August 6, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 6, 1959 |
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I 2 IIELTON-MASON COUNTV JOIrRNAL-- Pllbli:ded in "PlH.",tma.",wv, U..A. " helton. Washington
. ,= ......................... i. ............... : .................... agd;W%-- _...: -
' I;P.|lll:lfl!lq'.=. ,. io ! TM t FAMILY FUN
! COLOR "'
Belfair Hi-Way
Lana Turner
John Gtvin
............ STARTS SUNDAY:
Silverdale Hi-Way
Warner Ih'os.
Co-Hit Feature
Mamie Van Doren
RODEO: Bing Crosby, Debble Reynolds, Robert Wagner
Co-HIt SOUND & FURY Yul Brynner
..... eel II II i I
-='US ) don tbe "left
out o! pre-
$25 to $!ooo
Get a prompt, private cash loan
for any worthy purpose on sig-
• nature' only, car or furniture.
Phone first for 1-trip service.
Marvin W. Voss, Manager
124 Railroad Ave.--Phone HA. 6-4447, Sheln
• •
A week ago, ed Roberts'
I wife Ive birth to a baby boy.
Naturally, we went to the h-
pll to see the new arrival.
We found Red standing (and
be,mh) in front of the nurs-
I cry window, saying things like
"loo ' "
( khe s got my eyes, and
I "his chLn is shaped exactly like
the Missus," and "Yessir, that's
t my boy."
t ust then a nurse whispered,
i't he Mr. Roberts? We'll
bring yours out in a minute."
From where I sit, once In s
while we all jump to conclu-
sions without knowing the
facts. For instance, some people
are like that about my favorite
beverage--beer. They're quick
to say that tea or coffee go best
at dlnnertime...when the fact
of the matter Is it's shnply a
question of choice, lnteleraneo
breeds on ignorance--and we
ought to know before we "de"
Uv¢" m opinion on anthil,
,, u ,
Copyright,'1959, United States Brewer= Foundatior
Sustained Unit
Review Held
SHOWS RAPID TIMBER GROWTH--Bill Looney, assistant man-
aging forester of the Simpson Olympic tree farm, shows a group
of interested spectators the rapid growth of a tree in the Matlock
area during &n all day program held last week when a review of
the sustained yield unit was made by representatives of govern-
sisJant managing forestez', and
Dave James, public relations di-i
rector, . i
Tile COMMUNITY grout) in-
chu'led A. Roy Dum,, L. A. Carl-
Progress within the Shelton Co-
operative Sustained Yield Unit
was reviewed in an all-day tour
last week by members of the
Communities for Sustained Yieh}
Units Committee, the U. S. Forest
Service and Simpson staff people.
DURING a 142-mile loop of the
lInit which took the 25 men
through McCleary, Ehna, Camp
Grisdale, Camp Covey and Siel-
ton, the delegation inspected:
1. The McC]eary dooc plant.
2. The commnnity of Mc-
Cleary's hmne and business dis-
1 ricL improvements.
3. The 'McCleary Exerimental
Forest of 340 acres, jointly oper-
:ttcd by the Puget Sound Research
C, of the Foreat Service and
4. Test plantings of various
types of trees in the Me)lock area.
5. Second growth Douglas fir
thinning operations ill the Mat-
lock area.
6.l,ogging operations and road
Vpoke:auon for the l,'orest Set'v-
ice during the day inehnte(t Lloyd
Gillmor, supervisor of the Olym-
pic National Fro'cat; Len Flower"
district ranger at Shelton, and W.
D. Bryan, sales aurvimv,." Olyr
pie. Sinlpson manaffement \\;v,.,
vet))t'.;entcM hy tl O. Pu)m. tim-
ber arl(i land ]nanager; Gib Ruc.k-
er. elaief forester; M,,x Schmidt.
logging manager: Bill Looney,
Sirnpson Olympic Tree Farm as-
Want a truck that's built for your job?
See us now about
NEW models up to 33,000 lb GVW.
NEW Ecmomy-Mihded "six" or optional V-8 power
NEW Bonus-Load pickup bodiea and Custom-Tailored caba
New compact-deslgn
models are short in length
for easy handling.
New lookl New TmVm'TTE ®
takes 6 passengers plus a
andard pickup load, Smart
new anodized aluminum one-
piece grille, dual headlights.
New custom interiom. Sweep-
Around windshield without
awkward door projections.
New highway tractors are heavy on
comfort, safety--light on corot,
m @
K,mbel Motors Inc.
lent and private industry. In the immediate circle surrounding
Looney are from left to right, A. Roy Dunn, chairman of the
committees for sustained yield units, Bill Johnson, secretary of
the Olympia Chamber of Commerce, Gib Rucker, Simpson's chief
forester, and Bud Puhn, Simpson timbe and land manager.
