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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 6 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "¢Ohr tmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington i From The ------I I Fasiballers Mat©had Skokomish Triumphs[ : II With South Sound I Over_ Taholah, 9-5, J 4" ti)ul - .+corm I lin District Meal , In Ind,an Loop Play " / Adroit use of opposition wild ..... , ....... I Skokomish kept up a steady tat- W WATERING SYSTEM plate the .... JUSTICE COURT I I~ERRY RECEIPTS [ pitches enabled the Shelton Mer- . l,~n.e a se~ona-g.ame ~arr ano an error on tastes' groun= I to of base hits on two Taholah [TO BE INSTALLED Bud Pauley, , ~ . ...... .~. +....~.~.~ ,h.~. ~1 .... ~o ~lass I oeaonne carneo, tnc ~orrecuons der set up the opportunity. / pitchers while winning a North- [ Directors of the Shelton-Bay- 48s for a. net Appearing on the docket in Ms- ] Receipts from the Harstine Is- l cn ...... ~, .............. #-,v-- "~ " . • ,~=~ ~, • . " , . • Center ~o its second st...,~,..~ d.A.- The Inmates had overcome Mc- / west Indian League baseball game, shore Golf Club have voted to icap. Darrell son County Justice Court before[ 'and Ferry for the week ending] Afastball league schedule wlth.a . . . ' ' .... ~ • • i bie win m Timber League base- Cleary's first inning run, scored ~ 9-5, at Taholah Sunday• borrow $25,000 to replace the pre- son, Jack J Judge Glenn Correa were' Iuly 31 totaled $243 50, the Engin- ~Zz victozy over Panorama ~ ty ....• eer' re ..... orted monaay evcmng in Olympm' Put ball Sunday. after an error walk and Odlc's[ Jim Tobin and Bob Miller paced sent watering system. Jim Hartley Washington State I atrol P " _ ~ o ~.. +~ r ............. ~ ÷~, The victim this time was third single, with three of their own|the 15-hit Skokomish attack with[ Tentative plans are to start not play thei Roger E. Schuettkc failure to . . ~ ~ ,,-~ ~:~ w ,~ ...................... place McCleary by 4-3 and 8-7 I[~HERIFF'S OI,:I~ICE AI~ESTS/ . .~¢h~, ~a.~o,,--r,,,,,~.J ~,,,~/sa~ne~diam°nd lastThursdavtals° scores. All fo'~r "successes have engineered on Perrson's two-out ]three apiece and Guy Miller added work on the new system about A nlavoff , while yield right-of-way backing single, Buruett's walk, Tom Scott's ] a 3-run triple to the collection• [ Oct. 1. The system 'will be pur- locke(t conte~ $12 forfeit; Wendell K. Loop, nag- J KenneLn tray..main, ~, ~)'emer- ~,v"-'~'.-.-~:.~'~;';:..-~:'-~'~'~-~'~'~,'-J~.'~ j been by the same one-run margin, triple and steal of home. I Tom Gouley picked up the pitch- J chased from the H. D. Fowler ed at an early ligent driving, $56 forfeit; David[tun, anving wnne !racer ~ne in:/~.:',~.='~y::~ .......... ~ ......I The Inmates h~ve now won five They ran it to 4-1 in the third/ing decision " although Bob Miller I Company of Seattle with installs- Next compel L Lewis failur- to dim li-hts to I fluence oI intoxicants or enectea/""* ~"~ ....... o,,o~,~, ~.., .~..~ . A u ,~,~,~ • ' "n' • ff'¢: ] f rfci~t: Jos[ by intoxicants Bonnie Suszan Ja-] ~ The. Merchants finished with a I i'~:=~'"'wi'"~:V'~'~'s~tr=kn~uh--o'n on Scott's bases-loaded single be-]finished the last four innings. Gou- tion to be done by the Kimbel will be the oncoml g Ua 1., $ 2 o > i - , . . ,. er:~ .......... ' ........... S-- -- eph J Jacobs failure to use due I cobs, 15, parole violation; Kenneth ] hind Persson's donble and walks[lay left with a 4-0 leau ann a Dig[Construction Company of Shelton. tournament o-~-~ tongue, gooa.