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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 , , | Thursday, .....  Real Estat :i &apos;" i Vbu, ,, 'ARKADA PA i Vhw 10is, all utilitteg, private none 426-4:252 days -- 42{ Write P. O. Box 37, ii i i i For Sal PIONEER SAWS sales and service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn FOWER'i,AWN n:iiJwcr: 16 fL Reinell boat with cabin, $150; 10 b.p. John- son motor $75" trailer and winch $25; also snmll powered tractor with t.l.r...Z/:.PJ.!:t..:_r4D!., : ...... ...(2:9 RUMMAGE SALE --- Friday, August 3, across from TradeweIL Spon- sored by Little Skookum Bay Club. 7126 8/2 coadition. $19,50 with case, Ziegler's Camera Sh(? _p: ........................ 7119 tQl OBS IN YOUI .LAWN? Now is the me to apply Mossite from Gray- one of Shelton, Free use of spread- er. Phone 42,6.6661, 4/19 tfn i i  For Sale i ,, i i i TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn AX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or ;rub- bing. 'Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystone. 5/25 tfn RABBIT-FRYERS f0saie--also rab ................................................................ bit fertilizer. Phone orders between NEW FISH --- New goldfish and i i i u For Sale Sporting Goods DELPHINIUMS Phh)x and Lilies 17 FT. 19a8 Dorsctt glass cabin cruiser ,)lantd i- ,n,:hm (,.n= re È¢lv to u o I $780, 40 h.p. 1960 Jolmson, 2 con- •  ... r ......... , ... o • . , r. , " ( r 20 varie]ies of plflox. Lilies in many toLs $42o.^1960. Heavy duty Dext i' eolors white ink re old and u'aner zuu, Au or separate. Lmm green,' in 1,1;ooPo, betdl'ly ° budded. I_.GJ')[tn.('_ss:.426.':8120 . ........ G E'.26__.8(.2 Also Imnging basl¢ct Begonias, 4 BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- for $1,00, The Garden Shop, Rt. 1. ment at Wait's Marine Supply, on Box 48, 426-3710. 7/19 8/2 beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1119 tin 1 p.m. and 4 p,m, Phone 426-3626. Me 8120 tfn E i i RsoN '-TV--a-ncl--s{ez:e'o_ -See them at Johnny's Music Box, 295 Cots St, 4/12 tfn -I SALEWOOD  l8-ineh and over, Slab $12.50 a cord: Pole wood $14 cord. Phone 426-4867. S 10/12 tfn Zeiss 35nun autonmtic at our new discount price. Reduced from $132,50 to $99,50. Limited time only. Ziegler's 6/28 tfn goldfish bowls. 426-4378, 638 Arcadia. V 4/i2 tfn dttion, $45. Phone 426-8272, or 426- 4134. A 7/26 8/9 cabinet machine, 2 lawn mowers. .. P.o. .4.:.97: ................. D,/:6 ODORLESS, soapless, gentle and k[nd no foreign substance left I)ehind in carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Luinbermcn's Mercantile Company. cellent condition. $90.00. Call 426-6811 B 7/5 tfn Use Cars FOR SALE .-- '.18 Ford 4-door, good motor. 1952 Buick Special ,i-door. Phone 426-8507. K 8/2-9 FOR SALE --- '49 Studebaker 3/4-ton piekup, $150. 426-6164. A 8/2-16 $100 value :or $75. Terms. 426-3649. Camera Shop, B 4/5 tfn  ff'-#'-R'71V'I--IRATOR, 5 years old. New eondHan. Will deliver. LitS-ff6L-lJX--iLg,----i-d Phone .126-8231. Mr. Rose or 426-2156 wpplles. John Rice. Phone 426-6108. r( demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn -£- V?XT, 110 volt "flg-h-V'P, trailers, boats, campers. $198,50. Eeger Motor Shop, 428-4602. 12/7 tfn Ji'-P-UM.P more water and longer ,ith Fatrbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co.. 419 Railroad. 8/16 tfn Camera. $89.50-$69.50, Ziegler's Ca- ntors Shop. 7/19 tfn RT7--L'X--b- SOIL, ]h--d]E road and fill .gravel, washed sand and. gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone 426-3552, John's Creek Sand and Gravel. Bayahore. 7/25 tfa .