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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5, 1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5--Publishei!l in "Chr mas own, UJg.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 9 14 POINT By Charlotte Van Slyke and niece also drove over with ALLYN -- Frances and Pete them. Peterson and family have just re- Sunday friends from Enumclaw, turned from a month's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and fam- They travele~l to Townen, North ily, drove over to see the Wes Dakota, visitingrelativesand Griffeys. friends. Dorothy and Harris Watson had On their way home they stoppedson Harris with wife Karen over at Glacler Na'Aonal P~rk and Thursday. They just returned Yellowstone National Park, spend- from Yakima snd are now head- !rig three days with Dorothy anding for Disneyland. Tony Gornick, who showed them The Don Shellgrens had the highlights of Yellowstone. TheirBill Walbaums over for the week- son John was hopeful of seeing end for barb~cueing ano slding at Allyn's Wes Stock during their her mother's. visit in Kansas City, but the ball The Earl Terr:~lls went to Lake- team was on the road at the time. wood Manor for dinner at the Harold Hillman has great slot- Harvey Wolfs last Friday. ies of the one that got away, but Alice and Bob Baker went the one he got at Neah Bay was camping at Trask Lake with Lois worth his efforts last week on aend John Valley last weekend. fishing trip. AFTER 18 YEARS of living in ALLYN IS saddened to hear Allyn Deputy Sheriff Harold Harry Weckhorst has returned to Brown moved to Shelton Airport the hospital again, last Monday where he will live in a trailer. Mrs. Noble was home from the .4~ tragedy struck Mike Ernesti hospital for the weekend but has of Victor last week when he and returned for more tzeatments, his family made a trip to Illwa- Euntce Danielson is also hay- ko. Mike was diving into a wave trig a spell with the ill bug. Hope and broke his neck. He is in Ta- cur Allynites are all better soon. coma General Hospital and seems The crying of a baby is a new to be doing fine. So far there sound at Mel Noggle's this week. are no signs of paralysis. Any Cheryl and Mike Ferrier are stay- friends are very welcome to visit. Regular ing with them for a few days with Sally Leimback is up from Ore- 9.95 Noggle's new grandson, gon to be with her father Mr. VALUE Gus and Tom Van Slyke had Weikhorst. Margie Beeson is wat- Sherry and Bill Krabler and two ching her kids during her stay. ~t kids over Sunday for swimming Don Beeson and Wes Griffey end skiing and later a barbeque,went fish last week at Lapush. We D@ ° . ° Ruby and Bill Morgan left last Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Nordquist Sunday for Bellingham to spend with daughter Joan and son Rick Clean brake drums until Wednesday with their daugh- ldJust brake shoes ter Gloria and husband Ken Craw- spent the day with Shirley and Bob Eldridge. They were former tord. Monday they made a trip neighbors and now live in Tacoma. and repack front to Vancouver, B.C. The Von Ostens had the Gil Saturday the Bill Morgans, with Duppmans up over for droner Sun- inspect his sister , Mrs. Clark spent the day night. grease sealwday at Mr. Rainier. THE SAM CLEMENTS of Sen- inSPect whe~, DOROTHY Griffey and kids and en Cedars, had their daughter Barb Stormo and ldds went to Pat, and Dick Baumgartner vis- refill master Wenatchee last Monday and will iting them last week. camp until Slturday. Lois and Earl Terrell were vis- The Wes Griffeys had a cookout ited by her coumn Julie and hus- ,'k .absorbers for relatives from Maine, their band Dave .~torie for dinner last and camber niece Becky Chevalle and hus- ~nd caster band Maurice and son. His mother Saturday nig.~t. The Frank Jolleys were visited See the All New to faotory SUPER-2 pipe Starmaster linkage and I~ APPOINTMENT Curv-Star Retread America's finest tires with a Nation-Wide Guarantee. 2226 Olympic Hwy. No. by their daughter Sharon and hus- band Gene Floy] over the week- end. They say our weather is beat- ing their old home, California and every opportunity they get they spend it at Ma~on Lake skiing and camping. Speaking of beautiful weather, it certainly has its drawbacks for many people in Allyn. The heat has shut us out of the woods which complicate mattsrs for brush pick- ters, loggers, tree farmers and any other heavy equipment-users. Let's hope for "one" nice rainy ~reak. The Harmon Van Slykes were Asited by the Warren Bradleys last Sunday for boating and din- ner. