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FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1920. .....
Z, Z0FIl$ATUX -.
To be voted on November 2, 192%
An Act to authorize the issuance of
State Bonds to provide funds for the
construction of a state system of hard
surfaced trunk line highways, '
State of VTashllfgton,
Office of the Secretary of State.
To whom it may concern: In obed-
ience to the slate constitution and an
act of the legislature approved by the
Governor March 12, 1919, entitled: "An
Act providing for the construction of
a state system of trunk line hard sur-
face hghiways, providing for the is-
suance, sale and redemption of state
bonds to create a fund for such pur-
pose, and for the submission of this
act to a vote of the people," there Is
hereby published for the consideration
of the voters of the State of Washing-
ton the following proposed act of the
legislature of said state:
(S. B. 240) - 'on J
An Act providing for the construes
of a state system of trunk line
hard surface highways, providing
for the issuance, sale and redemp-
tion of state bonds to create a fund
for such purpose, and for the sub-
mission of this act to a vote of the
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of NVashington:
Section 1. A state system of trunk
line hard surface highways shall be ac-
quired and constructed by the State
o..f 'ashington as soon as practicable,
upon the highways of the state along
the routes herein described ,so as to
connect with each other the different
communities and principal cities of the
state as near as may be, to-wit:
(1) The Pacific Highway from Blaine
to Vancouver; also a highway running
from Seattle to :Des Moines and thence
by the most feasible route to Tacoma.
(2) The Sunset Highway from Ren-
ton to Spokane and thence eastm,to the
Idaho State line.
(3) The lnland Empire I-Ilghway.
(4) The Olympic Highway.
(5) The National Park Highway from
Tacoma to Ashford ahd thence by the
most feasible route to the Rainier Na-
tional Park; also from Elbc to the Pa-
clltc Ocean at Holmes,
See. 2. The highways constructed or
improved under the provisions of this
'act shall be finished with a wear|ng
surface of Portland cement concrete,
hltumlnous concrete, asphalt, brick.
wood block, stone or other material
equally permanent and durable, not less
than eighteen feet in width, laid upo
Portland cement concrete base of a mitl-
tmum thickness of live inches: Provided
that if the state highway commissioner
shall deem it impracticable to improve
any portion of any highway herein de-
scribed by paving as herein provided,
the state higtway board may provide
for the improvement of such portion of
the highway in such manner as in its
Judgment will best accomodatc travel
No part of the money apportioned
under this act shall be used, directly
or indirectly, to pay any premium or
royalty on any patented or property
See. 9. Ths money arising from the
sale of each issue of bonds shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the
credit of a special fund to be known as
the eState "Irunk Line Highway Fund."
which shall be used in carrying out
the provisions of this act.
Sec. 10, All moneys paid to the state
known as the Motor Vehicle Code, and
the Session Laws of 1915, commonly
known as the Motor Vehicle Code, and
all acts amendatory thereof, over and
above such moneys as shall be esti-
mated by the secretary of state to be
necessary for the purpose of adminis-
tering said chapter 142 shall be first
appropriated and used for the purpose
of paying and discharging annually
the principal and interest on such bond-
ed indebtedness then due and payable
and shall from time to time bo de-
I posited in a special fund to be known
[as the "State Trunk IAne Highway
t Bond Redemption Fund," Each year
after this act becomes effective, and
• until all of ,said bonds have been re-
tired, it shall be the duty of the state
board of equalization to include in the
tax levied for state purposes a direct
annual tax for such amount as shall
be necessary and sufficient, In addition
to the moneys collected under said
chapter 142 and paid into the said
state trufik line highway bond redemp-
tion fund, to pay the interest annually
as it shall accrue on each and every
bond issued under the provisions of this
act and also to pay and discharge the
)rincipal of such bonds at par value as
such bonds shall respectively fall duo:
Provided, that no direct annual tax shall
bo levied for any year in which suffi-
cient nloney is collected under said
chapter 142 and paid into said bond
redemption fund to pay the interest
as it shall accrue on said bonds for
that year and also to pay and discharge
the principal of all of said bonds fall-
ing due during such year,
Any surplus of money .collected un-
der said ohapter 142 after the payment
of the expenses of administering said
law by the secretary of state and fro-
riding for the payment of the princi-
pal of and tbe payment of the inte,'est
on bonds falling due during that year,
as aforesaid. SllMl oe :ai,t into a fund
to be known as the " i'ruak l,tne
Malntainance Fund" and used for the
;)urpose of maintaining the roads here-
in described in pursuance of appropria-
tions therefor by the legislature,
Any surl)lUs remaining in the state
trunk line highway maintenance fund
over and above that expended in pur-
suance of appropriations for the main-
tenamce of roads as herein provided,
shall annually be distributed to the
various counties, cities and towns of
the state In the following manner:
To the various counties of tile state
in which are located primary highways
the improvement and maintenance of
wttich is not provided for by this act,
for the maintenance of such highways;
and to the earl(ms cities and towns of
the state in which are located streets
forming a parl of the route of any
primary highway through such city or
town, for the maintenance and improve-
ment of such streets, a sum not to ex-
ceed two hundred dollars ($209.00) per
mile for each ndle of such primary
highway and streets, '
Prinlary highways and city and town
streets, in order i( come under the pro-
visions of this act for maintenance
material, specifications, process or type
oo.o,.o, soYs m au00,s
stoned and who served on active duty
(H. B. 3)
An Act providing for the payment of
equalized compensation to veterans
of the war with the Central Allied
Powers, authorizing the issuance
and sale of state bonds and the levy
of a tax to pay said bonds, making
an appropriation, providing penal-
ties. and providing for the submis-
sion of this act to vote of the peo-
Be it inacted by the Legislature of the
State of Washington:
Section 1. There shall be paid to each
person who was regularly called, en-
listed, drafted, inducted or commis-
in the Army. Navy or Marine Corps of
the United States between the 6th day
of April, 1917, and the llth day of No-
vember, 1918; and to each person who,
being a citizen of the United States at
the time of this entry therein, served
on active duty In the naval, military or
air forces of any of the governments
associated with the United States dur-
ing the war with the central allied pow-
ers between the 6th day of April, 1917,
and the llth day of November, 1913; and
who, at the time of his call, enlistment.
