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12 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY jOURNAL- Published in "Christmas%own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washln 'hursdav.
Be .a
DOIUC pearl
• Center of Downfowu
B Modern, €ornfor+able
. rooms .--'iV, reio
• Golden Egg Dining
Room end Coffee Shop
• Oeken Bucket I.€,mge
• Perking Ave;hble
• No Charge for ChNdrei
Under, 14
• Honor M Malor Credn
' Cerd, $0050
2S0 roon Prom
G. L Perry, Mgr.
Couple (elebrates Crocheting (lothes
40th Anniversary 1 For Grandchildren
C00iebrati.g their 000th wedd.,g, Doll H bby
amiversary JuD, 24, Mr. and Mrs. ! yttllt 0
Eh'oy Nelson of Capitol Hill en- An interesting but different hob-
joyed an evening of dining at by of erocheting doll clothes was
Olympia's Trails End with friends
of Shelton. The balance of the eve-
ning was speol at the Allyn Whit-
aker's residence ¢m Sunrise Beach
near ()lympia.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson were nnil-
ell m marriage a.t a parsonage
wedding ,htly 29, 1919 at Belle
lCo/irche, Sollth Dakota and mov-
ed Io Shelton irl 1923.
They have two sons, Laurel Nel-
son of St. Paul, Minn., Donn Nel-
son ()f Shell;on and 3 grandchil-
Cleanup Day Sat:
At Masonic Temple
Lallrei Cot|r[ No. 4(I, ()rder of
Amaranth are ]'enlillded' of clean
up (Jay at the Masonic Temple
Saturday starting at 9 a.m. All
are asked to bring potluck hmch-
es. Coffee. sugar, bread and but-
ter will be furnished. All Amar-
anth Orders will take part in the
Laurel Court are asked to bring
tlleir rummage to the t'nlate fr
the sale taking p}ace in Septem-
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, August 7 - 8 - 9
Social Even ts
Society Editor • Jenny Knautz • Phone HA. 6-4412
started l0 years ago by Mrs. HeI-' ..............................................................................................................................................................
en Vanheesch. Since that time she
Yvonne Torgusen, Francis DeMiero
Repeat Vows in Bremerton Rites
htce net in back to form a short
train. The bride carried a blue
R(kuary given her by Ms: Jo-
sephine Frank, grandmother. Her
bouquet was of white rosebuds
and stephanotis with purple
throated white orchid.
The bride's sister, Judy Jo Tor-
gusen attended as maid of honor
attired in a green organdy dress
with white hat and accessories.
She carried a white rosebud nose-
BRII)ESMAIDS were Ann Mun-
son, Bonnie Vargo and Nancy
Cullen, wearing green organdy
dresses with white ribbon belts
and bows in back. They carried
Our Lady Star of The Sea Cath-
olic church in Breznerton was the
scene of the July 4 wedding of
Miss Yvonne Evelyn Torgusen to
Francis Gene DeMiero. The bride
is the daughter of Mrs. Evelyn
Ashbaugh, Bremerton, and Elmer
H. Torgun, Port Orchard. Mr.
DeMiero is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William DeMiero, Belfair.
The Reverend William L. Shel-
ley officiated at the double ring
ceremony. Daryl Spadacini pro-
vialed the organ music,
father the bride wore a floor length
gown of white Chantilly lace over
satin, featuring 3 tiers of pleated
has been making clothes for doll=s :
representing cities, countries, i
stales and even fail'), land At the j
present time Mrs. Vanheesch has
42 dolls of various asortment on
display, lncluded are France, Ger-
many, ItalY, Scotland, Norway,
England, Spain, China, Switzer-
land, West Indies. Mexico, h'eland,
Holland, Latin America, Brazil
and United States.
Comments Mrs. Vanheesch, "1
started to make clothes for the
dolls of my granddaughters and
just continued with it." The size
of dolls are usually 8 inches.
Mrs. Vanheesch, who lives with
her daughter at 703 South 16th
has crocheted a complete brida.l
set and claims she'd do many more
it patterns were available,
'Send Off' Shower
....................................... Pink rosebud nosegays.
Dirt Dobbers Go ter of the bride attended as flow-
tarrlng: Ingrid Bergman
and CuPt Jurgens
The miracle of love, courage,
snd devotion that was born un-
der the China Sky: What is
the Sixth Ig#tppiness? Each of
us must find it in our own
hearts! Thrilling! Wonderful!
Heartshakg! ......... A glorious
Starring Molly Bee and
Alan Reed Jr.
