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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1959
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1959 Legal Pubheatlons bedroom. Halstono Cutoff .................... 163 .5 aml paint- Streets in Mr. View Ar(,a .5 S 7/31) tfn Tahuya Va h,y . ................... ". 2i]5A 2.7 -- Mas,m Slre.I .-. Union ....... 277 .'), house, Misv. SIlot't v('li()l)S ........... 1.0 cau b(, add- HI,,' IT FURTIIEI. RESOLVED that after 6 p.)ll, the nhl,ve tlesvril)e(] f'ollBly rolt(I 1 "di- S 6/18 tfn vi.t ) n('cesm "3' a))d pr.per, and the • " 'stillllllqt t'OSLS (d" Slll(l T ')J t'i IIl't' With b,qth. Ilo)'q'with s't (all ill dPtli] :is I'olI,)ws two heds. (Ins Tilx : Road ('(H|Sl FLI('(II)ll. .(I. I t( .I : Total $20.000.00, l.)ay L:)b.r. N 7/9 tin The ('OOllly I'()at] l)l' Jj('('[ ht'l'()ill (1P- scribed is ItERI,]I'Y I)Et'I..KIH,]D to 1,, 84X28 with I0 n ptl i' ne"ssily nnd lh, ('t)tlelY street or Road Enghlt,ev is' HEH.EI:Y OI{DEI.- N 7/23 tfn ED AND At.'I'IlORIZEL) to r p(rt I(I .... ])rt)('(,ed (hi're(in as l)y law providcd. Spencer IE IT FuIVrHER I>.ESOLVEI) that Unlnler liv- this l)r()j('et, it' day work lie perf()t'ol- iO0 ft. ed by sot)ervisor ill at'coY(loBe(' wilh heat. 2 tit(' Standard B(md and It'i(lg(' Sl)eci- H 7/2 (fn flea(ions of the State (n rashingt.n as ath)piod I)y tllis })card, ADOPTED this 3rd day of Aua'usI (r,( ] ,l,).I, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION]RS el, " MASON COUNTY. WASII.I N(VI'ON JOHN BARIEKMAN. Chair)Iron Ihelton. C.W. STRECKIqNBACII E ROY MITCHELL day evening, Attest : black No. 17 C. NOLAN MASON HA 6-6559 Clerk of Board g/6 It ings. --- ............................ Me 8/6-13 CIVIl, SERVICI,; EXAMINATION F()r: City ,if Sheltt)n P()lice Dept. and and pay Shelton Fire Dept. C 8/6 Date: August 11, 1959. at 8:00 P.M. In the Ctty Hall. Beginning S ary: Police Dept." $385.00 I)er nlf)nth. Fire Dept.--S385.00 per month, Qualifications: Polk:e Dept. IIigh OF st'hoc)l education, age 22 to 40. 5'10" NO, 317 tall or over. weigllt 565 Ihs. or over. BY the Five Dept. -- High st:heel education. tim( age 21 to 40. car- Applications may be obtained at the Poli4'e Dept. and Fh.e Dept. attd must be rbturnod to the Dept. office by 5:00 schedule: P.M.. August 7. 1959. No. MI ROCKY HF, MBROFF, Chairman 115 .3 Ch'tl Service Commission 140 4.0 Shelton. Washington /30/8/6 2t EXCELLENT BUYS! BEADTIFUL VIEW ... 4 BR home situated on top of Stretch Full basement, wall-to-wall carpeting, fire- trees, grapes, garden, etc. $15,000. BEDROOM, 2 BATH, HOBBY ROOM ... Seas and charm of this lovely home you'll master bedroom has Mr. and Mrs. closets dining room, fireplace, dishwasher, excellent downtown location. $16,500. 01qE NEAR NEW BORDEAUX SCHOOL . . . well built, and comfortable 2 BR home lovely kitchen, 2-car garage, tiled stall to tub. etc, $0450 FHA approved with $300 M HOME ON 2 ACRES . . . from town. and it has such nice (ca- all plastered, hardwood floors, 1 and electric heat. $13,500. 3 BR HOME FOR $7000 . . . ake, nice beach, nice-sized piece of property, L berries, etc. Takes about $2000 to :APITOL HILL HOME FOR COUNTRY . . 4 bedroom home with 2 car gara$% which trade for 2-3 bedroom country property. $5500. TO PURCHASE... 1 bedroom houses on same lot in downtown a little do-it-yourself fixing. $2950 with $250 Can apply rent on purchase price. )OM HOME ON 2 LOTS . . . view of Olympics. Some nice features and barbecue. 2-car garage and workshop, Utility. Only $8000 with $250 down FHA. Y BLOCKS FROM DOWNTOWN ... and an easy walk to stores and work. Only $4450 on easy terms. LLCREST HOME FOR ONLY $2950 . . . for Alaska and wants quick sale. Has 220 garage, and fancied. Easy terms. ANAL, PHILLIPS LAKE, LOST LAKE, WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. CHECK THESE NOW: A. ROY D UNN REALTOR 8-6363' • Title Insurance Bldg PROPERTIES BEAUTY, FIREPLACE, VIEW . . . for the larger family. Huge living room, 1 baths, very roomy furnace loads of storage and $13,950. $750 will handle. IE 3 NEAR SCHOOL? bedroom home with•fireplace, dining t one floor, may be Just what you've ; or. Only 3 blocks from Bordeaux. only $8,950 with $800 down FHA, MU! SELL .... full basement home. Lo- it has a large living room with dining room. Aleo a separately Yard for the children. 1 block from ' Likes golfing, boating, camping I.IVE DOWNTOWN? .... 2 bedroom home with large living room might be Jusg the place or you• It is tt $8,500 and'owner will carry contract I BEEN REDUCED .... 2 bedroom home on Wyan- dining room, electric heat, garage, Price now $7,960. $260 down 1 bedroom cottage near Tot- to you. On "2 large.lots, it garden and an excellent well Priced owner will carry contract with small FIREPLACE, 2 ACRES .... out on Arcadia Road. This lovely about everything. H/W floors living room, beautiful flrtplace, book-caees, dining room, lovely lots of closets and storage space. workshop. Price is a give- Conv6ntional terms. 1 BEDROOM... which can be secured with small with immediate, occupancy. Full Chamber of Commerce REALTY "" Call HA. 6-8535 Anytime 226 No, let SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J0tRNAL- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Legal Publications NO. 3126 NOTI('E 'l'() ('RI,:I)ITORS ]N TIIE SUPEI.i()H. COURT (IF TItE STATIC ()F vVASt i IN(iTON FC)I¢. M.XS( )N C( )lINTY Ill Ihe Mttll(,v (if the Estate of L()nnie 11. I)[,'Itlt)llV llecoase(]. (::ir).'l M l-'h,),l )as is the appointed :Hid (Itlalifit,(l I(]xe('utrix of said estate. All [)('I'SI,tlS }Htvink{ eltitlL against said (h,ct,isl,d ave ri,titlired 1o se 've the .a))z,' ill (ill)li(',ie dt ly verif ed on said Ex,,('lltrix or )lOt" attorney Robert 11,. Sn,d(q' at the ad(h'ess below stated, an(l fih' illo slt,n(, with th(' Ch,rk of [said C()u)'t, I,)'ether with l)roof (,f sl "h /servive, f willfin s,x m,)nths after the ](i;lte )f lit'st Ptzl'di('ation f this n(tice ],,v th,' same w l i)e barrcd ] I)ATF] (if first pull(it' ! in' July 23 ]1 )5 . . ' (; ARNET M. PLEMONS. Ex('eul.rix. Ihnn- 1, Box .550. Shelton, Wash. R()I::ERT L. SNYDER A tilt" ey aI Law (lovey Ihlild in " Sh)'I [,in, VI, ra])i n/d i tin. 7/23-30-8/6-13-4t Ni). il6- .... NOTICE TO ('ItEI)ITORS IN THE SUP1CI.I()R COllRT OF TtlE STATE (IF WAStl IN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In 11)o Matter of the Estate of ERIC O. GIERE, Deceased. N()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of Eric O. Glare. de- c'ased: that all persoris having €lair;Is against said deceased at'(} llercby re- quired Io serve the sonic, duly ve:lfled, on th(' ulldersigned Administrator or his attorn('y of record at tile address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the sqid court, together with proof of such service within six )nontlm after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. GLENN E. CORREA C.LENN E. CORREA Attorney f(,r Estate (H't'iv*' and P,,sl Office A(ldross B(,ll Bldg.. 121 South 4th Street Shelton Washington 7/16-23-30-8/6 4t NO. 3117 NOT|CI OpSEAIIE ) OF REAL )ESTATE INTIt00 . RCOURTOFT00E 00T,TE WASHI00OTON MASON COUNTY (In ]Probate) In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of ERIC O, GIERE and LOUISE GIERl. Both Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN that GLENN E. CORREA. in his capacity Its administrator of the above estates. will sell at priwtte sale and for bash the following described real estate: The Northcast quarter of the Southwest quarter (NELl of SWt',) in Section Thirty-one (31) 'rownsiv Twenty (20) North. Range Four (4") West, W.M. situated in lason Coun- ty, State of Washington. to the highcst and best bidder. Bids n)usl be submitted in writing and nlay k,, left with the administrator at 121 Suuth Fourth Street. Shelton, Wash- ington Bids will be received the date of the .sale. The sale will be made on or after August 7. 1959. The adn)inistrator re- set'yes the right to reject any and all bids, GLENN E. CORREA Adminlstralor GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estates Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street \\; She)ton. Washington 7/23-30-8/6-13 t NO. 3118 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O1 THE STATE O1 WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of LOU- ISE GIERE. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undcrsigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of Louise Glare de- ceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serye the same, duly verified, on the undersigned Administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same With the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within stx n)(,nlt)s after tbe date ef first pub)(ca- It,in of this notice or thetsan)e will be barred. GLENN E. CORREA GLENN E CORREA Altorncy for Estate tiff ice and Post Office Address Bell Bldg., 121 South 4th Street Shelton. Washington 7/16-23-30-8/6 4t No. 3125 NOTfCE TO CREDITOR IN TttE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON • In the Matter of the Estate of HAR= OLD G. LUSTIE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the nn- dersigncd has be(n appointed and has qualified as EXECUTOR of the above EntitlEd Estate that all persons having claims against said deceased are here- by requh'ed to serve the same, duly verified, on said EXECUTOR or his at- torneys of record at the address be- l,w stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with pr(x)f of such service, within six rrmnths after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication July 16, 1959. ALVIN O. LUSTIE, Executor of said Estate 1515 Washington Buihiing Tacoma 2, Washington CARLSON, NEWLANDS. REHA & SINNITT By: JOHN J. REHA, JR. Attorneys for Estate 1515 Washington Building Tacoma 2. Washington 7./16-23-0-8/6 (t NOTICE OF IIG ON FIN£L REPORT AND pETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN HI SUPERIOR COUR OF THE TATE OF WASH]NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) the Matter of theEstate of ELIZ- C. BIEHL, Deceased. IS HE]EBY {IVE that O. BIEHL, as administrator of Elizabeth C. Blehl has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his Final'Report and Petition for D[strlbUtion, asking t..he.Court to set- tle said Report, distrtnute tne proper- ty to he persons thereto, entitled and to discharge said admmmtrator; and that said Report and Petition will be hearc on the 14 day of August, 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Court Room of the Probate Department of said Court, at which time a!ad place any person In- terested in said Estate ma, appear and file objections thereto and contest ths SDATE Dame_ this 13 day of July, 1959, ItAlY DEYETTE . Clerk of said Court By: IRENE MqQUIRE Deputy GLENN E CORREA Attorney for Estate BEll Building 121 South Fourth Street Sheiton, Washington (SEAL) 7-16-23-30-8/6 4t NOTICE OF RERING FINAL RE- PORT AND PETITION FOR DIS- TRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN THE MATTER OF THE F_TATE OF MILDRED TRAMMELL Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN 1hat HOWARD I. TRAMMELL, executor. has filed in the office of ths Cielak of said Court his Final Re.port and Peti- tion for Distribut|on, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto etitl#d end to discharge said executor; and that said report and petition will be heard on the 14th day of August, 1959, at 9:30 a.m., at the court room of the Probate Department ol said Court, at which time and place any person In- terested in said estate may appear and llle objections thereto and contest the sIMns. Dated this 16 day of J'uly, 1959, HARRY DE yTE Clerk of said ourt. BF  Irene McGuire, Deputy. RRILI, WALLACE," 804 Medical-Dental Bldg., Bremerton. Waehtngton Attorney for EMhte. o 7/,3-30-8/6-3t Legal b/ieations NO. 7627 ['MMONN BY r|'ll,l(!A'rlON IN "I"HI, sUPERIOR COITRT ()b' THE STATE OF WAStll N(VP( )N F()lt MA S()N COUNTY BETTY soUTHWICK, P]ainliff. vs. ('AItL N()UTHWICK, l)(.fendaut. THE STATE ()FWASIIINGTON TO: CARL SOUTHWICK, Defendant. YOU ARE ItEI{EBY S(I.MM()NED to al)POar withiu sixty (60) days after th( (late of the tlt'st I)ublivati,)n of thi. ;tllZltthllS D) wil: witllill Sixty days after the 30th day (If July, and d('fend Ih," al)ovt, entitled a('tl()ll in (he al)o¢ entitled co)n't and answer the ('oni- pJailll of lhe plain(if( aod S(,l'%(! It C(,py t)f y()tlr answer upon the Ulldersigno(I attorney for the plaintiff at his (,ffice below stated: and In ease ,)I" your fail- ure so to do. jUdglllCU! will b(, l'oU- dared ag-tinst yoo a(.(.ording 1(, the de- n)and of tbc e()ntplainl. W]lieh ilas I)een filed with the clerk of said ('curt, The el)jeer of this arUon by l)laintiff is to obtain a decree el divorce Pro[u (he d(,f(.ndant on tile roun(is O[ CI'U- city and personal indignilies. S/ C. T. HATTEN Attorney for Plaintiff' Office and P. O. Address: 1 (;ovey l:hli]ding Sheiton.' Washington Phone: HA 6-8092 7/30-8/6-13-20-27-9/3 6t No. 3072 NOTICE OF REARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DIMTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES A HOWARTH. fiR.. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Irnm . Howarth. the Executrix of the estate of James A. Howartll. Jr., de- ceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Com't her final report and petition for distribution, asking the Com't to set- tle and approve the ame. to distribute the property to the persona thereto en- titled and to discharge said Executrix. NOTICE IS :JTHER CIVEN that said final report and petiti(,n f,,r dis- tr'il)utl(,n will bc h(,ard on Friday, the 28th day of August 1959. at the llt,ur (,f I0 o'ch)ck in the forenoon, at tl)e Courtromn of said Court in Shelten, Washington. DATED THIS Tth day of July, 1059. HARRY DEYETTE Mason Couhty Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building. . Shelton Washing( on Attorney for Exccturix (SEAL) 7/30-9/6-13-20 4t No. 3127 NOTICE TO.CR'EDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN TH SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In ]probate) In the Matter of the Estate of D. T. MORROW. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Vivian Harper has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Teata- ment and of lhe estate of D. T. Mor- row. deceased: and that all persons having claims against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouch- era attached..upon the undersigned Ex- ecutrix or her Attorney or re, cord at the law office of B. Franklt Heustoa, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims together with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court within etx (6) months after the date of the first pub- [Ication of this notice, to-wit: 6 August 1959. or all claims not so presented and filed will be forever barred. VIVIAN HARPER Executrix of said Estate Address: 1412 Falrbanks Yakhna, Wash. B FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg.. Shelton. Wash. 8/6-13-20-27 'ft. NO. 3129 NOTICE TO CREDITOR, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of ER- NEST CARLSON. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un= dersigned have bern appointed and have qualified as Executrices of the Estate of Ernest Carlson deceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased are herby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Executrices. or their attorneys of rec* wd at the address below statad, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. togettmr with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of thie notice. or the sau]e will be barred. Date (if first publication August 6, 1959. LILLIAN C. SHELDON ESTHER C. MAURY Executrices of eaid Estate 202-206 Security Building Olyntpia, Washington PEBBLES AND SWANSON Attorneys for state 202-206 Security Building Olympia, Washington 8/6-13-20 3t IN THE MATTER OF COUNTY ROAD PROSEC'P NO. 818 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY the Bord of County Commissioners that It is their intention to mprove eertala county roads by constructing a bitum- inous base dust pallative according, to the following schedule: Dust Pallative Road No. Mi, [Past Matrons Club Holds Picnic By Mrs. T. B. Bal( though the low lands had been on BRINNON- The Past Matrons the cloudy side. Those making the Club Of Quilcene held a patio pie-, trip were Mr. and Mrs. Walter nic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Balch Sunday. Plans for the picnic were made by Mrs. Mary Ackerman, president, Mrs. DiCk Danielsen and Mrs. T. B. Balch. Attending were Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Pedersen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horn, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Dick Danielsen, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Balch, Mr. an0 Mrs. Waldo Zimmerman t guests from Arizona), Mrs. E. A.Oat- man, Mrs. Ray Canterbury, MRS,. George gkckerman, and Mrs. Let- tie Sharman of Tacoma. GIRL SCOUT Troop 16 return- ed Thursday afternoon from a 4 day mountain trip, With their leaders. Mrs, Rbert Phillips and Mrs. Leland Coates, Susan Bai,t% and Nancy Croweli the girls left at 6 a.m. Monday with most of tl pack gear tied,, on the back of Lucky, Nancy s h6re. Th girt carried their own Clothing and personal thin:s. Before taking to the trail, Park Ranger ChurCltill gave an instructive talk to the girls about fires, hiking alone and other necessary admonons to mountain travelers. This was the first trip for most of tle girls and perhaps the first Girl Scout Moun- tain Hike in J(tffersen County. They camped at Dose Meadows and spent one day at Hgyden Pass so the girls could play in the snow. Those making ]e trip were Kathy, Jo and Gary Phillips, Mnr- iel Andrews, Judy Raueh, Karen Coates, Myrtle Bailey, Mary Anne and Elaine Christian. Ms. Elsie Core left for her home in Sacramento last Tuesday morning. She has beeu visiting her brother, C. V. Dorothy and Mrs. Dorothy for about a month. Mrs. Elinor Robinson forr0erly of Brinnn and Mrs. Ethel Wil- liams, formerly of Port Townsend were Brlnnon viaitars Sunday, calling on flenda and Mrs Mary Russell at the Brinnon afe. Both women are now resideflts of Se- attle. The Quil Snappers, an enthusi- astie Camera Club went on a field trip to Hurricane Ridge Sunday, finding the weather at the sum- mit ideal for taking pictures, Grange News Mason Lake ............................ 