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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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T SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "¢Christmastown U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin FOR SALE ...... FOR TRADE for waterfront or water- view! Herd of high quality chinchil- las with equipment. H, Heaton, 16806 109th Ave: S.E,, Renton Wash. Phone Alp ne 5-6066. 7/30-8/13 $39.50. L. M. Furniture Departmcnt er, faster, more efficient. Also 24- hour photo /inishing• Try tu• Zieg- ler&apos;s Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6-6163. 8/15 tfn tampa for sale at the Journal, $1•25 each. 107 So. 4th. 12/1 tfn FOR SALE or trade for cattle--York- shire weaner pigs. bred gilts and sows. Phone HA 6-3624. A 7/18-8/6 engine. Lots of locker room, sleeps 2, $800. Phone HA. 6-6769, E7/a--6/6 hand starting Evinrude. All ready to go• Complete price $1100.00 and up. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly Hillerest Hardware). 7/30 tfn carbine with peep sight• $50, One TI- ton Sportsman's Power saw $35, Phone HA 6-2464, J 7/30 tfn] new• Assume low monthly payments, t Write Credit Manager, Box 928. Ida-[ ho Falls, Idaho. A 8/6-13 farobe; new Welsh Teeter-babe; car seat: nearly new Ncchi sewing ma- chine with attachments; new Singer VIMUUnl cleaner; dishes, service for eight, purchased from Dree's; solid limed oak three p/ace bookcase set with matching desk witli (:hair. Phone HA 6-8489. S 8/6 construction. $96.00. Excellent con- dition. Phone HA 6-4004. W 816 Lustre carpet and upholstery clean- or. Lunlbermen's Mercantile Com- pany, 8£6 .I00.00. Fay terms. Johnny's Music ox. 8/6 tfn -KI-N.-*T ,au* mnp, new surpttm %-in• Neoprene wet suits, tailored *A-In. sklnd2v|ng and water sk/lng SUIts or kits Newest in skis- diving equipment• 1951 Hillman Minx for sale. Phone HA 6-6877. Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tfn chinery. Remington chain saws, Zetm generators, portable power. I956 Oly_Jnpia Highway No. B 5/14 tfn d'goed;rrasppe.dn rIY la l°cket•" B 7/30-8/6 is sure to be somethlnt' you will want either in the Thrift €1 partmsnt or the Gift and Hobby IIb)p where l there are artificial flower arrange-] meats o! every kind and size• Bar] Din, oppos/te the Armory. 5/21 tfn f YdH-- t:X'CK -' b-i -" /7iif-E[ffC road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pa grttvel for driveways. Norman Ah- derson, phone HA 6-552, John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn and service at Shelton Marine Supply. 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163, 2/20 tfn for. Complete with cou£rols. |12.00• inquire Heinie's Broiler or Phone HA 6-4294. H 7130-8/6 motor like new $[00 and one 1 hp, :Brlgg's &Stratton air-cooled motor with attsx:hed centrifugal pump, $50. Phone HA 6-8316. D 7/30-8/13 PLAY- G 2M7- redh%7i'-t--$] 9795 - -ffJi-i $24.50, Budget Shop, 321 Railroad. 8/6 BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Advertised Tyrex Cord Allstate Silent Cushion Tires FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Office: 116 N• 2nd Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 FOR SALE • I i BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- choirs of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- panF sale and service. Local repre- ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. sentative wally Anderson. Phone 1/28 tfn HA 6-6001. A4/30 tfn MONO CHAIN SAWS, 3 hp.. direct BOATS, TRAILERS and outboard ms- drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and chain, tots at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163. Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn 11/13 tfn ONE YEAR GUARANTEED Reining- FOR-SAE: Large selectlo-of e- ton saw, 80 days guaranteed chain. Bar-Din Marina and Power Ms- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, chinery See tsm'! B 5/14 tfn washers, dryers. Fells & Valley' Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tfn PICK-UP HOUS] for a . ton pick-up for sale. _ompletely moaern. All ROOFING and all other building ma- rttrnne. one HA 6-6779. terlals, nothing down. 38 months to L 6/4 tfn pay under FHA terms now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., RUG CEANING ProfeMional equip- phone HA 6-4303, 6/6 tn ment for rant. Make rugs like new. L,M. Decorating Center, 321 Railroad, TOP SOIL. gravel, fill dirt. F.E. B 7/9 tfn Ogden. HA 6-61. /I tfn' - FOR SALE: Portable wood saw, '87 W"'--B--R'-U',N Piymouth motor, $156.oo. 11 rt.ply- on consignment, your boats, motors, wood _h(t glas bottom, $75.00. 3 trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. nonm lvtnue outboard motor, 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 0.00 or boat and motor $100.00. 7 6-816. 3/20 tin horse garden tractor, $100.00. See K. F. Cox, Rt. 1, Box 4, Shelton. FOR SALE: Ued steel, plate, pipe, }.. ,phone HA $-2118. C 7/28 tfn pulleys and shaft. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and AMIRICAN IIBRARY of Sacred Reo- _lill, phone HA 6-8626. 918 tfa orals, Audio Bible studies, New Test- ament family devotions, sacred rec- COVERXNGS -- for walls, windows, ord albums, 8ymphonlc phonograph. floors. Paint. wallpaper, drapes, Call or ace Harold B. Johnson 1311 rugs. tlle yardgoods. ]5. M. DFA2OR- Smnmlt. HA 6-2464. Also home pre- ATING CENTER. 821 P.a/Iroad. sentatkms. J 7/28 tin 1/28 fin T-'---V'L---I---)--U'-R-"Uqi-B-"].= 10" RUNABOUT, double cockpit, bot- rangements for all tours, transpoe  tom and top deck fiberglaed, good tat/on and reservat/oa, at no addl- condition. 15 Johnson, all for $325. tional cost to you Clara Bell Angle, 'rR 7-53, Hb0dpurt. S 7/28-8/6 phones HA 6-4134 or HA 6-8272. COAL  Approximately seven tons, t& 6/26 tfn off. Lower 8kokomish school Pick up yourself. For more information. FOR SALE One 5,000 watt light call Hoodsport TR 7-5419 or TR 7- plant. See Mr. T. B, Batch, Rrinnon, 5467. S $/6-13 Wash. B 7/9 tn FOR SALE -- l0 tons hay. Phone aft- TRAVEL" ACCIDENT INSURANCE  er 6 p.m,, HA 6-3755. . L 8/6-13 Do you know that you can be pro- Camera and easl, tooted by accident insurance while you. travel. The entire family, on flash attachment, close-up lens and lane, a and air front one day  to several fllterJ, Original lJricc $22,56, 6 months. Polieie issued while you sell for $10,00, HA 6-68. K 8/6 wait. Angle Aency, ph. HA 8-8272. i 7/ tfn Budget Shop, $1 Railroad. 