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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:-A." l S Catto Both feel at home because oi the similarity of affectionate fan]- ~" Two bright- Sly ties and love of fun in their teenagers, ex- South American homes and in tlle South Amer- Dodds family, the exchange stud- Sunday ents explained. Marls has a bro- family from ,her and a sister and Vicky ~even alif. From the brothers and sisters. Their moth- with its ers are sisters and were teachers. to a vaca-~ Vicky's father is a Bogota bus- Penin- iness man and the family has a Wilderness" farm--a "finka"--in the jungle ar- was quite ca, where they have f~lts and young people, animals. n, 18, and his Marls and Vicky think that the cl~ ¢) Guzman, exchange student "plan is highly this fall neat' desirable. Marls, who wishes to be is making his a sociologist, finds it advantageous Y in Mill VaN to know otlmr peoples, their lang- ~st March while uages and cultures. English lang- : a few days ago. the Dodds, while sage will be helpful to Vicky s. Dodds' daugh- when she achieves her ambition to cky's parents in become a secretary. her senior year, Potluck supper and pinochle Senora de la night, a monthly event sponsored School. Vicky by members of the Lilliwaup Corn- at the John munity Club, will be held Friday Francisco. b Week vacation, their visit- Bill and Bob Girvin, are ca- creek cabin John Robinson, Dodds. during the Sunday, visitors were into the teen- in their activities. Were impressed communicate their first, day the exchange SUccess for these ered young patio dessert almost a news ask- and Vicky, over attempts school or were ans- understand- who would and do their English, SOme vocabulary through SoYrie way here," that they like their own found similar- activities. Si! They are campestre', and dogs, "perro : records have many see many shows in "movies U.S. as Italian and they say, are Colas," roposed Ldrawel of ap- of public National For- under the a~o~hn wo.s ai~- E. Butt, Bureau of e. for Withdrawal of Agri- Forest Skoko- to prese,~e interest )r public super- Forester and is located Period is pro- corn- may be sub- Public to the it at Public lands with- in the be poet- at Room evening, August 13, in the com- munity hall at Lilliwaup. Supper will be at 6:30 p.m. The public !is invited and there are ref,'esh- ments and prizes following the pinochle playing which starts at 8 o'clock. Black sea bass and red snapper fishing out of Rest While park has been extremely rewarding re- cently, states manager Earl Mauge. From the deep holes have come fish weighing from 10 to 16 pounds. A large number of trailers have been in to take advantage of the warm weather that has welcomed tourists. A group of neighbors honored Mrs. LouSe Schaufler Wednesday of last week with a birthday hmch- eon at her Hamma Hamma river- side home. There was a birthday cake and gifts for the occasion and the guests enjoyed seeing Mrs. Schaufler's attractive newly re- modeled kitchen, as well as her garden flowers. Luncheon participants were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sauer, Mrs. Stella Morken, Mrs. Charles Diesen, Mrs. L. K. Webb, Mrs. Allie Ahl, Mrs. Oran B. Lee, Mr.~. George W. Moake, Miss Penny Diesen of Seat- tle and Mr. and Mrs. Schaufler. FRIENDS WITH whom she had shared a South Pacific cruise last winter were entertained Saturday evening at the Tacoma home of Mrs. Aimee Fuhrmeister. After a buffet supper, the warm evening was spent on the patio. The fellow voyageurs looked over some of Mrs. Fuhrmeister's travel pictures to choose those they would like to have in their own collections. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Allie W. Robinson, Mrs. N. J. Sceva, Mrs. Florence Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Evans. The Evanses stayed overnight in Tacoma with their son-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wahl on Sunday to Seattle for a family party. Their daughter, Mrs. Cliff Nelson, had the annual party to celebrate the birthdays of their three children whose birth- dates are close together on the calendar. The Robinsons and Mrs. Sceva also stayed over in Tacoma with relatives Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Harnage and daughter Wanda of Granada Hills Calif., paid a surprise visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sig An- derson Friday. The Harnages spent the weekend here and on Friday evening they were joined at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Germeau of Centralia. DROPPING IN TO see the An- dersons on Sunday afternoon were Harry and Nellie DeShields of Olympia. Harry, who is with the Washington State Patrol in Olym- pia, declared that they stopped enroute home from Port Angeles because he "smelled Mabel's wild blackberry pie." A surprise visit for your porter came late Thursday after- noon, when a call from Harry Hays at the Lilliwaup Motel advised that "Someone here is looking for your place," and added, "she says she went to school with you 50 years ago." |11111/ . DISCOVERY of your hle OMV en.