August 5, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 5, 1921 |
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...... "" FRIDAY/AUGUST 5,2
...... [I I' I'lrl illillrllr i iii] ..... i i il"[ I'"ir'l i[l'llll]ilrii"ll ........... ' ' ........... :
" .i v i i Hill lilll I' " r " ' Illill i III I i I II I II I Ill
GItANT C. ANGLE & SONS, Publishers
• laterl u second-cls matter at the postofltee at Shelton, 'ashlngton
Published overy Friday morning.
Subscription: DomesUe, $2per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance
(All papers discontinued one month after delinquency)
So far in thi year of 1921 conditions in nearly
all lines of industry and business have been unsatisfac-
tory all over the country and it may be doubted if
anywhere there has been profit in operations. Nei-
ther has labor profited overmuch, except where skilled
workers have be,.m able to maintain their high wages
.,without re,t:ricted time.
In fact, there has been a general marking of trine
during the readjustment period while the individual as
well as the industry has been "subsisting on its fat" and
making'little demand for new material. Naturally such
unhealthy condition has brought no good to anyone, and
none have been able to escape the adverse influence. This
• has been largely due to the state of the public mind and
whenever the individual collectively decides to make a
move forward--presto, the "boom" is on.
It is safe to assert that the bottom has been reached
and conditions ripe for this collective moving. The bulk
of old stocks has been moved; old foods are cleaned out,
and the farm and industry are now facing a universal de-
mand for the new, and this demand must start the wheels
of industry moving generally to care for the needs of the
people. In most lines the lowest price levels have al-
ready been reached and we need not be surprised to find
the trend of prices upward in the near future. In fact
this trend is already noted in products of the farm, which
were the first to feel the slump and suffer from the re-
stricted demands.
For best results the backbone needs to be more prdm-
lnen t than the wishbone.
Mason County has not fared worse than in other sec-
tions; in fact has enjoyed some advantages, and Shelton
has been particularly favored. Lumbering, still the main
source of our circulating medium in this county, has not
been entirely closed during the summer, and in Shelton
improvements have kept the local crews at work, while
more business buildings have been built than for the pre-
vious eight years, keeping home labor employed. During
:August all the larger logging operations are expected to
resume, and our troubles locally will be over.
The substantial advance made' in Shelton in the build-
ing way, and the frequent purchase of home properties,
should offer encouragement for the future and stimulate
others to take advantage of the lull now to profit by
later adyances, and to build new homes: That lumber,
materials or labor, or any one of the building items, will
be cheaper than at this time, is most unlikely, and that
living from this time forward will slowly advance is in-
dicated by the signs.
With a good foundation, a sound credit and price and
wage approaching their proper level, Shelton and Mason
County is ready to "go."
There may be two sides to criticsm, but either side
acts as a "bracer."
We talk about hard times in this country, yet when
conditions are compared with those abroad, we are in
comparative affluence. It has come to this in America--
we don't know when we really are well off. We have
coddled and humored ourselves, have demanded so many
things as necessities that used to be regarded as luxuries,
that we have lost our perspective. We know little about
economy or sensible living. Instead of making any at-
tempt at retrenchment, most of us want to go right on ex-
tending ourselves. When the whole country goes on a
"jazz" like this, something is bound to happen. It did
happen and now we are trying to patch up the machinery
and get 'er going again. But we will have to forget
"jazz" for a while and get down to brass tacks which
means in the main--work and save.--Washington State
The facts that are coming to light in' regard to th.e
government shipbuilding program almost stagger belief.
According to the new chairman, A. D. Lasker, the
Shipping Board went through $680,000,000 for the year
ending June 30, 1921. And now the board is asking $300,-
000,000 as a deficiency appropriation.
Lasker says the total expenditures of the board are
hard to estimate due to "the deplorable state of the books
which, if kept for the specific purpose of cloaking fraud,
could not have been better. One thing is certain, there
ICAUTION IClassified AdS!Fo; " REW00RD : FINE :HOME PROPERTY ' ' : '
, lu rnv ra l rlnn[ ......... __ information leading to the arrest
'and conviction of persons "rustling" Newly built' and finely finished,
ARDENS ADVISE THE PUBLIC[ ADVERTISINGRATES cattle belonging to the undersigned, modern bungalows; seven rooms, two,
WHAT IS EXPEC'IED [ 5 cents a line (six words) in J. G. MaeRae, A. H. Eells, J. Egmis- lots; corner Fh'st and Pine streets.
