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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE TO THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ,d- :ounty Correspondence LAKE CUSHMAN NOTES PICKERING Mrs. C. Berry and children of Fredson Brothers&apos; Camp, near Shel- ton, spent a few (lays here last week the guest of Mrs. J. Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. George Vamlerpool have as their guest Mr. Vande, rpool's brother and wi:fe of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. line entertain- ed SaLurday evening a number of their friends in imnor of Mr. Lee's mother of Seattle. Mrs. Fern Weston md daughter, Mrs. Clarence LaLh'tm and son, Mrs. 1. P. Simpson and Miss Mayme Simpson were Shelton shoppers Fri- day• Miss l,ouise Simpson of Potlateh was a lffke caller one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Weston and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence La- ,ham and son, aml Miss Newt Shelton picnicked at  " e Camp Bide-a-We. on Hoods Canal Cunday Miss Nova Shetton of Shelton visit- ed with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Latham several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rounds, Mrs. Clay Berry, Miss Alta Russell and Mr. J. Dunham were clam digging at Eagle Creek Sunday. Mr. Fred Short spent the week end in Seattle. Mrs. Van(lerpool, who has been on the sick list is reported better. Mrs. W. T. Putnam was a lake caller Tuesday morning. Mr. Ed Ludlow spent a few days tn Tacoma last week. Dr. Burly of Seattle is here doing dental work. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bernier, Mrs. E. Bourge and spn of Waldron and Mr. W. A. Callahan picnicked at Big Creek Sunday. S H E L T O N INDEPENDENT TEMPORARY Daily Schedule Leave Shelton-- Leave Olympia 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a. m. 8:00 p.m. 6:00 p. m. Temporary change in ,'schedule and increase made necessary by detour via MeCleary. THROUGH FARE $2.00. Leaving Shelton from Ho,l Shelton. Phone 42l. Leaving Olympia from Braeger's Place. Phone 27 THOMPSON & DUNBAR Owners and Operators Birthday parties are eomin$r into fashion ae'ain even if you are not exactly in your teens. Mr. Ehner Wise gave a party Sunday in honor of his wife, Fief encCs birthday and p'resented her with a beautiful set of dishes. Tim guesl enjoyed a chicken dhmer with :dl i:te :fixinys, nnd later in the af- tel'noon the, ever welcome hot wea- ther refreshments, ice cream and cake, were served. Amon- those present weJ'e: Mr. and Mrs. Imnce Wiss and tinnily; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wise; Mr. and .Mrs. Ira IAbby; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C,. Nelson; Mr. l,ee Hasten; Miss H eIena Hasten; Miss Phyllis Libby ::tlld Master l,awrence Libby. Miss Phyllis remained as a guest of her Aunt Florence for the week. Mrs. Phoebe Hasten went to 01ym- pia on the Arrow Friday to visit her son Alec Huston. She will at- tend the Chautauqua .while there. Mr. H. E. Taylor lel't Friday morn- ing for Seattle via hmnch Arrow for a week end visit to his wife, return- ing Monday evening by the Bremer- ton stae. Mrs. Etta Evans went to Tacoma Friday to attest1 a garden party iven by her friend, Mrs. E. C. Rich- rds Friday afternoon. Her son Rob- ert accompanied her. Mr. Werberger's sister, Mrs. Lud- wig of Auburn, and Mrs. Jerrup of Montana were visitors from Thursday to Monday. Mrs. Jornoske of Roy, Wash., Icame Sunday for a weel's visit. Mr. Werberger gave a clam bake on Barnes beach for his sister and friends and they didn't go home till morning. The launch "Bug" belonging to Elmer' Wiss was sold Thursday to Lee Carlson of Jarrell's Cove. Mrs. J. W. Clark and' her daugh- ter, Mrs. Etta Evans were visitors at the Werberger home Thursday afternoon. The Misses Edna and Esther Wiss called at their brother Elmer's hem{ Monday evening.  