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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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S, 1.€)59 ,gFIELPON-MAoON' o COUNTY JOURNAL ..... Pnbltshel in "Chr.qtmaato+m, U.S.A., ') ghelton, Washington ..... Pa 1 , ) ' ,,dames Ghapma., ,WorldWarlVets BARBECUED SALMON WILL FEATURE, CANAL DINNER II Dril!!..g.. ,nBasicTraining ToMee, Sunday +++ +++ +++ +,+ .hmws A. Chapn n, son of Mr. ] The first district COnl'Olenc(,, De- By Merle Smith t,mple, nf the Olylnpics. Trudy and Carol Tweed have and Mrs. Ivvl Chapman of lit. l, ] p:lrtllnmt of Washiuglm, V*,terans Visitors in the honw of Mr. lnd Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins are returned heine after spending a l;ox 38, Shel},,m is now iin(h:wgoing ] (if \\;Vorh] War I, will be held Ill Ihe The barbeclle(I s,qhnoll which is Mrs. Howard Thomasell, wcr( Mr. enjoying good fishing at Neah week at Lntbcrland Cllnl I) on Lake WELLS ,,,c infantvv training :,, F,,rL, PUt)a,,diiorimn in Shelton :it l:30 to be featured in a dinner at the and Mrs. In','y Mardis and faro- Bay. Among those other success- Killarney near Tacm'a. The day ()rd, Calif. ' pro. $1 nday, Augurs 9. Maamic Tcmph  in Unim, will be ily, of I,aCrandt,. ()rt,. After a fill fishermen fr()m Hoodsport the girls returned home, tile t|t! is ii 1(.}5.t g'l':ldllal of lrouo Tlw dislrJct delc, gal;on will be pJ'¢,par,d by Mrs. G,t)rgia Miller first lry at sltlllinl t'ishing Iwre who traveled there were Wfllt Tw*eds (,nlblil'ktd Mrs. Gertrude • lh(,r, the late (let)taD Adams, patiently a whole year for anoth- Jim Dean, and BIll Rcnner. Norm their trip hnme to Langley, B.C., KI';IdllaI' €)1" \\;V:lshhlgI(H1 St' d'r Allure P)')c (}l' ()f t{I't'III('I'I()N l'ViuhillglOll S|;|to ]t.pros(,nllltiv,!, 1' [I'V ;It. the Sl)lllPthllIhl chlsiVt Gray and Dick Addlelllan reported IlftF R tWO Inonth stay hi,re. • colleo, who will pl't*.;idt!, lit,Ice's lois are . had Inade faro(his ai many pre- H o,)d Canai wiriety, their Neah Bay trip wq,II worth- LAWRE ...................... ,,xp,:,ct,. ,.,,n, t',..I T,,w,,s,:..l, vh,us dimwrs given in the "Hood • Mr. and Mrs. Cne Wizltcrs and NCE BEDELL (()I!'I'S MI,;ET ())ympia, Retail antt Shelt,m I:hu'- Canal area. The dinner, sport- Mr. and Mr.. Lionel Day, Mr. virile. C, arh¢ visited in the F, mery Win- The fom'lh ptq'i()d )1 c:tmp at racks. All veterans of \\;Vorhl War sov,d by the Amaranth. will be and Mr.. Wright Carlson and vh'. Mrs. Georgia Rndd traveled to ters home on Satllrday to celebrate Phone HA. 6-4713 Thu,d,,,'b,',) (mde(I lasl Saturday Iaud ltwir ladies arc inviled to held Sunday afternoon, Aug. 9, and Mrs. Hd Tratnik of Shelton 2ompton. Calif., for a visit with the first birthday of Carla. with 105 scouts in all(mdallcc. " attend as a highly interesli]lp" pro- betwe(,n Ill(, hours of one o'clock travcled to Quilt(me to attend a her daughter. From there she Mrs. Robert Berry nf Iowa is Route 3, Box 170, Shelton PAll Schniede]. preMdcd over the gl]'anl is :tssllr(:'d. and ,, ,hl o'clocl¢. Tickets may square dance stssioli, has accompanied hal" datughter and spending several weeks visiting in . session \\;vilh l)r. Carl Lofbel', .................... he l)urcha.sed fronl lIrs. Bill Bear- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kilbourne ar friend to the Middle West wh**re tile home of her mother, :rl Ghehalis. Rufus I.Aser and Hnbert Journal Warlt Ads Pay den in thmdsport, other Amaranth and family spent several days they will spend a month vlsithlg Geraldine Kirk. Slntth of 1.