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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pae 18 i Matlock Grange TO Meet Friday Night For 0nly August Meeting MR AND MRS IAME, Chin&apos; Jm(t lossmzel's, fnc 3oun rncn .... : "- -" - ' ...... d M' Lfisileave next,weel< to)' their homes chili oI Dayton, an rs .... it,i, rllzat refer and children of Tacoma, ]".•-;;d'I')s'',c.cil \\;V'dker and e zt Monday evening with Mrs. .. ;,.'•.,( .... '^,((,,,. '.,,2, ,., ugusta Portman md Carl Port- ' ' ,•..,.. . ,./,,. • I vegerl(l \\;€ ILl1 lne It.l'l  &IKeF an. . .. • lamily Mr, and Mls• Elvm'nlg, " " ..... -corn allied b thei) (ousins M1 The Mat.loci( Lathes (Hub hehl  ]P '.....Y. ;J: :' ,J frills reK, uPtr nleeting last "'e('.lle,- l(l William DUCKWII:Z ( • ? '._ _':,'' a.•. T x) 1)..1... ......... ochester spent the past week [ ,ay wttnan(lVrJa.]{l.S,L,. ,..A.Ddl,ewaU t,.,UMc_,. S oka'ne wittl Mz Hearin's h°stess r" ." P Z ' * , 7f' . ll.g_ [Garvie's bir hd:y was celebrated. stets anfl VlSltea Mr anti ra. , t ' • ;-''euin of rhom on Falls ]Mrs, Che,;t::r Larson oI Elms was ug.n t-l el " g ' . ps .... : la visitor. toni. They came PaCK oy rn(. tw axrn am ,,,,e v ,. ,, olu,1, 2,;e"To o&2: n 0:2aioneo ad",;;;;,; ,7"G,e;;,v:;r an p . . " ' , ,. '." . •. ] were weekend visitors at the home ent two flays at St. 2arl:ms "  • ^ ,,, • of Supt. and Mrs. Eugene French ,,.t Sv.'.,,g ..... I and family. iVll" an(l Mrs IX E lracIDerry ] , ' r e( . ' " " ' ,' Phe Mary M. Knight mount,t • Shelton spent a few days m ] ' , • " , v,,i-t • ,o ; ,,,'e o €dr the band attended the Seafan' parade ,,," •, .... a .'; ,,:b: C ......... ,,.u l in Seattle Sal:urday, under the su- eallngs Wfllle EIley wele vaea • • " . .... " [ pervision of Riehard Endicott. onmg.. ........ d i They were on two television chan- ivn ano mrs lettoy lootne an "' ' • ' ," : ]rl¢ls" and all enjoyed it very nlleh, Lmtly of Hoquiam were weegeno ] "rho "M'intnn,4t,n rtr,n.q,tonf C)f' rests of Mr and Mrs L. C. .............. ; ...........  ......... "'" - , • . .' ... ] Mary M. Knight; school has been ord:, Fhey_ celebrates t2mne/bus.v completing quite a lot or r{oLn s ell'in(lay- ..... /pai:ting anti refinishing tim gym Mr ann Mrs liermiL snlltn OII., " a " " " " 'th [ 1,oor. ancollv..r, spent .satur(lay Wl [ ?,a ...... A ,),a t.! t'elt,r,. € rI'., • * , • * 11• o, lst_ .l,l,t/,, ,tJL•  .. l(?, ., ,t 'IX l(- mn coumns Mz and Mrs I C ,  , • ', " ...... ] coma  et'c weekcnc'I callers at the m'd. ]An, lrew McGarvie home. They Nil- AND MRS. DAVE DeFoer/took their son, Riekie home at(dr d sons Jerry, Dennis and Riekie/baying spent several weelcs with • e vacationing for two weeks./the )[eGarvies. he) will visit Mr• DeFoer's folks / Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kimmerlv and Idaho, then on to Montana and/family, a.nd Mr. and lVh's. Rio'hard rosser to visit Mrs. DeFoer's I Hoplcins and family spent Satur- datives. [day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coekburn