August 5, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 5, 1921 |
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE , oh00rman and ole,k of tho bo00d.
' Moved and carried that the County
Treasurer be instructed to pay the in-
Saturday, July 30th,'1921.
Boar.d of County Commissioners met
tn regular session adjourned from their
meeting of July 13th, 1921, preJcnt W.
A. Hunter, S, W. Blanton and Chairman
Wm. E, Danlels and clerk of the Board,
I-leafing on the petition of W. C.
Boone et al for the calling Of a Special
Election for the formation of a Port
District in the territory stated in the
petition, held at 10 o'eloc'k a. m.
Mrs. Kertz appeared before the Board
esenting a petition signed by Knute
ahl et al, protesting against including
Sections 4 and 9 in Twp. 22 N, Rg. 1
W. W. M, tn the territory to form the
proposed Port District. Moved by W.
A. Hunter and seconded by S. W. Blan-
ton that this petition be granted and
that Seilons 4 and 9 tn Twp, 22 N,
Rg. ] W. %V. M. be excluded from the
proposed Port District. Carried.
Petition of John Murray et at, pre-
uented by Lee Baker asking that cer-
tain sections In their former petition be
omitted and that certain other sections
and lots be added to the proposed Port
District. Moved and carried that Sec-
tions 4 and 9 tn Twp. 22 N. Rg. 1 W.
W. M. be omitted from the proposed
Allyn Port District.
Moved and cv.rried that the following
tesolutlon be adopted:
Itesolutton to submit to the electors
residing within th territory hereinafter
described a special election for the
question of the formation of a port
Pursuant to the notice hereto attach-
ed and made a part hereof this matter
coming on to be heard this 30th day of
July, 1921 upon the hearing of the pe-
tition for 'the etlllng of a special elec-
tion for the formation of a Port Dis-
trict in the territory stated and set
forth in said notice, and it appearing
to the Board of County Commissioners
of Mason County, Washington, that no-
tice of this hearing had been given as
required by law. and petitioners ap-
pearing In person and arguments being
heard in favor of calling said special
election and against calling said special
election; Now, therefore, be It resolv-
ed that a Special Election be and it
hereby is called for Thursday the 8th
day of September, 1921, for the pur-
pose of submitting to the qualified
electors residing within the territory
hereinafter described the question of
the formation of a Port District within
the following described territory:
Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 34, 35. 36, Town-
htp 23 N., R. 2 W., W. M., also Sec-
tions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, Township 23
N., R. 1 XV., W. M., also Sections 5.
6, 7, 3, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29 and 30, Town-
ship 22 N., R. l V.. W. M.. also Sec-
tions 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, Lots l & 2 of 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
25, 2{;, 30. Township 22 N., R. 2 W.,
,V. M,, all |n ,Mason County, "Wash-
:le it further resolved that*said tcrrl-
tory be and it hereby Is divided into
the following Commlsslor(ers' Districts
towit: District Number 1 shall com-
p'lse Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 1], 12, 13, 14,
15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 3a,
Township 23 N., R. 2 V., "W. M.
Also, See'tlons 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17,
18, 19. 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, Town-
ship 23 N., R, 1 ,V., V. M., "District
Number 2 shall comprise Sections 5, 6,
7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, Township 22 N., R.
I W,, %V. M., District Number 3 shall
comDrise Seettons l, 2, % 4, 9, 10, 11.
12, 13, 14, 15, 1, Lots l & 2 of 19, 20,
1,. 22..oa, 24, 25, 2, 30, Township 2"
B. 2 XV., V. M.
Be it further resolved that the Coun-
ty Atldltor of .ason County, Washing-
ton; be and she hereby is instructed,
autilorized and ordered to give notice
of said special election for the time
and In the ins.nn(p required by law and
that the said electors In the said terri-
tory heretnabwe described shall vote
for or against the •formation of the
]ort of AIlyn, Polls at sald Specln]
Election to be open from '8 a. m. to
8 p.,m.
The polling Places for said Elect|on
for Allyn and lelfalr precincts in ssld
County sball be as follows: A]lyn Pro-
clnct--School /-louse. 13elfalr Precinct
School House.
The following election officers were
appointed to serve at the Special Port
.District leetton to be held Thursday,
September Sth, 1921,
Belfair Preolnct: Mrs. Jennie Alken,
:Ins0eetor; John Murray, Judge; R, W.
