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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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V di IT. tc t[ ot tc th oJ A ]1( tl: rc th th at ar In bi' Pc fo tu ar vo sh af Hc tie m 7e ' t THE MXSON CoONTY JoURN*AL % ! Xl ,* GRANT C. ANGLE "& heN,' Publ'ishers Mmber of Washington ,State Press and Washington lewspap.Amsociationm mntered ms second, clash matter at the postofflcs t :Bhelton. Wsmhington .' ". Published every Friday mornih'g/. !' Stlmcrlption: Domestic, $2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 tn advance ' " (All papers discontinued one month after delinquency) , ,.. THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE. There is no question about the right! of citizens to organize just as many political parties as the please and no sane person denies them that right. Whether new parties are necessary is a matter for each voter to de- termine for himself. That such new parties will accom- plish much:more than the old parties, is rather too much to expect, ,.This paper feels that there is need for house- cleaning in the old parties, but just as the most effective house cleaning in a home is done iris]de:the house, so also the most effective housecleaning in the political par- ties can be done inside the house, but it won't do itself. One great trouble with us politically is that we shout about graft just before election and then close our eyes to it the rest of of the time. A dozen new parties will not remedy sich a situation.--Grandview Herald. / TALKING VS. WORKING. Belgium and France have been working hard and re- ports indicate that those countries are almost back to normal with bumper crops, while the U. S., which suf- fered nothing but in the pocketbook, has done more talk- ing than working and has made little progress to normal since the war closed. UNCLE SAM--UNDERWRITER. It should be no secret that Wall Street and some big financiers of the country are very much concerned in President Wilson's League of Nations. They have big loans in the Old World, and besides, if they can get Uncle Sam to underwrite the deal, see enormous profits in sight from loans those countrieg are anxiously seeking. And they stand ready to "put Cox over', with any necessary share of these prospective profits: This seems the real "power behind the throne" and Messrs, Wilson and Cox seem willing to sew the people of this country up to sal- vage the war lean gamble. Happily our people are get- ting next to the marked card game and will not let the gamblers play a lone hand. They can get all the action they need for their money at home, but the stakes will be lower. The new national slogan of the Democrats, "Peace, Progress and Prosperity" seems to be based on sound rather than performance. STATE PAYROLL PATRIOTS." A Democratic exchange commenting on the prospects of the half-dozen Republican candidates for governor, PROCl00INGS!OF>i1E: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Continued from Page L) H. :E. Drew. Tray. Exp. 10.70 Lowman &Hanford, Sup. Jku'd'.' : 1.67 Pioneer Bind. & Ptg. Co., same, Sup. Justice Courts .......... 75 Earl F. Dlckson, Cohstructton Engineer ................... 108.00 Lowman &Hanford, Sup. C1 .... 37.97 Pioneer Bind. & Ptg., same ... 4.91 Velsh-Richards., lnc., same .. 16.06 Frank Potts. care Eng. ear .... 15.09 R. G. Forck, Sup. Eng ........ 1.00 Cap. City Map &IL P. Co. same ......................... 3.60 Esther G. Carlson. Typing Co. lng ......................... 1.50 Shelton Garage, Sup I]ng ....... 7.50 McDonald & Co., Sup. Co. JaJl .. 2.90 Wallace Johnson Motor Co., Car hire, sheriff , ................ 18.00 Mark Burnett, Dep. Sheriff .... 45.00 R. W. Potts, Tray. Exp ....... 6.20 Hackman Photo Shop, Sup. 5.00 Sheriff 2-J Soap :::::::::::::::::::::: 9.00 Mary M. Knight. Trav Exp... 2.75 Pioneer Bind. & Ptg. Co., SUp. Supt ........................ 51.25 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Rap. Treas. Machine ........ 1.05 Francis Carr, Sup. Co. Poor .. 15.90 L. M. Co., same .............. 10.10 L. M. Co., same .............. 10.00 F. Raison]. same ............... 10.01 F. liaison], same 10.00 F. C. Willey. burial Co. poor. 88.50 Thos. O'Neill, sup. Co. poor..!: 15.00 Thos. O'Neill. same ............ 10.00 Thos. O'Neill, same 9.50 St. Peters' Hospital, care county poor ......................... 