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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 DANCE Saturday, Aug. 8 SHELTON VALLEY 6range Hall , Refresh|TJents * Dances 2nd and 4th saturdays i i i FIRE. AUTO ROBT. As SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 i ? C -- tt t SWELTON-MASON C0" JOURNAL-- Published Jn &lt;'CrLtmasfou:n, r ..... A.: heltnn, Washh Sweetest Flower That Grows: BUFOR9 ROSE, CAR SELLER, SIXTH MYSTERY PERSONALITY By any other name, Buford Rose wouldn't have been this week's mystery person, This "Journal sub'- scriber for 36 years," was the sixth mystery cilaracter in the "Who's Who in Mason County" contest. Angleside residents surely mnst have recognized tile man who "has (a) beautiful corner house on An- gleside" and wimse "specialty is barbecue." ltO,E, a BufORD dealer, ex- cels in dishing up charcoal-broiled hot dogs, and is fast moving into the fiehl of hamburgers, Sti('kers in tiffs week's contest were ills ear license number which appeared twi(:e in tile Ee]ls and Valley ad on page 10, "XAF-455,'" and "average weight 178 lbs.," in, the Tltriftway ad, page 16. i Those with lfigh-powered magni- fyinK glasses no doubt were quick to eat(.i] two similar clues in Mc- Conkey's ad, page 16: "fragrant flower," and *'name is a flower." all wrung out -, ) old.fashioned way? "t us,,.,.4 7 X7 SELF-SERVICE, COIN-OPERATED LAUNDRY New Ownership New Low Prices Across from Safeway 26o WASH lOg DRY lII Why waste money rslldag wornut sppflans? For I few oards • week. you can u* all the top.load, sgitetor-type washers... N.SpI.KI driers you ne0d. Do )K)ur whole  JA kin; thaA it kour st Econas ALTOGETHER, 26 cities dotted the 16-page Journal last week. For entrants who want to take a sec- ond look through the paper, posi- tions arut clues were as follows: Sells part of first name-O.K. Rubber, pg. 1. Set chokers in woods-.Western Auto, pg. 2. Two grandchildren--Kimbel Mo- tors, pg. 2. Likes gardening--Lawton Lum- ber, pg. 6. 7 htxtent flsherman--Ritner's, pg. 'Wears glasses--Ritner's, pg. 7. Lawn-cutting hobby-- Johnny's Music Box, pg. 9 Bob, Don and Darrell--.Saeger's Motor Shop, pg. 10. XAF-455--iells & Valley, pg. 10 (twice in same ad). Has butcher, baker and plate- maker---Eells & Valley, pg. 10. Thrifty by nature---Kitsap-Ma- son Dairymen's Assn., pg. 13. Has beautiful corner house on Angleside--Shelton Hotel, pg. 13. Bm'n Jefferson City, Mo.--Lum- bermen's Mercantile, pg. 13. Ex-shlpyard timekeeper --- Eells & Valley, pg. 14. Wife wears glasses .... Lumber- men's Mercantile, pg. 14. Has three sons--Manley'a Foun- tain, pg. 14. * Trimmed plenty of people Beckwith Jewelry, pg. 14. Fragrant flower McConkey's, pg. 16. Name is a flower--.McConkey's, pg. 16. Average weight 178 lbs.---Thrift- way, pg. 16. AND THESE in the sponsors joint ad on page 12: Ex-IOOF No- ble Grand. Forrest Flowers; Ex- shoemaker, O. K. Rubber; Special- ty is barbecue. Prepp's; Wife's name Johanna. McConkey's, and California vseations. Angle Agen- cy. The clue positions are bares. Sharpen your wits, and resume the hunting in today's Journal for this Open 24 Hours a Day,7 Days a weekl VICTORY CUPS AWARDED RACE WINNERS AT UNION By Tiilla Kinlhall ITNION One hundred nnd s('v- enty sports ear o%vnel's all(I en- thusiasts fronl fill parts of tile, Wosl Coast calne to Ahlerbrook Inn for a vielory dinner after tile Seafair Sp(}rls Oitr l'aces xhi(:i were held at the Sh(qion Airport Sumtay. After dinner the vicim'y cups were awar(ted the winntq's. MR. AND MiI,% Randall Up- dyke and Cas,,y Supple, their yonng friend frmn California wile is spending the sllmmer traveled to Mt. Ruinier Tues(lay, wiwre they camped overnight at lira Ta- home campsite. Wednesday Mrs. Updyke r e p o r t s they hiketl through the trails and returned home that evening, a little worse for wear from all tile exercise. Miss Lois Beckman is visiting her brothe anti Iris wife, Mr. and Mrs. I)on Beckman. Miss Ileck. man will be visiting during a part of her lrlonth's vacatiou from I:u- ion Oil in Seattle where slle is employed as secretary. :Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bittle enter- tainod Sunday at a small family Simpson Workers Honored at Party Andy Hopland and Anton Mik- leihun, two Simpson Logging Company veteran employees, were guests of honor last Thursday at retirement cerenmnies at Central Shops. ,  , , The eer, mony was attended b5 the two men's fellow employees at the shops, and lawn clmirs were presented to both men. Hopland retired earlier this year as paint foreman at the shops. He worked continuously for Simpson fl'om 1948 until his retirement and for two shorter stretches before that. He came to Shelton In 1924. Mlklethuil, who leaves a son and grandson still working in the shops, has been working on the (lleanup crew. He also is a painter by trade. week's mystery personality. Keep in mind all the rules, espe- cially No. 2 and 3. The judges are tricky, and clues may be deceiving. Check the sponsoring firms' ads ONLY  and make sure your entrms are on a slip of paper, and NOT enclosed in an envelope. Judges recommend all rules be taken into account before