#roN FOR '-;L'b--T amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5125 tfu pulleY 'aria shaft. All types san vag. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn L]$--, Large aslection c re- ebnditlonea ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Wn]ley po itace Center. 8?IS tl  U-/Jt-"-FL"d WE-'R arrangemen: Your Craft, Hobby and Health cor- ners. Bar-Din, 520 Franklin. Open Thursday and Friday. B 6/22 tfn tsI--'N-W-Li O--2 v CRACK, chip--'or " peel. Pcmmnent finish and sealer doc not discolor with age. See Grastone. 5/25 tfn DT-H--B-OY PAINTS --We are open Stmdays, Shelton Marine, Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163, 3/29 tln Galbralth Golf Green. Graystone of helton. 426-6661. 4/19 tfn Music Box. 205 Cots St, 4/12 tfn ............ IINTAIfEQ I/IPMENT .................. CHAIN SAWS. Botary Lawn Mowers. ]rteel Lawn Mowcrs. Garden TIIle.ra, Floor Waxcrs and Polishes, Wheel Barrows. Electric tw Eleetrlc Drills, Saber Saws, Sanders. Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe - Wree.hes,. Shelton Marlne Supply, 42-81B. 6/7 tfn (LD G'('TH wood for sale. Any le, nglh. Phone Oliver Petty. 426- 2352. 4/20 l fn h(.,p of hundreds of "'bttIld-mades" 520 Franklin. Open Thursdays, and Fridays. B 5/24 tfn t]Xifw(ffD-sJi0.50 ,.,,,,l l.'i,te w,,od nd fire4daee wood $14.00 cord. Ph. ,126-3010 after 6 p.m. F 7/:[9 tfn -46- );M Tel "'.iNO2ULAI,¢S =:: $39,95 $32.95. Zlegter S Caolera Shop. 7119 tfn stamps for sale at the Journal $1.25 each. 2)'27 West Cots. 12/1 tfn WOOD! ALDER and POLE wood An), Length  $14 Cord ALSO--Cedar and Fir slabs $12 crd. PHONE 426-8134 Le 7/19 tfn R 7/12 tin USED FURNITU-RE AND APPLIANCES 3 Davenport and chair sets $60 ea. I Two-piece sectional ................ $75 2 Large 'chairs .................. $15 eacll 1 Set metal bunk beds with new cotton mattresses .... $50 1 Four-plece bedroom suite. like new .............................. $100 1 Walnut dinette set (table, 4 chairs) ............................ $60 1 4/6 coil spring-spring frame and new cotton mattress .... $35 3 Automatic washers (Norge, Kenmore. Frigidaire) $50 ea. 1 Electric range ........................ $25 1 Kelvinator refrigerator (across-top freezer). very good ............................ $75 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots St. Phone 426-4702 ii --T NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinotion* by Versapanel. Installed or do-it- yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn i DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone 426-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason County i,, . m i , Boat Building Repairs Fiborglassblg Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. Phone 426-4652 GASH PAID FOR Good, Olean, Used Furniture and Appliances. CAL- KELLY'S FURNITURE 42,.2,,1 FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE 812 dillon, $50, For sale. Phone 426-6405. B 8/2 i0¢R EY--O R GX N-- 8AIE g-J'o h n np  Music Box. 205 Cots St., phone 426- 4302. 2/1 tfn Sporting Goods BOATS -- 8 and 10 Ft. prams, $40 and $60; 12 ft. fisherman,g80; runabout 12 and 14 [t., immediate delivery, Any size on order. M. J. Hooker, 1015 E, Dearborn. 426-8511. Bar- Din, 426-6837. B 12/1 tfn toll glass bottom. 30 h.p. Evtnrude electric start. Two gas tanks, bat- tery and COml)lete controls. Skis anal ski rope, $595. Call .Bob Wolden, 426-8231 or 426-3261, 7/26 It proved prope)'ty 20 ft.. inboard Alaska cedar planked over bent oak' ribs. Chryshir powered Coast Guard equipped. Sleeps two. Two burner galley stove. Plmne 426-6769. ..... E 7/26 tfn 14 PT Y-aO w B ti X T-SbU-ff-?L-tihiTi runabout $20. both need some re- I)atr. Union TW 8-2334. O 8/2-9 skiff in trade, ,I miles north Hoods- porL Turn right at Britc Slat" sign. E. N. Sandahl, lIoodsport TR 7-5400. 