induction, commission or service, was a
bona fide resident of the State of Wash-
ington, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.-
00) for each and every month or major
fraction thereof of active duty perform-
ed subsequent to April 6, 1917, and prior
to November 11, 1919: Provided, That if
any such person shall have borrowed
money from the Veteran's Welfare Com-
mission and shall have failed to repay
said money, then the amount thereof
shall be deducted from any sums pay-
able to any such person under this act
and said loan shall thereupon be can-
celled and discharged: Provided, fur-
ther, That persons who have received
extra compensation from any other state
or nation other than the United States
for such active service shall not be en-
titled to compensation under this act
unless the amount of compensation so
received is less than they would be en-
titled to hercundcr In which event they
shall receive tho difference between tile
compensation allowable under this act
and the extra compensation already
received from such other state or na-
tion: Provided, further, That persons
who have received greater compensation
than the regular pay of the Army, Navy
or Marine Corps and commutation for
quarters and subsistence ,shall not be
entitled to receive compensation under
this act unless the amount of extra
compensation so received is less than
they would he entitled to hereunder, in
htch event they shall receive the dif-
f rence between the compensation al-
lowable under this act and such extra
compensation, In case of the death of
any such pcrsofl while in such service
an equal amount shall be paid to his
surviving widow, if not re-married at
the time compcmqatton is requested, or
in case he left no widow and left child-
ren, then to his surviving children, or
or in the event he left no widow or chil-
dren, then to his surviving parent or
parents tf actually dependent upon snch
dot:cased person for support. Persons
of the female sex, or their survtvin"
children or parents, who are in all
other resec'ts within the terms of this
act. shall he entitled lo compensation
At the_ begfnnlng of the neason
• Now York shoe tim announced
thAt for oYei7 homo run Babo
made thoy would glv$ him a pair
of 8hoes. Babe might be hard on
ihoem but thirty-tllree "pair is mort
than he creed8 so he has given
the boys of • Now York orphanap
hi,, claim to,,tho shoes.
Yu, he has a hu.-t for OrPhan
boFs as he was in an Orphanage
the Veterans' Compensation Fund.
Sec, 5. The state auditor may in his
discretion issue warrants under the pro-
visions of this act In anticipation of the
l salo of the bonds herein authorized.
Sac. 6, For the purpose of providing
means for the payment of compensation
hereunder and for paying the expenses
of administration, there shall be issued
and sold bonds of the state of \\;Vashtng-
ton In the sum of eleven million dol-
lars ($11,000,000.00): Provided that if
the proceeds of the sale °foSUChl bOndseFm on
be insuMctent to pay the c mpe .atio
"herein allowed then sufficient additional
bonds to pay such compensation shall
be issued and sold• Tle issuance, sale
and retirement of said bonds shall be
under the general supervision and con-
trol of the State Board of Finance. The
State Board of Finance may, in its dis-
cretion, provide for the issuance of cou-
pon or registered bonds to be dated, is-
sued and sold from time to time and in
such amounts as may be necessary to
make the payments provided for by this
act. Each of such bonds shall be made
payable at any time not exceeding twen-
ty years from the date of its issuance,
with such reserved rlghts of prior re-
' demption as th State 1]pard of Finance
may prescrlbe, to be specified therein.The
bonds shall be signed by the governor
and the state auditor under the seal of
the state; and any coupons attached to
such bonds shall be signed by tile same
offices, whoso signatures thereon may
be in facsimile; and such bonds shall
bear interest at a rate not to exceed six
per cent per annum, which bonds sllall
be sold for not less than par. Any bonds
may be registered in the name of the
holder on presentation to the state
treasurer or at ,the flscial agency of tile
slate of VCashlngton in New York, as to
principal alone or as to both principal
and interest, under such regulations
as tile slate treasurer may prescribe.
