August 4, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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u...o. 0o. SJl I Fo,. C~dlfl
Offer Effective Aolust 1 st-31st, Soma Restrictions May Apply. Iflstallltion fees ap~ to new customers
Keeping our community connected
Relax. FREE Admission . Come touch Nature at...
Open 10:30AM-6:OOPM Tuesday-Saturdag, ll:OOaM-5:OOVM Sundap
Full Day Kindergarten & Grade 1
(combi,edcluss) (LIMIT 12)
*Washington State Approved School
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.,
Fiercely independent elders
meets in the Washington
Room. Contact Ray at 898-
2316 for more information.
2--3 p.m., Shelton Tim-
bedand Library presents
African Safari Family Pro-
gram, for children and fami-
lies. Don your safari gear
and visit deepest Africa. Go
on a lion hunt, meet a tricky
spider and other creatures,
and create beautiful Afri-
can-inspired art. This sum-
mer reading event is part of
a Timberland Regional Li-
brary district wide program.
For more information call
8 a.m.-2 p.m., Mason
County Historical site
fundraiser for the 1914
Grant School. This annual
bake and garage sale fund-
raiser is located on Com-
munity Club Dr. offPicker-
ing Rd. All proceeds go to
the school's preservation
11 a.m.-2 p.m., The
Friends of the Shelton Tim-
berland Library will hold
a book sale. Proceeds help
fund events and equipment
not covered in the library's
regular budget. For more in-
formation call 426-1362.
12-4 p.m., Flower Pow-
er Softball and Fast Pitch
Challenge at Callanan
Park, 400 West E Street,
Shelten, Summer Beautifi-
cation is enhanced by this
fun challenge with all pro-
coeds to benefit the Flower
Baskets. For additional in-
formation, call 490-4240.
1-8 p.m., Cancer support
group meets at Mason Gen-
eral Hospital. For more in-
formation call 456-8266.
S p.m., 1966 Irene Reed
Class Reunion at Little
Creek Casino in Shelton
Tuesday, Aug. 9
, Tramper Seas, a local
Good Sam RV Chapter, is
planning a two-night cam:
pout on August 9 and 10,
departing August 11, at
Bayshore RV Park at Toke-
land. If you are interested
in learning inore abeut our
chapter call 426-9217 for
more information.
11"~0 am., Mason Coun-
ty Multiple Sclerosis Sup-
pert Group monthly meet-
ing at El Sarape's, 318 W.
Railroad Ave., Shelton. The
meeting is open to those
that are interested. To ob-
tain additional information
please call Debby Zillmer at
12-1 p.m., North Mason
Kiwanis meeting in Belfair
Baptist Church basement.
The point of contact for
North Mason Kiwanis is Del
Morton 275-2523. This time
for second and fourth Tues-
12".3 p.m., Parkin-
son's Support Group meet-
ing will be at the Timber-
land Library in Shelton.
Caregivers, family, support
people welcome. For addi-
tional information contact
Rebecca at 426-6197.
6 p.m., Mason County
Optimist Club meets second
and fourth MoUday at Tay-
lor Town Station ,Restau-
rant, 62 SE Lynch Read.
7" 0 pan., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents
Outdoor Concert Series:
Forever Young, for all ages.
Listen to mature voices with
the rock and roll beat. It's
the Olympia Senior Choir.
For more information call
Wednesday, Aug. 10
1-8 p.m., Support Group
for Chronic Pain and Other
Invisible disabilities please
call for meeting schedule
and further information at
426-0900. They offer some-
thing every week, alternat-
ing weeks they have regular
meetings at the hospital
or local coffee get together
on opposite weeks every
3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents
Wii Rock Wii-nesdays, for
teens. Play Wii and other
games, watch movies and
have refreshments with
friends. Snacks and supplies
provided by the Friends of
the Shelton Timberland Li-
brary. This summer read-
ing event is part of a Tim-
berland Regional Library
district wide program. For
more information call 426-
7".30 p.m., Mt Mariah
Lodge No. 11, Masonic
Lodge stated communica-
tion meeting will be held
at Union City Lodge No. 27
Hall Valley Center N. 19331
Hwy. 101. Dinner will be at
6:30 p.m.