( Simps()n ph()to. )
1930 Model A Attracts Attention
...... (i
son, Plil Bayley, and John Dev-
ereaux, Shelton; Dale Tresner,
Bill Johnson, ,Tack Britten an(l
Adrian Anderson, Olynq)it; Hil-
ding Anderson, Ehna; A1 Flem-
ing, McCleary; Gregory Nelson,
Ivh)ntesano; John Anderson and
Fred Foster, Aberdeen, and Ken
Hedges, Hoquiam.
O'dessa Zeniner
Taken by Dealh
A licensed practical nurse at
the Shetton General Hospital, Mrs.
O'dessa Zentner, 227 South 8th,
slipped to sudden death Satm'day
at the hospital.
Mrs. Zentner was born January
29, ]908 at Broomington. Illinois,
and has })cell :t resident of Mas(m
COlUlty since 1948.
Services w,,r(, hehl Tuesday, Au-
gust 4, at II a.lll. The t('vel'eDd
lh)bert t.ings officiated. Nfusic
v,a>: furnished by t..lan:. Schmi(ti
Cr:mlation folio\\;veal.
SIIc is sul'\\;:'ived bv h(l' htlsb;tlld,
Fred Zenlner, Shell(,n; one daugh-
Icr, Mrs. Shirley Church, llakcrs-
fiefs1, California, one sistel. Lvrm
ll.a ay, Cucamonga, Califo['nia
Iiia¢i lree grondchildrt.n.
Grunkemeier Rites
Held Wednesday
AtlgllS| (Ivunkenlel(,l" of Scotts-
bhfff. Nebraska died kuK)u.! ] in
the St. Maries hospital at Scotia-
bluff wher(, he had lived n)ost of
his life.
Mr. (1 rlllllt enlei(," \\;V;IS I)OI'I
March 11, ISSl ill (.el'lllll-lv. Scrv-
ic,'s were livid in St.. l]dwards
cll/Irch yesterday at 9 n..m. con-
duete(l by Reycrcnd M:u'k V'eich-
ntan]i. I)liel'i)10nt was h(qd in Shel-
ton's th)ly Cr()sg Cenwtcry. [¢.os-
a]'y was said Ttlesday cv(ming at
l]yrne and Be)stone (?hqrel.
Sllrvivors are his two sons, M.
V. (]runkomeer. Shellon; L. C.
Grunkemcier. Denver. Colorado;
tWO dallghters. Mrs. M a x i n i,
Thomas and Mrs. Doris Lewis of
Seattle, three broihers and two
sial ors in Nebraska and four
..................... 1 .............
Stanley C. Fitz
Taken by Death ,
Stanley C. Fitz. 5,5, of 2rid and
Poplar Street. died Saturday in
the Shelton General Hospital of
He and his wife, who is man-
ager r)f Safeway's ShaRon store.
operated a beef cattle ranch on
John's Prairie until recently and
prior to that he had worked as a
mechanic and auto parts salesman
in Shelton and the Grays Harbor
Mr, Fitz was born in Lidger-
wood, North Dakota and lived in
ttov.:eless earriaK('S in the early
19()0's (':lily,hi tit,, eyes of ahnost
('Vt'I'\\;;()IIC. NO\\;V there Ltl'e only a
'¢w m)i(mobile that attract the
tt(ceq tot of pedc.trians. These l)-
iris' illt, )IC\\;V'.' ('ar, ()v the ()l(tcl'
me)d,,L. AI a Klh)'ps('. lhis (me ill
l)ll)) I'ld;)F (':tlJ))lt lh(' eye of tile
l'l l))l'/01 '. .Iqally S[ I';Itlgt'l', }laVe
})Ct'II k))'il('lOl by lhe 1930 Model
[ic1 llF('fl :l])ov(' It)SO. FIll' Ill
ill;lily illS):tn('t,N \\;vithollt hcsila-
Too Lale To Classify
q'llfS TI[()Mb] will pr(,bahlx I), s()I(l by
#IlO (llll %')tl t'('/it] lhi' )11[ ('i]] IIH'
H Tim}' V/I . . :{ [('(|1')(1111-.. L1%'11114 [{Ill)ill
[l('}ll'll v}l} .£ItI)(| t';illllL: .))l('t'. 1111-
[))'111( IU [l]t'll't('*' ( ¢)11( },'10 |'Ol.lllt]{-
[ I )1"1 1,' 'l I'll F( €lll|| ].II'L ( If)[ All ]lI
ill HL%t' II\\;V/IV 1) I("' ()J" () i' $5.250.