150 4.0 ice cream and coffee will be fur- Deer Creek-Cranberry ] n(S=. . Loop Rd ......................... 154-155 1. Haven Lake Road ............... 2-2 .5]." The Iason County Fair is just Itlghland Road ...................... 350 4.0 ] around the corner and we hope to BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha, hay- - • .... e some gooa agllCUltulal ex the above described county road pro J-[ 'b ..... " act Is necessary and proper and te ] at z. oy toe grang mo estimated costs of said pt:oject are Will pay $1@00, $600 arid $400 l herewith set out in detail as follows: nrie . ..... : €^. ,; A.. ,7=.., as Tax" Road C-nstruct t-  r - ,,,,,,j ,,,, ,. €.,o ,,mv=" Q000; Tol, $7,0.(D:'Day Lb"0r.'" dual etatri by gran rlre, The county road proj0ct herein de- We wer guests Mt the 4-II scribed Is HEREBY DECLARED to camn last Fhursdav evenft.  be a public necessity and the County t : - __ ":"....:v---,, -t: Road Engineer Is HEREBY ORDER OOK or a WOlllelKNlP llnner. Jlagl ED AN) AUTHORIZED to report an( a' nice visit with 10Ble e te 4-H proceed thereon as by law provided, leadr n.A mnv .€ the, ,,,;m,.=,, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha ...... " ""-"# ................. this pro3ect, If day work," 'b perform The can9 looks good Ir. ed by supervisor in" accordance wltl ing the redent logging'erltts, the Standard Road and Bridge Specl- The boys Fnd girls were hving flcations of the State of Washington the time of their lives bedeg ie- riving a lot of benefit from tke as adopted by this board, ADOPTED this 8rd day of August, 1959. BOA F C0 COAMS01ONRS  MASON COUNTY wA N TO JOHN RXRIEI Ch". C, W. STRECKB&CH ROY MITCHELL Atteet: There were no granges met last week as it was a fifth Friday, Since the grange was organized in 1867 it has worked constaptly for better roads in the communi- ty, county, state and nation. Some years ago the grange sup- ported and was instrumental in obtaining state aid for farm to market roads to help frmers get their produce to local markets. The multiple htne, high speed, limited access highways of today are a far cry from the so called good roads of fifty years ago but just as essential to transport o- rion. The state highway commissi Sfi will soon be preparing the budget for the coming biennium so it would seem that now is the tie for the granges in Mason County to start working for the comple- tion of the Shelton-Olympia High- way. In checking oupr speedometer starting from the termination of construction to near the Botts Nursing Hom would require about six miles of new construc- tion, would eliminate three dan- erous hills and one raih'oad croing. We feel that this is a very worth while project for the granges in Mason County. Next Sunday the Mason-Grays Harbor Pomona Granges will hold their annual picnic. Weather per- mitting we will have some water sports along with the usual con- tests so bring your swim suits. Since Mason County is host this year we hope to have a good turn out. Bring your regular picnic lunch, ala attmdl th) 4m bake and program Friday night• e ltv Wi excellent and the Prog.'.am wM very good. We ar convinced there are a lot af oth- C. NOLAN MASON er people who would not miss this Clerk of Board • 8/6 It annual evt IN THE M----------TTER OF The Juyen'fl¢ 0ran camp i COUntY ROAD PROJECT NO. !9 | only two weakl awW d we llpe IT IS HER]BY RESOLV]D BYtl I to s Vase- Co;;t ..... ell re-= Board of Munty Commissioners ttt|-if ...... '" it is their intention to tmpoye the|  $. North Shore road by clearlag grad-l- ing, draining and surfacing with se-[ • :=l'1").Z]Ll[_¢,£'3._':,,. lected roadway borrow 1.67 mile of[ l'd[| r'll|]|l|'.tLl||ll County Road No 280 This lmprove-i -- ............. ment is located in ction 1 2 & 11, I ........... Township 2N Ratge  West' W M. NO. 12S545 The principle qnantltles involved NOC OF LE OF are: Clearing and Grubbing 6.2 acres. , ....... FJA,',ESTTI ...... Common ExCavation 89 164 cu. yds,, , .,,,o,,,%v% ,  [234 L.F. concrete pipe, Ar,',', ............ "'" BE 1T FURTHER -RESOLVED that I'" "-" ='€ *h,= - ,o.m .t,l. the a v ............................ r . . be e described county road pro.J- of REUBEN JASPERSON an Incom- ect Is necessary ana proper, ana the Detent estimated costs of .said project are -NO.TICE IS HEREBF GIVIN that nerewith set out In aetaii s tallows: IMllian Jaapersen, In her capacity a Gas Tax: Engineering, $(5,000.00; guardiau (ff the above guardiaz)ship Right of Way, $90,fl00,0; Road Cos- estate, will cell at public-bale and for strut(leo. $50,000.00; Total. $76,000.(}@. cash the foBowing dascIbed rdat as- Contract. The county road project herein de- scribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity and the County Road Engineer ts HEREBY ORDER- ED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereoa as by law provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this project, tf day work, be per- formed by supervisor in accords!Ice with the Standard Road atlLl Bridge Specifics(tone of the State of Wash- ington as adopted by this board. ADOPTED this 3rd day ot August, 1959. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF _MASON" COUNTY, WASHINGTON " JOHN BARIEKMAN. Chairman C. W. STRECEENBACH ROY MITCHELL Attest: (. NA' MAS@N Clerk of Board 8/6 It tate: Tract 7. Patrlcia Beach No. 2. Includ- ing second class tide lands, as con- veyed by the State of Waehlngton, situate in front of, #adjacent to or abutting upon the upland, accordlaq to the official plat thereof, recodea in Volume 4, of Plats, page BT:, In the office of the Au¢!itor of Macron County, Wul.!ngton. Located its Ma- .son uounty washington. to the highest arid best bidder. That the sale w|ll he had at the front door of the Mason County Courtl)ouse. Shelton, Washington, at 11:00 a,m. on Wednesday, August , 1959. The girard(as rl.rvfli the 'right to reject ay anq ,u z) s. /LE2IAN JASPERSON S/WILLIAM L, HUTCHINS " 8700 th Avtnae N,W. Seattle 7, Washington Attorney for let|tioner 8/6-13-20 3t Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ack- erman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woods. Ms. Dolly Renskers and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bader and daughter Susanna and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bragstad and three children front Aberdeen. Mrs. Kelly is president of the group. MR. AND MRS4. Darrel Harris took advantage of two (lays off last week. He went fishing to Ne- ah Bay with Ross Whitaker and Mrs. Harris and the children spent the time with relatives in Olym- pia. Mrs. T B. Balch returned home Friday evening after spending five das with her. daughter and son- n-law, Mr, aa Mrs.  