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would like to thank all of
these wonderful business
and individuals for
providing prizes, gifts and
sponsoring a hole at our 3rd annual
"Tee up for Dogs," Golf Tournament.
Alderbrook Country Club-Shelton Pettit Oil-Aberdeen
Hood Canal Winery-Hoodsport Blondie's Restaurant-Shelton
Tumwater Valley Golf Course-Olympia Wittenberg CPA-Shelton
Oak Ridge Golf Course-McCleary Northwest Trucking Industrial-
Bill and Karen Kelley-Alderbrook Aberdeen
Don and Pauline Nichols-Lake limerick The Tax Man-Shelton
West Coast Bank-Hoodsport ACME Fuel-Olympia
USA Golf-Olympia South Sound Bank-Olympia
KRXY 94.5-Olympia Hood Canal Communication-
West Bay Auto Parts-Belfair Union
Hood Canal IGA-Hoodsport Transmissions Plus-Shetton
Lake Cushman Golf Course-Hoodsport ENB Logging Company-Chehalis
Bayshore Golf Course-Shelton CAF Consulting-Shelton
Olympic Golf Course & Country B&B Cabinetry-Broomfield, Colo.
Club-Olympia Auntie Em's Pet Grooming-
Lassley's Book Exchange-Shelton Shelton
Tozier's Hardware-Shelton NVO,.
Kenworth Northwest-Aberdeen
Arcadia Excavating-Shelton
The Optical Shop-Shelton
Pat Rabey Trucking-Aberdeen
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A young Shelton wom-
an fell from the fifth floor
into the lobby of the Little
Creek Casino Hotel Sum-
day morning.
Ashley Rene Martin, 24,
was airlifted to Harbor-
view Medical Center in So- tin fell. whether or not it was a sui-
attle where she later died During the course of the cide.
from her injuries, investigation, detectives Mason County Sheriff's
Mason County Sheriff's reviewed surveillance vid, Office Chief Deputy Dean
Deputies and Squaxin Is- eo and interviewed several B~ ~tid that Martin's
land Tribal Police" were witnesses, death remains under in=
called to the resort at They have preliminar- vestigation and toxicol-
about 11:15 a.m. Sunday ily ruled out any foul play ogy results are still pond-
morning shortly after Mar- and won't speculate about ing.
Man sh
self at Callanan Park
By KEVAN MOORE called police after finding a 48-year- The unidentified man was air-
old Shelton man with a self-inflicted HRed to Harborview MediCal Cen-
Shelton police responded to an at- gunshot wound to his head. ter in Seattle and is expected to
tempted suicide at Callanan Park on Shelton Police Chief Dave Eklund survive.
Sunday afternoon, said that the man was conscious and Chief Eklund said that the man
People in the park heard a gun-talking when emergency crews at- left a suicide note at his Mountain
shot at about 4:30 p.m. Sunday and rived. View home before the shooting.
Commissioners vote
Much to the chagrin of
Belfair business owners
who testified at a public
hearing on Tuesday, the
Mason County Board of
Commissioners voted to go
- ahead with an interim rate
ordmanco for the Belfair
Wastewater Project.
The interim rate ordi-
nance sets the standard wa-
tor consumption or Equiva-
lent Residential Unit (ERU)
at 155 gallons per day, a fig-
ure that county staff final-
ized late last week. ~ photo by Natalie Johnson
From July 1 until Decem- Mason County Commissioner Jerry Lingle
ber 31 this year, the cost to abstained from voting on an interim sewer or-
hook into the sewer for ex- dinanee that set the rates for the Belfalr Waste-
isting structures in Phase 1 water Project at a public hearing Tuesday in
of the project will be $3,000 Shelton. The Mason County commissioners
per ERU, meaning that voted to go ahead with the interbn ordinance,
businesses who use more which sets the standard water consumptionat
water than 155 gallons per 155 gallons per day per Equivalent Residential
day will pay more based on Unit.
their water usage.
Business owners from
Belfair have long been argu-
~ Jngthat theE~Urate is,set the connection ~harge will many groups - including
low, creatiDg high con- be $5,000 per ERU untilthe :North Mason Chamber
nection costs and monthlyDecember 31, 2012, after ofCommerco, the Port ofAl-
rates that will cripple eco- which the rate will increase lyn and the Mason County
nomic growth in North Ma-to $6,000 per ERU untilRealtors' Association -
son. the end of 2013 and then to have spoken out against.
"I see this ERU being $7,900 in 2014. "the worst thing that can
used basically as a yo-yo to The ordinance also estab- happen here is ff we're not
justify this heavy burdenfishes capacity and strength heard," said developer Jack
on the ratepayers,~ testi- charges, as well as the coun- Johnson, who has testified
fled Bob Harris from Bel-ty hook-up program, which at previous hearings that
fair. "rb_is ERU seems towill provide loans to resi- the sewer costs would drive
be tweaked and adjusted to dents to help with hook-up his laundry service out of
pay for...thisbafiofmoneycosts, business. =Give us more
we owe in cojnstruction costs Several business ownerstime so we can negotiate an
and debts." asked the county commis- agreement and take some of
For brand new business- sioners to take more time the rage out of this."
es to hook into the sewer, to evaluate the issue, which Port of Allyn Commis-
sioner Randy Neatherlin
testified that the ERU rate
needs to be changed to be
more competitive with sur-
rounding cities.
"Err on our side, please,~
he said. %Ve do our home-
work and at some point,
we're right, too."
Commissioners Tim
Sheldon and Lynda Ring
Erickson both stated that
the county would not make
money off the project and
that it would benefit Mason
County as a whole in the
long run.
"I firmly believe that Bel-
fair will be Mason County's
Silverdale7 Sheldon said.
"We as a commission don't
have much choice on this ...
I think that in the long run
this will be a huge improve-
ment in infrastructure.~
Commissioner Jerry Lin-
gle said he was not opposed
to the project, but ques-
tioned who was telling the
"Belfair is Mason County,
it's a part of Mason Cotua~,
but we all have" to" admit
that Belfair has sat in a
bubble for a long period of
time and that has to stop,"
he said. "I'm as confused as
anyone else about the ERU
... we need to take the an-
ger out of this [and] I don't
think we've got enough in-
Sheldon made the motion
to accept the interim ordi-
nance, which Ring Ericksen
seconded. They voted to go
ahead with the ordinance,
while Lingle abstained from
Port passes resolution restricting accesss to chambers
By NATALIE JOHNSON to work late, past regular business tion was unfairly directed at him.
hours, and an employee had to stay Commissioner Tom Wallitner
The Port of Shelton Commission late to lock up after him. originally suggested the resolution•
voted 2-0 Tuesday to approve reso- "So what are you going to do to"The reason I made the motion
lution 11-05, which restricts use of me if I choose to work late at night?~ was your behavior,~ he said. =I find
the commission chambers after busi- Miles said. "Commissioners haveyour manners and behavior unac-
ness hours unless an appointment is non-traditional work hours, we have ceptable."
made ahead of time. to make ourselves available when it Wallitner asked what Miles was
The resolution is a response to an is convenient to constituents.~doing in the office after hours?
incident several weeks ago in which Miles and several members in the "It's none of your damn business,"
Commissioner Jack Miles wanted audience complained that the resolu- Miles replied.
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