8/6 sONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid SMALL GA-i':-$50,---h6 eye glasses for sale, Used x)ne month, HA 6-8516---no calls after 4:30 p.m. guaranteed. Phone HA 6-3818 after week das's.. L # H 816 tfn 5:30 p.m. 7/30 tfn i fm $29.50 at L. M. Furniture De- partment. 6/6 Custom Tractor Work 2 NICE RID/NG horses, one blood red OtOV&ttfl Or regular plowing, bey mare, one smaller pinto gelding. {llPAn and ltarrowing, excavating, saddles, brtdles, and halters, good blade leveling, road grading, road 2 Itorse trailer, electric brakes, Vel. Well-aged -awdust. Work $795.00 for all. Letter Dickinson. I{oodsport TR 7-523. D 8,'6 by hour single-handed, Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. Water Wslle Drilled Experienced Driller EVERGREEN DRILLING CO. Phone HA 6-8366 tfn ,i, , ,,,, k ,, , DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-fin APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric loor Sandem Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sands Rgtna Electric Floor PaUahem House Jacks LAWTON LUM_B F,R 420 S. 1St Phons HA. 6-4808 2-10tin Fcluslvely at Beckwith Jewelry I U SEPTIC TANKS Drain fleld Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two lnsertiorm, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for krger ads on requeL " Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e a $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisement must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is mceMary. I FOR SALE HOLLYWOOD BED and springs, prac- tically new, Manufactured one-wheel traih;r, excellent condition. Inquire 628 Turner. P 7/30-8/6 NOTHING DOWN, 36 months to pay under F.H,A. terms on all building supplies, Lump it all under one bill. Lawton Lumber. 420 S, 1st St., Ph, HA 6-4303. 6/5 tfn FT. SEMI cabin cruiser with 22 hp. Gray Marine motor or will trade for sumller boat and trailer. Phone HA 6-6779. L 517 tin F.H.A. TERMS now available on an building materials allows you to lump construction coats under one bill. For information inquh'e at Lawton Lumber, 420 S, let St. Phone HA 6-4303. 615 tfn HIGH POWER Llghteat Weight! Fast* eat cutting at highest power! Rem- ington Saws, ar-Dln's Marina, Mountain View• B 5/14 tn FOR SALE: Purebred Labrador pups• Call TR 7-5583 or notify John Knee- land, 1620 Olympic Highway, North. 7/9 tfn FOR SALe: -- Used 17 inch G.E, table model TV, good condition, 90 day guarantee. Phone HA 6-3230. S 8/6 USED CARS FOR SALE -- 1949 Ford pickup truck. BY OWN-ER -- 1957 Plymouth 2 door sedan, atd. shift. 6 cylinder, low mileage. Excellent condition. Phone HA 6-2057. C 7/9 tfn 1958 ttlLLMAN 4 door, real sharp. Phone Union 442. S 7/27-8/6 dition with good tires for $200. Good body, HA 6-3853. E 8/6-13 MICEEOUN 5 bIONTttS OLD Labrador retriew,r, tltoroughbrcds excellent with chil- dren. to give away. Call HA 6-4927, s 8/6-13 • ORDION private, lessons In your home. taneto atlonal School ot Ac()rdion. rs. Casada, phone 1-1A 6-8229, Ill tin l.rry's Tree urgcon Service. ROO'ING, blown roc wool ;nsula- uon. Guaranteed. Phone Ha. 6-t417. 6/MULLn i l ..... Free home demonstrations. Mrs, Sue Daniels, Phone HA 6-3434. 6/4 tfn Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boat our specialty 'Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLASS Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No, Telephone HA. 64837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop IF YOU HAVE '150 °° TEEN-AGERS THIS SUMMER We have liaing to upply our needs, some with spec- lized experience. Ex-Shelton Man of Year JUST PHONE MANLEY'S FOUNTAIN HA 6-3953 __u. 1 [ ] I PRINT LINOLEUM 89¢ Sq. Yd. WALL LINOLEUM 49¢ Lin. Ft. BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 B..R. Ave. HA 6-4332 EKLLS & VALLEY See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS DRYERS also fee EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M 00RCAI/TtL00 ARTIFLCIA.U BREItING service tot both dmr and noel $7.00 caa. v- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Cal! William Turner, Olympia. cot- leer. li'L. 2-118. tin --L*aNE mpaRs xpert worK. /onded employee. ave calls at Journal office, phons HA, 6-44/2. Binger 8ewthg Machine . Eo.. _oL_m__m, ................... _._}ra_. MASSEUR TREATMENTS at ny res- idence near the Lower SkokomiSn School, Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- p ointmtmt Saturday, SUnday, and wednesday. A, F. Oppelt. O4/16 tfn Shingling and Painting CONTRACT JOBS Free Estimates • Phone HA 6-3010 Anthony J. Florek 8/6-9/3 I i USED FURNITURE 6-yr. baby crib and matt- reas (like new) .................... $35 7-pc, chrome set ......................... 35 3-pc. sectional davenport .......... 65 I chair .......................................... 20 1 daveno ...................................... 20 I daveno ...................................... 25 2 chairs, eaell ............................ 10 1 twin bed complete ................ 30 I twin bed complete ................ 35 2 full size bed springs .... $5 & $9 2 wood'heaters, each ................ 35 2 TV sets, reconditioned, each 55 , Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 CABINE'rS STYLED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshore Road Phone HA, 6-6700 7-atfn i i BAR.DIN'S MARINA & POWERMAOHiNERY POWER SAWS 5 h.p. and 7 ll,p. direct drive, 7 h.p. gear driven 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA. 6-6837 FOR SALE TRAVEL ACCIDENT iNSURANCE DO yOU know that you can be pro- tooted by accident insurance while :aeU travel. The entire funily on nd, sea and sir from one day to 6 months. Policies msucd while you wait. Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272. 