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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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as1 ftc I I I II !I I I Cosmetics for YOU (This question and answer series on cosmetics is brought to ydu as a courtesy by NeWs Pharmecy to help you In your choice in the Draper cosmetic for you.) HAIR COLOR THAT RUBS OFF Q. My temporary hair coloring ks coming off on my pillowslip at night. Am I using the product in- correctly ? A. NO, some temporary hair col- orings have this ruboff character- iAtic. T~e 0111er. your hair is, the more rinse is likely tO rub off• If you find this annoying, you can: Wash ycaw h~r before it be- comes too oily and apply the rinse again. Switch to a semi-permanent or permanent hair coloring in the same shade as your present hair coloring.' A semi-permanent hair coloring that feqUlre~ no peroxide or de- velopet" will hot rttb off aud will last, through several shampoos, gradually, fading away. ORDER OF MAKEUP Q. I use a liquid foundation, rouge, POwder, eye liner, eyebrow pencil, mascara, and eye shadow. In What order should they be ap- plied ? A. Liquid foundation always goes on first. If you use liquid or cream rouge, the rouge goes next, while your skin is still slightly moist. Then comes a generous dusting of powder. If you use a dry rouge, apply it after the pow- der. After a few minutes wait, you can start to apply your eye make- up, in this order'. Eye shadow, lin- er, pencil and mascara. The final touch, of course, is lip- stick. Apply two coats, and re- member to blot your lips before you apply the second coat. T The Did Dabbers Ride Cable Car To Picnic An exciting ride in a cable car to a secluded beach situated on Totten Inlet is the untmual ex- per]once the 11 members and two guests of the Dirt Dabbers Garden Club had when they attended the potluck picnic held at the home of Mrs. Hazel Anthony, July 27. The cable car was built by Mr. Anthony and in order for the la- dies to reach their picnic which was to be held on the beach they were required to ride the car to the picnic grounds. Never the less all were reported to have had a wonderful time. Next Tuesday will be the n~t regtflar meeting of the Dirt Dab- bers and all members are urged to attend as the plans for the Mason Calmly Fair are to be com- pleted at this ~ime. The meeting will be held in the PUD building at 10 a.m. Raenae MeQuilkin To Marry Airman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McQuilkin of Shelton wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Raenae, to Jerry Lanning Of Hoodsport. Mr. Lanning, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lanning of Hoods- port, is a former student of Shel- ton High School and next month will become an airman in the Urflted States Airforce. Miss McQuilkin will begin her junior year at Shelton High School this fall. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you aS they please. --Pythagoras MUSIC 205 Cota Shelton, Wash. i ill ii i ii n i HARD OF HEARING? We Offer You HEARING AIDS: Eyeglasses, Behind-the- Ear, Special Fittings for Nerve Losses. SERVICE: Fresh B tteries and Cords -- For All M kes. GUARANTEED: Earmolds ,and Repairs --- For All 'Makes. Come to see our representative, Mr. Harry Bodcn h tz,. at Eelis and Valley ApphnnCe Center Friday, Aug, 6, 1965 from I0 asm, to 12 noon He will be glad to give you a FREE electronic hearing analysis and demonstrate how you may hear better with Beltone. No obligation. DANIEL R. BRUNER BELTONE HEARING 106 E. 4th Avenue, Olympia 357-3521 ,iih,,,l,,,,, , ih, I ' ' IIII ~ I @ Society Editor = Cathy Hoard • Phone 426-4412 WIHGARD'S SEPTEMBER LUClND2 JANE?EYMOUR AND DONAL________DD JO_~E WlNGARD ~V[r. and Z/ira, R. Stanley Sey- • • "m#" • ~j mour of Seattle Wish to announce Localiua]oretres the engagement of their daughter, m a • m • • Lucindi Jane, to Donald Joe Win- 'l'0 Ba(rln 'l'rfllnln(r gard. The official engagement was , "~ ........ made July 17., The groom-to-be, the son of Mr. and ]~rs. Mervin A. Wingard of Shelton, is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Puget Sound w~ere he was affiliated with the Phi Delta There Fraternity. Miss Se.~nour also attended the University of Puget Sound where she was a member of Kappa Alpha Their Sorority. .... Following their wedding date, September 18, the couple will con- tinue their studms at the Uni- versity of Washington. NEBRASKA STATE PICNIC WIT~ HAVE FUN FOR ALL Tacoma's Annual Nebraska State Picnic will be held on the main picnic grounds at Point De- fiance Park next Sunday. Come and bring your picnic dinner, reg- ister, and meet old friends. Cof- fee and punch will be furnished. There will be prizes, games, and fun for all. Be there early---din- ner and fun will begin promptly at noon. The Temperance Union Is To Meet And Dine The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet and dine to- morrow in the Holiday Apart- ments with Mrs. Merritt Wingard as the hostess. Following the luncheen at 1 p.m. a business meeting will be held and election of new officers will begin. At Santa Cruz Two loo l girls, Tracy Ann Hamlin and Carolyn Rhodes left Wednesday by bus to attend the Baton Training Camp in the San- ta Cruz Mountains, Calif. The girls were escorte,i by Carolyn's moth- er, :Mrs. Sterling Rhodes• Tim training camp is op0rated by Robert Olmstead, who is the leader of the San Francisco 49'ers Majorettes. The 49'era were the winners of 65 trophies at the Se- attle World's Fair. During the week long training period the girls will have the opportunity to paxticipate in swimming and horse tmcl( riding along with learning the trades of a majorette• During the cours? of the trip to the camp the girls will visit with Tracy's older sister in San Jose, Calif. Mrs. Rhodes will spend time visiting with her sister in Visalin, Calif., while her daugh- ter and Tra~y attend the Baton Training Camp. When they have co~npleted their training they will meet Carolyn's mother in Visalin and begin the journey home. The potential majorettes both did baton work in Junior High and plan on continuing as ma- jovettes when they enter high school in the fall. Tracy has at- tended the Baton Training Camp for the pas~ four years. ler's n; s! Values! le! VINYL TOP RAMBLERS! CONVERTIBLE TOP RAMBLERS! See the smart '65 Rambler hardtops roofed in black From the American--lowest nrice* convertibl,-hntlt |n th. leather-gra ned wnyl. Extra-special summer deals made U.S.--to the luxurious Ambassador--you get rock-bottom even better for you with the new auto excise tax cutl prices on all convertible Ramblersl EVEN FAST TOP RAMBLERSI Marlinl The man-slze luxury . " sports-fastback. All glamor options, . ~ ~ ....... , including the 327 cu. in,V-8. ~,~~ ~~~ Come see, come Swap 'N Go Rambled,~ii~./:;:.!:,ii ~ ~ | ~ t!?~::,::i ::;; .,:£..~:.£ .i.:[.:.::.~: i::.:~i.'~.~.:.~.i:::.:.: ~::::~2::.~::~::':~:::i:~:~Y.,. .~~'~ ~,~..~::~:" .~,z,~ Bill • AMSL R' S AMERICAN MOTORS COME IN TODJW FOR THE YEAR'S roe BUYSI g COME IN AND b'WAP W --d'AMBASSADOR • MARLIN '" CLASSIC * AMERICAN _~. = .__ *Bused on manufacturers' suggested retail prlcel . ii i~ '1 233 South 1st St., Shelton, Wash. Donovan Palmer Family Travels, Visils And Does Hosling At Home July was the month of gathering for the Donovan Pahner family in Shelton this summer. Phil and wife Fee, daughter Allysen, age 8, and son Andrew, age 2~, flew from Bogota, Columbia to Miami. Then Phil and Allysen flew to New York vChere they spent a memora- ble two days at the World's Fair. Fee and Andrew flew the western route, stopping in Los Angeles to visit her sister and aunt, and a stop over with the Dale Palmers in Pasadena. Adding Teddy, Dale's eight year old son, to her entour- age Fae continued to Sea Tae. Arrival time