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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~i~i~i~!i!~i~iii!i~~¸+ ....... ->~::~*~+~+~ ............. COME SEE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR CHILD NOW ENROLLING FOR 2012-2013 Full Day Kindergarten & Grade 1 (,:ombinedc/al.~) (LIMIT 12) MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN SCHOOL 206 E. WYANDOTTE *Washington State' Approved School 427-3165 OUR 2012 FOREST FESTIVAL BOARD: LORRAINE SHEFFIELD - SECRETARY, PAM SCHLAUDERAFF - CORONATION/ROYALTY CHAIR, JESSICA GRAY- CORONATION CO-CHAIR, KAITLYN FREEMAN - ROYALTY CHAPERONE, KAY PEARSON - FAMILY FUN NITE/CARNVAL CHAIR, MICK SPROUFFSKE - LOGGING SHOW/FIREWORKS CHAIR, SHERYAL BALDING & CENTENNIAL HOSPITAL GUILD- GOLDSBOROUGH CREEK FUN gUN CHAIR, RANDY HOWARD & NJROTC- CAR SHOW-OFF, PAT AYERS & TH E OPTIMIST CLUB - FAMILY & PETS PARADE, KATHY BURBIDGE & CAROLYN OLSEN - GRAND PARADE CHAIRS, TOM PRIESKORN - SCHOLARSHIP CHAIR, DALE ELMLUND- BUTTON SALES CHAIR, CHUCK ROBERTSON - PUBLICITY CHAIR, STEVE MARTINELL- VENDOR CHAIR AND LYNNE FREEMAN- PRESIDENT & FLOAT CHAIR. OUR FESTIVAL SPONSORS,WITH OUR SPECIAL THANKS It THE PHYLLIS & DUANE GUENTHER MEMORIAL FUND- SHELTON KIWANIS- MORNINGSTAR LIONS- HOOD CANAL LIONS- BONNIE PORTER- ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB- ALPINE WAY RETIREMENT CENTER- ALYESKA CEDAR WORKS -ANYTIME FITNESS OF SHELTON - BLACK STAR GRAPHICS - CFM AUTOBODY - CITY OF SHELTON - CITY OF SHELTON POLICE DEPARTMENT- CITY OF SHELTON PARKS & REC- COOPER STUDIOS- CUT RATE AUTO PARTS- DIGITAL PRINTING - EDWARD D. JONES & JANIS BYRD - EXTREME AUTO BODY- GATEWAY RENTAL CENTER- HACKNEY FAMILY DENTISTRY- HERITAGE BANK- HOOD CANAL COMMUNICATIONS- GILLIS AUTO CENTER- GROOMING BY GEORGIA- BARBARA INGRAHAM -- KAMILGHE TRADING POST- KAPOWSIN LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES- KRISTMAS TOWN KIWANIS- LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER- LYNCH CREEK FLORAL - MARIANO'S FINE JEWELRY- MASON COUNTY HISTORICAL MUSEUM - MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS- MCCARTY & ASSOCIATES - NAPA AUTO PARTS- NORTH MASON LIFE- OIL CAN HENRY'S- OLSEN FURNITURE - BRIAN OLESON, DDS- OLYMPIC MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM- OUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION - PARADISE AMUSEMENTS CARNIVALS - PASCHER CONSTRUCTION - PENINSULA CREDIT UNION - PORT OF SHELTON - PROBUILD OF SHELTON - ROOSTER'S FAMILY RESTAURANT - SAGE BOOK STORE- SHELTON CHIROPRACTES- SHELTON CINEMAS- SHELTON MASON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- SHELTON LIFE & STEPHANIE ROWLAND- SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- SMOKING MO'S-SOARING BIRD ENTERPRISES- SQUAXIN ISLAND CHILD DEV. CENTER- STEVEN'S ON RAILROAD- TABATHA'S HAIR DESIGN - THE DANCE SHACK- TOZIER BROTHERS INC.-THE STRIP STEAK HOUSE - TRANSMISSION PLUS- VANDER WAL'S GARAGE FLOAT SPONSORS- 4B TIMBER CUE'IN& LLC- COLUMBIA STATE BANK, BELFAIR BRANCH - MCLENDON'S TRUE VALUE - BELFAIR Hugh Gruver. long time Sheltonian. was the guest of honor at a reception in Puyallup at his son ~lohn and family's home. You see him here holdin~ his beloved great granddaughter, Aubrie. New Community Church of Union's 9m Annual Auction & Picnic { Sunday, August19TM "~ 12:30--Silent auction begins 1 I 1:30--Live auction begins t I 12:30-3:00--Picnic provided, donations accepted 1 At the Alderbrook G&Y C ub W kk -Up \+ (Tennis Courts on Manzanita Drive) +/ ~i Many great items such as... .... ......... ++++ New C0mmun;tv Lopi Woodstove • Jewelry Church of Union • Metal Yard Sculpture Food, Fun & Fantastic Auction Items Questions? Call (360) 898-7855 All proceeds going to the NCCU building fund! STAFF REPORT Baker and Dell at 591 E. Pickering pr@m, asonco+tnty,com Road. ............................................... Information and handouts on pros- tate health will be available, and at- Pours for Prostates, an event affili- tendees are invited to talk with doe- ated with Us Too Prostate Cancer Ed- tors and survivors from 1 p.m. to 4 ueation and Support is scheduled for p.m. 