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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 me. BUilding equest BRUSH FIRE The Shelton Fire Department fought a brush fire in the Mt. View school area Monday after- noon around. 2:30 p.m. Damage /vas estimated at .1 of an acre. Equipment from both the fire department and the depart- ment of natural resources was used to fight the blaze. The cause of the fire was undetermined. SttELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNATi- Publtshei] in =Ohrmaafo'um U.S.A., n ShelEon, WashingCoD 9 KNOW... CLINT WILLOUR IT'S EASY TO PUT OFF BUYING LIFE INSURANCE BUT IMPOSS- IBLE TO PREVENT THE COMING. OF ITS NEED. NLeW NATIONAl. Inourenoe foe' Stansburys Home After Two Week Western Trip By Manette Moore LI'I'TLE SKOOKUM BAY. An ew'ntiul two week long trip made recently by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury began ,hfly 15 when they headed for San Francisco by bus, stopping at Klamath Falls to visit friends and relatives and at scenic Crater Lake. Upon arriwfl in San Francisco the Stansburys visited friends, then jolned,Helen's brother, Melvin Sparks, whom they traveled with by car to Colo- rado City where they visited Ira's sisters, Royal Gorge, a spot of in- terest, and then to Cheyenne Wells, where they visited close relatives. Their return trip took them through Yellowstone Nation- :el Park. Melvin Sparks returned with the Stansburys for a visit. ANOTHER SHOWER in honor of bride-to-be Robin Oliver, was held Saturday in a cheerful setting of yellow decorations at the home of Mrs. Frank Bishop with Mrs. Ar- chic Adams as co-hostess. Around 25 ladies of the community and Mrs. Orvil Greenwood of Bain- excursionists, bridge Island were present for the event. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sells and boys traveled to Vaneouver, B.C., where they spent the weekend while John participated in the British Columbia A.A.U. cham- pionship meet. I might add, he did very well. Returning home Sunday night from a week long trip to Alameda, Calif., was Mrs. Bill Marcy, who drove her parents, the Phil Har- dies down to get acquainted with their three months ola grand- daughter. The tiny and cute ad- dition to the Hardie family is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Itardie. On return home they stopped in Medford, Ore., to visit the Chuck Batten family, Iormerly of this community. A Sunday drive took the Bill Price family into the Wynoochie valley and to the Wynoochie Falls forest camp. A lovely picnic spot along the river was found by the Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bush and Kenny took their over- night guest, Jane Swindall, with them on a tour of the state cap- itol building in Olympia. They made the interesting climb to the dome of the building. TUESDAY, JANE'S family, the: Jim Swindalls, Joined the Bushs for a picnic on the beach before: they returned home with Jane. : A surprise came Wednesday evening when Mrs. Bush's brother, George Sutton, along with Ted ISLANDERS DOFF HATS TO MAIL CARRIER * $ $ $ $ $ By Done€to Glaser HARSTINE ISLAND -- This next Monday, August 10 is the an- niversary of the birth of W. H. Stephens, better known to all on Rural Route 2 as Steve, the mail carrier. IN EVERY rural community of these United States it is the mail carrier who is the heartbeat of rural life. He knows when we re- ceive good news, such as a wed- ding or the arrival of a new com- er in every family. He. also knows when a sadness hits someone on Condra, Mildred Payne and her young son, John, arrived unex- his route. He shaies our joys and pectedly. The group visited until our sorrows. He knows when we Friday with the exception of John, send our children off to school for Who is the same age as Kenny the first time, and also when they Bush, and remained for a longer graduate from high school and go visit, on to bigger and better things in Sunday, Evelyn Lyncl drove to life. Kamilche where she droped in on But how much do we know Mary Wilson and her mother, Mrs. about our mail carrier as a per- Whitener. On return home she son. Well we found out a little found Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton