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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5, 1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Ch stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 Elders Wedding Fete Honors Leroy Whites i Game At Kamilche Sunday Bennett and By Norma T y Winners again KAMILCHE--A Silver Wedding Licate Bridge Anniversary honoring Mr. and Mrs. Je noted that for the Leroy White was given Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chest- er Marshall with over 60 friends n~et last Mon-and relatives attending. Thomas and Bennett and Hosting the celebration were Mr. and and Mrs. Keith McNeil of Pendel- for North- ton, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Marshall. The beautiful three- tiered wedding cake decorated were Dick with red roses, silver leaves and Dorothy a ceramic bride and groom top and piece was served by Mrs. Betty Mann. Marshall. Mrs. Lorine Whitener at- tended the punch bowl and Mrs. prob - which exist ~n the last ~/k Christine Ellison poured coffee. The honored couple was pre- sented with a money tree and many other lovely gifts. Out of ~ town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Bremerton and :Mr. and Mrs. Homer White of Coos Bay, Oregon. FRIDAY EVENING, Mrs. Flor- ence Taylor entertained Mr. and Mrs. Vic Holthy of Hollywood, California, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor and family of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor and con- ~eneration L'hat is-- " family or out of as often be in the placed son. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Burke and guest, Mrs. Jennie Holston of Minneapolis, Minnesota, spent the weekend at Vancouver where they attended the Eggert Family Pic- nic on Sunday. with over fifty guests present. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hahn and family of Vancouver. The Cecil Blackwelders and the C. R. Millers of Carlyon Beach spent their weeks vacation making model sets a trip around the lop in their trail- one end of aers. Friday, the Ira Stansburys, :ed perhaps Eldon Todds and Art Kinghams joined them at Clallam County Park for the weekend. =~=.. m~ SUNDAY PICNIC 1 u n c h e o n "~mm1 guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pendergraft were Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and family of Shelton. ~ le The Harry Simmons' and Ed Johnsons of Olympia dined at Tay- lor Towne on Saturday evening. its probab! The Frank Tetters of Tacoma 'Our family-s were Sunday dinner guests at the oefore you Henry Ungers. Susan Tetter is lan the loca- spending the week with her grand- ~SUal numberparents. Lr home willAttending the Pioneers Picnic at view, but Kneeland Park on Sunday were set dominateMr. and" Mrs. A1 Lord and Mrs. and distort Florence Taylor. Thursday, August 12, Little furnishings. Skookum "Bay Ladies Club will chair doesn't set. Light- meet at the home of Mrs. Archie Lrs, and swiv- Adams for dessert luncheon. Y two ways Mr. and Mrs. Marshall traveled ',an switch in to Solduc Hot Spririgs for a cou- ple of days vacationing last week. :eviewing to TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Mem You Work out Lambert brought home one of cent and se- those fish stories from Westport -~tri]Lg yourthat we've all heard about: only lel'a di di£feren~e was that he had the ~o~ing,~sa!mon 0vel! 3 :feet .... B'~rn[ture' long. It would have made a nice trophy; but Mere decided it was Mr. and l~Irs. Art Hunt of Swiss- home, Oregon were Tuesday after- '~ ~ noon guests at the Ed Taylors. Friday, August 13, there will be a potluck dinner at Progress Grange Hall for all grange mem- 4th & Cota bers at 6:30 p.m. Tills will be the only meeting in August. at" OO California Family Visils Skok. Valley Couple Over Weekend By M ry Valley SKOKOMISH VALLEY -- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Porter and two daughters arrived Sunday evening from Santa Ana, Calif., for a visit with Mrs. Porter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. While here Mrs. Porter plans to attend her class reunion at Alder- brook. Other visitors from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. James Little of Ashland, Ky., visiting the Chester Valleys. The Litties ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lozier of Tumwater and Mr. and Mrs. Valley enjoyed a trip to the ocean on Thursday and got to view some of the big salmon catches at Westport. While here the Littles were also entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Valley at Island Lake. Others present were Mrs. Alvin Hulbert, Mrs. Bob Mc- Keown, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lozier of Tumv~ater, and Sue and Jan Valley. THE COMMUNITY Sunday school picnic will be held this at- urday, Aug. 7 at Belfair State Park. The Sunday School bus will leave at 10 a.m. and the potluck dinner will be