19.2.00 Burt Potts, driving ambulance, county poor ................. 4.50 Needham & Clothier, sup. Janitor Co., Agrl. Eng ............... 69.42 W. G. Rex, mowing court yard.. 3.00 Mason County Ab. & Title Co., census map ................. 2.00 Mrs. 14. E. Iop. cert. reg. voters .60 W. O. Eckert, same ............. 40 ]l. Tronckmann, same .......... 1.00 Julius ,laet)bY, ssme ........... 1.40 Carl Jacobs(m, same 3.10 Vm. I. Nance, same ........... 85 rs. Fred Bell, same .......... 2.70 Phillip Abbey, same .......... 3.35 Sorell C. Nelson, same ......... 1.75 l,u(dlle Iffill, same ............. 1.30 George R. Aaro. same  ....... 1.00 Tom Moran, same ............. 1.35 R. H. Henry, same ............ ].75 Mrs. Annie Ellison, same ...... 3.05 John Goetsch, same ............ 1.75 McDonald & Co.. sup. Co. ear .... 50 American Surety Co of N. Y., bond. health officer .......... 5.90 Shelton Pharmacy, sup. Co. poor 4.00 W. M. Beach. ser health officer.. 15.00 Thou. O'Neill. sup. Janitor ........ 35 Sheltgn L. & P. Co., services... 6.95 L. M. Co.. Sup. Sheriff .......... 10 N. E. Roberts. care Co. poor ..... 10.00 C. H. Hillman. ser Poor Farm.. 2.50 Shelton Garage. sup. Poor Farm. 6.00. Thou. O'Neill. same ............ 59.28 Cooke's Market. same .......... 12.00 Fir Drug Store SUp. ,Co. poor and County Farm ........... 2.29 Mason County Journal, sup. com- missioners .............. '. ..... " 47.22 Mason County Journal, sup. sup- erintendent . .................. 7.00 Standard Oil Co.. sup. Eng. Co. car and Attic ................ 48.77 Shelton Garage 99.49 Mike Kennedy 110.00 Henry Smith i!ii!iii!!i!iiii! "'0 Henry Smith :................. 12tf.O0' Win. Deyette ............... . ,,. 30,00 Harry Deyette ............ ".'/:'.: 46.50 Zod Distrlot o. . Walter Daniels ................ .75 L. M. Co ....................... ' 7.40 James Delfel .................. 8.00 I. L. RendSland .............. . '40.25 H. H. Wesserling .............. 9.00 A. VIllosevich .................. 4.0 Walter Denials ................ 14.38 E. L. Kellogg ................. 2.25 1, E. Housen .................. 105.75 J. B. Johnson ................. 65.81 Gust Johnson .................. 11.25 Paul l Sharp .................... 72100 C. E.. Cronqulst ................ 31.53 Olaf Fossum .................. 10.00 Olaf Fossum .................. 41. Olaf Fossum ,,9.50 T. W. Malaney ................ 27.00 J. W. Malaney ................ */2.S6 W. O. Eckert .................. 4.50 remarks that Gov. Hart starts off the great advantage Fred F. Col, .................... 28.12 of having all the state payroll patriots back of his can- w. H. Cole ........ , ............. o.2 I-Iarry W. Cole .......... ...i... didacy. The exchange overlooks the fact that the major- ay M Col. .................... H!" • , Standard Oil Co: .............. cry ,f these "state Davroll patriots' are Democrats, left A o. Paterson ................. 72.50 • • • •] S.H. Hilton ................... 1.12 overs from the Lmter regime, whmh Gov. Hart has fal.d Peter Geehan ................. '..10.00 • than I Gee. jassarnlck ............... 54,00 to clean out, and will probably suffer m more ways Standard Oil Co ..... : .......... 4.41 ' " o&d DistriOt ]fie. 8 - one for the failure.  M Co ................. ...... 781 The Journal is pleased to find its opinion that the census bureau,is a prevaricator generally endorsed over the state, at least, by the communities that fell by the wayside in the figures. (Advert]semen0 WALTER THOMAS MILLS OTED AUTHOR AND ORATOR TO SPEAK IN SHELTON TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 17 Are you a good characteristlc nerican citizen?If you are, you are always open-minded to an argu- ment on citizenship. You are eager to hear all sides, especially the OTHER SIDE. Hundreds of people in Shelton are ltterly ignorant of the tree history ccomplishments and purposes of the NATIONAL NONPARTISAN LEA- GUE. Not merely uninformed but deliberately and maliciously MISIN- FORMED by "Big Business" through their control of nearly all news° papers. We now appeal to your rherieanism, to your sense of fair- ness and justice to come and hear Mr. Mills state .our case. We know you will come, unless Big Business' who does not want BERT KNEELAND PARTY TAKES TRIP TO COAST The Kneeland party, ihcluding Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kneeland df Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Van Groshog and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Kneeland of Seattle; and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kneeland of Shelton re- turned last Friday from a week's tour by auto to the Coast. They stopped at various poiuts, including Lake Crescent, Soleduek hot springs and Mora, at the beach, and report a most pleasant trip through. Bert says that the stretch of virgin timber through which they run for forty miles between Lake Crescent ad the ocean is the finest he ever sawl and he would like• to log in a country like that. However, that being out of reach he has organized a new concern and will this fall build a line of railroad from the Stumer plae on Hood Canal toward the Webb hill, where they have se, cured sufficient timber for several years of operation, you to hear the truth is powerful enough in Shelton to deceive you, to unfairly prejudice you to browbeat and intimidate you. COMMISSIONERS SEEK We ask you to analyze every sug- gestion and influence that prompts ANOTHER ELECTION you not to attend Mr. Mills speech and see f you can discover its orgin and purpose. We deliberately 'chal- Commissioner W. A. Hunter, of the |enge the forces against us on the kokomish Valley, announces that he grounds of true Americanism ,true will again seek the position as Com- patriotism, fairness, justice, moral- missioner of the First District which lty, spirituality and the ideas of the he has hold for several terms and home. We charge Big Business given general satisfaction. He has with callously sacrificing t]he needs given the duties of the position all of mother, child, home and exalted the trine required and has endeavored citizenship on the alter of selfish to please particularly the people Of greed. We invite particularly every his own distri'ct, giving the needs of mother in Shelten. each section as fair treatment as the To all citizens we say, listen to this noted speaker--not to take for granted what he says--not to hotly deny what he says before you have thought nbout it-but to lm worthy of American citizenship by c ourte  ously weighing and tons]daring what he says. Will you come ? By order of the Nonpartisan Lea- rue of Mason County. $-6-13-2t. funds at hand would permit. Both he and Commissioner Cole of the Third District are sebldng re-election in the belief that the County Board as at present made up is familiar with the important undertakings  of the past year or two and could best carry them througH. Both names will be found on the Republican ballot. E. Ford ................... 12.90 S. Taylor .................. 10.00 Clarence Wivell ............... 32.00 Clifford V¢ivell ............ 9.00 oat Distrtat +lifo., 4 "" A. N, Baker .....  ............ 45.00 Frank Polischak ............. . 81.00 Joe PeliNchak ................ 86.00 Ralph NVorman ............... 13.00 Vm. Knonagle ......... ,. ...... 4.50 Henry Priszner ............... 4.50 C. O. Decker ................... 32.62 Aas Lateman 59.00 A. McKibhin .................. 74.25 Joseph Valley ................ 40.00 David Valley .................  4.50 Ted Cole ..................... 46.00 Standard Oil Co ............... 65.45 oad Di,triet o. 5. A. W. Fravoc ................. 9.00 Bennett ,V. Howard .......... 7.88 J. Vinger t .................... 18,00 iod Digtaot o. 6. Ed. Hiller .................... 132.50 T. B. Smith .................. 114.73 L. T. Batchelder .............. 13.80 James Baker ................. 69,75 Jake Robinson ................ 93.37 Joe Dan ...................... 65.28 Lester Brown ................. 2.25 Joe Young .................... 202.50 Marius Hanson ................ 97.50 Joe Young .................... 18.00 Joe Vail ...................... 7.5:} John Branstrom .............. 9.00 Hood' Canal Merc. Co. 2.00 u M. co .............. :::::::: ssoo Thou. O'Neill .................. 167.25 O. P. Verot .................... 11.35 Alfred Dickinson .............. 7.00 Bod lstet o. 7, Ear] F. Dickinson ............... 7.00 A. Tapping ................... 180,00 John Wllley .............. . ... 106.00 Kenneth Cunningham ......... 84.09 Elmer Hiller .................. 102.00 H. w. Doonan ................ 48.00 Tom Ooonan .................. 66.00 F. Rendsland ................. 110.00 C. G. Llndstrom .............. 102.00 H. L. Bendsland .............. 