about Steve and his life, and are and family who had stopped at her going to share it with all of you. STEVE THE MAIL CARRIER was born in Lincoln, Nebraska on i SUMMER MEALS NEED SPECIAL DEALS PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., AUG. 6 - 7 - 8 All Flavors REG. PKGS. GRAHAMS EESE A RAMA'ImH°Oraok"slKRiSPY Oraa" Im m SUNSHINE J¢ ISUNSHINE LB. PKG. 17 I LB" PKG. +€ KRAFT CHEESE SPREAD-2-LB. KRAFT WONDER I€ LB. ONLY WEDGES CRACKER 59" BARREL - 13-OZ. WHIZ 49' CHEESE - 8 OZ. AMERICAN, SWISS 29 ¢ PIMIENTO, 8-OZ. VELVEETA 35, Sugar, LB. TOMATO .... SOUP.aneLL'S No. , Tin10" SHURFRESH - 6.Oz. ORANGE JUICE i i Pork & Beans Lunch Meat Van Camp +,+,,',n+ .................... 4189€ Peacock - 12-oz ..... 39€ Sandwich Stks. Froz. Meat Pies 35€ ..... 51$1 Canned Milk Fresh Butter Car.tion-Tall • . 3144€ Darigold-Prints .... 65€ ii i PICKLES SHURFINE- REGULAR , OR GARLIC DILLS .............. CUCUMBER CHIPS"'::°:: 2/49' i BEE Ground Beef 3 Round Steak BoneleaS'b 89' MAMMOTH OLIVES 25' I • FOR SWISSING WATEI00.+,00ELON + 4%', Potatoes 3 € Onions + 3 c August 10, 1923. He received his schooling in Omaha, Neb. Afte school he went to work as a faith hand until he went into the Navy. He received his basic training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Illinois. Served on the aircraft carrier Yorktown, in the Battle of the Coral Sea, and was on .the Yorktown when it was tor- pedoed and bombed and his ship finally sunk under him during the battle of Midway. Steve was in this man's navy for almost four years. Steve finally arrived in the Great Northwest where he met and married Jean O'Dell Benson on July 17, 1950. Their home is very busy wi{h their daughter Irene coming in to calf with little Miss Kim Goldsby, Steve's five month old granddaughter. Irene is Mrs. Everett (Pete) Goldsby. Son I John is 13 and will enter Shelton Junior high this fall. Steve ano his wife live at Agate. He has been a mail carrier for seven years, all of it on Route 2. His mail route takes him 100 miles a day. And besides he gets a ferry boat ride to Harstine to beet. He says he doesn't have any hobbies unless you call being an avid TV fan a hobby. The people on Route 2 can set their clocks by Steve's arrival be- cause it very seldom varies over a minute or two. SO HATS O'F to you, Steve, our mail carrier on R. R. 2. We know that carrying Uncle Sam's mail can be just a "job" or it can be a pleasant job and we believe judging from your always cheer- ful "HELLO" and big happy smile that yours is a pleasant job. Your sunny disposition and accommo- dating nature are thoroughly ap- preciated by all your friends on your mall route. We hope that some day they will decide to name one mail carrier in these United States as "Mr. Congeniality". We are all sure, Steve, that you would win. So a very HAPPY BIRTH- IAY {o you, Steve, from all your ft4ends on R. R. 2. The family of Mrs. Rolland Shew held a family reunion at the Shew home on the south end. Mrs. Shew's brother flew in from Pitts- field, Mass. and we are very hap- py to report that Mr. Edward Cel- ls was very much impressed with house to visit. The Cliff Roundtree family and Dolores Atwood joined in the ac- tivities at Mason Lake Sunday during the annual Simpson em- ployees' picnic. MR. AND MRS. Ira Stansbm"y, Barbara Crabtll and Mlvtn Sparks drove to Bremerton Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stansbury. Weekend guests at the Jim Shrum home were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jeschke and family of Ash- ford. Terry Shrum returned home with the Jeschkes to spend the week. SUNDAY DINNER gueBt of Mr. and Mrs. Al Ird were Mar- jorie Cowan and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan of Tacoma. Spending Sunday night at the Lords were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson of San Pedro, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Barrett of Ventura, Calif. 