[oo(Ist))l.l . llllqllbq'S, and al the door of the cmnping in the Deer Park are;=t ill Iowa and Minnesota. The gl'oup Mrs. Lois Pierce has returned ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... will come home by way of Hoods- from a California trip which port leaving Mrs. Rudd here where started as she left here by blm she will stay in the home of,the on ,hlly 9. She visited Mr. and Earl Crumbs. Mrs. Dwight Lee Pierce and faro- - Mr. :tlld Mrs. aid Anderson and ily, and an aunt and her family,  a trip to tile 'home of her sister visited in the home of Mr. and l and farnlly, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mrs. Tom Proctor, and in Tui'; Tough, in Toledo, Ore. Tim young lock the Oscar Rash family. In Andersona enjoyed a visit at Browns Valley she visited Mr. and i:.- ..-,j.,.s%/I.i " " ° - " " " . _ .iiii+!ii:i!i!ii:ii!iii+! :' ' ante0s Boaoi anny and Mrs Russell Rash and wh.e here iiiiiii!!i:!iiiiiii il ::i! ili ii Heidi Tough returned with the traveled to the little town of Andersons for a week's visit with Rough and Ready where the TV them. show of that name is producedi ,Visitors this week in the home She also visited the old town of Here's just the sale for you beef eaters (and that includes of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson Jack,n, Calif., which has been • just about all of us) ... It's a Gigantic Beef Sale at Needham's! and family are Suzie and Kip preserved as in the olden days. of Tacoma. In Long Beach she visited former  • Sve on those marvelous VNF "Choice" Meats and treat your- A well attended program Fri- Hoodsport residents, Mr. and Mrs, • " " self to the finest eating imaginable! day evening in the Hood Canal Maynard Cox and daughter. Community Church climaxed a Jim Smith arrived home Sunday week of Bible School in Hoods- after spending six Weeks at th# port for many of the young chin Summit Lake Scout Camp wher dren. Leaders for the gronp were he served on the staff. RIB  and Mrs. C. M. Coutts of Visitors in the Dwight P1erc 4) Shelton, who led the third through home were Mr. and Mrs. Ieonari VNF, U.S. "Choice" sixth grade groups. Sherrle Rambow of Granger, Vaah. • • • Beef... MMMM, Coutts directed the primary Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy and • What Flavor! grades. An average of over 60 Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Day are children attended the classes. The spending several days at the ocean " LB. program featured many of the beach. songs learnl during the week a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rains and well aa stories and skits given family of Seattle spent several[ by the children. Denny Bearden days visiting in the O. K. Lin- was awarded a Bible ver game scott home. The Rains have re, as winner of the memory vee cently purchased a home north of ROUND and attendance contest held dur- the city. ing the school. Many unners-up Mr. az;d Mrs. James Reeder are VNF, U.S. "Choice" were presented pl&qttes, really busy these days as yu can Beef... Boneless 'Mrs. Anna Johtson has returned tell by the fast progress bring Bottom Rounds to her home in Crick, Ca|if., aRer made on their new home ill the spending several week vixitlng 8tarr White addition. LB. here and in Seattle. She traveled The spirit of Abraham IAncolm south with Mr. and Mrs. ErneSt is not dead in this town of Hoods- Campbell and Bill of Shelton, who ;'t. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dick- are visiting relatives in Fort on, money in pocket, went t0 ROUND 00TEHR ,, ilHIli/ IIUfldi Beef m ' A5 A DAISY"PRODUCE ,,. :,,  AIIsweet .................... 2 --. 