7-23-tfn 14 FT. STAINLESS seel boat. Inquire John Raymond /2 ulile east i.necr School, Agate. R 7/23-8/'6 mcnt at Walt'a Marine Supply, on bcautifnl Hood Canal, Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/t9 tfn WEST1NGttOUSE eleclric oven, like new. $19,50. Ideal for summer cot- tf:._nqu!:e_H.A .6-s24_ M 7/_ao_. t.fl GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, 2 months old. Phone HA 6-8983, Mrs. Jess Hill, Mason Lake. H 7/30-3/6 (never used). Call HA 6-8545 after 5 p.m. T 7/30-8/6 BLUEBERRIES for sale--A. L. Gurn- sey, 115 Roosevelt. Phone HA 6-3529. G 7/30-8/6 TAYLOR TRIKE, 16" front wheel good condition, $10.00. Phone HA 6-2273, H 8/6 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train, Phone HA 6-3231. C 8/6 tfn q3"R--'SX--A_--bou6ie--6-(7-d:-godiox springs and mattress, Call HA 6-4777. O 8/6 FOR SALE  Two Guernsey heifer calves, 4% months old. Price $55 apiece, Inquire HA 6-3242. H 8/6 new. $2,50.03. Never been in the wa- ter. T. B. Batch. Brinnon, Wash. B 8/6-20 WANTED pa/nt houses, roofs, etc. For esti- mates phone HA 6-4322. Inquire 1202 Cota St. R 3/I2 tfn WILL DO IRONING in my home. By tle hour• Pickup and delivery. Ref- erences. Phone 6-2438, W 4/9 tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone HA 6-8628. S 4/7 tfn accurate precision grinding'. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone HA 6-4602. 1/15 tfn WT N Y m b - ----=B h-.:ff-SF-p-iVd-f f r -p%] d s and piling. Tacoma Pole and Piling Comltan,. . O. Box 3012, Tacoma 99, JUniper 8-9340. 4/16 tfn tY.?):M:it =-: oi4--j-Jb:." --H- ;i;ti think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. HA 6-3098. 2/12 Lfn xVANPE D-D-ead s'tS"C','bi'5"ni-b-i.-'Ve-,, ('nrteous sel'vice. Phone US collect. Elma 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, Inc, 2/27 tfn DRESSMAKING and Alterations, ]>ut'- tonholes, aprons, zippers, crochet and fancywork made to order. Phone HA 6-2104. .................. $4/23 tfn WANTED: 10(}0"l;et:]p]')]( ?- tis. (5:K Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn 3-Pc. Walnut BEDROOM SUITE Double dresser, bookcase headboard, nile stand. $129.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 New Kelvinator Automatic WASHER and DRYER Only $349.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 Discontinued RUG SAMPLES 27" x 54" Values to $19.50. While $5 They Last Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 8-4702 CLEAN your own RUG or CARPET with a BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER It's as easy as using your vacuum cleaner. Your rug will look like new , . . $6,95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 l Phone HA 8-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Rmodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11.20 tin BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn i i FOR SALE Eliot Blueberries BULK 25¢ LB. # 1 LOCKER WRAPPED 30¢ LB. Call HA 6-8337 Evenings 8/6-13 WANTED HAIR CLIPPER and shear sharpen- ing. 520 Arcadia Avenue. G 5/11tfn rAIqEJ-]argii- in; snmll tracts of linlber. C;ts}l. Cruiscr available at OUI' ex|)cnse, Jones Tic & Lonlber Co., P. O. Box 472, Olynlpia. 9/20 repai*,ng ',:::" sta}httions, oil conversions. Shelt(m Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial tIA 6-6121 ........ : 5/1 tfn ONE FULL-TII] WATKINS-local-R-y available on Hood Canal. Earnings are setter than average for persou who is willing to work. No lay-ells. Watkins nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La- dies Home Journal, Good House- keeping, McCalls and other maga- zines. For details write Watkins Produe 2109 East 11th St., Brem- erton, Washington. or phone ESsex 7-5661. 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wet- kins locality in city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.00 per hour and up easily possible. This ts a wonderful opportunity for re- tirea perssn who needs extra income. Write Watkin Products, 2109 East llth St., Bremerton, Washington, or Call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn fNTED Wood cookstove in g)0d condition. Phone HA 6-4165. .......... 7/30-8/6-13 afternoon shift. Inquire Heinie's Broiler, 318 Went Railroad Ave., (Evergreen Square). 7/30 tfn W-ANTED inunediately,-- man to sup- ply consmners with Rawleigh Prod- ucts. Many earn $50 weekly part time -- $100 and up full time. See F. Pet- tis, R-1 Box 301, Elma or write Rawleigh's Dept, 200, Oakland 23, Calif. 8/6-20 "WA-Iq'T'E-D-----I acreage wiLh low bank waterfront for pcrnlanent home- mite. Write H. R. Love, 1636 South 260, Kent, Washington. L 8/6-13 or 14. Will take one or two riders. Call HA 6-6805. H 8/6 lb. or 14 lbs $3,00, Phone Olympia FL 2-8031, Eberhardt Blueberry Nursery. 8/6 tfn B--IUEB+RRI-]-.'- n'{p]k, 15¢ per lb. Pitons Olympia FL 2-8031, 'Eberhardt Blueberry Nursery. 8/6 tfn lclephone soliciting call Olympia FL 2-4333 after 6 p.m. for appointment. D 8/6 WANED -- Gobd used bunk beds. PhdMe HA 6-3367. H 8/6 tfn FOR RENT DOWNTOWN FURNISItED one bed- FOR RENT UNFI)'RN]SItED 2 I>edr,.m hellas f.r 4 :BEDROOM home rent, electric stove and oil furnace TR. 7-5265. ill basenle]ll. Oils block fl'olll 13el ....... dcaux scht,ol. Phone 1-1A 6-1690. TWO BI,JDROOM W 7/30 tfn (3qE"-BD66M "ai:,t::"'lliiLt furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin or phone HA 6-6,t96. B 5/7 tfn FOR RENT -- Three room furnished apartment $45, 218 North Fh't. Adults only. Call HA 6-6176. M 6/11 tin FOR SUMMER vacations, lease in fall, furnished Canal home. Fireplace, washer, dryer, fine swimming beach. Phone TR 7-5467 or Olympia FL _2-3760. C 6/11 tfn FOR RENT--Furnished 3 room house, newly decorated. Also 4 room unfur- nished house. Olympia highway, south, Phone HA 6-6976. D 7/9 tfn FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- cilities. Hot water beat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FURNISHED and unfurnished, one and two bedroom apts, Neat, clean, completely modern. Sportsman Apart- ment Motel, HA 6-3772. A 7/9 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wont- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. ' , 12/4 tfn F--0-g--l Eiffa'- -F6 ii i:ii- 7hit: n i s i i,i d cabin: electric range and Lank. Water ires. Reasonable. Phone HA C 1/8 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom house, downtown, easy walking distance to stores. Phone HA 6-6532 daytime or HA 6-4612 after 4:30 D 7/23 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house,-fuii basement, unfurnished. Phone HA 6-4850. T 7/23-8/6 ROOM AND BOARD, attractive roonts. excellent meals, downtown. Double roonm also available. Phone HA 6-2208. B 6/11 tfn SLEEPING ROOMS and kitchen priv- ileges if desired. 