8/2-16 long. Re, asonable. Phone 426-8173, A 8/2 tfu ] 4' 'CEDAR'-'B(IA T ":2"'E-x}:U"1-8-ii'I.-E;,:: inrude, steering and controls, good tra!h!r, just right for fishing. $300 -- casn. 426-8475. S 8/2-16 v- ......... -. ........... VINRUDE SALES and service. Scott out-boar service, Hood Canal Mar- lna, Union. TW 8-2252. 3/15 tfn i6- #bbY-BURCHcRXFT--b'-t---o-n: vertible top, steering who, el, dual !ontrols. 1956 15 h.p, and 1957 7/z LI). Evinrudes wltll crulaeaday tanks, 3/4 tou capacity. 1958 Elgin trailer with spare th'c and wheel. $700. 426-6785. M. A, Dickinson, 6/14 tfn E-r-INR]f])E--S-AZES and serlee. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine I-Illlcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 8/29 fin , lJJ For Rent FOR RENT -- Two room furnished, ]mated apartment. Adults only. In- quire 311 No. First, phone 428-3025. P 6/28 tfn FOR RENT -- Downtown three bed- room unfurnished house, fenced yard. References. Phone 426-3218. B 7/19 8/2 FOR RENT -- One bdroom, up- stairs apartment. Ceramic tile kit- ehen and bath. Ample closets. Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/19 tfn month and up. :Downtown location. Phone 426-3011 evenings. 617 tn LAWTON APARTMNTS Bachelor units ideal for single men or we- men. Also &ttraetively furnished one bedroom apartments, All untilltie furnisheS, except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 12/d t.fn FOR IENT OR L IffASE with opthm to bny. Three bedroom unfurnished Hlllcrcst home with range, near school. Phone FL 7-8159 or 426-6584, P 7/26 8/2 light housekeeDing.'Everything fur- nighed, including clean linen Pitons 426-3643 or 426-4679. R 7/26 tfn ]-bR--iEN-T-'-- --- w---d r o o n L un- furnlMmd house near Golf Course, $50 per month, Call 426-4000. B 7/26 tfn ished house, available August 7, One blbck from Evergreen School. Phone • t26-2121. L 7/26 tfn room benin. Inquire at 426-250. P 7/19 tfn Ished house, ek, etrJc heat. vfew of the mountains. Phone 426-8106. .... P 7/19 tfn FOR I-EN T- 7-=-0-d - b] i FJt" Ki h]ii i hotlse ou West Raih'oad. Available about August 10. Call Mrs. Miller, 426-6331. D 7/19 tfn you naven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apr.-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or month. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 7/16 tfn GARDEN VIEW APARTMENT Near Schools -- Ideal for Teachers 1 Bedroom  Large View Windows, All Rooms Overlooking Gardens and Brook. Carport, washer-dryer, lots of storage. Adults  $60 Furnished or Unfurnished. 818 Pine St. -- Phone 426-3357. O 7/19 tfn KIMBEL Since 1918 LOGGING COMPANY, Inc. - Agenls For. POLYSTYRENE FLOATATiON PLANKS For All Marine Use. Light -- Buoyant --Bug Proof Length4 to 12 Feet Thickness--7 to 20 inches Widths20 to 24 inches $1.50 Per Cu. Foot Larger Quantities -- Prices On Request BOAT HOUSES CONSTRUCTED DIAL--426-6203 -- 426-3433 707 South First St. Shelt0n, Wash. ALL MAKES & MODELS OALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Lumbormen'e Moroantile 0o. 3rd and Railroad Phone 426.8211 USED FUIN'ITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Home Furnishings -- 2rid Floor Green While They Last Regular Value $19.95 1 CHROME SET, 5 pies (reg. $89.50) $68.00 2 LARGE CHROME SETS 5 pieces (reg. $149.50) .............................. $88.00 set Eolls & V elley Applianse Oenler ROLLAWAY BEDS, 30 inch - 39 inch Always Ihe bed deal, by George! For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tFn