The launch "Arrow" made her last trip Friday, July 29th The run will be taken by the !aunch "Mar- garet", from Grant to Olympia, 7 a. m. and 3 p. m. Tuesdays and Sat- urdays, beginning- August 2nd. Mrs. Francis Green left Thursday morning on the stage to go to her husband, Mr. Chas. Green, who has obtained a position in Bremerton. Mr. aml Mrs. Green occupied the home of Mrs. Green's brother, Ralph Nelson while they were away on r trip to Los Angeles. g of boosting, why not all do a little boosting" for this neilvhborhood. Come on, folks. Ev- erybody grab a root and pull for Penn's Cove and Pickering Passage. We have the best soil and climate i and location of any part of, the state There isn't anything you can't raise evcn--. Well, I don't know of but ) one thing that dtesn do well an(1 tlhat is alfalfa, and you can't grow that successfully anywhere west of the Caseades. Chi!dren, chickens, calves, cows, cats, carrots and corn row like weeds here and you know $100 Rvard,$100 how they :row. So evel,whody get Catarrh is a local disease eatly lnflU- busy and let's make this the best anted by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat- place in the state to live in. mont. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sye. " tern. HALL'S CATARRH MDIClN ! destroys the foundation of the disease, SHELTON VALLEY / gives thepatlent strength by lmprovmB the general health and assists nature la I J doing its work. $100.00 for any case o| %" CAarrh that HALL'S CATARRH The young foks gave a (lance at DICIN) fails to cure. the hall Saturda.,- night in honor of Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Chenoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Miss ,Olive Shafer. A good sized i 00'XRSHARI' rifled tip. Lead is held  firmly by the tip and Irk is finely grooved as it  passes through. l The ]rip of the tip l wiIl not sh'p. ill Get EVeR- ill SHARP from our rail complete stock today. Ill Made in many styles [ and sizes. YourEVER- I! SHARP iS here. 1 A price for everypurae. 50c to $65.00. [ Sold by Journal Statmnery Shop PEERLESS HARKET crowd from Shelton anti outside com- mnnities attended and all had a jolly good time. Miss Alma Bennett, Vearl Bennett and Clifford Wivell of Isabella Valley called at the Shafer home Sunday morning• H. A. Winsor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Iennett and son, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Shelton, Harry Shelton and son aml E. B. Robinson of Shelton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson at Camp 1. J. F. Bennett and family and Miss Olive Sharer called at the J. C. Car- man home Sunday afternoon. The Huntley family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson at their summer camp on' the river• H. A. Winsor and E. B. Robinson made a business trip to Tacoma last Tuesday in the letter's car. Don't forget the date of the big dance, given by the Grange; it's August 20th. AGATE @ (Too late for last week) The Agate community was Sadden- ed by the news of he death of Mrs. George Bertalot who was once a neighbor here and one of our good workers in the Grange. She died at Bule, Idaho, July the 21st. Miss Evie Kjome of Seattle is vis- iting with the Misses Whaley. The Grange Aid met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Chas. Wiss and talked Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman were Tuesday evening callers at the Mar- tin Johnson home. TRIBUTE TO THE COW "The cow is a most wonderful lab- oratory. She takes the grasses of the pasture, and the roughage of the field, and converts them into the most perfect food for man. In. that food there is a mysterious something which scientists have found essentaai to the .highest health of' the human race, and which can be found no- where else. Men have sought for centuries the fabled Fountain of Youth. The nearest to that fountain which has yet been discovered is the udder of ,the cow. Without her milk ildr lamguish, the vigor of the ,j adUlt declines, and the vitality of the I|hUman race runs iow/'Frank