Your whnle family will be wild
about it! The st,)rT of today-'s
school bells to wedding bells
generation. Hear Molly Bee
sing tlutt smash )ng hit"Go-
ing Steady" (with a dream).
Next Week, August 14 - 15 - 16
"RIO BIRAVO"--Starring Becky Nelson, Dean Martin, and John
Wayne . . . and . . . "LIFE BEGINS AT SEVENTEEN" with
your farite "Cookie" of 77 Sunset Strip, Ed Byrnes!
............................................ &a;,;g ,jgu-Si r 2(:K:a ......................................
"Rally Rtound.the Flag Boys" and "Sheriff of Fractured Jaw."
i iii i i I I IL ..........
Fetes Recent Bride
A surprise personal shower fet-
ed Mrs. Jerry Twidwell (nee Ih,ne
Crossan) as a "send-off" from
kokonlish Valley to Long Beach,
California where she will be liv-
ing with her husband who is sta-
tioned there ia tte Navy.
The shower given last Thl rsday
afternoon in the hme of Mrs.
Herman R. Berg, Skokolish Val-
ley, was attended by friedu of the
Hostesses were Marge Ben'g,
Esther Johnson and Barbara ]rIan-
kins. Cake and cocoa were seryed
as refreshments.
Fellow Nebraska.s!
The annual Nebraska picnic will
be held August 9, 1959, at Pt. De-
fiance PaPk, Tacoma.
To meet old friends from home
and make some new ones too, Ne-
braskans are asked to make the
picnic a huge success with their
Early arrivers will have a bet-
ter chance at the registration
prize. Free coffee and Kool-Aid
will be served. For furlher infor-
mation call: JU 8-4.550 or GR 2-
ST00K ............
and AH Types of Oedar Fenoes
$ Paints > V="x 6- Cedar -- One Side Rough, One Side Finished t stains }
i i i H l i' ,,
BEAT the
HEAT ...
II's L000AL . . .
Driftwood Hunting
Dirt Dobber garden members
spent an ejoyabte day on Stretch
Ishmd recently. "Driftwood hunt-
ing" for decorative a.rrartgements
was tim purpose. Interesting par-
titles of many sizes and shapes
were fmmd. The club members al-
so brought sack hmches for pic-
While there Mr. Howard Som-
ers willingly showed the ladies
through the winery and told some-
thing of the wine making history.
The next meeting will be held
at the Island Lake home of Then
ma Adams for a potluck picnic,
At,gust 11 at 10 a.m.
Oancer Beadline
Sat Augud 15lh
August 15 is the deadline for
training in the 1959 Cancer cam-
palga funds. Mrs. George Cropper,
commander of the Mason County
chapter reports that $2300 of the
$2700 goal has been reached.
Artyone wishing to make con-
trib,tttions to the fund before the"
dead,line may give them to Laurie
Carlson, campaign treasurer, at
the Seattle First National bank.
Memorial donations may be
made throughout the year to Mrs.
V. T. Connolly, memorial chair-
man. Mrs. Cropper also expressed.
her sincere thanks to all of the
volunteer workers who devoted so
much of their time to the success
of the fund raising.
Stork Shower Features
Mrs. Frederick McGee
A stork shower featuring not
one, but two storks, carried out
the theme for the parly Miss
Charleen Smith gave for Mrs.
Frederick McGee on Friday, July
' pink arid white color scheme
e,a:iled and china "baby shocs"
held dainty flowers for the occa-
The precision dressing of a lil e
size doll by guests, was part of
the evenings entertainment. Priz-
es were won by Mrs. Harold Ven-
able and Mrs. Ruth Wolfe.
The gifts were placed in a white
wicker bassinet which had an at-
tractive overskirt of pink satin
and white embroidered nylon.
Refreshments were served from
a table, covered with a pink linen
cloth in a setting of pink and
white gladiolus and candles., A
cake designed in the shape or a
s t or k completed the setting.
Guests attending were from Shel-
ton, Olympia, and Seattle.
... Eat delicious DARIGOLD
Ice Cream
Darigold iee cream is produd
and processed in Mason and
Kitsap Counties.
Keep cool the
sweet way...
Aviation metalamith 1st cla during Vv'Vv'II.
Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Assn.
THIRD AND GROVE • • Phone HA 6-443
Bonnie Jean Ashbaugh, half sis-
er girl in a floor length green or-
gandy gown trimmed in white
lace arid rosebuds.
