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Journal DnOtO by Emily Hanson
John Olson, 17, pulls the line tight while the Shelton Sea Scouts sail on July 18 on Budd Bay in Olympia.
Scouts and support. Far~lmond said he
wanted to thank Toys For Kids
Continued from page B-1 Plus, Mike Hudnell at Clippers
Barbershop, the Nimrod Club
after high school. Ham:&: 'Re!!:Ups and Jim Harden, Paul Davis
"A large portion of us do, but and Donna Davis at Sail & Pow-
we don't have to," he said. 8 0~ Cre~heese er Squadron in Olympia.
Farrimond said what the Sea 25~30~sliceS~::0£'Sopre:ssa~a:::~d:ham Finally, Farrimond stated
Scouts do on the water is more 1 ja~:pickeledia~para~ that for the safety of all the
for fun. scouts, every adult involved in
"What they learn in the class- Ham!needs::~be :slice~:2~3 :~m~s;:~ker t~an dell stieed,: the program is'required to take
room (with NJROTC) augments Spre~d:ithin ~ay:e~i!of::ffream: d~edse onene slice 0f ham. Layer youth protection training.
the safety aspect of what we do eiie~:Slice~:6fi:~ep~es~ata:,:~Rolli~witti one asp#rag~s! spear, The: "Basically, we do the training
out here," he said. cream eheese acts ~s:glue and follow the training sermus-
As of July 18, the Shelton ly," Farrimond said.
Sea Scouts had 12 scouts, none For anyone interested in join-
of whom had been sailing before ing the Sea Scouts or looking for
July 11, the first day the Sea boats." able and finally quartermaster, more information, Farrimond
Scouts went out on Budd Bay in Farrimond said the Sea "Sea Scouts is providing op- can be reached at 490-4062.
the "Sea Dog." Scouts all have the opportu- portunities that these fineFor more information on
"Swantown Marina in Budd nity to earn their safe boater's young people otherwise would NJROTC, Lt. Cmdr. Thomas
Bay is the home port for 'Sea license and can also earn cap- not have," Farrimond said. "We Thien can be reached at his of-
Dog,' so we do sailing here," tain's licenses. The Sea Scout are working on trying to get rice at 432-2123 or his cell at
Farrimond said. "Budd Bay is program has four advancement scuba training going. The cost 584-2842. NJROTC Booster
bigger with more room, so it's levels. Currently, the scouts are won't be passed on to the Sea Club Public Affairs Officer
safer to do our training out here apprentices. If they stick with Scouts, though." Helen Thomson can be reached
(than in Shelton). Hammersley the program long enough, theyThe program has already re- atnjrotcboosterclub@gmail.
Inlet is a little tricky for sail can advance to ordinary, then ceived donations of money, time c61n or by phone at 427-9373.
Mason County Shelter is hold-
ing its third annual Shelter Shuf-
fle at 9 a.m. on Saturday at Loop
A 2.6-mile walk/run or a more
challenging '5-mile walk/run give
two options depending on prefer-
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
and can be made on the day of the
race, or prior to the event by email-
ing Caroline Rich at cmrich@firs-
The cost is $25, which includes a
T-shirt (while supplies last). One
hundred percent of registration
fees will benefit the Mason Coun-
ty Shelter, which serves home-
less families in need of t~mporary
Cash prizes Wisa and Walmart
gift cards) will be given by random
Continued from page B-1
special needs children. The Mat-
lock-based nonprofit is operated
by six volunteers, including McK-
enzie, who began grant writing for
GFSC as part of her internship
while attending The Evergreen
State College.
"I loved the work they did and
wanted to be part of it, so I stayed
with them after completing my
course," she said.
McKenzie also had a dream -- to
open a center where special needs
children and their families could
get together and help one another.
She still has hopes of doing this,
and the accident has given her fur-
ther resolve to make it happen.
'Tou take the pain that life
gives you, and you give back love,"
she said.
Since the accident, there has
been an outpouring of compassion
from the community to help recov-
er the charity's loss. An employee
from Denny's Automotive in Shel-
ton has set up a Facebook page to
sell more raffle tickets and collect
donations to recover prizes. Raf-
fle tickets can also be purchased
from Melanie Eacrett by calling
870-6887 or online where more
information about A Gift For Spe-
cial Children can also be found at
Harstine still are. I hope you had something no matter their cancer. Their goal is to tion, Olympic Mountain ample. If you have any
time to think about thatskill level. And just toprovide education and ice cream and classic car questions cal] Pastor
Continued from page B-1 and have decided to do- watch the expression on support programs and indisplay. Howard Spear at 426-
nate some of your time. the young one's faces when that effort they have es- From 10 a.m.-noon on 5221.
The Children's Carnival This will be Jennifer's they receive a prize is just tablished a group called Aug. 13-17, the Bridge Finally, remember to
is the next big event. The first time in charge, so if priceless. Us Too. Community Church will attend the monthly com-
carnival will be from 11 you have ideas or help she Also on Aug. 11 the They are committed be holding Vacation Bible munity club meeting on
a.m. to 2 p.m. on Aug: 11. would like you to call her event Pours for Prostates to making sure patientsSchool. All local children Aug. 10. Members arestill
In last week's column, at 426-1861. One of the will be going on down athave access to programs, ages 5-12 years old areneeded and the yearly
I wrote that the commit- main ideas of the carni-the Olympic Bakery and medications, treatmentsinvited. The theme is fee is only $15. The doors
tee was asking for help val is that the games are Deli. The idea here is and the health care pro- "Knowing Christ." The open at 6 p.m. by some
and for volunteers. They set up so every child wins to learn about p~ostate fessionals needed for the church has been workingvery friendly people. This
best possible outcome. So, hard to develop programs ,s a great way to meet
from 1-8 p.m. join themfor the community and islanders and have some
for a little wine, conversa- this is another great ex- fun.
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effective way to get your message out to the voters, call us today!
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Page B-8 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012
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