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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;IJD&Y, AUU. 5, 191 i Ui . ..... I I I I ii i AUGUST Brunswick Records --ON SALE TODAY < In some of these records Brunswick casts seriousness aside for the moment, and invites the world to dance to the most fascinating assortment of dance music ever recordedI Come in, let us play them for you. 10034 The World Can't Go 'Round Wlthout You 1.O0 Soprano ...... Dorothy Jardon 13024  Until Tenor ...... Thee. Karle 1.25 ( Dream Tenor . . . . . . Thee. Katie Hebrew Melody and Dance Violin Solo • Eliu Breeskin 130231.Z5  S6r6nade Espagnole ($panish $erenada) Violin $olo . . . . . . Eliu Breeskin 2092  Boll Weevil Blues AI Bernard with Carl Fanton's Orchestra .85  I Ain't Afraid of Nuthin' Dat's Alive . . Ernest Hare 2106  UaLikeNoALikotlawaiinnMelody Frank Ferera and Anthony Franchin| .85  Honolulu March • Frank Fernra and Anthony Franchini 2107  Memphis Blues AI Bernard with Carl Fenton's Orchestra .85 { Frankie & Johnnio .".1 Bernard with Carl Fenton's Orchestra 2108  PeggyO'Nei| Tenor ...... Billy Jones • 85  All By Myself . . Ernest Hare and Crescent MMo Trio 2110 / Carolina Lullaby . . . Charles Hart and Elliott Shaw .85  Orange Blossoms . • . . . . Cremcent Male Trlo 2112  Poor Buttermilk Novelty Ran,ires--Piano • Zcz Confrey .85  You Tell'Era Ivories Novelty Rau¢imelPiano Zez Confrey 2114 I Ain't We Got Fun? . Harmonizers' Male Quartet .85 . Down On the Farm . . Harmonizers' Male Quartet J Driftlng Down . . . . Criterion Male Quartet 5057 . Gospel Train . Criterion Male Quartet 1.00 " " " " I" Laddie Buck of Mine Tenor . . . James Sheridan 5058  Molly O . • James Sheridan and Crescent Male Trio 1.00 Siren of a Southern Sea Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra 5059 f Men Homme(MyMan)Fox Trot Knickerbocker Orchestra 1.00 Ain't We Got Fun Fox Trot Bonnie Krueger's Orchestra 2109 Dangerous Blues Fox Trot . Bonnie Krnegcr'a Orchestra. .85 t. • Peaches Fox Trot Introducing "Trying" | Accordion 5olo ....... Marlo Perry 2111 " AfterThese Years Fox Trot Introducing • 86  *'My Mammy's Tears" Accordion Solo Marie Perry r Oh Mel Oh Myl FOX Trot lntroducing"Dolly" from "Two 2113 . Little Girls in Blue" . . Carl Fentou's Orchmtra .85 . Tea-Cup Girl Fox Trot . • Carl Fenton's Orchestra r rm Nobody's Baby 'o,1| trot. Introducln f "Snugglo'' 2115 , ' Grnen Brnthem' Novelty Band ,85 [. Llstsnln8 Fez Trot s , Green Brothers' Novelty Band f Moonlight Fox Trot latroduch "I'm Miuin' MammySs J K Jean'" . . • . .. Carl Fentou's Orchestra 2116 l Doopla YourEym Waltz iml"oductng"Trying" ' __ Carl Fantoa's Ore.hesSe r Mello'Callo Fox Trot 2118 J F.rdodp" ud hls Pommylvanla Hotel Orehestnt Fox "Without You" • SIS 1 A II For You Trot Introducins L F.rdod, ud his Pennsylvania l'Iotel Oev, hmtm The Journal Stationery Shop Shdton, Washington "ill in" q MASON  UmVAL , " , , , ,r, .... ,;,,,, ,, ............................  , ,, ',i ,-- ','  , : i, ", , , ,, i xBJrm E. Anderson made a business trip *) Olympia last Friday. John Wilson returned on Friday from a visit to Tacoma and Seattle. Tile dancv last Saturday evening was a success soclal]y and finanelally according to the young folks who at- tended the function. Mrs. Andrew Johnson was the week end guest of friends in Ttlconla. Silo returned ,onday afternoon on | he Soya, Miss Freda Lorenzen Is aaln on the island the guest of her par,mrs here. She returned from Tacoma ]{onday'. Pnsttnlster Goetsch lnltcie a trip to J]'aeonl a on I,Ion day. (bile l}h.iekson relurned from np Sound last Friday. Tho ]t/tl'sline aPT)roach Ill the ferry is ])t!intr I)ui ill al)l)rollehllblo .hal)o by a nllnlbrr (If Volllnt'lry eontrllJll|ors o the w,)rk. A c*e[nollt (lriv,v.'ny ts be- tng e,)nst ruct,d. l.,oe Carlson is no longer plain ]Ir. Carlson. It is ('al)taJn Cttrlsoll no%v, he huvinff reeenlly purch:ls()d a "seaL- going crafI." Ib, "|3us." formerly the pro|)erty of fire warde.a Viss. Mrs. l-lass lergeson and lhe boys are back from a most delightful P.nto trip across the mountains into East- ern ,Vash I n gtou. Miss Hlhna Johnson returned to Ta- coma lasl week after a pleasant visit with friends and relatives on the ts- land. Capt. Arthur Vlncrt and a party of friend lel'I Vv'ednosday morning for a lwo we,.ks' oullnff tn ]3rltlsh Col. umbla. 