from New York and Los Angeles coincided and the travelers were met by Dean and Mrs. Donovan Palmer. The first visit was with the M. O. Solies. Fee's folks near Ponlsbo. Helen Palmer and sons, having Just returned from a week of visit- ing in the Yak]me valley, drove to "Canal House" for the welcoming. A Week late]" the Dale Palmers drove up from Pasadena so the families could all be together. Dale had Just finished the staging fin the summer theatre plays on Cata- lina put on by the Pasadena Play- house where he is Executive Tech- nical Director. Phil is manager for General Electric de Colombia where the many new oil wells require in- stalling and maintenance of elec- trical equipment. Flying is the mode of travel getting into all the areas, remote and otherwise of Co- lombia. Although near the equa- tor Bogota is about nine thousand feet elevation and average daytime temperatures are about 67 degrees. The nights and mornings are chilly and a "ruana" (poncho) is a reg- ular part of the clothing. A cult- ural city of note Bogota is one of the wold's largest in population. Making use of their outdoor liv- ing area several picnics were en- Joyed at the Donovan Palmers, and swimming, canoeing, and open house were the frequent activities of those who visited Dean Palmer's Bayshore home. Rain Welcome At Lake Nahwalzel After Ory Spell By Jessie Tapper LAKE NAHWATZEL ~ After a high of 101 degrees at the lake last Saturday, the rain on Monday was certainly a welcome relief, especially to" the men who work in ~he woods. The closiug-down of the woods, although necessary due to the prolonged heat, is a hard.ship to those who work there. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watson and Mr. and Mrs. George Stahl, work, all of Seattle, spent Sun- day at the Lawrence Hansens', swimming and riding Mary's quar- terhorses. GUESTS AT the Clifford Ford home on the lake last ThNrsdayl were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haman, Mrs. Gertrude Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Mill Brombrough, all of Shel- ton. Sunday visitors of the Fo~ds were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Booths and family of South Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crape and Steve ; Cr~po. i Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearsali and daughter, Lois, of She]ton, visited i Mrs. Archie Kelley last Saturday. Mrs. Elizabeth Beckett, St. Hel- en's, Ore., iS a guest this week of her niece, Mrs. Pete Aarstad at :he lake. NANCY ISBELL of Seattle is )ending this week with Laura Adsero. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and V[rs. Hector Barbour were Mr. md Mrs. Ralph Rothrock and chil- dren, of Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reeve and children, Randy, Rodney and Paula spent the weekend camping at ~unrise Point on Mt. Rainier. Mrs. Lee Dawson, her son, Lee Eddie, and Mike Brlckert of Shel- ton, drove to Portland to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Francis last Weekend, and suf~ fered through 107 degree heat. Sunday they also visited Mr. and Mrs. George Eidermiller at Van- Couver, Wash. Monday Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Jim Bleeker drove to Bremerton to see Mr. ~_wen Simpson, Shelton, who was badly burned last Sun- day and was in the "extensive care" section of the hasp']tel in critical condition. His son, Bill, who's hands were burned trying to help ~is father, whs also in the hospital, but responding to treat- JUSTINE ANN WHITE BECOMES JOHN GREGORY'S JUNE BRIDE IJUSTINE ANN WHITE AND JOHN KENNETH GREGORY Surrounded by pink materials Justin Ann White walked lightly down the aisle and became the bride of John Kenneth Gregory in the Faith Lutheran Church at Se- attle, June 26, 3 p.m. Miss White of Shelton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goetsch, residents ~Ir Harstine Island. Her husband, . Gregory