William Jtmior DeMiero, broth-
er of the groom, served as best
man. Ushering were William WaN
baum, Jr.. Jerome Torgnsen and
James Harstad.
For he:' daughtrer's wedding,
Mrs. Ashbaugh wore a pink lace
dress over taffeta with white ac-
cssories and corsage. Mrs. De-
Miero chose a pink sheath dress
with white jacket and accessories
with corsage.
A RECEPTION followed the
ceremony in the Belfair Fire Hall.
Serving the wedding cake topped
with the Maltese Cross were: Mes-
dames Sylvia Ryan and Mawln
Iverson. Groom's cake, Mesdames
Paul DeMiero and Melvin Mat-
son. Pouring, Mesdames Ronald
Frank and William Walbaum. In
charge of the guest book was Miss
Darla DeMiero. Misses Judy Sat-
ran, Sylvia J:)eMiero and Charlotte
Jolley took charge of the gifts.
The bride changed to a blue
flowered sheath with blue duster
and white accessories for the wed-
dtng trip to Victo'ia, B. C.
The bride is a graduate of
Bremerton West High, class ot
1959. The groom is graduated
from South Kitsap High and at-
tends Olympic College. He is em-
ployed at "ged's Serve-U, Belfair.
8 et 40 Entertained
At Beach Party Picnic
Members of Mason County Sa-
lon No. 508, 8 and 40 were enter-
tained at a beach party and pic-
nic last 'ruesday by Mrs. Martha
Witsiers, Chapeaux; and Mrs. Ran
Melcum. Secretaire-Cassiere; at
the summer home of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Jackson at Allyn. Visiting
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Whitney, Grapeview; Mrs. Earl
Johnson, Ally,; and Mr. Gene
Martin of Union. Mrs. Whitney
and Mrs. Johnson are members o
Pierce County Salon, Tacoma. "
Attending the 8 and 40 Marche
which was a statewide meeting in
Yakima last Tuesday were Mrs.
Witsiers and Miss Mary Dobson,
Chapeaux-elect. Mrs. Wttsiera will
serve as a page and assist at the
Memorial Service.
Benefit Dance to Be
Held in Valley Hall
A benefit dance will be held at
the Shelton Valley Grange hall
Saturday, August 8 from 9:30
p.m. till 2 a.m. Supper will be
served and the "Tune Toppers",
grange orchestra wiU provide mu-
Piekering Community
Picnic at Mason Lake
Pickering community picnic will
be held on the Simpson Recreation
grounds at Mason Lake August
13. Each family is to bring enough
wieners and buns for themselves
and a potluck dish.
Montana State Picnic
At Waterworks Park
The Montana State picnic club
will hold their annual picnic at
Waterworks Park, one balf mile
S. W. of Gorst, on Augmt 16. Cof-
fee, sugar, cregm and ice cream
will be served. Bring cups and
coffee containers.
V.F.W. Meeting Aug. 7
Commander Darrell Sparks an-
nounces that Veterans of Foreign i
Wars Post 1694 will meet in the i
Shelton Memorial Building at 8
pm.. on Friday, August 7. At this
meeung plan will be completed
for the annual picnlo for the Pot,
and its Auxiliary, which will be
held at Maple Beach on Sunday,
August 33. . .
Delegates wil! be erected to a-
tend th$ 5th Distriot annual fall
conference which will be held on
Saturday, September 12 in Mg-
Cleary. Preparations for handling
the recent nation wide increase in
membership will be the principle
order of business at the McCleary
meeting which will bring together
representatives from the V.F.W.
Pots in Olympia, Shelton, Mc-
Cleary, Elma, Montesan0, Aber-
deen, Hoquiam, Raymond and
Westport. L. F. Godwin, Shelton
Post Adjutant, is the Junior Vice
Commander for the 5th District.
Mr. and Mrs. James Robert
Echols and their two sons, Rob
and Jack. have been visiting Mr.
Echols' parents, the Reverend and
Mrs. Robert B. Echols, at the
Episcopal church vicarage, during
the past weeks.
The boys have taken an active
pa in the Shelton recreational
program which has been in prog-
ress: baseball at Loop Field and
swimming at Lake Isabella.
Mr. James Echols is now in the
Far East, making one of the tours
of the bionational centers which is
a part of his work with the United
States Information Service; on his
r etu t a_y will Lv h.,
ton by car, for theirhome in
Washington, D. C.
