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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 sI-rELTON--MASON COUN?Y 2OURNAL l Nished in "Chr tmastown, helton, Washln m Thursday, Ang. 5 Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, Ming Tree Ca/e. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Motel. Yacht Clnt5 busine,~s meeting, 8 p.m., Chlbhouse. Navy otimr.~' Club, 7:30, Mem- orial Hall. 40 & 8 Voiture, 8 & 40 Salon joint installation of officers, 7:30 dtnner, 8:30 program, 40 & 8 Club. Friday, Aug',. 6 V~Yon];tll'S Christian T(~nqperaP, ce Union, thflMay Aptv., 1 p.m. Sa,141rdity, Aug. 7 Drivers' license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Sunday, Aug. 8 Shell.on Churches invite you to attend li]c ohm'oh of your thole:.~. Tacoma's Annual Nebraska State Picnic, noon, Point Defiance Park. Timber League baseball, Shel- ton vs. Aberdeen, two games, Loop Field, 1:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 9 PUD No. 3 Commission meet- ing, 1 p.m., PUD Commissioners Yoonl. Cunty Commission's meeting, 10 i a.m., Court House. Sbelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD bldg. Coin Club, 7.30 p.m., PUD bldg. Tuesday, Aug. 10 Kiwanis Club hmcheon, noon Memorial Hall. City Commission's meeting, 2 ~.m., City Hall. School board meeting, 8 p.m. Evergreen school. 4-H Leaders Council meeting, 8 p.m., Extension office. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport hall. Degree of Honor Prote.~ctive A~- sociation, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall Lions Club board of directors meeting, 7:30 p.m., 2217 Callanan St. Dirt Dobbers Garden Club meet-: ing, 10 a.m., PUD bldg. Wedne~ley, Aug. I I Drivers' license examiner, 10 a. m. to 5 p.m., police station. Thursday, Aug. 12 Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, Ming Tree Care. Toastnmsters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Motel. Writers Workshop, 1:30 p.m., Mrs. D. H. Pierce residence. for Over-Night Service on those hard-to-get parts • Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cylinder Heads resurfaoed • Piston Pin Fitting - Pistons Expanded • Cylinder Block Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed • Hi-Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment • Crank Shaft Kits Society Editor • Cathy Hoard , Phone 426-4412 HAWAIIAN WEDDING TO, UNITE DONNA CLARK AND ARLAN HAGG MR. AND MRS. LLOYD CLARK of Shelton wish to announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Donna Mac to Sgt. Arian Hagg, son of Mrs. Alberta Hagg of Seattle, and Mr. Arnold Hagg of Fife. Miss Clark is a 1962 gradulate of Shelton High Schoolf ; Mr. Hagg is a graduate of Seattle High School and is presently stationed in Oahu, Hawaii with the United States Army, The wedding date has been set for August 21. 229 So. First St. 7 Phone 426-3351 i . , i O EH I JOURNAL WANT PAY ' Prices reduced on our fine All-Weather Tire! WhitewalLs only s2.2S morel N0 llUiDE-IiS NfflI[D! ¢OMPARH YOU. DON'T/IA!R TO BU,/ THE "SECOND TIRE"TO GET OUR DISCOUNT. /an ordinary brake adjustmentl. NO-MONEY DOW-N! FREE MOUNTING! ~. ._22 ..... ...... ___ ~ Lg~-~ alSa.*:nt %v~.;tlt m w~rKmtlrlllZqlp 11110 mat4rlals ano norma| roaonazaros. ~=.~¢e~. ~eparra~.le pu.rmtures. I IFA GOOMY.EAR TIRE FAIL~ UN~.ER THIS GUARANTEE any of more than 80,000 Goodyear dee ers in the United State= BRAKES BATTERIES BALANCING• Front & Grove 19th & PaD. Ave. 5th & E. Main Sheltono Tacoma Puyallup ALIGNMENT RECAPPING TRUCK TIRE SERVICE Donna Clark Surprised VFW At Her Bridal Shower * * To Miss Donna Clark was guest of The Ladies honor a,t a surprise bridnl Hmwcr VFW will given by Mrs. Bill Jones and Mrs. at 8 p.m. for iness meeting. Don Brownfield at the home of her All pa~ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lh)y,'l Clark up all th in