August 5, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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I Paul To Provide I
/ Scientist Text I
/ Tho protecting influence of Qod/ "
[ in the life of the Apostle Paul will [
/ __ |
_____ .y Al,i on pm social hour will fol- ago this Au st, we went on a
TT~,~ [ _ ..... '. ] HARSTINE --- John Bustrack, I low just business freighter to Alaska. We saw many
IJ,aJu ~iJlJJ~ ] services t!l,!s ~unoay. Tne[ whose father homesteaded the [ M]~S MARSHALL Olsen of killer whales. One was being killecl
is "Spfrit and the responmw d ' " "
WAN~qP A]I~,~, ] • . ......... ? ~ . [ Bustrack lan up on Haskel Hill, [Cosmo~olio is o~ *h~ Island for the by a school of porpoises, as they
• -- ........ | reaoing wm mcmue mm statement/recentP" sold a lar.~e "art of hisI ' v ......
i from Paul's first letter to the[ ........ (e Is|-nd ,^~s; ~ ,~^ ~_: [week. Visiting her from Wenat- cornered the whale against a rocky
• . .,, ..... ~ n~t'~L,, . ~ muu LU t,~ um-,ch~ is her da-'~"+er Mrs ~" Wcliff. We also stopped in Namu,
-,] Corinthians: The manifestation or/ ..... ,h. ^v ,~ .... ~ o .... ., ~.. ,, ..... I == t,s,,~ , ....
,, ................ ~ ~=r~,~ ~ ~-s=~ o~,,,~ ,, ~,,,,~. ,Goodman and famib, B.C., a very picturesqtle ftshing
tne ~pirl~ is given ~o every mu~ • . . . z.
Fraternal Order of I/to profit withal." [ The Umvermty has an.exte~!swe[ It is tinder dry and mighty hot village. A large cannery is located
program ano eventuauy mtenos to • there and a fish fertilizer plant.
|| * ~-~*~al theme of the service[ . [here on Harstine as I write thin
• .~ ~=u~, build a Biological Lab on l=tarstine • The area smells like fish. If you
will be presented in these lines ~ ." ~ "" Dr rdon column--91 degrees m the shade.
Eagles 2 ]9 I/................... [to study matins hfe..Go ]For many days the weather has do not. like fish you would not
Meeting Place I/book" "The history of Christianity[ ~:u~n is m ~,~v~;~ u~ L,,~ p~O- been 80 and up to 90 degrees and like Namu, even though it is beau-
• - ||furnishes sublime proof~ of the] gram. . [over at times. It is an eerie feel- tiful there. The most touching tn-
Shelton A=rport l|sunnorting influence and protect-] After the new science buflding[ing and we on the west shores of cident took place at Namu. Going
• " I/..~'- ..... ~ ~o+ ..... a ..... ~,,/on the Campus is completed the IHarstine hover in cool spots un-up to Alaska we just viewed the
p.m. I!~'~s h~eavenl=~at.~er o"'mn"i~oten't[ school hopes to have money for [til the tide is up in late afternoon environs, i
2rid & 4th Tuesdavs [[Mind who gives man faith and[ the Lab e "e. [and we can go swimming. Coming back in late evening, the
"~ |[understanding whereby to defend[ JOHN BUSTRACK comes to] Many go to visit friends on the dock at Namu was full of people.
President [[himself, not only from temptatlorh[Harstine almost every day from]east side of Harstine. They get Forty teen-aged Indians were leav-
Curtis Cammack []but from bodily suffering" (Set-[Olympia and returns there in the]the morning sun and we on the ing with us on the Northland
Visiting Eagles Welcome |[ ence and Health with Key to the| evenings. He wishes that he could]west get it in the afternoon. Prince for Vancouver Island. This
[/ Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy,|live on Harstine in the log cabin[ Our sunsets are out of this freighter, more like a "waywacd
' p. 387). [where he was born. It is a real [world. We know the sunrtse on bus", stops here and there deliv-
.... [ storybook-like little log cabin in [ the east side of the island is like- ering and collecting cargo and pas-
=== ~ ...... ~. _ _ |[ the trees overlooking the bay. The [ wise gorgeous. We thought of go- sengers. Anyhow these kids were
~ ]I~OU ~]IOU|(1 ][~know . . , [| family has an extensive home on[ing over there, like to Point WiN headed for school on Vancouver
~. ~ lit | | am T~ | n | f[~ n| |~ | | the east side in Olympia and Mrs. son and call on the Jim Lom'ers, Island for the year. All their par-
~ ~ 18 L | [[I |~ | L L U ~ '~ ][Bustrack likes living there. We | demand coffee and a look at their ents and relatives were there on
~ ' es with |[can understand this for Olympia|suhrise, but upon second consider- the dock to see them off. They
~ If you could change pmc || casts[de looking at the sunset be, ] at[on decided t:hat would not be would be gone until June 1965.
