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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 2, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... • Bridget Imsdahl Bridget Claudine Imsdahl (Olmstead), a Shelton resident, died of inflammatory breast cancer on July 24, 2012, at Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia. She was born on Aug. 22, 1970, in Bovey, Minn., to William Mi- chael and Mary Jo (Turk) Olmstead. She married Christo- pher M. ~msdahl on July 27, 1991, in Hennepin County, ~Minn. The mar- riage ended in divorce in 1994. Ims- dahl worked as a bar- Bridget tender at Imsdahl Pine Tree Restau- rant since 2003. Her family shared that she loved garden- ing, cooking, canning and baking. She is survived by daughters Andre Lynn Imsdahl and Chelsey Rae Irwin. A memorial and pot- luck celebration is sched- uled for 2 p.m. on Aug. 22 at the Pine Tree. In- urnment was arranged by Calvary Cemetery of Duluth, Minn. Memorial donations can be made to Cindy Bennett at the Pine Tree, 102, S. First Street, Shel- ton, WA 98584. Donations should be designated that they are for Bridget and her family. Proceeds will be used to cover expenses and benefit her surviving children. Helen May Helen May, 93, died on July 28, 2012, in Shelton at her daughter Patti'S home. She was born in Los Angele.s in 1918. As a 1936 graduate of Hol- lywood High School, she spent many early years working with and playing tennis with many of the famous young actors of that period. She attended L.A. City College for two years and held a bachelor of science degree in biol- ogy from Columbia Uni- versity. She also earned an LVN degree from Cuesta College. In 1957, May moved to Cambria with her six children and quickly be- came involved in youth- related activities in the community. She worked at the Cambria High School li- brary for three years and as a county librarian for 17 years, and served on the committee that chose the site and design of the building for Cambria's present library. She also helped to catalogue the library at Hearst Castle. She worked on the cam- paign to launch the Cam- bria Community Services District in 1976, and missed by a few votes making it onto the first board. May was appointed in 197.9 to fill a vacancy on the CCSD Board. She served until 1983, was elected to the board again in 1993 and served until the end of 2002: She also served on the Cam- bria Community Council for 20 years; and was the Cambria Chamber of Commerce Woman of the Year in 1984. For many years, she was a State Senior Sena- tor for San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara coun- ties in the California Senior Legislature. She worked with the Area Agency on Aging. For two years, she managed the Cambria Senior Nu- trition Program. She served for eight years on Send obituary information to: obits@rnason Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday before publication. the board of the San LuisFrancesca (Constanzo) Obispo County Easter Boschetto. Seals group, was for six He served in the mili- years a director of the tary from Aug. 1935-Aug. Tri-Counties Association 1939 and his rank on of the Developmentally discharge was musician, Disabled, and workeo to second class. help Achievement House. He married "Jean" May was a Neighbor- Floy Dean Radford in hood Chairperson for June 1953 in Missouri. the Girl Scouts and was He was previously mar- for 14 years the chair ried to Ruth Crum from of the Cambria Youth 1940-1952. Recreation organization. He worked as a profes- While living in Glenwood sional photographer at E1 Springs; Colo., with her Segundo Camera. daughter Patti, she was He served as the presi- a River Commissioner dent of the Rotary in E1 and a board member with Segundo, Calif., was a the Mason County Senior member of the Chamber Activities Association in of Commerce, a com- Shelton. munity volunteer and a May had two great photography business loves - talking every day owner. He enjoyed fish- on the phone to everyone ing, playing poker and she knew and watch- was a pilot. ing her favorite baseball He is survived by his teams on TV, her family daughter Dana Benjamin shared. (Boschetto) of Shelton, She is survived by five his sons Carl Boschetto of her six children: Rick of Sun City, Calif., Dale (Lynn), Pam, Roger, Patti Boschetto of Park City, (Peter) and Bill (Pati); 15 Utah and Allen Boschetto grandchildren, 23 great- of Washougal; his sis- grandchildren and one ter Annie Boschetto of great-great-grandchild. Massachusetts and his May was preceded 12 grandchildren Steve, in death by her daugh- Tammy, Robbie, Eli and ter, Polly May, and her Joseph Boschetto, Bev- grandson, Richard May erly.King, Sarah Diaz, Jr. A brief celebration Laura Bronk and Kenny, of life will be held at 11 Nathan, Brian and Isaac a.m. on Aug. 7 at the Ma- Benjamin. son County Senior Activi- He was preceded in ties Center. death by his wife and his brothers Joe and Tony. Fred A. Bosehetto A service will be held Fred A. Boschetto, at 6 p.m. Friday at Hope 95, a 25-year resident Chapel with Kenneth of Spencer Lake, died Nielsen serving as the July 26, 2012, of natural officiant. causes at Spencer Lake. Forest Funeral Home He was born on Oct. of Shelton made the ar- 13, 1916, in Lawrence, rangements. Mass., to Dominic and Robert Hoit Robert S. Hoit, 91, of Union, died at his home working on his boat on July 20, 2012. Holt was born May 27, 1921, to Stuart A. and Lora C. (Prater) Hoit in Tacoma. He graduated from Eatonville High School in 1939 and served in the U.S. Navy, based in Chi- cago, during World War II. He met and married Kathryn O'Hara in 1941 and relocated to Shelton in 1946 where he went to work for Simpson Timber as a mechanical engineer until his retirement. Bob and Kathryn spent many summers on long live-abroad cruises to the San Juan Islands and the West Coast of British Co- lumbia aboard their boat, "The Whitecap III." l~rt~.:~ ~ .~ :.~ H o i t [~!:::: ~ ..... ~ enjoyed t~:~ ,~!~ fi~ boating, ~:: ~i~ fishing, .... .i~ ~ crabbing, v~ ~ shrimp- ~I~~~/: ing and messing around ,