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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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S. 196B SlTELTON--MAgON C0tYNTY 30TJ RNAIJ- Published in U.S.A.", Slid{on, Washington - I=A E For A ONG ' UR l/ tl First im UTrEn AND DENNY JOE Isis M. Monteith . n v I[ . BECOME A ROMANTIC HEWS STORY Succumbs Here _ . ~ |/ GRAPEVIEW ...... The p]casant [Monday after a week's absence : "~!i~,ti%+;tiV~*~ :i~'!::i~} ~k ton General Ho:q)ital. Ore., died last 1, riday in tile SheN is. home In iris- DL's (ORNER ' talk" floating through the warm duty which l'tlsiled Orville to Roe- ~ She %vas bot'n in LaGrande, Ore,, the past eight Heard that Portland i,' tryino, summer air at Grapeview last Sat- le,'ierNew York, to be "It the Sept. 17 1894. t~t~ the St. Ecl-,~ ,, _, • 9" ." ~" ]urday ;ve,lill originated from our deathl~ed of his sister Mrs Grace • --~" ' ...... l'cit Naz J brandnew firehall and itsfirstMcl~ride, over a. week ago. He Shelton General ][o~pihd . ' ....... Mr and Mrs Bill G Gz'alialll Funeral servwes were nolo tasL • -~mrcn t.. bu.~ . certain famed ( . } whale • g • . . ..... ~s Were held last ~zter au tsar puo l~ y "nu cer-/ publicsocial function. [bl'uught her home to Butte, Mort- Star Route 2, Box llA Union, Tuesday, 1 p.m., m the Congor L~dww~rd,s Cath_tainly won't go. Of course if ne/ Over 170 local residents, w, eck-] t.ana, for funeral services last Washington, boy, July 21 MOrE'is Funeral Home at Medford. ' ;:. th. Father does go he might even get mot', |cnd residents and out-of-town ,Tuesday where he was Joined by Qu~:ene, Wash., boy, Jrfly 28. -' Memorial in Mcdford. S~t ~ollowlng t.lle ... Pete Melin manager of MIL-]guests filled the hall to the bulg- his wife Leom.a and g r,anddatjgh- el~m- grave sineLER'S APPLIANCE DEPT says ~ ing point for the big Game Night [ ters Susan and a anie..Tney au re- Mr and Mrs. Norman Tangen She is survived by her husband, ,~ tn the ,ern : ...... "" ]sponsored by the Volunteer loire turned to Crapevzew oy cram. 723 North Fifth St., Shelton, boy, J~;z~eSoW?"~c;' Monteith of Me;~- -oercleen. i that ,z.'s corer ume on GE TV,/Department'Ladies Au×iliary. Gra-) THOSE OF US who had the op- ,Tu~y 31. rid M,s Laz, N,I1 8"5 Monteith "(;)f "I~°,nlS;::]s' (~;.':~',e~a'r- by two sons, Ray- what with the Gold Cup. He's even| tiffed by the huge success of the portunity and took the Lime to look ,-. ~. a . ..v. ..... "y ,~ . , . z, red L Monteith of Roseburff Ore.; !.Pocomoke, Md.,having a sale around that fact . . ./endeavor were Auxiliary president I out on our local waters this past i!~~ Suutn t'lrst St., SneHon, ~tz'l, Aug. two daughters Mrs Dorotiay V ~ersh of Orinda,Baz'rv f~askin manager (¢ Mrr. | Mrs. Don Pogreba and her hard-]weekend might have been ira- 3 , , ~ ' ' ' • ' gh+ters, Mrs. Ms- .~..,Jo ~ .... , o, ". "'":" | working committee headed by Mrs. I pressed with the probability that ~ ' " D( t3 of Coos B~y, Oze,, Mrs. Lois : ~ortland Ore ~ ~n~, ~z~. m continuing • .