'Ihey were en- route to Everett and Snohomish to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Layde of Forks spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Allen. Sunday the, All(ms, along with their daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Davis Chappell, Shirley and IAnda, of Aberdeen attended the Progress Grange picnic at Maple Beach. The Aliens' granddaughters, Shirley and Linda Chappell, will be: spending a week or two with them. Mr. and Mrs. James Gulffrtda of Santa Clara, Calif., are spending a week visiting the Bill McFie family and other relatives in the area. WELCOME GUESTS at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Wells on Sunday Were their grandsons, Thomas and Kenny Wells of Sal- em, Ore., and the boys' uncle Kenneth Bar and cousin, Donnie Bar of Abe.rdeen. Jane and Joan Dittman, twin nieces of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Col- tins, spent Sunday night at the Collins home. Luncheon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lland Hudson on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Mann of Ehna, Paul Mann of Chicago, Ill., Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Durand and Em- ma McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Al Wolf were pleased to "have their grandsont, Greg and Doug Wolf, and Doug Heiburg of Eugen+, Ore., as over- nigtlt visitors Wednesday. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bland of Aberdeen had hmcheon with the Wells. A MEETING of the Bell Riders Saddle club is sclmdulcd for today. The fresh-water fly rod is find- ing increasing favor among salt- water anglers for many fish in sizes ranging from snapper blues to tarpon. Round Steak ,b 85 c Pot Roast 49' Steak 98 c the beauty of Harstine Island. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Greaser and chil- dren of Seattle came out to join hm sister and brother. Their fath- er, Eugene Celia arrived from San Francisco to complete the reunion. GRANDMA I)IT(;DAI, E had a house full this past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker of Seattle spending a few days with her. Her daughter and family, the Art Bakers, were out over the week- end, and her sister, Mrs. Reby Dickie of Seattle arrived Sunday to spend two weeks with her sis- ter here on Harstine. Miss Johanna Johnson, niece of the Gunner Johnsons, spent last week with her grandparents in Shelton, the George Greaves. Jo- hanna is spending this week up on Hood Canal visiting with the Carl Mattus. Miss Suzan Glaser is in Hoqui- am for a 10 day vacation with her grandparents, the Donald Eddys. On Friday evening the H. V. Glas- era and children and Mrs. Glaser's uncle, Mr. tester Peterman went by boat to McMiken Island for a unique dinner cooked in an ori- ental oven. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Carson really cooked a lovely meal, very much enjoyed by their guests. Mr. and Mrs. MacDowell have arrived from Oakland, California for a week's stay on McMiken Is- 'land as the guests of the Carsons. Recently at her home on Jar- rals Cove, Mrs. Mi Brassfield en- tertained friends at a lovely chicken barbeque. Those attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht and family, who recently pur- chased the Shelton Recreation Parlors in Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, also of Shel- ton. Later on in the day they call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlson. THURSDAY CALLERS at the home of the Raymond McCulloch's were Mrs. Jordon and daughter, Mrs. Wright, and Mrs. Chaffee and daughter, all of Olympia. The home of Mrs. Richard Knauff was the setting for a sur- prise birthday luncheon in honor of Mrs. H. V. Glaser, who was cel- ebrating her birthday anniversary. Those attending were Mrs. Dot Smith, Mrs. Paulene Archer and children, Mrs. Lila Peugil, Mrs. M;'xine Waite, Mrs. Dorothy Bar- nett. and son David. Mrs. Glenn Ya'-s, the honored gaest, and the ho.cess, Mrs, Knauf, The Harstine Island Ladies Club will meet at the hall at 12:30 Thursday {today) for a very int- portent meeting. All members are urged to attend as at this meet- ing will be discussed the whys ann howfors of getting water in the hall, also mder discussion will be liana for a rummage sale to be held the latter part of September. Also plans for the bake sale to be held Labor Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Simmons