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Knoells have their son, Mark, home for a visit. He is up from California. Shirley Anderson and kids of Mossyrock were up for the day last Monday. 60% OFF All Spring and Summer Shoes for Spring and Summer Greatly Reduced to Clear Fall Stock. FLATS, small heels by Town & Country Skooters Shindigs All Italia Sandals Reg. Values to $10.99 All Displayed on Tables Colors: White, Bone, Blue, Black Pat. FAREWELL GIVEN FOR LATHAM, MASON--County prose- cuting attorney Barney McClanahan (left) presents gifts to retir- ing Courthouse custodian Clarence Latham (center) and County Auditor C. Nolan Mason (right) at a farewell party for the two men last week, Mason resigned his county post last week to take up employment with the State Retirement System. Latham re- ceived a cash "catch" on the end of a miniature fishing rod and Mason was given a shaving kit and travelling coffee kit. Many friends and fellow employees of the two men attended the party, By Mabel Kidd DAYTON -- Raenae McQuilkin, Dayton, and Jerry tanning of Hoodsport chose to announce their engagement with a swim party at Mason Lake on Wednesday. Cake, jello and punch was served to a group of 20 comprising the young people of the Four Square church and a few close friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don lxutT~.erford accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ace Duvall of Olympia motored to Get- hart, Ore., for the weekend where they attended the N.R.A. Rodeo. Don participated in the calf rop- ing and scored high but brought home no money. Ace took part in the calf roping and bulldogging. He took top honors in the bulldogging. Spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown were his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Terri and Robby of Haz- eldale. They attended the salmon barbecue at Panhandle Lake on Friday evening. Mrs. Loren Afred, Connie and Carrie of Kansas City are spend- ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family while waiting for her husband to return from Viet Nam. The First Christian Church members of Aberdeen will be encamped at Panhandle Lake the sixth through the eightlz of Aug- ust. Aug. 13-20 the State Grange will hold their annual session at the lake. 19 inches in height. She joins a: sister, Jeanette Teresa. Grandpar- ents are Mr. R. D. MacRae of Ta- coma and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Le- Bre of Miami, Fla. Ketchikan guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Howard Wednesday and Thursday were his sister and: brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stidd and children, Jack, Jill and Jerry. On Sunday they visited ih Issaquah with Mrs. Thelma How- ard. WEEKEND GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers were her sis- ters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hansen and sons of Center- rifle, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown and son of Des Moines. Also present were Lois Cass of Des Moines and Mr. and Mrs. Tru- maJa Myers of Montcsano. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lament spent last week camping at dif- ferent interesting spots aroun~l the Olympic Loop. Joe Brown Jr. arrived home on Thursday of last weel~ from the :Great Lakes Naval Training Cen- ter. He spent Friday at the 4-H Camp with his parents and the rest of the family, where his moth- er was acting as leader for the 21 Shelton Valley Clovers. Richard Woodall of Pickering Pass spent Thursday to Monday as houseguest of the Merlin Rick- ards. Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk were Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Robbins and Hannah of TItE LOERTSCHER family an- nual picnic was held on Sunday Tacoma who came down to pick up Charlie who had been staying at the lake with approximately with the Kirks for a few days. 50 attending. Rickards had word from Mrs. Elizabeth, Sheila and Jamie h(pv i~rother Mr. Owen Burgess Hickson enjoyed the 4=H Week'at tl~t:~he and his wife had adopted the lake along with cousin Kathy a boy two and a half, named Hickson of Lake Nahwatzel. Ka- thy spent Saturday ovemzite with her cousins. Dena and Vicki Smith also at- tended the 4-H camp. They are members of the Agate Tiptops where they formerly lived before moving to Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford and tamily attended a birthday party on July 28 in the Olympia home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry MaN comb in honor of Jerry. CHESTER Chapman of Agate spent several days this week with cousin, Brian Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rawding and Ruth Sav- age of Shelton and the Bl~ce Mc- Quilkin family had a weekend of fun camping at Mason Lake. Mrs. J. W. Stoner visited for four days at Poulsbo with her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Earl King and helped her pack for a move to Garden Grove, Calif., where the couple will make its new home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe MacRae be- came the parents of a girl, Tawni Annette born on July 26 at 5:06 p.m. The little miss weighed six pounds and eight ounces and was David Owen. The family is of Longmont, Colo. SUNDAY EVENING callers in the Allen Tibbits home were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Andrews of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tibbits and girls of Lost Lake. The Merlin Rickards family and Mrs. Ruby Hitchings attended the Simpson Sawmill picnic held on Sunday at Mason Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lamon, ~pent Sunday fishing at Lal~e Cushman and stayed overnight. The Bill Brown family visited on Sunday evening i~ the Joe Brown home. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards had as picnic g]msts the George Adams family of Arcadia who had just moved to Mountain View. The picnic dinner was hem in Shelton Valley on the site where the Adams will soon be building. Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Ad- ams- and children and Mrs. Rick- ards and children visited Mrs. An- nie Whitener of Kamilche, Ra- mona Riekards baked a birtfiday cake and they took ice cream to honor her on her 89th birthday. By Margie Bariekm~m LOST LAKE --- A little 3-year- c.ld boy, Ray Nestel], son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nesteh, was lost for about two hours after he wander- ed off from home and walked bare foot for about a mil~ and a half through trees, limbs and brush *hat was almost impossible for even a man to walk. The neighbors and the Mason County Sherrif's Reserv-e all form- ed a- search party to find the youngster. Mr. Gordon Jay of the police department was the one to finally locate the little guy. He was well, but quite tired and hot, after traveling that distance in 90 ~egree weather. Mr. and Mrs. Nestel! wish to thank all the neighbors, Ken Rose and Perry Rose Jr. of the Sheriff's Reserve, .and G,~rdon Jay for all the help that they extended in the search for their son. Your reporter and family spent four days at the Ocean, at West- port for a rest and a real nice time. We stayed at a trailer camp lhat had a heated pool and need- less to say we couldn't keep the children out of it except for meals which they were to anxious to eat after all the exercise. The wea- ther was just grand with no wind down on the coach, and the clam tides were fine, "I Guess?", be- cause I slept in and let the rest ef the family dig. MRS. SHARON D~tson and son, Johnny, spent a couple days vis- iting with us this week. She is the former, Sharon Steele and now lives in Seattle where she and her husband, Gary, work. A few of the Lost Lake resi- dents attended the Pioneer Pic- nic Sunday held xt Kneeland Park. There was quite a turnout and every one seemed to enjoy them- selves very much. All the people had fun visiting with their friends and family's and eating the food which was very plentiful and very 6.elicious. Mr. and Mrs, Rex Beatty and children, Becky and Bobby have been camping the last couple weeks at Mason Lake, and invited Rusty Bariekman to spend about tour days with them which he en- joyed very much. It was the first time he's been able to get on a pair of water skits and stay on them around the Lake. Miss Melonie Dickey, was also invited to spend the whole time with Becky. Livestock Brands Due For Renewal OLYMPIA -- State Director of Agriculture Donald W. Moos to- day urged all livestock owners who have not re-recorded their regis- tered livestock brands to do im- mediately. Livestock brands are required to be re-registered at five-year intervals, and thos.