(',111 l{,lr'! 5'1 nn V,,1,,l'l'ro)ll }h' y,
It '\\; (;-NSt5 el" I.TA 6 ;22N (,vcnlm.,s.
T() I[V]*] A'WAY- :th' kiltt'll '2
il.))kll: ,,hi. l'h.n FI/\\; 6-t157
S g,'(; t fn
'FV() IEI)IO()Mf /1I1 s ('d *tp0- '[ I'CIIt
1111(1 OI1 Illl i'tlr'lti.uJlpd hr Lifo wilh
*'[,*('lt'H |)v(,. }in(| )'Pfl'igPl'tl)Ol'. [o|h
this( to Mills, t'hon( tlA 6-3.177,
A 8/'6
\\;V ANTE [)" T(=) P,I'N' : Ni("fi "l'nT; }1-,)m('
\\; I')/ '2(H)d vHl'd ] );I('(L 111 J (l/|l Ol
(m .alt v.':tt,,) t.':,ll ll.\\; 6-'I27.
Mc /(;-20
' I:: C}I I'JVI{(II'I" I)wk-l]), 'l),(] slvI)(',
f,)llI' s])l'('(] I i'tl,:llliSS}o|l. (.N(.pl],n(
illOlOl,. $()()m { )()m PIll)Ill' l{oo(LUl)orL T]
7-5227. L 8/6
1,;li:]tT }','O()M "h(;tl( fir sah-'D,)ubl)
ga|'ttgO, i,, bhuk. Sul(abh, for busi-
IIP.S. )'OJII(m('o ,)1' chllrch. 2 [)io('k.¢
|'t'¢)lll" H |1 o p ]) i I1 t ILI'0: (loWl]t()Wn.
TPI'IIIL I.(W ([own |)ill' i('i [ P i ) t,
})el ('ll(hll)iP )I(I with 4-fi hotlrs per
day It) t'l*/l(') osltt|)]i]lPd Avon ter-
ril,,|V, Earnllll, ts to $1U,U0 p(*|' day,
,')'ii}. A','{,II 05] Arnold St Apt. 1.
A I.*t'l'(t(C tl. Veash. ;/6-27
F()UN D -- "B:lb.s t {:i{lli;7. -Aug{ist i-'on
Ilighway Souih of ShPIton. Identify
Mason County for 20 years. He and Ira{' for nd. Ph(me HA. 6-.I57.
was a member of the "Southside ................ W._.s/6
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at 1 p.m. tn Byrne and
Bats)one Chapel. Reverend Mason
Youngland officiated. Music was
furnished by Mrs. LouSe Larson.
Burial was held in the Shelton
Memorial Park
] Wi:h IO thank tl)oe wile ellt flow-
('|'. l',-)v I,L b,'ioved wif,* and Ills() lo
th(,' six ln('n who 1()ok tinle out of
I.hqr I)u.y ]if(' to aot as 11alll)ear(,rs.
till|wig Strutz
h'a all Ethel Ca:tc, el /6
. tim, stran,.ers have called to its
nwne)' icly Igells. in the middle of
tnc slre(,t asking if he'd sell for
,caSh. Mr', • Eells quickly replies.
i-'I'd only have to get another and
this 1)no ha.; been real good!"
"l'h, b:)eleF4round of this lii.tlc
cyo--v.,*)tclh'r at.eros back tel the
lise(I c:,v tot of M, L. Wnkefiehl
\\;vhor(' (' pHIch:t;cd his litt.le Mod-
el A in 1930 frmu Bueford t¢.osc.
The car was bedight for husiness
purposes only.
lol'n anti raised in Skokomisi
Valil,y \\;vhel.e )1o llet_ his wife, Mr.
Eells }now, d Lo Shelton in 1919
;t)ld worked for Wallace Johnson
• :t the 1,'ord garage. Buying' the
battery t](I electrical shop froIil
]h'. Johrlson he opcrat.ed it in his
builting unLil 1924. From there he
(iwned and operated his own busi-
ness of baltery and electrical
work. across the alh'y from Safe-
way. Changing his business to
auto parts he built Les Ficlds and
later formed partnership.
"The Model A was always used
for business to servtce cars or
deliver parts or just odd jobs,"
claims Mr. Eells. "I've always had
very little difficulty with the ear
• rod only replaced two out of five
tires in eleven years." It doesn't
sound 's though he'll part with it
A little push will perform more
miracles than any amount of pull.
8heJton Lodge No. 1684
Charles Savage, Governor
Phon HA 6-4815
Walter Tyynltmaa, ©y.
Phono HA 6-$292
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month.