~ • ' zcatez Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krona, P. O.L. Stoehr of Shelton; one bro- w,, ........... '~. | Okonek and assmted by Mesdames I we were dmplavmg a g" • num- bly, ca of Tacoma, ms_Final wmarm}c.e, t~a~'z,y says| Walt Clayton, Jr., Julie Stock, I bet of small-craft tlmn ever before. Box 594, Shelton, boy, Aug. 3. thor, Archie Bebrens of Alamita, ~]va of Shell.on; zt nab oeen tel~z'zzm an~_ iz .you| Joe Engen and Phil Hardie. Fire-]Anyway, it looked that way to us. - .................................... Calif.; and 12 grandc, hildren. • Gol]a; and want a. ne~,,v pal z._.vo_u_ne, tter nut-linen helpers for the evening were, Someone even threw in a dare- ~;:~¢:~ " .... PRIGES R"DU----D!' ~T PAULEY DODG~ '!1 and 10 great- ry . ./~ac~ at.MILLER'S for the| Joe Engen anti Walt Clayton. Re- I devil "hot-rod" seaplane, adding zn'sttm~e ruesaaywas mrs. Fran-/ cipients of the clever gifts from / ~n extra unnecessarary hazard to UI; cisL:ole in the~nimren'sDe t "~ ' ~:::~ . .. ~. _ _ P'imany lands w~flch effectively car-[boatmen and waterski~ers. And-- ~vlrs..~01e ~,as run over O.y own/riod out the "Round-the-World" [ to cap it all, an entirely new spec- ~:~i::~:!i --:~l~l car m a n'eaK accment April 61 theme included Ronnie Peters, ] tacle took the spotlight on Sun_ --~ 7 .~ . : '62 Chevy II Nova ......................... : t295 [.... and hasnot worked s!nce ;. '1 Stan Hagedorn, Eleanor Nowicki,I day afternoon--it was the lovely All White--Red Bucket Seats I ~.eaving miller's ano walking oown/ Bill Staudt, Jean Badrud and and powerful "Charlotta" from ~,12 ~ Railr°ad to PEN.NEY'S where| Ralph I-Iatch, Coffee and cake ] our IV[arina cutting through the '60 Rambler Wagon .......................... $4951 '~avli%z, ;~r:~ I Manager ram on ~anny ,,as a Sale| were served by the committee dur-Iwater around Treasure Island, :~,t+ ~i Engine Rebuilt I ~:i..__..- ~-t~u,~ • on aaeets. ~naon says that tnis/ ing intermission Those who so ] blowing her siren and pulling thir- ~:~ ~Setl~e ~ast threedays ~o you ,be:- | generously supported this "funltee. (yes, that's right)thirteen ~ i!;;i '57 "odgo 4 Door ................................. '..'~_~,~ .." u "y..- ~ g the om~rI night' will be interested to know ]skiers in her walce. A lovely and Runs Good ~i#~,i~ I ,wed. - ..... ~ " , I that proceeds from the affair will l completely unusual pictm'e. Y.ek JEWELERS., be used to uurchase much-neededl We are sorry to bid farewell to ii:i~ ~TY~.~:~~" •l The Kluh family, really has some|equipment] f~)r our firehallthe kitchen. I oUrlevel. I neighb°rs~Mr' and Mrs. Don AND wish '57 Ford4 Door ........................................ All White ~l[~l.~___lr, I [ " wonderful buys on Artcarved Dia- • ' . ho fm l .... , . . . Inczdentally, radm~ and Quezy and famzly w mhed MR. MRS. CARL W. UTTER to announce the engage- I ,~resley tn • mona fin s that you snould see/in~ around the hgll was done 'ust their movin out zo oct from g. • ° g ' " '56 Dodge Wagon .................................... I , ral}OU,[, J . . . Running mound the corner[ in time and provided a most ap- I Stretch Island this week and are ment of their daughter, Betty