~or t~o July 22, ~tl under pinch-coach Bob to Bob Comer and Burchfield, J sweat up in the intense heat ofJ The present system, installed man Don Pauley 2__^ ::_., ). ~ ........ ' P~a., ~in 1~ Bremerton ,,eLite/place m tne nnm stanmngs, e)~ . vi~ "~v (~hnnmnn"o~ dr~v--~ lic I ~arceny; James LeRoy Sturtevant, ! ............................... "~-. ) ,~, ........~ .....^~ B,,r then stowed it away with a 4-run[the day. J in 1960, has had to run at less card Sunday a~ • Hoods ort non su ort" Jose h record (the tm was w th Shelton), I I ..... . .... I eLL flawless defensive support in fourth inning blast which unrav-I SKOKOMISH PILED up its run]thaD half prescribed pressure to ~ ..... wore hl~ ense on pcrsoD, $12 forfeit; Law- P " PP , P " • n " ~ .. ~'~ ......... .......... ' "l:--'ou M-sta Sh~lton fugitive ~ ant~ uwmpm me~cnan~s took see-I ........... eled the ]-4 deadlock McClear.~'s total in solo lots cxce t for a 4- lessen the probabiht of breaks w,,,, ~ and re, ice ~. 2koalr, negngent orlvlng, I "~ "~ t, , ~ , ~5 / .... |me opener, tnen ralllecl inLne * - . ] • P Y ~,., ,~oots t $50 forfeit Faithe Kessler fol- ] warrant; Gerald G. Thompson, [ °n° a~,~-~,v ~,,~u-r c~.~,^. ,., last two innings to overcome Mc- three runs m the top half h~d J marker blast in the eighth, a most J in the lines and even then there .~onnv LuTe 1 created timely move as it turned out for have been an average of two a 'on • • ' " rrest ,,,v,~,,,~. ,~,'-,,~-- ~,,~,~",' ~'" • • [ . champl • lowing too closely and speeding, | Shelton, resisting a ' " [ ...... o .... ound of Ol-m'-ia at r Cleary s 2-0 lead to spoil a perfect / COMER TRIPLED to lefteenter Taholah responded with a match-|week requiring 24 to 48 hours to .... • ~-^~es 24 forfeit' Walter M. Grow driv-. . , , K~ ~ u~n o y .p ~ ' • . . try- behind Dave Reed's walk then[ ing quartet in the ninth whicb repair• Although properly desig-~gntc~nbj~we~ Png while 'under the influence of ISHELTON POLICE . I Sdo: OlP i°i S::ve'3 sF:: dt2, r : gi~':t~e)°J.tcrhryt p:~nt bYeMpCle I ned and installed, the present sys- ;~ ';=~X~errnil~e intoxicating liouor.q fined $110 | Mrs.Ellen Wilson reported ~ . " ~ . ...... "!f~ether five singles by Burnett, scored on Persson's fly to left af- would have tied the count other- .... ~~^ - -'-"' ...... ' ......... d entered her residence'men[ ttwctor tnere ~ne~on,~." ~ - - - ....... tar which Burchficlct racked aJwise. Item used a plast!c type of pipe ~i~ion'isa~t-mat¢ WILD ~DO suspen(le(I Wll:n ilve says I .mn,cuu~ ,~ ~ . , / __~,:: ,,.^ ,~ ....'~l"m"ia Mcr I Tom ~cotL 'troy rtunt, ~OO riOOO in jail suspended and 30 days driv- [ but found nothing taken. • [ 3~:n~s L~ team'"winner tTuesda= land Dave Barr with .Tim Burch- circuit clout to,.~rigbtcenter,~ Scott] Bob Miller drove in a first in. [thensuose muentl~ue ~ounane°pnyteunsmtaDmSyage a naior * U: er's license suspension; | Mr. Huntley reported firecracK- ]m~ ,~,, ~ ..... ~m~ =o t~ state at J field's run-scoring sacrifice for singled and sto.~, hi., way to third I ning run following Gary Peter- ' q Y " " GOLF GALS A ors bern exploded m the woo~s = ~ ~" " b , Elizabeth W Byrd no valid dri- [ • ' g ' / "~.".." -~': ~'%~%- " I three tallies m the fifth, then ad- scoring o~ the catcher's overthrow. / son's double Gouley scored on at, [ golf course use. "-" ...... on durt Eveleth and Odle hac walked[error m the second azter forcing] ................... 7~,w~ activity l ,~ '" ~ Run ' had sin led r~r.