Eagles Aux. Plan
Card Party and
Rummage Sale ,
A rummage sale at the PUD
Building August 7 and 8 will be
sponsored by the Eagles Auxil-
iary They will also hold a public
card party at the Eagles hall air-
port August 15 beginning at 8
Rebekah Guests
Receive Gifts
Twenty-two Past Noble Grands
answered roll call at Ruby Rebek-
ah Lodge Friday, July 24t.h and
were tlonnred guests of the eve-
Mrs. Ruth Yule announced for
the "Ways and Means Committee"
October 17, the date set for the
Bazaar and Dinner to be held at
the Armory, The cookbogks which
are being prepared through the
efforts of Mrs. Dave Price, Noble
Grand, will be available by that
Refreshments were served b.:
committee of Mrs. Ella McCul-
loch, Mrs. Clay Berry and Mr
Theresa Baekervfl}e. The guests
received gifts from the Noble
Grand and the ceramic dining
room place-cards were the gift of
Mrs. McCulloch.
The Lodge received the infor-
mation that President of the Re-
bekah Assembly, Mrs. Ira Brown
of Vancouver, will make her offio
cial visit on August 14. Officers
and members are requested ta
wear formals.
Youths to Enjoy
Panhandle 0amp
Enjoying the outdoor camping
experience at Panhandle camp
next week will be approvimately
150 youths of junior age, 2nd
through 7th grades from Baptist
churches in Olympia, Hoodsport,
Skokomish and Shelton area.
q'he camp will begin Monday
and adjourn on the following Fri-i
day Dean of the camp will be
Rev. Knautz assisted by Mrs.
Knautz. Special features will in-
clude a banquet Thursday eve-
ning, birthday night celebration,
Reverend Sam Castles of Sudan
Interior Mission and camp pastor,
Rev. Charlie Myers of Olympia.
Today is the deadline for camp
regLstration which may be obtain-
ed in the respective area churches.
A bus will be leaving the Shelton
Baptist church at 10:30 Monday
Hugh MoSweyn Enrolls
At Indiana Oollege '
Indiana Technical College has
accepted for enrollment the appli-
cation of Hugh Randell McSweyn,
son of Mr. and Mrs. ttugh Me-
Sweyn, of Route 1.
Under the college's plan of stud°
ies, the student begins specializ-
ing in one of ten engineering and
science fields in his sophomore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Berg
and family from Kodiac, Alaska
have been visiting his mother,
Mrs. H. G. Berg. They are now
moving to Juneau, Alaska where
Richard will be state purchasing
agent. 0
V.F.W. Schedules
August Activites
The regular business meeting of
the V.F.W. auxiliary will be hehl
Friday, August 7 at g p.m. in the
Memorial Building with president,
Betty Godwin presiding. After the
meeting a "pie social" will be held
for members of the post. Mrs.
Bernice Jansson will bring the
Maple beach, August 23, is the
place and date of the annual pic-
nic for the post and its auxiliary.
Colleen Gephart and Cecilia Gun-
Ler will be supervising the menu
of food. A potluck picnic is plan-
ned, with coffee and ice cream be-
ing served by the organization.
Fuz'thm' dscussion concerning the
picnic will be held at Friday's
All members should gather ma.-
terial for the rummage sale to be
held in the future. All items of
clothing as well as toys, furniture,
etc. are needed. Florence Hamil-
ton is i1 charge and may be con-
tacted for further information.
Jeri Frederickson
To Wed Seattleite
Mr. and Mr.. Paul Frederickson
wish to announce the engagement
and coming marriage of their
daughter, Jeri, to James C. Miles,
son of Mr. C. W. Miles and Mrs.
McGilvra of Seattle. No wedding
date has been set.
Former Resident Here
Mrs. A. D. Killmer, Campbell,
Calif. former Shelton resLdent and
friend Mrs. Rebbie Pitchford of
San Jose, California are visiting
here fox' a few weeks with Mr's sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. O. M. Steen, Shelton and
daughter, Mrs. Bob Jennings (Pat
Killmer) and family in Seattle.
While here they picked up Mrs.
Steen and drove to Wenatchee to
visi another sister, Mrs. Gus Jen-
sen and son Alvin, also former
Shelton residents.