49 T0mHTOE$ Snow s. Clams ...................... 29  U-D Tssue: .................... 4/35  ' Grahams ................................ ,. 37 ++ lb. : ' I 9 c .... + il /i Mrs. Gordon Dickinson and Mrs. pay them for a dozen eggs, 0nly John Pill are attending special to find that Mrs. Boeck was on a camp school in Bellingham, which pack trip in the Olympics. Sev- will last for three weeks in Aug- era] days later the Diekinsons on ust. their hors met Mrs. Boeck at lent Hagen and Gene May- Home Sweet Home, many miles nard of Tacoma were drop-in via- off in the mnuntains, and pa!+ tiers in the Robert Smith home their debt. It was fifty cents, l Sunday. They were two of the you are wondering. many thousands who traveled to ................................ Shelton to attend the auto races. Scoutmaster Robert Smith ,rod V F W Essay 0onlest Scouts Darrell Peterkin, Ricky | , , Peteraon, Phillip Basso, Explorer ll Adviser Ray oteon and Eplor- .,...ning Announced er Scouts Vic and Marv Bailey, The opening of its 25th annual and Doug Underwood, spent Sun- National High School Essay Con- day at the races selUng programs test was announced this week by for the good of their respective the Ladies Auxiliary to the Vet- troop and post treasuries, erans of Foreign Wars. The toplo The Earl Crumb family spent will be "Civil Defense +An Amerr two days camping at the ocean beach of Kalaloch and traveling to ican Tradition." Hurricane Ridge. A recent visit- Students in all public, private or in the CrUmb home was Kathy and parochial high schools a el- Williams, daughter of Mr. and igible to enter the content. Na- Mrs. Allen Williams, former[ tional prizes First, $1,000 Hoodipo't residents, who now live l cash; second $500; third $250; a, lld YAKIMA in Roseburg, Ore. She and Rode- fourLh, $i00; plus 20 cash honor- mary Cmb were school friends able mention awazls. In additioll, here. the federal Office of Civil and De. Sunday visitors in the Burr lense Mobilization will award 8. Tweed home were Mr. and Mrs. $100 U.S. Savings Bond to the John Jonaaeen, and granddaughter first-place winner m each sIte. Cy WASHINGTON NO. 1 of Yakima. and Mr. and Mrs. State and local contest winners Keith Hurat of Shelton Both also receive additional Auxiliary couples especially came for a first awards which vary with the corn- look at the now three week ohi munity. son b£ the Twei. Mr. and Mrs. Al Brenninger of ucee Tacoma. are spending a while in The only time you mustn't fall g Ilr--JIPilliil the Steve Hale cabin near Holiday ,Is the last time you try. 12 39' IliL00ItllUP HEINZ I1 i Beach. --Charles Kettelng M-OZ. NEVER TOO LATE,,, o,,..s mEIIT PlE;00 .,,ou.. ,,v,, TOO EARLY... ,00, $1 m i CHICKEN, BEEF FOR OR TURKEY Now Is TSe Time To.,. LEm0ngDE "*'° 10 FROZEN € CA,, Tung ° '°' 89 / 00PlIGHSTTI =.=o +, TTER ----"--"-----= '"' ........... 'LiT y001 i ] OF00OEllY yVtO: [  L f 4r,/A[.. ¢ORN£D BEEF 11 '+ nGI:HDE +-,,. +il + ,,oz iN Ir,31 S) ac T' + I! • Per ,Mmm 0urrent m00mm =,,o, +, 4,'/,o , I m i - HOME LOAN PRICES EFFECTIVE noon Thursday, Aug. 6, through Saturday, Aug. 8. We reserve the right to limit. All aoooun InJd up to $1000 by F.8. & L. and I.C. THURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL L E SA U C E SMIHS & LOAN ASSOOIATION 6 + ++ +1 5th and Capitol Way, Olymp, Wash. FFICERS-- DIRECTORS...-. Carlton I. Sears, President ARNOLD KOUTONI[IN v. g. Lwrence, Exec. Vice Prec. 30HN S. LYNCH, JR, ; Or NO. 1 TIN5 $1 11 Wlt '0N *,szel. Wahner, Secretary-Treas V.R. LAWENC] --'" 'OH 'ugcne L),.an, Ast. Secy.