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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SCHOLARSHIP . Lauren Smith TheWashington Indian Gaming Association (WIGA) congratulates its local scholarship awardee: . LaurenSmith (Skokomish)attends California State :University East: Bay TheWI GA Scho larsh i p Prog ram is awa rdi ng a total: of $60i000: i n higher ed ucatio n scholarshi ps to 31 Native American :students for the: •2012-13 school year. Burgess receives scholarship Kyle Burgess is the 2012 recipient of a teaching, musical theater, band and his- $500 scholarship from the Harstine Island tory. Theatre Club. His experience includes four years of jazz. The 2012 graduate of North Mason Highmarching and concert band and two years School will enter Central Washington Uni- of musical theater - he played Charles in versity in the fall. He plans to study drama. "Pippen" and Mr. Bumble in "Oliver." Man with local ties receives honors Thomas Malm. son of sciences with a world-class You Think About College." Carol Greig of Shelton, and conservatory of music, both Individualized learning, Anthony Malm of Olympia.devoted exclusively to un- the development of multiple has been named to the 2011- dergraduate education,interests and community 12 Lawrence University Ranked among America's engagement are central to dean's list for maintaining a best colleges by Forbes, it the Lawrence experience. minimum 3.4 GPA. was selected for inclusion Lawrence draws its 1,450 Founded in 1847. Law- in the book "Colleges That students from nearly ev- rence University integrates Change Lives: 40 Schoolsery state and more than 50 a college of liberal arts and That Will Change the Waycountries. I Dr. Samuel Blake Family proctice. Family cam. Samuel Blake, M.D., began seeing patients in July at MGH Shelton Family Medicine. Dr. Blake, who is board-eligible, received his medical degree from the University of Vermont College of Medicine in 2009, and completed his residency at St. Peter Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program, Olympia, in July 2012. To make an appointment with Dr. Blake call Shelton Family Medicine at (360) 426-2653. Mason General Hospital Shelton Family .Medicine (360) 426-2653 939 Mm. View Dr., Ste. 100, Shelton, WA 98584 / VIS/I• Courtesy photo Students participate in a tug of war excercise. Shelton residents among those taking part in church event The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-19th century members of The .Church of day Saints were scheduled to host a trek Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints it was a reenactment that will involve a number of journey to escape religious persecution, or- young men and women from Shelton, Ab-ganizers said. erdeen, Elma and surrounding areas who Many of the families could only afford the took time out from their lives to almost lit- much smaller handcarts, rather than wag- erally walk in someone else's shoes so that ons and teams of oxen. This caused them to they might understand a little bit of what leave mgny possessions behind; they car- others went through as they made their ried only what they really needed as they way across the wilderness, made their way by foot across plains and Although these young people did not have mountains. Many of them wore thin cot- to endure many of the struggles that pio- ton clothing and, if they were lucky, thin neers faced, they did travel approximately leather shoes tied to their feet. As they jour- 20 miles, pushing wooden handcarts that neyed to what they hoped was a better place held all of their belongings and provisions, they were met with starvation, frostbite, ill- and they were dressed as authentically as ness, and in severe cases death; sometimes possible, organizers said. the only thing remaining to push them for- This effort took place until July 28 in ward was the faith that they shared. Bing Canyon near the Tri-Cities. Partici- Trek participant Ben Anderson went pants have spent the last few months pre- on a similar trek last summer "..1.pushing paring for this event by ramping up their handcarts and getting a feeling for what our personal fitness routines, learning about ancestors did." songs, games, and dances from the era. He said he appreciated the inspiration In addition, they were assigned to pick that he gained from learning of the pio- at least one person from this time period to neer's tremendous perseverance and faith. learn about. "After going on the trek, and seeing and For much of the United States, pioneers hearing what they (the pioneers) went are fairly generic representations of people through, I think to myself, 'I could do that,'" traveling in covered wagons in search of new he said. opportunities and land; however, for the For more information, call 432-8122. MGH cafeteria temporarily closed Printed in Sheit0n, WA, USA using US-made ink and US-madei newsprint With the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Printed With Thank you for recycling. SOY INK Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012 The Campus Renewal Construction a.m., lunch from 11:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m. and Project at Mason General Hospital in-dinner from 5:30-7 p.m. cludes a new dining room and remodel of United Methodist Church is located just the cafeteria, during which time the cafete- a short walking distance from the hospital's ria will be relocated off-campus until early- new south entrance and MGH's cafeteria November. endeavors to provide the same quality of As of Aug. 6, MGH's cafeteria will be set food and service they are known for while up at United Methodist Church, 1900 King construction is taking place at the hospital. St. in Shelton, just to the south of the hos- "We are sorry for this temporary incon- pital grounds, venience," executive chef John Cruse said. During thethree-monthremodel, MGH's For more information you can reach cafeteria will offer a limited meal service at Cruse at 427-9570; or by email at jcruse@ the church, serving breakfast from 7:30-10