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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 Terms Rates Savings through the 15. Bldg. \\; SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrietmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Pa 3 DAYTON LADLES ¢ILUB TO MEET AUGUST 12 Bremerton Young Woman Hurt in Auto Crash Now OK Ii aOYD meek iii ! il. i' :, 00iiil.i '. ii i00i00ii ilili, " ,.,, • " i, i ! saoBdEkc etA:ele°Cauiei W:ctl .o3dn!il, Ywc7ilblesoBtr;in ::PiPeheqlsi:omanYrem:Utvheo]i,, Call HoodsP0rt T,.,-623, ....! the past we..K. elzalrs amDu-ins in sna,ow water at zne the ublic Saturda when the/Bill Our Hood Canal i, ' •. mnce crew nascenea sown me Bridges' North Shore summer ,xrPc . +h. ,Yo',. r..= ..... l Representative i : SoUthc,Shor.e)sasd AFndcVe?amg, home. His father and twin brottl: ity Baptist Ch,rcl, held a "i;t- it, t up,,L . ...... : er, tr.yan, were a Doac terfly Dinner" as a money-making • , 1 ,remerton, wnose car crashes from the water usingtne emctrlc ro'(ct Whil man lmal citi l1 KIMBETj MOTORS • on .... P J  ' " e y  - over a high bank and landed winch while Bruce was attaching zen na roniz  f it' the , s . t ed tic a fa ]I Chrysler-Plymouth Cars ' the beach a mile east of Twanoh the steel cable to the boat. He t,,.,,,,,, ,,,, ,,t  ,-. " *, .' • Park. At first thought to be crit- collapsed in the water. He was ,'i'(,--'f',,','",,,',,,.,5" U" :e,' TM , • ically i injufred, aMiTndMCkF:nrland ..Htrr!son Memorial folk are urged t)wat('h for the[I International Trucks was g yen st u - hospital oy the el[air amoulance next su('h onnortunitv to f, ive it /r • mediately to Harrison hospital, and was given first aid and oxy- b:tter patronage  0 of next week from August 10 good. Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde where she was found not to have sen en route. Upon arrival at Spending a glorious week in the Seven Lakes Basin country of the North Olympics were Mr. ana Mrs, Edward Bunnell and son, Mike accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall of Agate and their grandson, Ronnie Elson of Beauty Service Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,1, Be. ,tb HA 6-2431 Mr. Hall had quite a fish story to bring home and it will probably be believed as pictures were taken of his catch. In one of the lakes, he saw a fish swimming along near the surface of the water in circles and seemed to be attached to a line. Thinking he might be able to snag the line, he made a cast. He did real well as he pulled not only the fish attached to the line but a ten inch Eastern Brook on his line. Still more luck, he con- tinued to pull in the line that had been floating in the water and came up with  glass fishing pole c, ff the bottom of the lake. Some people sure are lucky. ON THEIR WAY in to the Olympics on July 26 and on the way home August 1, they stayed over night with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hollatz (nee Betty Hall) of Port Angeles. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. A! Chappell and Yvonne ac- companied by Mrs. Mary Chappell made a trip to Coos Bay, Ore. to visit with Mr. and Mrs• Bill Chap- pell and children. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards homemakers fair big bargain final! CHARGE ITAND ENJOY Y'S LOW PRICES, TOO v. r Penney Charge Account todayl LOWER PRICES on NATION WIDE SHEETS 72 x 10 81 x 108 ...... $1.67 42x36 Cases . . 2 for 73¢ Hurry! Stock up this weekend and save on these famous long- wearing sheets at these low August prices. Fitted bottoms at the same prices. Charge them too at this price! orchid Just the formals, REDUC- tI&RGAINS! White TERRIFIO BARGAINS! were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Le- Garde, Mrs. Fred George and Mrs. Maxtne Sanders of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie LeGarde and son of Shelton. Jim Lament of Shelton Was Sunday overnight guest of Bill and Richard Roberts. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman will be interested to know that they left on Monday morning for Republic, Wash. where he is employed by the Bry- ant Construction Company of Spokane• Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner was her aunt, Mrs. Mary Lacy and her daughter, Mrs. Yolava Merlena of Renton and Mr. and Mrs. Earl King of Poulsbo. ON SUNDAY evening, Mr. and Mrs. Art Barrett and their daugh- ter Virginia and her children of Port Angeles and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Valley of Shelton called on Mrs. Marian Valley• M.r. William L. Matthews and children, Barry and Billee spent last week in Sumner in the home OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL :30 More Time to SAVE "Wash 'n Wear" SPORT SHIRTS Men's or Boys' Sizes! Famous Brand Fabrics! Dan River Woven Ginghams, Woven Stripes, Wash 'n Wear Prints. Fabulous values in short sleeve shirts for all the men in the family. Boys' sizes 6 to 18 and men's sizes small, medium and large. Carefully tailored too! A grand selection, plan on buying several' Charge them and take them with youl 100 PAIRS WOS. SUMMER DRESS s,o,s '4 TO CLEAR . , White, black, colors, all great- ly reduced. Sizes 5 to 10 and widths AAA, AA, B. Wedge, cuban and high heels. tyPe collars Sizes 32 to 300 of these Your Blankets NOW! Clmice of 4 Styles 10% ORLON BLANKETS Life of Blanket S lib Nylon Bound! WOMEN'S : OOTTON GOWNS Solid colors, plaids and two floral patterns, all so fleecy and warm. Machine washable, 90% Rayon. Cllarge them and take them with you if you want! . .'. or Use our Lay-Away Plan! '1 NOW • Floral print, machine washable m razes 34 to .i4. Short sleeves. While 50 last. Just Unpacked ! Wos. Crease Resistant Woven Gingham WASH FROCKS '2.79 Half and Misses sizes, 16]. to 24 '/ and 12 to 20. Very little ironing, smart new Fall plaids. Save! New Low Price! PENNEY'S FAMOUS AUTOMATIC ELEOTRIO_- BLANKET $1 Now for Ill J ust ..... You never dreamed sleep could be so re- laxed. Dial the warmth you want and one of the finest thermostatic controls gives all night comfort. serious injuries. She was released from the hospital early this week. Witnees of the accident said that the girl had spent the eve- nihg at Twanoh Park, left there driving at a high rate of speed, and was unable to make the curve Just above the Gilbert Belland home, Idlours. The car landed between the Belland home and a' cabin belonging to Darrell Den- niston of Bremerton. Much sympathy was extended the Walter Bridges family of Ren- ton, on the sudden death of theh" of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Fred err, Jr. of Sheiton visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Pearl err. Mr. A. E. Lemke returned from Yakima on Monday evening with a truckload of peaches, apricots, cantaloupe and tomatoes for his store. Bill and Richard Roberts spent Monday" night with Sandhi Rlet° dorf and slept out. On Friday, Mrs. Darl Goldy, Mrs. Mary Chappell and Mrs. AI Chappell visited Mrs. AI Pierce of Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and children called on Mrs. Gladys Zoyer of LiUiwaup on Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buechel re- turned from Germany on Thurs- day where he has been stationed and called on ht parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel. Tommy Bunnell was Friday ov- ernight guest of Richard and Bill Roberts. ATTENTION Junior and Senior 4-H groups. You are tohold your next meeting jointly on Tuesday, August 11 at 1 p.m. at Dayton Hall. the hospital, his chest was ()pened and his his heart massaged, but he was soon pronounced dead• Fu- neral services were held in Ren- ton. Another accident occurred ear- lier in the week on the North Shore road, 6 miles south of Bel- fair, when Richard O. Barr, 21, of Bremerton, lost control of his car on a curve and rise in the road. The ear skidded 400 feet, and sus- tained $400 damage. Barr was taken to Harirson hospital, but was released with only minor in- uries. Deputy Sheriff Dick VaN ey said that Barr's car must have been traveling at least 70 miles an hour, and that a crack-down is due on speeders along the North Shore road where the speed limit, is 35. "From now on," he warned, "anyone going 36 can expect a ticket for speeding." A LARGE delegation of young people will set out for Strawberry Bay next weekend, for a two night camping trip. Members of the Baptist Young People's Fellow- ship, they will be accompanied by their advisors, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. The group will leave Belfair at 5:45 a.m., Friday, stop- ping for breakfast at Hoodsport, and then proceeding to the ocean. They will pack camping equip- ment in one mile, and will spend Friday and Saturday nights on the beach, returning to Belfair Sun- day. It is expected that 25 or 30 boys and girls will participate. About 80 people attended the Belfair Community Baptist church picnic held Sunday at the Byron Grubb home on the South Shore. The group enjoyed a poUuck meal, and recreation, including baseball, swimming, table tennis and horse- MRS. HERB Travis and daugh- ter, Sallte, returued home this week, following a trip by air to Disneyland and back. Making the trip solely to visit the famous playland, they were gone less than a week. Mrs. Core Kelly entertained at her home