIDS Under the provisions of RCW :6.82- .lS0. sealed bids will be receh,ed at the Office of the Mason County Com- missioners until 2:00 P.M.. Angust 23, 1962, f)z" furnish ng Mason County with the following: One (1) used Scraper, Model IV LeTouI'neall (11' Eq ual. Sl)eciIications and bid form n/0.y be obtained ak the. (if flee of the Mason County Engineer. Shelton, Washln ton. The Counly reserves the right reject any ol, all bids or to accept ! bid decnled most advantageous to t County. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER8 BY: C. NOLAN MASON Chl,'rk o1' the Board 8/-9-2t DATE of first publieatlun: July 12, 1962. MABEL E. WREN Adndnislrat rix 3847 Trlnlly Street. ApL 1 N,)rlh Barnaby Briiish Columbia, Canade !q0BERT L. SNYDER Attorney at LaW 1251,6 N. t) lielton, WhMdngtoti. . /12-19--/. 7ca,i.,ro nins -- NOTICE iS HEJBY GIVEN tliat stud, d bitDi. Will be received by, the Board of ,Dlreetor of SheltoR C0iiaol- [dated Scl0ol District No, 309, Msn County. Washington. for 60,000 gallons, more or less. of P.S. s00 fuel oil and 50,000 gillotis, lnore or less, oP.S. 400 fuel oil..Bids will be recei'ed for supplying at| ful oil or any one type of fuel oil. Seeiflcatl0n n, qy. be secured at the Officp 'if (?lerl .In /he Evergl-ee Sell ]ol, Sh¢It0n, ,Wm.qflngton. Btds #llJ lie ecelt, ed at the Office of the C]erR ultl 8:00 p.zih, August 14, :1992, a which time the bids will be opened nd publicly read at the regtflar meet- of the BOard of Drectors in ie Board reserves the right to re- fu any u al! bids, B Order nf the Board of Dli-ectors, 3"Ill:' 30, 1902. L.IRA T. IIRPHY Clerk 7/19-26 8/2 3t Qualiaeations of Voters Proposed Amendment to the State ConstitutiOn to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Victor A. Meyers, SecretalT of State, State of Washington. TO Whom It May oncern: In obedience tO the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu. tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE , - , / House Joint Resolution No. 19 (  \\; QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS ' Shall Article VI, Section 1 of the State Constitution relating to qualifications of voters be amended to reduce the periods of State attd' c6unty residence re. quied for voting at all .elections; elinlinate disquali. fication from voting by Indians not taxed, and allow citizens intending to make this state their permanent residence to vote for presidential electors or President and Vice.President of the United States, after sixty days' residence? i i i i i iii i ii B It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representativee of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their approval ad ratification, or rejection, amend- ments to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Wash- ington by amendihg section 1 thereof and .by adding, a new section thereto to be known as section IA, so that said sections Will l'edd as follows: Article VI, section 1. All persons of the age of twenty-one years or over, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: They shall be citizens of the Unite4 States; they shall have lived in the state (.(eme yeae)) mx .rnonths, and in the county. ((-hs  -m i -the)) city, town, ward or precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election at which they offer to vote; they shall be able to read and speak the English language: ((PCVIDD, I-a4iae he4  e41 )}evee le  fle   FUP, TII)) PROVIDED, That this amendment shall not affect the rights of franchise of an, person who is now a quali- fied elector of this state. The legislative authority shall, enact laws defining the manner of ascertaining the qualifications of voters as to their ability to read and speak the English language, and providing for punishment of persons voting or registering in Violation of the pt'ovlsions or this section. There shall be no denial of the elective h'anchise at any election on account of sex. Article VI, section 1A. In considerath)n of those cifizells of the United States Who become residents of the state of wsbtUg; ton during the ,ear or a prestdhtial election with the intenti of makin this state .... their permanent t'eside0ce, t.,this section i. for the purlse of authoriz)n such p ei'$ons who can meet all