Sa|d bonds shall be Ina form embody-
tng an absolut(; prnmise of the state of
Washington to pay both principal and
interest ill gold coin of the United States
of present staodard of value, at sucll
phlce or places a.s the Sill ( I{oard O['
}citutnce lnay provide, and shall be in
sFleh denoull latlons as nlay he pres-
c'rtbed by said 1]pard. All honds issued
under the provisions of this act inay he
sold ill such 1,!r|nner and in SUCh a-
IIounts o.nd ;It uch tJnltts alld on such
t(,rlns add e ti(tfi>O , l the tlltt' toard
t f Fins.nee mY l, .;erll)e.: Provided,
,o ]00-epote
Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks i
|llllllllll|llHll|i|mlllllimlllimlllllll|llm|llllllmllllllillllilllllll|llJlll illllllillllllllll
of construction, nnless purchased or ob- purposes, must be of a c,haracter equal thereunder.
tained on open actual .comletitlve bid- and up to the standard of permanent Sac. 2. Tbo word "person." as used in
dlng at the same or a less cost than highway construction• All sums appor, section 1 of this act Mmll not Include
,tioned to counth,s shall b. placed hi the persons, who, during tile period of their
uupatented articles ,or methods equally permanent highway maintenance fund servte,, rofuscd on consch.ntious, polttt-
suitable for the same purpose. Jot' su('h county All sums distributed eel or oLher gI:oHnds, to subject them*
Ses, 3. Whenever the making of any to cities and "towns shall be remttled s,qves to full nlIltiarv dlsctnline or,us-
part of any road to be improved or con- I by tile state auditor to the cities and qnalifled servtee, or x('to, while tn such
structed under the provisions of this [ towns entitled thereto and shall be ex- service., wore soparniod therefrom ;..nder
act, or the )oc,ting of a route or any pended by .uch clues or towns onv cfr(ul,s ole,s atn(un|lFff to a dtsh,)h)'C-
atde die'h,'tre find who bavc }let sl|)se-
part thereof, or the obtaining of road for tt, e maintenance or improvement of (luantly 1)era nfl, ally restored to an
building materials for such work, re- such streets. The state highway board
quires that private property be taken ,slmll determine wilco streets in elt.i., hono':ble sights, and'such w.rson sbn11
or damaged, the state hikhway board and towns form a part of the route of noi he ,-,stir,led to the hen,l s (' l, is
shall have the right to acquire any ;any primary highway through such cl'Lv act. b
such property by purchase or by con- or town, and what primary hlghwavh Sr,c. ,2. All dishnrsemenls roqulr,,d ,v
demnatton in the manner prescribed by the tmrovement and mai'tennhe'e t' tht aF'L for e()mpensation.]all he mt.b'
law or the acquirement or condemna-which Is not provided for by thts act mmu)°' athnformPrsentntto be Onprcseribodof ,'l ccrttrl(adObv Ibe
tion lands necessary for .the public and shall between the 15th day of Yah-
rises of the state, ruary and th- ]Sth dn. ,r .,,. c ,nl noditor, whtch co(lift, S|lall !o That If sa,m b,md: ul'' s,ld to any per-
k<ms otht:r i.iao tile lale of )%::,dllnK-
Sec 4 The state highway beard!each year certifY'in t:i'H;.'"22-.".L duly verified by the elahuan ",m,le]',":'n (, tl ev sht ll b, tt,id ;L( lll|)llC sa,|o,
shall divide Lhe statc highways into con- [ to the stat tre'asurer 'o)',''c;,',"i = "'") n shall set forth the Frame, rem'ne¢' [ (l It "s a 'he the :::Y of tilt; State
venlent scclions for construction pur-*count.. * ) " "" -- " € " ] I" " ' k " " ( "] i ) " 2° °.e]:t the ti no of entry Iolo the. service,
- ..... * L.. ..u .,l .... + eeoc.... [ .'7 ''";"'m'' o om,n o sues t,.!, of enlistment induction ur ecru- i:oard of ii'inon(c to (':1:2 such .al(" to [.
)u..., IL. o,i..e - .-.yl Ly-2_L.,y., ., eoum]es anu one eopy to the clerk of i'"'¢ ,, ,:l,i: f (liseh'll'ffe or release b,,. o_d'¢erl: () Jn ;ach Illalltler as it shall
nave Eae enLll' LI'U[IK 11112 sy.nLtxn el t at'}1 0Jtv or tow 1 ,tf'i¢ ,I I. ,l. , ..... I .11.SS.( ......... ! ....... .. ;• " I'.'CIO SUilit lCJ t
hard SU "face highways completed with- i {'lionn "of this ao* ''h ' "" "( "'' I from nelly(, servh.o if ||t, c]lnlanl
In six yea,s after the taking effect oe nli,,,s 'of 1,rtnls;.v ilii,,,:;'': ;,!":'i?:." 1,?' ' n,,I ,,, ,,.tve (luly a s|,,n,e,,t " ,(is i.u .d ,,l(,,r tile p,.o,.lsl,,ns oi
this act. 'l'llc construction work shall towel sit eets *nttth F1 tn {im(im( 4 t a .i.he (qlEIlnl.lll durlnt the ]ert( 1 s l$ t :sttl bt, a h,14al invt,stluent for
t I 11 llt
so fa • as possibl, bc c ,mnenced l{ Its F :, ide(l' b *'-. - " " ' ' r xv] i dl V,ml r. )sa i,,n t. alh/wcd .... ny I,:°f ,,c.;,F t|undss,,q,,,,q"l, ,i,.,und:.tate,auyinCludinghighcr /u'
• ' ' " • < ' l ,r r/l* ae . llV SUl'TqlIIS " ' . , **elf "
difle'eat, sectJoos of tile state R])])roxl- l'olnain|n Jn the stat ^ * ..... '- " ., . did tllt retll,e lo .ubJe(t htln. [e(iuctti[o)ltL( triads, al:d *t!ci(letlL |'Llltd oli
matcly the sanlc time and carried ca {i;av n, atnlenaneo'fulttl{;,s,r tl rllll" tO fllll .nltlJt:lry dtgctD]ino s nd un- Ll , hldus{l't i s': 'nnce dcl)Itrtolent.
