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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Buy & Sell! Vendor Space Available Open 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. 7 Days A Week 831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. ° (360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-4637 McClanahan Moody, PLLC a~eyat L~, www elderiawwithca m Life Care Planning * Guardianship • Estate Planning Probate = Special Needs Trusts ~ Wills & Trusts Across the parking lot from Turawater Fred Meyer 501 Tyee Dr SW * Tumwater, WA 98512 Shelton-Mason County Call 426-4412 to subscribe g By EMILY HANSON cm, i/y@n~ca~om?oun, ty.corn One portion of a house on Arcadia Avenue was completely destroyed by a fire earlier this week. At approximately 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Mason County Fire District No. 5 and EMS responded to a structure fire at 426 Arca- dia Ave. The fire was located in the living room of the one- story house. Chief Tim McKern said the resident came home with his young child and was alerted to the fire by the smoke detector before he called 911. Upon arrival, firefight- ers broke out a living room window to allow the flames and smoke to escape from ,MP3"s .Gameboy Advance Courtesy of Tim McKern The cause of a house fire on Arcadia Avenue is still under investigation. the house, a press release stated. First responders were "The cause of the fire "The couch was too close, joined at the scene by Ma- was determined to be an causing an electrical short son County Medic 1 and electrical component that that in turn caused the Mason County Fire dis- was plugged into the wall," fire." tricts 4 and 11. ical oses rive-in Half the Time, almost Half the Price... Now that's something to smile about! Technology that straightens all your teeth in 3 months to about a year, for children and adults. r FREE Consultation for a I -AS- FBRACES I *( ...... be cornbi.edwrtha nyodle,offe,' --~ Cash value 1120¢ New patients only. Expires 881112 ~"P" L1626 Olympic Hwy. N. Th~o'f=~ofR~rdCt~ow,,~,~g, DDS.Sho,o, ~/ Richard C. Downing, DDS Convenient Payment Plans Available i Qare.C d!t" • Cha,' Richard C. Downing, DDS 1626 Olympic Hwy N ..... Shelton (360) 426-4712 • ----~---- SKOOKUM CREEK TOBACCO FACTOFtY 08TLET ~ 380-428-5254 By EMILY HANSON Biehl said this is the second time the emi~y@n~asoncou~r/, district has been called to the drive-in dur- ............................................................ ing the last month. The first was near the beginning of July. The Skyline Drive-In was closed briefly "We went out for a popcorn'machine due to an electrical fire last week. that caught fire before they opened for the At 10:18 p.m. on July 25, a wire con-night," he said. "It was traced back to the nected to the drive-in's well pump ignited, age of the wiring." causing the drive-in to shut down. Biehl said the district wants to make "The building was built in the 1950s and sure the drive-in stays open. a wire ran down below the building for the "It's one of the few left in the area and well pump," Mason County Fire District we want to keep it open," he said. 4 Assistant Chief Eric Biehl said. "Not a Manager Janette Sigo said the drive-in whole lot of cosmetic damage was caused, has been cleared to reopen after electrical They had an electrician come out and L&I and building inspections have been con- come out to make sure everyone would be ducted. safe." Currently, the Skyline Drive-In is closed The drive-in was in the middle of show- to provide parking for the 2012 Paddle to ing.a film, which had to be shut off when Squaxin. ..... the 'power was turned off to extinguish the The drive-in movie theater is set to re- fire. open on Monday. Steel Bridge fire 50 percent contained By EMILY HANSON' Forest Service Road 2340. full acre and was half con- emiZy@masonco~t~tv~corn At first, the fire was ap- rained. proximately half an acre in "A portion of the fire is size. Crews from Washing- inaccessible due to thesteep A fire near the Steel ton Department of Natural terrain,"Nemeth said. Bridge that was reported in Resources were the first to The fire was determined the early morning hours on respond, to be human-caused by Friday is mostly under con- By Friday afternoon, theMonday afternoon, how- trol. fire had grown to 3/4 acre. ever the actual cause of the "It is 50 percent con- "Suppression actionsblaze was still unknown, rained," said Donna Ne- will be taken, withfirefight- since the point of origin meth, Olympic National er and public safety as the was located in an inacces- Forest public affairs officer, first priority," a press re- sible area. At 3 a.m. on Friday, the lease stated. "Access to the "It hasn't spread," Ne- Steel Bridge fire was re-fire area will be very diffi- meth said. ported on the Olympic Na-cult given that is is burning She said the crews plan tional Forest's Hood Canal in heavy timber and steep to monitor the fire and will Ranger District within the terrain." most likely wait for a deep- Skokomish watershed. The By Monday afternoon, saturation rain to declare Steel Bridge is located off the fire had grown to a the fire controlled. Always quality products, plus you save/ ....... ~i!i!:.{ 100~ ADDITIV[4R[~ i ! MONSTER ENERGY Buy one 16 oz. can for S2s9 &geta a" can FREE Budweiser & Bud TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSlff TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Light 299 Come Try Our NEW DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS Sandwich, Chips, & 22 oz. Soda /LI~ZONA Assorted Drinks 23 oz. cans & ~Q 20oz. bottles ~i. : '~ a/*ls° STORE LOCATIONS • OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE/ KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 6am daily KTP Express - 3850 Old Olympic HWY SURGEON GENERALS WARNING: Smoking By ] Steamboat- 6233 Steamboat Island Rd. Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, J Prices subject to change without notice ~ Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight II I I II II HII I I I IIIII HIHH IIII Pa( e A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 2,2012 STAFF REPORT p;*~);l?lflS'OT~,(?OZg, The Mason County Fire District 17 fund- raiser flea market is just around the corner. The flea market is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 18 fit N. 34571 U.S. Highway 101, Lilliwaup, at Jorstad Creek. There are still vendor spaces available. For reservations or more information, call 877-0083. Lunch, ice cream, bake sale items, ga- rage sale items and handcrafted items will be sold. There will also be a quilt raffle and T-shirts for sale. Prices for vendor tables are $25 for an 8-foot space. Outside spaces are available and set up begins on Aug. 17. This fundraiser is to support the volun- teer fire department. AVAILABLE, LARGE 2-bed- room apartment downtown Shelton. $750 monthly plus deposit. 360-427-0377. L8/2-9 SIZZLING SUMMER yard sale. Saturday, August 4th, 9am-4pm. Queen box spring/ mattress. Bab~ furniture, clothes, toys and accessories. Collectibles, and much more. 201 E. Balmoral Way, Lake Limerick. A8/2 LOST: IF YOU PURCHASED a Lite Brite set from Nifty Thrifty this past week and found 2 keys to an old clock in the box, please call 360-426- 8450. T8/2 GRAPEVIEW -- 2-bedrooms, fireplace, W/D, hi-speed In- ternet, private and secluded. $750 monthly. Pets negotia- ble. 360-649-5743. R8/2-30 GARAGE SALE: with all new items. Friday-Saturday, 8am- 4pm, 423 E. G Street. R8/2