ferret- ing out'the handful of clues. The collection boxes for this week's contest have been placed at Dairy Queen, First and Cedar; Shelton Electric, 419 Railroad Ave.; Budget Shop, across from Evergreen Square on Railroad Ave.: Lawton Lumber Co., 420 S. First; Thackeray Electric Co., 217 Cots St., and Ritner's Broiler, 102 S. First. Deadline for entries is 5 p.m., Monday. Bear in mind the time element and contest rules. Good hunting, and visit your optometrist twice a year! gatherip.g. Visiting were Mrs. Bil- tle's three sistors and l}leil' htls- ballds, M]r. and Mrs. Eilgene Siniill of Qtlilcene, Mr. and ]%{l'S. XVillialli Gregory and cllii(h'erl Bill and Jennie of Taconla, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calller(l!l of Zeliail lind lileir grandsoll Sleveil tedenlJallgh of Wapalo, and the Biitle's ttaugh- ler Slid son-in-hiw Mr. and Mrs. Nat Stairs anti datighter, Cindy, of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner en- tertained hollse gllests tCriday anti Sailirday, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Es- nol' of Dilngenness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson entertained ala picnic dinner hon- oring their grandson Rex Keyes's eighteenth birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. AI Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. William Durward, Mr. and Mrq. William Sctlmidt and Mr. and Mrs. l_)ouglisa Keyes a/i(l daughter Katholeen =ill of Olyin- pie. Happy birthday, Rex. MR. AND MRS. Ira Morse and family traveled to Longview to atiend a birthday party for Mrs. Morse's sister, Mrs. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith of Un- ion were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Poison en- tertained Mrs. Polson's sister-in- law, Mrs. E. P. Read of North Hollywood, California and Mrs. Read's mother Mrs. B. E. Paslay of ibel'deen, over the weekend. Wednesdav Mrs, Louis Van Ars- dais gave a luncheon party for Mrs. Read and a fe.w friends at AIderbrook Iml. Mrs. Rosanne Leman and her two bovs anti another friend of the bojs spent the past week va- cationing at tim Coyle Cottage in Union. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vihaltes were visited Friday and Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Nte Rtllakes of Mc- Cleary and the Rillakes's niece, Miss Alexander Rlllakes from AOmns, Greece. Miss Rillakes is to spend two years in this coun- try furthering her education at the University of Washington. :Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richard- son and daughter Scheri spent Friday and Saturday visiting Mr. Richardson's sister and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Berg- hind in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Metzler entertained friends for dinner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blunt of Phoenix, Arizona Mrs. Roxanne Hagenderfer, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hagendeffer and children Linda and Larry of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stacy, of Shelton. The Hagender- fer's daughter Linda will remain with the Metzler's for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Carlisle were happy to have old family friends visiting them Monday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stevens and their daughter Mrs. Wayne Faucette and son Darrell all of Longbranch and Mrs. A1 Parrish of Bremerton. MRS. L. G. McClellan and Mrs. Gene Whiteside of Aberdeen vis- ited Mrs. E. G. Wiesinger and her sister Mrs. G. W. Barlow the past Thursday, That evening Mr. and leader took the boys (in a camli- Mrs. Weisinger and her guest; ing trip to Flap Jack Lakes. The were entertained for dinner at group left Saturday morning at "Sea Vats" by Mrs. John Schafer. 6:30. They hiked into the lake Mrs. Wands Wyatt attended a where there was great fun swim- bridal shower for Miss Robin O1- ruing and then on to the top of ever at the home of Mrs. Bishop near Shelton Saturday afternoon. Over the weekend Wands had'her mother, Mrs. William err of BeN fair, visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean have entertained several friends and Mt. Gladys where the boy:: all [)tit their names in the cairn. When they returned from tits mountain they found a beautiful three point buck at the lakes. The boys pro- ceeded to chase it. and they all got quite a scare when the deer be- relatives over the past week. came cornered. He lowerd his Thursday Mr. Owen Moore, a horns, and Ted says the boys really nephew, from Los Angeles, Cal- scattered and made way for Mr. ifm'nia and Mr. John Cronder yes- Deer to l:eturn to the safety of his ite(t for the day. Mrs. Phil Cope, freest .home. Boys on tile trip a niece from Anacortes, Wash., were Dour and Seth Coles, Don- and her son Charles Cope, who is ald and Ronald Wright, Danny stationed at Bangor Marine Base, Bremerton, spent Saturday and Sunday. Also visitor Saturday tel,curl! Wednesday were a niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cutting and children Bill and Paula from Bently, Kansas. Mrs. Aline Gabrielson flew home to Califmia last week after a visit