i~ ~.~ your wife and you depended upon her |[ yond the Black Hills is likewise [wise. The Lohrers might kill us So it was, we were fellow passen-
~ for support, how much Life Insurance||beautiful and roughing it on Har- if they are not early risers. Think- gers with these 40 teenagers from
~ wou d you want her to own and when || stine cannot appeal to everyone, ing back to last summer when ev- Namu. They were heavily chaper-
~ would you want her to place it ~.n |] J B Gunderson second cousin eryone was crabbing because the oned. That would not have been
~! ~ force? []to ~Iohn Bustrack,'was associated weather was too cool since we do necessary for I have never seen
~~!!i .... 118 North 2nd St. []with the late Grant C. Angle in not get a happy medium, believe I such a group of teenagers so well
i~i" ~ [[ the beglnning of our Journal. Wish prefer the cool summer, for then dressed, clean and respectful. On
to remind all Social Club mere- there's no worry about fires, the trip from Namu to Vancouver
~ |[ hers of the important short bus- NAMU THE WHALE, has been one would not have known they
Ph. 426-8139 |[ iness meeting in the hall this Fri- followed by everyone on radio, TV were aboard. From "vancouver,
..... |' day night. Meeting will start at' and in the newspapers. A. year B.C., they took the ferry back to
Vancouver Island to their school
for the year. Unfortunately we
John Curtis invites you to help celebrate his
1st Anniversary as sole owner of the former
Curtis & Oliva Lumber Co.
in Walnut Finish, Blond•.. Natural
Garage Doors
Berry Steel Overhead
Recessed Sliding
8' X 7' $
9' x 7' $
Oedar Fenoing
lx6 -- 5¢ linear ft.
/zx6 --- 4½¢ linear ft.
4x4 s4s POSTS
13¢ linear ft.
8d & 16d -- 10¢ lb.
"The Finest Mone ( Can Buy"
Oil Base
Reg. $
$8.00 gal.
Naplex white & colors
Reg. $
gal. $7.28 gal. gal.
Reg. $8.43 gal.
(Unlimited Color )
Close Out
DUTCH BOY, White Primer
White House Paint, Interior Latex
( Llmlted Quantities)
30" x 32" x 36" with door-closing Kick-plate
free $I] t
grille J, dh
Wepbo Aluminum Screen-Storm Door
full 1-inch
Self Storing
Yx2 ½' .......... $11.49
6'x4' .............. $19.49
6'x3' .............. $16.49
8'x5' ................ $39.49
10'xJ' .............. $47.49
I0 a.m.- 3 p,m.
SALE STARTS AUGUST 5 thru AUGUST 14 -- 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Daily;
2326 4th Avenue East
8 ,a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday
Financing Arranged
Dial 357-7737 -- 357-7733
did not keep a diary on that trip
so I cannot tell you where the
Indian children of Namu were go-
ing to school.
IT IS SO HOT here I do not
have the nerve to call anyone to
the phone to ask for news. Like-
wise I feel sure no one feels like
calling me up with news. Matter of
fact no one on our eight-party
line is calling anyone. In the win-
ter we expect ou~ phone to be out
after a storm but in the month of
July with calm weather, its amaz-
ing our phone on this line has
been out half of the month. Seems
the loggers and road builders ran
into and damaged the cables which
had been buried by Pacific Tel.
& Tel.
About time they got off' the
PUD poles! Anyhow, the PUD is
wonderful and takes the responsi-
bility of a Public Utility with 24-
hour service. When our phone was
out for 48 hours over a weekend,
July 2 to ~, we were told "no one
gets weekend service except drug
stores, hospitals and doctors".
Where does this leave us, our near-
est neighbor over a mile away ?