OF rHEM ' I classified columns. Minimum ton, O. Aubol, Wm. McDowell, W.A. For price and te*'ms apply of Mrs..
Th ......... ._.--- , ;, , ] charge 25c; twice for 40 cents; Hunter and O Bishop. Ida Donaldson." 8-12-3L
. e ct,u.y are war<tens, now xna three times for 50 cents. 10 7-8-tf
the real dry season is at band, are cents a line on local page; 30 FOR SALE: Two iron bedsteads; twe
urginF that extra care be taken by cents minimum. Cash or stamps
all wllo enter the woods or travel CALL FOR BIDS iron bed springs; oak (lining table..
over thc highways, in their smoking nmst accompany all orders, and six clmirs; 30-30 rifle. All in
and with fires. They desire the co-! . " The Directors of School District fine shape. Also new .22 cal. Rem-
operation also of every t-txpaver in FOR SALE--Six weeks old O. I. C. No. 2,04, Mason County, Wash., will ington rifle and one 12x14 tent,
the county to the cnd'that m{neces- pig's. C.R. Montgomery, Dewatto, receive bids for transportation of practically new. All bargains. For'
sary tires be prevented as nearly as Wash. 919-6t school children outside the two-mile infonnati)n write or call this office.
• limit, between Mrs. J. C. Vine's and (S-1). 8-5-2t.
possible (lurin,' the dry season now
coming on. Do you know that it is FURNITURE FOR SALE.--Cream E. tierrman's. The Board reserves
:t mi:;demeanor to throw away a enamel dresser and kitchen queen, the right to reje(.t any and all bids• "WHO WANTS A FINE FIVE OR
lighted cigar, cigaret or match, or to See W. F' .Hutchison, Shelton. Bids to I)e opened August 6th. TEN ACRE TRACT, part cleared,
use fir(arms in the forest during the Mrs. E. F. DONOHUE, Clerk. located in the Skokomisla Valley
( o',w,1 season? Or to st:trt ;t fire in FOR SALE OR TRADE--Piano in 8-5-1t Elms, Wash. on the Olympic highway, tf inter-
ahy place except on campinp: grounds good condition, will trade for $5.00 paid by the Comfort Foot Pew- ested inquire at Journal Agency,.
design:Lied (or recreation purposes young stock. Mrs. J. O. Shafer, der Co. for any case of perspira- tiffs oflice.--tf.
without seeing that every spark is (Shelton Valley) Shelton P. O. 8-19 tion, odor, or scalded feet it fails
extinguished before leaving'? Do you ,, to satisfactorily relieve. Ask your WATER MOTOR FOR SALE: Pel-
know that an- man asked by the 'fire HOME ] 01 SALE: Four-room house shoe dealer, or headquarters, Me- ton motor with 12 inch wheel and
warden to assist in fighting fires and two lots' in good living, loca- Minnville, Ore. 8-26-7t 3 nozzles, good as new, Price $20.
must r,spond or be subject to a fino tion, :fmait trees and outbuildings.
• W-rite Journal, South Bend, Wash.
Also that his pay comes out of the Ask at ,lournal ofllee. SAW MI, LL FOR SALE '' 8-12-3t,
county funds provided by the tax-
payer? Will each tourist heed these FARM WANTED--Wanted to hear A small saw mill in good location Have you seen the latest Wood,
ca,tions and so help the communities from owner of a farm or good land on tide water. For further particu- stock Typewriter, containing severat
through which he passes Thoroughly far sale for fall delivery. L. Jones, lars inquire at this office. ($2) 8-12 new features not found on any other
extinguish lighted matches, cigars, box 551, Piney, Ill. 8-5-1t
eigarets or tobacco before dropping FOR SALE: Chew'pier 490 t°uring machine'points at JournalL°°k oVerstationerytheSeshop.gOod':
them on the ground. Do not kindle a FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. car, good as new. Tires all new.