and daughter[Herbert 13rehmeyer Sr Gene tpha Mae returned Friday from [ Brehnmyer retut:ned home to mnydde after visiting relatives• ],pend a week with the Kimmerly Mrs. Edward Valley and son iamily. avid are at 4-II camp at Pan- Mrs. B!anehe Humrnell of Ore- mdl Lake this week, Friday gon, and a teacher at Mary M. ght s he s Imon b :Ice. < Knight is; back here at: her trailer Mr, nd Mrs. Arthur Sharp and I house home at the school. day evening, (his is the only meeLLg ill Ii near future, Tveter and ,:pent Monday evening with Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Port- l'I] an. accompanied by their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rochester, at sisters, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hearing of Thompson Falls, Mont. Columbia river dri,ve on the Ore- gon side and over to Carson and spent two Hot Springs. of Shelton spent a few days in this vicinity doing chores for the Hearings while they were vaca- tioning. family of Hoquiam were weekend guests Ford. Booth's birthday• Vancouver, their cousins, Mr. and Mrs• I. C. Ford. and sons Jerry, Dennis and Rickte are vacationing for The will visit Mr• DeFoer's folks in Idaho, then on to Montana and Presser relatives, Orpha Mac returned Friday from Sunnyside after visiting relatives• Davkl are at 4-TI camp at Pan- I:andle night is the salmon bake. Lake Nahwatzel Woman Gets Minor Injuries In Acci00.ent By an(Im Tulqw;r NAHWATZEL-- Tlmlma Vance, a student missionary from ll- linois, teache.r at. Matloek Com- munity church summer Bible t:hool, was brnised when she lost :.ontrol of a borrowed ear as she rounded a. curve near .Matlock last week. The car Skidded on the loose g'ravel and overturned in tle ditch. ,Allcu Hmkscm, a lat.:e resi(h,nl, c,/•ove Miss Vant!e t(i the lot emer/ellcy l.reiLlnlel2t, whero she was detained ovc, lnight. ilEGEIVEI) A C, AIH) from the Dawaons, They spent a eouple of Cays visitin K with Lee's aunt in Colorado Springs, Cole, They said they were enjoyin K the. tlSp and ha.rinK a very nice time. Friday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Lawrpnee Hansen were Mrs. Katll- lyll Doleehecl¢. a forlYler Shelton teacher, now of Clafhm, Kans,, Mrs. Joe Klein of Ocean Shores end their children. Mr. aad Mrs, Enaest Lawson and their daughter of Shelton were Sturda.y visitors of the Han- •(.'l'l S. M[JSN Corrine Lawson was an overnight guest of Miss Sllaan Watson• MIS BETTY Kelley returned home Saturday after a week's vis- it in Seattle. Mrs. Archie Kelley anti daugh- ter Betty visited the Kuhnle Ranch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearsall vls. ited the Kelleys Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle had ]4r. and Mrs. Gordon Dundas anti ;on Butch of Port Orchard as their Saturday glmsts. Butch came. tip h) participate in the Seafaiv parade. ,[r, and Mrs. T. E• Hewson had as their guest',. Mrs, P. C. Mandell of Ragerwood. WEEKEND GUESTS were Mr Perry Weatherwax and Miss Ira Wealherwax of