qualifications for votln as set forth in section 1 of this Article Cxeep fd r restdbnee, :to <otb for Rrsidbhtlal "elct0i, % 0r on the 0e e bf Presiden nd ice-President Of the United states as he ease m/y l)e, but n0'other, pi'0vtde'd, tlat'sueh perS0. hve resided in the state at least sixty days immediately nroa- ,ing the residenttal election eoneerned The ,letS!atUfe Sha!l /)stablis,h the timer manner ahd plac for such persons to cast' such presidential ballots. And Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state sia|l cause' the foregoing constitutional anendments to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which SUch a newspaper is published. Pasted ,th Snt Febrtiary 2, 1961. Passed the House February 10, 1961. JOHN A.C.HERBEI(, JOHN L. O'BRIEN. _ Ptestdetlt O,f the $tnate. ,peaker el the House. EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words enelosed in double parentheses and lined through are In cur State Constitution at the present and are being taken out by this amendment. All words under. scored do not appear In the State Constitution as it is now written but will be put in if this amendment is adopted, I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash. lngton, hereby certify that the above is a fuji, true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 19, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file In my office. Witness My It]and and the Seal of the State of Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. VICTOR A. MEYER$ Secretr el Stat - ,) ; :::.,'.-,.., .'...; . _ _ A Legal Publication in the office of the Ch,rk of said Court her Final Relmrt and Pot[lion for Distribution asking the C.u,'t l,, set,h! said report, tlislril)uh, the i)rllp- erly to Lh(. ])el'SOils thereto (,llllllod and LO dls('hargo snid i'xOCIlIl'lX al)(] lhat said r(,I)ort and mliti,n will be beard on th(' 31st dsy el August, 1962 at 9:30 A.M. at lilt, COtll'l i'(io111 oI [he Probatt, DolalFtlllonl (II said C,)urt, at which tillle an(J. l)lace ally ]}OI'S(}IIS illterosted ill said t,slale lll'dy appeal, I)ll(| fih' ol).j('('lions lh(q'oto al)l.] ('l,ll|(,sl. the sallle. i ',) Dated Ibis 27th d')y of July, 1,16.. HARRY DEYETTIV. Ch'rk ol snid Col|r[ MUSCEK & ADAMS Attorneys for Eslalo 1(116 %Vashington Bhll4". Ta('oola. Washill/l Oll 8/2-9-16 3t NO. :i3S5 Legal Publications NO. 3:17S NOTI('E '1'1) ('IIEI)ITOR, IN THE SIIPI]RI()R C()URT C)F TtlE S'PATI,] ()I# WASHINGTON FOIl MASON C()IJNTY IN I'R()BATE Ill lho Mailer of Ill(, Eshllo ,if JANE M. UPDlb:IL l)eronsod. NI)TI("I,I IS IIEIl,]bY C, IVEN tllal Ill(' Illl,h.rsiglled }His beOll all])Oilllod lllld has qllatifiod :is lllo Adlllinislral- rix of Iho llh,vc Estate. Ihat all por- 81Ills ]lavJag chlilHs agaiast said d,,- ('odsed :if'(' h('1'l*by l'o(iuir(.d |o serve the Sllllll'. Ihlly verified (,11 []1(7' lln- d(q's[gllOl] ii1. hol' HI[oH hV (If l'0COl'(t tll lho a(Idl'('ss brh)w slalod alld file lho SalllO with lhe (ltq'k (,f lhe said CO/II'I. 1 og,'t }1t'1' wilh proof of SLleh s('rvi('e or Iht' Salllt' will ill. 1)alTt(I, 1)alo of firsl I)lll)li('alinn: July 26. 19(;2. /ss/ (I,%5" LI,E BRUCE. Adlllillistl':llrix GLENN E. C()RT/EA A|{(wDey for Eslall Bell Building S}l(qt Oil. W:lshillg[ o]1 7/26 $/2-!1-16 4t NO. 3333 No'rI('I, O!," IIEAI,ING FINAl. nldl'OIIT ANn I'ETITION F|)R I)lN'r Ill IIlYTlt)N IN THE SUPERIOI-L COURT OF THE STATIC OF W'A SIt INGTON .FOR MASON CI)UNTY 111 Ill(' Malt('r of the ]qstale of ROBERT EI;EIUI'. Docvaso(i. NOTICE TO CIIIDITORN R,)bert E. Hulliger. Ex(,(utor of said Estate. has filed with said Court h s IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Olq' THE final report and petition for distribu- STATE OF WASItINGTON. COUNTY lion. asking tile Cou't to settle said OF MASON. IN PROBATE In the Matter of tile Estate of report, distribute the l)roperty to the CLAUDE M. HOAGLAND. Deceased. 