July 20, her guests be- ing members of a regional com- mittee on education for the White House conference. Mrs. Kelly, also a member of hte committee, assisted in preparing a report on the subject of "The Challenge of Education in a Rapidly Changing World." The report was pre- sented with others in Olympia, July 27, at a larger meeting, at- tended by Mrs. Kelly as a Mason county representative. Mason and Thurston counties form the local region for this study. There are 12 regions in the state, working in 9 study fields. Recommendations of this committee will be compiled with reports from other regions at a "Little White House Confer- ence," early in April I)RIVER FINED Steve Bllner, 19, Shelton was fined $100 and sentenced to 10 days in jail for violation of the stat¢, financial responsibility law by the Shelton Police court Mon- day night. Buck Armstrong, Shelton; was fined $50 for third degree assault. TV Picture Troublel Require Expert Care To Insure peak perform- ance from your TV set, have our expert technicians make the necessary re. pairs. Just Call On Leroy'e Television Service Wife's name Marion PHONE HA. 6-3179 2218 OIxmpio Hiway NO, MT. VIEW I I I _ i i ii i DINE MIGHTY FINE - DAILY NOON TO NINE ON HOOD CANAL THE OYSTER HOUSE New Glassed-In Patio • Home Baked Wild Blackberry Pie i i I i OIRO, ACCOUNT ..INOUNC:I.I XDV. aC5 it's like money inyour purse... YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARD! it's |O easy to CHARGE IT AT PENNEY'S! Shop without cash, whenever you want. Pay your bill within 30 days after you receive your statement WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE CENT OVER PENNEY'S LOW CASH PRICES. Or take more time to pay. Extend your payments over months with small sez'v[ce charge on UNPAID BALANCE ONLY. Far,major purchases in homefurnishings and fashions Buy with NO down payment. Easy monthly payments. Small service charge. , Ask any Penney sales associate. Fill in your application now; Join the Penney customers who enjoy this modern convenienNI OPEN YOUR PENNEY " CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY l ww,,uwn nu unu rB • nremero Ulympio I I 2232 Market Street I 1114 Broadwoy I Itearby Enumclaw Puyullup I 4520 California Avenuq I J 5424 South Tacoma Weft I Penney's Everett " Renton I t 4518 University Way J 10223 Gravelly Lake Dr. S.W.. I Auburn Kent Snohomish _1 1959 Terms Rates Savings through the 15. Bldg. \\; SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrietmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Pa 3 DAYTON LADLES ¢ILUB TO MEET AUGUST 12 Bremerton Young Woman Hurt in Auto Crash Now OK Ii aOYD meek iii ! il. i' :, 00iiil.i '. ii i00i00ii ilili, " ,.,, • " i, i ! saoBdEkc etA:ele°Cauiei W:ctl .o3dn!il, Ywc7ilblesoBtr;in ::PiPeheqlsi:omanYrem:Utvheo]i,, Call HoodsP0rt T,.,-623, ....! the past we..K. elzalrs amDu-ins in sna,ow water at zne the ublic Saturda when the/Bill Our Hood Canal i, ' •. mnce crew nascenea sown me Bridges' North Shore summer ,xrPc . +h. ,Yo',. r..= ..... l Representative i : SoUthc,Shor.e)sasd AFndcVe?amg, home. His father and twin brottl: ity Baptist Ch,rcl, held a "i;t- it, t up,,L . ...... : er, tr.yan, were a Doac terfly Dinner" as a money-making • , 1 ,remerton, wnose car crashes from the water usingtne emctrlc ro'(ct Whil man lmal citi l1 KIMBETj MOTORS • on .... P J  ' " e y  - over a high bank and landed winch while Bruce was attaching zen na roniz  f it' the , s . t ed tic a fa ]I Chrysler-Plymouth Cars ' the beach a mile east of Twanoh the steel cable to the boat. He t,,.,,,,,, ,,,, ,,t  ,-. " *, .' • Park. At first thought to be crit- collapsed in the water. He was ,'i'(,--'f',,','",,,',,,.,5" U" :e,' TM , • ically i injufred, aMiTndMCkF:nrland ..Htrr!son Memorial folk are urged t)wat('h for the[I International Trucks was g yen st u - hospital oy the el[air amoulance next su('h onnortunitv to f, ive it /r • mediately to Harrison hospital, and was given first aid and oxy- b:tter patronage  0 of next week from August 10 good. Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde where she was found not to have sen en route. Upon arrival at Spending a glorious week in the Seven Lakes Basin country of the North Olympics were Mr. ana Mrs, Edward Bunnell and son, Mike accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall of Agate and their grandson, Ronnie Elson of Beauty Service Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,1, Be. ,tb HA 6-2431 Mr. Hall had quite a fish story to bring home and it will probably be believed as pictures were taken of his catch. In one of the lakes, he saw a fish swimming along near the surface of the water in circles and seemed to be attached to a line. Thinking he might be able to snag the line, he made a cast. He did real well as he pulled not only the fish attached to the line but a ten inch Eastern Brook on his line. Still more luck, he con- tinued to pull in the line that had been floating in the water and came up with  glass fishing pole c, ff the bottom of the lake. Some people sure are lucky. ON THEIR WAY in to the Olympics on July 26 and on the way home August 1, they stayed over night with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hollatz (nee Betty Hall) of Port Angeles. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. A! Chappell and Yvonne ac- companied by Mrs. Mary Chappell made a trip to Coos Bay, Ore. to visit with Mr. and Mrs• Bill Chap- pell and children. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards homemakers fair big bargain final! CHARGE ITAND ENJOY Y'S LOW PRICES, TOO v. r Penney Charge Account todayl LOWER PRICES on NATION WIDE SHEETS 72 x 10 81 x 108 ...... $1.67 42x36 Cases . . 2 for 73¢ Hurry! Stock up this weekend and save on these famous long- wearing sheets at these low August prices. Fitted bottoms at the same prices. Charge them too at this price! orchid Just the formals, REDUC- tI&RGAINS! White TERRIFIO BARGAINS! were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Le- Garde, Mrs. Fred George and Mrs. Maxtne Sanders of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie LeGarde and son of Shelton. Jim Lament of Shelton Was Sunday overnight guest of Bill and Richard Roberts. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman will be interested to know that they left on Monday morning for Republic, Wash. where he is employed by the Bry- ant Construction Company of Spokane• Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner was her aunt, Mrs. Mary Lacy and her daughter, Mrs. Yolava Merlena of Renton and Mr. and Mrs. Earl King of Poulsbo. ON SUNDAY evening, Mr. and Mrs. Art Barrett and their daugh- ter Virginia and her children of Port Angeles and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Valley of Shelton called on Mrs. Marian Valley• M.r. William L. Matthews and children, Barry and Billee spent last week in Sumner in the home OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL :30 More Time to SAVE "Wash 'n Wear" SPORT SHIRTS Men's or Boys' Sizes! Famous Brand Fabrics! Dan River Woven Ginghams, Woven Stripes, Wash 'n Wear Prints. Fabulous values in short sleeve shirts for all the men in the family. Boys' sizes 6 to 18 and men's sizes small, medium and large. Carefully tailored too! A grand selection, plan on buying several' Charge them and take them with youl 100 PAIRS WOS. SUMMER DRESS s,o,s '4 TO CLEAR . , White, black, colors, all great- ly reduced. Sizes 5 to 10 and widths AAA, AA, B. Wedge, cuban and high heels. tyPe collars Sizes 32 to 300 of these Your Blankets NOW! Clmice of 4 Styles 10% ORLON BLANKETS Life of Blanket S lib Nylon Bound! WOMEN'S : OOTTON GOWNS Solid colors, plaids and two floral patterns, all so fleecy and warm. Machine washable, 90% Rayon. Cllarge them and take them with you if you want! . .'. or Use our Lay-Away Plan! '1 NOW • Floral print, machine washable m razes 34 to .i4. Short sleeves. While 50 last. Just Unpacked ! Wos. Crease Resistant Woven Gingham WASH FROCKS '2.79 Half and Misses sizes, 16]. to 24 '/ and 12 to 20. Very little ironing, smart new Fall plaids. Save! New Low Price! PENNEY'S FAMOUS AUTOMATIC ELEOTRIO_- BLANKET $1 Now for Ill J ust ..... You never dreamed sleep could be so re- laxed. Dial the warmth you want and one of the finest thermostatic controls gives all night comfort. serious injuries. She was released from the hospital early this week. Witnees of the accident said that the girl had spent the eve- nihg at Twanoh Park, left there driving at a high rate of speed, and was unable to make the curve Just above the Gilbert Belland home, Idlours. The car landed between the Belland home and a' cabin belonging to Darrell Den- niston of Bremerton. Much sympathy was extended the Walter Bridges family of Ren- ton, on the sudden death of theh" of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Fred err, Jr. of Sheiton visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Pearl err. Mr. A. E. Lemke returned from Yakima on Monday evening with a truckload of peaches, apricots, cantaloupe and tomatoes for his store. Bill and Richard Roberts spent Monday" night with Sandhi Rlet° dorf and slept out. On Friday, Mrs. Darl Goldy, Mrs. Mary Chappell and Mrs. AI Chappell visited Mrs. AI Pierce of Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and