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Aug. 11 at Olympic The fundraiser will include a wine tasting with wines from the Hood- sport Winery, Mosquito Fleet Winery, Trillium Creek Winery, Walter Dacon Winery and Westport Winery. Olympic Mountain Ice Cream will also be available. The event will in- clude a classic car display and a silent auction at 6 p.m. Hamma Hamma hands off 89.5K Courtesy pnom The Hamma Hamma Retail Store presented a check for $9,500 to the Hood Canal Education Foundation on July 17 in front of the store. Present at the check presentation were Val Steik, left, Patti Arcand, Becky Purvis, Roslynne Reed, Lissa James, Annie Robbins, Art Day and Thelma Day. James is the manager of:,the Hama Hama Retail Store, which organized the second annual Oyster Rama. The funds have been designated to improving the sound system in the gym of the Hood Canal School. Mason County Medical Unit to serve community The Mason County Medical the following dates t~s year: Jan. 7-8, Feb. 4-5. March 4 and Dec. 9-10. Unit will be open to individu- Aug. 6-7, Sept. 10-11, Oct. 15- and 6, April 8-9. May 6-7, For more information, als at Memorial Hall, located +16, Nov. 5-6 aqd Dec. 3-4 June 3-4, July 8-9, Aug. 5-6, call Chris Foster at 253-583- at 206 W. Franklin Street, on In 2013. the dates are: Sept. 9-10, Oct. 7-8. Nov. 4-5 1162. American Legion Post to hold breakfast through end of year The American Legion Post 31, Franklin St. The breakfast will also take place VFW Post 1694 and the VFW La- Organizers will be serving home- every other Saturday until January dies' Auxiliary will be serving made biscuits and gravy, pancakes2013. breakfast between 8 a.m. and 1 and sausages, as well as a variety of For more information, call 426- p.m. on Aug. 11 and 25 at 206 W. drinks. 4546. +++++!++~ .;:~) i:i!:! ~!:i~i. i!!ii!~!~:i::!i:: Mt. Olive Lutheran Church MiSSOLIF[ ~VD()L] 206 East Wyandotte Avenue C'ontemporary Servk'e .8:30 a.n~ Christian Edtlcation ................ ):45 ale Traditional Worship .............. i[:00 a.lll Office 426-6353 Daycare 427 31(+5 i':]i:ii !+i!ii+i !i::::~i]fii:il fill i: +i:+iii:ili+iiii':i i i +ii!i:ili:~ ;: ,+ +:~ www. m to l i yes h e It o n.or g ::/::::::iiCall 426-4412 +::++++:+++:+++++:i?:++++:++++++++::++:+++ ++F i" L "' r n rch" 1212 Connection St .......... il a m nine a u Shelton, WA ' '1 SP H EL[ i+;iiil AChrist-cen/eredCburch (360)426-8611 ]HP, STerlVP, eHOFGODIt ++++i+;:l ("-Sunday Morning Worship-'~ ~ ~ ] 1113 E. Shelton Springs Road [[ rraditional-S:a5a,m. / WLP ? ., ] Shelton, WA98584 11 i iii i, il tContemporar>,-,:00a.m.] s I1 (360> 427-6998Sunday School 10:00 a.m. [111 Worship Service i: !i:ilI K. ~ &~~ Youth Activities I ..... : 10:00 a.m. .... + ;aasStt°rr treaVeO e .... ~ '+ [ " " IMorning Worship 11:00 a.m.Ii/ Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • C'hildeare both :erwces ................... . ...................... : ..................... ": . ,= !: . [!;~ A place where all are welcom~ s..d~y s~i¢~ + ~n.~d~. i h ~i¢~ 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 900 ,\~ C~¢~|p|)r¢~|ion ~,.;