and children of Spokane have ar- rived on Good Old Harstine. As they arrived' at Margaret's par- ents, the H. A. Glasers, they found most of the laser Clan anxtouslv awaiting their arrival on the Western Side of the Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Franich and chil- dren arrived from Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Glaser ann children of Shelton and the Bud Glasers all were on hand to wel- come them home. Mrs. McCulloch reports a very quiet house since her grandchil- dren, "The Bottonis" of San Jose have departed. FOUND DRIFTING north of McMlken Island, one i'ow boat ..... owner may call HA 6-8871 and identify. i i Kamilche Point EXTRA LARGE AA Eggs +,55 € in, alph's Hillcrest III I III OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 am. - 10 p.m. THE TIN HAT On Hillorest Fountain Light Groceries & Orugs By RALPH and HARRY "Harry insists we wash every windshield." We never fail to do the LIT- TLE extras that make a big difference. DOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVIDE • MOBIL TIRES • FIr#t and Pine Streets Phone HA 6-3906 Keep Washington Green LET US eUlLO YOUR FIRES WHEN YOU GO PICNICKING We have plenty of tables and a big community kitch- en in a beautiful letting. Enjoy... FISHING in a lake well stocked with fine trout. BOATING Plenty of good boats avail. able for rent. SWIMMING Dressing rooms, fine diving boards and floats. ALL AVAILABLE AT DELIGHT PARK On Lovely Lake isabella Five Mile= from Shelton i I. I II I I .... i I I TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 306 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-4456 I McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS 20 Years Ago MoConkey's Pharmacy, serving Mason County residents for more than 24 years, brings you this column taken from the files of yesteryear. We hope it Is of Interest to you. emmmmmmtummmmmmmmmmmm m mnmmummwm wmmmmmmmmmmm  TUESDAY, AUGUST l, 1939.--Quick action by two un- identified motorists saved the Amos Bare home in the Beverly Heights district from complete destruction by fire Sunday after- noon. The motorists ealled the fire department and removed much of the furniture from the home. Cracked vertebrae in his neck were suffered by Ray Sharps when he struck a swimmer in Lake Isabella as he dove from the diving tower at Maple Beach. One of those days of "nerves" which catch tip with the best of baseball teams once in a while put an abrupt halt to Shel- tows quest for a second straight Amerlcat begion junior base- ball state championship Saturday in Seattle when Shelton errors and failure to hit with men on the sacks contributed directly h) a pair of Ballard victories 8 to 1 and 6 to 0, Will Hall of Matlock suffered a broken nose, broken h'g and other injuries when the car he was driving Friday hit a stump on the side of the road as he attempted to avoid another car. Four of his children were injured slightly. Miss Jessie Knight, postmislress at. Shelton since 1918, has bccn nmninated to serve her sixth 4 year term. John Young, 14, who was seriously injured when he fell on a pitchfork ten days ago, was able to leave Shelton hospital yesterday and return to his home. Southside resident. THURSDAY, AUGUST ,'i, 1939.- -Unless an eleventh hour move is made by (k)vernor C. D. Martin, Bernard W. I.,euch, 41 year old Shelton wife slayer, will be executed sometime to- morrow. Shoothg of a feature film, "Shelton On Parade," is sched- uled to begin about August 14. The film, being sponsored by the Paramount Theater and local merchants, will show a trial run of the fire department, civic groups, industrial activity, American Legion 'baseball teams and street scenes. Mrs. Vernon Davidson will leave Saturday for Sea.tile to attend a T.B. Institute for all Seal Sale chairmen in the state. Two teams have been named for the series of peewee base- ball leagne games beginning Friday. The sqnads will include Jake Graffe0 Hal Richardson, Ehner Carlson Wally AndersorL Dick Rector, Miekey McGuirc, Gordon Hopland, Glen Roeshel, Jerry Cole, Dick Robertson, Don Dickinson, Ray Trotter, Joe Parsons, Beanie Denials, Leonard Savage, Don Anderson, Bob Cole, Gone McGuire and Ray Morse. For Over 24 Years It Has Been 1959 me. BUilding equest BRUSH FIRE The Shelton Fire Department fought a brush fire in the Mt. View school area Monday after- noon around. 