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August 4, 2011 |
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Candidates for city commissioner of finance
about their candidacy Thursday.
Mike Byrne,
left, and Mike
Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Olson give statements
Continued from page A-1
focusing on green energy and bringing
new, environmentally friendly, indus-
try to the port.
"Big timber is not coming back -- we
need to move with the times and move
into the 21st century," he said. =We
should have a major manufacturer here
at the port."
One question asked about whether
a commissioner would have a difficult
time adhering to rules of conduct. This
ostensibly refers to Miles' recent cen-
sure by the Port of Shelton Commission
for discussing confidential information
on blog websitos.
"I know what I do is the right thing,"
Miles said. "I don't let anyone influence
All three of the candidates also Candidates for Port of Shelton spoke at a candidate forum
spoke in favor of working with citizen hosted by KMAS last Thursday at the Mason County Public
advisory beards in the future. Works building.
"Anything that gives you citizen in-
put improves your ability to do your
job," Avery said.
"I believe Shelton is a desirable place promote air quality in the city.
Port candidates also commented on to live and work in" he said "I think the bottom llne is we need to
fiscal responsibility in local govern- Mike Byrne focused on financial is- do anything and everything to protect I I
ment. Miles stated his opinion on the sues, saying that he wanted to continue our environment," she said. PJUS bargain fables starting at 30% off
project to bnng city water to Johns his previous work at the city. , Pannell and Cronce also stressed
.... . ....
,.,-.~.~q~.. , of elected, officmls dont think, challen~n~ fiscallvo_ o ~, he~vjd.~,~..~., .... :.-... ,ii ,~:,On~,ofnkv~pr~olj~e~ s~il~ be te ftu~a~ :,
ahead,, he stud.. "They were all coordl%; ,.~ ~ " @~~ .... Shelton Mavor~ ,, tttable end reliable source of fuading for ~ e J~, In our bJo outdoor tents, ~op
natmg to bnng water up to Johns Prm- Dawn Pannell, Tracy Moore and Gary public safety," Pannell said.
rie for big biomass, now we're stuck Cronce -- closed out the program with Cronce said that he would work to e~r~ for the bestsele on, Allsales are final, No
with the bill." questions about public safety, streets ease restrictions on small businesses in refunds, no re,ms, no warra es, Allmefchandise
Each candidate agreed that the port and biomass, the city. While Cronce, who owns Case
should work aggressively in the future The three candidates for mayor an- by Case Jewelers in Shelton, said that
to attract new business, swered a question on their opinion of it is very hard to open a small business
"The Port of Shelton is the power biomass very differently in Shelton, Pannell and Moore suggest-
plant that powers the economy of Ma- Pannell declined to comment, citing ed that the difficulties were a product of
son County. We need to start it up," Av- an upcoming city vote on the proposed a poor economy worldwide and misun-
ery said. Solomon biomass burner at Simpson's derstood laws, respectively.
Candidates for City of Shelton Cam- Oakland Bay mill. Moore spoke on broadening historic
missioner of Finance Mike Byrne and "I am keeping an open mind," shepreservation in the city and promoting
Mike Olson only gave opening state- said. pride in Shelton.
ments to save time, and because their Cronce declined to comment as well, "We need to recognize the impor-
positions will not be on the Aug. 16 pri- but for another reason, tance of holistic relationships between
mary. "What's biomass? I don't know residences and the business commu-
Olson spoke about his desire to pro- enough to comment on that ... can I nity," she said. "We have a low self
mote historic preservation and down- pass?" he said. esteem in our city - if we expect more,
town revitalization in Shelton. Moore said that she would work to we'll get more."
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 4, 2011 - [
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