with her mother Mrs. Nina Miller. They will retnrn to the canal again during Mr. Gabriel- son's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale" and Gary Peirce, Donald Deemer a, nd Ted's son Ronnie. Ted is sor- ry to say he will be forced to re- sign as 4-H leader dlle to lack of time. We wish that some man or woman in the neighborhood can take his place as it is important to continue the 4-H work. THE HOOD CANAL Garden Club will hold its annual meeting at the beautiful riverside home of Mr. Tom Webb Thursday. Travel Air - Rail" TOURS • HA 6-8272 | 401 SH cf our Certified Comic,S heating pl nothing extral ' FOA-SX. 0nly Shell Heating Oil Prsvente clogging o.t burner's filter screem eQNITOR. Thii Shell additive counteracts sateen which may be present in the bottom Our driver adds it automatically--at no Count on us for PREMIUM GOTT OIL CO Bayshore Rd. -- Ph• HA 6-3322 OK Rubber Welders 2226 N. Olympic Hwy, W:r:':::s:,s Leroy's Television. SERVICE Motorola Television & Radios "You Get Guaranteed Quality in Salee and Sorvloe" 2218 N. Olympto Hwy. HA 6-3172 Rex Floor Coverings * ........ .i ,ounter Doyurlngl r4 A u-2292 1723 Olymplo Hwy. N. J & J Service ' "The Best Friend Your Car Ever Had" Mr, View HA 6-3956 Wlngard's Sport Shop Complete FIshing and Hunting 8upplles "Take Along A Buddy" All Rldent K Non-Resident Lloenses 2210 Olympic Hwy, N. HA 6-8672 Saeger's Motor Shop • Johnun Outboards • Homellte Power Saws • 8kagit Boats 8ales 4, Service HIIloreet HA 6-4602 DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar WHO's WHO IN MASON COUNTY CONTEST Evergreen Texaco FIRESTONE TIRES Motor Tuneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrication, Brake Relining 1st & Franklin HA 6-3031 Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton's Favorite" For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner or Just a 8nak 125 Cota HA 6-9953 Sears Catalog SALES OFFICE "Satisfaction Gulranteed or You1" Money Back" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 "Lock to the Finest First" at Eells & Valley APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2rid HA 6-4663 Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut FIowe - Plante Floral Designs Flowers and Gifts for All Oo0asions Flowers by Wire' 313 Railroad HA 6-6513 Shelton Union Service • First in tire---U. S. Royal • Economy Car Wash • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Past J.C. president Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream * Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove HA g.4473 | Shelton Hotel "If You Can Find A Better Place To Eat  Try It!" • Banquet Facilities Assistant Scoutmaster • Sat. Nite 6morgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6-3341 Les Fields Auto Parts INC. Complete line of patti for all cars & truoks Automotive Maohine Shop Tools '---" Batteries 229 $. First klA 6,3351 Timber Appliance A uthorlzed Dealer Salel & Service ElcCtrlcal Contracting Heating  Wiring HA 6-4633 114 $. 2nd Bill Johnson's Shell Service "Service First -- 8atisfaotion Always" Goodyear Tires  Nic-L-Sllver Batteries First & Cota HA 6-3903 Quality at Budget Prices MODE O' DAY Evergreen Square , HA 6-8293 Waterfront Realty featuring ,PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terra Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 6-8636  Depart- merit Store ',Friondly 8rvioe Sirloe 1895" *** THE BEST IN Ineuronoe Coverage & Service Angle Agency Insuranee- Real Estate. Travel 4th & R.R. HA S-8272 20th Century Thriftway "Where Every Customer Is Important" HILLCREST Evergreen Fuel Co; Diesel Oil & Stove Oil Automatio Refill 8ervloe 819 S. First HA 64103 Hard first name BOON'S Plumbing, Heatlng & Sheet Metal Contracting  Plumbing Golf course veep. Supplies  011 Burners Furnaoes 823 $. Firt l-IA 6-3483 Wheatley & Kry Co. "Service and Quality First" in Plumbing  Heating Paper -- Paint Contracting 317 8. First HA 6-4553 M. and S. Food Store Quality Food -- Low Prices Free Dollvery 120 Cots HA 6-4892 Fessler's ICE CREAM CENTER "You Can't Better The Best" Premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular PriceI 422 N. First HA 6-6575 For over 24 years It has been MoOonkey's for Drugs "Two Locations to Serve You" 306 Railroad 329 Railroad HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456 C. C. Cole &. Sons 'OI8TRI BUTOR Standard Oil ProductI "Trouble Freo Fuel Oil Service for the Home" 118 S. Third HA 6-4411 i Beckwith's Exclusive Deale for 129 Railroad HA 6-3283 Prepp' Rexall Store 'In Business for Your Health" SHELTON, WAgH. Spocialty is barbecue BOWLING IS FUN for the Whole Family Practice Bowling - 3 Lines/g1 Gale and Lois Albrecht Shelton Recreation 128 N, First HA 6-6252 Odd Fellow 2nd & Cota HA 6-6311 Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Pianos  Organs Acoordlon Lessons Band Instruments Sheet Music Western Auto Supply "THE FAMILY STORE" WIZARD The Name for Quality 315 S. First HA 6-6183 Put tip part of last name Shelton Electric 419 Railroad H A 6-6283 Wvtinghouse Appliances The'best costs no more Budget Shop and Decorating Center Past Kiwanis president Across from Evergreen Square Lawton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools Rentals 420 S. First HA 6.4303 t Thackeray Electric CO. "Electrical Contractors" Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Rltner's Br011er The nation above his door. "For Fine Foods at Realmnable Prioee" 102 S. First HA 6-4223 Where Io Look for Olues... Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights Clues may be hidden in ANY ad In this group appears in any of these ads, it means that that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one any ad -- or none. This is a contest of skill  and We our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to RVLES 1. This is a tamlly fun contest. En- trie welcome from every member of the family old oUSh to fill out his or her own. OU MAY submit one en- try per perso at any or all of the Sponaoring Merchants whoe ads are in the row that is heavily bordered " this week  but only one entEF per pemoa at an one store (more than one will disqtifF all sntr!u of that person r tt wk). Anyone may enter unless a member of your family l l,₯e bY the JONAL, Sport- sorlng Merclmnts and their families (and their employees and families) are most reicome to eatel' ]K,vPT dBrin the weeks that the 81$osorlng Mer- chant's store Is festured, 2. blothJng to buy. Use any slip of paper for entry blank. DO NOT put your entry in an enveloRe. Not neces- mary to be present at the drawing to win. Not necessary to be a subscriber to th JOURNAL to participate. $. WHO'S WHO may" be anyone in the Mason County area. Clues to his (or her) identity will be hidden ONLY in ad of Sponsoring Merchant (this mes.m any ad in this section or any ad of the* same merchant elsewhere in the paper). When star(s) appear in any ad in this section, it is your warn- ing that other ad(s) of the same mer- chant (in which there may be clues) appear elsewhere in the paper. Clues will be scattered--many ads will have no clues, while qthers may have as many as five. This is a contest of skill, and we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted if you success in outguessing us, in spite of our best effortsl 4. Tf by coincidence, the name of the WHO'8 WHO (or other facts about him) happen to appear in news items, editorial matter, or other places in this newspaper, these will not count as dues. 5. To enter, write down the name you think the WHO'S WHO is. List all the clues you can find in all the ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in this iesue. Don't forget your own name and addresIil Then, drop your entry tt any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad Is between the-heaVY Issue. You may wish! There are no entries will be tries wiU not be bet of the family tries for that i2 mut be 6. This week's you receive this p.m. Monday of that time (5 drawing wilE be drawn that WHO'S WHO wi!l entry also lists ads of Sponsorir NUS of $,.@ ever this added to next will continue to g Winning the FECT list of clue be,, and all copie 7. At une the contest, a held to determine MYSTERY will take place drawing Is regniar drawing € for the drawing JACKPOT. Whiner JACKPOT will drawn rafter drawing) which rect identification and a perfect list will not be held for POT every week. 8. Every aken to hat might be ,rrorless GUARANTEED lisher of the judge in all quest: s final. Family ter chance to wife, huqband. Or youngster MAY roles ! GeL uny PerrY Think YOU can • . Reineulber, don't enter! MRS, ETHEL Dalby reports a gathering of the clan over the past three weeks. Mrs. Dalby's daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Abrams and family Gwen, Bill and Valarie of Long Beach, California who have been visiting three weeks, Mr. and Mrs. David Dalby and children, Marilyn Marie, Susan and David, Jr. of San Point, Idaho spent the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Dalby and daughter, Karen of Ed- monds spent the weekend, and Kenneth Dalby visited his father Mr. Ed Dalby for the week. Also guests over the weekend were Mr. Abrams' brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abrams of Twisp, Wash. Mr. Waldo Chase and Mr. Ted Bailey, the "Busy Beavers" 4-H entertained, weekend guests, Capt. (USCG Ret.) and Mrs. D. B. Mac- Diarmid and daughter Elizabeth. ( " IOW TO (r The MacDiarntid's are enroute i f O PlO__ 1 from their last station in Staten Island, New York. They left here for Port Angeles where they will • I den. Dr. McFadden is Mason County District Representative. While there the McDiarmid's will visit with old friends made while stationed there in 1938 to 1943, They will then travel on to San Diego where they plan to make their home. Annual snmmer visitors to the Canal who have come to vacation are Mr and Mrs. John Galhip and " FOR YOUR " their four Children of Seattle. Mrs. Gallup is the former Jane Brokaw of Shelton. Also vacationing are OI L H EAT 1 Mr. and Mrs. Haines Gassner, ot Seattle, who sailed to the Canal in [[  their sail boat the "Pixie" and ate .,, v moored at Alderbrook. And MI'. and Mrs. Hubert Jensen ald Yhs day e, mr tank with Shell Heatin C daughters Jndy and Gall Qf Se- "lifeguards' go to work to