of Seattle, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gregory from Fos- ter]a, Ohio. The bride was married in a pink lace ballerina length dres% a pink veil hat, pink accessories and a banquet of pink roses with a v~hite gardenia in the center and the edges surrounded by chrysan- themums. The Reverend atria Consear performed the ceremony. Among the 40 relatives and friends that attended the wedding were the attendants which includ- ed Miss Betty Laur as the candle lighter, Mrs. Terry Hendrickson who served as tile matron of hon- or, Terry Hendrickson, the groom's best man, and Dick Callaham as the uStter. Following the reception at Mr. and Mrs. Gage's home the bride and groom went on a tour around Olympic peninsula as their wed- ding trip. The couple will make their home in Seattle where l~r. Gregory is head night stacker for the Ballard Sat•way. Georgia Couple Visits Relatives In Shelton A couple from Jesup, Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Young,.ar- • ived in Shelton July 22, so that they might visit relatives and friends. Among those they visited were Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson of Shelton. Mrs. Young is the sis- ter of Mrs. Pearson. While on their trip to Shelton they made a stop in Picayune, Mississippi, and visited with their son and his family and another stop in California where they vis- ited with their daughter and her family and Were introduced to their ~ew grandson• Simmons' Descendants Will Hold Clan Plchlc Descendants of Michael T. and Elizabeth Kindred Simrrions Will gather at Tumwater Falls Park next Sunday for their annual clan picnic. Clan members and friends are invited to attend• Ice Cream and coffee will be nrovlded h recently aequ red c~py from I.~n. don, England, of a document con- taining Michael T. simmnw, ,o=~ ]many for the Hudsons Bay Co. will be available foi- tr~pection. !1 MOORE { '~~;~IIIlILIIILII . 1 RE/~ONA~LE RATES FRANK GOE1Z,/~n ge~ SECOND AVENUE and VIRGINIA STRBET F-- (1) on VFW Meeting Is To Postponed To Aug.e The regnlar VFW meeting which was to be held tomorrow will be postponed until Aug-ust 20, the third Friday of this month. Eastern Sule Will The Order inore hold a tomm'row at Doors will Dislike never hate, lure of to personS, All In anci~ exercise' our sure-time comes "out," fine", let out Thus it mals utilitarian As th~ ties, it rest]on People im other began to selves. Fifth & open Dally SaturdaYS ~MASON COUNTyrFiT ! _. oUT THE OYSTER HOUSE 3 miles West of Belfair on We Take Pride In HOMEBAKED BREAD We specialize in a wide variety Servin g---B reakfast --- Seafoods -- Steaks HOOD ......... MARINA & • Attention Fishermen and Early Open 6 a.m. for Breakfast - • Else, Elevator Launching - Any-fide • Bait --- Tackle --- Gas ~ storage Bob & June Fredrickson owners MILLO'S DINER On Hood Canal near Potlatch on ] LUNCH -- r -- Our Spe •BROASTED C We feature SEA Phone 877-9788 --- Ta WALT'S ROBIN 1¼ Mile South of Union on Open 11 a.m. " LUNCHES --- DINNERS .'~ Featuring: Steaks, seafoods Fried chicken Try Our Fabulous Home TIMBER'S Featuring Flavor Hdme Made Open 6 - 10 CoUrteOus 8ervio~ anl For Orders To Go THE SHELTON Dining : ~:i) S PRIME RI Open 6-10 6-12 Friday TAYLOR-TOWNE --OnHighway 101 6 miles . Thursday Special --S-oz. Delicious Home Made pie "~ Fresh From Bay -.all • Davey Crocketts for the sn''=, Every Day 6 a,m= to 10 P.~" MAMIE'S GRILL ' i934 Olyrni ic-I-Iigh y-N-ortl BREAKFAST --- LUg', Special Dinners Dally --" FI~ • Buckwheat Hot~a!~ WE MAKE OU -71 _ GOOD C01: Open Sunday dUrl~i~ .... Seafood, Chlckdrt,char-Br°l ~ Prepared to perfection by at Cocktails in the Liars' Den Be!I Phone 877-5388 for reel Open 6-10 p.m. Daily---Cl°s~i* Sunday 1-6 p.rn THE PIZZA GARDEN i-4- 2-n i Italian Foods • Open Tuesday through ~ Friday & Saturday "~ Food Orders to Go OLD MILL L~ca~ed In Hoodsport on HWY' We Feature Biiheti~0 i)h TH(b