GOL-DSB-OROUGH TRAILER PARK Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At hfghway bridge. S 4/4 tfn AVAILABLE completely furnished one bedroom apartment downtown, 123 r Alder. Adults. Phohe 426-3535. G 6/21 tfn (l" FOR R]NT at Goldsborough apartments, south second, $6 month. , S 5/11 tln S-P-ACIOUS one --and two furnl bedroom apartments, lots of closets, clean, and neat. Very pleasant place to live. Edgewood Apartments, Air- port. 426-3772. S 3/19 tfn '0R" REN or sale. Large one-bed- room house, chine to school, fenced yard, P]mne 426-2259. S 4/26 tfn 0-'-R]N,-CIn, one bedroom house, partly furnished, $40. 426-2081. .................................. B7/12 tfn SLEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent, Inquire 720 North Fourth. phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn OR RENT -- Reed Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tfn RENT -- TWO bedroom unfurn- ished apartment, Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished, Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt, No, 2 or 426-2493. or 426- 2446, B 5/18 tfn FOR--NT- Across from ]Ve-r-n school, epaelou8 partly furnished apartment. View window, every room overlooking garden, car port, laundry included. $60 month. Adults Inquire 818 Pine St. Apt- 4. 426-3357. 4/26 tfn FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnished house, Water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn FOR RENT -- Clean one-bedroom, furnished house. Phone d26-4644. S 7/26 tfn FOR RENT -- Lease or sale, 3 hed i roonl h()me on Hil]erest near school and storas. Phone 426-8507. K 8/2-9 FOR RENT- Modern--fu'-Kisl{ed'--c- bins, water paid Plmne 426-4276, C 8/2 tfn Available Sept. 5 Lovely new A-frame Chalet on beach near Golf Course. Complete- ly furnished, wall to wall carpet, electric heat. full size kitchen. 2 bedrooms including upper sleeping balcony, fireplace, 24 ft. redwood sundeck. Sorry, no small children. For nmre information call Barbara Stroud,426-4000. B 7/26 tfn i Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash:" 5/17 tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISF, D and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn ! ii u SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewcr Mar Const. Co. Phone 426-3053 Rt. 3, Box 623 If no answer, Phone 426-6183 -- i SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRFCAST SEPTIC TANKS 10{Ngal., 250-gal,, 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phon 426-3660 8.18tn WARTIm UI Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELI'Y'8 FURNITURE • Phone 426-2411 O01d Slorage Lockers for rent Lemke's Service Phone 426-6779 tfn i Classified Service FREE MAKEUP application classes. Learn Society of Makeup Artists' tecimiques (the world-recognized ex- perts). No clmrge, obligation. Call for al)pointment 426-2417, V 8/2-30 City Center Motel. corner First & Alder, each Wednesday, to give treatments. O 7/26 tin B & W) with each roll 'left for pro- cessing with 8 or more prints. Zieg- ler's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd St. 7/26 tfn are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrcst Hardware. 426-8163.. 3/29 tfn HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn FURNACE CLEI'-N-', repairing, in- stallatfons, oil conversions. Shelton Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426- 6121. 