children called on Mrs. Gladys Zoyer of LiUiwaup on Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buechel re- turned from Germany on Thurs- day where he has been stationed and called on ht parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel. Tommy Bunnell was Friday ov- ernight guest of Richard and Bill Roberts. ATTENTION Junior and Senior 4-H groups. You are tohold your next meeting jointly on Tuesday, August 11 at 1 p.m. at Dayton Hall. the hospital, his chest was ()pened and his his heart massaged, but he was soon pronounced dead• Fu- neral services were held in Ren- ton. Another accident occurred ear- lier in the week on the North Shore road, 6 miles south of Bel- fair, when Richard O. Barr, 21, of Bremerton, lost control of his car on a curve and rise in the road. The ear skidded 400 feet, and sus- tained $400 damage. Barr was taken to Harirson hospital, but was released with only minor in- uries. Deputy Sheriff Dick VaN ey said that Barr's car must have been traveling at least 70 miles an hour, and that a crack-down is due on speeders along the North Shore road where the speed limit, is 35. "From now on," he warned, "anyone going 36 can expect a ticket for speeding." A LARGE delegation of young people will set out for Strawberry Bay next weekend, for a two night camping trip. Members of the Baptist Young People's Fellow- ship, they will be accompanied by their advisors, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. The group will leave Belfair at 5:45 a.m., Friday, stop- ping for breakfast at Hoodsport, and then proceeding to the ocean. They will pack camping equip- ment in one mile, and will spend Friday and Saturday nights on the beach, returning to Belfair Sun- day. It is expected that 25 or 30 boys and girls will participate. About 80 people attended the Belfair Community Baptist church picnic held Sunday at the Byron Grubb home on the South Shore. The group enjoyed a poUuck meal, and recreation, including baseball, swimming, table tennis and horse- MRS. HERB Travis and daugh- ter, Sallte, returued home this week, following a trip by air to Disneyland and back. Making the trip solely to visit the famous playland, they were gone less than a week. Mrs. Core Kelly entertained at her home July 20, her guests be- ing members of a regional com- mittee on education for the White House conference. Mrs. Kelly, also a member of hte committee, assisted in preparing a report on the subject of "The Challenge of Education in a Rapidly Changing World." The report was pre- sented with others in Olympia, July 27, at a larger meeting, at- tended by Mrs. Kelly as a Mason county representative. Mason and Thurston counties form the local region for this study. There are 12 regions in the state, working in 9 study fields. Recommendations of this committee will be compiled with reports from other regions at a "Little White House Confer- ence," early in April I)RIVER FINED Steve Bllner, 19, Shelton was fined $100 and sentenced to 10 days in jail for violation of the stat¢, financial responsibility law by the Shelton Police court Mon- day night. Buck Armstrong, Shelton; was fined $50 for third degree assault. TV Picture Troublel Require Expert Care To Insure peak perform- ance from your TV set, have our expert technicians make the necessary re. pairs. Just Call On Leroy'e Television Service Wife's name Marion PHONE HA. 6-3179 2218 OIxmpio Hiway NO, MT. VIEW I I I _ i i ii i DINE MIGHTY FINE - DAILY NOON TO NINE ON HOOD CANAL THE OYSTER HOUSE New Glassed-In Patio • Home Baked Wild Blackberry Pie i i I i OIRO, ACCOUNT ..INOUNC:I.I XDV. aC5 it's like money inyour purse... YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARD! it's |O easy to CHARGE IT AT PENNEY'S! Shop without cash, whenever you want. Pay your bill within 30 days after you receive your statement WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE CENT OVER PENNEY'S LOW CASH PRICES. Or take more time to pay. Extend your payments over months with small sez'v[ce charge on UNPAID BALANCE ONLY. Far,major purchases in homefurnishings and fashions Buy with NO down payment. Easy monthly payments. Small service charge. , Ask any Penney sales associate. Fill in your application now; Join the Penney customers who enjoy this modern convenienNI OPEN YOUR PENNEY " CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY l ww,,uwn nu unu rB • nremero Ulympio I I 2232 Market Street I 1114 Broadwoy I Itearby Enumclaw Puyullup I 4520 California Avenuq I J 5424 South Tacoma Weft I Penney's Everett " Renton I t 4518 University Way J 10223 Gravelly Lake Dr. S.W.. I Auburn Kent Snohomish _1