August 4, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursdays group, Saint David's Epis-
Noon and 5:30 p.m., At-copal Church Call 427-
coholics Anonymous, 1256831
West Cota Street Noon, 5:30 and 7:30
5 p.m., AA, New Corn- p.m., AA, 125 West Cota
munity Church of Union Street
office, 310 Dalby Road,6:30 p.m., Celebrate Re-
Suite 3 covery, 419 Railroad Av-
5:30 p.m., Overeaters enue. Childcare provided.
Anonymous, Mason Gen- Ca11426-8461
oral Hospital, Washington 7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport
Room Library
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth8p.m.,NA, EllinorRoom,
Anonymous, The Right Mason General Hospital,
Path, North 80 Tribal Cen- 901 Mountain View Drive
ter Road.
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's Saturdays
Episcopal Church, Third10 a.m., Overeaters
and Cedar streets Anonymous, Saint David's
7 p.m., Friends of BillChurch
W. Chapter at Hood Canal Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA,
Community Church, 81 125 West Cota Street
Finch Creek Road, Hood-7 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
sport mous, Ellinor Room at Ma-
8 p.m., Narcotics Anony- son General Hospital, 901
incus, Mountain View At- Mountain View Drive
liance Church, 314 East J 10 p.m., The Point Is,
Street Easy Does It, 125 West
Cota Street
11 a.m., NA, United Sundays
Methodist Church 1900 8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and
King Street 7:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Noon, At-Anon family CotaStreet
9:30 a.m., NA, PUD Hall, Street
Third and Cota streets
3 -- 5 p.m., Freedom inTuesdays
Recovery, New Horizons 6:30 p.m., AA open meet-
Church, 307 East F Street ing, Hoodsport Library
4- 6 p.m., Gateway to 10 a.m., At-Anon Step
recovery at Gateway Chris- study AFG at St. David's
tian Fellowship, 405 S. 7th Episcopal Church 324 W.
Street Cedar Street
4:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport 7:15 p.m., Narcotics
Library for women only Anonymous, Mountain
6:30 p.m., Crystal MethView Alliance Church, 314
Anonymous, Spinners Gone East J Street
Straight, St. David's Epis- 7 p.m., Depressed Anon-
copal Church, 324 West Ce- ymous, at the Mason Gen-
dar Street eral Hospital, 901 Moun-
tain View Drive
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA,
125 West Cota Street
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Belfair's New
Hope, Belfair Community
Baptist Church
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third
and Cedar streets
7 p.m. Narcotics Anony-
mous, Mountain View Al-
liance Church, 314 East J
7 p.m. AA, Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation
Center, 2430 North 13th
9:30 a.m., A1-Anon fam-
ily group,. Skokomish In-
dian Assembly of God, 1925
Highway 101
11 a.m., Narcotics Anon-
ymous, United Methodist
Church, 1900 King Street
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Spinners Gone
Straight, St. David's Epis-
copal Church, 324 West Ce-
dar Street
7 p.m., NA at Mountain
View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street
The 25th Anniversary
SummerFest will be held
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on
Saturday, Aug. 20, at Har-
mony Hill. Speakers in-
clude author and parenting
expert Foster Cline talk-
ing about his new book,
"Parenting Children with- .....
Health Issues.e Harmony
Hill Founder Gretchen
Schodde will talk about
Harmony Hill's new book
"One Hill, Many Voices:
Stories of Hope and Heal-
ing." Cobie Whitten will
lead a talk on survivorship
and local expert Deanna
Minich will speak about
Other events include
a panel to field a discus-
sion about innovations in
healthcare, free massages,
free Tai Ji and tours. All
events are flee. Box lunch-
es will be for sale. All pro-
ceeds will benefit the can-
cer program at Harmony
Unless otherwise noted, all events
take place at the Mason County Senior
Activities Center at 826 W. Railroad
Ave. The Shelton senior center hours are
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through
Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on
Friday. The center's telephone desk
(426-7374) is closed for lunch from noon
until 12:30 p.m.
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga
9-11 a.m., intermediate/advanced
line dancing
9-12 a.m., EZ Crai~rs
10:30--11:30 a.m., . blood pressure
10:45 a.m., Zumba class
Noon lunch: fish cakes
12:30 p.m., bridge - sign up the day
I p.m., bingo
2 p.m., treats from Fir Lane
The center is closed during the day --
member activities outside of the center
will take place:
9:15 a.m., Friday walkers (meet at
Huff and Puff Park)
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,MCSAA mem-
ber picnic
Noon, MCSAA member movies at
Shelton Cinema
6-9 p.m., Washington Old Time Fid-
dlers will be playing at the center, this is
open to the public.
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi
9 a.m., beginning line dancing
10 a.m., intermediate/advanced line
11 a.m., traveling with portable oxy-
Noon, lunchl Swiss steak
12:30 p.m., gameday
i p.m., pinochle and beginning water-
color and drawing class
2 p.m., treats from Capital Place
Foot care by appointment
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga.
