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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Chr sfmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 )USE U.S. Choice of Steaks' I Q I AT SHOP-RITE WE FEATURE ONLY THE FINEST OF U.S. CHOICE BEEF... EVERY CUT GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR ROUND VNF U.S. Choice Top Round YOUR MONEY BACK . . . TRY OUR THICK CUT STEAKS TODAY. VNF U.S. "CHOICE" BEEF TENDER JUICY | VNF U.S. "CHOICE" BEEF SAVORY Armour's Star Boneless 'Magic Slice' Light and Dark Meat. 2 Lb. 6 oz. Tin Rath's Large Sandwich Size POUND VNF U.S. Choice Beef ... Bottom Round, Rump or Sirloin Tip POUND VNF Extra Lean A Dieters Delight POUND Hygrade Fully-Cooked Sh,ort Shank 5-8 Lb. Family Sizes. Sliced & Tied lb. 45 POUND Hormel Dairy Brand .... Plump & Juicy POUND GAL. TUB $2.49 TWO POUND TIN CHASE & SANBORN C & H PURE CANE 10 LB. BAG DARIGOLD CREAMERY FRESH ,POUND HI'S BAKERY HOT DOG • • | | dozen , , , Phone 426-3179 III APPLES FANCY CAL,FORN,A ............................................................................. POUND 19 NALLEY'S OR SHOP-RITE CRISP-CRUNCHY POTATO .... 3-BAGGER DOXSEE MINCED .................................... S! TINS DOXSEE ........................ 15 OZ. Tins LIBBY 5 CRUSH 211 CHUNK .................... Tins • SWANSON BONED OR TURKEY ............................ Tins RED ROSE .................................... 48 COUNT LI WHITE STAR CHUNK No. =/2 STYLE ............................................ ~ Tins PILLSBURY WHITE ANGEL CAKE ", .................................................................... BOX N ALLEY'S CUCUMBER, CHIPS ...................................... 48 OZ. JAR DAWN FRESH .................... ~... 5,~ OZ. BLUE MOUNT- AIN ........................ Ta. $1 Tin NABISCO HONEY .................................... 2 LB. BOX SHOP- RITE'S OWN QUART Q LOCAL BUN. I)HUNK TUNA F AM,'Y S,ZE o= ..................................... 49 ...... :. ................ 6 OZ. JAR LIBBY 46 OZ ............................................... TIN FOUR ROLL PACK WHITE & COLORS .................... PACKS BANQUET FROZEN ALL VARIETIES .......................................................................................... EACH MINUTE MAID FRESH FROZEN ......................................................................................... 60Z, TINS We Guarantee Everything .-- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 5-6-7. LIMIT RIGHTS. New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 By Nadine Rhodes PIONEER .... Agate Grange will host a potluck dinner at the Grange Hall Aug. 13, at 6 p.m., honoring Mr. and Mrs. Irving Vik and family. The Viks have been Grange members for 10 years in the Agate area. A teacher at Mt. View School, Mr Vik has accepted a position as principal of Twisp l~lementary School at Twisp. Agate Tip-Top 4-H Club con- tributed their p~rt to 4-H Camp at Panhandle Lake, with 13 mem- bers attending. These were Toni Auseth, Janet Lockwood, Jeanice Welch, Kathy Dickensen, Kathy Mell, Dens Strackey, Vickie Strac- key, Becky Chapman, Wretha Rhodes, Kay Geist, Susanne Dodge, Kathy Jones ard ~alerie Castle. Mrs. Art Mell and Mrs. Lyle Aus- eth chaperoned the group by tak- ing turns spending the night at the camp. THE CLUB scored 100 percent every day, but the last on care of their cabin. That day some pa- pers were found under the step. The indignant girls were blaming the wind for the 95 percent score. The salmon barbecue on Friday evening was an excellent way to close a week's camping, when good weather permitted all sorts of ac- tivity. A reception honoring Martin D. Auseth and his fiance, Sandra Six, of Olympia, wiil be held at the Grange Hall Saturday at 8 p.m. Agate G~'ange will hest the affair. The young couple will be mar- ried Aug. 14 at the St. John's Episcopal Church in Olympia. Ann Sagmiller celebrated her birthday last Friday with a swim- ruing party at Mason Lake. The young ladies then had dinner at Shelton Hotel to top off a grand evening. Guests were Tracy Ham- lin, Judy Debban and Carolyn Rhodes. Young Julie Sagmiller had her 6th birthday on Thursday and she joined in the swimming party. DAVID SUSHAK, son of Mrs. Kay Sushak, is attending Luther Land summer Bible Cami: on Lake Killarney near Tacoma. At this report Martin Auseth remains in the Tacoma General Hospital for obse~vation and tests. Leo Bishop suffered a slight heart attack a weel., ago and re- mained in Shelton General Hos- pital until Saturda.y. Now con- valescing at home, where he is l~ot bedfast, but rests often. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Remington of Seattle were guests of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Orville Moran last Wed- nesday. Julie Condon is the guest of l~er gramiparcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott, at their summer place on Spencer L:lke. Jill Brooks celebrated her 10th birthday last Friday with a party. Besides h~r family, guests were Mike and Gary Sohns and Col- leen Penick of Seattle. MR. AND MRS. JACK Sohns and family of Seattle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooks last. week. The Sohns went on to Illwaco for a fishing trip and Mrs. Sohns caugilt a 28-1b. salmon, the largest one caught that week. Mrs. Sohns is a sister to Mrs. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Red White of Ta- coma entertained 26 Rainbow girls at their summer place on Leeds Loop Road last weekend. Swim- ming and skiing were top on the activity list. On Sunda3 all par- ents of the girls a~rived for the day. MRS. El) AUSETtl, Mrs. Start Phillips and daughters, Ann and Wendy, spent a week at Lake Kla- lock camping on Klalock Beach. Friday evening Ed Auseth and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Faddin joined them for the weekend. They retmn~ed home Sunday. In thei~ absence, Mrs. Jack Shero minded the Agate store. It is not too early to mention the car pool being formed for those with kindergarten age chin i dren. The children attend Ever- ~green school in Shelton. If anyone is interested, you may contact Mrs. Richard Brooks at 426-2326. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. John Cook on the birth of a fine boy last week. Carolyn Rhodes and Tracy Ham- lin left Wednesday for a week at Big Trees Baton Camp at Santa Cruz, Calif. The girls are travel- mg by bus. There will be no Pioneer colum~l for two weeks, sh~ce your cor- respondent is accompanying the girls and will spend a week visit- ing relatives near Fresno. Rheumatic Fever Oontrol Program Helpful To 20 In Oounly Twenty patients in Mason Coun- ty are receivin,g free penicillin pills under the Rheumatic Fever Con- trol Program sponsored jointly by the Washington State Heart As- sociation and the state and local health departments. A total of 3,189 rhemnatic fever victims in the state are receiving free drugs under this program, ac- cording to th~ report released this week. Figures are for the fiscal year ending July 1. Patients must take penicillin continuously to prevent recurrence of this heart damaging disease. The Heart Association's share in this program is made possible by public contributions. Rheumatic fever, which damag- es heart valves, is the chief creme of heart disability among children and young adults, the Heart As- sociation has financed research at the University of Washington to facilitate rapid diagnosis of the "strep" infection which precedes rheumatic fever. Prompt treat- ment of the infection can prevent development vf rheumatic fever.