O. illegal--. ilfor livestGek. L' Foul atar k a good SEATTLE MAN DROPS DEAD AT WHEEL OF CAR r TURNS CAR INTO BANK AT PRE- / MONITION William A. McDonahl of Seattle, associated with the Whiton Hardware company, dropped dead at the wheel at' his autoombile while driving along Olympic highway twelve miles north of Hoodsport Wednesday afternoon. Heart failure was the cause ef deatla. Apparently feeling the attack com- ing on, MeDonahl drove his ear into the bank where it stopped without damage. Mrs. Mcl)onahI was in the machine with her husband. l)c'ceased was forty year of age. The b(uly was tal<en to Bremerton and shipped to Seattle. No. 1711. SUlYI::O:N'- B" UTCATIO:N OD lhe -;ap,q'ior Cool't of the Slate of V¢:lShillgLt,ll ill aiD'] for the Coullty o[ ]%1 seen. ALIII!IlUI' C. LOtLD, l:'htiltlff, V]C)LET IV]. LOll'l)(,fen(htnt. The state of ,Vast]ington: To the said Violet M. Lord. l)efcnda.nt: YOU ale ht!l'(!hy sllnlnloll(!d to appelLr withitl sixty (60) (lay:3 alter the date of the first ptlbllcation of this sum- mons, towit, witiin sixty days after the agth day of July, 192'1, and defend the above entitled action iu the above entitled court, slid answer tile eom- plaint of the l)latntiff, and serve a copy of your assayer upon the under- signed attorney for l)laintiff at his of- fice below stated; and In ease of your failure so to do, judgment will he ren- dered against you according to the de- mand of the complaint, which has been filed wHh tim Clerk of said Court. The object of the above entitled ac- tion is to obtain a decree of divorce by the plaintiff against the defendant on the ground of abandonment. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office Address: Stel- ton, Mason County, Washington. -29-9-9-7t. OTICE 'O - tIDS O - UIV'DING CO--UNITY IALV-  SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER S. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 8 will consider bids for the building of a community hall in said district. Di- ) mensions to be 36x56. t lane and speci- fications will be found at the office of the County Superintendent of Mason County at tie Court House in Shelton, and at the home of Johr Olsen, Clerk ! of School District :No. 8. The bids will be opened at 10 a. m. on Saturday, August ]3, by the Board of Directors of said County. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Directors. , JOHN OLSEN, Clerk of School District No. 8. First Notice. 7-29-8-5-12-3t .... FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 192I' i i ...... ii Ii y,,., .oaro [ Oh, I long for th'--, Disc----e" where I played I +'**** | when a child, # [ [ In the shade of the Sumach on the .I. .:.[ hill, ....... :vJr anti vlrs t,nas w"'i--s, with ,I Where the.rabbits..,and the birds and all • "  "" creatures w]lo sixteen other friends met at Elmer] Found a home and a shelter near I Wiss' last Sunday in honor of Mrs. I .... tlo mill. ..... Ehner Wiss' birthday. All enjoyed on, ne gentle Durr-r of tne pie gray themselves very much and Mrs..Wins I And"tim song of the rippling stream: was presented with a set of dishes, A solace of rest to the tired luman 61 pieces will, ... ..'. .. . . •  I And lift! becomes it dream I.IISS PAtna wise anti irlenos re- I " " turnell fronLtheir camping trip Sun-loi, take me back to the place where (ay niM,t and staved at the Chas. . 1 played. . ..... .' ' -' rl -- m-rnin [ In 1.lie slla(le o1 /le sumaci ON the TlSS )tome un{]l lues(ly O g" I hill" Men(lay afternoon they went to Spen- [ To the qtlesiton in the eyes of the un- cer I_,aice for a swim and from there went to Elmer Wise' for dinner. The l.;hner Finches, Matthes, and Jacobys went to Spencer Lake Sun- (hey for a picnic and swim. Mrs. Sb)tsbery and Mrs. Jacoby went to Tacoma li'riday and returned Saturday. Mrs. DJg,cs stayed at the jnc.oby home while they were gone to look after th chil(lren. Mrs. Lena Banks came up from Tacoma Saturday night to visit her dau.qters, Mrs. Ry Daniels and