HA .Sa
" :L
When ym travel, on land, mea or air, YO
of mind. This comes from knowing you have
agoinst acddentl death and Injuries, and
property is also protected. Buy this low cost
dent and Trip Baggage Insurance; then sit
ond get the most out of your trip---any td €
Angle Agency
Helps people protect themselves 5.1
Anglo Build|rig • Phone HA
, 00eady for Any BUdget Emer
-4 o°
Do'unexpected expenses usually occur when your euh fib low?. Be d
next time by openg a Seafirst Ready-Cdit Account. Then
Imrrow wh where and for whatever y.u wih--just by
Seafirst Ready-Credit hdpa you keep order in your fmandal aair
Money paid in each month not only reduc your loan balance, but €
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use it... and you borrow at the low Seafirst rate of 1% per month,
You repay'monthly only 1/24th of your credit line or 10% of
standing balance, whichever is the lesser amount ($20 minimum).
eml pay mare if you wish, but you are not required to pay more.
For further detail about Seafirst Rady-Credit, visit, telephone, °tl
It pays to borrow
where you can do
ALL your banking,
12 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY jOURNAL- Published in "Christmas%own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washln 'hursdav.
Be .a
DOIUC pearl
• Center of Downfowu
B Modern, €ornfor+able
. rooms .--'iV, reio
• Golden Egg Dining
Room end Coffee Shop
• Oeken Bucket I.€,mge
• Perking Ave;hble
• No Charge for ChNdrei
Under, 14
• Honor M Malor Credn
' Cerd, $0050
2S0 roon Prom
G. L Perry, Mgr.
Couple (elebrates Crocheting (lothes
40th Anniversary 1 For Grandchildren
C00iebrati.g their 000th wedd.,g, Doll H bby
amiversary JuD, 24, Mr. and Mrs. ! yttllt 0
Eh'oy Nelson of Capitol Hill en- An interesting but different hob-
joyed an evening of dining at by of erocheting doll clothes was
Olympia's Trails End with friends
of Shelton. The balance of the eve-
ning was speol at the Allyn Whit-
aker's residence ¢m Sunrise Beach
near ()lympia.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson were nnil-
ell m marriage a.t a parsonage
wedding ,htly 29, 1919 at Belle
lCo/irche, Sollth Dakota and mov-
ed Io Shelton irl 1923.
They have two sons, Laurel Nel-
son of St. Paul, Minn., Donn Nel-
son ()f Shell;on and 3 grandchil-
Cleanup Day Sat:
At Masonic Temple
Lallrei Cot|r[ No. 4(I, ()rder of
Amaranth are ]'enlillded' of clean
up (Jay at the Masonic Temple
Saturday starting at 9 a.m. All
are asked to bring potluck hmch-
es. Coffee. sugar, bread and but-
ter will be furnished. All Amar-
anth Orders will take part in the
Laurel Court are asked to bring
tlleir rummage to the t'nlate fr
the sale taking p}ace in Septem-
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, August 7 - 8 - 9
Social Even ts
Society Editor • Jenny Knautz • Phone HA. 6-4412
started l0 years ago by Mrs. HeI-' ..............................................................................................................................................................
en Vanheesch. Since that time she
Yvonne Torgusen, Francis DeMiero
Repeat Vows in Bremerton Rites
htce net in back to form a short
train. The bride carried a blue
R(kuary given her by Ms: Jo-
sephine Frank, grandmother. Her
bouquet was of white rosebuds
and stephanotis with purple
throated white orchid.
The bride's sister, Judy Jo Tor-
gusen attended as maid of honor
attired in a green organdy dress
with white hat and accessories.
She carried a white rosebud nose-
BRII)ESMAIDS were Ann Mun-
son, Bonnie Vargo and Nancy
Cullen, wearing green organdy
dresses with white ribbon belts
and bows in back. They carried
Our Lady Star of The Sea Cath-
olic church in Breznerton was the
scene of the July 4 wedding of
Miss Yvonne Evelyn Torgusen to
Francis Gene DeMiero. The bride
is the daughter of Mrs. Evelyn
Ashbaugh, Bremerton, and Elmer
H. Torgun, Port Orchard. Mr.
DeMiero is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William DeMiero, Belfair.
The Reverend William L. Shel-
ley officiated at the double ring
ceremony. Daryl Spadacini pro-
vialed the organ music,
father the bride wore a floor length
gown of white Chantilly lace over
satin, featuring 3 tiers of pleated
has been making clothes for doll=s :
representing cities, countries, i
stales and even fail'), land At the j
present time Mrs. Vanheesch has
42 dolls of various asortment on
display, lncluded are France, Ger-
many, ItalY, Scotland, Norway,
England, Spain, China, Switzer-
land, West Indies. Mexico, h'eland,
Holland, Latin America, Brazil
and United States.