-Treal. J. 12. M]NSHr]L+ , t. Minahull, Vice President CARLTON I, SEARS --NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE8 4% PER ANNUM S, 1.€)59 ,gFIELPON-MAoON' o COUNTY JOURNAL ..... Pnbltshel in "Chr.qtmaato+m, U.S.A., ') ghelton, Washington ..... Pa 1 , ) ' ,,dames Ghapma., ,WorldWarlVets BARBECUED SALMON WILL FEATURE, CANAL DINNER II Dril!!..g.. ,nBasicTraining ToMee, Sunday +++ +++ +++ +,+ .hmws A. Chapn n, son of Mr. ] The first district COnl'Olenc(,, De- By Merle Smith t,mple, nf the Olylnpics. Trudy and Carol Tweed have and Mrs. Ivvl Chapman of lit. l, ] p:lrtllnmt of Washiuglm, V*,terans Visitors in the honw of Mr. lnd Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins are returned heine after spending a l;ox 38, Shel},,m is now iin(h:wgoing ] (if \\;Vorh] War I, will be held Ill Ihe The barbeclle(I s,qhnoll which is Mrs. Howard Thomasell, wcr( Mr. enjoying good fishing at Neah week at Lntbcrland Cllnl I) on Lake WELLS ,,,c infantvv training :,, F,,rL, PUt)a,,diiorimn in Shelton :it l:30 to be featured in a dinner at the and Mrs. In','y Mardis and faro- Bay. Among those other success- Killarney near Tacm'a. The day ()rd, Calif. ' pro. $1 nday, Augurs 9. Maamic Tcmph  in Unim, will be ily, of I,aCrandt,. ()rt,. After a fill fishermen fr()m Hoodsport the girls returned home, tile t|t! is ii 1(.}5.t g'l':ldllal of lrouo Tlw dislrJct delc, gal;on will be pJ'¢,par,d by Mrs. G,t)rgia Miller first lry at sltlllinl t'ishing Iwre who traveled there were Wfllt Tw*eds (,nlblil'ktd Mrs. Gertrude • lh(,r, the late (let)taD Adams, patiently a whole year for anoth- Jim Dean, and BIll Rcnner. Norm their trip hnme to Langley, B.C., KI';IdllaI' €)1" \\;V:lshhlgI(H1 St' d'r Allure P)')c (}l' ()f t{I't'III('I'I()N l'ViuhillglOll S|;|to ]t.pros(,nllltiv,!, 1' [I'V ;It. the Sl)lllPthllIhl chlsiVt Gray and Dick Addlelllan reported IlftF R tWO Inonth stay hi,re. • colleo, who will pl't*.;idt!, lit,Ice's lois are . had Inade faro(his ai many pre- H o,)d Canai wiriety, their Neah Bay trip wq,II worth- LAWRE ...................... ,,xp,:,ct,. ,.,,n, t',..I T,,w,,s,:..l, vh,us dimwrs given in the "Hood • Mr. and Mrs. Cne Wizltcrs and NCE BEDELL (()I!'I'S MI,;ET ())ympia, Retail antt Shelt,m I:hu'- Canal area. The dinner, sport- Mr. and Mr.. Lionel Day, Mr. virile. C, arh¢ visited in the F, mery Win- The fom'lh ptq'i()d )1 c:tmp at racks. All veterans of \\;Vorhl War sov,d by the Amaranth. will be and Mr.. Wright Carlson and vh'. Mrs. Georgia Rndd traveled to ters home on Satllrday to celebrate Phone HA. 6-4713 Thu,d,,,'b,',) (mde(I lasl Saturday Iaud ltwir ladies arc inviled to held Sunday afternoon, Aug. 9, and Mrs. Hd Tratnik of Shelton 2ompton. Calif., for a visit with the first birthday of Carla. with 105 scouts in all(mdallcc. " attend as a highly interesli]lp" pro- betwe(,n Ill(, hours of one o'clock travcled to Quilt(me to attend a her daughter. From there she Mrs. Robert Berry nf Iowa is Route 3, Box 170, Shelton PAll Schniede]. preMdcd over the gl]'anl is :tssllr(:'d. and ,, ,hl o'clocl¢. Tickets may square dance stssioli, has accompanied hal" datughter and spending several weeks visiting in . session \\;vilh l)r. Carl Lofbel', .................... he l)urcha.sed fronl lIrs. Bill Bear- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kilbourne ar friend to the Middle West wh**re tile home of her mother, :rl Ghehalis. Rufus I.Aser and Hnbert Journal Warlt Ads Pay den in thmdsport, other Amaranth and family spent several days they will spend a month vlsithlg Geraldine Kirk. Slntth of 1.