Ranger. G. M. Nichols and Mrs. Lottie Tunney of Woodrlver also spent the weekend. While they were here they took advanl*.t,:¢, of the low (ides to dig (.I.r;); :,( ilood Callal. lll]dlly they ,hl; cI;tl!l:.; ill. (].rll.y- ]i.nd. Thursday, M/'s l:hmry Chappell and Jane, Steve and LaiTy visited the Halls at Kalnihhe. On Saturday Mrs. Chappell, Charles, Jane, Randy Case, Jaclcie aicl Vonnie. Landis, arid Amanda 'oveF Well[ (o the (.'alth? S(?af:-til' ):ly;Irle. J;tckie, 13,nmie Landis, all,| (Jhal'|c,; Chappel] |ook part in the Ili]l lil]y land from Mary M. Ktlig'ht sel'lool. Mr. ,.aid Mrs, H, atl)tl Springer lind am their visitors Saluvday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Lowell Cook lroln Aloim, Ore,, and family. Willi'im M[.inil" ;tnd ¢Iis! Bea Manivr were weekend .."':'"' :-: of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Conp,',,.. Satllrda.y eo.lhq's \\;v(ic Mr. ;,)ltJ Mrs. ]:ob I.,emke. MI'. and Mrs. l:ooth and fall!['¢ el Hoquia.m, Mr, and Mrs. Dick Booth of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Farts of Hoquiam. Mr. and Mrs Smith of Vancouver. and Steve Cra.po were all glleLs for Miss Diana Booth's birthday party. The party was held at lhe iome of Mr. and MI'H. Cliff Ford. THE EDWAR1) Bakers of Se- attle moved into lheir new cabin here on the lake. Mr, and Mrs. Amel Tvcit had as their Si]ndtly dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sill of I.ay- mond. Mr. Jsmes Bleeker went fish- ing at Westl)ort and caught his hmit. Carl Rushell, his wife Lois arm their ('hildrcn are spending weeR Lere at. the resort while riley are "hoot-ow[ing". Bob iLe.s. his wife Ama Mae. daugllter, niece, son, and brolher- in-law, Mike McAferty are spend. ing the week, along with l.Jm Bnslle, lls. lere aL the resort. SIINI)A G|}ES'I'S of Clarice Carpenter were Mrs. Fred H.oeki- rick, of Elms. Mrs. John Patton and daugllt,'r Julie. of Lake N&twatzel. (h'o0- ped in to visit. For A Big Deal On A DODGE 1957 1954 1953 FORD 4.dr. , . . . . $195.00 1950 Ist STUDEBAKER Ghampion. $75,00 Runs Fine. PAULEY MOTORS , & RtL Phone 426-8183 t SHELTONTMASON. ,- CÙUNTY JOURNAL!- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A."" Shelton, Washington Th i les to ,,, e%°7,u'E, o SERVETHRIFTWAY .. . -. :_ , / </ kASyi I U'#I rUU nst1e'ti°n e°sts'nl the price paid MIRACLE :/o/ ICE CKI:Am----"'00'"P'rchasertomake,00o:a00:0000a! i' ,iIIve, SPARKLE agi [0 prtions o?;h; Bright, DelighffulFlavor, a nc ....o e;;:;;[;;)B:F:r 47 ',, / " -" F].vors -.- Iw, Low Pri(. HALF G'LLON • . W'----- may.}eat:indOfthies :'' that the pros-,__,d,_____., ehlef requester the Am ' ..Ined that under the price of the ------,, mA ||)2,,e [ ' ONIA II B " H li the early part D ' od - -- mt i - • • I/!. e price will be iV  m =' ": ts eperaUons to ' A ............ ,i':. the earlier reduc- • ' e Stum HUII.flIIIH / :V01. pag e prie.c 1 \\; Our Own Craeklin- ! i " "" I i ' ': eutlce the wm k Crisp Chips -- 69¢ Value!  '] to pay for ra "  t,urnPage in •  aale tLFPItXt[S U .......... 