~au~z~* ~ ~u~ r~ e---"'~ l to open MeCl.arys ~eventh but nie Paterson, who * g , I. ....... Ratsto and R • ' " the fourth ,~ ~,av.~-vw.. ~,~.-.~-.~,.,,~.. ..... ne S the game was called at that point [ Glen Johns singled m I ........................ : nin# for the be with Estes at bat when the prev,- Jan o ~ked around on two sacr.ih. J d~nt'o r'u.~ ¢~-rnamen~ found Ann Correa for e iously agreed Lime limit arrived• I ces sanowmnmg nls steal oz m~ru .~ ~ . ~ v w~: .. .~ - -- -+- .... ~ours ann Next Sunday the Correctmns ~ "~D# • ........... ~ vn ' . ~. ~*' -'~t ,,,,h,, ~, ,h,~ ~,~,~,~,~ ~f n~v Ruth Heuston. a~ center" line, throwing debris from [ ........... *,~ ........ [tP a a~ainst Olvmng: Brewery, I Hartley's walk, singles by Bob • ,~- .... ~#'" ..... "~ " an -rrn- ~,,l~nemse,ves in a oeaoioeK zor tne ......... -, ................ t~ ........... I ~ ---*•.~.~*..A eo=n a.~..~, to ,member of the powerzul .0~orl:n- / "~' ° "~ ................ ' " nd D .¢ lasl: ~unoay ~u,y ~.., 1 • l " e 1 8 ~n =~lm~uu ~ov u,~,,,,~s= ~ • Weld'ssacrifice fl FIRST GAME ted one in the fifth, a avl. • .... • ..... ,^. ~.. e~v~es OCCU atmna hcense,fin d$ 7 Y P '• a 1959 model sedan resulted from west fastball league, m an exhibi- . [drove Bob Miller across in the [ ,oi~eU~Y h~e'l~rzus o~n~ar~!ll 2~c~e icy"for'fewest pl with $50 suspended plus five days ] ........ ~ / Lion at Ol,,m,~ia , [ The second game deadline ar-MeCleary ab r h %V.S.C.C. S+I) r h • dr' ' a car acement one-~ourtn mu. # ~ " " Weld ss 2 0 1 Barr "b 3 0 1 [ seventh with a single. ~ _ ~.~ .. ~ ~' . .. ..7 _ ~2 _ in jad and revoke of ~ver s per-| ..... ] ~h^tton beat PanoramaCiD, on[rived with McCleary having two " " " , i ~'reo mtuiier ann may rtme at zu~ , . . south of Shelton last 'raursoay o ~ # • • Odle Ib 3 0 1 Comer as 3 0 01 GUY MILLER S triple n the ] ~t.~u .... • ,.b.,~ th.~, ,~ .... a ¢h~. m~t, Robeit A. Boynton, 18, il- ] ....... 1" -- m [three wild pitches and an error. ]runners aboald.from walks with legal consumption of beer, fined | auou~ o. u p.. . ..... [ ................ ~.~^..*. .... I none out in the cop ot the sevenm. Estes, 3 0 1 Persson cf 3 1 1 I eighth came behind walks to Gary fi'nai'TS-hole"sti'nts" un'd"a,:" $50 and two weekends in jad; Dan- I_ The.!cle, driven, oy w - |life in the third and Manke drov,~ I THE BEARS had been gouging Karr c 3 0 0 Burnett p 2 1 1 Peterson and Albert Gouley and .... ~ ........... #:_ ~.~ ~~ • ~ Mltenell, zz, ~eatue, apparent- " ' ' Evelethcf 311tScottc 3 1 l i singles by Jim T°bin and B°bMil']rou'nds-o-fS0~a~nd43~less;6 st;ok';; ~~ tel W. Pierce, 19, illegal posses-[' ........... ~,.~.~..,~ ...... m withatri-le [away at the Inmates lead w~th I " handmap, Bill had a net 70 on . sion fined 50 and two weekends lY puneo out.oI tne ~urger r~L, • ............ a# ho e . r • ,- ", " fou~:th and Cole rf 300 Hunt rf 312 ler in i'ail; D~ryl L. Cookston, 19, I~oP3:t~°e thedrighdt, sp?m1:~k l~t/Isnngtleh~, f°grtHhofD~:s hSi~VTjdnjg:n [3ix~r~ bl1~;not.hees~,,~,~y .~,,~.~. Hartley 3b 210, Brchfld 3b 200 [ Taholah broke its goose-egg 148-56-34. Flakus had a backlog of ~'i~ illegal consumption, fined $50 and | " ' . ........... | ~.. v ....... alkea t- load the sacks I defensive may ~o~ing., z-run ~rip- Himes 2b 3 0 1[Hoodlb 1 0 0 J with a walk and a triple off Miller ~ 140 and Dickie 137 in their pre- ~]J~.! o w ek nd i ' • " anu went Pack again on: tne rlgn~ ,y ~uu,,~ ~, ~, ,, ~. ,. . . ~ . . tw e e s n jail,J~m Ver- | - -. [--,-',~ -:*~-^- ch^-~-e"~ Dave and ] lc and Weld s single dm the sixth Boling If. 3 0 1|Hugheslb 1 0 I J in the sixth, then unloaded three [ vious 36 holes of the 54-hole com- Slde of the roanencung up pal vv.u p,~.