~ who wish to keep their brands current should renew them not later than Sept. 1 of this year. Moos stated that only one-half of the approximately 15,000 active livestock brands have been re-re- corded for the period ending in 1970, even though all holders of registered brands have been sent written notice of the recording re- quirement. The fee for re-record- ing is $5. ) Shelton Women Attend Library Convention At Crystal Mountain Two Shelton women, Mrs. An- drew Beelik and Mrs. Robert A~ Kramer, attended the 1965 "Wash- ington Library Association Con- ventionFriday and Saturday at CrystalMountain. Mrs. Beelik represented the SheltonLibrary while Mrs. Kram- er is vice-president of Region 7, Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers. Among the points on library service to children including a pan- el discussion on library service to children inchzding the popular reading material in this age group. The panel consisted of librarians from Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Formosa, and Canada. AFTER MANY years of effort, !a program of library service to the 31 state institutions is being set up. This was announced at the convention by Dr. Garrett Heyns, the Director of the State Depart- ment of Institutions. "Nobody Knows Everything," a film explaining the importance and purpose of libraries, is now avail- able for group showings. Those attending the convention felt this would be of great interest to young people preparing for their careers. Ate we undergoing a revolution in society, in which listening is becoming more important than reading? This question was dis- cussed with the conclusion that reading implies development of logical thought, privacy, individu- ality, and responsibility of the author for his statements whereas listening implies a mosaic pattern; of information, not in logical se- quence, not selected as to import- lance, is a group and not indi- vidual effort and little responsi- bility of the speaker. Reading therefor was regarded of higher importance. Time and goodness determine greatness. --Mary Baker Eddy TO FASTER, EASIER Does All 9 BIG Outdoor Jobs cuts grass • seeds • hauls aerates, fertilizes, sweeps rolls • mulches • plows snow and does light earth moving Test Drive the husky 5 HP Homelite Yard Trac Deluxe at MOTOR SHOP ON HILLCREST "The Store That Confidence Built" :oncord t~orbln DIAMOND RINGS Yes, for as little as $115 you can enjoy matchless Artcarved diamond quality, guaranteed for perma- nent value. Artcarved styling, proved by .50 million Artcarved rings since 1850 is a priceless extra, See our great Artcarved collection - then decide. Budget terms, of course. ~;.=, ..,.,~e,o .how u.,.,. ,, A~ther||sd ~ Jeweler,,,, • $ l eg. Values to $12.99 All Other FLATS Town & Country Americana Shindigs Skooters TIME TRIALS & GOLD CUP COLOR THIS Fall Programs Just A Short Time Away Colors: White, Bone, Blue Black Pat. I All Matching HANDBAGS I Many Other Models of Color and Black & White T,V. i = I $7.00 h to Choose from • All-channel VHF-UHF'r~eption wit new G-E Tandem-life "82" illummated JUST ARR[VEB - Town & Country Dress tuning system featuring the exclusive l eg• Values to $14.99 Americana Dress "410" permatronic transistor tuner. Socialites •G-E simplified"Instant Color"controls for 1966 GE STEREO quick, convenient tuning of color strength 151 splayed on Table Cobbles and tint. • ross Dress e General Electr|cexc|uslve"CA"Color CLOSEOUT PRICES ON 1965 S'I!EREOS Chassis featuring system-controlled pic- , White, Bone, Red, Blue, Black Pat., Malt and Green ture power and G-E's P.,xclg,sive I ew sYB- REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS :: :L syste.,..$ E'" WASHERS -- ?RYERS --DISHWASHE,{S e=aged and Operated by "q~lztensm E ~'s for Shoes remerton ,, Nights Till 9 p.m. Red Cross Town & Country Joyce Reg. Value to $14.99 Always Shop Miller's First BUY Open Friday Nights Till 9:00 P.M,