7.7. ,.K.7.S _:.:.,..-....217..Q.:. 3 / ' 1 G k /;']i OO=A. SHUR-FRESH o00Kni.k, LAR ll]nlr--Jbll.]l ................................................ Large l:z "1 " , "-= ,11] II II.l[Vfll OI'II[IMI B & M, Oven.Baked, 11' _ """IF'D or-J[l) 28-OZ. Tins ...................... "k l'" NALLEY S MUSTARD ,. ..................... ::!" evy 0HUNK TUNA ............................. i ............................ ID/ It GHARnn  BRnn.ET e Kingsford, ...;,#:n_te 0000iT0000iR00"ii/ff-7;FF: ....... '1 .. ,... ,o.,,... ........ iw, ama SALT WATER TAFFY -'%'.': ........ .. - "' .   ht Schoo Di. Voters to ap- ) ing to $130, " :'1 )i tory electiozt " t Will be used r( )0ae d building il call for a 9 Casabas, Honeydew or Persian Melons -- Mix or Match  , Melon Sale .,,..owe. ,t recent public "hey're" K  ereent in favor Idlng. program. Delicious" u  trs-and archi- of the new school Californi Long Green Slicers Ever- with di. Cucumbers ..w. up the buildhg. who plan- and ea There is until the , been ap- 311 who Ripe Citliforllilt Ls.rge Slicers 2 ' urged to the reg- Tomatoes ,, 2/ 43, Zu,¢h00 | t eJ"e"aaY morn- Local Stocks -- Perfect for Cool Summer Salads . 'W • 0- tr foundation :,i!",' POaed Haretine r / .: R a Gr°wnGa2;ready' 'b * * ' flrI11 of Dames ILC'Wt'.:'9 Tacoma to VEAL OUTLETS ..,..*..'.s ...................................................... ,0 ,. ,.o,..e 99* Ib m:je teting, a. c. FRESH, , e,,,, are being i i [] H    i; E' ' "'Udati°ni_f°r the _'.. , Bakery..:,.. $0{ "IL )f the '°t&" ]°n llds of of Police .oft po- PAPER GUPS ............................................................ 29 U &i 2;;:222 ......... f: ": behind hel. ,o,ow,,, w,,, ,0,,,,o G HamSurp¢ Buns.. PAPER PLATES ............. ; .......... 7 ................................ 89' ' ; IP ,J., e, Three PAPER NAPKINS .......................................... i/ Hot Dog Buns . , , )" " ' Ill /a$( DOUMAK, FLUFFY & TENDER--IO-OZ PKG$.  /--. , , hO, MLI  SHUR,.FRESH' .,'a " mS..ALLOWS ........................ i ............... BUTTERHvn.o ,,o o,,,, ';'*:'F,i! 25 S2  .rank, Hospital, , 49 Frozen .., ,,,,o. bag ......... , ................. in *'fairly SWANSON'S Peter Hos- ;ii  ,,RUO SALT 0NI0 ALT LE.0.,DE 'HuR''''H - "''u''' h, was and OR PINK -- 6-OZ. TINS ............ on High. (o o.,oOO , o.ti  .,--.o:, *:, '""""o ,e,: ,.,,,, ,,o,.,o ,.<.oz ................... ,,,a .o.. L3 GHIGKEN PIE ,.OR-FR,. ,' OR TURKEY ........................ , 3, allrl lhe \\;,0 ,, P6rt l'l,lCVE AUGUST 2- 3- 4. RIGltT TO LIMIT. ....  ':{iv:'.:::::::'V:*' ".'.g:,: ": ..................... ::,5. -'::i,,;, }}..".'!!i::::} 'i: . } .,  .. . General / #::  , .a ,. };,:::.:.:+,,...' .:: .... !;. .   ::" ' '" " a ' i:'::' ' " ];':]:: " "*x ..... '> ' ":'i { i " .}  releascd. N - - ,, " 7"" * :!i!!:. " !g:: :}!:: :' " ' ," GOL CENTURY "<" "> " ' ' N'. v  _-:=: II  g 1"*:: ,:. ..... ...'.,:!:. Deputy .': g. ,:.s$:,$:,:, ::a::::: ',, "::. ;:- .... "%H!   h the ac- - • -  i_:__v. - Only "-"  L'..-=-'-----'--"mlma_ .