5/1 tfn and general nmson work. Call Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844. H 6/21 tfn in state. Phone Olympia FL 7-5358, Robert Shmnate, Olympia. S 6/21 t f_ EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation. Jim Pauley Inc, 501 Railroad Ave. 4/28 tfn Phone 426-8231. ROOFING, blown rock wool Insula- tion guaranteed. Ph, 426-6417, 6/20 tfn REFRIGERATORS and f-ezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cots, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, 426-2278, 3/1 tfn ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- ven, and highly classified sires. Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc, John , Caulfield, 426-2084. C 12/15 tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn JEROME BURKE GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, barnyard fertilizer, well-aged alder sawdUst, pit run gravel, compost fertilizer. Phone 426-3678. 4/5 tfn accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602, 1/15 tfn Wanted WOMAN WANTED -- Part or full tiltl(!. Call for interview appuint]ncnt. Phone 426-2417 anytime. G 7/26 tfn ,VX I T gEs-s-:=--2i-35. - c h }; i] -g ? - iK, h ,:i apply in person. AIderbrook Ins. Business Opportunitie FOR SALE -- Equity in restaurant and ice cream store building, stock and equipment. Good I)usine:,:,, ,t22 No, First, Shctton, Wash. 426-2291. B 7/19 8/2 Lost and Found LOST DOG .... Brown and white Pointer. Answers to "Ch,o", prob- ably hurt. $10 reward. 426-8248. ( O 8/2 Pets, Livestock FOR SALE -- Guernsey cow, heavy lnilker, due tO fl'esllcn soon. Ptlone 426-897"t. J 8/2 -KC-R EGi sr Ei,--Btn --2"(r i: 1)uppies. Phone Elms 242R05. N 8/2-9 horse, sired by Yellow Jeep. $250. Phone evenings 426-3748. S 6121 tfn puppies, $10 each. 426-3579. .......................... _. 7/':t 8/2 REGISTERED Toy Fox Terrier pup- pies for sale. Also stud service, Phone 426-6940. F 7/19 tfn SEVERAiJ NICE---4-L;(a'-olds-- well started. Four good ladies' or child- ren's hol'S(S. One good fast liltlc buckskin suitable fc, r racing at this Fall's fairs. Located six miles south )f Matloek Store. Boyd Zep Rt. • Elnm. Phone 426-6743. 2 tfn I Hay & Feeds OAT HAY -- Good horse hay, $'25 per ton delivered. Phonu 426-897,i. J 8/2 Top Quality Bud Cut ALFALFA DAIRY HAY We Serve the West Coast -- Load Lots Only - Call Collect Ev. Quincy Hay & Grain Co. George & Marysville, Wash. Sunset 1-2180 if no arts. eL 9-2003 Real Estate MUST SELL my two btdroom home illlnlt!(llao!ly. Two blocks fronl towu on 1 lots, Reasonable. Call 426- 4219. 7/19 tfn well. septic tank and bulkhead. Young fruit trees. $3500. $10.00 dn. Bardin's, I)hone 426-6837 evemngs. B 5/24 tfn roonl honle ll('ar school. EltcI, rit: heal half bloeR i)l' pr(q)erl:y, leHA Union. Washington, 8/2-9. bank terms. rOOlll house ill Sllelton ltrea, l)re - fer acre,age with outbuildhlgs. Ph. Ho()dsport TR 7-5373 T 8/2 /(A-NT" T O-B U Y --Zsd 0-t 5 8(}-thn-p]oVe d acres on road. Write Ward, 801 Dart- , mouth, Tacoma 66, Wasb. 6,'28-8/9 eal'e for your children in my home. Phone 426-6391. A ]./11 tfn Phone 426-8682 after L 7/19 tfn LAI.(]E THREE bc, droom home. Faro= ily room with ,buiH-in broiler, wall- to-wall (!arpeting, l'/tilge, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Plmnc ,126-8078. S 7/19 tfa LX-R-dE--TH-KE--di6o-i{- l;(,,h-(i ram= lly room with built-in broiler, wail- to-wall carpeting, range. J)ishwashr, washer, dryer, Phone 426-6078. S 6/7 tfn EXCELLE FOR SALE bath and -half, FEW OF OUR FINE W heat, call 5 p.m. AY  One of the vet FOR SALE -- 2 baths, lovely fire] lots. Inquire  and workshop, 2-car .... phone 426-8150. ek, fruit trees, berries , place, about 3/J aipointment. Passage, $19, i'0R- SXL-2-'-Neta:.,lal;#..'',, AL -- A stunning 3 1 13S7 East Elli'nr: BEACH -- Another ' " " ""' " " act -KE--RO.,n.. eage, This is a dream mmbstruetablc T. II',i;'o -*.v .............. city, bay fronl dinlngl" 'l' room, By owner mo,dN Will eonsider leas ,D BAY  This dandy 3 FOR Phone SALE: 426-8584.  