Comments Mrs. Vanheesch, "1
started to make clothes for the
dolls of my granddaughters and
just continued with it." The size
of dolls are usually 8 inches.
Mrs. Vanheesch, who lives with
her daughter at 703 South 16th
has crocheted a complete brida.l
set and claims she'd do many more
it patterns were available,
'Send Off' Shower
....................................... Pink rosebud nosegays.
Dirt Dobbers Go ter of the bride attended as flow-
tarrlng: Ingrid Bergman
and CuPt Jurgens
The miracle of love, courage,
snd devotion that was born un-
der the China Sky: What is
the Sixth Ig#tppiness? Each of
us must find it in our own
hearts! Thrilling! Wonderful!
Heartshakg! ......... A glorious
Starring Molly Bee and
Alan Reed Jr.
Your whnle family will be wild
about it! The st,)rT of today-'s
school bells to wedding bells
generation. Hear Molly Bee
sing tlutt smash )ng hit"Go-
ing Steady" (with a dream).
Next Week, August 14 - 15 - 16
"RIO BIRAVO"--Starring Becky Nelson, Dean Martin, and John
Wayne . . . and . . . "LIFE BEGINS AT SEVENTEEN" with
your farite "Cookie" of 77 Sunset Strip, Ed Byrnes!
............................................ &a;,;g ,jgu-Si r 2(:K:a ......................................
"Rally Rtound.the Flag Boys" and "Sheriff of Fractured Jaw."
i iii i i I I IL ..........
Fetes Recent Bride
A surprise personal shower fet-
ed Mrs. Jerry Twidwell (nee Ih,ne
Crossan) as a "send-off" from
kokonlish Valley to Long Beach,
California where she will be liv-
ing with her husband who is sta-
tioned there ia tte Navy.
The shower given last Thl rsday
afternoon in the hme of Mrs.
Herman R. Berg, Skokolish Val-
ley, was attended by friedu of the
Hostesses were Marge Ben'g,
Esther Johnson and Barbara ]rIan-
kins. Cake and cocoa were seryed
as refreshments.
Fellow Nebraska.s!
The annual Nebraska picnic will
be held August 9, 1959, at Pt. De-
fiance PaPk, Tacoma.
To meet old friends from home
and make some new ones too, Ne-
braskans are asked to make the
picnic a huge success with their
Early arrivers will have a bet-
ter chance at the registration
prize. Free coffee and Kool-Aid
will be served. For furlher infor-
mation call: JU 8-4.550 or GR 2-
ST00K ............
and AH Types of Oedar Fenoes
$ Paints > V="x 6- Cedar -- One Side Rough, One Side Finished t stains }
i i i H l i' ,,
BEAT the
HEAT ...
II's L000AL . . .
Driftwood Hunting
Dirt Dobber garden members
spent an ejoyabte day on Stretch
Ishmd recently. "Driftwood hunt-
ing" for decorative a.rrartgements
was tim purpose. Interesting par-
titles of many sizes and shapes
were fmmd. The club members al-
so brought sack hmches for pic-
While there Mr. Howard Som-
ers willingly showed the ladies
through the winery and told some-
thing of the wine making history.
The next meeting will be held
at the Island Lake home of Then
ma Adams for a potluck picnic,
At,gust 11 at 10 a.m.
Oancer Beadline
Sat Augud 15lh
August 15 is the deadline for
training in the 1959 Cancer cam-
palga funds. Mrs. George Cropper,
commander of the Mason County
chapter reports that $2300 of the
$2700 goal has been reached.
Artyone wishing to make con-
trib,tttions to the fund before the"
dead,line may give them to Laurie
Carlson, campaign treasurer, at
the Seattle First National bank.
Memorial donations may be
made throughout the year to Mrs.
V. T. Connolly, memorial chair-
man. Mrs. Cropper also expressed.
her sincere thanks to all of the
volunteer workers who devoted so
much of their time to the success
of the fund raising.
Stork Shower Features
Mrs. Frederick McGee
A stork shower featuring not
one, but two storks, carried out
the theme for the parly Miss
Charleen Smith gave for Mrs.
Frederick McGee on Friday, July
' pink arid white color scheme
e,a:iled and china "baby shocs"
held dainty flowers for the occa-
The precision dressing of a lil e
size doll by guests, was part of
the evenings entertainment. Priz-
es were won by Mrs. Harold Ven-
able and Mrs. Ruth Wolfe.
The gifts were placed in a white
wicker bassinet which had an at-
tractive overskirt of pink satin
and white embroidered nylon.