720 N. 4Lb. I-1A 6-3487. R 6/18-8/6 ONE LARGE 3-ROOM apartment at reduced rent, Will take one small child, 1203 Railroad• Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedr(ml un- t'urnishcd, yard, large garage. Walter George. tIA 6-6642 or IIA 6-4636. 10/2-11/13 tfn 718 No. 6tlL phone MA 6-43,t8 after __5 P'!' ............... D 10/11 tfn rodin duplex apartnlent for rent. , .................. ,rasbing facililies. Inquire 706 Cota TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house. st rest 7/30   +++-  - : L ........................................ I-]l[]ercst, o.lso  bedro(ml b, ach cot- FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house.-iiquire tage at Agate. Phone HA 6-.i428. q3 wasnington Street. W 7/9 tfn J 6/25 tfn H-/50SE--+F0-1-'RE-NY'---suf(a6i--';: O'VE]Ni(/[T-+')]r-WEEK]3ND gu6sts working coupb,. /nquire ]427 Cots, you, haven't tl()] f(,r? Send them across the bridge, L 7/30 tfn to Lawton Apt.-Motal. Apartmenls F+O'II--Ri!IT-:L 3 i:t;oi--a(rtnieit witii now available by day, week or bath, downtown. Unfurnished except month. Phone HA 6-2121 or H.A 6-8177 for range. Refrigerator if desired. 7/16 tfn Ptlone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwlth. (ii++R]N'r-z2 - 6"(Td;:0i;i-u-nfhrnish-ed 6/26 tfn II<)usc one block froln high school. F-(5-R--RElTL-:Fiin]+;la;c1--+(:otiage -and Newly redecorated. Phone HA 6-4346, trailer spaces. Tie Pines. L 10/9 tfn aIter 6 p,m. D 7/16 tfn l'6R--RENTJ--0ne+-6eli:i;imi fi('at/'d ?ur- (ilJJ,JAN- +ND QU]ET-i'oihiis L/y de:c-or nlshed apartment. Adults only. 311 we,,k. Cameroon Hotel. 2/3 tfn No. 1st. Phene }IA 6-3025. P 3/12 tfn t((TfiD-Si0R6Idh---TRXI LE R- PARK: Conwnieot to rlil]s and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge, S 4/4 tfn FOR FtENT'--i'i:lCg.,;k-i;]i+i:ii;. -. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-,1679. R 4/18 tfn Ib-R--qE-NTLT'7- be d rT/rTi Unfui:ni Si: ed house on Mr. View. 2214 Adams street. Inquire 2212 Adams. 7/16 tfn heat and hot water furnished Ph 1 HA 6-3084. $3/19 fin I00ON/N6 done in my home Charge -- $1.00 per hour. MRS. RON PIERCE Phone HA 6-8844 7/30-8/27 FURNISHED APARTMENT available at (h)ldsborough Apts. S 4/4 till FOR RENT---Partly furnls?ted aptl'2 large bedrooms, 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6.30 P.nt. K2/26 tfll FOR-ENT -:--2 bedro"m homu 220 wiring, excellent T,V. r¢'(,qlt i(+u. HA 6-4297, Maric A. Kubik, 205 E, Pine. K 7/2 tfn URiSJM-i,f.-hii ]5;ii]i + :i,l,Wiit;wni --uh- f/ vnis lod exe | t J( r 'aeg+', Rot'rig r- aiov if deMred. P]ll)lle HA 6-3283, Mrs. Bevkwith. 6/26-7/3 tfn F() R- -IE N T -2:: ' -i'()i; n i" ilal;t i y turnisli(d house, garage, neat and (dean, Ileal" ehur(:h, .vhool, store. Fruit, lawu, flowers. No children. ltA 6- 3360. Inquire 911 Franklin. 7/30-8/6 WVDff(f6M-i;ifi:hi-s]V-d-baitrii,:mt and one unIurniMled house with 2 electric stoves and refrigerator. Both close to mills. Ph. ItA 6-3,i77. A 8/6 (=ii'i--R]]l-T--L"'Xtti:aiit iV;i 3-i;;,Jni +'fUi::- nished house, (dose in, cAtrport, re;L- tamable. )bone I]A 6-4759. B 8/6-1'd FOR RENT --- 3 bedroom downt;wn older home $i5 per nonth. Call Wa- terfront Realty. HA 6-8535, 8/6 REAL ESTATE ROOM HOUSE, 1 acre, sh)wer, util- it.y, B. nook, el;trJc punlp, 3] nil. on Dayton Rd. $1000,00 easl or trade for small house close in town. Nellie Storts, Star Rt, 2, Box 67, Shelton. S 7/23-8/6 FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, dining room and living room combined, fireplace, ftnace piped to each room, sep- arate utility room, picture win- 'dows, six closets, 2 lots, double garage-- $13,000.00. INCOME PROPERTY: two-2 bed- room houses, 1-1 bedroom house ad owner's house, also 2 bed- rooms, 2 & 6/10 acres, lovely lo- cation, will sell all or any part -- $30,000.00. 1 lot on Bay, 60 x 385 feet, gravel beach, tidelands, low bank, cabin 28 x 16 foot, well  $5,500.00. 5 Acres, 3 bedroom house, large garage and work shop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, close to town--- $8,750.00. 217 Foot of waterfront on Bay, 250 foot deep, low bank, $30.00 per foot. 3 beth'oom house, dinet.te, fire- place, electric hcat-flmot; and pan- cling, I lot. g11,500.00, $:;50.00 down and c]osin cos{,. Acre.all cleared, e1(Ise to town, bedroom house, ftdl basement, furnace, fruit trees and berries, in- sulated-- $8,500.00. :jr :i: * 2 bedroom Imusc, 2 lots, ctrpovt--. $7,500.00 terms, 4 acres, 3 acres cleared, large gar- age, new 3 bedroom hotlsc, fire- place-- $8,500.00. 4: :[: ¢ 3 bedroom tlOllSe, (lining el'ca. !)last.ere(l, fireplace, electric heat carport and storage space, i lot- $12,000.00. WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 i USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA 6-4332 5/7-tfn HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837, Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning i T iiii ii i ...... , ,. : = BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street: Tel. HA 6-20,12 JOHN BUNKO 225 Sotttl llth Strect Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tfn drilled well, Isabella, 6-436S FOR SALE: large fenced 6-,1522 days, FOR SALE honte, electric ]al'gt sun room, St, Phone HA A¢:ATE DISTRI hqUe, t)al'll: Ih'ic, ed to SICKNESS Waterlrlmt. 3 CCllt beat, fenced, (,.lear ll]evsley Store. $ with creek city LOVELY bdroonl bonle, rel Ave., pric go, Realtor, FOR SALE Hil]crest. car as down 6-6870. FOR SALE : corner Ternls. Or late model Portland 13, Large living 2 bedroomS, bath, way storage, lot 90 x 125; tar heat. $17,500.00. Cole, For FOUR 1227 Write 1418 PoI FOR Bay.' Phone HA FOB 12-acres of merchantable drilled well, 2 with garage. property south of highway. ;3450.00 cash., , Nice tract of containing cleared rated for some 3 bedroom garage and with ample miles from road. Priced i least $2,000 small able, S 40-acres creek, XmaS mostly alder, with drilled possibilities nice place. miles south at $5000 with reliable party. Motel, cabins good Further land ested parties Clflars. S 3 bedroom place, utility garage and wi]) wish in a in Shelton and center. Can be pointflmnt. , , 6-room with 2 tmfinished more if space and nice basement with room, work wood furnace well, plenty chicken fruit trees. lawn, flowers timbcr. A]S0 Ma thick pet (an be a few and a real convenient it today for a :;5 acres of cedar and nlod6'rn holfle utility room. mill "and old Has good garden country spot bi]ities. southeast of vah te at $850 down paymer down it;Lylne 1 Calf [I,'-;(:' tintbcr lands . aul about sold An Policy iS phons T SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "¢Christmastown U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin FOR SALE ...... FOR TRADE for waterfront or water- view! Herd of high quality chinchil- las with equipment. H, Heaton, 16806 109th Ave: S.E,, Renton Wash. Phone Alp ne 5-6066. 