=o ~- ~, Totals 25 2 6 Nason If 2 0 0 l or fol char Jr negligent driving im-[ ' " |-. • [inning damage, while bases-loaded • I [doub es, a single and an err [netition • ~ ~ ~ • ring m .... • e trolly over a bank free trans ortation to Hat[lay and proper turn and operation on sid - ] , [ .............. J . p , Totals 23 4 7 I four in the mnth. J A revision of Rudy's handicap, MONTI- eU~, smgmo m tne sex walk, fined $56; Richard R. I ~ ] ........... ~ [Himes and Bolings infield tap SCORE B~ INNINGS J The box score: originally believed to be 31, re- mm~ Roundtree,ense suspended20' drivin(revoked),g whilefinedliC-', Phone Books , entn anawa!ksscoreU_to Lloyd°n a wuu. p,tc~,, 1,1oduced" singles[he byf°urthKen flameodle" andSc°resEd' hits ................... 2 3 1 0 0 0 0--6 J ~11Ptcrsn 2b 311} Chancy If 5 1 1 5-way deadlock. ~mmml=---- [Me~ l after Mu,r and/after McCleary ..................... 020 000 0--2 ~Skokoml~h abr hiTch.hal, abrh duced it to 26 and brought on the $110 plus 30 days in jail and one [_ -" ' - -'"= [manK?tzmea to~e ~:n~as' three hits [~ W.S.C.C ....................... 000 0gl x--~ [~t:Millcr If 5~ llCharh'y cf-p 5O2 The only other entry to corn- year's revocation of d,~ver's lic- i nn| II~| W ek / ~ne ~0 . g ~. ~Y _ . . J = = ~ hits ...................... 0 0 0 0 5 2 x--7 [ Tobin lb 5 1 3 H.Capoemn ss 5 0 1 ~---- .....' ' e I VMI i~vna ww~ ~ against six ior ~'.~., DUL support- ense; John E While, fsflur to re rnau i Nutt ave solo ..e I Johnsons, r n SUMMARY: 3b-Persson. 2b-Hunt. J B.Miller ss-p5 2 3 Strum rf-]b 411 stop at stop sign. $12 forfeit; l One of. the best-read books m ted Nut[ flawles_sJy.._ gh-'*-and | ~" ...... SH-Burchfield. Weld. RBI-Scott Hunt, I Ab Gouh'y c 4 1 1 James p-of 4 1 2 Fred V. Rapp driving over the | town Will De oeuvere~ ~o your | runs in ~ne zour~n on ~wu *L~ / |asJ ~lha|a....... Burchfield, Weld, Himes• RRF-Burnett ] G Miller'cf 5 "I l[Ellis'lb 3 0 0 ~ ~ I ~$ [| J center line an'd failure to yield J home or office next week, yet no | a steal of home, and in the sixth [ a_~$~ ~,~il~UUll ll~l~ 2, Estes 3. SO-Burneti 7, Estes 6, :RiPetrs'n 8b 2 0 1 Boone rf 1 0 0 _ right-of-wa'y, $22 forfeit |one will readit cover-to-cover. The ion three singles, ill" | " ' "Sl A " " BB-Burnett 1. E:ltes 1. SB-Burnett. JDavis3b 3021Washones3b 412 ~,IKAY~q~ tAKD~ • ' * * " [book is the new 1965 edition ofJ The Camms grabbed their win I VlCl0ry uv0r w,3,u,u, ,u~ho~, od,e ~-Wol~. z~to~. Is.oll ~0 0 --=-- ........ COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS | the Shelton telephone directory, i with five runs in the fourth, when I ........ Center~ 3, McCleary. " 4. I Johns rf 5 1 1IN. Capomn 2b 4 1 2 " Building permits approved by[ It's bigger by 12 pages and. 600 ~ they bunched seven of their ten I pa?~°nc~n~U~iim~rtot~CKcoSqUe~°_ SECOND GAME | Totals 429151 Totals 3851] tho M ...... c~ .... (,, o-~m~ss;on on lmore listings this year. Aoout |nlts. 'J.~ro ulnar nlts arouno a sac-l. £ " " " ""- - " McCleary abr hIw. ,C.c, ab rh ] SCORE ltY INNINGS 1 ll lll ..................... ~' " ........... ] ........... - • ~ ri°ic s red a "~amm run in the' Lions ~enter last 'rnursoay ano Monday were to L P Cheskow, I o,~uu cooks wiii oe oeliverea m- / z e co ~ I " ~ .......... Weld p-sP 4 1 1 Williams 2b 1 0 0 / Skokomish .......... 