tion those room .....................  10 Acre .Is ' w'nt aut°matica ng di to live about 1 V acres clear.-j{1  P.]enty of fun in store for 2 bedroom house, bar will sell as is, total ! terms. Jack Smith, Arcadia road. Sl!cI1;0" :--esseLo[ ' IBm location, three bedrOO ] oanelled living room. *'"]i ] nd and Breb. _-fil..b qu crest homc, furn,-r,.. ished, large garag, e,r°).',:INT THIS ONE WITH ( to school and stori',  Will sell at real bargSlV, uandy 3 bedroom famil 8549 afternoons o-evelnve .heat, nicely fenced y cry nice district. $9700, j ' ii, I ?' 01NG M IGI T Ag&l TO GET A v e U,ff/0 ery " comfortable 2-bedrool  the beautifulHOOD Olympic I ,th{ 0 the glass-doored firep! qiFINEST on  k, and the private patio. i:,-.:bedr°°ms' 3 0f Only5 $9500! And, you'] full basement, and boathouse, LOVELY DOWNTOW $44,000. , few of * secluded and FOR RENTOne kitchen, panelled nished house and baths, the separ unfurnished, in yard. All this for Hood Canal Bafl 4 BEDROO ' the growing family & Insurs: tally like the attra '"', can have a boat Hoodsport the large baselr TR 7-5211 to stores, schools, i MODEST HOME IN TR/ 0tunity to get a good g( th for one person on shor perlence. Easy work an ,,umg. Will take home fo: .... d you can pay balar IENTALSWe have b, A. ROY DI T-I,E'S--Tb-P P] D-- t r i m m e d. removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 48",23. 2/13 tfn HANDY MAN -- Odd jobs! If you tbink it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone .126-2433. 3/8 tfn WAN T EZY--100b--r- iip-Sl&--ii/6;, .-0K Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn by day or hour, Call 426-4378 evo- nlngs. V 6/7 tfn brush pieker. Phone 426-2028 after- noons. Wilson Evergreen Co, W 7/12 tfn mana.genlent alllbition. National]y- kuown sales Compauy has protected. established territory available. Sal- ary $460 per month to start.-No cx- lmrlenee necessary, thorough training given, no travel. Must be interested in establishing a pcrmaneut career. I(" interested write to box A c/o this paper. 7/19 8/2 Miscellaneous FREE horse mauurc, you haul. Alder- brook Stables, Union. Wash. TW 8- 2268 or TW 8-24P8. D 8/2 ................... CARD ()]:< ......... APPRF.ciA:Ti-(iN .... The kindness and sympathy" of neigh- bors and friends in })ur recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. ROY FREEMAN FAMILY Well Drilling Phone 426-4245 or 426-2455 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2/8 tfn KIMB L L 0 G G;GG ?: EA!VYI[iiST ;;C T I 0 N PILE 0000!IVING DOCKS - FLOATS - BULKHEADS - BRIDGES BUILDING FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATING -- PIYRUN 6RAVEL Underground Utilities EQUIPMENT RENTALS Ci-(3iCE-g{/{i-dingTs](6sl--cTc-rc-wi(h WATERFRONTS ,l,','l  REALTOR well and sel)tic tank. L;, mile from SALT WATER, LA' '6363 ] Pion(,er School. Call .126-672'/ eve- • nings. C 7/12 tfn OR CREEK • . . = "('i ' a]] easy commuting'. ''j... I,) ed Iota. Electricity and weter avail- )11 Slopes briefly frorO fl# I down Imy)m'nt. $95 l)cr month. By te . Water sportS, ')h :i terms. $7950. Call Ji,..j;i able. Located behind Robin Hood Inn on Canal. Call 426-3548 after 5 p.m. K 5/31 tfn TI-1RE--BED]i=)()h)I - x;i,!w--home, "" no owner. Write Box 10, C/O Ttle Jour- nal, 8/2 ]F6}:- Sk-I]i ---gnii f" I{};({sc]--]-al)-;L own well, just outside eiy linlits. $2.500 full price. T(,rms. Plmne ,126- 6871, M 8/2-9 roonl lloIlle, built-in app]iances, fire- place, about 3/ acres on Pi('kerhlg Passage, $19,000.00 Phone 426-4915, She.]).o,.: ........................... Ii y(I2:8/? SALE -- Larg(, bedroom, livingroom, dining, carpet, drapes. Snmll down payment |'urnishcd (,r not. Pimne 't26-4336. C 8/2 tfn FOR SALE by owner. Thr(!