Kamilehe. rummage Those attending were Mrs- 27, at the dames: Bill John~m, Howard Wil- Last son, Claud McIrvin, Pete Bloom- PresidentS' field, Warren Carr, Lee Bishot), port VFW Fred Clark, Don Brownfield, Bill food dinner. Jones, Allan McIrvin, Keith Sat- from ShelleD terthwaite, Verne Schuffenhauer. ilton, Mar Fred Crow, Lloyd Clark, Orville or, Jessie. Jones, George Critcbfield, Mike lnson Peabody and Misses Christine and Members Nancy Sehuffenhauer, Darlene, get the Peggy and Susan Bloomfield and picnic to Linda Clark, Those sending gifts light Park but unable to attend were Mrs. Paul Keever, Mrs. Bert Wood and Mrs. Charles Cox. Guests enjoyed refreshments of cake, jello and coffee. Games were played with the door prize going to Mrs. George Critchfield. A big thrill of a double party was had by Betty and Augie Lund RANDI TUSON, a future teacher and present swimming enthusi- of Victor last Saturday z~ight. It ast, is director of this summer's sw,m program at the Pool Nuo- was a surprise 40th wedding anni- tare. versary and 65th birthday for Augie. First, their daughter Lois Swimming and teaching seem to office of County Clerk. and husband Dick Rasmussen, be the two major interests of Ran- Randi is studying secondary ed- along with Dr. and Mrs. Jack di Tuson, a 1963 graduate of 8hel- ucation with her major in school i Greenlaw, took them to Alder- ton High School. as history and her minor physical !brook Inn for dinner. Lois then During her first year after grad- education. tricked her father into letting her uation Randi attended the Univer- She has held a part time job drive his new car in which she sity of Washington where she was during both years of college. While took them to their party at Vic- a member of the Silver Fish Syn- at the "U" she worked in the tot Hall. There were 175 guests chronize Swimming Club. Follow-school cafeteria and while attend- and a combo of Doug Corlis, Don tng her year at the "U" she at-ing Western she earned money at Nelson and Charlie Drake played tended Western Washington Statethe YWCA. for dancing. The laugh was on Lois College in I~ellingham where she Following up on one of her who' missed her folks surprised belonged to another swim group,major interests Randi has been expressions as she was stuck in the Blue Barnacles Synchronize kept busy this summer as direc- the seal bell of his car. Swimming Club. Here she held the tor of the swimming program at the Pool Nuotare and in her free LINDA LEMAN DOUGLAS HAY time residlng in her home on Island Lake is convenient as it gives her 9 an opportunity to take frequent EXCHANGE THEIR WEDDING VOWS swims At the termination of the swim program Randi plans on vacation- ~,_,o ing with her family to California. In the fall she will return to Western Washington State Col- ~eautif01 lege. Randi plans on obtaining a teachingjob on the high school level directly after graduation from college. Washington in all probability will be her choice of residence. Now 20 years old she enjoys sewing, camping and tennis when not occupied with her other activi- ties. Randi has lived in Shelton with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Tuson, and her two sisters 502 W. Fra~ and two brothers since 1950. AND THE HAVE IT LINDA LEMAN AND DOUGLAS HAY Shelton First Baptist church lighting the eandte~ were Dale was the scene for the July 10 Leman and Daniel Hay, brothers double ring ceremony uniting inof the bride ana groom. marriage Miss Linda Fay Leman, Michael Hay was his brother's Here are the facts. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvinbest man. Ushers were Richard J. Leman of Shelton and Mr. Doug- Arndt, Corvallis, Ore. and Keith with other cars in its glas Allen Hay, son of Mr. and Macomber, Greenbank, Wash. Mrs. Everett Hay of Silverton, The soloist, Miss Sandi Lewis, Wl~albm I)wfallLenglh Ore. ,