Aplin. She was helping hr daughter get ettled in their new home nsar Rimhmoud Beach. . Mia Dianne .Lundegard, daugh- f 0f' Mr. aFd Mrs. Win. E. Lun-  ef the Olympic inn return- ed h',me Saturday after a two wears visi( With relates and friends, in Everett. Mrs. Lunde- gad reports many interesting pa- trons at the Inn with license plates from nearly every state in the 'union; Mr. Lundegard has been fda4ured in moving pictures illustrating the "Life bf the Oy- S tar . The pictures were taken on the beach by professors from the Unverslty of Washington and a ilaiolog-y professor from the Wash- ngton University of St. Louis. MB. AND MRS. Jerry Munro and four cllildren of Bothell spent,, Saturday nlgh]F and Sunday with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jesperson. Mr. and MI's. Walter Kelly at- tended a Republican meeting at the Palms Cafe In Port Townsend Saturday dght P00ress Grange Holds Picnic By Grace Petty KAMILCHE. --- Forty-five per- sns attended the Progress Grange picnic at Maple Beach Sunday. THE CLIFTON Barnes and Wee Rau families and the Edwin Pettys enjoyed the Simpson Saw Mills picnic a[ Mason lake Sunday. Sunday the Wagner' family had a reunion and picnic at Twanoh State Park. An out of state gue.t was a sister and her family, Mrs. Dorothy Lateen from Bend, Ore. ther relatives and friends came from Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Port Townsend and Port Ludlow. Wednesday evening dinner ests of the Art Nelsons were the land Hudsons and the Ira Stansburys, all of Little Sookum. Denny, youngest son of the Charles Wagners, had minor eye surgery ill Olympta last Thursd8 y. The Squaxin Island Indian Tribe held a meeting in the :amilche Community Church, regarding po- :[c protection as provided in the l'eSt of the county, last Saturday afternoon. MR. AND MRS. George Heffner and son and grandson spent a week with the Ray James family, aso did some fishing in Hood Canal. They live in Yakima. Mrs. Eugene Taylor and Mrs Don Whitener were hostesses on Monday afternoon at a bridal Shower for Mrs. Jack Barnes (ne Carol Ann Alverson) in the Tay- lor home Mrs. Bill (Alto) Metzgar flew up from Los Angeles last Thurs- day for a visit with her parents, the Herb Nelsons. Her two chil- dren, Candi and Mark, have spent the past month here and husband, Bill, will come up later. Mrs. Dorothy (arson an¢l chil- dren of Bend, Ore. atent several days with the Wagner and A1- verstm faxilies. MR. AND MRS. lawrence La- Ment of Dayton wre Saturday evening guetp iB the Oliver Pet- ty home. Last Thursday afternoon guests of Mrs. Edwin Petty were Mrs. Margaret Wright, Mrs. Judd Chaf- fee and daughter, Va|erle, Mrs. Jess Jordan and Dianne, all of Olympia. / Dick Adams, Eddie and Robin Petty of the Skokomish Valley, spent the past week in the Edwin petty home while their mother, Mrs. Robert Petty, was in a She(= ton hopitl. Rbbert Jan Jams, U.S. Navy, spent a week at the home of his parents, the Ray James. He left last hursday for aviation school- Philadelphia. Pa. Humphrey Nelsons and eOge Critchflelds returned Mon- y' from their fishing trip to Sekiu, having caught three sal- mon, one a 8.poun4er. FRANCES DECKER and Oliver Petty attencld the drag races at Elma last Sunday. A!lyn Dinner Ilrm Visit0. patio with Mr. Charles Zahller he= ing guest of honor as he celebrat- ed his eighty4irst birthday. Those present were Mr .and Mrs. Charles 7,ahller of emertan, Mr. and Mrl. M. E. Cornelius from Gorst, Ma.s. James Hicks af New West- minster, B. C,, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cornelius, Butch and Diane of Oakland, Calif. and the hostesses, Mrs. Dorothy Clark and her moth- er, Mrs. M. W. Boyer. Mrs. Ashton Watson spent the weekend at Copalis Crossing with her son, Clay* Gibson and family. Oral Evidence ] ' , , " o . a$ e ;dish maid. I "Yell," she replied, Wen I wu I dustin' bY  door, I heard him l pay, 'Let's have anodder drink den go out and raise cane, sugar'," Jansen Sisters Quintette to Present Concert at Mt. View Alliance (hur(h The Jensen sisters from Olynl- othcr chtn'ches th)'()ttghi)tH Olynt- pia will present a sacre(I vocal) pia. The g i:'l are nwmoers of ttt-: and instrtlmenLal concert this t Gh)ria Dei Ltttheran ('htn'cti in Sunday evening at 7::/0 p.m. in'Olympia. the Mr. View Alliance church, lo- The pastor and metal)era of (he cated on Washington and J Street. c.hul'ch invite everyone It) at(mid The sisters. Elvine who plays this sacred concert. No admissi(tn the violin. Audrey, violin: Patri- will be charged. cia clarinet, Beverly, oboe; and ....................................................... Delores, 'cello; have played and sung for many church and youth services in Tacoma. Puyallup, Rainier. East Olympia, Lacey and Baptist Church Sets School Picnic An all church and Snnday school .picnic at Pioneer Park will be held today for youngsters and parents of the First Baptist church. The Sulday school bus will leave the church at 10:30 for those needing transportation and will return at 4 p.m. Sack lunch will be brought for a no lungheo and potluck dinners or the eve- niag' meal at 6:30. Go(foe, rolls, butter and ice crea m wll be fur- nished. A singapirtion is to fol- low the dinner. Tickets good for ne free ice cream and one fee pp,u will be issued at 12 noon. Women's Society Picnic The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service wl! have  ltlumk ptepic Wednesday, Attllt 2 at the hpme of Mrs. Lela'Brk. 07 North ith. Coffee will be fuish- l ad a abort important business meeting will fpllow. T FIRST CST|AN 6,3101 First Christian 9hurch meets for Adult Bible stud£ anll Sund#y sch0ol, each Lord's Day.  , The church service follows at 10:.55 with nBrsery services avail- able for ,those with mall children. Mid.week Bible tndy is held each Wadnes4ay evening at 7:0 In the Whitney home. The choir is issuing a special appeal for singers to join them for practice on Thursday evening at :30 at the home of Wills Mills, Capitol Hill, Wi-Ne-1 Week of Missions is scheduled for August 10 to 15 at Cloverdale, Oregon. TIs ia for the family. See Rev. Whitney for fur- ther details. Tentative plans are under way for a potlnck picnic Sunday after- noon at Camp Neal on Mason Lake. Spirit Subject Of Week's Service tiow spiritual mderstanding of; God heals sickness as well ;is sin will be brought ottt at: Cbristia.n Science services Sunday. "" is the sttbje('t of the Lesson-Sernton. / Radixtgs fr'onl the King ,htnto. eralon of the Bible will include Christ Jesus' Pimmise John 14: 12): "Verlly, verily, I say unta you, He that believeth on me. the, works that I do shall tm do also and greater works than these shaR he do; h¢cause I go unto my Fa- ther." From "Science and Health with Ky t the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy the following will  read (316:7): "Christ. Truth. was demonstrated through Jesus to prove the power of Spirit over t}ie fleah,--4o show that Truth is matte manifest by its effects upon the human mind artfl body, h(.arlln '' sickness and destroying sin " ± ; " ; ; !" ' 00int David's Ghurch (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Bey, Bl=bert Bonner Echels, Vicar JULY AND AUGUST: BundaY---8 a.m.-Saint David's. Sunday--9:30 a.m. Saint An- drew's Alderbrook). i L m Firsl Ohrislian Ohuroh "New Testament Christianltf" 'Lewis E, Whitney, Ministee Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Churoh Servis 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Full-Gospel In Message- Fundamental in Doctrine 130 East Pine St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (classes for all ages) .......................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .......................................................... 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ....: .................................................... $;00 p.m. Revival Service .......................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Listen to REVIVALTIME, Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO FISHERMEN'$ 0LI]! P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & COTA SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 9:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest speakerDean Palmer "Putting Personality Into Pictures" 10:00 a.m.Bible Study FAITH LUTHERAN OHUIIOH Seventh 4 Franklin 8ts, -- J. Bernhard Brathelm, Pastor Sunday lchoQ, 030 a,m. Eunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. MlFweek Swvie,--W., 7:041 im. Choir at 8 p.m, OP HIII00, tRIE00IST Sunday. 1o9k:8,0 .!n. Cheh 11 axn, -- We .eeday even g testimony 'meeting-s 8 p,m, nem:linff• llal -, :Rtg room hour 2 to - p.  &  'Wed,  6:45 to 7:45. FIRST BAPTIST OHURCH & J age, Eugene Bre d, Pastor Sunday School ..................................... , ...... : ....................... 9:45 a,m. ornLug WOrship .......... ....................... . .............................. 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p.m. Evening Service (Jansen Sisters Concert) ................... 7:30 p.m. Mid-week lervtce Wednesday .......... : ............................