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 4 0-- 9 r / i~ wood cabin, $2,000; Robert E. J itiaUy--over 9oo more than last/first, nk hit a home run for a t~Ln~et°m~*eV~'Yn~s/setc:n:0~:iua~pnr Eveleth cf 20 ~0/ htt ............ ,-~.~ / I] ] ] Cameron, wood utility room, $250; year. . e .......... /~ snirited meet 'Duan,, r),u,oll wo()d residence J The scenic cover boosts Wasn-/ ~neiton tauy mtne seven~n wnue / ~" "" " • • • •Estes ss-pOdlc lb-p 310JComer ss-p212 Barv 2b 3111100 / Taholahhits .............. ............ 010100211001104--11004-- 5 i~ ram/ l~l/ll ~7"~O~ ~e~,'b~" ~ock roof "on ~ai~ |ington as a "good place to live,/the other' crossed in t1~e second on ] Mike J¢)hnson .was a ~otlDle.w_ln- Karr C 3 1 1 Per~,son cf 3 1 2[ SUMMARY: 3b-G. Miller, James. 2b- ....... "-";:"' =.,.^k- ~.= " _,. o .~ / ....... t. ,,r ,~l~,, " The covec nicture / Hoff's single, Bill Fredson's sacri- / her ~or bnei~on, m ~ne rnpm jump SLauon, ,~3uu; ~. m. FranKun, woos / :~"; .... ~" ~:'-'- .~ .... ~ .... "~ :~,~, ] ~, ,n~ ~n error on Don Brown's J at 41' 6%" and in the broad jump Cole If 3 1 lJBurnett 3b 1 1 0 | G. Paterson. Chcncy. Charley. Wash- resi,'ience finishing, $550; D. A. | ~cau~res~.eet).~'1 ..... ;'~ ........ a-- | ":..~Y.._~7_~' ...... | at 9.0' 4~,", and Reid Preppernau Harrier 3b2 0 0IBrchfld 3b 2 2 1 | ones. SH-G. Paterson. R. Miller. To- ~ d Enterprises, wood residence, $18,- I m~_nlgnm ~ne ~asca.cms. _ ...... ~ groL~nu~'^a~ ;cJ;es" / duplicated the feat in the mile at Himes 2b 1 1 01 Scott c 3 2 3/bin= RBI-R. Miller. Tub|n. B. Mille,', 1 I m Ul I l / There nas oeen an improvcln~nt ~,~ ~.u~ ~ 250; Gene G. Nye, wood residence, [ • - | " ~" -" ~ | 5'~n 1 and in the 2-mile at 11'52 7 Boling l•f3 1 1 Hunt rf' I 0 1| G. Miller 3. Davis 2. Chency. Charley. //~ ff " L / $14,000 [in the streamlining of the razor=| r.. ~/=--~,,- . ......... X' "" Totals 23 7 ~lHu~h~ ~b ~ 0 0/ J..,~s, W.~l,o.o~ IP-Gouley 5. James ~ 1 [ ~ 1 • • • • [ ruction pages in the front part of [ Cammaranos 1 0 0 5 0 0 0--6 10 3 [ r~e was also tmro in Lne ~u. Ward If-as 3 0 0/6. RRF-~Iiller 1, James 2. Charley 4.l/ J== | ~ / S}IERIFF'S OFFICE | the directory with a convenient[ Shelton ........ 0 1 0 0 0 0 1--2 6 2/ The Inmates swept the century Dr Carie reported a car in the | new rate sheet listing charges for| Batteries -- Bert and Maxin; | and gave up only half a point in West p 1 0 o| W-Goule.y. L-James. SO-Gouley 2. Mil- I / ! ~" Nason If 2 0 0|let 5, James 4. Charley 4. BB-Gouley J 1 1 ditch" off tl~e road b,~ the George ] calls to nearby communities. [ Nutt and Swearingen. | the 220 when Jim Williams won Tt,tals 24 8 8[ i. Miller 1, Charley 3. SB-R. Miller, !![ Piews residence TiC'ere were no| Delivery starts Aug. 12. Custo-[ R H E[both events and set a new Cur- McCleary 1 00' 303--7[ Snell.' LOB-Skokomish 12. Taholah 7. BHtE in-'t~ries " I mars who do not receive a book/Shelton .......... 0 0 1 2 0 0 1---4 3 0 | rections Center 220 mark at 22.5. SCORE BY INNINGS /Johns. E-Davis Chancy. James. Ellis, J • I b" Au= 19 should notify the Pc-| Panarama ... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0----2 6 1| His century time was 10.5. Wil- - .......................... ~ ; Acarwas rep°rted °nthe sh°ul'|clfic ~orthwest Bell btlsiness of-[ Batteries'---Nutt and Swearin-[liams also" anchored the Inmate hits .......................... 100 203--6| ~ ~fiH[ l~ i~ dm on the Mason Lake ~oad No .... " ' • [ fi'~, ' |~en; Michalak and Belling. [ 440 relay team to a Center rec- V~.S.C.C ......................... 