& Im,.Airport
ii •
Sale t)f Pri(:e's (](ll(l(,ll _Chlernsey
Dairy )'('t'<lil horn(, d<,livcry ,ystm ]
tt) lhe Kits:p-M:sm) Dn]rym('n's i
As,,(ci:tio|l was :mnomc,.|( j(dnl-i
y )hi:; week by Kenneth C• l')ice I
,ff t hl selling firm and R, ib(n'l
t<ennedy, |);lnagtq" of |he purchas-
big colic(!lfl.
The sale becIIvne effective AuK-
ust 1.
Price inten(s to ct)n|inu(! op(,l'-
ati(m of his lmrebrcd Chu,)nsey
herd and farm ah)ng with hi i
three Drive-Thru Dairy stores ::rid )
will offer Gohlen Guernsey milk
as well as Darigold pr()Jucts i)t i
his dairy stores only. !
At thc same time Kennedy an-!
nounced that in addition to their
present Darigold products. Kit.sat)-
M,ason Dairymen will offer on re-
tail routes Golden Guernsey milk
of the same high quality that has
been maintained by Price's Dairy
since 19;19.
$ :1: :!:
A $10,000 addition to the Kit-
sap-Mason Dairy plant in Shel-
ton, interrupted for two months
since its original beginning htur
months ago, has been completed
by the Cork Insulation Company
of Seattle, contractors, according
to Bud Knutzen, Shelton plant
The addition is a 15x20 foot
room which Is now the milk cool-
ing room, permltting the old milk
cooling room to be converted Into
an ice cream sharping room twice
the i,ze of the previous sharping
quarters, Knutzen said,
Six Richfield service station op-
erators from the Shelton area
have been invited to a dinner and
conference sdSsion next Monday
evening at the New Yorker Cafe,
The meeting will feature mer-
chandising promotion of accessory
items and will be conducted by
Richfield officials and represent'-
tives of United Motors Service,
Dul;)ont Corporation, and National
Carbon, according to Don Sper-
lirg, Richfield's local distributor.
Dealers from a Wide area have
been invited to this meeting which
has been planned with the view of
helping dealers increase their ac-
cessory sales and special services.
Dean has a
New inside
The new
go better
make your
Hilicrest Phone HA'.
Lived in Shelton
Survivors are his wife, Ruby,
one son, Stanley, Jr. of Aberdeen
and daughter. Mrs. Glenna Beard-
sley, Moses Lake. One sister. Mrs.
Ray l'urdy, two brothers, }oster
Fitz of Harlo, Montana and Dean
Fitz of Springfield, Illinois.
Loren T. W achtel
Passes at Home
The funeral services for Loren
(I:,arry) T. ¥achtel of 921 Rail-
road, will be held in Byrne and
Batstone Chapel Friday ,t 11 a.m.
Btlria] will take place in Shelton
Memorial Park,
Mr. Waehtel was born July l l.
]892, in Graham. Missouri. and
died in his Shelton' home W(lnes-
day. He had been a resident here
since ]946. He was a member of
Kimbel's Quality Used Car00,
1956 Ford Customline V8 4-Door Sedan
Heater - Standard Transrnission- New Paint - Real Clean
1956 Ford Fairlane Town sedan 4-Door
Radio - He'ter - Fordomatic - Tutone Green -,Real Clean
1956 Plymouth Belvedere Hardtop Coupe
R,qctio - Heater - Powerflite - New Nylon Tires -
Rose and Blaek - 17,000 Miles -" Real Sharp
1955 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan
Rndio - Heater - Power Steering - Power Brakes -
Power Flite Transmission - New Paint -
All. Vinyl Upholstery
See our large selection of Used Cars & Trucks
1955 Rambler Cross Country
Radio - Heater - Overdrive
1956 Ford F-100 6-Cyl. Ton
Radio - Heater
1955 International R-100 ½
Heater, 3-Speed Transmission,
1952 Willys 4x4 Pickup 4-Cyl,
New Transfer & Transmission- New
on display on our lot at So. 1st &
the loealpaintersunion KIMBEL MOTORS inc
He leaves his wife, Addle, Shel-
ton; a )n. Mnrtin Veaehtel. I|uis-
lane; 3 daughtcrs, Mrs. Virginia O
Storey, Chino, Calif.; Mrs. Lor-
raine Snowden Se.qttle. Mttrgaret 707 So. First St. Chrysler - Plymouth - International Trucka
l:ced, Sn.n Bernardino, Calif.; one
broiier, Arthvr achtel C,lifof Rambler American Ambassador
;da, one stater, Leone Curmutt, Metropolitan
r.ansas: eight raIldchi]drcl} and
one great-grandclild,
I 2 IIELTON-MASON COUNTV JOIrRNAL-- Pllbli:ded in "PlH.",tma.",wv, U..A. " helton. Washington
. ,= ......................... i. ............... : .................... agd;W%-- _...: -
' I;P.|lll:lfl!lq'.=. ,. io ! TM t FAMILY FUN
! COLOR "'
Belfair Hi-Way
Lana Turner
John Gtvin
............ STARTS SUNDAY:
Silverdale Hi-Way
Warner Ih'os.