Habitat for Humanity names Barrish Volunteer of the Month
Habitat for Humanity of Mason
County would like to recognize Bret
Barrish for his dedicated efforts of vol-
unteering for all the activities -- large
and small -- that make it possible for
Habitat to fulfill its mission to "build
affordable quality housing in Mason
County." Barrish has a determination
and willingness to serve that is excep-
tional and Habitat is very grateful to
have him on the team.
This is a partial list of projects Bar-
rish has worked on: 2010 and 2011
ing, 2010 Allyn Days, Mason County
Fair, Oysterfest in addition to helping
with houses 18 and 19. Barrish is cur-
rently managing the rehabbing of the
Euclid House (No. 21) in Shelton and
patiently working through the permit-
ting process while helping the Albright
family in fulfilling their sweat equity
requirements. He provides office sup-
pert when needed, assists with groups
of volunteers, provides the Board with
information via presentations and
does all this while attending classes at
Courtesy photo
Annual Spring Tea, Volunteer Rec- Evergreen College. Habitat for Humanity of
ognition Picnic, 4th of July fireworks Habitat staff said Bret Barrish is a Mason County recently -"
stand, Shelton Store grand reopen- valuable asset to Habitat for Hum a~- recognized,Bret Barrish as its
ing (photo above), Belfair S~re 0pen.-., ity and the Mason:Co~.c0mm~yi ' Voluntemr of, tllua Month.
Continued from page A-1
lunch bunch would appre-
ciate a small donation of
around $3. So, for a great
lunch with a great group of
people, make your way to
the hall on the Aug. 10.
Don't forget the Farmer's
market will be going on
at its regular time while
the rummage sale is going
on. One of the long-time
vendors is Summerhill
Their 30-acre farm is lo-
cated on Hwy 3 about a
quarter mile before reach-
ing Deer Creek as you
head to town. They have
been selling at the market
for some 10 years. They
bring fruits and vegetables
grown on their farm along
with plants, shrubs, trees
and garden starts. And I
know from experience that
if you have any gardening
questions, they have the
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:~0 a.m
Christian Education ................. 9:45 am
Traditional Worship .............. ll:00 am
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427 3165.
Grace Baptist Church
... for t~ f,,ith of t~ ~os~!
Times of ~rvi~s:
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting..._ 7 p.m.
~m GriMe Bldg, 0a ~,m I~p Rd.
Contact us:
Mailing address:
PO Box 1025. Shdlon, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 462-1611
~,gbcsheltoa org
L/st~ 0n
S"~ql 9:30- lO:OOm
0 0
Sund~vMor~B~Studv 9:30t~. 728 Rdlroad Ave,
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 4, 2011
Christ Lutheran Church
3701 NE Northshore Road. Belfair, WA 98528-9434
(360) 275-3354
Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.
Childcare: 360-275-0499
St, David's of Wales
A lgo~e w~re all ore welcome
324 W. Cedar St.• Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire B[mll
website: clcbelfiar@mac.corn 9:15 Conversational Bible Study 5o E. Seattle St., Union 98592
Office phone: 426-8472 360-898-7855
I ........... " ...... " .... "' .... = ]
I Refreshed - Restored - Renewed xo426-8461 • .4 C~r~t-telrtered C~a'ch 0 SII~III~,WA I
I ., Rivers of Grace
i .fieF/InPoin?CmeArPm I • i :IV (3 0) 4 '- 8611 /
I Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m. i • ! i lt'= qt \ .i
]SeniorCentero926WRaikoadave I • iNII .................................................. •
youth ~. AWANA K-S. Adu~ Cleaes & Brian Weinl~,rger ~ ~ or~~il~ " (~J~7 " "
i 438-8531 , i. jum~epm E,_~~ ' B¢ian Weinbmger WWW~ or~11~ " ~T" "
Come as you arc! arc .dcou el
1/2 Mi. up Bt. i 19 out of l-hnMsport
Stmday Worship- l(k m
United Mt kadi,t Chmh