We are sorry to hear that Mar-
tin Auseth, our County Commis-
sioner, is ill, Martin is most in-
terested in our island welfare. It
is likewise alarming that Nolan
Mason, our county Auditory,~ has
resigned, All of us on Harshne
take an interest in county affairs.
old neighborhood party, we loaned
our house to friends who did a
good job of duck and burro sit-
ting while we went to visit our
son David and family at Vernon[a,
Ore. David will teach the sciences
in Vernonia High School next year.
While in Oregon we made a side
trip to our favorite Oregon ocean
beach, Cannon Beach.
Our crusade is to pull out all
the Tansy ragwort between our
house and the ferry landing. Re-
cently while pulling same, without
"gloves, we found our hands itched.
;Believe it would be best to wear
gloves when pulling this weed.
Some places along the road Tansy
i] is so low it probably should be
I sprayed. Like tlW low growth
[along entrance to the Baunsgard,
Bassindale property.
A trip to Shelton on the 9 a.m.
ferry when everyone goes in to
shop can be most rewarding to the
news Wr~br. Glad to see Jack
:MeekS hack on the job as deck-
hand after three weeks absence.
Jack and his wife Lois and son
Jeff went to Los Angeles by bus
to visit Jack's mother. When they
arrived there they found her in
the hospital having had a heart
attack. So the Meeks had to stay
south longer than anticipated.
ON JULY 27th Mrs. Nels Bauns-
gard celebrated her 81st birthday.
Would be glad to tell my age if
I could look as young as Mable
Baunsgard. The Pridhams, Me-
Cullochs, Stmo~s and Miss Beulah
Bassindale helped celebrate the
Guests in the Sid Baunsgards'
guest house the past week Were
Wayne Browning of Seattle and
his son on vacation from the US
Navy, Chief Petty Officer Robert
Browning. In tWo days fishing the
Brownings caught three salmon
off the north end of Harstine.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ardis
Reeder and Mr. and Mrs. Worthy
I-Iecht of Tacoma. Dr, and Mrs.
Joseph Jarvis of Puyallup were
the Sid Baunsgards guests for the
Last week we had three low
tides almost as extreme as the
ones in June. On one of these
tides, Capt. Gortz went With the
Barnett boys to spearfish near Mc-
Micken Island. They caught some
sole. We met Mrs. A. B. Carson
on the Ferry and again in tho
Shelton Safeway. She purchased
a carload of groceries for she is
expecting 12 houseguests from
California. Mrs. Carson is on Mc-
Micken Island adjoining Harstine
for the summer, Dr. Carson comes
and goes, he is due back this week
for an indefinite stay. Mr. and
Mrs. Hank Riggs and children,
Peter 3, Betsy 6 and Katte six
months of Pale Alto, Calif., have
been guests of Mrs. Carson for
some time. Mrs. Rlggs is the Car-
son's daughter.
land in a big way. Last week
they killed 15 ducks at the Glasers.
Bad as coons are house breakers
who came by car, broke windows
and entered the Stunk, Fundak
and McNeill homes at the south
end of the island.
MARY M, ming la~+-
Carson Lake~.
ALUMNI ~"'" ~
cha, Linda a
SLATED ~nd Mrs. ~y
BY DORA HEARING pieniekedatC
MATLOCK --- Everyone is wel-
come to attend the Mary M. Knight day________
Alumni dance Saturday night at
the Matlock Grange Hall. ' By Mrs. Ray Kratch~ u.. || ~ieno'
We were thankful for a little
drizzle Monday as the temperature SOUTHSIDE -- Four Leaves
was 96 to 102 the last four days 4-H Club members attending 4-H PERF!
of July and everything is so verycamp at Panhandle last week
dry here. A big rain would be wel- were leader Mrs. I-Ielen Bakke,
chaperoning wa'~ Jo Jensvold of ;OR" ~
MR. AND MRS. A1 ,Tones left Tacoma and 4-H members Nancy
by plane Monday for Los Angeles S~chuffenhauer, Christine ~chnf- (or
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Jones' fenhauer, Leahe Swayze, Robiu _,~
Bakke, Gall Ba;ley, LeAnna Whit-
youngest sister neat" Riverside, marsh, Linda Trotzer, Beverly
Calif. Our sympathy is extended
to Mr. and Mrs. Jones. TroLzer, Linoa Auseth, Joan Aus-
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry cth and Sandy Mell. IgA'~
picnicked at Hood Canal Saturday Guests of the 4-H Club attend-
ing were Kathy Ness and Barbara
with the Tom Rowe and Cliff O1- Wolf, former 1;our Leaves Ch|b
sen families.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Morris members. Grape Nuts 4-H Ch|b
and daughters Jenny and Jill of ~nd Four Leaves 4-H Club tied ~,,~
Long Beach, Calif., and Mrs. Bess ior first place for the Simpson z~,
Morris of Hoquiam were dinner trophy. Each Club gets to keep
guests of Mr .and Mrs. Elvin the t{:ophy for ~ix months.
