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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chri$tmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Herb Brehmeyer Home After Long Stay in Hospital By Dora Hearing MATIX)CK.---We are happy to eport that Herbert Brehmeyer, r., was able to return home last eek Tuesday from Providence Iospital in Seattle. ALBERTA EVERS is spending ihe past week with her grand- arents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Ieyers of Melbour$. The Martin Ewen family of Ta- 'oma were weekend guests of Mr. Lnd Mrs. Garth Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers ;pent Saturday in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders of Seat- tle were weekend guests of their ! daughter, Mrs. John Hogben. MRS. ERNEST Graham and daughter, Gall, left Sunday for Montana to spend a couple weeks with their daughter and sister there. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haglund of Anacortes were guests Thurs- day of Mr. and Mrs. Herbez Brehmeyer, St. Mr. and Mrs. Max Nllsson of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hello. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Sunday dinner guests of their cousin, Mrs. John Freden- burg of Olympia. Quite a few people from this vicinity atttnded the wedding re- ception at the Brady Grange hall Saturday evening for Sharon ttol- latz and Clarence Hancy. Sharon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hollatz of Brady and Clar- ence, the son of Mr., and Mrs. Haney of Satsop valley. THEY BOTH attended Mary M. Knight school and Clarence Haney was a 1958 graduate of Mary M. Knight. Mrs. Ollte Tyra of Elma spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift. I A surprise birthday party was i In honor of Mrs. Win. Avery at their home last Wednesday eve- ning, Those taking part were Mr. and Mrs. N()clcn Avery anti tm- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Louis M,,r- gan and family anti the William Averys. MR. AND MRS. Edward Vtlley and sons spent Tuesday ew,ning with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waiters. Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rssmaier attended the Old Timers Picnic at Bucoda Sunday. It includ(d Tenino and Tona. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and family attended the Darts'old picnic at Schafer Park Sunday. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier attended the funeral of Charles H. Sharp in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and famll'y and Bernal Bunce called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trexler Sun- Cloquallum Hosts Many Visitors By Don Eveleth all attended the wedding recep- CI,OQUALLI,M. - Mr. and Mrs. Ian Holt and Mark Itolt are vis- iting the Tom KeaYneys for two weeks. MR. AND MRS. George Whit- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Whit- ing, M,. and Mrs. Jqe Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeAlfrey, day afternoon. THE BLAIN Bunces have fin- ished remodeling their house. They put a new utility room and bathroom in and last spring they remtxleled the living room and added a bedroom. titn of Linda Mullenix and John Woods at Pe Ell Saturday evening. Diana Whiting is visiting her cousin, Marie Badgely, at Camp Grisdale this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Botts and Stephen of Olympia were Sunday guests of the Marion Eveleths. MR. AND MRS. Kenneth Pear- son and Judy, Michael, Melinda and Don drove Dick to Seattle Thursday where he entered the Navy. He will take his boot training at San Dego. Later they visited August Pear- son, Mr. Pearson's father, and brought Jerry Pearson home from Two Shelton Students Gain Honors at U. A total of 836 University of Washington students were listed on the undergraduate honor roll for Spring Quarter, 1959, Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, registrar, an- nounced today. Among the honor students are Sue Greenwait and Lawrence Gosser of Shelton. To be eligible for the list, stu- dents must carry 12 academic hours of studies and maintain at least a 3.5 