conttnUous]v nnttl all work is ecru- tnt" nc .... - . ." .." ".'- qoaliitcd ser%'ic" tnd that rle FlaS nOl oe. 7. 'i'|1(' lilt I!ILV I 'i*: 114' t'roFll tile
pletcd - " - ...... dlstrlbt'tea''to";''v%:i;:',;."otintes Of been semrn,,'d ,,'ore ,,l',e ,v,,,I ;,'O,::;,i', ;, s,t .... ' ....... ,, is:sue ,,f I,onds shall be' de
Sec. 5, The funds provided by this the state In ProD,rth)FI tt 1- , III | ('lt'f'Nlll,¢;,.'lllCe aFl( 1n11 :" ,r '-' " l)..;tt,,U ,., li,c .st.ttt I|'caSUl y tO Lhc
net for the ncquisition, construction
and Improvement of the state system
of trmlk line hard surface highways
shall be expended only for surfacing
and the construction of the \\;necessary
subgrade therefor including' the pur-
chase of machinery or supplies, All
construction work shall .be done under
the supea'vlsien of :nd upon plans and
specilicatiol preparred by. the state high-
way commissioner. Contracts for the
constrlmLion and iml)rovcment of said
trunk line highways shall be let by by
the slate htghway board to the lowest
and best responsible bidder or bidders
On such terrns and condlLioP.s and m
ol)eu eonlpetitive bidding after public
advcrlisement In such manner and for
such times as may be prescribed by
said staid highway board•
'The state highway board shall have
pOwer to provide for the furnishing by
the slate of any tools, machinery, sup-
P|ies or materials needed for such work
paid into the permanent hirh\\;vay tun(i
by' the vartoos C¢)lln ti (,s o(' t.])o , 1 *t i o
and placed ill tbe l)erFllallent ]l|llhivay
maintenance fund.
SoC, 11. VheneveP Shy COUFlty S]/.O1]
have expended any nlonovs I'1'O|)1 t 0
road ,lnd ,bridge fUnF1 or ['F'onl the ])I'('-
coeds Of 'bonds 'in fho tlnl)r()vement or
constrlleiton of any Of the h]|l"VrIVs
(tos0rtbed ill this act hv I)aVtrll n(,h
ht'] wav ,the state hJg}lv;n,y board sh'(ll,
if such'pavc(I hlghw[ly is of IT'oper lllt]
dtlrab]e hard surface Ivllo to illa1€o il
practletb]e to do so, ntilize su,.h 1)a\\;'od
h]l;hwav In tlle svstenl ,#J' st;i,Io Irlltl]¢
line llii',vays pro\\;'hled for tn lld,, ;!•l,
If any highway SO pavo(t by aIy cmu[y
be so ultllz(,d, the state h[hw;ty bord
shall detel, nine the a lie 1 hv l-hi(, )
the uti]izalion of such ]l:lved hJl.hxva.y
les,0n the COSt Of itnlr*)vil 'al*l(] COll-
lrllPIln the state trllnt¢ ]i,e ysl,,,n
of highways provided fnr ill this aci and
S 1ch }Inlount (in no (,,'(.lll IO ON¢l,((]
arid Jn the event the state highway the actunl anlount of lho [Irsl c-.! of
oonsirtle;ion )aid fron the t n 1 I
board undertakes to furnish tools ms- . . ' 1 ) "u :
ehincry, supf)lies, or materials, ' such such county) sball bo p nccd to. i Fe
tools, lnaehinerv supp]tes arid mater-]el'(,lit of such c)unty iH tile porwlnc, ni
ials shall be ltlrchascd by ,the state higllway fund tn six annualinstallrllts
h w m 1 U,lnning On the flr.t lay ot lanuh x
blg:llhltY board on open eo pet tire[1922 or ]f the board ; )un'tv lr;r"
' " "'^ "--*^ "'--"'-'; 'bO^P a Is mlBlonePs of any cUntY SO c]et such
nu horlzed to cooperate with the pyoper p Y . In, toad of hell r eredii,,d it/
,.÷-^ "-^- ^," ..... +-- ^. +. k'.+, such eOtlnt$ in th permanent ]llffhv, n ,
third or fourth class and expeIld Iin-t fund, shall be paid to such county ,,
1 4 pt 0 r be ,ued in the payment of an counf
eys for the improvement cf any po .i n I ..... ' ' . . . - .; • Y Y
190 OS lUe(l DY sale c)ilni: for the
of any highway herein described which )o , s. . .... -
,mqlrovemenr 'of any sn(h hihxa
may pass into or through any suc'h S "" "='-" ' " " ' '"
city or town • ee. 12. "l'hls. act shah be 'submitted
See. 7. All highways herein, de- to the people for tboh, raiif]ea|lon al
fcrlbcd when constructed along perYnan- the next general election tn accordance
ant grades and alignment shall be per- wtth the provisions of seFtlon 3 of ar-
manently controlled and maintain'ed by tielc 11I of the state constttuitnn: and
the State of Washington. in ecordance with the DrovJ[ons F)f
Sac. 8. For the purpose of provid- section 1 of article II of the state
lng means for the payment of the cost constitution, as amended el lhr, oncra]
election hohl in Novr,mlmr, 192. and
of construction' of said" state system of the laws adopted to facilitate the opera-
trunk line highways there shall be
able, dtHehnrlt'l. l]l !411oh f'llrl[l'r illf,r-
1 tl : II o lale lFiditor I"(11 r t'('"01il'C.