Hearing Tuesday. They also c~lled DUE TO THE Mason County
at the R. E. B~'adberry and Her-Fair, Southside Grangers will post-"
bert Brehmeyer Sr. homes, pone their m~eting and picnic
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Spalding scheduled for August 20. The date A ring
spent Thursday evening at the for the next meeting will be an- proper
Edward Valley home. nounced later.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Green of Silver Stars had a work party ~Of' e~
Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs. Saturday at the Fair Grounds and
R. E. Bradberry Sunday. worked on the 4-H barn. Those Ch]
MR. AND MFRS. Lud Rossmaier, working were Phil Hardie, George
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and Magnett, Drew Col~ and Max (or
son David, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Schmidt Jr. They are having a
Ford and Tyler Soothe, Nfr. and work party every night this week A pern
Mrs. Bob Trenekmann and Mr. and would appreciate all the help mother$
and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry attend-they can get.
ed the Salmon Barbecue" at Pan- Friendship Club will have its
handle I~ke Friday evening, regular meeting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry Marie Carter August 11. Birthdays monfh=
spent Sunday evening with the ~or the month of August will be tional
Wess Goodburn family on John's celebrated at thi.~ meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenck-
mann spent Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs, Lud RoSsmaier.
Mrs. Earl Walker and grand-
daughter and Mrs. Bob Dawson
and grandson spent Thursday af-
ternoon with Mrs. Lud Rossmaier.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacKay
and Kathaleen Of Elms were
luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Helin Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Lud Rossmaier
spent Sunday evening at the Gene
Rossmaier home in Olympia.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of El-
ma spent Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Helin.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Hearing
spent Saturday evening at the
Harold Clift home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz and
Jim, Bob and Ginger spent Sun-
day at :Redmond with the Allan
Owens family.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ellis and two
sons of Tacoma spent Sunday at
the Earl Walker home. In the
evening they all called on Mr. and
Mrs. John McGarvie.
Mrs. Frank Hollatz spent Tues-
day with Mrs. Earl Walker.
THE ANDREW McGarvie faro-
ily had a new well drilled on their
place last week.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Booths and'
family of South Bend spent Sun-
day at the I. C. Ford home and
took Tyler Booths home.
Iva Frank Brehmeyer is spend-
ing the week with his grandpar-
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. L. D. PoVtman of Shel-
ton and other guests were Mrs.
Marie McKay and Mrs. Gertrude
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe CroweU
motored to Westport Sunday and
also called on the formers mother,
Mrs. M. E. Crowell, at Broadway
Rest home in l$Iontesano. They
found her very much improved.
Clover Girls 4-H club members
met at Lhe home of Chris and
Llnda Bevis recently. Club mem-
ber's discussed camp and decided
on a theme a~d skit. Refresh-
ments of pop corn and soft drinks
were sea-red by Chris and Linda
MR. AND MRS. BOB Herr[ok
and family, Mr and Mrs. James
Medcalf and family and Mr. and
iVh's. Virgil Morgan picnicked last
Saturday and Sunday at Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cool, and
Shirley and Debble camped last
Friday night and Saturday at Ma-
~on Lake.
Busy Bells 4-H club members
attending 4-H camp at Panhandle
last week were Georgia Magnett,
Marlene Schmidt, Cheryl Chain=
bets, Jo Ann Cole and Toni Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. Ors Cool, and
Shirley and Debbie, went swim-
In 1OK
1.stone ring
2-stone ring
3-stone ring
4.stone ring
5-stone ring
t25 Railro=d
119 Fifth
And does a supecb all-around job-chassis, wheel
joint& water pumps, Wheels, fJrack rollers. Ifs touq it
ex eme p essuze, resists rust, won't wash out and p otect
Foe clean, convenient use get our kit containing a leveX
twelve Z,IP= oz. ca=tddges el RPMe Multi-Motive
Grease. Call us about this grease, the kit, o¢
any of ore; kill line of superior greases.
118 S. 3rd St. Shelton, Wash.