Mrs. (leo. Wiss. Wesley Banks came with her. Edwm'd Whaley and Elsworth Hil- ton arc, home frmn the berry fields. They were too late for raspberries and too early for blaekberrms. Earl Harriman had the misfortune to lose his launch, the "Dix" by fire. It burned to the water's edge Mon- day night. Miss Esther Wiss was home for a few clays this week. Mrs. Martin Johnson and Mrs. Joe Parsons called on Mrs. J. McIntosh Tuesday. A. L. Peterson and E. I. Meacham had a load of shingles arrive this week. A. A. Listen and Alfred were dinner guests at Wm. Dariels' Sun- clay. I Jarvis Baldwin went to Tacoma one day last week• ! The State Bee Inspector was 4 around last week and gave some VmT valuable instructions. Finches were callers at La Rocques last Friday evening. The Vanderwall boys were callers at La Rocques one evening this week. Mrs. Earl Harriman called on Mrs. Mead recently. Mrs. Gordon McKay of Shelton Valley 'called on Mrs. Diggs Sunday. dismayed, And the larks' insistent trill. The road has been so long and r, uogh,. The pathway o'er the h|l£ so steep,. And th'ed nature can relax enough Only in the last sweet sleep. Oh, then may I ret, iq the last swee. sleeP, In the shade of the sumach on the,,. hill; And the shy, wiRi creatures will softly" creen O'er my grave, near the old gray mill;: And tho streanl will r, lurmur a requienl deaE As I rest, Ill a dl'ealllless sleep: And the burr-r of the old gray mill so, near Vqll constant vigil keep. -- Hattie L. Inman. Soil building is a pro'cess requiring consistent and long continued rather than spasmodic effort. Truck and Transfer MOVING TONNAGE GENERAL HAULING PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES JOHNSON & WIVELL PHONE 161, SHELTON A RARE TREAT is our delicious, pure, full- flavored ice cream. "The melt-in-your-mouth k i n d," you know. Men like it as well as women, and that's saying a lot. All pure fruit flavors. A real and rare treat to friends on a ward day or evening. A quality cream made right. PAULSON'S SOFT DRINK STORE bWaahO says that tires wha] the people want CITAIN TREAD "/'OST everybody knows the They pay a net pricenot "some- One of tho few tires of which it may be said that .L¥1 easy-going sort of man who thing off list" that may not mean they deliver economy never takes a tire seriously until he anything in the first place., year in and year out and tire after tire. gets a blow-out. They get fresh, live tires, bein The U. S. Chain Trssd gtve eUfficient traction How long he wiU resist universal made and shipped while thin mes- on all ordinary road sur- tire education is a question, sage is being written, faces. It ie probably ths handsomest, and by all But this is sure-- No matter where they live there's odds the most popular, of the whole U, S. ICabric Ttre line. More people are finding out every a nearby U. S. Dealer with /u' day that between leaving things nearby U. S. Factory Branch. I to luck and getting tea/economy U.S. Tires keep mowing. there is a big difference. No opportunity to get old and Many a car-owner has come to dried out. No shifting here and there Un[ St00t00s U. S. Tires because he couldn't afford trying to find a market. to keep on payin that difference. .SF  S Every U. S. Tire a good tire, Probably seven out of ten users wherever you find it anywhere in U.S. USCO TREAD of U. S. Tires came to them only after they'd had enough of "dis the country. . - U.S. CHAIN TREAD counts", "bargain offers", "clearance B¢cwe the U. S. policy is a ood sales of surplus stocks" and other policy that serves the ca:r-owner all U.S. NOBBY TREAD similar appealS, the time. U. IS. ROYAL CORD They have found economy--and Doing the very best for him that .S.RED & GREYTUBES they stick to it. human good faith can do. P i:; y nited State, s ited States Rubber Company WALLACE JOHNSON MOTOR CO SHELTON, WASH. HOOD CANAL MERCANTILE CO. PoT-; WASH. DICKINSON'S GARAGE H00DSPORT, WASH. / CARL JACOBSON ESTATk  ATLOCK, WASH. ' I ,r..:" :-Wa "- "; /