Refreshments were served from
a table, covered with a pink linen
cloth in a setting of pink and
white gladiolus and candles., A
cake designed in the shape or a
s t or k completed the setting.
Guests attending were from Shel-
ton, Olympia, and Seattle.
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Bonnie Jean Ashbaugh, half sis-
er girl in a floor length green or-
gandy gown trimmed in white
lace arid rosebuds.
William Jtmior DeMiero, broth-
er of the groom, served as best
man. Ushering were William WaN
baum, Jr.. Jerome Torgnsen and
James Harstad.
For he:' daughtrer's wedding,
Mrs. Ashbaugh wore a pink lace
dress over taffeta with white ac-
cssories and corsage. Mrs. De-
Miero chose a pink sheath dress
with white jacket and accessories
with corsage.
A RECEPTION followed the
ceremony in the Belfair Fire Hall.
Serving the wedding cake topped
with the Maltese Cross were: Mes-
dames Sylvia Ryan and Mawln
Iverson. Groom's cake, Mesdames
Paul DeMiero and Melvin Mat-
son. Pouring, Mesdames Ronald
Frank and William Walbaum. In
charge of the guest book was Miss
Darla DeMiero. Misses Judy Sat-
ran, Sylvia J:)eMiero and Charlotte
Jolley took charge of the gifts.
The bride changed to a blue
flowered sheath with blue duster
and white accessories for the wed-
dtng trip to Victo'ia, B. C.
The bride is a graduate of
Bremerton West High, class ot
1959. The groom is graduated
from South Kitsap High and at-
tends Olympic College. He is em-
ployed at "ged's Serve-U, Belfair.
8 et 40 Entertained
At Beach Party Picnic
Members of Mason County Sa-
lon No. 508, 8 and 40 were enter-
tained at a beach party and pic-
nic last 'ruesday by Mrs. Martha
Witsiers, Chapeaux; and Mrs. Ran
Melcum. Secretaire-Cassiere; at
the summer home of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Jackson at Allyn. Visiting
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Whitney, Grapeview; Mrs. Earl
Johnson, Ally,; and Mr. Gene
Martin of Union. Mrs. Whitney
and Mrs. Johnson are members o
Pierce County Salon, Tacoma. "
Attending the 8 and 40 Marche
which was a statewide meeting in
Yakima last Tuesday were Mrs.
Witsiers and Miss Mary Dobson,
Chapeaux-elect. Mrs. Wttsiera will
serve as a page and assist at the
Memorial Service.
Benefit Dance to Be
Held in Valley Hall
A benefit dance will be held at
the Shelton Valley Grange hall
Saturday, August 8 from 9:30
p.m. till 2 a.m. Supper will be
served and the "Tune Toppers",
grange orchestra wiU provide mu-
Piekering Community
Picnic at Mason Lake
Pickering community picnic will
be held on the Simpson Recreation
grounds at Mason Lake August
13. Each family is to bring enough
wieners and buns for themselves
and a potluck dish.
Montana State Picnic
At Waterworks Park
The Montana State picnic club
will hold their annual picnic at
Waterworks Park, one balf mile
S. W. of Gorst, on Augmt 16. Cof-
fee, sugar, cregm and ice cream
will be served. Bring cups and
coffee containers.
V.F.W. Meeting Aug. 7
Commander Darrell Sparks an-
nounces that Veterans of Foreign i
Wars Post 1694 will meet in the i
Shelton Memorial Building at 8
pm.. on Friday, August 7. At this
meeung plan will be completed
for the annual picnlo for the Pot,
and its Auxiliary, which will be
held at Maple Beach on Sunday,
August 33. . .
Delegates wil! be erected to a-
tend th$ 5th Distriot annual fall
conference which will be held on
Saturday, September 12 in Mg-
Cleary. Preparations for handling
the recent nation wide increase in
membership will be the principle
order of business at the McCleary
meeting which will bring together
representatives from the V.F.W.
Pots in Olympia, Shelton, Mc-
Cleary, Elma, Montesan0, Aber-
deen, Hoquiam, Raymond and
Westport. L. F. Godwin, Shelton
Post Adjutant, is the Junior Vice
Commander for the 5th District.
Mr. and Mrs. James Robert
Echols and their two sons, Rob
and Jack. have been visiting Mr.
Echols' parents, the Reverend and
Mrs. Robert B. Echols, at the
Episcopal church vicarage, during
the past weeks.
The boys have taken an active
pa in the Shelton recreational
program which has been in prog-
ress: baseball at Loop Field and
swimming at Lake Isabella.