]FIPh C'I* | | ' "tl ' sh}lll he -)r,s,111.ll |,) ll,
st:l|'o all(liter or 11iS repre'.eiIi;:\\;(t I(,-
;'(,t}w,r v.'Jth :)u holor.'lble ,II0h:trp;o (,r
i'oI.. ...... frol,1 n!'tlve s('rvt. o, or lU , :tC
cl'*'u,. H a ;I). btl I'ulld lo be Jcnlwn Its I -
th(. *'\\;' L : lI[! C ('oIlll)°lIs;ll|°n FUll(l,"
"vhich shall bc ,,, ,'d Ior lm.mcnL of the
c(Ulli)(.n,iattn ])rovl(t?(l ill Ibis ;LcL Fll(l
ll/)l ]lyllll Ill(' t'N1 'lltOS O[ 1}l' !dlIllllJS"
I l'al D,H [ |l,rooJ, J'()[. J tie ] url)ose o["
d' its; ](ss it ,r'oDerlv Itllthelt]cated r(,o:- |
• CLrryJFI#4' OUl lh( ]l'()\\;'iSl(01s of [11 [LCl,
(rd (|' servi('o OF' In (he ¢,\\;', r/1 Fhat, [[,o I IICI' is ]l, rob.N 2lG)l*t) I t'l;ll,(t irt>lll 1|1(]
1 oi cleven llli]ltt)n (I,l]lt, l's [,%1 I.(}[)(1.11(II).[ll))
I g't', H. [")r ill'(" |Ul'l)',o Of (.1•(.slink :1
) Vctil'(,Juenl ]'und lor tll rol, il'.,lllcn| of
! [sltll t)(.)J[ll U])OII ul;tlllri[y llfl[l Lb(} pay-
s \\; i ] W ilrt t MI! '11S
I)pQ e (1 ty t V • • " *"* ' I)]" )l Jn[ )'el II (,r(',m a It. t'M]s dee,
tf a (lc("f,:(se(1 Veil,re.n, t]len with !)l'Op(,r [ It 0 I ' p('r SIP[,' :|lid ( dU)Illy OfilC*'l S shltl]
levJdonee of dr,(Ill, toffoitl(r Wll} t proD- !lev V tn(l" (,(ll]eet a lax O[' one, Tnlll upon
,rlv t Hnl]cll*od 1-oci)l'¢l of s0Pvice, an(1 [ 'IL '. 1 " L I lt.\\;t,l' ll'(, ),q'ty ill
lll; SI;/]( tlld][or l, aH on(]orF;e llft(*n I Llltt 3t.a{c l'lr Ihe 'olil' l!t21 all{1 ['(u" erich
]S ;('h , io1arge., relea.,e or rccord of ac- ]ve r 1 ,,r(ufter: trovich,(i, limL if sltld
lve s,wvir'¢', . t.rnent that. sn(', di.- inx t), iiltllliri,'lli [h,n Ihe ],rdcr st:tie
('l)lUl:o. 1', ./1, C,1" roc,)rd of lit'live ser- tLlld COUltty t Ill'O. l ltl'' ;111111',l'l: .'(I 111d 4]l-
\\;'j.(, V, as 111'11' (be la!41:¢ of ill,, :lDl)lJe:t- T't!eL,,'(t Io hwy tLnd eolloe, L such additioll-
tloFl all{ S[II]| rclnrll s(leh discharge or Ill I;LX"S lt .l |),. n,(,};*ti'y Lor [he
l'olt,a.o Or record of act]\\;'e .'q,l'v[eo to 111( )It,|u(llll ( [' i Lere,tt upon said bonds
e][11|lllITll :tnd shah foi'tbwtlh (1,'t' hlm l|i 1Jle I'i lir¢!lLleFll o[ lhe t)lqtleJ[)l
\\;vI{rl'ln In lhe nit|no of lhe claimant t]wr,.of u])oE nultllrity, All tnO}l(.vs do-
U]/r)n ih' 'r¢]A'rlFns' ('l)ll])QtlF4fl[|on |?line] ljVd J'T'O10 UCl I:tX S}ltLlt ho )(lid Jilt()
"or lln anloullt equal to fifteen dollars Ihe slat L$-ollSUl'y a[Id (,:redtlod to a fnntl
J'()[" "r;le]/ Itn(] e\\;'('T'V nl)llltl of )'Lt]ve (}l'-
Vie(' or TllaJor' ('re(lion, thereof, be- to t) kllown as Ihe "VeLr:£11s' (otIIpl'i|-
sIEt Jolt ] olld |{lt|reul,nl l'u lid,"
Iv€0( I [he ilih day o1' AI)ril, 1,)17, and ScC, ). Nt) ehart.o nlli(t, b," }ln.V a'enJ.