[oo(Ist))l.l . llllqllbq'S, and al the door of the cmnping in the Deer Park are;=t ill Iowa and Minnesota. The gl'oup Mrs. Lois Pierce has returned ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... will come home by way of Hoods- from a California trip which port leaving Mrs. Rudd here where started as she left here by blm she will stay in the home of,the on ,hlly 9. She visited Mr. and Earl Crumbs. Mrs. Dwight Lee Pierce and faro- - Mr. :tlld Mrs. aid Anderson and ily, and an aunt and her family,  a trip to tile 'home of her sister visited in the home of Mr. and l and farnlly, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mrs. Tom Proctor, and in Tui'; Tough, in Toledo, Ore. Tim young lock the Oscar Rash family. In Andersona enjoyed a visit at Browns Valley she visited Mr. and i:.- ..-,j.,.s%/I.i " " ° - " " " . _ .iiii+!ii:i!i!ii:ii!iii+! :' ' ante0s Boaoi anny and Mrs Russell Rash and wh.e here iiiiiii!!i:!iiiiiii il ::i! ili ii Heidi Tough returned with the traveled to the little town of Andersons for a week's visit with Rough and Ready where the TV them. show of that name is producedi ,Visitors this week in the home She also visited the old town of Here's just the sale for you beef eaters (and that includes of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson Jack,n, Calif., which has been • just about all of us) ... It's a Gigantic Beef Sale at Needham's! and family are Suzie and Kip preserved as in the olden days. of Tacoma. In Long Beach she visited former  • Sve on those marvelous VNF "Choice" Meats and treat your- A well attended program Fri- Hoodsport residents, Mr. and Mrs, • " " self to the finest eating imaginable! day evening in the Hood Canal Maynard Cox and daughter. Community Church climaxed a Jim Smith arrived home Sunday week of Bible School in Hoods- after spending six Weeks at th# port for many of the young chin Summit Lake Scout Camp wher dren. Leaders for the gronp were he served on the staff. RIB  and Mrs. C. M. Coutts of Visitors in the Dwight P1erc 4) Shelton, who led the third through home were Mr. and Mrs. Ieonari VNF, U.S. "Choice" sixth grade groups. Sherrle Rambow of Granger, Vaah. • • • Beef... MMMM, Coutts directed the primary Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy and • What Flavor! grades. An average of over 60 Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Day are children attended the classes. The spending several days at the ocean " LB. program featured many of the beach. songs learnl during the week a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rains and well aa stories and skits given family of Seattle spent several[ by the children. Denny Bearden days visiting in the O. K. Lin- was awarded a Bible ver game scott home. The Rains have re, as winner of the memory vee cently purchased a home north of ROUND and attendance contest held dur- the city. ing the school. Many unners-up Mr. az;d Mrs. James Reeder are VNF, U.S. "Choice" were presented pl&qttes, really busy these days as yu can Beef... Boneless 'Mrs. Anna Johtson has returned tell by the fast progress bring Bottom Rounds to her home in Crick, Ca|if., aRer made on their new home ill the spending several week vixitlng 8tarr White addition. LB. here and in Seattle. She traveled The spirit of Abraham IAncolm south with Mr. and Mrs. ErneSt is not dead in this town of Hoods- Campbell and Bill of Shelton, who ;'t. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dick- are visiting relatives in Fort on, money in pocket, went t0 ROUND 00TEHR ,, ilHIli/ IIUfldi Beef m ' A5 A DAISY"PRODUCE ,,. :,,  AIIsweet .................... 2 --. 49 T0mHTOE$ Snow s. Clams ...................... 29  U-D Tssue: .................... 