2:30 p.m. Damage /vas estimated at .1 of an acre. Equipment from both the fire department and the depart- ment of natural resources was used to fight the blaze. The cause of the fire was undetermined. SttELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNATi- Publtshei] in =Ohrmaafo'um U.S.A., n ShelEon, WashingCoD 9 KNOW... CLINT WILLOUR IT'S EASY TO PUT OFF BUYING LIFE INSURANCE BUT IMPOSS- IBLE TO PREVENT THE COMING. OF ITS NEED. NLeW NATIONAl. Inourenoe foe' Stansburys Home After Two Week Western Trip By Manette Moore LI'I'TLE SKOOKUM BAY. An ew'ntiul two week long trip made recently by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury began ,hfly 15 when they headed for San Francisco by bus, stopping at Klamath Falls to visit friends and relatives and at scenic Crater Lake. Upon arriwfl in San Francisco the Stansburys visited friends, then jolned,Helen's brother, Melvin Sparks, whom they traveled with by car to Colo- rado City where they visited Ira's sisters, Royal Gorge, a spot of in- terest, and then to Cheyenne Wells, where they visited close relatives. Their return trip took them through Yellowstone Nation- :el Park. Melvin Sparks returned with the Stansburys for a visit. ANOTHER SHOWER in honor of bride-to-be Robin Oliver, was held Saturday in a cheerful setting of yellow decorations at the home of Mrs. Frank Bishop with Mrs. Ar- chic Adams as co-hostess. Around 25 ladies of the community and Mrs. Orvil Greenwood of Bain- excursionists, bridge Island were present for the event. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sells and boys traveled to Vaneouver, B.C., where they spent the weekend while John participated in the British Columbia A.A.U. cham- pionship meet. I might add, he did very well. Returning home Sunday night from a week long trip to Alameda, Calif., was Mrs. Bill Marcy, who drove her parents, the Phil Har- dies down to get acquainted with their three months ola grand- daughter. The tiny and cute ad- dition to the Hardie family is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Itardie. On return home they stopped in Medford, Ore., to visit the Chuck Batten family, Iormerly of this community. A Sunday drive took the Bill Price family into the Wynoochie valley and to the Wynoochie Falls forest camp. A lovely picnic spot along the river was found by the Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bush and Kenny took their over- night guest, Jane Swindall, with them on a tour of the state cap- itol building in Olympia. They made the interesting climb to the dome of the building. TUESDAY, JANE'S family, the: Jim Swindalls, Joined the Bushs for a picnic on the beach before: they returned home with Jane. : A surprise came Wednesday evening when Mrs. Bush's brother, George Sutton, along with Ted ISLANDERS DOFF HATS TO MAIL CARRIER * $ $ $ $ $ By Done€to Glaser HARSTINE ISLAND -- This next Monday, August 10 is the an- niversary of the birth of W. H. Stephens, better known to all on Rural Route 2 as Steve, the mail carrier. IN EVERY rural community of these United States it is the mail carrier who is the heartbeat of rural life. He knows when we re- ceive good news, such as a wed- ding or the arrival of a new com- er in every family. He. also knows when a sadness hits someone on Condra, Mildred Payne and her young son, John, arrived unex- his route. He shaies our joys and pectedly. The group visited until our sorrows. He knows when we Friday with the exception of John, send our children off to school for Who is the same age as Kenny the first time, and also when they Bush, and remained for a longer graduate from high school and go visit, on to bigger and better things in Sunday, Evelyn Lyncl drove to life. Kamilche where she droped in on But how much do we know Mary Wilson and her mother, Mrs. about our mail carrier as a per- Whitener. On return home she son. Well we found out a little found Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton about Steve and his life, and