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME = . ...... L ,. d.v ( ' . MT, OLIVE LUTHERAN OHUIIOH rAN NOUNCEB ITB for June, Uly and Atgust WORINIP IER¥1OE AND BUNDAY flGHOOL AT 9:00 A,M. 1959 Legal Pubheatlons bedroom. Halstono Cutoff .................... 163 .5 aml paint- Streets in Mr. View Ar(,a .5 S 7/31) tfn Tahuya Va h,y . ................... ". 2i]5A 2.7 -- Mas,m Slre.I .-. Union ....... 277 .'), house, Misv. SIlot't v('li()l)S ........... 1.0 cau b(, add- HI,,' IT FURTIIEI. RESOLVED that after 6 p.)ll, the nhl,ve tlesvril)e(] f'ollBly rolt(I 1 "di- S 6/18 tfn vi.t ) n('cesm "3' a))d pr.per, and the • " 'stillllllqt t'OSLS (d" Slll(l T ')J t'i IIl't' With b,qth. Ilo)'q'with s't (all ill dPtli] :is I'olI,)ws two heds. (Ins Tilx : Road ('(H|Sl FLI('(II)ll. .(I. I t( .I : Total $20.000.00, l.)ay L:)b.r. N 7/9 tin The ('OOllly I'()at] l)l' Jj('('[ ht'l'()ill (1P- scribed is ItERI,]I'Y I)Et'I..KIH,]D to 1,, 84X28 with I0 n ptl i' ne"ssily nnd lh, ('t)tlelY street or Road Enghlt,ev is' HEH.EI:Y OI{DEI.- N 7/23 tfn ED AND At.'I'IlORIZEL) to r p(rt I(I .... ])rt)('(,ed (hi're(in as l)y law providcd. Spencer IE IT FuIVrHER I>.ESOLVEI) that Unlnler liv- this l)r()j('et, it' day work lie perf()t'ol- iO0 ft. ed by sot)ervisor ill at'coY(loBe(' wilh heat. 2 tit(' Standard B(md and It'i(lg(' Sl)eci- H 7/2 (fn flea(ions of the State (n rashingt.n as ath)piod I)y tllis })card, ADOPTED this 3rd day of Aua'usI (r,( ] ,l,).I, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION]RS el, " MASON COUNTY. WASII.I N(VI'ON JOHN BARIEKMAN. Chair)Iron Ihelton. C.W. STRECKIqNBACII E ROY MITCHELL day evening, Attest : black No. 17 C. NOLAN MASON HA 6-6559 Clerk of Board g/6 It ings. --- ............................ Me 8/6-13 CIVIl, SERVICI,; EXAMINATION F()r: City ,if Sheltt)n P()lice Dept. and and pay Shelton Fire Dept. C 8/6 Date: August 11, 1959. at 8:00 P.M. In the Ctty Hall. Beginning S ary: Police Dept." $385.00 I)er nlf)nth. Fire Dept.--S385.00 per month, Qualifications: Polk:e Dept. IIigh OF st'hoc)l education, age 22 to 40. 5'10" NO, 317 tall or over. weigllt 565 Ihs. or over. BY the Five Dept. -- High st:heel education. tim( age 21 to 40. car- Applications may be obtained at the Poli4'e Dept. and Fh.e Dept. attd must be rbturnod to the Dept. office by 5:00 schedule: P.M.. August 7. 1959. No. MI ROCKY HF, MBROFF, Chairman 115 .3 Ch'tl Service Commission 140 4.0 Shelton. Washington /30/8/6 2t EXCELLENT BUYS! BEADTIFUL VIEW ... 4 BR home situated on top of Stretch Full basement, wall-to-wall carpeting, fire- trees, grapes, garden, etc. $15,000. BEDROOM, 2 BATH, HOBBY ROOM ... Seas and charm of this lovely home you'll master bedroom has Mr. and Mrs. closets dining room, fireplace, dishwasher, excellent downtown location. $16,500. 01qE NEAR NEW BORDEAUX SCHOOL . . . well built, and comfortable 2 BR home lovely kitchen, 2-car garage, tiled stall to tub. etc, $0450 FHA approved with $300 M HOME ON 2 ACRES . . . from town. and it has such nice (ca- all plastered, hardwood floors, 1 and electric heat. $13,500. 3 BR HOME FOR $7000 . . . ake, nice beach, nice-sized piece of property, L berries, etc. Takes about $2000 to :APITOL HILL HOME FOR COUNTRY . . 4 bedroom home with 2 car gara$% which trade for 2-3 bedroom country property. $5500. TO PURCHASE... 1 bedroom houses on same lot in downtown a little do-it-yourself fixing. $2950 with $250 Can apply rent on purchase price. )OM HOME ON 2 LOTS . . . view of Olympics. Some nice features and barbecue. 2-car garage and workshop, Utility. Only $8000 with $250 down FHA. Y BLOCKS FROM DOWNTOWN ... and an easy walk to stores and work. Only $4450 on easy terms. LLCREST HOME FOR ONLY $2950 . . . for Alaska and wants quick sale. Has 220 garage, and fancied. Easy terms. ANAL, PHILLIPS LAKE, LOST LAKE, WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. CHECK THESE NOW: A. ROY D UNN REALTOR 8-6363' • Title Insurance Bldg PROPERTIES BEAUTY, FIREPLACE, VIEW . . . for the larger family. Huge living room, 1 baths, very roomy furnace loads of storage and $13,950. $750 will handle. IE 3 NEAR SCHOOL? bedroom home with•fireplace, dining t one floor, may be Just what you've ; or. Only 3 blocks from Bordeaux. only $8,950 with $800 down FHA, MU! SELL .... full basement home. Lo- it has a large living room with dining room. Aleoa separately Yard for the children. 1 block from ' Likes golfing, boating, camping I.IVE DOWNTOWN? .... 2 bedroom home with large living room might be Jusg the place or you• It is tt $8,500 and'owner will carry contract I BEEN REDUCED .... 2 bedroom home on Wyan- dining room, electric heat, garage, Price now $7,960. $260 down 1 bedroom cottage near Tot- to you. On "2 large.lots, it garden and an excellent well Priced owner will carry contract with small FIREPLACE, 2 ACRES .... out on Arcadia Road. This lovely about everything. H/W floors living room, beautiful flrtplace, book-caees, dining room, lovely lots of closets and storage space. workshop. Price is a give- Conv6ntional terms. 1 BEDROOM... which can be secured with small with immediate, occupancy. Full Chamber of Commerce REALTY "" Call HA. 6-8535 Anytime 226 No, let SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J0tRNAL- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Legal Publications NO. 3126 NOTI('E 'l'() ('RI,:I)ITORS ]N TIIE SUPEI.i()H. COURT (IF TItE STATIC ()F vVASt i IN(iTON FC)I¢. M.XS( )N C( )lINTY Ill Ihe Mttll(,v (if the Estate of L()nnie 11. I)[,'Itlt)llV llecoase(]. (::ir).'l M l-'h,),l )as is the appointed :Hid (Itlalifit,(l I(]xe('utrix of said estate. All [)('I'SI,tlS }Htvink{ eltitlL against said (h,ct,isl,d ave ri,titlired 1o se 've the .a))z,' ill (ill)li(',ie dt ly verif ed on said Ex,,('lltrix or )lOt" attorney Robert 11,. Sn,d(q' at the ad(h'ess below stated, an(l fih' illo slt,n(, with th(' Ch,rk of [said C()u)'t, I,)'ether with l)roof (,f sl "h /servive, f willfin s,x m,)nths after the ](i;lte )f lit'st Ptzl'di('ation f this n(tice ],,v th,' same w l i)e barrcd ] I)ATF] (if first pull(it' ! in' July 23 ]1 )5 . . ' (; ARNET M. PLEMONS. Ex('eul.rix. Ihnn- 1, Box .550. Shelton, Wash. R()I::ERT L. SNYDER A tilt" ey aI Law (lovey Ihlild in " Sh)'I [,in, VI, ra])i n/d i tin. 7/23-30-8/6-13-4t Ni). il6- .... NOTICE TO ('ItEI)ITORS IN THE SUP1CI.I()R COllRT OF TtlE STATE (IF WAStl IN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In 11)o Matter of the Estate of ERIC O. GIERE, Deceased. N()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of Eric O. Glare. de- c'ased: that all persoris having €lair;Is against said deceased at'(} llercby re- quired Io serve the sonic, duly ve:lfled, on th(' ulldersigned Administrator or his attorn('y of record at tile address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the sqid court, together with proof of such service within six )nontlm after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. GLENN E. CORREA C.LENN E. CORREA Attorney f(,r Estate (H't'iv*' and P,,sl Office A(ldross B(,ll Bldg.. 121 South 4th Street Shelton Washington 7/16-23-30-8/6 4t NO. 3117 NOT|CI OpSEAIIE ) OF REAL )ESTATE INTIt00 . RCOURTOFT00E 00T,TE WASHI00OTON MASON COUNTY (In ]Probate) In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of ERIC O, GIERE and LOUISE GIERl. Both Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN that GLENN E. CORREA. in his capacity Its administrator of the above estates. will sell at priwtte sale and for bash the following described real estate: The Northcast quarter of the Southwest quarter (NELl of SWt',) in Section Thirty-one (31) 'rownsiv Twenty (20) North. Range Four (4") West, W.M. situated in lason Coun- ty, State of Washington. to the highcst and best bidder. Bids n)usl be submitted in writing and nlay k,, left with the administrator at 121 Suuth Fourth Street. Shelton, Wash- ington Bids will be received the date of the .sale. The sale will be made on or after August 7. 1959. The adn)inistrator re- set'yes the right to reject any and all bids, GLENN E. CORREA Adminlstralor GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estates Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street \\; She)ton. Washington 7/23-30-8/6-13 t NO. 3118 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O1 THE STATE O1 WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of LOU- ISE GIERE. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undcrsigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator of the Estate of Louise Glare de- ceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serye the same, duly verified, on the undersigned Administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same With the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within stx n)(,nlt)s after tbe date ef first pub)(ca- It,in of this notice or thetsan)e will be barred. GLENN E. CORREA GLENN E CORREA Altorncy for Estate tiff ice and Post Office Address Bell Bldg., 121 South 4th Street Shelton. Washington 7/16-23-30-8/6 4t No. 3125 NOTfCE TO CREDITOR IN TttE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON • In the Matter of the Estate of HAR= OLD G. LUSTIE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the nn- dersigncd has be(n appointed and has qualified as EXECUTOR of the above EntitlEd Estate that all persons having claims against said deceased are here- by requh'ed to serve the same, duly verified, on said EXECUTOR or his at- torneys of record at the address be- l,w stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with pr(x)f of such service, within six rrmnths after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication July 16, 1959. ALVIN O. LUSTIE, Executor of said Estate 1515 Washington Buihiing Tacoma 2, Washington CARLSON, NEWLANDS. REHA & SINNITT By: JOHN J. REHA, JR. Attorneys for Estate 1515 Washington Building Tacoma 2. Washington 7./16-23-0-8/6 (t NOTICE OF IIG ON FIN£L REPORT AND pETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN HI SUPERIOR COUR OF THE TATE OF WASH]NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) the Matter of theEstate of ELIZ- C. BIEHL, Deceased. IS HE]EBY {IVE that O. BIEHL, as administrator of Elizabeth C. Blehl has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his Final'Report and Petition for D[strlbUtion, asking t..he.Court to set- tle said Report, distrtnute tne proper- ty to he persons thereto, entitled and to discharge said admmmtrator; and that said Report and Petition will be hearc on the 14 day of August, 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Court Room of the Probate Department of said Court, at which time a!ad place any person In- terested in said Estate ma, appear and file objections thereto and contest ths SDATE Dame_ this 13 day of July, 1959, ItAlY DEYETTE . Clerk of said Court By: IRENE MqQUIRE Deputy GLENN E CORREA Attorney for Estate BEll Building 121 South Fourth Street Sheiton, Washington (SEAL) 7-16-23-30-8/6 4t NOTICE OF RERING FINAL RE- PORT AND PETITION FOR DIS- TRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN THE MATTER OF THE F_TATE OF MILDRED TRAMMELL Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN 1hat HOWARD I. TRAMMELL, executor. has filed in the office of ths Cielak of said Court his Final Re.port and Peti- tion for Distribut|on, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto etitl#d end to discharge said executor; and that said report and petition will be heard on the 14th day of August, 1959, at 9:30 a.m., at the court room of the Probate Department ol said Court, at which time and place any person In- terested in said estate may appear and llle objections thereto and contest the sIMns. Dated this 16 day of J'uly, 1959, HARRY DE yTE Clerk of said ourt. BF  Irene McGuire, Deputy. RRILI, WALLACE," 804 Medical-Dental Bldg., Bremerton. Waehtngton Attorney for EMhte. o 7/,3-30-8/6-3t Legal b/ieations NO. 7627 ['MMONN BY r|'ll,l(!A'rlON IN "I"HI, sUPERIOR COITRT ()b' THE STATE OF WAStll N(VP( )N F()lt MA S()N COUNTY BETTY soUTHWICK, P]ainliff. vs. ('AItL N()UTHWICK, l)(.fendaut. THE STATE ()FWASIIINGTON TO: CARL SOUTHWICK, Defendant. YOU ARE ItEI{EBY S(I.MM()NED to al)POar withiu sixty (60) days after th( (late of the tlt'st I)ublivati,)n of thi. ;tllZltthllS D) wil: witllill Sixty days after the 30th day (If July, and d('fend Ih," al)ovt, entitled a('tl()ll in (he al)o¢ entitled co)n't and answer the ('oni- pJailll of lhe plain(if( aod S(,l'%(! It C(,py t)f y()tlr answer upon the Ulldersigno(I attorney for the plaintiff at his (,ffice below stated: and In ease ,)I" your fail- ure so to do. jUdglllCU! will b(, l'oU- dared ag-tinst yoo a(.(.ording 1(, the de- n)and of tbc e()ntplainl. W]lieh ilas I)een filed with the clerk of said ('curt, The el)jeer of this arUon by l)laintiff is to obtain a decree el divorce Pro[u (he d(,f(.ndant on tile roun(is O[ CI'U- city and personal indignilies. S/ C. T. HATTEN Attorney for Plaintiff' Office and P. O. Address: 1 (;ovey l:hli]ding Sheiton.' Washington Phone: HA 6-8092 7/30-8/6-13-20-27-9/3 6t No. 3072 NOTICE OF REARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DIMTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES A HOWARTH. fiR.. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Irnm . Howarth. the Executrix of the estate of James A. Howartll. Jr., de- ceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Com't her final report and petition for distribution, asking the Com't to set- tle and approve the ame. to distribute the property to the persona thereto en- titled and to discharge said Executrix. NOTICE IS :JTHER CIVEN that said final report and petiti(,n f,,r dis- tr'il)utl(,n will bc h(,ard on Friday, the 28th day of August 1959. at the llt,ur (,f I0 o'ch)ck in the forenoon, at tl)e Courtromn of said Court in Shelten, Washington. DATED THIS Tth day of July, 1059. HARRY DEYETTE Mason Couhty Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building. . Shelton Washing( on Attorney for Exccturix (SEAL) 7/30-9/6-13-20 4t No. 3127 NOTICE TO.CR'EDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN TH SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In ]probate) In the Matter of the Estate of D. T. MORROW. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Vivian Harper has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Teata- ment and of lhe estate of D. T. Mor- row. deceased: and that all persons having claims against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouch- era attached..upon the undersigned Ex- ecutrix or her Attorney or re, cord at the law office of B. Franklt Heustoa, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims together with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court within etx (6) months after the date of the first pub- [Ication of this notice, to-wit: 6 August 1959. or all claims not so presented and filed will be forever barred. VIVIAN HARPER Executrix of said Estate Address: 1412 Falrbanks Yakhna, Wash. B FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg.. Shelton. Wash. 8/6-13-20-27 'ft. NO. 3129 NOTICE TO CREDITOR, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of ER- NEST CARLSON. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un= dersigned have bern appointed and have qualified as Executrices of the Estate of Ernest Carlson deceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased are herby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Executrices. or their attorneys of rec* wd at the address below statad, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. togettmr with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of thie notice. or the sau]e will be barred. Date (if first publication August 6, 1959. LILLIAN C. SHELDON ESTHER C. MAURY Executrices of eaid Estate 202-206 Security Building Olyntpia, Washington PEBBLES AND SWANSON Attorneys for state 202-206 Security Building Olympia, Washington 8/6-13-20 3t IN THE MATTER OF COUNTY ROAD PROSEC'P NO. 818 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY the Bord of County Commissioners that It is their intention to mprove eertala county roads by constructing a bitum- inous base dust pallative according, to the following schedule: Dust Pallative Road No. Mi, [Past Matrons Club Holds Picnic By Mrs. T. B. Bal( though the low lands had been on BRINNON- The Past Matrons the cloudy side. Those making the Club Of Quilcene held a patio pie-, trip were Mr. and Mrs. Walter nic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Balch Sunday. Plans for the picnic were made by Mrs. Mary Ackerman, president, Mrs. DiCk Danielsen and Mrs. T. B. Balch. Attending were Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Pedersen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horn, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Dick Danielsen, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Balch, Mr. an0 Mrs. Waldo Zimmerman t guests from Arizona), Mrs. E. A.Oat- man, Mrs. Ray Canterbury, MRS,. George gkckerman, and Mrs. Let- tie Sharman of Tacoma. GIRL SCOUT Troop 16 return- ed Thursday afternoon from a 4 day mountain trip, With their leaders. Mrs, Rbert Phillips and Mrs. Leland Coates, Susan Bai,t% and Nancy Croweli the girls left at 6 a.m. Monday with most of tl pack gear tied,, on the back of Lucky, Nancy s h6re. Th girt carried their own Clothing and personal thin:s. Before taking to the trail, Park Ranger ChurCltill gave an instructive talk to the girls about fires, hiking alone and other necessary admonons to mountain travelers. This was the first trip for most of tle girls and perhaps the first Girl Scout Moun- tain Hike in J(tffersen County. They camped at Dose Meadows and spent one day at Hgyden Pass so the girls could play in the snow. Those making ]e trip were Kathy, Jo and Gary Phillips, Mnr- iel Andrews, Judy Raueh, Karen Coates, Myrtle Bailey, Mary Anne and Elaine Christian. Ms. Elsie Core left for her home in Sacramento last Tuesday morning. She has beeu visiting her brother, C. V. Dorothy and Mrs. Dorothy for about a month. Mrs. Elinor Robinson forr0erly of Brinnn and Mrs. Ethel Wil- liams, formerly of Port Townsend were Brlnnon viaitars Sunday, calling on flenda and Mrs Mary Russell at the Brinnon afe. Both women are now resideflts of Se- attle. The Quil Snappers, an enthusi- astie Camera Club went on a field trip to Hurricane Ridge Sunday, finding the weather at the sum- mit ideal for taking pictures, Grange News Mason Lake ............................ 