3 0 1 3 0 0---8 | VVNliin l~V~l"-- • injuries. | ..... -'~ , . , .| ord at ;~4.1 .running with Harold hits .......................... 2 0 2 4 0 0--8 ! .... ~ There were no apparent injuries , ~ ~i ......... :$~2-1ar~on,, ~'~ed Eubanks and Tom SUMMARY: HR-Pcrs:,on, 3b-Comer. I l ~ Select Your Favorite EntertaZ it] ;ill ;)c(:idont; [v~o n]ile,s out L/le/I .... i~ , [/'SC0~t ' .... Scott, Boling. 2b, Persson, Hunt. SH-| ~4 ].~|m~|J ' : ' : ;,.'l:: --( IT Mason Lake road. '| ~ "' h'I s' P(;r~son. a~-Com~,.. ~er~so~, ur h-[ navo uannno CAl HA, '! __ , • T e "e,u,ts: /I I' i:tllll:: T Recent Rams And i/ DZSCUS--Dave Gunter, Rob s ott w.m .. - , unano mmovn ,-,4.,.-- Himes, Boling 3. IP-West 3 2/3, Weld[ ~ , . ~/, I',, /I 1/I IlkWlS I/Matt CC, Dennis Powell CC, 122' 32/3, Estes 1/3. RRF-Weld 7, Es%es 1,] -~ " jr! uauuuuiinna n uuun uu /I MEAN -# -" .... 112". HoodsnorlThrilled Withil 1 ~ #]4 l'lre tngnters i/ sI'+tOT----r'°,we~! CC, Gunter S, West 2, Come,• 3. Winner-Comer. Los-| ~.r~ ... e.. ] I~'~ er-Weld SO-Weld 3, Estes 1, West 1,/ ;'IP" 1~.~ THURSDAY AUGUST 12--7.~u : r /I -n-~// 4.,~1~ I|Matt CC. 44 II . I~ Ih @.i.~.. PA~k || ~~#~#m~ By LIZ SOMERS i| TRIPLE JUMP -- Mike John- West 1, Comer 2 *~'B'-Weld 7, Estes 1,] |) ''==~. ~..~..0, ' West 2, Comer '.' SB-Weld 3, Odle,] ~ ~ Rodeo .... 1U'iUi O{llUllUll U~I~II [| m~FI4v~' , I[s0n S, Bob Johnson S, Troy Hunt Cole, Scott 3, Hunt 3. E-Karr, Reed/ .... u~, ,~R~HT~Jz~t~ ...... ~,~" ~,*od',# ,~¢'ru'~b,, [' - ~== '~. . " ing our camps and parks. Has a|CC. 41' 6~''.~ 3, Comer, Scott 2. LOB-Center 5 Mc-J I~ W'~Jt=ln~ I.Jal]: ~cramme HOODSPORT -- Our beautiful / Rain, falhng in parts of west- special friend of mine and of/ BROAD JUMP --- M. Johnson mmn,, weather has finall- broken'/ern Washington early this week,yours, too. Can you .guess? Well/ S, Tom Scott CC, Jim WilliamsCleary 3. DP-Burchfield to Hughes. / _~ h,,~,~h~ ~-mori~:~ ~e ~', u~,.,,'|aided the efforts of firefighters of course, it's Smokey the Bear!|cc. 20' 4~". /~via~vb'c"soni"edav it~wi~ll re~Lur'n'~*'[ battling several large forest fires. An inflated plastic Smokey help-/ MILE --- Reid Preppernau S, B. --~--- FRIDAY, AUGUST 13---1:30 F.iV~. ~ ~,.~,, .... ~,,th, 1 The light showers also allowed log- ed carry my Keep Green message/ Johnson S, Run Wolf CC 5:10.1. ll , lld~ll~ (Free Grandstand Show) of|gers to go back to hoot-owls ts last summer. But with the aid ofl 440--rianBrickert S, Don Wil- ~ee! |UUK 4-H Dress Revue ed her uncle Jim Robertson r,..~ .... ~i.~ ~.~. n,h,,r~d .... ~ | after being banned from our woods a furry costume and my willing[ son S, Jim Smith CC. 50 7 (Brick- Robertson brought with him his|since last Thursday. sister, Kristi, Smokey is now all|arts best since injuring and re- ---; " .... Spelling Bee .... ~ ed weather conditions asthe moreeffective Smokey greets injuring hisfootlastspring) Public S6~aH|s ...... s..-, ........................... . im.rov - • i Parle, Calif. The "two went fish-/sisted in a fight against a fire in the visiting youngsters with a| 100 -- Williams CC, Fred Eu- 4-H Horse Show iii ing and were thrilled to pull in [ the Grand Park area of Mt. Rain- hand-shake and energetically leads/ banks CC, Harold Harmon CC. ., ii: a 10.pound humpy salmon. | ier National Park. The blaze which the familiar Smokey song. /10.5. 