'the Marie will take the Sunset run to Tacoma while the party and the Sll nsel are i()ne. I{arstlne is once more without any direct boat service between here and ely,nets, lho Arrow having been lakes off the run. Miss Elizabeth Anderson retnrned lasl weak from a menth's visit with relntives In ra'¢s IIarbor ('()lint.3:. A felv good sh(l%vors of I'tltn could tl(' nsed | o gr,!fl t advantage by the r&nehers jr;S| now. DAYTON Airs. C. 13. Sonthard- underwent a minor operalon at tile Swedish It os- pltal of Seattle last Friday. We hope sh( Is roc)v(ring rapidly. Mrs. J. Ols,m called on Mrs. G. E. IIlckson Tuesday afternoon. The new Communlly ]{all Is now un- der way, and soon you wl]] see a hall where now lhere In noth|ng, Don't forget that Saturday, August 6 Is |he regular meeting of the Dayton Commuhlty Club. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barrett of Shel- ton spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Mrs. Fred Hiekson, Juanlta l{Ickson and Mrs. C. Chappel spent Wednesday with Dorothy egg. A party of Dayton people plan to make the climb lip Mt. Ellinor next week, starting Monday and returning Wednesday• G. E. IIlckson and Fred Hlckson are on a fishing trip down the Satsop river. When they return there will be plenty of fish stories, but will there be any fish to prove them? L0100god-Oll Land For sale in this County to Actual Settlers on easy terms., Price • $5.00 per acre and up. Write f¢r map giving all information. W eyerhaeuser Timber Cos Tacoma, Washington Effective July 15th ' A FURTHER BIG REDUCTION of 5 to 18"R CENT i ; On All Models of / | • AVERAGEMakesaT°tal 248'= REDUCTION of • CENT As Compared with Prices of May 1, 1921 HERE ARE THE NEW PRICES --represeting the biggest reduction we know of in the price of a standard make automobile. SHELTON PRICES F. B• Model 490 (Baby Grand Model) $1180 $1180 $1875 $1875 ROADSTER .............. ;...$ fl75 TOURING ........... r ........ $ 775 COUPE ...................... $1220 SEDAN ...................... $1220 DELIVERY ........... , ...... $ 780 We Can Make Pr&npt Delivery SHELTON GARAGE SHELTON, WASH. r ... , • i CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS PLANNED STATE SUPERINTENDENT URGES ADVANTAGES OF SCHOOL CENTERS Olympia, July 27.--Skilled super- v!sion, better teachm, more exten- ave equipment, equalization of taxes land better school opportunities for chih]ren through competent super- vision are a few of tim important issues of the consolidation program for rural schools of Washington state, as considered at the meeting of county superintendents forming the consolidation committee appoint- ed by JosepiHne Corliss Preston, which met at the Itotel Olympian r r  • uesttay. Forms Comtnon Center By consolidation, is meant the con- solidating of two or more adjoining districts into one witi certain def- inite purposes in view. These pur- poses in the main are the formation ;of a graded school under competent i supervision, the establishment of a :community center or centers, the i equalizing of school taxes for patrons and school opportunity for their chil- dren, the supply of better materials, equipment and teachers. The neces- sary and essential characteristic of consolidation is centralization. The children are under the management of a trained superintendent. Their work is frequently supelwised and inspected. They are a part and par- cel of the whole district, contributory to the common center, and of the common center and often take part in work or programs at such centers. q here also hey hod then" lugh school ! and generally their advanced grade work. But there must be the center with its larger school and plant, the common gathering place for the peo- ple of the entire community in the r social, economic, aml educational ac- tivities. An added advantage or consolida- tion according to Mrs. Preston is that trained teachers do not hesitate to go into the consolidated districts to teach, as they do in the lonely, one room rural schools. Consolidation also does much to equalize the school tax, it is stated. There are often inequalities between the tax valuation of adjoining districts and the weaker :districts often/have the larger num- :bar of children for whom to provide i schools. Gives Equal Chances This is unfair, and the best method of correcting the injustice