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August 2, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 2, 2012
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More than $50,000 raised at second annual golf tournament By EMILY HANSON Though he played foot- ball as . a record-setting quarterback for the Miami Hurricanes from 1951-1953 and coached football at the high school and college level from 1956-1992, Don James showed off his golf- ing skills at the Alderbrook Golf Course this week. James served as the ce- lebrity golfer of the second annual Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC) Golf Tournament on Monday. Prior to the tournament, James answered questions regarding his support of Love INC, his thoughts on Mason County, golfing with his wife Carrol and foot- ball. "Since I retired in '93, we've done a lot of tourna- ments," James said. "I get invited to just about every one. Coming in last year, I didn't know everything (Love INC was) doing. Now, if I dropped all of my chari- ties, I'd keep this one, if they kept inviting me back." Love INC of Mason County is a 501(c)(3) non- profit that mobilizes local churches to assist those in need. A phone center takes the calls of potential cli- ents whose needs are then verified. After verfication, Love INC assists its clients to the best of its ability to meet those needs. James said he and his wife were touched by Ma- son County last year and were glad to be back this year. "We're hoping this will be the Don James annual tournament," Golf Steering Committee Chairman Bill Kendrick said. James spoke about the Husky Stadium renova- tions and stated he was happy to see the work be- gin. He spoke about the state of the stadium when he was head coach: "If you sat in our west end zone, I don't know how you could see the games," James said. ',The tunnel was caving in and Carrol took the elevator to the press box every game; I wasn't sure she'd make it." Carrol James said the elevator would rock back and forth during the verti- cal journey. Don James spoke about the new coaches at UW and about the state of the football program at Wash- ington State University as well. "I like the new coaches (at UW) and we'll see a lot of home games," James said. "WSU has a pretty good coach who can move the ball and he's got some good quarterbacks. If he can get some protection, they'll do fine." Just before the tourna- ment began, Carrol James said she loves golfing with her husband. "He'll pick up right away Journal photo by Emily Hanson Former University of Washington head football coach Don James eyes the fairway of hole No. 1 at the Alderbrook Golf Course before teeing off on Monday during the second annual Love INC Golf Tournament. on what I'm doing wrong," she said. "My game im- proves from playing with him." She and her husband were so impressed by Love INC last year that they've spread the word about the organization. "Every time we go some place, we tell everybody about this place and this tournament," she said. Don James and his wife golfed with Drew MacE- wen and Rob Snyder and tied for second place in the non-hadicap division with a combined score of 61. The other second place team consisted of Bert Fisher, Joe Roberts0n, Gary Bur- leson and Mark Eichhorn. The winning non-hadicap division team was Mike Silvey, Frank Bartenetti, James Tibbetts and Mark Olson with a score of 56. In the handicap division, Jack Deiglmeier, Jay Deigl- meier, Keri Deiglmeier and Jerry Clausen tied for first place with the E1 Sarape Team (names not available) and the team that consisted of Jeff McHargue, Rebecca Jonas, Pete Skogstad and Jill Skogstad. Each of the three teams finished with a score of 50. The KP winner on hole No. 6 was Riley Lewis for the men with a distance of 10 feet, 7 inches whiIe Pam Ward won for the women with a distance of 3 feet, 5 inches. The KP winner for hole No. 12 for the men was from the E1 Sarape team with a distance of 9 feet, 6 inches and for the women was Cathy Moxley with a distance of 13 feet, 9 inches. Clausen won the KP on hole No. 6 for the men with a distance of 7 feet: 10 inches while Asue Barnes won for the women with a distance of 19 feet, 6 inches. The long drive winner for hole No. 11 was Rick Endicott for the men while Keri Deig!meier Segale won for the women. The closest to the line on hole No. 15 winner was Silvey for the men and Kim Pokela for the women. Finally, the long putt winner for the men was Tom Swift with a putt of 18 feet, 3 inches and Moxley with a putt of 6 feet for the women. "The tournament went well, the dinner was full and everybody seemed to have a good time," Kend- rick said. "Everything went very smoothly for us." Final numbers for how much was raised were not available by Tuesday. Golf Steering Committee mem- ber Virginia McCarty esti- mated the gross total, be- fore subtracting expenses, at $55,000. "What I thought was great was that we were still able to raise money from people out of the area who really believe in what we do and want to see Mason County helped," McCarty said. Most of the money do- nated to Love INC came from the Seattle area, a fact that McCarty attributed to Kendrick's connections in Seattle. "It really warmed my heart to see the Seattle peo- ple help out," she said. "The total is about where it was