4 H &FFALivestock parade DAY" AUGUST 13--'7 30 F' ) i! VISITORS AT the Hoodsport/had swept over approximately fif- As you keep in touch with the I 880 -- B. Johnson S, Brickert (This is another of the series of advertisements Introducing the FRI church last Sunday were Mike|ty acres forced a crew of fire- Seattle Seafair events this week, IS, Reid Preppernau S. 2:11.2. and Leslie Gwynne and their four | fighters to hike into the area over be sure to watch for our Forest 220 -- Williams CC, Eubanks employeee of Mason County P.U.D. No. 3, Your Public Servants.) " :i:ii sons, from Portland. Mike is a/the weekend. A second fire on Festival Queen, Patsy Bixenmann. | CC, tie with Scott CC and Brick- . Rodeo :! former superintendent of the Sun-/Pigeon Peak was hoped to be un- Patsy is spending a busy and fun- l ert S. 22.5. da,, School here and is stud,,il,~ n der control by Tuesday filled veeek in Seattle, representing] 2-MILE -- Preppernau S, B. Calf Scramble to enter the ministry. "°/ Change in the weather improv- Shelton and Mason County. J Johnson S, Dave Spear CC. 11:- ~ 0r0~I Hood Canal School District No. |ed the likelihood that the Union The fire hazard is extreme --152.7. aaa ..~ i.i.~a * ......... t,,~h~r, [Creek fire in the Snooualmie Na- please be careful. Remember, I RELAY--C. C. (Harmon, Scott, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14---2:0 ....................................... o ruled "On YOU can recent for i Eubanks, Williams)441 (CC rec Mrs. e Polack .for the comin~ vcar Ella Martin itional Forest would be c nt 1 Y P " • . " will be teaching "second grade, and|bY last Tuesday. About 900 acres est f|res!" ord). Arlene L'-II Af=rT°':n'°" t !i Mrs Richard Johnson will be am-[have been blackened, but 600 men ..... ~ - , R . t lrcus nterl:alnmen !i1 nioy'ed at the Junior High ion the firelines have stopped the OaK Scramble Steer Auctmn Mr and Mrs John Pill have |fire from spreading. had m mmer g,,csts seven rei-/ so e .+0,o00 gallons of chem- ,,,,"',,7-- 0 ~)~ atives fro,,, Jamestown N.Y. Dur-/ical fire retardant have been drop- :'" ~!+++~[,:t+ :" ~+.++~++~~ Material SATURDAY, AUGUST 14...-.+/:8 -p+ lng the visit Mr. and Mrs. George lped since last week when most of +~.~+ ++:i i ++:+(+:+:: ~ ~~'~ :: +++ + Thornblad celebrated their Golden ]the fires were discovered. !~}~! :i:i:;::::: 0Jerk Complete Evening Show bY' , Wedding Anniversary. The Pills/ Burning permits have been sus- ~~ ,~* :: in the 81st birthday celebration/state Indefinitely. i SUNDAY, AUGUST 15--12:30P - of Mrs. Pill s uncle, Godfrey Hag- [ In out" own area, nine fires were ~~~i land. |reported during" our hot spell last i ~< .~l OPdnfC:dSstL:kectaO:k pc~e~B ii{1 Mrs. Bertha Crumb and two [week. I grandsons Greg and Steve Tim-| On Wednesday July 28 a trash mons from Camas, have been vis- |burning project in a barrel with- ' i iting the Earl Crumbs this week. |out a screen caused concerD to the :i'~lil~ ~, /, Other recent compaiW were Mr. UDepartroent of Natural Resources. ~:i~' : ~-+i,~_+~+';~ '~ ,,+~+.~i+i] - .30 P' '=:' Crumo s two rosters wlth then' |A hre was again caused by a too- ~~!r ~, Coming to work on June 29, 19o7 for the SUNDAY, AUGUST 15---7. A familic~ |[or bike at Goose Lake on the " "" .... !