at. noon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bearden were called to Cottage Grove, Ore., where Mrs. Bearden's mother pas- sed away. The community extends their condolence to the Bearden family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortnik of Bellevue spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley. Eric Sjoholm recently returned from a three months visit with relatives in Sweden and reports a most enjoyable time and a won- MRS. NORMA GRAY is only part housewife with the remainder derful boat trip both ways. Eric of her life being spent as a secretary, clubwoman and motfier, says he saw a lot of the world but .... • • * nothing quite to compare with our • ] own State of Washington. Guests ly R - ,*oa Mrs. Norma Gray, a Hoodsport of the Sjoholms during last week Faml e unav~ ]resident, is an active worker in the were Miss Margery Jones of Los • _ . ~ _ l affairs of her community. Angeles who has returned home Af Ralfmr P rk I She is a member of the Hood after spending two weeks locally, ............... ]Canal auxiliary No. 230 and held Mrs. Joan Shivers and Kim, Mr. The Grindrod family held a re-[ the office of Sgt. at Arms for this Harold Munsey and sons of Port- n'on at Belfa' St ~te Park on] organization Mrs. Gray belongs land, and Mr. and Mrs. Denny U 1 lr a ..... • " - - a - " July 18 I to me sewing cmo ana w s cnazr- Temple and son Robby of Tum- " .... ] man of the PTA Magazine for the water• When all noses were countea o~ .... | Hood Canal PTA school board. A NUMBER of the Valley folk memoers of the mm~,y were pres-/ ......... ~_, ~_ __~ ~,_~ ~^:~. ,~.inA~od= ~uring me zan, winter ana attended the salmon bake at Pan- ,r.,^,^~ ,_^_ ~^~. ~ Al.~.a | spring months she m District Sec- handle on Friday evening. Mrs. in order to attend as the honored] retary for No. 404 school District. Jean Plant assisted her mother, • • In the summer she is employedMrs. Georgia Miller in preparing guests. Cahfornm was represented] ......... at the z eunion b" Mr and Mrs ~ oy me ~aKe ~usnman r~esoru the barbecue. Norm Olson and their two children]:Mz's. Gray r.laxes frequently Wednesday Mrs. Velma Doak from Glendale, Calif. ms. Ruby| w!th a .good book, a bridge game accompanied by Mrs. Phyllis ran " i ' :.~ wzm zrmnas or ~y mKmg a sum-Brown and Mrs. Wilma Minor of C e who rest gated thzs affa,~ .......... w- well -~-'resen*ed with four~ met 2aun~ m ~ne zamny ooat. Shelton spent the day at Panhan- Also helping to occupy her t~me generations present v~hich included] dle and reported a nice time. Two M~.~" ,~,~^~*'^rt L^^~UU~,, ~,~.~ ~^--,_,.-.~' | are her. two daughters, Darleen, of our ladies from the •Valley, son and daughter Edie ] who m 14 years old, Kathy whoMrs. Ruby Smar~ and Mrs. Edna All en~oveda full dav'of nicnick | will be 18 in October. Kathy will Hunter assisted with the cooking • • .... : • attend Arizona State College mfor the 4-H. rag, and minting wzth swzmmmg| ..... and games domineering the chiN| une zan. • • • Mr. and Mrs. George Valley of dren's time. / Island Lake entertained with a ~~__ ,~ | Pork Chops in Barbecue Sauce picnic in honor of Mr. and Mrs. WRITFR S CON]~ EREN( E ..... [ ~,pork chops-1 inch thick Bob McKeown who are leaving REPORT TO BE GIVEN ] ~A Cup brown sugar this ~eek to make t~eir home in ~ tsp black pepper Chicago, Ill. Those present W~re The local amateur writers be-]1 Tb ' -i'i " Mr. and~ 1~Irs. Alvin Hdlbert, ......... , , ~ sp. cn ~ pepper ranging to the wm~er's worKsnop~ ..... Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hulbert, Mar- ....... ~ ~ • Tosu. cemry seea are ~o ~e przwmge~ to near a re-/ ~ t.~n--~,* lene, Tammy, and Rusty, l~r. and port given by Mrs. C. R. Dugger] ~A-~u'nv~ine~ar Mrs. Chester Valley, Mike Hul- on the Pacific Northwest Writer's/2r. ~ bert, Miss Jaydee Stroud, Sue and • ~ can ~omato soup Conference held m Seattle last/ Jan Valley and the honored guests, week. | M'ix the dry ingredients. Add Mr. and ~Irs. Bob McKeown. The report will be given at the| the vinegar and soup. Pour over meeting held next Thursday, 1:30| the pork chops and bake uncov- senses of man, are eternal. p.m., in the home of Mrs. D. H.J ered in a moderate oven for 1~ Sight, hearing, all the spiritual Pierce at Potlatch. to 2 hours. Baste occasionally. ---Mary Baker Eddy Holpoinl Range Terms -- Free Delivery -- Complete Service & Cota "Where you get the Best Deal, by George" 426-4663 •W OVER Sizes: • 5-15, 8-18 Reg. $14.95 - $22.95 One & Two Pieces Ladies Summer Cotto0a ONE GROUP Ladies Baby D,oll Pajamas Waltz Gowns Shadow Panel Slips length and Full Lengths ONE GROUP Ladies Reg. $6.98 - $8.98 Reg. $10.98. $12,98 ONE GROUP Girls $ Values to $7.99 ONE GROUP Men's l=,( Includes Laminated and Poplins ENTIRE STOCK LADIES Summer Cottons Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. 3rd & Railroad "Always Shop Miller's in Shelton First"