protect your attle, your storage tank. They are two mors 10 DANCE Saturday, Aug. 8 SHELTON VALLEY 6range Hall , Refresh|TJents * Dances 2nd and 4th saturdays i i i FIRE. AUTO ROBT. As SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 i ? C -- tt t SWELTON-MASON C0" JOURNAL-- Published Jn <'CrLtmasfou:n, r ..... A.: heltnn, Washh Sweetest Flower That Grows: BUFOR9 ROSE, CAR SELLER, SIXTH MYSTERY PERSONALITY By any other name, Buford Rose wouldn't have been this week's mystery person, This "Journal sub'- scriber for 36 years," was the sixth mystery cilaracter in the "Who's Who in Mason County" contest. Angleside residents surely mnst have recognized tile man who "has (a) beautiful corner house on An- gleside" and wimse "specialty is barbecue." ltO,E, a BufORD dealer, ex- cels in dishing up charcoal-broiled hot dogs, and is fast moving into the fiehl of hamburgers, Sti('kers in tiffs week's contest were ills ear license number which appeared twi(:e in tile Ee]ls and Valley ad on page 10, "XAF-455,'" and "average weight 178 lbs.," in, the Tltriftway ad, page 16. i Those with lfigh-powered magni- fyinK glasses no doubt were quick to eat(.i] two similar clues in Mc- Conkey's ad, page 16: "fragrant flower," and *'name is a flower." all wrung out -, ) old.fashioned way? "t us,,.,.4 7 X7 SELF-SERVICE, COIN-OPERATED LAUNDRY New Ownership New Low Prices Across from Safeway 26o WASH lOg DRY lII Why waste money rslldag wornut sppflans? For I few oards • week. you can u* all the top.load, sgitetor-type washers... N.SpI.KI driers you ne0d. Do )K)ur whole  JA kin; thaA it kour st Econas ALTOGETHER, 26 cities dotted the 16-page Journal last week. For entrants who want to take a sec- ond look through the paper, posi- tions arut clues were as follows: Sells part of first name-O.K. Rubber, pg. 1. Set chokers in woods-.Western Auto, pg. 2. Two grandchildren--Kimbel Mo- tors, pg. 2. Likes gardening--Lawton Lum- ber, pg. 6. 7 htxtent flsherman--Ritner's, pg. 'Wears glasses--Ritner's, pg. 7. Lawn-cutting hobby-- Johnny's Music Box, pg. 9 Bob, Don and Darrell--.Saeger's Motor Shop, pg. 10. XAF-455--iells & Valley, pg. 10 (twice in same ad). Has butcher, baker and plate- maker---Eells & Valley, pg. 10. Thrifty by nature---Kitsap-Ma- son Dairymen's Assn., pg. 13. Has beautiful corner house on Angleside--Shelton Hotel, pg. 13. Bm'n Jefferson City, Mo.--Lum- bermen's Mercantile, pg. 13. Ex-shlpyard timekeeper --- Eells & Valley, pg. 14. Wife wears glasses .... Lumber- men's Mercantile, pg. 14. Has three sons--Manley'a Foun- tain, pg. 14. * Trimmed plenty of people Beckwith Jewelry, pg. 14. Fragrant flower McConkey's, pg. 16. Name is a flower--.McConkey's, pg. 16. Average weight 178 lbs.---Thrift- way, pg. 16. AND THESE in the sponsors joint ad on page 12: Ex-IOOF No- ble Grand. Forrest Flowers; Ex- shoemaker, O. K. Rubber; Special- ty is barbecue. Prepp's; Wife's name Johanna. McConkey's, and California vseations. Angle Agen- cy. The clue positions are bares. Sharpen your wits, and resume the hunting in today's Journal for this Open 24 Hours a Day,7 Days a weekl VICTORY CUPS AWARDED RACE WINNERS AT UNION By Tiilla Kinlhall ITNION One hundred nnd s('v- enty sports ear o%vnel's all(I en- thusiasts fronl fill parts of tile, Wosl Coast calne to Ahlerbrook Inn for a vielory dinner after tile Seafair Sp(}rls Oitr l'aces xhi(:i were held at the Sh(qion Airport Sumtay. After dinner the vicim'y cups were awar(ted the winntq's. MR. AND MiI,% Randall Up- dyke and Cas,,y Supple, their yonng friend frmn California wile is spending the sllmmer traveled to Mt. Ruinier Tues(lay, wiwre they camped overnight at lira Ta- home campsite. Wednesday Mrs. Updyke r e p o r t s they hiketl through the trails and returned home that evening, a little worse for wear from all tile exercise. Miss Lois Beckman is visiting her brothe anti Iris wife, Mr. and Mrs. I)on Beckman. Miss Ileck. man will be visiting during a part of her lrlonth's vacatiou from I:u- ion Oil in Seattle where slle is employed as secretary. :Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bittle enter- tainod Sunday at a small family Simpson Workers Honored at Party Andy Hopland and Anton Mik- leihun, two Simpson Logging Company veteran employees, were guests of honor last Thursday at retirement cerenmnies at Central Shops. ,  , , The eer, mony was attended b5 the two men's fellow employees at the shops, and lawn clmirs were presented to both men. Hopland retired earlier this year as paint foreman at the shops. He worked continuously for Simpson fl'om 1948 until his retirement and for two shorter stretches before that. He came to Shelton In 1924. Mlklethuil, who leaves a son and grandson still working in the shops, has been working on the (lleanup crew. He also is a painter by trade. week's mystery personality. Keep in mind all the rules, espe- cially No. 2 and 3. The judges are tricky, and clues may be deceiving. Check the sponsoring firms' ads ONLY  and make sure your entrms are on a slip of paper, and NOT enclosed in an envelope. Judges recommend all rules be taken into account before ferret- ing out'the handful of clues. The collection