7/30-8/13 $39.50. L. M. Furniture Departmcnt er, faster, more efficient. Also 24- hour photo /inishing• Try tu• Zieg- ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6-6163. 8/15 tfn tampa for sale at the Journal, $1•25 each. 107 So. 4th. 12/1 tfn FOR SALE or trade for cattle--York- shire weaner pigs. bred gilts and sows. Phone HA 6-3624. A 7/18-8/6 engine. Lots of locker room, sleeps 2, $800. Phone HA. 6-6769, E7/a--6/6 hand starting Evinrude. All ready to go• Complete price $1100.00 and up. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly Hillerest Hardware). 7/30 tfn carbine with peep sight• $50, One TI- ton Sportsman's Power saw $35, Phone HA 6-2464, J 7/30 tfn] new• Assume low monthly payments, t Write Credit Manager, Box 928. Ida-[ ho Falls, Idaho. A 8/6-13 farobe; new Welsh Teeter-babe; car seat: nearly new Ncchi sewing ma- chine with attachments; new Singer VIMUUnl cleaner; dishes, service for eight, purchased from Dree's; solid limed oak three p/ace bookcase set with matching desk witli (:hair. Phone HA 6-8489. S 8/6 construction. $96.00. Excellent con- dition. Phone HA 6-4004. W 816 Lustre carpet and upholstery clean- or. Lunlbermen's Mercantile Com- pany, 8£6 .I00.00. Fay terms. Johnny's Music ox. 8/6 tfn -KI-N.-*T ,au* mnp, new surpttm %-in• Neoprene wet suits, tailored *A-In. sklnd2v|ng and water sk/lng SUIts or kits Newest in skis- diving equipment• 1951 Hillman Minx for sale. Phone HA 6-6877. Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tfn chinery. Remington chain saws, Zetm generators, portable power. I956 Oly_Jnpia Highway No. B 5/14 tfn d'goed;rrasppe.dn rIY la l°cket•" B 7/30-8/6 is sure to be somethlnt' you will want either in the Thrift €1 partmsnt or the Gift and Hobby IIb)p where l there are artificial flower arrange-] meats o! every kind and size• Bar] Din, oppos/te the Armory. 5/21 tfn f YdH-- t:X'CK -' b-i -" /7iif-E[ffC road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pa grttvel for driveways. Norman Ah- derson, phone HA 6-552, John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn and service at Shelton Marine Supply. 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163, 2/20 tfn for. Complete with cou£rols. |12.00• inquire Heinie's Broiler or Phone HA 6-4294. H 7130-8/6 motor like new $[00 and one 1 hp, :Brlgg's & Stratton air-cooled motor with attsx:hed centrifugal pump, $50. Phone HA 6-8316. D 7/30-8/13 PLAY- G 2M7- redh%7i'-t--$] 9795 - -ffJi-i $24.50, Budget Shop, 321 Railroad. 8/6 BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Advertised Tyrex Cord Allstate Silent Cushion Tires FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Office: 116 N• 2nd Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 FOR SALE • I i BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- choirs of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- panF sale and service. Local repre- ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. sentative wally Anderson. Phone 1/28 tfn HA 6-6001. A4/30 tfn MONO CHAIN SAWS, 3 hp.. direct BOATS, TRAILERS and outboard ms- drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and chain, tots at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163. Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn 11/13 tfn ONE YEAR GUARANTEED Reining- FOR-SAE: Large selectlo-of e- ton saw, 80 days guaranteed chain. Bar-Din Marina and Power Ms- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, chinery See tsm'! B 5/14 tfn washers, dryers. Fells & Valley' Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tfn PICK-UP HOUS] for a . ton pick-up for sale. _ompletely moaern. All ROOFING and all other building ma- rttrnne. one HA 6-6779. terlals, nothing down. 38 months to L 6/4 tfn pay under FHA terms now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., RUG CEANING ProfeMional equip- phone HA 6-4303, 6/6 tn ment for rant. Make rugs like new. L,M. Decorating Center, 321 Railroad, TOP SOIL. gravel, fill dirt. F.E. B 7/9 tfn Ogden. HA 6-61. /I tfn' - FOR SALE: Portable wood saw, '87 W"'--B--R'-U',N Piymouth motor, $156.oo. 11 rt.ply- on consignment, your boats, motors, wood _h(t glas bottom, $75.00. 3 trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. nonm lvtnue outboard motor, 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 0.00 or boat and motor $100.00. 7 6-816. 3/20 tin horse garden tractor, $100.00. See K. F. Cox, Rt. 1, Box 4, Shelton. FOR SALE: Ued steel, plate, pipe, }.. ,phone HA $-2118. C 7/28 tfn pulleys and shaft. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and AMIRICAN IIBRARY of Sacred Reo- _lill, phone HA 6-8626. 918 tfa orals, Audio Bible studies, New Test- ament family devotions, sacred rec- COVERXNGS -- for walls, windows, ord albums, 8ymphonlc phonograph. floors. Paint. wallpaper, drapes, Call or ace Harold B. Johnson 1311 rugs. tlle yardgoods. ]5. M. DFA2OR- Smnmlt. HA 6-2464. Also home pre- ATING CENTER. 821 P.a/Iroad. sentatkms. J 7/28 tin 1/28 fin T-'---V'L---I---)--U'-R-"Uqi-B-"].= 10" RUNABOUT, double cockpit, bot- rangements for all tours, transpoe  tom and top deck fiberglaed, good tat/on and reservat/oa, at no addl- condition. 15 Johnson, all for $325. tional cost to you Clara Bell Angle, 'rR 7-53, Hb0dpurt. S 7/28-8/6 phones HA 6-4134 or HA 6-8272. COAL  Approximately seven tons, t& 6/26 tfn off. Lower 8kokomish school Pick up yourself. For more information. FOR SALE One 5,000 watt light call Hoodsport TR 7-5419 or TR 7- plant. See Mr. T. B, Batch, Rrinnon, 5467. S $/6-13 Wash. B 7/9 tn FOR SALE -- l0 tons hay. Phone aft- TRAVEL" ACCIDENT INSURANCE  er 6 p.m,, HA 6-3755. . L 8/6-13 Do you know that you can be pro- Camera and easl, tooted by accident insurance while you. travel. The entire family, on flash attachment, close-up lens and lane, a and air front one day  to several fllterJ, Original lJricc $22,56, 6 months. Polieie issued while you sell for $10,00, HA 6-68. K 8/6 wait. Angle Aency, ph. HA 8-8272. i 7/ tfn Budget Shop, $1 Railroad. 