Jhe 111h day Of Novotnl)F:r, 1919, and ]loIary ])uhlit or altorney for ally ler-
he F;illte treasl'lror shall pity such war- /'|C( in et)nn(,ctbln "vitl} oi)lI|illtlll tile
1" T t8 ('ell Vet(rails' (on)pcllsFttion alh/',ance as i/rovlded for by this act
ll'und In clls(.E4 \\;vhere F)pplie011on for .lla]l be reco,l)ize.d by ttw st.nLo (lad
conlpensath)n IS nladc bY tile widow, anY person v¢l o, for a consdipration,
children or pllrents or' a deeolls('d vet- ([iscoull[s or a tenll)tS to discount, or
oran, slit'! t)(!rson shall fllrn|sh the slllne J( r e Ut4tdorltion adv}lnc0s n3on(!v up-
tnl'oru)allon us though the n,lq)]lttattun on auy ,'(i lear( or ecrl•ilicate i}sucd
were Tlla(l bv the deceased V(}(t}ran and purspant It) the Lernls of th|s tCt. shall
t,]l(, s|Hte H,11d][or shall ill•el)Ill "o ao ap- b guilty (11" t gl'()sS nlisdtlil(ahor,
l/roDrJt4t form Of certttteate to cover Sc(. ]0. Any person who• with intent
SUCII cas rs • (oln |)(,n sa,l.l()n al] L)v ed tO
the chtld),(!n of deeeas(!d N'etel-)ns shall to d(.fraAld, subscribes to' (lny false.
oa|h o1' nlll{(s any J'lt]se rei)rtsentation,
I1( pntd to,l.he gll[trdlalls of .lueh chil-
(Ircn. which tua.rdlans, il appointed bY cates ithor 1)rovided'l° the oxecutb)nfor ° by this°l: nc,ttl/e orCertlll-who
tile c'ourl•s o.l' this state, shall serve
without eollli)onsatton and in lhe diseI',- xv|t)) ln/ent LO (lefralld, 1)l'('s('tlls lO the
|h,n of the court without bond and It stac auditor, or to any other officer of
Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes,
Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing
guaranteed as to work and material for one year.
- Shelton Shoe Factory = - _ -
Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also =
have a line of serviceable, high-Lopped logger --
boots. All kinds of shoe repairing neatly done. =
Mail Stage Line
L. M. STEWART, Prop.
Daily Schedules
.- Leave Shelton
8:30 a.m. 3:00 p. m.
11:30 a.m. 4:45 p. m.
Tickets on sale at Johnson's GarageWaiting Room
Tickets good until used.
Leave Olympia
7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m.
11:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m.
issued and sold bonds of the State of
Vashington for an amount not "ex-
ceeding thirty millio n dollars ($30,009,-
000.00), to bear interest at a rate/not
to exceed five per cent (5 per cent)phr
annum, payable sonli-annuallv0
The issue, sale or retirement Of sald
bonds shall be under tile general super-
vision and control of the state highway'
board. Such board may in its discre-
tion provide for the issuance o'f cou-
pon or registered bonds, to be dated,
issued and sold from time to time a.s
the construction work progresses, in
,such amounts as slay be necessary to
provide money to pay for said work
and the expenses incidental thereto.
ll of the bonds issued hereunder shall
mature at the rate of one million five
hundred thousand dollars ($1.501L-
000.00 principal each year, commelm),
in' thc year ]922 and ending in the year
]941.' Such bonds shnll be sighed by
the governor .tnd the state auditor
under the sc'd ()f the stale, and ahy
interest CUtlpons I:lttah(!d to such bonds
shall be authenticaL(l by the fac-similo
slgnttures of the same officers, Any
bonds nlay be registered ill the name
of the holder on presentation to the
state treasurer or a,t the |lseal agency
of the State of Washington in New
5ork, as to prinoipal aloue or both
principal and interest, under such eg-
ulations as the state highway board
may prescribe. Said bond. shall be in
such denominations as may he pre-
scribed by the state highway" board and
embody an absolute promise" of the
State of Vaahington to pay both prin-
cipal and interest in gold coin of the
United Slates of the present standard
of value and fineness, at such place or
places as the state highway board may
provide, and to levy sufficient taxes
each year to pay the interest and prin-
cipal of said bonds am they become due
All bonds issued under the provisions
of this act shall be sold to ths highest
and best bidder or bidders, on such
terms and conditions and on open com-
petitive btdding after public advertise-
ment and at such times as may be pre
sribed by the state highway board, but
aot for a sum so low as to make the
net interest returned to the purchaser
exceed five per cent per annum, payable
emi-annually, as computed by stan-
dard tables, upon such sum.
tion thereof.
Passed the Senate ]Tirch 2. 1919.
Psssed the House M)rch S, 1910.