:Irving, Judge.
hllyn Precinct: Mrs. Eva B. Berg,
Judge; Mrs. Guy Garfield Inspector;
W. C. Boone Judge.
Dated this 30th day of July, 1921.
: i, ; ' Chairman.
W. A. ]'UNTIR,
;. ' , Commissioner,
I .;.,2.,A., S. W, BLANTON,
"' Commissioner,
Attest: 1ONE XV. DOYLE, Clerk.
(Affidavit for Publication of Net lee
of Hearing of Petition to Call Special
lection for Formation of Port District,
attached to original.)
Th0 following Resolution was adopt-
'! .e It Hereby Resolved by the Board
,,or County Commissioners that the fol-
'lowing employees of Mason County act
'as agents to purchase gas and oil for
County Machinery as follows:
Wm. Deyette, Supervisor Road Dis-
trict No. 1.; Tom Moran, Supervisor
Road District No, 2; David Elllson,
Supervisor Road District No. 3; Asa
Jateman, Supervisor Road District No.
4; Emil Anderson, Supervisor Road
District No. 5: Ed :Hiller, Supervisor
Road District No, 6; F. Rendsland. Su-
Dervisor Road District No. 7; E. S.
uffy. Supervisor Road District No, 8:
oy Carr. Patrolman, Sec. No. 1-No. 2
Part of No. 2); Joe Vail, Patrolman
ec, No. 2-3 (Part of No. 2); John
:Hawk, Patrolman Sec. No. 4; M. Iv.
Pixley, Patrolman Navy Yard Highway
Sac. No. 2; Nels Miekelson, Patrolman
Navy Yard' Highway, Sec. No. 3 W.
A. Morris. Patrolman, Navy Yard, See,
No. I; Frank Potts. County Chaffeur.
:lONE W, DOYLE, County At/dtor.
( SEA'L).
Bbard. adjourned to meet ,:odayt
August 1st, 1921.
Wm. . Danlels Chalrm'an.
Attest: Iono, W, Duple Clerk 0f,'tl
' Boad .... , "
(SEA b): ' " " , ': " .....
". Monday, August 1 192'1.;
Board bf County Commlssl0iers, t
In special osslon, present W, A=.Hur,
tar, S. W. 131anton' and Wm. E. mantels
terest on the Special Road Bonds and
to redeem Special Road Bonds num-
bered 1 to 7, inclusive,
Board adjourned to meet the follow-
ing day.
Tuesday, August 2nd, 1921.
Board all present.
Construction F.ngineer fll(.d estimate
of $2200,00 of work done on the Sunny-
side Skokomlsh bridge, Union l¢rldge
Co., Contrac'tors. Moved and carried
that the Auditor be instructed to draw
a warrant from the funds of Road
District No. 6, In tie anaount of $1,-
{;50.00, this being 75 per cent of Engi-
neer's estimate.
Bids for the construction of tile
Voight Road opened at 10 a. m. as
follows: W. H. Davis et al, $7960.00,
Moved and cam'led that this bid be
rejected as the same is too hlgb.
Moved and carried that the Treas-
urer's report for the month of June,
1921, be approved,
Moved and carried that Mr. Thos.
White be allowed to move the Murray
Store along the County Road from the
present post office loeatlon to the main
The fol]owlng report for the month
of July filed and approved: H. E.
Drew, County Agriculturist and Frank
Potts, County Chauffeur Co. gas re-
port. Iieport of Lake Cushman oper-
ator filed and approved.
Letter received from Four Wheel
Drive Auto Co.. stating that the Gov-
ernment Is going to distribute another
number of F. W'. D. trucks to the
states and asking that the Commission-
ers ,notlfy them if they desire another
allotment. Moved and carried that the
County procure two more F. W. D.
Bond of Jean Todd Fredsou In the
amount of One Thousand, Dollars in
the American Surety Co. of N. Y., as
County Superintendent for the coming
term of office, filed and approved.
Application for petition for railroad
grade crossing ecelved from the Phoe-
nix Logging Co,, to cross County road
in NEt and also SEa of Sac. 9, Twp.
22 N, Rg. 4 W, 'W. M. approved and
forwarded to the Dept. of Public Works.
Moved and carried that the bill of
Bufflngton and Sutton in the amount
of-$25.00 be not allowed.
After Investigating and looking over
the proposed roads to be established
and closed according to the petitions
and bonds of Elias Glenn et at, for the
establishment of the Burkwood Road
and the closing of the Coop er-Peltshack
Road, it was moved and carried that
these petitions and bonds be reJee%ed,
Moved and carried that the insur-
ance premium in the Aetna Insurance
Co., on the County Jail, Sheriff's Of-
fice and residence In the amount of
Two Thousand Dollars be approved
and plmced on file.