Co-Hit Feature
Mamie Van Doren
RODEO: Bing Crosby, Debble Reynolds, Robert Wagner
Co-HIt SOUND & FURY Yul Brynner
..... eel II II i I
-='US ) don tbe "left
out o! pre-
$25 to $!ooo
Get a prompt, private cash loan
for any worthy purpose on sig-
• nature' only, car or furniture.
Phone first for 1-trip service.
Marvin W. Voss, Manager
124 Railroad Ave.--Phone HA. 6-4447, Sheln
• •
A week ago, ed Roberts'
I wife Ive birth to a baby boy.
Naturally, we went to the h-
pll to see the new arrival.
We found Red standing (and
be,mh) in front of the nurs-
I cry window, saying things like
"loo ' "
( khe s got my eyes, and
I "his chLn is shaped exactly like
the Missus," and "Yessir, that's
t my boy."
t ust then a nurse whispered,
i't he Mr. Roberts? We'll
bring yours out in a minute."
From where I sit, once In s
while we all jump to conclu-
sions without knowing the
facts. For instance, some people
are like that about my favorite
beverage--beer. They're quick
to say that tea or coffee go best
at dlnnertime...when the fact
of the matter Is it's shnply a
question of choice, lnteleraneo
breeds on ignorance--and we
ought to know before we "de"
Uv¢" m opinion on anthil,
,, u ,
Copyright,'1959, United States Brewer= Foundatior
Sustained Unit
Review Held
SHOWS RAPID TIMBER GROWTH--Bill Looney, assistant man-
aging forester of the Simpson Olympic tree farm, shows a group
of interested spectators the rapid growth of a tree in the Matlock
area during &n all day program held last week when a review of
the sustained yield unit was made by representatives of govern-
sisJant managing forestez', and
Dave James, public relations di-i
rector, . i
Tile COMMUNITY grout) in-
chu'led A. Roy Dum,, L. A. Carl-
Progress within the Shelton Co-
operative Sustained Yield Unit
was reviewed in an all-day tour
last week by members of the
Communities for Sustained Yieh}
Units Committee, the U. S. Forest
Service and Simpson staff people.
DURING a 142-mile loop of the
lInit which took the 25 men
through McCleary, Ehna, Camp
Grisdale, Camp Covey and Siel-
ton, the delegation inspected:
1. The McC]eary dooc plant.
2. The commnnity of Mc-
Cleary's hmne and business dis-
1 ricL improvements.
3. The 'McCleary Exerimental
Forest of 340 acres, jointly oper-
:ttcd by the Puget Sound Research
C, of the Foreat Service and
4. Test plantings of various
types of trees in the Me)lock area.
5. Second growth Douglas fir
thinning operations ill the Mat-
lock area.
6.l,ogging operations and road
Vpoke:auon for the l,'orest Set'v-
ice during the day inehnte(t Lloyd
Gillmor, supervisor of the Olym-
pic National Fro'cat; Len Flower"
district ranger at Shelton, and W.
D. Bryan, sales aurvimv,." Olyr
pie. Sinlpson manaffement \\;v,.,
vet))t'.;entcM hy tl O. Pu)m. tim-
ber arl(i land ]nanager; Gib Ruc.k-
er. elaief forester; M,,x Schmidt.
logging manager: Bill Looney,
Sirnpson Olympic Tree Farm as-
Want a truck that's built for your job?
See us now about
NEW models up to 33,000 lb GVW.
NEW Ecmomy-Mihded "six" or optional V-8 power
NEW Bonus-Load pickup bodiea and Custom-Tailored caba
New compact-deslgn
models are short in length
for easy handling.
New lookl New TmVm'TTE ®
takes 6 passengers plus a
andard pickup load, Smart
new anodized aluminum one-
piece grille, dual headlights.
New custom interiom. Sweep-
Around windshield without
awkward door projections.
New highway tractors are heavy on
comfort, safety--light on corot,
m @
K,mbel Motors Inc.
lent and private industry. In the immediate circle surrounding
Looney are from left to right, A. Roy Dunn, chairman of the
committees for sustained yield units, Bill Johnson, secretary of
the Olympia Chamber of Commerce, Gib Rucker, Simpson's chief
forester, and Bud Puhn, Simpson timbe and land manager.