are and family who had stopped at her going to share it with all of you. STEVE THE MAIL CARRIER was born in Lincoln, Nebraska on i SUMMER MEALS NEED SPECIAL DEALS PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., AUG. 6 - 7 - 8 All Flavors REG. PKGS. GRAHAMS EESE A RAMA'ImH°Oraok"slKRiSPY Oraa" Im m SUNSHINE J¢ ISUNSHINE LB. PKG. 17 I LB" PKG. +€ KRAFT CHEESE SPREAD-2-LB. KRAFT WONDER I€ LB. ONLY WEDGES CRACKER 59" BARREL - 13-OZ. WHIZ 49' CHEESE - 8 OZ. AMERICAN, SWISS 29 ¢ PIMIENTO, 8-OZ. VELVEETA 35, Sugar, LB. TOMATO .... SOUP.aneLL'S No. , Tin10" SHURFRESH - 6.Oz. ORANGE JUICE i i Pork & Beans Lunch Meat Van Camp +,+,,',n+ .................... 4189€ Peacock - 12-oz ..... 39€ Sandwich Stks. Froz. Meat Pies 35€ ..... 51$1 Canned Milk Fresh Butter Car.tion-Tall • . 3144€ Darigold-Prints .... 65€ ii i PICKLES SHURFINE- REGULAR , OR GARLIC DILLS .............. CUCUMBER CHIPS"'::°:: 2/49' i BEE Ground Beef 3 Round Steak BoneleaS'b 89' MAMMOTH OLIVES 25' I • FOR SWISSING WATEI00.+,00ELON + 4%', Potatoes 3 € Onions + 3 c August 10, 1923. He received his schooling in Omaha, Neb. Afte school he went to work as a faith hand until he went into the Navy. He received his basic training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Illinois. Served on the aircraft carrier Yorktown, in the Battle of the Coral Sea, and was on .the Yorktown when it was tor- pedoed and bombed and his ship finally sunk under him during the battle of Midway. Steve was in this man's navy for almost four years. Steve finally arrived in the Great Northwest where he met and married Jean O'Dell Benson on July 17, 1950. Their home is very busy wi{h their daughter Irene coming in to calf with little Miss Kim Goldsby, Steve's five month old granddaughter. Irene is Mrs. Everett (Pete) Goldsby. Son I John is 13 and will enter Shelton Junior high this fall. Steve ano his wife live at Agate. He has been a mail carrier for seven years, all of it on Route 2. His mail route takes him 100 miles a day. And besides he gets a ferry boat ride to Harstine to beet. He says he doesn't have any hobbies unless you call being an avid TV fan a hobby. The people on Route 2 can set their clocks by Steve's arrival be- cause it very seldom varies over a minute or two. SO HATS O'F to you, Steve, our mail carrier on R. R. 2. We know that carrying Uncle Sam's mail can be just a "job" or it can be a pleasant job and we believe judging from your always cheer- ful "HELLO" and big happy smile that yours is a pleasant job. Your sunny disposition and accommo- dating nature are thoroughly ap- preciated by all your friends on your mall route. We hope that some day they will decide to name one mail carrier in these United States as "Mr. Congeniality". We are all sure, Steve, that you would win. So a very HAPPY BIRTH- IAY {o you, Steve, from all your ft4ends on R. R. 2. The family of Mrs. Rolland Shew held a family reunion at the Shew home on the south end. Mrs. Shew's brother flew in from Pitts- field, Mass. and we are very hap- py to report that Mr. Edward Cel- ls was very much impressed with house to visit. The Cliff Roundtree family and Dolores Atwood joined in the ac- tivities at Mason Lake Sunday during the annual Simpson em- ployees' picnic. MR. AND MRS. Ira Stansbm"y, Barbara Crabtll and Mlvtn Sparks drove to Bremerton Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stansbury. Weekend guests at the Jim Shrum home were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jeschke and family of Ash- ford. Terry Shrum returned home with the Jeschkes to spend the week. SUNDAY DINNER gueBt of Mr. and Mrs. Al Ird were Mar- jorie Cowan and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan of Tacoma. Spending Sunday night at the Lords were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson of San Pedro, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Barrett of Ventura, Calif. 