Approv0d by the Gov0rnor, March 12
1919, , --
The above act file0 In |he of]ice ,t" the
Seeretpry of State ]arob 12, 1919,
(Seal) I. 1 FcVWI,' ,
e(:rr"liry "of' Stale.
Thoro shU1 be pl'f,;id n !ll tv)llo.
provided for the ai0 e]o]'|on t.he
"For Yeforendum tll No. 1 rela{in
tO ystenl of hard sur-lac,, Irunk lin"
"\\;galnst lRoferendnn ]HI1 No. ], re-
,91 Ill " to fl SySt ert ,)|' h)l r,] ;1] I" [''l (O
trtlnk ]hlc highways"
In t 0,€I J I nl onv l']lOt'('( {'. 1 1)IVO here-
untn set my hnnd and nlllxod the seal
Of the ,i'ate Of V, ra'tl]p'l,m
"Done nt Olynlpta, this lt day of ,Tune.
(Seal) .0el.oary of Slnte,
sh:)11 i). the duly Of el'y attorney ill
Ihls slltte to 8ppoar hi |he conrLs or
rol (tq" I,IIV (ther n(>ttesslrv leglIt.l ass|st-
an,e Io b;ha,lf of such chtl'dren tn'so fur
tL t IO II'oVllol of Iht4 HCt are conccrn-
!(l, V, ithoUt C(tll| )Oll;'lti°n, tt)l(t no ])Ill)-
lie o eor shall collect any fees in any
1' t'•' riPs ro)llT1)t in hehalf o1' 1411('tl
elliT(Irell I) .%.'eeure C.(Iil|)ensatlon unde)"
this uct.
T lo ,: hie /)ildilor is em o\\;vered to
Ill l|tl Filch ,"LIr(ltlJOlttl] relSOll}Lb]e rotlUlre-
1n,,1114 "" :t It )l,tJcaIll,'40S ILre n(..,t,.%t.;ary
to ) ('('('fit ll'lLll!l (Jr lhe l)lVl/lel]t I)['
C]lii)t tl::;II ion tit ( l'.iol)s I)L ('ll|it € (t
L}I Ol''l o.
€'c. '1, The Sl:llo audi]or ,'<hall" far- llCt) t,,,cl,.,tll b]l:LJ /)1 llll"('t |i|e val
n]Nh ['I',]Q {)]" c]lll,r}ze, L}[)tI/ al)D[i('ll|Io'l ldit. ol the I'elUlLiIIlllt ior[io1)s ([ this
lher!l)r lhe iicco:;itI' I',)l'll Yf Fmrli- :wl,r.e. 13. 'l'hi, ,q,'l :dall b(, suhmittd
' I ) $1]1 (,r:ttl,ls H)lil]'d [|/('r(!l(1, ,Llld []L£ t)('oi,h' for- Ibm,if" r:ltiliotIllon aL
lllq\\;; : ] Isl a| ( " 't )( Illl "d, ithh it °
ltl*' }l/tl ,[" ,\\;)),sliil)l'lOl/, olli('o. :tl \\;V}t[O]I 1{ lil,.l "" ,,r:,] l¢,Cli'll ill t¢'c,()rlll, n(t,
11/i!1,o .:l!:ll{ 11o kl ill (Ill fil, I'()l" t.]ie I1;' 1 11 { t , ,+',','Ii(,,:, ,, .''i it'll . ()f
;)1'- li{:r.; iIIb F',,,'I'llt(1 1).V this )lCI, I't Still[- ,rli, I x'tll ,I" t)l(' ,¢:I:lll ('1}1.:1i UliOll
el,)ll )XHTI|O[' I1[" J'OrlltFi ¢J (!/PI][i/*elO S,I) 1 :')(] it) .'4, t)]'(llUC¢ Wilh I I.t 1,rvisi,)tl
,lipl ih(rt' IlNly l)t 110 (]*l:v ill lh, plx'- ,l N'('llll i .,, .\\;tile[(' I! ( lile
rlIC:t Ot I II[N L')tli]Oll/I.I itS!|, r[ll ,¢',|DI O ("ll[)';[ ] t 1}1 illt :l /ll)l(*}l(]O(t 1 ! t h, I.? el)(,rl]
.,tv(][Iov n)q,v FilllttorlZ.o []1o O(,llnly tlllt .... CIhl,i h"ll ill XIC,'I/])I'P, I:)]',),. ll/(|
I1" )l|" C+)I I ty ('],,r'l. ('1" ]lJ],. " ;lily (+(1111- l]l( !:'. '.,.:)td I+t f:lcilitn, tc tile (ll/CF:l-
i.V Of []O E[[.I( Ill l,('l [t)l" 1)till ill I'O- liON l}lel'o}[. 1
('<,i¢[))} .q.Pl (. lion ulll]c |, Jilt • p{,ovi,]ol)c lIi;;,,] tile "lit)ItS('. 51Fll'rth 2. !)0.
J"I!.:4 'd 1}To FI.)I,'ILo, 5]qrotl ;{ 1:)20.
Of I])]51 I}ltl .ntd yl}!:ll] I']ll'ttl.l) sllch Dol '- ,\\;pj)/'ovciJ by tim (-]()v('luk)l 51aP(!h ,
N()'I'I;' I{Y .41,](llC'l',\\; llY OF '['AT•
Thb obove :I('[ lilod iF1 |11¢' t[l]oe of the
,tcl'elary t)f Stall . 5T."'IIIr"]IIIO'VIqTA.25' 1920.