8/6 sONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid SMALL GA-i':-$50,---h6 eye glasses for sale, Used x)ne month, HA 6-8516---no calls after 4:30 p.m. guaranteed. Phone HA 6-3818 after week das's.. L # H 816 tfn 5:30 p.m. 7/30 tfn i fm $29.50 at L. M. Furniture De- partment. 6/6 Custom Tractor Work 2 NICE RID/NG horses, one blood red OtOV&ttfl Or regular plowing, bey mare, one smaller pinto gelding. {llPAn and ltarrowing, excavating, saddles, brtdles, and halters, good blade leveling, road grading, road 2 Itorse trailer, electric brakes, Vel. Well-aged -awdust. Work $795.00 for all. Letter Dickinson. I{oodsport TR 7-523. D 8,'6 by hour single-handed, Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. Water Wslle Drilled Experienced Driller EVERGREEN DRILLING CO. Phone HA 6-8366 tfn ,i, , ,,,, k ,, , DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-fin APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric loor Sandem Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sands Rgtna Electric Floor PaUahem House Jacks LAWTON LUM_B F,R 420 S. 1St Phons HA. 6-4808 2-10tin Fcluslvely at Beckwith Jewelry I U SEPTIC TANKS Drain fleld Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two lnsertiorm, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for krger ads on requeL " Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e a $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisement must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is mceMary. I FOR SALE HOLLYWOOD BED and springs, prac- tically new, Manufactured one-wheel traih;r, excellent condition. Inquire 628 Turner. P 7/30-8/6 NOTHING DOWN, 36 months to pay under F.H,A. terms on all building supplies, Lump it all under one bill. Lawton Lumber. 420 S, 1st St., Ph, HA 6-4303. 6/5 tfn FT. SEMI cabin cruiser with 22 hp. Gray Marine motor or will trade for sumller boat and trailer. Phone HA 6-6779. L 517 tin F.H.A. TERMS now available on an building materials allows you to lump construction coats under one bill. For information inquh'e at Lawton Lumber, 420 S, let St. Phone HA 6-4303. 615 tfn HIGH POWER Llghteat Weight! Fast* eat cutting at highest power! Rem- ington Saws, ar-Dln's Marina, Mountain View• B 5/14 tn FOR SALE: Purebred Labrador pups• Call TR 7-5583 or notify John Knee- land, 1620 Olympic Highway, North. 7/9 tfn FOR SALe: -- Used 17 inch G.E, table model TV, good condition, 90 day guarantee. Phone HA 6-3230. S 8/6 USED CARS FOR SALE -- 1949 Ford pickup truck. BY OWN-ER -- 1957 Plymouth 2 door sedan, atd. shift. 6 cylinder, low mileage. Excellent condition. Phone HA 6-2057. C 7/9 tfn 1958 ttlLLMAN 4 door, real sharp. Phone Union 442. S 7/27-8/6 dition with good tires for $200. Good body, HA 6-3853. E 8/6-13 MICEEOUN 5 bIONTttS OLD Labrador retriew,r, tltoroughbrcds excellent with chil- dren. to give away. Call HA 6-4927, s 8/6-13 • ORDION private, lessons In your home. taneto atlonal School ot Ac()rdion. rs. Casada, phone 1-1A 6-8229, Ill tin l.rry's Tree urgcon Service. ROO'ING, blown roc wool ;nsula- uon. Guaranteed. Phone Ha. 6-t417. 6/MULLn i l ..... Free home demonstrations. Mrs, Sue Daniels, Phone HA 6-3434. 6/4 tfn Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boat our specialty 'Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLASS Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No, Telephone HA. 64837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop IF YOU HAVE '150 °° TEEN-AGERS THIS SUMMER We have liaing to upply our needs, some with spec- lized experience. Ex-Shelton Man of Year JUST PHONE MANLEY'S FOUNTAIN HA 6-3953 __u. 1 [ ] I PRINT LINOLEUM 89¢ Sq. Yd. WALL LINOLEUM 49¢ Lin. Ft. BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 B..R. Ave. HA 6-4332 EKLLS & VALLEY See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS DRYERS also fee EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M 00RCAI/TtL00 ARTIFLCIA.U BREItING service tot both dmr and noel $7.00 caa. v- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Cal! William Turner, Olympia. cot- leer. li'L. 2-118. tin --L*aNE mpaRs xpert worK. /onded employee. ave calls at Journal office, phons HA, 6-44/2. Binger 8ewthg Machine . Eo.. _oL_m__m, ................... _._}ra_. MASSEUR TREATMENTS at ny res- idence near the Lower SkokomiSn School, Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- p ointmtmt Saturday, SUnday, and wednesday. A, F. Oppelt. O4/16 tfn Shingling and Painting CONTRACT JOBS Free Estimates • Phone HA 6-3010 Anthony J. Florek 8/6-9/3 I i USED FURNITURE 6-yr. baby crib and matt- reas (like new) .................... $35 7-pc, chrome set ......................... 35 3-pc. sectional davenport .......... 65 I chair .......................................... 20 1 daveno ...................................... 20 I daveno ...................................... 25 2 chairs, eaell ............................ 10 1 twin bed complete ................ 30 I twin bed complete ................ 35 2 full size bed springs .... $5 & $9 2 wood'heaters, each ................ 35 2 TV sets, reconditioned, each 55 , Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 CABINE'rS STYLED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshore Road Phone HA, 6-6700 7-atfn i i BAR.DIN'S MARINA & POWERMAOHiNERY POWER SAWS 5 h.p. and 7 ll,p. direct drive, 7 h.p. gear driven 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA. 6-6837 FOR SALE TRAVEL ACCIDENT iNSURANCE DO yOU know that you can be pro- tooted by accident insurance while :aeU travel. The entire funily on nd, sea and sir from one day to 6 months. Policies msucd while you wait. Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272. 