258.00 Jens Epson ................... 91.12 Jim Carney ................... 76.25 Phllllp Bray .................. 13.50 L. M. Co ...................... 15.68 Kenneth Cunningham ........... 8 Thou. O'Neill ................... 89 R. H. Henry .................. 10.57 ]rlood Canal Mere. Co ........... 5.00 ]toard Distztet 'o 8. A. E. Elphick .............. 20.00 J. Wratih ...................... 9.00 L. M, Co ....................... $7.50 Mullenix Bros ................. 105.00 White Star LumheV Co ........ 196.99 PermanOnt hwlt. Tom Moore (Contrat) ........ 147.00 Albert Johnson ................ 8.62 Bill Thompson ............ ' .... 8.62 Ted Cole ... ................... 8.62 Burt Potts .................... 8.62 Archie LeCompts .............. 8.62 Arthur Cole .................. 8.62 Ralph Ltnco|n ................ 8.02 Howard Burke .............. f. 5.95 David Ell]son ................. 7.50 Chas. J. Irving .................. 75.00 Chas J. Irving ................ 49.50 R. W. Irving .................. 18.00 F. Edler ...................... 8.09 F. Edler ...................... 4.50 Harry Edict .................. 4.50 Joe Vail .......  .............. 2.50 rank Llneoln Scott ........... 2.2[; rank Butler .................. 92.25 Frank Lincoln Scott ........... 65.2[; Joe Vail .............. ........ 82.30 John Hawk ..... .............. 94.25 HarVey lall .................. 72.00 Mareell Williams ., ...... '...., 9.00 New BrunsWick, Victor and C°l'[ HgenM. F. PlxleyHaWk .................... 35.0084'00 umbia Records, Journal Stationery. F.' F, Butler .................. .'/5 0 S lassltled Ads : . " 'WANTED TO BUY--Cattle; young WANTED--Girl to help in kitcben stock 1 or 2 years old. Write 'fat Sund's Resort onHood Canal. Harry Teo, Union City, Wash. • Write. P. O. addess, Hoodsport, 8-20 Wash. POUND--Watch on Shore road near Shelton last week Owner may have same by proving prope1ty at this office and paying for this ad. B1. It FOR SALE--Jerseys; 2 good milch cows, 3 and 5 years old, fresh soon; one dry cow; two young heifers. E. P. McClure (Shelton P. ;O.) Dayton. It FOR SALETwo female Airedale ups from the best pedigreed stock. 'Best hunters, pets and watch dogs. $15 each. Also grain sacks for tatoes $12 a hundred. Edward ieland, box 196, route 3, Puyal- lup. 8-20 FOR: SALEEight-room house on "Southside Hill, modem in every way. Hot water heating plant, private water system, sleeping porch, full basement, electric ]ights. One block of property, all under cultivation; 100 fruit trees, also bey bushes. See Mrs. Ida Neodham. Phone 721, Shelton. FOR SALE--10 acres; six acres im- proved; 4-room house; barn, wagon shed, 2 wells, 3 chicken houses and yards, smoke house, rabbit house, all kinds of fruit some berries 5 rows 150 feet long bearing grapes. On Co. road, car carries school chil- dren. Telephone in house; one-half mile to railroad logging camp. See the crop and know what the land is. Address H. Saner box 465, Shelton, Wash. 8-27 H. M. Burke .................. 17.25 l'hillip Abbey ................ 36.30 International Saf. Sig. Co ...... 330.90 Hoodsport Lumber Co ......... 227.90 W. G .Itcx .................... 14.63 Standard Oil Co ............... 11.03 Phillip Abbey ................. 36.30 L. M. Co ....................... 48.15 Hood Canal Mere. Co ........... 2.05 Standard Oil Co ............... 77.41 Albert Johnson ................ 5.75 Bill Thompson ................ 86.25 Te d ,Cole ...................... 66.13 Burt Potts .................... 74.25 Arehie Lecompte .......... ... 77.63 Arthur Cole ................ 79.06 Ralph Lincoln ............ . .... 90.56 Howard Burke ...  ............ 43.12 Win. Duby .................... 175.00 Washington Machinery Depot .. 8.12 G P. Verot .................... 4.00 Wallace Johnson Motor Co ..... 11.48 Pacific Net & Twine Co ........ 8.47 Washington Machinery Depot .. 436.50 L. M. Co ....................... 5.21 Par¥o & Hahn ................ 1.50 Glen Harriman 13.50 CoUnty Auditor (Freight Bills) erry ....................... 40.88 L, I. Co ....................... 34.27 Gle D Harriman ................ 165.75 E 4A.. Ohman ............ ...... 165.75 Ira ;Llhb¥ ..................... 265.00 O. P. Valet ................. . 192.00 Parity Baker . ................. 33.00 Hoson-Feenaughty Co ........ 1.22 Wallwce Johnson Motor Co .... 45.95 Shelton Garage ................ 36.68 Fairbanks Morse & Co ......... 