9-11 a.m., intermediate/advanced
line dancing
9 a.m.-i p.m., sewing circle
10:30 a.m., information and assis-
tance, Merridee Anderson, LMT, AAA
10:45 a.m., Zumba class
11 a.m., music by Evelyn Trenck-
Noon lunch: kitchen choice
12:30 p.m., bridge sign up day before,
double deck pinochle
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi
9 a.m., beginning line dancing
10 a.m., intermediate/advanced line
11 a.m., music by Evelyn Trenckmann
Noon, lunch: BBQ pert sandwich
12:30 p.m., game day
i p.m., pinochle
M~ bna" g in tgu ad ~ recei~ ~e~c~ Offer e~jres ~31n 1. ............ ~,~
Foui" Stars
"/'he News Td~ne'
Call for Parties, ~.,~,.o~
Meetings, Receptions FRESH
Va ety of
Occasion Lunches DALLY wi~ Chef Xinh T, Dwdey's Asian Twist
g60) 427-8709 • for Supper Tuesday.Saturday
Downtown Shelton Comer of 3rd and West Railroad X i
Come See Our 1st-Run
LakeLand V'dlage
Cowboys & Aliens
Dally 4:15, 7:00pm
Additional SI)Ows
FN-Sas 9:20pro
~-Sun 2:01~m
F~-'I3~ 6:45pm
• s~rm! ~wl
] FrI-SIt 9:15prn
Wed-Thur 4:00, 6:45pm
, XUXAYS FIEW~ Ig~ e gin. OF m~ •
FR,.8/5 - THURI, 8/11
than no ad at all
Sheriff - Casey Sallsbuw
Prepared by:
Date: August I, 2011 Detective William
Bulletin#: 1 !-38
The Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasing the following inlbrmatinn pursuant Io RCW 4.24,.¢~J~ m~l tl~e Washington Slate Supreme
Court decision in ~ wl~deh ambodzes law en fo~ment agencies to inform the public of a sex offenders release when; in the
discretion of the agum,'y, the release of informatiun will enhance public safety and protection. The individual who appears on this notification
has been convicted of a sex offense that requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the count)' of their residence. Further, their previous
criminal history places th¢~ in a c~msificafiou level which refl~ts the putentlal to re-offend. This sex offender has se~ed the sentence
imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Shuriff's Office that he vail he living in the location below. HE IS NOT
IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County SherifPs Office has no legal ambority to
direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this offender is coestitutiunully free to live wherever
he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't until passage of the Community Prot~'tiou Act of 1990
(which mandates sex off~nde~ registration) that law enforcement even knew where they were living. In many cases, law entbrcement is now
able to share that information with you. Citizm abttse of this infommtiun to threaten, intimidate or harass rngistered .sex oI~det~ till uot be
tolerated. Further, such abuse could putentielly end law en foreement's ability to do community notifieatinns. We believe the only person
who wins if community no~ificalien ends is the sex offender, since sex offenders derive their power through secrecy.
If YOU have say infer---*t- . mardin~ entreat ert.d" .... I ~e~ of this or any ~her o~'~nd~ nlea~e nail 91 !
For other sex offender in~ormalion, • " •
"WHITE MALE - DOB: 09/18/66 - 6'02" - 215 LBS.
THOMAS GIBSON is a Transient Sex Ofl~der t~m 2~../2010 and is required
to regist~ ariel" pleading guilty on 2/28/1991 to both Attempted Child
Molestation I St Desree and Indecent Exposure, Mason County Superior Court
number 91-1-00094-8. The Attempted Child Molestation conviction
stems from GIBSON at age 23 sexually assaulting an 8 year old little boy he
knew, while ,qayin4~ at the victim's The Indecent Exposure conviction
gems from GIBSON exposing himself to an adult female neighbor and her
young children. In 1991, GIBSON was reported to be ,sexually maladj.usted,
sexunlly a88ressive, end at risk for further sexual assaults. On 8/26/1993
GIBSON pied guilty to Communication with a Minor for Immoral Purposes.
Mason County Superior Court cause number 93-1-00095-2. This conviction
gems from GIBSON sexually assaulting a known 7 year old little boy on Ibm
to five coon, duns. On 02/27/01, GIBSON pied guilty to Failing to Register as a
Sex Offender, Thurston County Sepenur Court cause number 01-1-0000925-I.
On I0/11/01, GISSON pied 1o Failing to Register as a Sex Offender, Mason
County Superior Courl cause number 01-1-00200-7. Also, GIBSON diseinsed
that ~.aga 24 he attempted to rape an 8th or 9th grade girl. GIBSON also
admit~l to fantasies of rape. lle stated that he likes to peep into windows and
waeh women undress; and also admitted to many incidents of e.xposing
himself to others from his hedroom window or while peAcd in a car. Duc to all
of the above factors GIBSON is considered a HIGH RISK. Dun to being
Transient for over a year, we ere re-notiCing the public. Thomas GIBSON is
assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Office as a ~ This is
the highest level given to a Sex Offender, mending that the ,subject is at a
HIGH RISK to re-offend.
GIBSON hu ~Jven hls status within Mason County as:
Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA
County Journal - Thursday, August 4, 2011 - Page B-3