150 4.0 ice cream and coffee will be fur- Deer Creek-Cranberry ] n(S=. . Loop Rd ......................... 154-155 1. Haven Lake Road ............... 2-2 .5]." The Iason County Fair is just Itlghland Road ...................... 350 4.0 ] around the corner and we hope to BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha, hay- - • .... e some gooa agllCUltulal ex the above described county road pro J-[ 'b ..... " act Is necessary and proper and te ] at z. oy toe grang mo estimated costs of said pt:oject are Will pay $1@00, $600 arid $400 l herewith set out in detail as follows: nrie . ..... : €^. ,; A.. ,7=.., as Tax" Road C-nstruct t-  r - ,,,,,,j ,,,, ,. €.,o ,,mv=" Q000; Tol, $7,0.(D:'Day Lb"0r.'" dual etatri by gran rlre, The county road proj0ct herein de- We wer guests Mt the 4-II scribed Is HEREBY DECLARED to camn last Fhursdav evenft.  be a public necessity and the County t : - __ ":"....:v---,, -t: Road Engineer Is HEREBY ORDER OOK or a WOlllelKNlP llnner. Jlagl ED AN) AUTHORIZED to report an( a' nice visit with 10Ble e te 4-H proceed thereon as by law provided, leadr n.A mnv .€ the, ,,,;m,.=,, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha ...... " ""-"# ................. this pro3ect, If day work," 'b perform The can9 looks good Ir. ed by supervisor in" accordance wltl ing the redent logging'erltts, the Standard Road and Bridge Specl- The boys Fnd girls were hving flcations of the State of Washington the time of their lives bedeg ie- riving a lot of benefit from tke as adopted by this board, ADOPTED this 8rd day of August, 1959. BOA F C0 COAMS01ONRS  MASON COUNTY wA N TO JOHN RXRIEI Ch". C, W. STRECKB&CH ROY MITCHELL Atteet: There were no granges met last week as it was a fifth Friday, Since the grange was organized in 1867 it has worked constaptly for better roads in the communi- ty, county, state and nation. Some years ago the grange sup- ported and was instrumental in obtaining state aid for farm to market roads to help frmers get their produce to local markets. The multiple htne, high speed, limited access highways of today are a far cry from the so called good roads of fifty years ago but just as essential to transport o- rion. The state highway commissi Sfi will soon be preparing the budget for the coming biennium so it would seem that now is the tie for the granges in Mason County to start working for the comple- tion of the Shelton-Olympia High- way. In checking oupr speedometer starting from the termination of construction to near the Botts Nursing Hom would require about six miles of new construc- tion, would eliminate three dan- erous hills and one raih'oad croing. We feel that this is a very worth while project for the granges in Mason County. Next Sunday the Mason-Grays Harbor Pomona Granges will hold their annual picnic. Weather per- mitting we will have some water sports along with the usual con- tests so bring your swim suits. Since Mason County is host this year we hope to have a good turn out. Bring your regular picnic lunch, ala attmdl th) 4m bake and program Friday night• e ltv Wi excellent and the Prog.'.am wM very good. We ar convinced there are a lot af oth- C. NOLAN MASON er people who would not miss this Clerk of Board • 8/6 It annual evt IN THE M----------TTER OF The Juyen'fl¢ 0ran camp i COUntY ROAD PROJECT NO. !9 | only two weakl awW d we llpe IT IS HER]BY RESOLV]D BYtl I to s Vase- Co;;t ..... ell re-= Board of Munty Commissioners ttt|-if ...... '" it is their intention to tmpoye the|  $. North Shore road by clearlag grad-l- ing, draining and surfacing with se-[ • :=l'1").Z]Ll[_¢,£'3._':,,. lected roadway borrow 1.67 mile of[ l'd[| r'll|]|l|'.tLl||ll County Road No 280 This lmprove-i -- ............. ment is located in ction 1 2 & 11, I ........... Township 2N Ratge  West' W M. NO. 12S545 The principle qnantltles involved NOC OF LE OF are: Clearing and Grubbing 6.2 acres. , ....... FJA,',ESTTI ...... Common ExCavation 89 164 cu. yds,, , .,,,o,,,%v% ,  [234 L.F. concrete pipe, Ar,',', ............ "'" BE 1T FURTHER -RESOLVED that I'" "-" ='€ *h,= - ,o.m .t,l. the a v ............................ r . . be e described county road pro.J- of REUBEN JASPERSON an Incom- ect Is necessary ana proper, ana the Detent estimated costs of .said project are -NO.TICE IS HEREBF GIVIN that nerewith set out In aetaii s tallows: IMllian Jaapersen, In her capacity a Gas Tax: Engineering, $(5,000.00; guardiau (ff the above guardiaz)ship Right of Way, $90,fl00,0; Road Cos- estate, will cell at public-bale and for strut(leo. $50,000.00; Total. $76,000.(}@. cash the foBowing dascIbed rdat as- Contract. The county road project herein de- scribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity and the County Road Engineer ts HEREBY ORDER- ED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereoa as by law provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this project, tf day work, be per- formed by supervisor in accords!Ice with the Standard Road atlLl Bridge Specifics(tone of the State of Wash- ington as adopted by this board. ADOPTED this 3rd day ot August, 1959. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF _MASON" COUNTY, WASHINGTON " JOHN BARIEKMAN. Chairman C. W. STRECEENBACH ROY MITCHELL Attest: (. NA' MAS@N Clerk of Board 8/6 It tate: Tract 7. Patrlcia Beach No. 2. Includ- ing second class tide lands, as con- veyed by the State of Waehlngton, situate in front of, #adjacent to or abutting upon the upland, accordlaq to the official plat thereof, recodea in Volume 4, of Plats, page BT:, In the office of the Au¢!itor of Macron County, Wul.!ngton. Located its Ma- .son uounty washington. to the highest arid best bidder. That the sale w|ll he had at the front door of the Mason County Courtl)ouse. Shelton, Washington, at 11:00 a,m. on Wednesday, August , 1959. The girard(as rl.rvfli the 'right to reject ay anq ,u z) s. /LE2IAN JASPERSON S/WILLIAM L, HUTCHINS " 8700 th Avtnae N,W. Seattle 7, Washington Attorney for let|tioner 8/6-13-20 3t Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ack- erman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woods. Ms. Dolly Renskers and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bader and daughter Susanna and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bragstad and three children front Aberdeen. Mrs. Kelly is president of the group. MR. AND MRS4. Darrel Harris took advantage of two (lays off last week. He went fishing to Ne- ah Bay with Ross Whitaker and Mrs. Harris and the children spent the time with relatives in Olym- pia. Mrs. T B. Balch returned home Friday evening after spending five das with her. daughter and son- n-law, Mr, aa Mrs.  