~V[~I Mrs L C. Blessing of Potlatch ]same day, the Department report- : ason Count,, P U D No 3's main office in (Free Gra ndstand ShoW) was hostess to her son and daugh- ed ~ ~i: ter-in-law Mr and Mrs. Edward] Thursday .2 acre was scarred ~~_,~i Shelton is l a erial'Ci'erk Mrs. Arlene Dock. Burke Garrett's Orchestraf ei Blessimr of Ione Wash. and their/when a train's sparks touched off i childrcn~ Carol a'nd Jerry. Another[afire near Rex Lake on the Mason ....... : ' Arlene is an active member of the Moose Program, featuring vocaliS "" lecent guest ,if thc Blessings was |Lake road Lodge and the Civil Air Patrol. Burke Garrett, MC v- their nicce'Diane Addan~s of Rich~-/ THE[ OlD Indian shack next to B.rr.w From Your Credii Union land, |d|P°tlatch State Park was destroy- because'low .... rates save and there are no Her main interests are bowling, garden- "The Young Men," , o, wTlh~a,B'lllaB:sYa;~!:~5 at e: de:ch l;|epazF' dtLiaf: 'e:e ygca gmt;deby money ing, hiking rand cooking for tier husband, " ...... " W + ' ...." "' g "';|~ ' P • ' • - ' ~narne rownmg, reunion at Mossyrock over last A fire nearly out of.control on hidden costs; weekend and had a wonderful time It, he James Manke property on , .. ...... George. and many others seeing old friends again. There[Mountain View Friday was sup- oec.ause rep,aymen IS worKeo out in regular Mrs. Dock is one of the many people at the , were 30 of the 41 graduates at|pressed by alert neighbors, Ray amountm to fit your income' the dinner and dance, and a faro-/OIT on a handy bulldozer, and a _ . . ',. , . P.U.D. who are very much interested in you as IT All_ AT H I ,:!:?:: ily pie, nit to round out the cele-| ire crew. urDi,g ,3 acre, the fire because you get qUlCK service--there s no rec she helps you to... " ...... bration. /was attributed to youngsters play- ta,~e' " ' EARLIER IN THE week Mrs' ling with matches" ~" ) Lwe )tier lilja, Bryant s IT]other, Mrs, Hollis Les-I Changing to a more pleasant because the credit unicm is your organization tar, drove from Centralia to wish/subject, I now have a walking ....... :~. ' EIWanda happy birthday. Also ltalking companion as I journey --yOtt UWZl 11.) • c°ming .al°ng. for. the• party were. itliroughout. Mason Cotinty visit, becau+es loan Drotectl_n'"o .................. insnranee nav~ the Ray i~est er and eou'sin Jean Goree,/ FAT loan t)alance in case of death if you are ELECT| ALLY i Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chisun~ and/ #~rl~D~s~m~t, rm ]~;;+,~hlr~ " • e v d . L~ YV J2Jl~Ill "''+++'+0+' ..... . ' . . ~:!i: • .' .,. : . '. ', :.'2 , , /~vaizat)xe t,, you without a doctor'~ • • to their watel£Ion[ non]e in k*loo(Is )l(sq t )tic )u III , , : t ,' ' . %, , "|[ ':, n.c r product called Odri~ II .... ~m .... Ill. I port [rum, a summer in ALaSKa. ]nex. You mu~J: lose ugly fat~,.or yore" J [l l J["ll[1 L nllillff Recen( arriwds at the Chuck [money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablot m • l~Vll ~lllV~411,.. I ,~zr:...-..^ ~ ..... ~,,~.;.+ ..... ~; ......... lund easily swallowed. Get rld of ex- m vvnn*t~ ,~t,t~Set,tn~ a~ ~v~ pt~-|('.ess fat and [ice longer. Odrinex costs brcdp,,ppiesborntoibeir(,ei'man|.+,.o0,,,dmsol,,,mtms,u, ,mo++. ' I . /'-"" • MASON D n N0,, 3 ' Shepherd The oun do .s are now If not satisfied for any rcas(n luut . . +y g g, . ........ mxweek+++°ldaDdreadvf°rnew/.nd (t ,,,,,-•-+ -- - eral Lrecllt Union, couNTY • .u, - • -- 'ettlri! the package to your druggmt homes. A visitor in th+e pet de-/+,u+s.%s ~o%%,'~ partment has been Lucky the lthis guarantee by: ~.rr~,.thr P~lT|no" A ~@-]',~ EDWIN TAYLOR, president; T WEBB, vice president ,. ' . • ~v=,.,.-~=.=,~ .n,U~_ ~,,~,~ ........ d =~"'~ ~.v/~ JACK COLE, secretary. JERRY SAMPLES, manager l~-rro helon~in~ cO thc Tweed chll n ...... =--~-~ ........*.~ -- ,-"o ~ "I 306 Railroad Ave. 303 North 4th Street dren. Mail Orders Filled o