( Simps()n ph()to. )
1930 Model A Attracts Attention
...... (i
son, Plil Bayley, and John Dev-
ereaux, Shelton; Dale Tresner,
Bill Johnson, ,Tack Britten an(l
Adrian Anderson, Olynq)it; Hil-
ding Anderson, Ehna; A1 Flem-
ing, McCleary; Gregory Nelson,
Ivh)ntesano; John Anderson and
Fred Foster, Aberdeen, and Ken
Hedges, Hoquiam.
O'dessa Zeniner
Taken by Dealh
A licensed practical nurse at
the Shetton General Hospital, Mrs.
O'dessa Zentner, 227 South 8th,
slipped to sudden death Satm'day
at the hospital.
Mrs. Zentner was born January
29, ]908 at Broomington. Illinois,
and has })cell :t resident of Mas(m
COlUlty since 1948.
Services w,,r(, hehl Tuesday, Au-
gust 4, at II a.lll. The t('vel'eDd
lh)bert t.ings officiated. Nfusic
v,a>: furnished by t..lan:. Schmi(ti
Cr:mlation folio\\;veal.
SIIc is sul'\\;:'ived bv h(l' htlsb;tlld,
Fred Zenlner, Shell(,n; one daugh-
Icr, Mrs. Shirley Church, llakcrs-
fiefs1, California, one sistel. Lvrm
ll.a ay, Cucamonga, Califo['nia
Iiia¢i lree grondchildrt.n.
Grunkemeier Rites
Held Wednesday
AtlgllS| (Ivunkenlel(,l" of Scotts-
bhfff. Nebraska died kuK)u.! ] in
the St. Maries hospital at Scotia-
bluff wher(, he had lived n)ost of
his life.
Mr. (1 rlllllt enlei(," \\;V;IS I)OI'I
March 11, ISSl ill (.el'lllll-lv. Scrv-
ic,'s were livid in St.. l]dwards
cll/Irch yesterday at 9 n..m. con-
duete(l by Reycrcnd M:u'k V'eich-
ntan]i. I)liel'i)10nt was h(qd in Shel-
ton's th)ly Cr()sg Cenwtcry. [¢.os-
a]'y was said Ttlesday cv(ming at
l]yrne and Be)stone (?hqrel.
Sllrvivors are his two sons, M.
V. (]runkomeer. Shellon; L. C.
Grunkemcier. Denver. Colorado;
tWO dallghters. Mrs. M a x i n i,
Thomas and Mrs. Doris Lewis of
Seattle, three broihers and two
sial ors in Nebraska and four
..................... 1 .............
Stanley C. Fitz
Taken by Death ,
Stanley C. Fitz. 5,5, of 2rid and
Poplar Street. died Saturday in
the Shelton General Hospital of
He and his wife, who is man-
ager r)f Safeway's ShaRon store.
operated a beef cattle ranch on
John's Prairie until recently and
prior to that he had worked as a
mechanic and auto parts salesman
in Shelton and the Grays Harbor
Mr, Fitz was born in Lidger-
wood, North Dakota and lived in
ttov.:eless earriaK('S in the early
19()0's (':lily,hi tit,, eyes of ahnost
('Vt'I'\\;;()IIC. NO\\;V there Ltl'e only a
'¢w m)i(mobile that attract the
tt(ceq tot of pedc.trians. These l)-
iris' illt, )IC\\;V'.' ('ar, ()v the ()l(tcl'
me)d,,L. AI a Klh)'ps('. lhis (me ill
l)ll)) I'ld;)F (':tlJ))lt lh(' eye of tile
l'l l))l'/01 '. .Iqally S[ I';Itlgt'l', }laVe
})Ct'II k))'il('lOl by lhe 1930 Model
[ic1 llF('fl :l])ov(' It)SO. FIll' Ill
ill;lily illS):tn('t,N \\;vithollt hcsila-
Too Lale To Classify
q'llfS TI[()Mb] will pr(,bahlx I), s()I(l by
#IlO (llll %')tl t'('/it] lhi' )11[ ('i]] IIH'
H Tim}' V/I . . :{ [('(|1')(1111-.. L1%'11114 [{Ill)ill
[l('}ll'll v}l} .£ItI)(| t';illllL: .))l('t'. 1111-
[))'111( IU [l]t'll't('*' ( ¢)11( },'10 |'Ol.lllt]{-
[ I )1"1 1,' 'l I'll F( €lll|| ].II'L ( If)[ All ]lI
ill HL%t' II\\;V/IV 1) I("' ()J" () i' $5.250.