'Ihey were en- route to Everett and Snohomish to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Layde of Forks spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Allen. Sunday the, All(ms, along with their daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Davis Chappell, Shirley and IAnda, of Aberdeen attended the Progress Grange picnic at Maple Beach. The Aliens' granddaughters, Shirley and Linda Chappell, will be: spending a week or two with them. Mr. and Mrs. James Gulffrtda of Santa Clara, Calif., are spending a week visiting the Bill McFie family and other relatives in the area. WELCOME GUESTS at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Wells on Sunday Were their grandsons, Thomas and Kenny Wells of Sal- em, Ore., and the boys' uncle Kenneth Bar and cousin, Donnie Bar of Abe.rdeen. Jane and Joan Dittman, twin nieces of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Col- tins, spent Sunday night at the Collins home. Luncheon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lland Hudson on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Mann of Ehna, Paul Mann of Chicago, Ill., Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Durand and Em- ma McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Al Wolf were pleased to "have their grandsont, Greg and Doug Wolf, and Doug Heiburg of Eugen+, Ore., as over- nigtlt visitors Wednesday. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bland of Aberdeen had hmcheon with the Wells. A MEETING of the Bell Riders Saddle club is sclmdulcd for today. The fresh-water fly rod is find- ing increasing favor among salt- water anglers for many fish in sizes ranging from snapper blues to tarpon. Round Steak ,b 85 c Pot Roast 49' Steak 98 c the beauty of Harstine Island. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Greaser and chil- dren of Seattle came out to join hm sister and brother. Their fath- er, Eugene Celia arrived from San Francisco to complete the reunion. GRANDMA I)IT(;DAI, E had a house full this past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker of Seattle spending a few days with her. Her daughter and family, the Art Bakers, were out over the week- end, and her sister, Mrs. Reby Dickie of Seattle arrived Sunday to spend two weeks with her sis- ter here on Harstine. Miss Johanna Johnson, niece of the Gunner Johnsons, spent last week with her grandparents in Shelton, the George Greaves. Jo- hanna is spending this week up on Hood Canal visiting with the Carl Mattus. Miss Suzan Glaser is in Hoqui- am for a 10 day vacation with her grandparents, the Donald Eddys. On Friday evening the H. V. Glas- era and children and Mrs. Glaser's uncle, Mr. tester Peterman went by boat to McMiken Island for a unique dinner cooked in an ori- ental oven. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Carson really cooked a lovely meal, very much enjoyed by their guests. Mr. and Mrs. MacDowell have arrived from Oakland, California for a week's stay on McMiken Is- 'land as the guests of the Carsons. Recently at her home on Jar- rals Cove, Mrs. Mi Brassfield en- tertained friends at a lovely chicken barbeque. Those attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht and family, who recently pur- chased the Shelton Recreation Parlors in Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, also of Shel- ton. Later on in the day they call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlson. THURSDAY CALLERS at the home of the Raymond McCulloch's were Mrs. Jordon and daughter, Mrs. Wright, and Mrs. Chaffee and daughter, all of Olympia. The home of Mrs. Richard Knauff was the setting for a sur- prise birthday luncheon in honor of Mrs. H. V. Glaser, who was cel- ebrating her birthday anniversary. Those attending were Mrs. Dot Smith, Mrs. Paulene Archer and children, Mrs. Lila Peugil, Mrs. M;'xine Waite, Mrs. Dorothy Bar- nett. and son David. Mrs. Glenn Ya'-s, the honored gaest, and the ho.cess, Mrs, Knauf, The Harstine Island Ladies Club will meet at the hall at 12:30 Thursday {today) for a very int- portent meeting. All members are urged to attend as at this meet- ing will be discussed the whys ann howfors of getting water in the hall, also mder discussion will be liana for a rummage sale to be held the latter part of September. Also plans for the bake sale to be held Labor Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Simmons and children of Spokane have ar- rived on Good Old