last year." From the funds raised at last year's tournament, Love INC was able to help 430 adults and 335 children in the Mason County'com- munity, Kendrick said. "It was a great day, the weather cooperated and we had a full course of golfers," McCarty said. SPORTSCALENDAR Monday 5:30 p.m. Shelton Kings football first practices for flag, minor, JV and varsity teams. Wednesday 5 p.m Shelton Sea Scout racing at Swantown Marina in Olympia Aug. 9 8 a.m. Junior Golf Tournament for ages 8-11 and 12-14 at Bayshore Golf Course 10:30 a.m. Junior Golf Tournament for ages 12-14 and 15-17 at Bayshore Golf Course To have items placed in the sports calendar, send information to Beast of Big Creek race on Saturday By EMILY HANSON Cody Williamson, then 15, was crowned the Beast of Big Creek last year. This year, Williamson may return to defend his title against other run- ners in the Beast of Big Creek 10K at 9 a.m. on Saturday. The race begins at Big Creek Campground in Hoodsport with 20K and 10K trail races available through the Olympic Mountains. The cost to participate for the 10K loop is $15 until tomorrow. The course is a single track dirt footpath and gravel road. The 20K Ellinor Summit and back race is limited to runners 18 and 01d- er. This loop will cost $20 until tomor- row. See to pre- register. A two-mile trail race for partici- pants 13 and under will be available for free. Day of race registration begins at 7:30 a.m. for an additional $5. Awards will be given out to the overall winner, who will be known as the Beast of Big Creek until next year's race. Other award categories include' master's and 10-year age in- crement winners. Williamson, an incoming junior at Shelton High School, won the race with a time of 42 minutes and 48 sec- onds last summer. The overall female winner was Dolores Montgomery, 46, of Port Orchard, with a time of 58:11. LOCALGOLFRESULTS Alderbrook Ladies' Golf July 24 & 26 -- Frank Ro- dia Tournament Division I: first gross, Gerry Lou Hazelwood; first net, Dee Bishop; second net, Re- becca Danielson; third net, Coralie Watters Division II: first gross, Alice Chapman; first net, Karen Dobson; second net, Kendra Warner; third net, Linda Creswell Division III: first gross, Linda Roberge; first net, Karen Laverdiere; second net, Sharon Defresne; third net, Pat Stobie 9-hole competition: first gross, Del Bailey; first net, Deb Anderson; second net, Peggy Willis; third net, De-' lories Barrett Bayshore Ladies' Golf July 24 -- Blackjack Flight 1: 1st, Toni Stevens; 2nd, Sue Ness Flight 2: 1st, Kaye Knud- sen; 2nd, Deb Rechnitz 9-holers: 1st, Lois Lemagie Least putts: Sue Ness Birdies: Luana Ellis, No. 8; • Pam Ward, No. 7 Bayshore Mens' Golf July 28-29 -- 44th annual Best Ball Tournament Gross: 1st, Joe Earl and Ryan Earl, 129; 2nd, Steve Demiero and Rick Endicott, 146 Net: 1st, Gary Burleson and Scan Burleson, 115; 2nd (tie), Jack Feeney and Jeff Feeney, Scott Way and Greg Harvey, 120; 4th, Steve Renecker and Tom Keeler, 122; 5th (tie); Ron Ellis and Paul Johannsson, 124 KP's Saturday: Thad Bam- ford and Jason Tannatt, No. 3; Brad Lowe and Kyle Lowe, No. 7 KP's Sunday: Bud Vogt and Richard Castle, No. 3; Jack Feeney and Jeff Feeney, No. 7 Lake Cushman Ladles' Golf July 25 First place team: Linda Sund, Joleta Smith, Ruby Issacson, Vickie World, 145 Second place team: Izzy Hobson, Bettie Shoop, Gloria Carlson, Linda Mi- chaels, 148 Third place team: Sam Bas- tin, Vickie Brazil, Blind, Blind, 151 Fourth place team: Diann Muller, Donna Davis, Mick- ie Ham, Blind, 153 Fifth place team: Evie Campbell, Carletta Klar- ich, Georgia Eliason, Judy Keiffer, 153 Sixth place team: Jerene Smart, Sharon Bennett, Betsy Sharp, Charlotte Gilj e, 158 Seventh place team: Char- lotte Ockerman, Molly Fra- zier, Marian Reed, Georgia Pedersen, 161 Closest to the pin: Linda Michaels, No. 4; Jerene Smart, No. 6; Izzy Hobson, No. 13; Linda Sund, No. 15 Chip ins: Charlotte Gilje, No. 11; Diann Muller, No. 5 Birdies: Gloria Carlson, No. 6 Lake Limerick Ladies' Golf July 23 -- Hidden Hole Flight 1: 1st, Joyce Reyn- olds, 22; 2nd (tie), MaryLou Trautmann, Robbi Alberts, 27; 3rd, Jeannine Jacob, 32 Flight 2: 1st, Bonnie Mor- row, 26; 2nd, Sharon Had- sall, 28; 3rd, Sharon Corri- gan, 35; 4th, Pat Derheim, 36 Pars: Bonnie Morrow, No. 1 Chip-ins: Joyce Reynolds, No. 9; MaryLou Traut- mann, No. 5 Low net of the day: Joyce Reynolds, 22 July 27 -- Low Putts-Low Net Flight 1: 1st, Joyce Reyn- olds, 35, low net; 2nd, Pat Zulfer, 38; 3rd, Jeannine Jacob, 40 Flight 2: 1st, Sharon Corri- gan, 13, 10w putts Pars: Sharon Corrigan, No. 10; Joyce Reynolds, No. 18; Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley, No. 10, No. 18 Chip-ins: Sharon Corrigan, No. 10 Low net of the day: Joyce Reynolds, 35 Lowputts: Sharon Corri- gan, 13 o Zumba Toning o Zumba Classes • Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming. Aerobics Classes . Tae Kwon Do Classes Every saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership o Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at • Racquetball • Tanning. Cardio • Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or emaU us; sac@hctc,com Check us out on the web at shelt°nathleticclub'c°m Hours: Mon-Fri 4'.30am-9pm o Sat & Sun 7am-3pm S LTON ATHLETIC Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012