boxes for this week's contest have been placed at Dairy Queen, First and Cedar; Shelton Electric, 419 Railroad Ave.; Budget Shop, across from Evergreen Square on Railroad Ave.: Lawton Lumber Co., 420 S. First; Thackeray Electric Co., 217 Cots St., and Ritner's Broiler, 102 S. First. Deadline for entries is 5 p.m., Monday. Bear in mind the time element and contest rules. Good hunting, and visit your optometrist twice a year! gatherip.g. Visiting were Mrs. Bil- tle's three sistors and l}leil' htls- ballds, M]r. and Mrs. Eilgene Siniill of Qtlilcene, Mr. and ]%{l'S. XVillialli Gregory and cllii(h'erl Bill and Jennie of Taconla, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calller(l!l of Zeliail lind lileir grandsoll Sleveil tedenlJallgh of Wapalo, and the Biitle's ttaugh- ler Slid son-in-hiw Mr. and Mrs. Nat Stairs anti datighter, Cindy, of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner en- tertained hollse gllests tCriday anti Sailirday, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Es- nol' of Dilngenness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson entertained ala picnic dinner hon- oring their grandson Rex Keyes's eighteenth birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. AI Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. William Durward, Mr. and Mrq. William Sctlmidt and Mr. and Mrs. l_)ouglisa Keyes a/i(l daughter Katholeen =ill of Olyin- pie. Happy birthday, Rex. MR. AND MRS. Ira Morse and family traveled to Longview to atiend a birthday party for Mrs. Morse's sister, Mrs. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith of Un- ion were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Poison en- tertained Mrs. Polson's sister-in- law, Mrs. E. P. Read of North Hollywood, California and Mrs. Read's mother Mrs. B. E. Paslay of ibel'deen, over the weekend. Wednesdav Mrs, Louis Van Ars- dais gave a luncheon party for Mrs. Read and a fe.w friends at AIderbrook Iml. Mrs. Rosanne Leman and her two bovs anti another friend of the bojs spent the past week va- cationing at tim Coyle Cottage in Union. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vihaltes were visited Friday and Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Nte Rtllakes of Mc- Cleary and the Rillakes's niece, Miss Alexander Rlllakes from AOmns, Greece. Miss Rillakes is to spend two years in this coun- try furthering her education at the University of Washington. :Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richard- son and daughter Scheri spent Friday and Saturday visiting Mr. Richardson's sister and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Berg- hind in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Metzler entertained friends for dinner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blunt of Phoenix, Arizona Mrs. Roxanne Hagenderfer, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hagendeffer and children Linda and Larry of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stacy, of Shelton. The Hagender- fer's daughter Linda will remain with the Metzler's for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Carlisle were happy to have old family friends visiting them Monday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stevens and their daughter Mrs. Wayne Faucette and son Darrell all of Longbranch and Mrs. A1 Parrish of Bremerton. MRS. L. G. McClellan and Mrs. Gene Whiteside of Aberdeen vis- ited Mrs. E. G. Wiesinger and her sister Mrs. G. W. Barlow the past Thursday, That evening Mr. and leader took the boys (in a camli- Mrs. Weisinger and her guest; ing trip to Flap Jack Lakes. The were entertained for dinner at group left Saturday morning at "Sea Vats" by Mrs. John Schafer. 6:30. They hiked into the lake Mrs. Wands Wyatt attended a where there was great fun swim- bridal shower for Miss Robin O1- ruing and then on to the top of ever at the home of Mrs. Bishop near Shelton Saturday afternoon. Over the weekend Wands had'her mother, Mrs. William err of BeN fair, visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean have entertained several friends and Mt. Gladys where the boy:: all [)tit their names in the cairn. When they returned from tits mountain they found a beautiful three point buck at the lakes. The boys pro- ceeded to chase it. and they all got quite a scare when the deer be- relatives over the past week. came cornered. He lowerd his Thursday Mr. Owen Moore, a horns, and Ted says the boys really nephew, from Los Angeles, Cal- scattered and made way for Mr. ifm'nia and Mr. John Cronder yes- Deer to l:eturn to the safety of his ite(t for the day. Mrs. Phil Cope, freest .home. Boys on tile trip a niece from Anacortes, Wash., were Dour and Seth Coles, Don- and her son Charles Cope, who is ald and Ronald Wright, Danny stationed at Bangor Marine Base, Bremerton, spent Saturday and Sunday. Also visitor Saturday tel,curl! Wednesday were a niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cutting and children Bill and Paula from Bently, Kansas. Mrs. Aline Gabrielson flew home to Califmia last week after a visit with her mother Mrs. Nina Miller. They will retnrn to