fire in the forest when it is possible Rate reasonable. See Jacob Haupt- Apply Thos. O'Neill store. 8-5-3t SIGHTLY BLOCK FOR. SALE
to avoid it;. Never leave a campfire ly, Franklin street, Shelton. it Sightly block o land for sale on
until it is thoroughly extinguished. LOGGED Angleside hill. On front of hill:
,catter the embers, use an abundance Studio rooms for rent, suitable for "0FF LAND facing town along roadway. Un--
of water, and be doubly certain that office purposes. This office, obstrneted view. Partly cleared;
every spark is out. Do not kindle Logged-off land for .ale to actual A good buy. Inquire this office.
cmnpfires in the forest or set fire to FOR SALE: A good two lorse spring settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up
slashings or other inflammable forest, wagon in good condition. Will sell according to location, topography and NEW EVERSHARPS IN
material in dry weather without a cheap. Gee. Jassarniek, (John's character of soil. Liberal terms of We have just receiv.ed some of the-
permit. If you see a fire, put it out Creek), Shelton. 8-5-3t. payment and interest on deferred new model Eversharp. Plain short.
or control it if you can until help payments at rthe rate of six percent Corona pencil with ring $1.00. Red,
arrives. Notify the nearest forest FOR TRADE: Will trade five head per annum. Liberty bonds taken In blue and black enameled Eversharp,
officer or the lando-ner. Help to of fine beef cattle for milch 'cows. payment at par. with eraser, 50c. Refill leads now 15c:
a package, indelible lead 25c. All
prevent bad fires by observing the T.G. Garrison, (Upper Skokomish SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY business men carry the Evershar'p..
law and assisting in its enforcement. Valley) Potlatch. P.O. 8-5-3t
Journal Stationery Shop.
The state should have the hearty co- FOR RENT OR SALE: Six room
operation and assistance of all "good house for rent or sale. Bath and
citizens in preventing or extinguish- electric lights. Inquire a Paine's H. SAUER
ing forest fires in dry weather. If
all campers, berry pickers and tour- Restaurant, Shelton. 8-5-3t. PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER
ists give ready co-operation and as- TIMBER FOR SALE AND DECORATOR ]in Insured Real Estate
sistance in the dry season, many de- 2,800,000 feet of fir timber and Open for work until October 1st.
structive fires would be prevented, 400 piles, on the water of Hood Can- Postoffice box 503, Shelton, Wash.
of WhiChmoney."c°st the taxpayers large sums" M. B. Graves, owner, LilliwauP,8.5.3t. Title .. ,Alwa00s Means
PUBLISHING A PIPER FORfreshSALE:in August.Tw° largeAllemenCOWS comingRanch, €-:- ...................... A Quick Deal
Build Now[
Sometimes readers of the papers SHELTON The prospective purchaser of-
wonder why articles are 'published
that appear too personal, or some- I am prepared to furnish ten asks, "Have you an insure&
times seem su'ch articles as would estimates for the construe- title?" If your answer is:
hurt somebody's feeling's, says the NDRY tion of buildings of "Yes," quite possibly the deal
Chehalis Bee Nugget. Occasionally LAU can be dosed on the same day.
a newspaper does publish' an article WOOD Our Mortgagees' Policies are
favored by the Federal Land
that apparently tramps on someone's' CEMENT, Bank.
toes, and cannot well be avoided, but Now equipped with power ma- BRICK or No abstract required, no an-
contrary to the opinion of .the general chinery for first class work.
public the newspaperman tares his TILE nual premium, and the cost is
duties and respons'bilities rather seri- FAMILY LAUNDRY Let me know your require-
ously. Principally, he expects to pub- A SPECIALTY mens
lish the pews. That's the main func- Mason County Abstract &
tion ofa newspaper. Editorial corn- Cloaks o,e.o.,. Dan .,,.a"aers0n
ment or personal .beliefs have no busi- pressed and dyed. Title Company
ness appearing in the news columns. (Under State Supervision)
They belong only in the editorial col- CEN'IRAL HOTEL CONTRACTOR & BUILDER "-
Rooms for transients Shelton, Wash.
umns of a paper, and any newspaper
man with idea!s of his professioni Shelton, Wash.
will respect these principles. Court .T. HAGIWARA, Prop.
items often take the form of being .::-- I
personal in character. They are, but
people who get into court difficulties *:.:-:.°:`*::.*:°:..:.:.:°:.*:.`*g.:`*::.&::`*:°:.:`*:.:`*:.:°::`*:`:`*:::°:..:`:.:.:°:":"::. :.:.:.,:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:..:.*.::..:.:.:..:.:.:.u,:::.,:..u.
must know that when their cases are ;!
filcd with the county officials, the de-
tails of the case immediateh, becomes ],
public property. And the ¢:ditor who l.
s trying to be fair cannot diting-', I
uish in his news columns between;]
Frank Smith and John Brown. ;
In practically all cases the editor '
dislikes exceedingly to publish any-I
thing that would tend to hurt the
feelings of anyone. The nature of'
his business is such that he sees all
sides of most questions, and is en-.