Jean to Denny Joe Lawson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Windell E. Lawson. Their engagement story can =-= Clean ~'1-~ i J and dox~n to Cota St., wherel preciated improvement in the l practically ~settled in their new be found in last week's issue of the Journal i~~LA George valley, owner of EELS &:l parking facilities Now for some I home at Port Orchard. ," - - '52 Dodge riekun [~: LAKE" • VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER[ gravel to complete the Job' l w .... ~o ..... to u. alan th.¢ $ 395 I L,oenses " I '"~"- ~-84~_ .... ~ has a one price sale on Hotpoint/-.-. ....... ~ ..... ". i.. I.. "~vZ'~%.~"':'~ ~ ":- :-'-%7"'~ " " ~-'~l~'~"~t~'~"ll~ar1 ~pj~.~.e.n..~[B.ou: onee[ nuts,, wound up their annual l Joan. and Judy have completed ton, and Ann Rosezell Anderson, i~~ PAULEY,,,illt,,T0ilS II ~m¥ pt~e~, yuu¢ ~.u,~, .-, ~ t,-.~e, r.e,~t a P ' tretch Islan Kenneth 3 Raymond 27 Shel- ~'~r~amr~l / ....... | c mp-out at anhandle Lake last tthezr move from S , d to • .' = goo(1 QeSA, SO better hurry . . . ' ' ' ! ' n ILl I ......... o-U a* '"- -,--|Saturday evening w,th the trad,-I*u n'n, Washmgto . ' '¢ ~ '~RORa. JtRORS • ana~"~ ..... no asaies 7= "?nere,''~''':\tna~':'zs ...... except='/tional "Salmon Barbecue" and, in I We. are sad. at thea dPr°speCtnei of 22, Shelton. I " # Front & Railroad 426-8183 | u,"~ ..~,~0RSO,, 1 t,c .... ~v~'~'~"~"'"' -~-..v~"~..a' ..... ~,,~,,,,,,wa,*,.... | spite, of the heat, as usual drew I losing these frmnds n .ghb°rs" David A. Berg, 26, Tacoma, and I Ine Journal .~t,h~r{~"u'~s. I .......... l '- ' i a beg crowd. A program, follow-I Don Pogreba, Jr. retmned to ~ _F,~I~ESS • Tnac s ngnc, we sen nave em. | in~ the dinner and ~resented bv[Grapeview last Saturday after a Barbara M~cElroy, 30, Gig Harbor. I J .......... /th~ participating 4-H'groups, gavel week's camp-out at Ocean Park - ~ ~-'J ~ ~ J thiv~lne~°ne~°~neret:S:r~e ~Sl~a~ 's:nd3"| °ur l°cal leaders reas°n t° be ] near L°ng Beach at the Moth°dial .... AT i ~" g "-"Y IY "" :[ pr°ud since th~ Grapeview Chlb ] Y°uth Oamp" °C~~ WHAT mg somemmff. --marna~| tied for first place as "best camp-I The AI Richards were most ~| ers" and was also selected to give]pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. O. lim.~_ | its skit for the guests, "Grape-IR, Yost drop by last Monday to i~m~ ~l~~~~ |nuts" member Rod Isaacson was/spend an afternoon. This inter- !l~l~~ ll~i ~ ~ 1 /awarded a third place in the Be-~esting Couple, who make their ~: ~~ ~~lV~ [ginning Archery class. Leaders,]home at Sleepy Hollow in Gordon ~I i chaper°nes and helpers f°r °ur I Cany°n near Chin°' Calif°rnia' J MODE " group were Mrs Art Nicklaus, made their way here to the Olym- f~ Floor Coverings / .... i . l~-. Ii .. . ~ ~| Mrs. Vivian Query. M'rs. Edna/ pzc Perdnsula by ~ay of Death • aatallatlo • umomum n lI _. II Lo.op, Mrs. Rod Isaacson and Mrs. i Valley, Salt Lake City, Banff, : ~A"-- II • "x~e |/Walt Clayton Jr. [Canada, Bellingham and Seat.tie, .'. • ut.