the canal again during Mr. Gabriel- son's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale" and Gary Peirce, Donald Deemer a, nd Ted's son Ronnie. Ted is sor- ry to say he will be forced to re- sign as 4-H leader dlle to lack of time. We wish that some man or woman in the neighborhood can take his place as it is important to continue the 4-H work. THE HOOD CANAL Garden Club will hold its annual meeting at the beautiful riverside home of Mr. Tom Webb Thursday. Travel Air - Rail" TOURS • HA 6-8272 | 401 SH cf our Certified Comic,S heating pl nothing extral ' FOA-SX. 0nly Shell Heating Oil Prsvente clogging o.t burner's filter screem eQNITOR. Thii Shell additive counteracts sateen which may be present in the bottom Our driver adds it automatically--at no Count on us for PREMIUM GOTT OIL CO Bayshore Rd. -- Ph• HA 6-3322 OK Rubber Welders 2226 N. Olympic Hwy, W:r:':::s:,s Leroy's Television. SERVICE Motorola Television & Radios "You Get Guaranteed Quality in Salee and Sorvloe" 2218 N. Olympto Hwy. HA 6-3172 Rex Floor Coverings * ........ .i ,ounter Doyurlngl r4 A u-2292 1723 Olymplo Hwy. N. J & J Service ' "The Best Friend Your Car Ever Had" Mr, View HA 6-3956 Wlngard's Sport Shop Complete FIshing and Hunting 8upplles "Take Along A Buddy" All Rldent K Non-Resident Lloenses 2210 Olympic Hwy, N. HA 6-8672 Saeger's Motor Shop • Johnun Outboards • Homellte Power Saws • 8kagit Boats 8ales 4, Service HIIloreet HA 6-4602 DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar WHO's WHO IN MASON COUNTY CONTEST Evergreen Texaco FIRESTONE TIRES Motor Tuneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrication, Brake Relining 1st & Franklin HA 6-3031 Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton's Favorite" For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner or Just a 8nak 125 Cota HA 6-9953 Sears Catalog SALES OFFICE "Satisfaction Gulranteed or You1" Money Back" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 "Lock to the Finest First" at Eells & Valley APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2rid HA 6-4663 Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut FIowe - Plante Floral Designs Flowers and Gifts for All Oo0asions Flowers by Wire' 313 Railroad HA 6-6513 Shelton Union Service • First in tire---U. S. Royal • Economy Car Wash • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Past J.C. president Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream * Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove HA g.4473 | Shelton Hotel "If You Can Find A Better Place To Eat  Try It!" • Banquet Facilities Assistant Scoutmaster • Sat. Nite 6morgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6-3341 Les Fields Auto Parts INC. Complete line of patti for all cars & truoks Automotive Maohine Shop Tools '---" Batteries 229 $. First klA 6,3351 Timber Appliance A uthorlzed Dealer Salel & Service ElcCtrlcal Contracting Heating  Wiring HA 6-4633 114 $. 2nd Bill Johnson's Shell Service "Service First -- 8atisfaotion Always" Goodyear Tires  Nic-L-Sllver Batteries First & Cota HA 6-3903 Quality at Budget Prices MODE O' DAY Evergreen Square , HA 6-8293 Waterfront Realty featuring ,PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terra Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 6-8636  Depart- merit Store ',Friondly 8rvioe Sirloe 1895" *** THE BEST IN Ineuronoe Coverage & Service Angle Agency Insuranee- Real Estate. Travel 4th & R.R. HA S-8272 20th Century Thriftway "Where Every Customer Is Important" HILLCREST Evergreen Fuel Co; Diesel Oil & Stove Oil Automatio Refill 8ervloe 819 S. First HA 64103 Hard first name BOON'S Plumbing, Heatlng & Sheet Metal Contracting  Plumbing Golf course veep. Supplies  011 Burners Furnaoes 823 $. Firt l-IA 6-3483 Wheatley & Kry Co. "Service and Quality First" in Plumbing  Heating Paper -- Paint Contracting 317 8. First HA 6-4553 M. and S. Food Store Quality Food -- Low Prices Free Dollvery 120 Cots HA 6-4892 Fessler's ICE CREAM CENTER "You Can't Better The Best" Premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular PriceI 422 N. First HA 6-6575 For over 24 years It has been MoOonkey's for Drugs "Two Locations to Serve You" 306 Railroad 329 Railroad HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456 C. C. Cole &. Sons 'OI8TRI BUTOR Standard Oil ProductI "Trouble Freo Fuel Oil Service for the Home" 118 S. Third HA 6-4411 i Beckwith's Exclusive Deale for 129 Railroad HA 6-3283 Prepp' Rexall Store 'In Business for Your Health" SHELTON, WAgH. Spocialty is barbecue BOWLING IS FUN for the Whole Family Practice Bowling - 3 Lines/g1 Gale and Lois Albrecht Shelton Recreation 128 N, First HA 6-6252 Odd Fellow 2nd & Cota HA 6-6311 Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Pianos  Organs Acoordlon Lessons Band Instruments Sheet Music Western Auto Supply "THE FAMILY STORE" WIZARD The Name for Quality 315 S. First HA 6-6183 Put tip part of last name Shelton Electric 419 Railroad H A 6-6283 Wvtinghouse Appliances The'best costs no more Budget Shop and Decorating Center Past Kiwanis president Across from Evergreen Square Lawton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools Rentals 420 S. First HA 6.4303 t Thackeray Electric CO. "Electrical Contractors" Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Rltner's Br011er The nation above his door. "For Fine Foods at Realmnable Prioee" 102 S. First HA 6-4223 Where Io Look for Olues... Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights Clues may be hidden in ANY ad In this group appears in any of these ads, it means that that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one any ad -- or none. This is a contest of skill  and We our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to RVLES 1. This is a tamlly fun contest. En- trie welcome from every member of the family old oUSh to fill out his or her own. OU MAY submit one en- try per perso at any or all of the Sponaoring Merchants whoe ads are in the row that is heavily bordered " this week  but only one entEF per pemoa at an one store (more than one will disqtifF all sntr!u of that person r tt wk). Anyone may enter unless a member of your family l l,₯e bY the JONAL, Sport- sorlng Merclmnts and their families (and their employees and families) are most reicome to eatel' ]K,vPT dBrin the weeks that the 81$osorlng Mer- chant's store Is festured, 2. blothJng to buy. Use any slip of paper for entry blank. DO NOT put your entry in an enveloRe. Not neces- mary to be present at the drawing to win. Not necessary to be a subscriber to th JOURNAL to participate. $. WHO'S WHO may" be anyone in the Mason County area. Clues to his (or her) identity will be hidden ONLY in ad of Sponsoring Merchant (this mes.m any ad in this section or any ad of the* same merchant elsewhere in the paper). When star(s) appear in any ad in this section, it is your warn- ing that other ad(s) of the same mer- chant (in which there may be clues) appear elsewhere in the paper. Clues will be scattered--many ads will have no clues, while qthers may have as many as five. This is a contest of skill, and we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted if you success in outguessing us, in spite of our best effortsl 4. Tf by coincidence, the name of the WHO'8 WHO (or other facts about him) happen to appear in news items, editorial matter, or other places in this newspaper, these will not count as dues. 5. To enter, write down the name you think the WHO'S WHO is. List all the clues you can find in all the ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in this iesue. Don't forget your own name and addresIil Then, drop your entry tt any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad Is between the-heaVY Issue. You may wish! There are no entries will be tries wiU not be bet of the family tries for that i2 mut be 6. This week's you receive this p.m. Monday of that time (5 drawing wilE be drawn that WHO'S WHO wi!l entry also lists ads of Sponsorir NUS of $,.@ ever this added to next will continue to g Winning the FECT list of clue be,, and all copie 7. At une the contest, a held to determine MYSTERY will take place drawing Is regniar drawing € for the drawing JACKPOT. Whiner JACKPOT will drawn rafter drawing) which rect identification and a perfect list will not be held for POT every week. 8. Every aken to hat might be ,rrorless GUARANTEED lisher of the judge in all quest: s final. Family ter chance to wife, huqband. Or youngster MAY roles ! GeL uny PerrY Think YOU can • . Reineulber, don't enter! MRS, ETHEL Dalby reports a gathering of the clan over the past three weeks. Mrs. Dalby's daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Abrams and family Gwen, Bill and Valarie of Long Beach, California who have been visiting three weeks, Mr. and Mrs. David Dalby and children, Marilyn Marie, Susan and David, Jr. of San Point, Idaho spent the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Dalby and daughter, Karen of Ed- monds spent the weekend, and Kenneth Dalby visited his father Mr. Ed Dalby for the week. Also guests over the weekend were Mr. Abrams' brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abrams of Twisp, Wash. Mr. Waldo Chase and Mr. Ted Bailey, the "Busy Beavers" 4-H entertained, weekend guests, Capt. (USCG Ret.) and Mrs. D. B. Mac- Diarmid and daughter Elizabeth. ( " IOW TO (r The MacDiarntid's are enroute i f O PlO__ 1 from their last station in Staten Island, New York. They left here for Port Angeles where they will • I den. Dr. McFadden is Mason County District Representative. While there the McDiarmid's will visit with old friends made while stationed there in 1938 to 1943, They will then travel on to San Diego where they plan to make their home. Annual snmmer visitors to the Canal who have come to vacation are Mr and Mrs. John Galhip and " FOR YOUR " their four Children of Seattle. Mrs. Gallup is the former Jane Brokaw of Shelton. Also vacationing are OI L H EAT 1 Mr. and Mrs. Haines Gassner, ot Seattle, who sailed to the Canal in [[  their sail boat the "Pixie" and ate .,, v moored at Alderbrook. And MI'. and Mrs. Hubert Jensen ald Yhs day e, mr tank with Shell Heatin C daughters Jndy and Gall Qf Se- "lifeguards' go to work to protect your attle, your storage tank. They are two mors