7-23-tfn 14 FT. STAINLESS seel boat. Inquire John Raymond /2 ulile east i.necr School, Agate. R 7/23-8/'6 mcnt at Walt'a Marine Supply, on bcautifnl Hood Canal, Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/t9 tfn WEST1NGttOUSE eleclric oven, like new. $19,50. Ideal for summer cot- tf:._nqu!:e_H.A .6-s24_ M 7/_ao_. t.fl GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, 2 months old. Phone HA 6-8983, Mrs. Jess Hill, Mason Lake. H 7/30-3/6 (never used). Call HA 6-8545 after 5 p.m. T 7/30-8/6 BLUEBERRIES for sale--A. L. Gurn- sey, 115 Roosevelt. Phone HA 6-3529. G 7/30-8/6 TAYLOR TRIKE, 16" front wheel good condition, $10.00. Phone HA 6-2273, H 8/6 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train, Phone HA 6-3231. C 8/6 tfn q3"R--'SX--A_--bou6ie--6-(7-d:-godiox springs and mattress, Call HA 6-4777. O 8/6 FOR SALE  Two Guernsey heifer calves, 4% months old. Price $55 apiece, Inquire HA 6-3242. H 8/6 new. $2,50.03. Never been in the wa- ter. T. B. Batch. Brinnon, Wash. B 8/6-20 WANTED pa/nt houses, roofs, etc. For esti- mates phone HA 6-4322. Inquire 1202 Cota St. R 3/I2 tfn WILL DO IRONING in my home. By tle hour• Pickup and delivery. Ref- erences. Phone 6-2438, W 4/9 tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone HA 6-8628. S 4/7 tfn accurate precision grinding'. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone HA 6-4602. 1/15 tfn WT N Y m b - ----=B h-.:ff-SF-p-iVd-f f r -p%] d s and piling. Tacoma Pole and Piling Comltan,. . O. Box 3012, Tacoma 99, JUniper 8-9340. 4/16 tfn tY.?):M:it =-: oi4--j-Jb:." --H- ;i;ti think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. HA 6-3098. 2/12 Lfn xVANPE D-D-ead s'tS"C','bi'5"ni-b-i.-'Ve-,, ('nrteous sel'vice. Phone US collect. Elma 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, Inc, 2/27 tfn DRESSMAKING and Alterations, ]>ut'- tonholes, aprons, zippers, crochet and fancywork made to order. Phone HA 6-2104. .................. $4/23 tfn WANTED: 10(}0"l;et:]p]')]( ?- tis. (5:K Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn 3-Pc. Walnut BEDROOM SUITE Double dresser, bookcase headboard, nile stand. $129.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 New Kelvinator Automatic WASHER and DRYER Only $349.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 Discontinued RUG SAMPLES 27" x 54" Values to $19.50. While $5 They Last Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 8-4702 CLEAN your own RUG or CARPET with a BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER It's as easy as using your vacuum cleaner. Your rug will look like new , . . $6,95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 l Phone HA 8-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Rmodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11.20 tin BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn i i FOR SALE Eliot Blueberries BULK 25¢ LB. # 1 LOCKER WRAPPED 30¢ LB. Call HA 6-8337 Evenings 8/6-13 WANTED HAIR CLIPPER and shear sharpen- ing. 520 Arcadia Avenue. G 5/11tfn rAIqEJ-]argii- in; snmll tracts of linlber. C;ts}l. Cruiscr available at OUI' ex|)cnse, Jones Tic & Lonlber Co., P. O. Box 472, Olynlpia. 9/20 repai*,ng ',:::" sta}httions, oil conversions. Shelt(m Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial tIA 6-6121 ........ : 5/1 tfn ONE FULL-TII] WATKINS-local-R-y available on Hood Canal. Earnings are setter than average for persou who is willing to work. No lay-ells. Watkins nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La- dies Home Journal, Good House- keeping, McCalls and other maga- zines. For details write Watkins Produe 2109 East 11th St., Brem- erton, Washington. or phone ESsex 7-5661. 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wet- kins locality in city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.00 per hour and up easily possible. This ts a wonderful opportunity for re- tirea perssn who needs extra income. Write Watkin Products, 2109 East llth St., Bremerton, Washington, or Call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn fNTED Wood cookstove in g)0d condition. Phone HA 6-4165. .......... 7/30-8/6-13 afternoon shift. Inquire Heinie's Broiler, 318 Went Railroad Ave., (Evergreen Square). 7/30 tfn W-ANTED inunediately,-- man to sup- ply consmners with Rawleigh Prod- ucts. Many earn $50 weekly part time -- $100 and up full time. See F. Pet- tis, R-1 Box 301, Elma or write Rawleigh's Dept, 200, Oakland 23, Calif. 8/6-20 "WA-Iq'T'E-D-----I acreage wiLh low bank waterfront for pcrnlanent home- mite. Write H. R. Love, 1636 South 260, Kent, Washington. L 8/6-13 or 14. Will take one or two riders. Call HA 6-6805. H 8/6 lb. or 14 lbs $3,00, Phone Olympia FL 2-8031, Eberhardt Blueberry Nursery. 8/6 tfn B--IUEB+RRI-]-.'- n'{p]k, 15¢ per lb. Pitons Olympia FL 2-8031, 'Eberhardt Blueberry Nursery. 8/6 tfn lclephone soliciting call Olympia FL 2-4333 after 6 p.m. for appointment. D 8/6 WANED -- Gobd used bunk beds. PhdMe HA 6-3367. H 8/6 tfn FOR RENT DOWNTOWN FURNISItED one bed- FOR RENT UNFI)'RN]SItED 2 I>edr,.m hellas f.r 4 :BEDROOM home rent, electric stove and oil furnace TR. 7-5265. ill basenle]ll. Oils block fl'olll 13el ....... dcaux scht,ol. Phone 1-1A 6-1690. TWO BI,JDROOM W 7/30 tfn (3qE"-BD66M "ai:,t::"'lliiLt furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin or phone HA 6-6,t96. B 5/7 tfn FOR RENT -- Three room furnished apartment $45, 218 North Fh't. Adults only. Call HA 6-6176. M 6/11 tin FOR SUMMER vacations, lease in fall, furnished Canal home. Fireplace, washer, dryer, fine swimming beach. Phone TR 7-5467 or Olympia FL _2-3760. C 6/11 tfn FOR RENT--Furnished 3 room house, newly decorated. Also 4 room unfur- nished house. Olympia highway, south, Phone HA 6-6976. D 7/9 tfn FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- cilities. Hot water beat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FURNISHED and unfurnished, one and two bedroom apts, Neat, clean, completely modern. Sportsman Apart- ment Motel, HA 6-3772. A 7/9 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wont- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. ' , 12/4 tfn F--0-g--l Eiffa'- -F6 ii i:ii- 7hit: n i s i i,i d cabin: electric range and Lank. Water ires. Reasonable. Phone HA C 1/8 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom house, downtown, easy walking distance to stores. Phone HA 6-6532 daytime or HA 6-4612 after 4:30 D 7/23 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house,-fuii basement, unfurnished. Phone HA 6-4850. T 7/23-8/6 ROOM AND BOARD, attractive roonts. excellent meals, downtown. Double roonm also available. Phone HA 6-2208. B 6/11 tfn SLEEPING ROOMS and kitchen priv- ileges if desired. 720 N. 4Lb. I-1A 6-3487. R 6/18-8/6 ONE LARGE 3-ROOM apartment at reduced rent, Will take one small child, 1203 Railroad• Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedr(ml un- t'urnishcd, yard, large garage. Walter George. tIA 6-6642 or IIA 6-4636. 