Moved and carried that the bond of
Paul de Champlain in the amount of
Five Hundred Dollars as el)crater of
the Harstine ferry be approved, Mrs.
Ida de Champlain and Hans Bergcson
Moved and seconded that the Auditor
be instructed to pay out of the Revolv-
Ing Fund $34.00 to pay for posters for
the County Fslr.
Certificate filed by Mary .%f. ](night,
Superintendent of Schools, rescinding
her order of June 25th, 1921, wherein
she ordered School Districts Nos, 305,
46 and 51 consolidated to form School
Dlstrlc No. 310, an this consolidation
was illegal. Moved and carried that
the following Resolution be adopted:
}:e It Hereby Resolved: That, Inasmuch
as the County Superintendent of
Schools has certified to this lloard
that it is illegal to consolidate School
Districts Nos. 305, 51 and 4{; to form
School District No. 310, setting forth
the reason In sueb certificate, action
of July 5th, 1921 in this matter be re-
F,o it further resolved that School
Districts NOS. 305, 51 and 46 retain
their former organization and boun-
Dated August 2. 192'1.
Attest: ONE W, DOYLE, Clerk.
Petition re(eived from Mullenix ]3ros,
asking that "an extension ef time for
a period of forty-five days, on their
contract for the construction of the
Matlock Satsop Road, be granted, Con-
sent /of bondsmen for the extension of
time of Mullenlx Bros. for their Mat-
lock Satsop Road contract filed with
the Board. Moved and carried that
this consent be granted and the time
for the completion of the Matlock-Sat-
sop Road contract be extended forty-
five days from the date of the time
for completion.
Construction Engineer filed rcport on
work done on the Matlock Satsop Road
showing $289A5 due Mullenix Bros..
contractors. Moved and carried that
this report be accepted and that the
Auditor be instructed to draw a war-
rant from the funds of Road District
No. 4 in the amount of 216.g6, this be-
ing 75 per cent of EnglnSer's estimate.
Letter received from S. W. Barker
protesting against the formation of a
Herding District around Detroit and
Allyn. Commissioners advise that up
to date they have turned down all
applications for such districts.
Letter received from E. R. Wood re-
porting an ,accident on Olympl High-
way a quarter of a mile North of
Hoodsport. Letter filed•
Letter received from J. L. Thayer,
President Association of County En-
gineers, asking that the County send
their Engineer to the convention this
year. Flied.
The following Resolution was adopt-
Be It Resolved by the Board of
County Commissioners of iason Coun-
ty, Washington, in regular session as-
sembled, that the laying out and es-
tablishment of the following county
road is considered a public necessity:
Beginning at the corner between
Sections 15 and 16 Twp. ]9 N. Bg. 5
W, runntng thence in a Westerly direc-
tion and ending 617,41 feet south of the
corner between Sections 16 and 17
Twp. 19 N. Rg. 5 W, also a branch
ending 497.11 feet North of the c)r-
net between Sections 16 and 17 Twp.
19 N, Rg. 5 W. Thirty feet in width.
To be known as the Ashley Road Ex-
Inglneer ordered to survey above de-
acrtbed road and report to the Board.
Done in open session this 2nd day
bf 'August, 1921.
V,. A, I-IUN'I'ER,
At't:est: IONE W. DOYLE, Crelk.
( SEA L).
• Board adjourned tO meet the follow-
ln'g day
• (Continued next week.)
For Health and Beauty-
exercise and
Face Cream
A superb cosmetic that protects
the complexion in the open.
_ 77 ....... 11 ...... m
. I I
All the time there's been a market
for Washington's neglected woods and
a number of miscellaneous industries
might have prospered in his state
had it occurred to anyone to try the
This and much more has been
learned by the department of busi-
ness control, which is planning to
utilize the idle labor in a number of
state institutions. From the investi-
'gations already made, those yet to
come and the state's experimental i
work may come a new market for;
woods that timber owners now do
not regard as worth cutting and the
establishment of several miscellane-
ous factories.
Washington alder, maple, oak, ash,
ewe, cottonwood 'and other timber
can be marketed profitably or it tan
be cut up here and shipped to fac-
tories that need it or it can be cut
up for use in industries varying from
toy making to the finishing of pianos.