grade-point average. A 4,0 average is straight "A". Auburn Academy for several weeks' stay. By Mrs. Piekering will hold Thursday, sion lake. Potluck Everyone table service All the Route Warren him a happy and much Mrs. Jennie Babcock and attended the Defiance Park Dr. and Mrlt. of Tacoma Alice Gray Prices For Noon Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 6 - 7 - 8 We Reserve the Right to Limit BISQUICK MAKE A DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 40 OZ. PKG. Pitted Olives 8HURFINE LARGE NO, 1 TIN € Potato Chips PICNIC BOX REG. or DIP Friskie Meal '1'" Soflin Napkins COLORS PKG. OF 80  L,,,', 2/39 ¢ VIENNA SAUSAGE ,,, ................ PANOAKE MIX ,ET, CROCKER 49 ¢ 4-LB. SACK ........................... PALL MAC. 01BIRIErrES ON. FO.. $2.70 I LI BBY'S DELICIOUS 1 co.00iEo BEEF i HEY, ROSCOE ENRIOHED aoso0 ,.oz. ...................... JAR 39 € MAZOLA 01L .................. UA.T ,OTT'E 59* BEER OL*.PI,,.EIOELBERGO" $1.13 RAINIER ................ 6 - 12-OZ. TINS LESLIE'S SALT TASTEWELL - 46-OZ. TIN TOMATO JUICE... For the Finest Sandwich You've Ever Tasted 12-OZ. TIN ......... . .... WHITE STAR- Fancy Chunk ½ TINS At This Low Price. • W Shut-Fresh QT. JAR / DRIPOR REG. CIOB.YlIEE Shurfine Reg. 22-Oz. European Lineage Verifine Sliced, American or Pimiento 6-Ounce Package For Only .... B & M OVEN-BAKED 28-OZ. TINS FOR .... MEAT HAMS Skinless Wieners Ave. wt. 215 Ib¢. Fully Cooked, Boneless, Carsten's Fiesta or James Henry Brand € Ib James Henry Brand Ib PRODUCE CANTALOUPE =: 5 !$1 TOMATOES Firm, Red 5q  Ripe Slicers .............. Lb. 1 LEMONS Th,. Skinned 3 for 13 = Juicy ....................... ROMAINE crls. Lsr.o Heads .............. 2 Heads 15 ¢ CABBAGE so,,d New Cro, 5 € Green Heads ................ Lb. 20 th Century Where Every Customer is Important • "=.=," FJP, A)Z]EN ]6X)OD 8WANBON'B FRESH CHICKEN °- 69' STICKS LB. PKG. PICNIC PINK OR REGULAR' 6-OUNCE Lemonade... BREASTS TH IGHS LB. pKG. SHUR-FRESH  10-OUNCE PACKAGES Strawberries... FRISKIE, CHICKEN FLAVORED - NO. 1 Cat Food ..... Darigold - Prints or Cubes ....... . • Ib 16 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chri$tmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Herb Brehmeyer Home After Long Stay in Hospital By Dora Hearing MATIX)CK.---We are happy to eport that Herbert Brehmeyer, r., was able to return home last eek Tuesday from Providence Iospital in Seattle. ALBERTA EVERS is spending ihe past week with her grand- arents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Ieyers of Melbour$. The Martin Ewen family of Ta- 'oma were weekend guests of Mr. Lnd Mrs. Garth Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers ;pent Saturday in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders of Seat- tle were weekend guests of their ! daughter, Mrs. John Hogben. MRS. ERNEST Graham and daughter, Gall, left Sunday for Montana to spend a couple weeks with their daughter and sister there. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haglund of Anacortes were guests Thurs- day of Mr. and Mrs. Herbez Brehmeyer, St. Mr. and Mrs. Max Nllsson of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hello. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Sunday dinner guests of their cousin, Mrs. John Freden- burg of Olympia. Quite a few people from this vicinity atttnded the wedding re- ception at the Brady Grange hall Saturday evening for Sharon ttol- latz and Clarence Hancy. Sharon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hollatz of Brady and Clar- ence, the son of Mr., and Mrs. Haney of Satsop valley. THEY BOTH attended Mary M. Knight school and Clarence Haney was a 1958 graduate of Mary M. Knight. Mrs. Ollte Tyra of Elma spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift. I A surprise birthday party was i In honor of Mrs. Win. Avery at their home last Wednesday eve- ning, Those taking part were Mr. and Mrs. N()clcn Avery anti tm- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Louis M,,r- gan and family anti the William Averys. MR. AND MRS. Edward Vtlley and sons spent Tuesday ew,ning with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waiters. Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rssmaier attended the Old Timers Picnic at Bucoda Sunday. It includ(d Tenino and Tona. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and family attended the Darts'old picnic at Schafer Park Sunday. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier attended the funeral of Charles H. Sharp in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and famll'y and Bernal Bunce called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trexler Sun- Cloquallum Hosts Many Visitors By Don Eveleth all attended the wedding recep- CI,OQUALLI,M. - Mr. and Mrs. Ian Holt and Mark Itolt are vis- iting the Tom KeaYneys for two weeks. MR. AND MRS. George Whit- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Whit- ing, M,. and Mrs. Jqe Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeAlfrey, day afternoon. THE BLAIN Bunces have fin- ished remodeling their house. They put a new utility room and bathroom in and last spring they remtxleled the living room and added a bedroom. titn of Linda Mullenix and John Woods at Pe Ell Saturday evening. Diana Whiting is visiting her cousin, Marie Badgely, at Camp Grisdale this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Botts and Stephen of Olympia were Sunday guests of the Marion Eveleths. MR. AND MRS. Kenneth Pear- son and Judy, Michael, Melinda and Don drove Dick to Seattle Thursday where he entered the Navy. He will take his boot training at San Dego. Later they visited August Pear- son, Mr. Pearson's father, and brought Jerry Pearson home from Two Shelton Students Gain Honors at U. A total of 836 University of Washington students were listed on the undergraduate honor roll for Spring Quarter, 1959, Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, registrar, an- nounced today. Among the honor students are Sue Greenwait and Lawrence Gosser of Shelton. To be eligible for the list, stu- dents must carry 12 academic hours of studies and maintain at least a 3.5 grade-point average. A 4,0 average is straight "A". Auburn Academy for several weeks' stay. By Mrs. Piekering will hold Thursday, sion lake. Potluck Everyone table service All the Route Warren him a happy and much Mrs. Jennie Babcock and attended the Defiance Park Dr. and Mrlt. of Tacoma Alice Gray Prices For Noon Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 6 - 7 - 8 We Reserve the Right to Limit BISQUICK MAKE A DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 40 OZ. PKG. Pitted Olives 8HURFINE LARGE NO, 1 TIN € Potato Chips PICNIC BOX REG. or DIP Friskie Meal '1'" Soflin Napkins COLORS PKG. OF 80  L,,,', 2/39 ¢ VIENNA SAUSAGE ,,, ................ PANOAKE MIX ,ET, CROCKER 49 ¢ 4-LB. SACK ........................... PALL MAC. 01BIRIErrES ON. FO.. $2.70 I LI BBY'S DELICIOUS 1 co.00iEo BEEF i HEY, ROSCOE ENRIOHED aoso0 ,.oz. ...................... JAR 39 € MAZOLA 01L .................. UA.T ,OTT'E 59* BEER OL*.PI,,.EIOELBERGO" $1.13 RAINIER ................ 6 - 12-OZ. TINS LESLIE'S SALT TASTEWELL - 46-OZ. TIN TOMATO JUICE... For the Finest Sandwich You've Ever Tasted 12-OZ. TIN ......... . .... WHITE STAR- Fancy Chunk ½ TINS At This Low Price. • W Shut-Fresh QT. JAR / DRIPOR REG. CIOB.YlIEE Shurfine Reg. 22-Oz. European Lineage Verifine Sliced, American or Pimiento 6-Ounce Package For Only .... B & M OVEN-BAKED 28-OZ. TINS FOR .... MEAT HAMS Skinless Wieners Ave. wt. 215 Ib¢. Fully Cooked, Boneless, Carsten's Fiesta or James Henry Brand € Ib James Henry Brand Ib PRODUCE CANTALOUPE =: 5 !$1 TOMATOES Firm, Red 5q  Ripe Slicers .............. Lb. 1 LEMONS Th,. Skinned 3 for 13 = Juicy ....................... ROMAINE crls. Lsr.o Heads .............. 2 Heads 15 ¢ CABBAGE so,,d New Cro, 5 € Green Heads ................ Lb. 20 th Century Where Every Customer is Important • "=.=," FJP, A)Z]EN ]6X)OD 8WANBON'B FRESH CHICKEN °- 69' STICKS LB. PKG. PICNIC PINK OR REGULAR' 6-OUNCE Lemonade... BREASTS TH IGHS LB. pKG. SHUR-FRESH  10-OUNCE PACKAGES Strawberries... FRISKIE, CHICKEN FLAVORED - NO. 1 Cat Food ..... Darigold - Prints or Cubes ....... . • Ib