1)(,rsons th(,r(uo ontith-d and to dig- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that charge said l!:xecutor. Said report and petiti()n will I)(' heard l)zl the J7th (lay the undersigned have been ItPl)ointed of Augtlst, 1,(162. at 10 A.M. in tthe COUI'tI'OOll] of said Court. Ill the County and have qualified as (!o-exet'tlh)rs of the estate of Claude M. Hoagland. de- ceased; if]at all |)(q'SOllS htVillg ClallllS against said deceas(,d are h('reby re- quired to serve the sanle, duly el.ri- fled. on said co-executors or their attorneys of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the clerk of said court, together with l)roof of such service wi|hin six (6) nlonths after ]he dlLle of first pllbli- cation of this no(ice, or the 8allle will be barred, Date of first publication July 19. 19{]2. JEAN E. JONGEWARD JAMES B HOAC, I,AND Co-executors (,f said Estate 1205 Norhln luilding Scat,it, 4. Wash[liSten SHIDLER & KING By SNYDER 3." KING 1205 Norton Btflld]ng Seattle 4, Wfhillington Attorneys Ior the Eslate 7/19-26-8/2-9-4t CollrthotlSe at Shetton. Washinglon. I)ATED THIS ]61h day oI Jnly 1962. 1lARRY I)EyId]TTE " Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Alt01'lley al Law 125% N. 5lh Shelion, ¢Vash ingl on. 7/19-26-8/2-9-4t NOTICE OF N|IERII,,. ALB OF ABANIH)NI,:I) VI,:III(',i,I,;N NOTICE IS ttEREBy GIVEN that on Monday th(, 6ti) oI August, 1962. al the h,)ur (/I 1:00 P.M. el said day al Line Equil)nlent Bolfair. Washing- lon. I will sell the following des(Tlbed v(.hi('les lo-wit : 1951 Packard Convert Mtr. No. L,I005.t7. Lic. N(I. l:tZC650. Calif. 1951 Oldsnlobile }t/T Mtr. No. 8C273553 Li('. No. AWB827. Calif. W. A POTTER Sheriff Masoll Co(lilly, Wash Jngton S/2 It pub![eatOn ,of Proposed Constitutiona! Amendments Proposed Amendment to the- State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State, State of Washington. To Whom It May Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint. Resolu- tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as ollows: ..... OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE , Senate Joint Resolution No. 25 PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS ShailSection 1, Article XXIII, of the State Constitu- tion requiring publication of the text of each proposed constitutional amendment in a weekly newspaper in each county for three months prior to the election, be amended so as to require only that notice of the pro- posed c6nstitutional amendment be published at least four times during the four weeks preceding the elec- tion in every legal newspaper in thestate? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washing*,on in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article XXIII, section 1 of tle ConstittRion of the State of Wtltingtizi, to read *as follows: Article XXIII, section 1. Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in either branch of the legislature; and if the same" shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the ayes and noes ,heron, and be sublitted to the qualified electors of the state for their approval, at the next general elec- tion; and.if .the people approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, by a majority of the electors voting thereon, the same shall become part of this Constitution, and proclamation thereof shall be made by the governor: PROVIDED, That if more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be sub- mitted in such a manner that the people may vote for or against such amendments separately. The legislature shall also cause notice of the amendments that are to be submitted to the people to be published (( o  teas4- (-heee  mm¢ prcccdlng t-he -eteeti, ia seine weel  i ey ty wheee a ncw=papcr i pub!iched -t-he s4e)) at least four times during the four weeks next precedinl  the election in every legal newspaper in the state: PROVIDED, That faihu'e of a{y newspaper to publish thzs notice shall not be interpreted as affectin the outcome of thc election. Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing cbnstitutional amendment to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such a news- paper is publ.ished. P$$6d the House March 8, 1961. Passed th 9 Senate February 24 1961. JOHN L. O'BRIEN JOHN A...CHERBERG, ' Speaker ol the House. rresment ol the Senate. EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words enelosed in double parentheses and lined fhroUgh are in cur State constitution at the Present and are being taken out by this amendment. All WOrds under- seered dO not appear in the State Constitution as it is new written but will be put in-if this amendment