Harstine. As they arrived' at Margaret's par- ents, the H. A. Glasers, they found most of the laser Clan anxtouslv awaiting their arrival on the Western Side of the Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Franich and chil- dren arrived from Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Glaser ann children of Shelton and the Bud Glasers all were on hand to wel- come them home. Mrs. McCulloch reports a very quiet house since her grandchil- dren, "The Bottonis" of San Jose have departed. FOUND DRIFTING north of McMlken Island, one i'ow boat ..... owner may call HA 6-8871 and identify. i i Kamilche Point EXTRA LARGE AA Eggs +,55 € in, alph's Hillcrest III I III OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 am. - 10 p.m. THE TIN HAT On Hillorest Fountain Light Groceries & Orugs By RALPH and HARRY "Harry insists we wash every windshield." We never fail to do the LIT- TLE extras that make a big difference. DOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVIDE • MOBIL TIRES • FIr#t and Pine Streets Phone HA 6-3906 Keep Washington Green LET US eUlLO YOUR FIRES WHEN YOU GO PICNICKING We have plenty of tables and a big community kitch- en in a beautiful letting. Enjoy... FISHING in a lake well stocked with fine trout. BOATING Plenty of good boats avail. able for rent. SWIMMING Dressing rooms, fine diving boards and floats. ALL AVAILABLE AT DELIGHT PARK On Lovely Lake isabella Five Mile= from Shelton i I. I II I I .... i I I TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 306 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-4456 I McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS 20 Years Ago MoConkey's Pharmacy, serving Mason County residents for more than 24 years, brings you this column taken from the files of yesteryear. We hope it Is of Interest to you. emmmmmmtummmmmmmmmmmm m mnmmummwm wmmmmmmmmmmm  TUESDAY, AUGUST l, 1939.--Quick action by two un- identified motorists saved the Amos Bare home in the Beverly Heights district from complete destruction by fire Sunday after- noon. The motorists ealled the fire department and removed much of the furniture from the home. Cracked vertebrae in his neck were suffered by Ray Sharps when he struck a swimmer in Lake Isabella as he dove from the diving tower at Maple Beach. One of those days of "nerves" which catch tip with the best of baseball teams once in a while put an abrupt halt to Shel- tows quest for a second straight Amerlcat begion junior base- ball state championship Saturday in Seattle when Shelton errors and failure to hit with men on the sacks contributed directly h) a pair of Ballard victories 8 to 1 and 6 to 0, Will Hall of Matlock suffered a broken nose, broken h'g and other injuries when the car he was driving Friday hit a stump on the side of the road as he attempted to avoid another car. Four of his children were injured slightly. Miss Jessie Knight, postmislress at. Shelton since 1918, has bccn nmninated to serve her sixth 4 year term. John Young, 14, who was seriously injured when he fell on a pitchfork ten days ago, was able to leave Shelton hospital yesterday and return to his home. Southside resident. THURSDAY, AUGUST ,'i, 1939.- -Unless an eleventh hour move is made by (k)vernor C. D. Martin, Bernard W. I.,euch, 41 year old Shelton wife slayer, will be executed sometime to- morrow. Shoothg of a feature film, "Shelton On Parade," is sched- uled to begin about August 14. The film, being sponsored by the Paramount Theater and local merchants, will show a trial run of the fire department, civic groups, industrial activity, American Legion 'baseball teams and street scenes. Mrs. Vernon Davidson will leave Saturday for Sea.tile to attend a T.B. Institute for all Seal Sale chairmen in the state. Two teams have been named for the series of peewee base- ball leagne games beginning Friday. The sqnads will include Jake Graffe0 Hal Richardson, Ehner Carlson Wally AndersorL Dick Rector, Miekey McGuirc, Gordon Hopland, Glen Roeshel, Jerry Cole, Dick Robertson, Don Dickinson, Ray Trotter, Joe Parsons, Beanie Denials, Leonard Savage, Don Anderson, Bob Cole, Gone McGuire and Ray Morse. For Over 24 Years It Has Been