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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 5, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 5, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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large ~- 3 Only Ittle ,000 Here's good ~8110 MOUNTAIN VIEW Here is an excellent buy on an older home on Mountain View. Large lot with 4 bedroom home and new double garage. Valued in excess of $6,500 but offered for sale for Value of lot and garage alone. Priced for quick sale at $4,500.00 as owner has transferred. See this soon. SPACIOUS, SUBURBAN HOME Six room home with three-plus bedrooms. Large living room with dining area. Kitchen and utility porch. Has full basement and garage, oil furnace, private water system. Has park-like yard with lovely trees and shrubs. With renovation this Will make a fine home. See it today! Only $9,350.00. NORTH CLIFF SPECIAL A well located 3 bedroom home with dining room, large liv- ing room, fireplace, hardwood floors, large utility room with storage cabinets, oil heat. Located on spacious corner lot with sidewalks. Seller willing to sacrifice at $14,250.00. See it today. "ATTENTION, VALUE SEEKER~" Older home in a location next door to everything. Five bed- rooms, oil furnace, living room, full basement with single gar- age. Good buy at $8,850.00. BETTER TAKE A LOOK Move right in without trouble or expense. Beautifully main- tained older home. No repairs needed. Therc's a fireplace in living room, has separate dining room, lots of closet space, in each of the 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, utility room, partial basement for storage. Located on a beautifully landscaped lot with creek. $25,325.00. ARE YOUR RENT SLIPS SHOWING? If so, we now have a very competent builder, Who will build you a quality 3 bedroom home with full basement, bath and half, built-in kitchen --- all for $13,500.00, nothing down with a long term F.H.A. loan. OWNER SAYS MAKE AN OFFER 80 acres of forest land with some timber and Christmas trees. GOOD INVESTMENT! GOOD FAMILY HOME There are many fine features in this modestly priced 1% story home. Two bedrooms up and one down. Clean electric heat. Largc utility room in attached garage. Lots of room for children to play on nearly % acre. Also has large heated shop. Priced to sell -- $10,900.00. "Your Satisfaction Is Our Objective" ANGLE AiIENI)Y HERB ANGLE ~ DICK ANGLE Real Estate & Insurance 401 Railroad Avenue Phone 426-8272 Evenings Ph,one 426-4134 or 426-6188 iI I LI OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 EVENINGB: PHONE 426~3530 WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE BROKEB ,PHONE 426-3630 (1) 5 Bedroom Home. 24 acres With 23 cleared. Lai~ge barn. An ideal family farm. $19,500.00, terms. (2) 60 acres. Som~ 25 acres cleared. Some timber. Just 5 miles from town. Owner must aell. Clerk of Mason County Clerk of said Court R, GARLAND for Estate Post Office Address Dietz Building ,merton, Washington 98"310 7/22-29-8/5 St B[D CALL The Board of Dlrectnrs, North Ma- son School District No, 408 BelfaiI:, Washington 98528 calls for bids on Dairy Products and Bread Products for the 1965-66 school year, Bid opening will be at 8:00 p.m. on the 9th day of August 1965 at the Belfalr Elementary School Library. "',~ ~o.~a nf Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ;d iornl~ mav be obtained at tie district office, B'ox 167 Belfair, Wash- Ington ..... BETTY CRISS, Clerk North Mason School Dist. No. 403 Belfair, Washington 8/5 It SHELTON ASSEMDLY OF 60D 130 East Pine Street Mason Yotmglund, pastor Sunday School--For The Family .................................... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ's AmbasSadors (Youth) ........................................ 6:00 P.M. Evenihg Evangelistic .......................................................... 7:00 P.M. W~dnesday - Bible Study & Prayer ................................ 7:00 P.M. FIRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIEHTIST 362 Alder ~t., 8helton~ Wash. ~tmday School 11."00 a.m. ~ Chtu ~,h 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meeting~ 8 p.m. Readl~g zoom l~eated in church, Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m. Mbn. & Frl, Wed, evening 8:45 to 7:45. (3) 5 Bedt'oom Home in country with plenty of garden space. 5 miles from town. $i2,000.00, t~rms. (4) Waterfront lots -- Heed 0anal, Hammersley Inlet, Islatid Lake and Spencer Lake. elio. my name is Realy Siale.., Pm pleased to announce that I'm working for watch for me --. I'll be looking for you. 8/5 NOTICE OF AMENDED ~ATER ~(~,~T APPLICATION NO. R-18256 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES. Olympia. TAKE NOTICE : That VIRGIL C. and EUGENIA K. ANDERSON of Allyn, Washington on November 20, 1963, filed apphcatton for permit to store the pnbltc waters of ,,n .nn~med stream tributary of Sher- wood Creek, tn the amount of 975 acre-feet, subject to existing rights continuously each year for the pur- l ose of fish pronagatlon, recreation and irrigation that the approximate ~ntn¢ nf dlvecslon is ]oeated witllin NE~SE~ of Section 19, Township 22 , N., Range 1 W. W.M., in Mason Coun- tY~nv objections lnust be accompan- ies l~v a two dollar ($2.00) recording l;e'e" nn'd filed with the State Supervisor of Water Resource~ within thirty (80) days from August 12, 1965. Witness my hand sad official seal this 21st day of July, 1965. M . G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Re- sources. 8/5-12 2t 7thand Franklin Family Wo~hlp Service: 8:30 a.m. Claalea: Sunday 8oho01 & Adult 9:30 a.m. 2nd Worthlp 8ervlee 11:00 a.m. C, hrlItlan Worehlp, Education, Fellowahlp, Service Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone 426-8611 i "i i [ ~11 I~ ' li I JI i i [ MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOB Olymplo Hwy. 8o. Casoade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School ...................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Adult ]Bible Cla~ ................................................................. 9:45 a.m Morning Worship .......................................... 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. CALL FOR BIDS Under the provisions of RCW 36.82.- 130, seated bids ~;lll be received at tbe Office of the Masou County C6i~ihlis- ~[oners until 2:00 p.m., August 16, 965, for furniahlng Mason County wlth the folldwing: Onc (1) used Portable Aggregate Dryer FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCI-I Arcadia and t~ke Boulevard Charles D. Wlgton Bible School ..... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meettng~ 5:30 p.m Worship ............ 11:00 ~t.fl~. hmlly Service 6:30 p,m Wednesday --- Bible Stuoy and Prayer -- 7:30 p,m. ~fld Cai~e S~ilwtce Available ~t 11 :(~) Service One (]) used Feeder Bin J I J ~ i J ~ ~, One (1) used Serif-Propelled Asphalt .... ' :~ ~.~. Mixer-Spreader I Speelfioatlo.s a.d bid fo,.m may be NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH obtalned at the office of the Ma~ou : Cnunt,, En~iuee.r. Shelton. Washing- East E St. Seventh-Day Adventist School Building ton. The Co.q~t~ reserves the right to re3ect any or all bids Or to accept the Small Enough hid deemed most advalitagcouS to the County, Sunday •chool ............ 9:45 a.m. To Need You, Big Mason County Commissi()i' Worship ........................ 11:00..a.m. Enough To Serve You By RUTH E. BOYSEN Clerk o[ Lho Board 8/5-12 2t ,,, ,, , ,, ,,, , , , , ,,,,, , ,, , ,, ,,, , ,,,, ,