(',111 l{,lr'! 5'1 nn V,,1,,l'l'ro)ll }h' y,
It '\\; (;-NSt5 el" I.TA 6 ;22N (,vcnlm.,s.
T() I[V]*] A'WAY- :th' kiltt'll '2
il.))kll: ,,hi. l'h.n FI/\\; 6-t157
S g,'(; t fn
'FV() IEI)IO()Mf /1I1 s ('d *tp0- '[ I'CIIt
1111(1 OI1 Illl i'tlr'lti.uJlpd hr Lifo wilh
*'[,*('lt'H |)v(,. }in(| )'Pfl'igPl'tl)Ol'. [o|h
this( to Mills, t'hon( tlA 6-3.177,
A 8/'6
\\;V ANTE [)" T(=) P,I'N' : Ni("fi "l'nT; }1-,)m('
\\; I')/ '2(H)d vHl'd ] );I('(L 111 J (l/|l Ol
(m .alt v.':tt,,) t.':,ll ll.\\; 6-'I27.
Mc /(;-20
' I:: C}I I'JVI{(II'I" I)wk-l]), 'l),(] slvI)(',
f,)llI' s])l'('(] I i'tl,:llliSS}o|l. (.N(.pl],n(
illOlOl,. $()()m { )()m PIll)Ill' l{oo(LUl)orL T]
7-5227. L 8/6
1,;li:]tT }','O()M "h(;tl( fir sah-'D,)ubl)
ga|'ttgO, i,, bhuk. Sul(abh, for busi-
IIP.S. )'OJII(m('o ,)1' chllrch. 2 [)io('k.¢
|'t'¢)lll" H |1 o p ]) i I1 t ILI'0: (loWl]t()Wn.
TPI'IIIL I.(W ([own |)ill' i('i [ P i ) t,
})el ('ll(hll)iP )I(I with 4-fi hotlrs per
day It) t'l*/l(') osltt|)]i]lPd Avon ter-
ril,,|V, Earnllll, ts to $1U,U0 p(*|' day,
,')'ii}. A','{,II 05] Arnold St Apt. 1.
A I.*t'l'(t(C tl. Veash. ;/6-27
F()UN D -- "B:lb.s t {:i{lli;7. -Aug{ist i-'on
Ilighway Souih of ShPIton. Identify
Mason County for 20 years. He and Ira{' for nd. Ph(me HA. 6-.I57.
was a member of the "Southside ................ W._.s/6
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at 1 p.m. tn Byrne and
Bats)one Chapel. Reverend Mason
Youngland officiated. Music was
furnished by Mrs. LouSe Larson.
Burial was held in the Shelton
Memorial Park
] Wi:h IO thank tl)oe wile ellt flow-
('|'. l',-)v I,L b,'ioved wif,* and Ills() lo
th(,' six ln('n who 1()ok tinle out of
I.hqr I)u.y ]if(' to aot as 11alll)ear(,rs.
till|wig Strutz
h'a all Ethel Ca:tc, el /6
. tim, stran,.ers have called to its
nwne)' icly Igells. in the middle of
tnc slre(,t asking if he'd sell for
,caSh. Mr', • Eells quickly replies.
i-'I'd only have to get another and
this 1)no ha.; been real good!"
"l'h, b:)eleF4round of this lii.tlc
cyo--v.,*)tclh'r at.eros back tel the
lise(I c:,v tot of M, L. Wnkefiehl
\\;vhor(' (' pHIch:t;cd his litt.le Mod-
el A in 1930 frmu Bueford t¢.osc.
The car was bedight for husiness
purposes only.
lol'n anti raised in Skokomisi
Valil,y \\;vhel.e )1o llet_ his wife, Mr.
Eells }now, d Lo Shelton in 1919
;t)ld worked for Wallace Johnson
• :t the 1,'ord garage. Buying' the
battery t](I electrical shop froIil
]h'. Johrlson he opcrat.ed it in his
builting unLil 1924. From there he
(iwned and operated his own busi-
ness of baltery and electrical
work. across the alh'y from Safe-
way. Changing his business to
auto parts he built Les Ficlds and
later formed partnership.
"The Model A was always used
for business to servtce cars or
deliver parts or just odd jobs,"
claims Mr. Eells. "I've always had
very little difficulty with the ear
• rod only replaced two out of five
tires in eleven years." It doesn't
sound 's though he'll part with it
A little push will perform more
miracles than any amount of pull.
8heJton Lodge No. 1684
Charles Savage, Governor
Phon HA 6-4815
Walter Tyynltmaa, ©y.
Phono HA 6-$292
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month.