433.00 Olympia Boiler Works ........ 163.10 Standard Oil Co ............... 4.90 Standard Oil Co ................ 21.30 Bpscdl ]toad Bond lund. [Alld, tames & Hendrie'ks ,(Con- I tracts) ...................... 3882.96 [Capital City Map & B. P. Co... 9.01 ]Standard Oil Co ............... 8.82 | Mason County Journal designated as official paper for Mason County. Hoard' adjourned to meet Monday August 30, it" no further meetings were necessary for the August term. Thursday August 5. 1920. Day spent inspecting road. r. A, HUNTER. Chairman. Atth': Ione W. Doyle, Clerk. (Continued Next Week.) FOR SALE--Six-weeks old pigs. Jay Needham. Phone 721, Shelton. 820 NURSERY STOCK--Landscape plan- niig,r tlae and briry planet]rig nd cutu e dv'c ee, if y u y from us. Our Mr. W. B. Stine will be in Shelton and Mason County • for the next 30 days making head- quarters at Savoy Hotel, Shelton. Write or call on him. Washington Nursery Co. 8=7. Toppenish, Wash. LOST--Near Hotel Shelton er Ben's Restaurant or at small spring on right of road on highway to Skoko- mish, one solid gold Eastern Star in on July 271h. Finder please ave at Hotel Shelton, care of C. Miller of Bremerton-Shelton stage line, Mrs. R. W. Wolf. 8-13. FOR RENT--Furnished kousekeep- ing rooms. George Champlin. Shelton. 8-13. FOR SALE---House 20 feet square, one large room and 2 closets; well built. Must be moved at once from. rear of my lot. Mrs. A. Berg, Shelton. 8-13 FOR SALE--Float house 12 by 28 feet; three small rooms with 4- hole No. 7 range. Write J. F. Jacoby, Route 2, Phone 58F4, Shelton. 8-13. FOR SALEGuernsey 3-year old bull. Tested for tuberculosis. A Buechel. (Dayton) Shelton P. O. 8-6. FOR SALE CHEAP--Six logging horses and harness. John Murray, Belfair, W,n. 8-6. FOR SALEHolstein cows. Webb Ranch, Union, Wash. 7-9tf FOR SALEWoodstock Typewriter. This office, FOR SALE--One horse about 1100 lbs., broken, or will trade for 30 hens. Harry Turner, Shelton, Route 2. 8-6. FOR SALE--10' head of past two- year old Ayrshire heifers• Fresh and coming fresh. Phone J. F. Stotsbery, Bhelton, 72ff AGENT WANTED--For the famous Evans Power Cycle, weight 70 lbs., Price $!58. Will give exclusive selling priveleges in Thurston, Ma- son, Chehalis, Pacific, Lewis and Grays Harbor counties. Rinne- Barton Power Cycle Co. 907 Mar- ket St., Tacoma. Wn. 8-13. FOR SALE---5 gallons good heavy white paint, $4 a gallon. This office. LOGGED-0FF # PRICE LIST Photo Developing Roll Films, any size:......15€ Film Pack, any size ........ 25c Printing 1%x2½....03 2%x3 .... 04 2½x4 .... 05 2%x4% .... 06 3½x3½ .... 06 8%x4 .... O6 3.x5 .... 06 The Hackman Photo Shop Enlargements 3%x5½ .... 15 4,x7 ........ 25 5x7 ........ 30 6½x8½ .... 40 6x10 ....... 50 8x ....... so 1ix14 ...... 75 i SHELTON LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first class work. FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. What Title Insurance Embraces Among other things not covered br an abstract, Title Insurance em- braces: (a) The correctness of the his- tory of title. (b) The correctness of the exam- ]nation thereof. ('c) Against defects appearing of record, when not set forth in the policy• (d) Against defects not appearin of record and df which the msured has no knowledge. (e) Against errors of taxing anc recording officers. (f) Against forgery and false per- sonation. d(g) Against overruling of prior octrine of the Supreme Court, No abstract required and only 'one premium. Logged-off land for sale to actual settlers. Price $8.00 per acre and up according to location, topography and character of soil. Liberal terms of payment and interest on deferred payments at the rate of six percent per annum. Liberty bonds taken in payment at par. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY Mason County Abstract & Title Company (Under State Supervision) Shelt.. Wash EXTRA SPECIAL i I Warner' s Corsets Special line of WARNER'S pink Rust-Proof Corsets $2.25 per Corsets pmr Low rubber webbing top--double-boned--back lace, extension flattening back tays--free hip. 0nly six dozen in the lot. Sizes to 28. BRASSIERE AND BAUDEAUX BRASSIERE They are indispensable with the low bust corsets. They are a part of the corse as far as tI effect on the figure line is concerned. Be as particular about your brassier as your corset and get the Warner make. Lumberman's Mercantile Co. i , :i ¸ • ¢! ,,,:i