[y, IN(:, I| * Carpeting I/ Our lovely "banana belt" con-[believe it oz" not! They will spend '~ . I . Formica I/tinues Lo lure visitors from near/two months in this area before (~,~:~ ~i~.~? Pn. 426-3926 ] I REX FLOOR COVERING I/and far and whether it's the gra- / returning home and, While here, I ] Mr. View Ph, I/c ous hospitality of our local r'esi-/will avail themselves of a generous "- = "| dents or the delightful attraction/supply of canned oysters and " . | of our picturesque area, is a mat-/ clams. This northward trek has c Mode 0 Day thinks BIG for SMALL customers...and invites them to see a really elegant (and washable)fall - THERE S MANY A SLIP,., 'wardrobe for play, school and / important parties. " / Our Layaway Plan makes flANDBAG HARVES1 Dres=es, dresses and mere gant.., o o o dozens..'m faCt,usuallJestyNfound shopping so easy and doesn t , t e • _ .. h best of new fall styles, dresses.., voted mostlikely.m SltpS, ¢osU tWlCO" as | am s, we ve pretty half s s cost a penny! colors and sha es that look five to Succeed on and off © pu, lip, 1 times our tiny price. Have twol Petite, ]U iW size=, come Nel / Sizes 4/6x '2.99 - 3.99 / Sizes 7/14 • 3.99 2,99 5,99 i0 8,99 1,99" 3,99 / AiIAUGUST CLEARANCE ,I - UNIFORMS' I/ Children's Sportswear i 6-20, 14½ - ,.o. I I -°-'- I , , I I I[I I 1 r .... '/• i Nkl:ll A H[kW ' %+It ' | "WINDSHIRD 114 A mJ R + +* MIsT|R-+ " i+: ~t.i~D • Air - Rail - Steamship ¢ ., Z , : ~:,' I. Bus- Hotels' Tours " i/' ~/~~ ~~TH| 'LA$|' ~ /~i1o/1~i~"' i l • No Extra Charge For ~[~}),~~ ~i:II!IIIIIIIBB~, --== iii , I Angle Travel Res. Center I/V -- ",ms 14o, aai,,oad Ave. a,e.,,r, |I !." i+ SWEATERS, u cm= [, T kla f r + .... ~ I 426-41S4 I/ F [ ]""}+ II or mm le PLUSH BRI .... t / - t4 !!~ ' / , ' i::!::~I~ iii TV Service_ ,| ]; / \ \\\ , ¢lasslcs in wiggy new colors and o..shapes.u softly, natural+), NOTEWORTHY COATS tein I . - zv I/I' ,; 'Jl i! textures. Both Imported and do- with polyester padded cups.., ... a tempting new coflection of ' ]/ I . Phonographs [/ / III1, 'eL, i mestic styles. Drop in and see! has adjustable stretch straps, styles for town and country,.. ,~ I ' * CB 2-way radlo I/F i1'|11 ¢ I + ,=2w i, F! I Sizes 32/36A and 32/:388fair weather aM foul.., in I . ,rnetie i. i -=R'W'* TV I/I, i; 3,99- iO,O0 ,00 complete range of size$. HAi RDAsHER SHIRTS ,,-++, I / , o ..... .+0,,, ...,n,,o. oo.o. p. Mt. e • +i! ...... ~] ......... ~:.'.::~:~]~!~ ~i~]~]!~. / I il ii 5.99 - ~9.9 oxford cloth.., classic white, ........ -.'.:.:.'.. ,:.:.:,:.:::..:.:: ,.x.::::.:..,. ~ :::;!J~!i~i~! i:i!~il :~:~i!~;!~!+~!~ i:::+' " ~ ~ / i +::~::~+,+~,::+~,,:,; :~ Jaokets, Parkas, ~ Length, solid olo s ,rid s+rin, c r ,.s 3036 TV Service- ,I I s0me0,, ........... ~"++' ~ ' Coats.Rain Goat, & Full Length ........... ',Z,99 / ae laura s Fast and Guaranteed lg P TV and Radio Repairs II I ...SHOULD I +. i iRIMES ,B, |l:ll &l)-" Antenna and Parts ~erv,ce il • HIM ABOUT-- - .-- "--" P'!l~(~eB Armagost TV-Radio ~.ervi¢o II I I I 3rd a Grove Evergreen Squar 26-8293 Special Rack of Sale Blouses -- 1.59 - 2.79 1919 King St. (Mt. V|eW) II ...... +.+-++.. !, "Where your w.indshield l? .guaranteed not to leak." . All Siz,, &,,,,t¢0