Se('reLu'Y of State,
'there '.droll he lu'lnl,'d on "all ballots
Ill'OVlh'd lor the said (,]ec(h)n th(t
"F,q' Reforendunl 12ill No. 2. relat-
Jnl" It) O(|lla.lized con2plllltion to vet-
o,.a,ns of the war with the Central Al-
nndor this a,ct, and when so called upon lied Powers." n
the ndjutlnt en(,rsl may employ such "Against ]{eferendum lllll Ne. re-
persons snd incnr sneh expenses S9 may 1sling to e(lU'l]ized conll)e n,al|un tO Vet-
he neeessnry such (xpenses to he paid erans of the war with the Central A1-
....... ' lied Powers,"
by warrants drawn up0n the 'cterans In testimoF]v whcrcof, I have hcrenn-
.(A m pe a I4at l()n Fund,
Thc auditor and the adjutant ffcneral to set my hal, d and affixed the seal of
may require persons employed by them the State of Washington,
nnder this act to furnish good and suf- Done tit ()lympia, tlds 1st day of June,
flc|cnt snraty bonds to the state of 1920,
Washington for the faithful pprform: (Seal) I, M, ITO'WELL,
ances of their duties and the premiums ,Seeretary of State.
7-30-10-29-14t. #
\\;tith tlle ")lOI(I C(t't IF II IO 11-
POPOS-D TO TI IOPI, 13Y , ,,) s ' , 1 ' • '
• '*II 'I'TUI:]. :)1)1o Imlu I, :,:('t'l>L s)'i nllpll,.athm.
'l't , F. all' aldllor i;{ h,'rl)y :ttHhorized
To be voted on Novcrobor 2. 192"). ;ll)d (llr'cF"lcd l•o pr,/ellre sl)ch pri)liinK
-- r)l(] 0(]'0 SUl)I)]t('S allrl r,(ll)tpl,ent, nnd
to elltpio\\;; Slich lcl'{(ll, f/S 1nay he ncc(.s-
IIEFRENDUM 'BIT.I, NO. 2. 'sat'{" in })r(h'q" (o prop,'rly ('}]rrv out Ill(,
An act providing for the payment Of I)r,,Vi:;itll. of tl S ].('t .aDd all oxpoalSes
equalized eonlpensaltf)n to %'('I,'I':tFI? of tD('uvr'(] hy hIIn 'in th adn)inJslrn.tlon
the war with the Central Allied 1-'or(or,el.. el ll'is :)oF shnll t)o l)aid by \\;va,?TflnlS
draw)) n|()n the "reiorftlIS' Conlpensatlon
State of Washlnlrton, Fund.
Office of the Secretary 'of Stnie. The adjutant '(.nora] sball ndvlse with
To whom it may concern: Iyl ,)hedl- slid m:Mt the lnto endttor |u the her-
once to the state eonstliutfon ,'tnd l,n formance of the dFltteS of'the auditor
act of the legislature, apprnv,,d hy 1he
Governor March 25, 1920. entitled: "'2,n
.Act providing for the payment of eqnnl-
lzed compensation te veterans .f l]
war with the Central Allied Powers,
authorizing the issuance nnd sale o[ state
bonds and the levy of a tax to pay said
bonds, making an appropriation, pro'id-
ing penalities ,and providim for the
submission of this act to a vote of the
eople, '' lhere is hereby published for
e consideration of the voters of the
State of Washlngton, ths followlngpro- upon said bonds shall be payable from
tln ,taL(,. ally cerlli]ea|( for t]lc flu(pus(
of ohLaiuing fund provided bY this act
which do not |n tact belong to such
pe "SOl O " nl&l(t'Fl aTFy false I'et)resel]a-
tt,,,,s i,) e,,,,ncctt,ul ,,tll, ,,ht,t,,li,,, l,,,y . eauquarers
[['LIlI(Js u,n({er the tertlls uf tills [tct, sha, ll
be ut,t.,' ,,l' |elon.v. i, I 'Waiting Room and Lady Att'endant. Phone 22.
See. I1. The legislature may I 'or dc
I addi| iOlllll rllFq] n, or i'ltsill g l'UC)ll)Y S
[ t' r 11 e 1 y " c /i oil ill(: hH(u'e'.t 'and
]prin¢'llm. €," :aid bol,d: and /his act P I i - I--- = [ I ]
shnAl F1,,| be do.')l t'( to 1)rovide an e%'y
i c[u,,,:l\\;'0 iil(,ltl,,d I'of ,:H,.i i.lyluent, ' . .... ..... . - - - .-- - - - I
| See,• ' 2. l|' Dnv .';'cti,ql, su),di\\;,iston, - .......
] t" (*' )('€ ) ' ,'l:tltt Of (],lt eel iS for
[ ally r,:o:-;ol) hrld 1.o l,)O un¢'o,)st ill IOJltl '" ''#.
She!t0n Harket and
Ice Plant
...... II
Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, !fouldings,
Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook
the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you.
A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards
at Shelton.
J .... t ......