J. W, Pace, assistant director of
the department of business control,
has discovered the new possibilities
of trade in developing the division
of industries in the state institutions.
Mr. Pace planned to make furni-
ture and some other wood work need-
ed at the institutions at the state re-
formatory and began a line of inquixTf
that has disclosed unlimited possi-
Eastern manufacturers have asked
whether special parts needed in farm
and other machinery could be made
here; a chain of stores asked terms
for manufacturing toothpick holders
that could be turned out of apple
wood; one factory has submitted a
sample knife handle that, it is sug-
gested, can be made of alder; piano
houses have written that Washington
alder takes a very high finish and
might be used; other woods have
been suggested for making chair bot-
toms; toy manufacturers have asked
the state to make special parts.
Samples of the'unpopu|ar woods
like alder, maple, ash and cotton-
wood, have been submitted to scores
of factories in the east and middle
west and they have written for in-!
formation as to how they can" be
gotten. !
The state will no be able satisfy
eastern factories, but the infoa-
tion gatiered through Mr. Pace's in-
vestigation may give private enter-
prises a chance to develop neglected
If the girls learn at school a new
way to do something about the house,
encourage them to try it.
Custom Tailor
You may now have your
suits made to 'your measure
right here in my shop.
I am carrying a full llne
of Detmer woolens and in-
vite you to step in and look
these goods over.
I invite Your patronage.
Select cloth and have your
suit fitted to your taste. My
ears of tailoring experience
place at your service.
Workmen Bldg.
Any farm that can afford a silo
can fford a bathroom and septic
tank. It all depends on how you
look at it.
/ ./[NeED SNAKE:S /
The Board of Directors of SchOol
District No. 302 (Harstine Island),
will receive separate bids on each of
the following items up to July •30,
1921, all material furnished.
(1). Painting Jarrell's Cove school
house, size 28x30 feet with 16 ft.
(2). Painting So. Harstine school
house, size 16x20 ft with 10 ft wall.
(3). Putting in 1 door and 4x6 ft.
porch, covered, and placing school bell.
(4). Ceiling So. Harstine school
house, size 16x20 ft. with 10 ft wall,
with shiplap.
All bids may be sent to the under-
signed, or those on the JarreU's Cove
schoolhouse may be sent to R. D.
Haskell, Harstine, Washington. .
.... /' Clerk C.E. FISHEIL
District No. $02,
7-29-3%, ,SallOw,,: Wash...
• . %-. • , -', e , . "
, , , ,/
FRIDAY, AUGUffP 5, lrl .
It I
..... I' 'I H l
"SHERATON" 196711 Yw Pair
One Sleeps So Much Better on a
Snnmons Bed Budt for Sleep
ESTFUL sleep depends very largely on
inducing every nerve and muscle to relax.
Get Sitnmons Beds in place of your creaky
old beds. It will make ai1 the difference in
the world I
NoidesJ, firm and steady--they are pro-
duced by the one real authority in the world
on be& built/or'sleep.
We are now showing the complete range of designs and
finishes. Also Cribs, Day Bed* and Springs Call and
select from ris display.
Ephrata, Wash., July 30. With
the drillers down to a depth of 200
feet in the blue clay formation of the
' Grand coulee where they are search- Ithan 200 feet in search of rock. Thus
ing for rock formation on which to far the prospecting has not been
construct a dam for the Columbia lpromising of results. Before a dam
river irrigation project it has been [can be constructed it will'be neces-
decided to shift the work to another lsary to find a rock formation under
location. Those in charge of the I the entire 3,300 feet of the site
drilling are not inclined to go deeper [chosen for the masonry.
Evel.ythin00 for QUALITY
-not0000"n00 &r" ;how
CAMELS--the Quality Cigarette:
Why, just buy Camels and look at the packagel
It's the best packing science has devised to keep
cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste.
Heavy paper outside--secure foil wrapping inside
and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack-
age and keep it air-tight.
And 'note this[ There'snothing flashy about the
Camel package.- N,o :extra., wrappings that do not
improve tlaemoke. -Nta cent of needless expense
that must-come out oI the qualit.y of the tobacco.
Cam6is!i'wo,derful .... = ": ""-
guffe.clusive wins ell
merit alone.-
Because, men. smoke Camels Who want the
-taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly
blended. Meifsmo1e 'Catcall'for Camels smooth,
refreshingl land itheir freedom from ciga-
retty aftertaste.
Camels are made for men who think for them-