10/2-11/13 tfn 718 No. 6tlL phone MA 6-43,t8 after __5 P'!' ............... D 10/11 tfn rodin duplex apartnlent for rent. , .................. ,rasbing facililies. Inquire 706 Cota TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house. st rest 7/30   +++-  - : L ........................................ I-]l[]ercst, o.lso  bedro(ml b, ach cot- FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house.-iiquire tage at Agate. Phone HA 6-.i428. q3 wasnington Street. W 7/9 tfn J 6/25 tfn H-/50SE--+F0-1-'RE-NY'---suf(a6i--';: O'VE]Ni(/[T-+')]r-WEEK]3ND gu6sts working coupb,. /nquire ]427 Cots, you, haven't tl()] f(,r? Send them across the bridge, L 7/30 tfn to Lawton Apt.-Motal. Apartmenls F+O'II--Ri!IT-:L 3 i:t;oi--a(rtnieit witii now available by day, week or bath, downtown. Unfurnished except month. Phone HA 6-2121 or H.A 6-8177 for range. Refrigerator if desired. 7/16 tfn Ptlone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwlth. (ii++R]N'r-z2 - 6"(Td;:0i;i-u-nfhrnish-ed 6/26 tfn II<)usc one block froln high school. F-(5-R--RElTL-:Fiin]+;la;c1--+(:otiage -and Newly redecorated. Phone HA 6-4346, trailer spaces. Tie Pines. L 10/9 tfn aIter 6 p,m. D 7/16 tfn l'6R--RENTJ--0ne+-6eli:i;imi fi('at/'d ?ur- (ilJJ,JAN- +ND QU]ET-i'oihiis L/y de:c-or nlshed apartment. Adults only. 311 we,,k. Cameroon Hotel. 2/3 tfn No. 1st. Phene }IA 6-3025. P 3/12 tfn t((TfiD-Si0R6Idh---TRXI LE R- PARK: Conwnieot to rlil]s and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge, S 4/4 tfn FOR FtENT'--i'i:lCg.,;k-i;]i+i:ii;. -. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-,1679. R 4/18 tfn Ib-R--qE-NTLT'7- be d rT/rTi Unfui:ni Si: ed house on Mr. View. 2214 Adams street. Inquire 2212 Adams. 7/16 tfn heat and hot water furnished Ph 1 HA 6-3084. $3/19 fin I00ON/N6 done in my home Charge -- $1.00 per hour. MRS. RON PIERCE Phone HA 6-8844 7/30-8/27 FURNISHED APARTMENT available at (h)ldsborough Apts. S 4/4 till FOR RENT---Partly furnls?ted aptl'2 large bedrooms, 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6.30 P.nt. K2/26 tfll FOR-ENT -:--2 bedro"m homu 220 wiring, excellent T,V. r¢'(,qlt i(+u. HA 6-4297, Maric A. Kubik, 205 E, Pine. K 7/2 tfn URiSJM-i,f.-hii ]5;ii]i + :i,l,Wiit;wni --uh- f/ vnis lod exe | t J( r 'aeg+', Rot'rig r- aiov if deMred. P]ll)lle HA 6-3283, Mrs. Bevkwith. 6/26-7/3 tfn F() R- -IE N T -2:: ' -i'()i; n i" ilal;t i y turnisli(d house, garage, neat and (dean, Ileal" ehur(:h, .vhool, store. Fruit, lawu, flowers. No children. ltA 6- 3360. Inquire 911 Franklin. 7/30-8/6 WVDff(f6M-i;ifi:hi-s]V-d-baitrii,:mt and one unIurniMled house with 2 electric stoves and refrigerator. Both close to mills. Ph. ItA 6-3,i77. A 8/6 (=ii'i--R]]l-T--L"'Xtti:aiit iV;i 3-i;;,Jni +'fUi::- nished house, (dose in, cAtrport, re;L- tamable. )bone I]A 6-4759. B 8/6-1'd FOR RENT --- 3 bedroom downt;wn older home $i5 per nonth. Call Wa- terfront Realty. HA 6-8535, 8/6 REAL ESTATE ROOM HOUSE, 1 acre, sh)wer, util- it.y, B. nook, el;trJc punlp, 3] nil. on Dayton Rd. $1000,00 easl or trade for small house close in town. Nellie Storts, Star Rt, 2, Box 67, Shelton. S 7/23-8/6 FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, dining room and living room combined, fireplace, ftnace piped to each room, sep- arate utility room, picture win- 'dows, six closets, 2 lots, double garage-- $13,000.00. INCOME PROPERTY: two-2 bed- room houses, 1-1 bedroom house ad owner's house, also 2 bed- rooms, 2 & 6/10 acres, lovely lo- cation, will sell all or any part -- $30,000.00. 1 lot on Bay, 60 x 385 feet, gravel beach, tidelands, low bank, cabin 28 x 16 foot, well  $5,500.00. 5 Acres, 3 bedroom house, large garage and work shop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, close to town--- $8,750.00. 217 Foot of waterfront on Bay, 250 foot deep, low bank, $30.00 per foot. 3 beth'oom house, dinet.te, fire- place, electric hcat-flmot; and pan- cling, I lot. g11,500.00, $:;50.00 down and c]osin cos{,. Acre.all cleared, e1(Ise to town, bedroom house, ftdl basement, furnace, fruit trees and berries, in- sulated-- $8,500.00. :jr :i: * 2 bedroom Imusc, 2 lots, ctrpovt--. $7,500.00 terms, 4 acres, 3 acres cleared, large gar- age, new 3 bedroom hotlsc, fire- place-- $8,500.00. 4: :[: ¢ 3 bedroom tlOllSe, (lining el'ca. !)last.ere(l, fireplace, electric heat carport and storage space, i lot- $12,000.00. WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 i USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA 6-4332 5/7-tfn HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837, Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning i T iiii ii i ...... , ,. : = BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street: Tel. HA 6-20,12 JOHN BUNKO 225 Sotttl llth Strect Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tfn drilled well, Isabella, 6-436S FOR SALE: large fenced 6-,1522 days, FOR SALE honte, electric ]al'gt sun room, St, Phone HA A¢:ATE DISTRI hqUe, t)al'll: Ih'ic, ed to SICKNESS Waterlrlmt. 3 CCllt beat, fenced, (,.lear ll]evsley Store. $ with creek city LOVELY bdroonl bonle, rel Ave., pric go, Realtor, FOR SALE Hil]crest. car as down 6-6870. FOR SALE : corner Ternls. Or late model Portland 13, Large living 2 bedroomS, bath, way storage, lot 90 x 125; tar heat. $17,500.00. Cole, For FOUR 1227 Write 1418 PoI FOR Bay.' Phone HA FOB 12-acres of merchantable drilled well, 2 with garage. property south of highway. ;3450.00 cash., , Nice tract of containing cleared rated for some 3 bedroom garage and with ample miles from road. Priced i least $2,000 small able, S 40-acres creek, XmaS mostly alder, with drilled possibilities nice place. miles south at $5000 with reliable party. Motel, cabins good Further land ested parties Clflars. S 3 bedroom place, utility garage and wi]) wish in a in Shelton and center. Can be pointflmnt. , , 6-room with 2 tmfinished more if space and nice basement with room, work wood furnace well, plenty chicken fruit trees. lawn, flowers timbcr. A]S0 Ma thick pet (an be a few and a real convenient it today for a :;5 acres of cedar and nlod6'rn holfle utility room. mill "and old Has good garden country spot bi]ities. southeast of vah te at $850 down paymer down it;Lylne 1 Calf [I,'-;(:' tintbcr lands . aul about sold An Policy iS phons