(, b'6dr)/)m house furnished, view of Olylnpies and Itood Canal, fir, q)lacc, drilled well. fruit trees, 2-ear garage, 20(} ft. highway frontage, $9,5{)0. PIlonc Russell Viger, Union. TW 8-2287. 8/2-9 TV¢O -BEDi.'())M'-ll-'-i;IcctriC- "cv.bin for sale ou Hood Canal. Mrs. Helen F'rew, 3257 Fuhrman Ave,, East, Se- attle 2, Wash. J 7/19 8/2 i5i- S-);ISE -=- S /{iii ]i m...-C( 8-gi/6\\;; (.' d or torn down. Phone 426-3098. Hen- ry Landis, 2.328 Jefferson. L 7/19 tfn one mile from town. 2,5 aeros, $6000. Phone ,126-8480. V 7/'19 tfn Y-W--O--]i)Kb-O---]idi:ff.q- " ii].nTshh suburban and three bedroonl sub- lu'ban honles. For sale or leasc. Phone ,t26-4147, S 7/5 tfn pump and well. $2500. Terms con- sidered, 426-8397. O 6/28 Tfn Walker Park addition, 2 bedrooms, I..'.. bath, recreation room, 2 fire- places, double garage, dishwasher, carpeting. Shown by appointment. Phone ,t26-6686 or 426-4364 F 6/28 tfn on Anglesidc, two-car garage, dou- ble corner lot. Call 426-3134. H 5/31 tfn HOUSES --- Three-room, $3200. Five- room, $4200, 10% down, $50 per me. Near Dayton. 426-68:7. B 5/25 tfn room house, fireplace, $1.000 down. Assume FHA mortgage. Phone 426- 6371. H 5/3 tfn i FOR SALE Two older dwellings on East Pine for a handyman. $5,000 e • -Bedroom home at Union being remodeled (not waterfront), $6,000 $ m • BILL PEARSON 125 N. 5th Phone 426-3061 • POPULAR MaS( proximately 55' bea, Cabin, tree studdeU b' 00X0EPTIONAL : trees. Grand vieW. -':' Old home is m'" fireplace, haraw . place. One bedroor,, • !otokc '] Bathin:"$Ll'}ia, 'rge kitchen with ampl, ing room. g . . ..€ Steps down 10' ':;)ll'.,h°me also has a larl down slope. You'IIL=,  ,r#:: :=iee,p'anted in lawn and fl, perty. $13,000, terms-rd. : . a at below FHA apprfi • 3 roOm beach ilS:.., 0 r C?' LDER Built has lust on been refinishe, room. - ..-head ' piling, uu,K ' ; r : " , floors, water' 0Ditrdwood part Fine Artesian I- on corner lot with ' galore, for $6,950 on terrnS"'l.$  Priced to sell a North of SheltOn' ., nished. ING" DESCRIBES TF large closets, tl fireplace, dinit lots of cupb with fl ,Ce, 110 feet of ware1 • 90' beach x Isabella, no ban down. 2 room erican bath. $4,500. $550 d Contact John • 100 ft. SP. n frontage, srnal / is in. $500 de Camp out on build later. • Large volt fed, flows silt land. figs to berries. house, 2 car gara back, on North. "nished plus e¢ be $11,000. Sore e CA-: MANN The NEW NEW Select your brand new 3 bedro today. Prices range from $1] with total cash required of G.I. or F.H.A. loans available. PACKED READ' honey is loca' ill plastered, electri, separate gara for $9,500. . or the u has kitchel out the has large tttility porch, 5 IOME living room v breathtaking vi, dock, 125 feet of Come iri and r THIS HOME 2 bedrooms, room. Owner will rent. OUT OF TOWN that likes to h fireplace, d Fenced You can care. Locate( With option to buy. LOT 60 x 100 Potall cleared--c at 7th and Cottt. I THIS BARGAIN a little fixin[ and a skip out g room witl Priced for $ little one bedroo Located on Ang: $28 to $38 at By IIour or Contract Waterfront Realty us .00O.T o DUMP TRUCKS LOADERS SHOVELS  TRENCH HOES 01sen Furniture C0mpan ells & Valley II SULLDO c;I?REORYDLGORWABDEDRT22MQ2RT;SUOCRK?PUMPS  :!"'"' AN6LE AGE ,/ ______ 328 Cota Street Phone 426-4702 III 2nd & Gota St. Phonc,... II DIAL--426-6203 _ t 426-3433 NEW .n II 707 south firs 11.5=':'7 _. 7?:'i::'i"':lkb! ]S1b -- Ill ..... II • , " r, ' ...... 2' "' :'   - ""-Phfli25-82"