O " "
erally f an open mind regaring
them. He would much prefer to al-
ways spread sunshine and good feel-
ings, were it possible to do so. If he
can right a wrong he will nearly al-
ways go out of his way to do i't.
However. there are two sides to the
matter• It is discouraging, and often '
disgusting, to have a reader forget.
the good things the editor tries to
put in his aper all the time, and
severely critieise some unimportant
error that may occur. So long aa
editing a paper has to do with hu-
man endeavor, there will be errors
creep into papers. The wonder is
there are not more errors than do
oppear, for the grind and intense ap-
plication of editing a newspaper is
not fully understood except by those
who have had that experience.
This little talk may sound like
"shoo talk" to most of our readers
but it occurs to us it may be worth
while to a fair percentage of our
readers who often thoughtlessly crit-
icise the newspapers of their home
towns without fully understanding
what it means to edft a newspaper.
Periection and Clarke Jewel
At S edall::: Reduced Prices
The government is holding $83,000,-
000 in interest pas due on liberty
bonds aggregating ifi fae value more
than a billion dollars. The money
has not been paid because the holders
of the temporary bonds have notpre-
sented the bonds and procured their
permanent bonds.
There may be two explanations for
failure to collect the interest. Some
people may not need the money and
prefer to let the government kee
it P
t for thn. Others may not unler-
stand the nature of the bonds they
hold and do not know that they are
entitled to exchange the bonds and
get securities with interest coupons
3-Burner Perfection, regular price $25. Special Price ........... $21.50
3-Burner Clarke Jewel, regular price $25. Special Price i ..... $21.50
2-Burner Clarke Jewel, regular price $20. Special Price . i. ii. ..$16.50
/Perfection Oil Stove Oven, regular price $6.50. Special Price ...... $5.50
50 Feet Cotton Hose ............................ $6.75
50 Feet Rubber Hose ........................... $6.75
was an absolute deception of congress and the people on
the expenditures of the Shipping Board." As an instance
of the way records were kept, Chairman Lasker points attached.
" " r The manner in hieh some of the
out that there are 60 voyages on whmh no eport has ..... _. ......... v ....
-- . ... ecurtaes were issues and spin was
ever been made, thanks to the old system o£ runn;ng nlS onfslng, al.most as difficult to un-
• ;,n;. +l,n6 ', erstana as income tax requirements.
axvx, -o. It would be amazimr if a lot of
It seems incredible that such a condition could exist eople.o eall business experience
and yet th new chairman of the board s now g ng interest but the prin'ciple of the
these facts to the public for the first tme. . on(ls. They were called upon to ,-recial on Garden Hose
, , . . . ,. subscribe until it hurts," and the;
From the fgures just disclosed it would apparenuy did so.
: ' • They did not speculate in a matter
be cheaper for the taxnayer ff the government would o-na ..... ! •
, , ,- • uonai nee.. Tla was attended
give these ships outrigIt to anybody who would take lto a lime ]atyr by individuals whd
,'-, ". • purcnased the non," at discount rates,
them and pay taxes on them and thus reheve the people ,, r .-- -- '
:of further loss in/onneetion with them. . In thinking of agricultural state
, . • ' • /dbn't forget your own.
Our war experience m goverhment ownershp andl Fed a od 'cow
.... • , . . go today and she,
1 m b will return the favor tomorro
operatmn of mdust was a costly venture but t ay e w.
'worth the :price if zt prevents further national experi-/ _ .: :I[ = ' " " t %
............. 'l rteet te am swallow boya for
men mongme same anes, :. :. :,...:,.........., = ,.,:::.,,.,.,.,..: he dmtros immt. • ..... ;-
• z..,
,# ,*.