is adopted. I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 25, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file in my office. Witness My ][land and the seal of the State o Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. A Legal Publication VICTOR A, MEYERS Thursday, Legal Publications Legal NO. 33S2 N0. No'rICI,,' TO ('I(I.:I)I'I'()IIN NOTICI,] IN THE SUI'EI{IOII CO[RT OlO Ttll,] IN THE STATE O]," WASH] NGTON F't ) P, STATE O]," MASON COUNTY MAS()N Ill lh(' Matt,'r ,,1" th(, Estat, ,)1 In Ill,. Math,r CHARLES lglI(IENE FIROWN. F;TEWART De('(ms(,(l. NOTICE ]8 I-IE I-)hYllis C. Brown is the aPl)ointo([ 1,) b, A. Weslon is alld qualifir(i EX(Tutrix )f said ('star('. All I)('l'S(lll. haVill' cltlilllS a, IS( sa d lind Tes[alll(qlt I11 (.t(,t'(,lls(,(I al'(, i'(,(] aired lo set x'o the Slllll(' ill (lille)Ill'at,I. (hl]y verifit'll ')]1 snid Ix('('llIl'iX t)l' hPl I to 'Ill'V, l(Ib(-'rt L. Sllyd(q' al lh,' address b(,h,w stah'd. and fih' 1}w sam, wilh th(' ('h,rk t)l" Sllid (N,llrl. [og,q hl'l' with |)I'OOf of Stl('h St'l'Vi('l', V,'Jlhill SiX IIIOllth. a|l(q' lh(' (lab, of first I)ut)ti('alh)n )f" Ibis ll()li{'t', or lhe SalllO will hv barr(,d. ])ATE ()f IllSl I)abii('ath,ll: Atlgtlsl 2, 1962. PFIYLLIS C, BROWN Star Rout(, 1. Box 65A Sill']toll. WashillN1 illl ROBERT L. SNYDER A[tf)l'llt'y a[ Iaa%v 1')5 l North 51h Shelt(m Washington. g/2-9-16-23-,lt ..................... NO. :€:;81) NOTICE TI) ('ltF.l)l'ron. IN TIlE SUf:q, IBAO1% COUIT ()IV THE STATE OF "vVASHINGT()N 1rill{ MASON COUNTY In 111(, Matt,,r or tll(' Estate of SAMUEL G. (2RITCI]IVIELD. D,q'(,aso Ruth M. Critcl)fiohl is the appointed and qualified Adnlinistratrix of said estate. All persolls bavillg clailll against said det'eased are rt'quired lo sor;'o the salllP ill duplicate. (hlly verified. I)]l said AdIllill]sll'at rix I)r her a[IOl'llOy. Robert L. Sllydo ' al U)e address below stated, alld file the san)l, with the Clt,rk of said Collrt. logo[her wilh ])r(,of (/1" su('b servic,L within SiX )lll)llllls lll'l('l' the date (,f first ptlb]icatioa of thls llOtl('e. or the same will l)o barred. DATE of first l)ublica[ion: July 26. 1962. RUTH M. CRITCHF[ELI) Ad)uinist rl)l fix T{.,,uI,, I. Box 2S6 S}Iol [Oll. Wash[ IiR't on, ][{OBEtT L. SNYDEB Attorney at Law 125fi N', 5th Sheltan. Washington. 7/26 8/2-9-16 4t NOTICE OF %%'ATER RIGllT AI'PLICATI()N NO. 1'3,18 STATE OF WASHINGTON. OIVFICE ely SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES. OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That ANTHONY and REGINA A. HANNAN (It P, renlerton. Washingt(m, on Jun(, 18 1962. filed application tor permit to divert tlle public waters of an lllllUlllled Silting, ill the alllOUIlt Of 0.01 of a second-foot, subje(t to exist- ing rights, continuously each year for the ])urpo.ue OI doloestic SllDp 3" that tho approximate p,in| of div(,rs on s loeated within E.! SW':' SW', of See,ion 9, Townshil) 23N.. Range :1 W..W.M.. in Mason County. Any objections IIItlSt be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State,Supervisor of Water Resources witlffn thi 'Iv (30) days fronl August 9. 1962. Witness lily halld alld offi(qal seal this 25th day of Ju))e. 1962. M. G. WALKER Slate Supervis(,r of Water R(source, 8/2-9-21 Between 1860 and 1865, Federal expenditures times, (/ua]i fled Executor ]{lll'y St(!warl Put(' persons havillg dtceascd ll)llS[ verified in duplic v(lllch(q,s or his ',llt(t')l('y l|o/IStt,n, lind file s wilh iH'oof of of said Colll't 12 July 1.962, or snh, d and filed w ROY A. ExeC Aber B. FRANKLIN It: Attorney and Angle 13hlg., N()T1CE liE(; NOTICE IS (he Resist valioS V()ting Pr,,ci)lcts the Ci/y (,f Slu'l (.)RIGINAL 12. 1962, and day folh,wing tion. io h(' b('r 11, 1962. SpeC S( I1 C(,ll)lty Coll ri.l N(). 311 Proi(','ti(,Ii I1' COI1CPI't wit]l HOWEVER. Iliaill Ol)tql [0 lhl'oUgh Aug(Is DATED this C. NOLAN Auditor & Mast)l] Please Rogisl yOlll' Pro(.i nc.t I¢(,gis/ralJon l're{!illet Airl)ort .................. AIIyn ............................ A r('a (] i a elfair No. i .......... Eolfnir No. 2 Bt,lfnir No. 3 Capitol Ilill Capitol Hill C]oqualhm) Daytoll Eells ............................. CJ l.a])(vlow .................. Harstine H oodsl)ort Isabella .......................... : Kanlileho ...................... Kanlih:ho 2 Lilliwaup ...................... Ma[h)ek ....................... Mill(!)' . ......................... Mi]l Croci( ............... Ml. Viow ...................... Northside Picketing Potlatch ..................... Satsol) ........................ Sk()k(llllish ................ Tahllya IJlli,)ll W(,stsido Shollon City Our duty is mereased by 20 according to c6rding" to our Mary Baker Eddy Temporary Performaneeof Proposed Amendment to State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, ] Office of Victor A, Secretary of State, State To Whom It May Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the tion of the State Legislature hereinafter hereby published for the consideration of the of Washington, the proposed amendment to the the said state, as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT T! House Joint Resolution No. 6 TEMPORARY PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES Shall Article IV of the State Constitution by adding a new section providing t] sary for tile prompt and orderly justice a majority of the SUl)renle'court is to authorize judges or retired judges record in this state to perform, duties in the supreme court, and to super!or court judge to perform judicit superior court of this state? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of of the State of Washington in legislative session THAT, At the general election to be held in the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday 1962, there shall be submitted lo the qualified state, for their approval and ratification, or ment to Article IV of the Constitution of the state by adding thereto a new section to be of Article IV, which shall read as follows: Section 2(a). When necessary for the adminish'ation of justice a 9jnpowered to authorize or retired record of this state, to perform, tern the Supreme Court, and to authorize t_o perform judicial duties in Be It Furtller Resolved, That the shall cause the foregoing constitutional amcndm' lished for at least three months next preceding some weekly newspaper, in every C0Bnly wlcre is published throughout the state. Passed the Senate March 9. 1961. Passed th( JOHN A. CHERBERG, JoHN President oJ tlze Senate. EXPLANATORY COM2VIENT All words underscored do not appear Constitution as it is now written but will this amendment is adopted. I, Victor A, Meyers, Secretary of State of the tngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, copy of House Joint Resolution No. 6, passed ture of the State o£ Washington at its as appears from the original of said Joint in my office. witness My Handand the Seal of the state of this 1st day of August, 1962. vicTo l A Legal Publication From te Office of :,t ...; 2, 1962 In §ores Just how mobile Mason County ? have been lie- houses for more figures just re- local more likely o move re those in other States. Local- in one house brought out in )artlnent's re- of the popu- on data col- Bureau in some 6,900 rest- County were in at that time, living in five in the below the age had not had to choose new of the movers, already been within the local 3,017, had liv- 1955 and are however, for moved away in shows that, for living in Mason residence 47 percent that found nited States, the percent. 57 per- in the State percent. le to go from are many Some cases it is job opportuni- is brought economic or bus- :es, good or bad. account for City resi- for the sub-. the suburbs de- Urban life. Faro- or Smaller and go up or down is found, live the one house. only 650 resi- the over-five Still occupying By er$ arrested by s officers yd M. Martin, ,onald L. Byers, Robert Gor- no perator's lic- lI. oward, drunk pictures, is a Reynolds Restrictions Amen, State Con00 :he Voted on NOV ! ,, Offlo ' "' Secretary o May Concern: to the State Consti Legislature here the eonsiderat the Proposed amen BALI : ) 'e, enate Joint Res0 HING RESI :'' LAND OWN] restr the State of removed by r by Amen By the Senate a ,.ton in leg]: " general ,election t the first to the q r rejection, the Of the Sh II and Amen€ of the ,' [ther Resolved, Th; COnstitutional t prece eounty in the sl 1961, p the House. Secretary o that the abo Resolution : of Washington a Original of said and the Seal 1962.