is by con- solidation, judged by the oinion voiced at Tuesday's meeting. Trans- portation of the children to the cen- ters is one of the marked advantages of consolidation. Most children who attend the one room rural schools have considerable distances to go, even to their own schools. "Consolidation almost always means a progressive and regular "improve- ment," Mrs. Preston states, "eslmcial- ly in bringing about improved roads and means of ' " transportation. Regarding the cost of consolidation it is claimed that in the larger pro- jects, the cost of school is either about the same or less, than under the old plan. Cost of management, mainetnance and upkeep will ]1 about the same under consolidation as under the ohl form. The committee submitted the fol- lowing suggestions to Mrs. Preston: That every county superintendent in the state furnish a map showing all possible consolidations that may be worked out in his county. Urges ConsoliOation That these consolidations be of considerable extent, to be determined by roads, natural conditions, the i make-up of the people and all the favorable and necessary considera- tions that should enter'into the as' tablishment of such districts. Tim, such map be accompanied by l la detailed program for carrying on I the campaign throughout the county, I showing plans for bringing the neces- I sary information to the people, for Ietitions, meetings, elections, public- Ity for anything that mar be helpful in carryin on the campaign. Also that at the next session of the legislature a revision of the law on consolidation be urged. RAW FOOD ' Raw vegetables hav'-------e been subject- ed to a severe test in the case of John Lush of, New York ,City, and have made good. Lush made a wager that he could walk across the 'con- tinent in four months, eating nothing but raw food on the way• He stated from Los Angeles, and arrived in New York in 88 days, keeping his dietary agreement. It is a renmrk- able pedestrian record. Most of the days he walked 40 to 45 miles. He lcarried a 40-pound 'pack. His food ilconsisted of nuts, vegetables and i I fruit, always eaten uncooked. i l This .will be a revelation to many i[a man who imagines that he cannot ldo hard work ;ithout meat. It will i]also be an eye-0pener to those who i t have accepte(i the scientific dictum il that raw starch is not digestible by • |human stomachs. The episode may i lresult in a new wave of raw-food en- • I thusiasm. . .... i l There is nmch to be said for mrs • l cult from the standpoint of simpli- i lcity and economy, but, as far as • |health considerations are concerned, • l prospective devotees may do well to ilgo a bit slow. John Iush, indeed, iihas proved that one can live and ilwork on raw food, and he does not low any bad effects. He finished with nine pounds' !oss of But there is quite a differ- ence between digesting a meal of raw ve'etables when one is walking 40 miles a day and doing the same thing when one is sitting at an office desk. There is also a difference be- tween John Lush's 21 years and the age of the average food faddist. Cooked food is no accident, and it takes more than an endurance test like this to prove that the experience of the race during the last 50,000 years or so has been all wrong• Tacoma News Tribune. The new Eversharp pen'eil ' In work clothes." mechanism as the sil- , .Red black and blue eonts each. You need one. Stationery Shop. The world owes a man 0sly that which he is able to collect• I Ill I i I i rAZ '[ J ..... ' JL . --,-',',, , ,, I i ,i i Lumber and Shingles NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN BUILDING. ALL KINDS OP ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND SHINGLES, CEDAR FENCE POSTS, dressed and tapered, SIDEWALK LUMBER in 6 ft lengths, if desired. CEDAR BEE BOX LUMBER. ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE FURNLHED AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE ITY OR COUNTRY, ON SHORT NOTICE. WRITE OR PHONE US YOUR ORDER. PHONE 333. Shelton Lumber & Shingle Company i iii i . ,, ,, i NEW DOLINGTON HOTEL $1 AT SPRING STREETSEATTLE $1 200 Rooms---150 at 1.00 TIIIS HOTEL IS NOT OWNED BY JAPANESE FREE BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS AND BOATS J. J. RYAN R. P. KELLY No. 550. IOTICE O SETTT, EMENT Of AC. COUITT AND n'EARING PETITIO :PO:R DIST]ZBUTION ', In lhe Superior Conrt of Ihe State nf Vashh|gion ill Slid for ].sson (JOUll- ty, In Probate. Ia the /%Iatler (,f the l,]state of CAL- VIN "P, SA E(II'l{, dceeascd. Nol[ee Is hereby given that ]?rank V¢• Tuell the l,xecutor of the estate ')1' (a vin P, aegel', d(eceased, has reu- dol'cd and presented for s('ttlemcnt to, and filed ill the Superior Court of said County and State his final account as such Pxeeutor and PEtition for ])istri- button and that Saturday, the 3rd day of September, ]921, at 10 o'clock a. m. tt the court roonl OJ' our said Superh)r Court, in the City of Shelton0 in said County, has been duly appointed by our uperior Court for the SEttlement of tile Final Account, at which time and place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file his excep- tions In writ|ng to the said final as- count and petition for distribution, and contest the same. V¢itness, the Hen. D. F. Wright, Judge of the said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court affixed this 19th day of July, 1921. ! STELLA C. JENSEN, ' County Clerk and Clerk of said Superior Court. By IDA NEEDP1A JEMISON, Deputy. ( SEA L), 7-29 -8 -19 -4t Mann County Gamo ommLgslon, Ma|on County, State of Waghtaffton. In the matter of fixing the seasons for Game, Upland Game Birds and Game Fish, and the daily and weekly bag limits therefor In Mason County, Washington, for the year 1921. Whereas, Chapter 37, Section 3, Para- graph 9 of Session Laws, 1921, provides that upon written application by the full membership of the County Game Commission to the Director of Fisher- ies and Game. permission may be grant- ed by the ])trector of Fisheries and Game, through and by means of the Supervisor of Game and Game FlslL to entirely close or to shorten to such time as lhey deem expedient, the open season fixed by statule, or after the season has boon closed oi" shortened as aforesaid, to re-aDen the same for all or any portion of the time fixed by statnte, which they may deem expedi- ent for any of the game birds, fur bear- ins or game animals and game fish, in lhoir respective counties, and shall have authority to fix the dally, weekly or season bag limit on aU game birds, game fish and game animals. Now, Therefore, the undersigned, be- ing lhe full memhership of the :Mason Couniy Game Commission hereby re- quest lermlssion of the Director of :Visheries and Game, through and by means of the SupErvisor of Game and Game Fish. o llx the following open season and bag 1Jmlts for game. game birds and game fish In Mason County for the year 1921. Game. l)eerOct. 10th to Oct. 31st, Limit 2. either sex. BearSept. 1st to May 1st. Upland nirds. Season closed on all upland birds. Watorfowl. Same as fixed by statute. Game lsh. Aprll 15th to Nov. 30th, inc, Bag limit. 25 per day, single or mixod varl- etles, or 10 lb. and 1 fish, weekly bag limit 20 lb. and ] fish. MASON COUNTY GAME COMMISSION GUY F. KNEELANB. Chairman. D. R. McDONALD, Member. W. A. MORRIS. Member. Approved this 20th day of July, 7921. Director nf Fisheries and Game. By J. W. KINNEY, Bupervisor of Game and Game Fish. 8-5-19-3t. LUMBER • .AND.. BUILDING MATERIALS FOR IMMEI)IATE DELIVERY LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR NEXT ,ORDER Will Also Saw Your Logs On Order Mill Located on the Bay near Shelton BERT HURST Manufacturer and Deale SHELTON WASH. The hen and the caretaker are partners in the poultry business. If either one is lazy, there is no profit in the business. A cow testing association will make it jossible to get full value for i the cows sold. ,, ii SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh roasted peanuts W. 11. sr41TII All the Daily Papers i i I t W. W. BARRETT THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Otis, Varnishes and Bashes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing guaranteed as to work and material for one year. II I II The Best Time to Save is not always when you are making the most money, for no matter how much money you make, unless you force yburself to lay aside a certain portion each week, you will not accumu- late anything. Select the safest and most con- venient place to start your account. investiga- tion will prove that the State Bank of Shelton is the place you are looking for, and that the time to open an account is NOW. i I!i I i I ii i i i