- and cash price. all.--. OUrs, .m m'-ixe' " 0) 47 , i Homes as low as PER MON111 r~ 120 MONTHS • ¢om- e lOUVers. rocklath • in.* oak • oak Ilia fo~' ~OOLEY N., Seattle LOW COST, HONEST FINAN- CING FOR EVERYONE--WITH OR WITHOUT MONEY. YOU CAN INCLUDE and finance the complete Plumbing, Heating and Elec- trical systems and Kitchen Cabinets at low extra coati • • • MAIL COUPON TODAYI • • • :TO CAPP.HOMES, 1143 Dupeet N..: • Minneapolis, Minn, 55411 Dept. 39~. • Please =end me more Informs'Ionic°i Nsme :! ~Addrezt :i crown SZ=hL--------=. I : F-I ' own. lot. ;( • [] I don't own a lot but ¢ouM set ont.•t At the entrance to our beach road we ,net our old Everett school days friend. Mrs. Ernest Hays, and her husband, who live in Carna- tion, Wash. The couple (n~ rela- ~;tlmmer. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Carlile of Bellew)e were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mc- Grady. Dr. Carlile of the Mason Clinic in geattle is a former presi- dent of the American Cancer So- ciety. Mrs. Nell Vance, who ,vent to ob Swalling. Attending the large church wedding and reception Sat- urday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell, also former Lil- liwaupians, now of Shelton. The bride was Miss Veronica Kay Aagard, who was attended by a sister-in-law as matron of hon- f or and three former college friend,~ as brideshmids. The groofi'~'s uncle, Carl Swalling, was best man. The young couple will make their home in Battle Ground. On vacation from his work as an electrical engineer at Boeing: Airplane Company, Bob Hill, son of Mrs. Jack Carts, and his family came Saturday for a visit at the Carts home. They were delighted with the warm swimming weather and enjoyed a salmo nbarbecue on Sunday. With their children, Bert and EHeen, Bob and Welma are traveling in their well-equipped camper and planned to go north on the penninsula and to the ocean from Lilliwaup. On Wednesday they will celebrate their 20tit wed- cling anniversary. I~ob's brother-in-law and sister, the Mack Knntsens of Olympia, were also in Lilliwaup. for the weekend with their children. On Saturday night they joined in cele- brating the July birthdays of both Bob and Welma Hill. Mrs. Allie Robinson's grand- daughters, Wendy Erhart of Clear Lake, Wash.,and Alice Burnm.n of Bellewm, left Saturday after a week's visit here. The girls always have "a special project" dnring their slimmer visits here. This time they are proudly taking home name signs for their family homes, plaques on which they have design- ed the names with Canal beach shells. %Vendy will probably visit her cousin in Bellewm before re- turning to Clear Lake. I II III I I I III " " NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELINO PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason County Savings & Loan AssodaUon TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING IIII I I I IIIIIIIII II I II Jlllll" ! O T-UP BREASTS . THIGHS DRUMSTICKS | C Wings.....Ib. 29c HEARTS & Gizzards,,, lb. 390 Fryer Livers Ib, 790 NECKS & Backs... lb. IOo Boneless, Fully Cooked RATH'S 8 lb. tins Swift's and Hygrades 5 Ib, tins Amounts to only 79¢ lb. Amounts to only 83¢ lb. Grade 'A', '65 Crop, 10 to 13 lb. Avg. Hafnla, Extra Lean 1 lb. ** DANISH SLICED BACON tin ........ 69¢ g 'S ............ ,b. "[I CED BACON ................................ ,b. S9' Armour's Star, Light and Dark Meat---2 lb., 6 oz. pan 'Boneless Armour's Star, All White Meat---2 lb., 6 oz. pan Si[iNLESS WIENERS ................ ,b. 55' Bar-S, Bologna or Liver Sausage PIECE LUNCH MEAT ............... Bar-S, Boneless, Whole or half HOLIDAY HAMS .............................. ,b. Bar-S SMOKIE SAUSAGES .... oz. pkg 59* Tradewell Folger's, Regular or Drip Silk, Assorted colored paper (Tradewell Coffee 3 lb. $1.89) 3 lb. tin lb. pkgs. 60 ct. Arden's ¢ I {,0~.u ....... ...: ........................... : .... ,,~ ,.,. o~I 5 Tradewell~ Assorted flavors iil~l~,~ "'"" " HcRBEi ............... :: ............... ,/2 ga,. st..----'ah,Ts SNOBOY (12 ,oz. tins 19¢) LEMONADE ................................ , o,. t,.. SNOBOY, Sliced STRAWBERRIES ........ ,o oz. SNOBOY RASPBERRIES ................ 1o o,. ,,gs. Zeer White or colored Zve, White or colored ....................... 4 Roll pkg FRESH-N-PURE THOMPSON SEEDLESS l qt I Chiffon, 2 ply,.White or Colored Lady Elberta, Halves or Sliced Blue Bell, 13 oz. pak ................................ 180 ct. pak. .......................... 200 ct. boxes .... No. 2~2 tins .................................... Big 4 bagger Tradewell, White, Yellow, Devil• F¢md or Spice .................................... 19 oz. pkg. Tradewell B & M, Brick Oven Baked ........................................................ Qts. .................................... 28 oz. tins Haley's, Regular or Lo Cal .................................... 46 oz. tins Tradewell ........................................ 14 Qt. Size Prices effective thru Aug. 5. Limit rights reserved.