Mr. James Echols is now in the
Far East, making one of the tours
of the bionational centers which is
a part of his work with the United
States Information Service; on his
r etu t a_y will Lv h.,
ton by car, for theirhome in
Washington, D. C.
Eagles Aux. Plan
Card Party and
Rummage Sale ,
A rummage sale at the PUD
Building August 7 and 8 will be
sponsored by the Eagles Auxil-
iary They will also hold a public
card party at the Eagles hall air-
port August 15 beginning at 8
Rebekah Guests
Receive Gifts
Twenty-two Past Noble Grands
answered roll call at Ruby Rebek-
ah Lodge Friday, July 24t.h and
were tlonnred guests of the eve-
Mrs. Ruth Yule announced for
the "Ways and Means Committee"
October 17, the date set for the
Bazaar and Dinner to be held at
the Armory, The cookbogks which
are being prepared through the
efforts of Mrs. Dave Price, Noble
Grand, will be available by that
Refreshments were served b.:
committee of Mrs. Ella McCul-
loch, Mrs. Clay Berry and Mr
Theresa Baekervfl}e. The guests
received gifts from the Noble
Grand and the ceramic dining
room place-cards were the gift of
Mrs. McCulloch.
The Lodge received the infor-
mation that President of the Re-
bekah Assembly, Mrs. Ira Brown
of Vancouver, will make her offio
cial visit on August 14. Officers
and members are requested ta
wear formals.
Youths to Enjoy
Panhandle 0amp
Enjoying the outdoor camping
experience at Panhandle camp
next week will be approvimately
150 youths of junior age, 2nd
through 7th grades from Baptist
churches in Olympia, Hoodsport,
Skokomish and Shelton area.
q'he camp will begin Monday
and adjourn on the following Fri-i
day Dean of the camp will be
Rev. Knautz assisted by Mrs.
Knautz. Special features will in-
clude a banquet Thursday eve-
ning, birthday night celebration,
Reverend Sam Castles of Sudan
Interior Mission and camp pastor,
Rev. Charlie Myers of Olympia.
Today is the deadline for camp
regLstration which may be obtain-
ed in the respective area churches.
A bus will be leaving the Shelton
Baptist church at 10:30 Monday
Hugh MoSweyn Enrolls
At Indiana Oollege '
Indiana Technical College has
accepted for enrollment the appli-
cation of Hugh Randell McSweyn,
son of Mr. and Mrs. ttugh Me-
Sweyn, of Route 1.
Under the college's plan of stud°
ies, the student begins specializ-
ing in one of ten engineering and
science fields in his sophomore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Berg
and family from Kodiac, Alaska
have been visiting his mother,
Mrs. H. G. Berg. They are now
moving to Juneau, Alaska where
Richard will be state purchasing
agent. 0
V.F.W. Schedules
August Activites
The regular business meeting of
the V.F.W. auxiliary will be hehl
Friday, August 7 at g p.m. in the
Memorial Building with president,
Betty Godwin presiding. After the
meeting a "pie social" will be held
for members of the post. Mrs.
Bernice Jansson will bring the
Maple beach, August 23, is the
place and date of the annual pic-
nic for the post and its auxiliary.
Colleen Gephart and Cecilia Gun-
Ler will be supervising the menu
of food. A potluck picnic is plan-
ned, with coffee and ice cream be-
ing served by the organization.
Fuz'thm' dscussion concerning the
picnic will be held at Friday's
All members should gather ma.-
terial for the rummage sale to be
held in the future. All items of
clothing as well as toys, furniture,
etc. are needed. Florence Hamil-
ton is i1 charge and may be con-
tacted for further information.
Jeri Frederickson
To Wed Seattleite
Mr. and Mr.. Paul Frederickson
wish to announce the engagement
and coming marriage of their
daughter, Jeri, to James C. Miles,
son of Mr. C. W. Miles and Mrs.
McGilvra of Seattle. No wedding
date has been set.
Former Resident Here
Mrs. A. D. Killmer, Campbell,
Calif. former Shelton resLdent and
friend Mrs. Rebbie Pitchford of
San Jose, California are visiting
here fox' a few weeks with Mr's sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. O. M. Steen, Shelton and
daughter, Mrs. Bob Jennings (Pat
Killmer) and family in Seattle.
While here they picked up Mrs.
Steen and drove to Wenatchee to
visi another sister, Mrs. Gus Jen-
sen and son Alvin, also former
Shelton residents.
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