& Im,.Airport
ii •
Sale t)f Pri(:e's (](ll(l(,ll _Chlernsey
Dairy )'('t'<lil horn(, d<,livcry ,ystm ]
tt) lhe Kits:p-M:sm) Dn]rym('n's i
As,,(ci:tio|l was :mnomc,.|( j(dnl-i
y )hi:; week by Kenneth C• l')ice I
,ff t hl selling firm and R, ib(n'l
t<ennedy, |);lnagtq" of |he purchas-
big colic(!lfl.
The sale becIIvne effective AuK-
ust 1.
Price inten(s to ct)n|inu(! op(,l'-
ati(m of his lmrebrcd Chu,)nsey
herd and farm ah)ng with hi i
three Drive-Thru Dairy stores ::rid )
will offer Gohlen Guernsey milk
as well as Darigold pr()Jucts i)t i
his dairy stores only. !
At thc same time Kennedy an-!
nounced that in addition to their
present Darigold products. Kit.sat)-
M,ason Dairymen will offer on re-
tail routes Golden Guernsey milk
of the same high quality that has
been maintained by Price's Dairy
since 19;19.
$ :1: :!:
A $10,000 addition to the Kit-
sap-Mason Dairy plant in Shel-
ton, interrupted for two months
since its original beginning htur
months ago, has been completed
by the Cork Insulation Company
of Seattle, contractors, according
to Bud Knutzen, Shelton plant
The addition is a 15x20 foot
room which Is now the milk cool-
ing room, permltting the old milk
cooling room to be converted Into
an ice cream sharping room twice
the i,ze of the previous sharping
quarters, Knutzen said,
Six Richfield service station op-
erators from the Shelton area
have been invited to a dinner and
conference sdSsion next Monday
evening at the New Yorker Cafe,
The meeting will feature mer-
chandising promotion of accessory
items and will be conducted by
Richfield officials and represent'-
tives of United Motors Service,
Dul;)ont Corporation, and National
Carbon, according to Don Sper-
lirg, Richfield's local distributor.
Dealers from a Wide area have
been invited to this meeting which
has been planned with the view of
helping dealers increase their ac-
cessory sales and special services.
Dean has a
New inside
The new
go better
make your
Hilicrest Phone HA'.
Lived in Shelton
Survivors are his wife, Ruby,
one son, Stanley, Jr. of Aberdeen
and daughter. Mrs. Glenna Beard-
sley, Moses Lake. One sister. Mrs.
Ray l'urdy, two brothers, }oster
Fitz of Harlo, Montana and Dean
Fitz of Springfield, Illinois.
Loren T. W achtel
Passes at Home
The funeral services for Loren
(I:,arry) T. ¥achtel of 921 Rail-
road, will be held in Byrne and
Batstone Chapel Friday ,t 11 a.m.
Btlria] will take place in Shelton
Memorial Park,
Mr. Waehtel was born July l l.
]892, in Graham. Missouri. and
died in his Shelton' home W(lnes-
day. He had been a resident here
since ]946. He was a member of
Kimbel's Quality Used Car00,
1956 Ford Customline V8 4-Door Sedan
Heater - Standard Transrnission- New Paint - Real Clean
1956 Ford Fairlane Town sedan 4-Door
Radio - He'ter - Fordomatic - Tutone Green -,Real Clean
1956 Plymouth Belvedere Hardtop Coupe
R,qctio - Heater - Powerflite - New Nylon Tires -
Rose and Blaek - 17,000 Miles -" Real Sharp
1955 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan
Rndio - Heater - Power Steering - Power Brakes -
Power Flite Transmission - New Paint -
All. Vinyl Upholstery
See our large selection of Used Cars & Trucks
1955 Rambler Cross Country
Radio - Heater - Overdrive
1956 Ford F-100 6-Cyl. Ton
Radio - Heater
1955 International R-100 ½
Heater, 3-Speed Transmission,
1952 Willys 4x4 Pickup 4-Cyl,
New Transfer & Transmission- New
on display on our lot at So. 1st &
the loealpaintersunion KIMBEL MOTORS inc
He leaves his wife, Addle, Shel-
ton; a )n. Mnrtin Veaehtel. I|uis-
lane; 3 daughtcrs, Mrs. Virginia O
Storey, Chino, Calif.; Mrs. Lor-
raine Snowden Se.qttle. Mttrgaret 707 So. First St. Chrysler - Plymouth - International Trucka
l:ced, Sn.n Bernardino, Calif.; one
broiier, Arthvr achtel C,lifof Rambler American Ambassador
;da, one stater, Leone Curmutt, Metropolitan
r.ansas: eight raIldchi]drcl} and
one great-grandclild,