Aplin. She was helping hr daughter get ettled in their new home nsar Rimhmoud Beach. . Mia Dianne .Lundegard, daugh- f 0f' Mr. aFd Mrs. Win. E. Lun-  ef the Olympic inn return- ed h',me Saturday after a two wears visi( With relates and friends, in Everett. Mrs. Lunde- gad reports many interesting pa- trons at the Inn with license plates from nearly every state in the 'union; Mr. Lundegard has been fda4ured in moving pictures illustrating the "Life bf the Oy- S tar . The pictures were taken on the beach by professors from the Unverslty of Washington and a ilaiolog-y professor from the Wash- ngton University of St. Louis. MB. AND MRS. Jerry Munro and four cllildren of Bothell spent,, Saturday nlgh]F and Sunday with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jesperson. Mr. and MI's. Walter Kelly at- tended a Republican meeting at the Palms Cafe In Port Townsend Saturday dght P00ress Grange Holds Picnic By Grace Petty KAMILCHE. --- Forty-five per- sns attended the Progress Grange picnic at Maple Beach Sunday. THE CLIFTON Barnes and Wee Rau families and the Edwin Pettys enjoyed the Simpson Saw Mills picnic a[ Mason lake Sunday. Sunday the Wagner' family had a reunion and picnic at Twanoh State Park. An out of state gue.t was a sister and her family, Mrs. Dorothy Lateen from Bend, Ore. ther relatives and friends came from Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Port Townsend and Port Ludlow. Wednesday evening dinner ests of the Art Nelsons were the land Hudsons and the Ira Stansburys, all of Little Sookum. Denny, youngest son of the Charles Wagners, had minor eye surgery ill Olympta last Thursd8 y. The Squaxin Island Indian Tribe held a meeting in the :amilche Community Church, regarding po- :[c protection as provided in the l'eSt of the county, last Saturday afternoon. MR. AND MRS. George Heffner and son and grandson spent a week with the Ray James family, aso did some fishing in Hood Canal. They live in Yakima. Mrs. Eugene Taylor and Mrs Don Whitener were hostesses on Monday afternoon at a bridal Shower for Mrs. Jack Barnes (ne Carol Ann Alverson) in the Tay- lor home Mrs. Bill (Alto) Metzgar flew up from Los Angeles last Thurs- day for a visit with her parents, the Herb Nelsons. Her two chil- dren, Candi and Mark, have spent the past month here and husband, Bill, will come up later. Mrs. Dorothy (arson an¢l chil- dren of Bend, Ore. atent several days with the Wagner and A1- verstm faxilies. MR. AND MRS. lawrence La- Ment of Dayton wre Saturday evening guetp iB the Oliver Pet- ty home. Last Thursday afternoon guests of Mrs. Edwin Petty were Mrs. Margaret Wright, Mrs. Judd Chaf- fee and daughter, Va|erle, Mrs. Jess Jordan and Dianne, all of Olympia. / Dick Adams, Eddie and Robin Petty of the Skokomish Valley, spent the past week in the Edwin petty home while their mother, Mrs. Robert Petty, was in a She(= ton hopitl. Rbbert Jan Jams, U.S. Navy, spent a week at the home of his parents, the Ray James. He left last hursday for aviation school- Philadelphia. Pa. Humphrey Nelsons and eOge Critchflelds returned Mon- y' from their fishing trip to Sekiu, having caught three sal- mon, one a 8.poun4er. FRANCES DECKER and Oliver Petty attencld the drag races at Elma last Sunday. A!lyn Dinner Ilrm Visit0. patio with Mr. Charles Zahller he= ing guest of honor as he celebrat- ed his eighty4irst birthday. Those present were Mr .and Mrs. Charles 7,ahller of emertan, Mr. and Mrl. M. E. Cornelius from Gorst, Ma.s. James Hicks af New West- minster, B. C,, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cornelius, Butch and Diane of Oakland, Calif. and the hostesses, Mrs. Dorothy Clark and her moth- er, Mrs. M. W. Boyer. Mrs. Ashton Watson spent the weekend at Copalis Crossing with her son, Clay* Gibson and family. Oral Evidence ] ' , , " o . a$ e ;dish maid. I "Yell," she replied, Wen I wu I dustin' bY  door, I heard him l pay, 'Let's have anodder drink den go out and raise cane, sugar'," Jansen Sisters Quintette to Present Concert at Mt. View Alliance (hur(h The Jensen sisters from Olynl- othcr chtn'ches th)'()ttghi)tH Olynt- pia will present a sacre(I vocal) pia. The g i:'l are nwmoers of ttt-: and instrtlmenLal concert this t Gh)ria Dei Ltttheran ('htn'cti in Sunday evening at 7::/0 p.m. in'Olympia. the Mr. View Alliance church, lo- The pastor and metal)era of (he cated on Washington and J Street. c.hul'ch invite everyone It) at(mid The sisters. Elvine who plays this sacred concert. No admissi(tn the violin. Audrey, violin: Patri- will be charged. cia clarinet, Beverly, oboe; and ....................................................... Delores, 'cello; have played and sung for many church and youth services in Tacoma. Puyallup, Rainier. East Olympia, Lacey and Baptist Church Sets School Picnic An all church and Snnday school .picnic at Pioneer Park will be held today for youngsters and parents of the First Baptist church. The Sulday school bus will leave the church at 10:30 for those needing transportation and will return at 4 p.m. Sack lunch will be brought for a no lungheo and potluck dinners or the eve- niag' meal at 6:30. Go(foe, rolls, butter and ice crea m wll be fur- nished. A singapirtion is to fol- low the dinner. Tickets good for ne free ice cream and one fee pp,u will be issued at 12 noon. Women's Society Picnic The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service wl! have  ltlumk ptepic Wednesday, Attllt 2 at the hpme of Mrs. Lela'Brk. 07 North ith. Coffee will be fuish- l ad a abort important business meeting will fpllow. T FIRST CST|AN 6,3101 First Christian 9hurch meets for Adult Bible stud£ anll Sund#y sch0ol, each Lord's Day.  , The church service follows at 10:.55 with nBrsery services avail- able for ,those with mall children. Mid.week Bible tndy is held each Wadnes4ay evening at 7:0 In the Whitney home. The choir is issuing a special appeal for singers to join them for practice on Thursday evening at :30 at the home of Wills Mills, Capitol Hill, Wi-Ne-1 Week of Missions is scheduled for August 10 to 15 at Cloverdale, Oregon. TIs ia for the family. See Rev. Whitney for fur- ther details. Tentative plans are under way for a potlnck picnic Sunday after- noon at Camp Neal on Mason Lake. Spirit Subject Of Week's Service tiow spiritual mderstanding of; God heals sickness as well ;is sin will be brought ottt at: Cbristia.n Science services Sunday. "" is the sttbje('t of the Lesson-Sernton. / Radixtgs fr'onl the King ,htnto. eralon of the Bible will include Christ Jesus' Pimmise John 14: 12): "Verlly, verily, I say unta you, He that believeth on me. the, works that I do shall tm do also and greater works than these shaR he do; h¢cause I go unto my Fa- ther." From "Science and Health with Ky t the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy the following will  read (316:7): "Christ. Truth. was demonstrated through Jesus to prove the power of Spirit over t}ie fleah,--4o show that Truth is matte manifest by its effects upon the human mind artfl body, h(.arlln '' sickness and destroying sin " ± ; " ; ; !" ' 00int David's Ghurch (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Bey, Bl=bert Bonner Echels, Vicar JULY AND AUGUST: BundaY---8 a.m.-Saint David's. Sunday--9:30 a.m. Saint An- drew's Alderbrook). i L m Firsl Ohrislian Ohuroh "New Testament Christianltf" 'Lewis E, Whitney, Ministee Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Churoh Servis 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Full-Gospel In Message- Fundamental in Doctrine 130 East Pine St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (classes for all ages) .......................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .......................................................... 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ....: .................................................... $;00 p.m. Revival Service .......................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Listen to REVIVALTIME, Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO FISHERMEN'$ 0LI]! P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & COTA SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 9:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest speakerDean Palmer "Putting Personality Into Pictures" 10:00 a.m.Bible Study FAITH LUTHERAN OHUIIOH Seventh 4 Franklin 8ts, -- J. Bernhard Brathelm, Pastor Sunday lchoQ, 030 a,m. Eunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. MlFweek Swvie,--W., 7:041 im. Choir at 8 p.m, OP HIII00, tRIE00IST Sunday. 1o9k:8,0 .!n. Cheh 11 axn, -- We .eeday even g testimony 'meeting-s 8 p,m, nem:linff• llal -, :Rtg room hour 2 to - p.  &  'Wed,  6:45 to 7:45. FIRST BAPTIST OHURCH & J age, Eugene Bre d, Pastor Sunday School ..................................... , ...... : ....................... 9:45 a,m. ornLug WOrship .......... ....................... . .............................. 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p.m. Evening Service (Jansen Sisters Concert) ................... 7:30 p.m. Mid-week lervtce Wednesday .......... : ............................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME = . ...... L ,. d.v ( ' . MT, OLIVE LUTHERAN OHUIIOH rAN NOUNCEB ITB for June, Uly and Atgust WORINIP IER¥1OE AND BUNDAY flGHOOL AT 9:00 A,M.