4/35  ' Grahams ................................ ,. 37 ++ lb. : ' I 9 c .... + il /i Mrs. Gordon Dickinson and Mrs. pay them for a dozen eggs, 0nly John Pill are attending special to find that Mrs. Boeck was on a camp school in Bellingham, which pack trip in the Olympics. Sev- will last for three weeks in Aug- era] days later the Diekinsons on ust. their hors met Mrs. Boeck at lent Hagen and Gene May- Home Sweet Home, many miles nard of Tacoma were drop-in via- off in the mnuntains, and pa!+ tiers in the Robert Smith home their debt. It was fifty cents, l Sunday. They were two of the you are wondering. many thousands who traveled to ................................ Shelton to attend the auto races. Scoutmaster Robert Smith ,rod V F W Essay 0onlest Scouts Darrell Peterkin, Ricky | , , Peteraon, Phillip Basso, Explorer ll Adviser Ray oteon and Eplor- .,...ning Announced er Scouts Vic and Marv Bailey, The opening of its 25th annual and Doug Underwood, spent Sun- National High School Essay Con- day at the races selUng programs test was announced this week by for the good of their respective the Ladies Auxiliary to the Vet- troop and post treasuries, erans of Foreign Wars. The toplo The Earl Crumb family spent will be "Civil Defense +An Amerr two days camping at the ocean beach of Kalaloch and traveling to ican Tradition." Hurricane Ridge. A recent visit- Students in all public, private or in the CrUmb home was Kathy and parochial high schools a el- Williams, daughter of Mr. and igible to enter the content. Na- Mrs. Allen Williams, former[ tional prizes First, $1,000 Hoodipo't residents, who now live l cash; second $500; third $250; a, lld YAKIMA in Roseburg, Ore. She and Rode- fourLh, $i00; plus 20 cash honor- mary Cmb were school friends able mention awazls. In additioll, here. the federal Office of Civil and De. Sunday visitors in the Burr lense Mobilization will award 8. Tweed home were Mr. and Mrs. $100 U.S. Savings Bond to the John Jonaaeen, and granddaughter first-place winner m each sIte. Cy WASHINGTON NO. 1 of Yakima. and Mr. and Mrs. State and local contest winners Keith Hurat of Shelton Both also receive additional Auxiliary couples especially came for a first awards which vary with the corn- look at the now three week ohi munity. son b£ the Twei. Mr. and Mrs. Al Brenninger of ucee Tacoma. are spending a while in The only time you mustn't fall g Ilr--JIPilliil the Steve Hale cabin near Holiday ,Is the last time you try. 12 39' IliL00ItllUP HEINZ I1 i Beach. --Charles Kettelng M-OZ. NEVER TOO LATE,,, o,,..s mEIIT PlE;00 .,,ou.. ,,v,, TOO EARLY... ,00, $1 m i CHICKEN, BEEF FOR OR TURKEY Now Is TSe Time To.,. LEm0ngDE "*'° 10 FROZEN € CA,, Tung ° '°' 89 / 00PlIGHSTTI =.=o +, TTER ----"--"-----= '"' ........... 'LiT y001 i ] OF00OEllY yVtO: [  L f 4r,/A[.. ¢ORN£D BEEF 11 '+ nGI:HDE +-,,. +il + ,,oz iN Ir,31 S) ac T' + I! • Per ,Mmm 0urrent m00mm =,,o, +, 4,'/,o , I m i - HOME LOAN PRICES EFFECTIVE noon Thursday, Aug. 6, through Saturday, Aug. 8. We reserve the right to limit. All aoooun InJd up to $1000 by F.8. & L. and I.C. THURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL L E SA U C E SMIHS & LOAN ASSOOIATION 6 + ++ +1 5th and Capitol Way, Olymp, Wash. FFICERS-- DIRECTORS...-. Carlton I. Sears, President ARNOLD KOUTONI[IN v. g. Lwrence, Exec. Vice Prec. 30HN S. LYNCH, JR, ; Or NO. 1 TIN5 $1 11 Wlt '0N *,szel. Wahner, Secretary-Treas V.R. LAWENC] --'" 'OH 'ugcne L),.an, Ast. Secy.-Treal. J. 12. M]NSHr]L+ , t. Minahull, Vice President CARLTON I, SEARS --NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE8 4% PER ANNUM