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PageA-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020
LETTERS, cont’d from page A5
Special kind
of stupid
Editor, the Journal,
For four years Speaker
Pelosi and her hallelujah
congressional chorus pointed
at Trump and sang in unison,
“No one is above the law.”
Well, madam, you stated,
“statues don’t interest me and
people will do what people
. Is it something about
being a Democrat that ex-
empts their city leaders from
keepingthe peace, allowing
violence in their ‘citieswith
impunity'and did absolutely
gaming,th it,-'tellin‘g their 7
ponc’e’t'ojist‘éad down and.-
help as an- “ 1"
arch‘yiiei'gned? Is it “peaCeful
protest” When'young Black
menianjd'fbabies died and po-1 '
lice whoput their, lives onthe
line 'to‘serVe' the community
were permanently blinded
with lasers, covered with '
urine, feces and bleach or se—
riously injured by incendiar-
ies, or died?
At this point it was not
about George Floyd, or about
the lives of Black people mat-
tering. Unjustified killings of
Blacks (or any race) by police
are rfare.‘ Defunding the police
when crime is "out of control
is a special kind of stupid
and makes as much sense as
castrating all men because a
rapist maybe around. Who
will c'Ome to your aid for a
home invasion? Medics and
firefighters are not allowed to
come to a crime scene until it
is'cleared by police; no police,
no medical help.
There is no “systemic” rac-
ism in America, but there is
definitely “systemic” igno-
rance. Since the ’605 there _
have been over a dozen leg—
islative acts for civil rights.
If Anterica was racist, you
would never haVe had a Black
. president, not many success-
ful Black people in every walk
of life and career, who chose
not to be a victim, but be the
best they can be and rise‘
above adversity. A couple of
these have stated on camera
that they do not support the
Black Lives Matter organiza-
tion. White suppression and
becoming a political party is
their goal, anarchy and divi-
siveness their means, Marx-
ism their ideology. One BLM
chapter leader told a reporter
in the middle of the riots,
“It’s laughable'to see all these
whites protest for us.” Listen
to the message of the true
civil rights leader, Martin Lu-
ther King and not'the Black
raised fist of Marxist BLM.
Yes, there are unconscio-
nable racist incidents by
individuals that need to be
addressed individually rather
than lump everything in a
soup of victimization and
“systemic” racism.
Slavery'was a very dark
period in American history,
but I wonder if any true de-
scendants of Black slaves
ask themselves where they
Would be now had this not
occurred to their brave ances-
tors. Would they, if born at"
all, still be in Africa dealing
with pestilence, famine and
killer regimes? The death of
360,222 Union soldiers who
died to abolish slavery is
reparation enough. God bless v
America, warts and all, and
all that she offers, and may
she continue to fight regimes
and ideologies that suck away
the lifeblood of true freedom
for all. That being said, I’m
headed to Egypt to destroy
the pyramids because 5,000
years ago Egyptians owned
Katie Groves
Editor, the Journal,
To my fellow citizens of
Congressional District 10, ,
we have a great opportunity.
to elect a qualified, genuine,
hardworking candidate in ’
Mary Bacon. Mary is a down- {
to-earth person, not a career
politician, she is stepping
up with a desire to help the
greater good. With, Denny
Heck not running again, 'now
is the time for us to send _
fresh, young energy to the
other Washington. I like that
Mary doesn’t have ties to big
business or corporations. She
is justone of us. She lives
here, went to school here,
bought a home here, works
here, and is an Army veteran.
Please take some time to
get to know her (www.mary—
baconforcongresscom) and
please everyone vote!
“Bad officials are elected
by good citizens who don’t
vote.” George Jean Nathan
Mya Keyzers
for the kid stuff
Editor, the Journal, ,
I just wanted to let yOu
know the “addition for the
children” that you publish
in the Journal is a great ad-
dition, especially at a time
when everyone is going
through so much. ‘
I have two great grand-
children in Arizona and I
send them letters but today I
am mailing the portion that
is printed in your Journal. I
know they will love it.
I was born in Shelton (a
few years ago) and three
of my four grown children
signed up residents “to pur-
chase” the Journal for a few
years. At that time “they
could win a trip to Eastern
Washington” to a dude ranch
for children. Two of my chil-
dren got to experience that
more than once. They were
Martin and Brenda.
v“ 3»; amass? 1,
Dorene (Stevens) Rae
Welfare state
Editor, the Journal,
These are possibly the five
best sentences you’ll ever
read: .
1. You cannot legislate
the poor into prosperity by
legislating the wealthy out of
2. What one‘ person re-
ceives without working for,
another person must work for
without receiving.
3. The government cannot
give to anybody anything that
the government does not first
take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply
wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people
get the idea that they do not
have to work because the
other half is going to take
care of them, and when the
other half gets the idea that it
does no good to work because
somebody else is going to get
what they work for, that is
the beginning of the end of
any nation.
Quoted from Adrian Rog-
ers, minister/author
Arilene Zeigler
Comet moment
Editor, the Journal,
Carrie the Comet
(for Sam)
It started thereabouts
in mid-July, As Carrie the
Comet was cruising on by,
She heard wishes floating up
through the sky, Confusing at
first, ‘till she recalled why.
“Wishing On A Star is
quite popular here, And
though I’m not stellar, please
do not fear, I’ll grant a wish
to each of you, dear, As well
as any dwarf or giant up
60 centuries since she flew
‘round this place, To see the
Third Rock spinning slowly
in space, The voices last time
were barely a trace, Just
look how they’ve grown! This
small human race.
In rising chorus these
wishes did reach, Carrie the
Comet, as she listened to
. each, From whimsy to ear-
nest the wiShes beseeched,
But Carrie considered a small
lesSon to teach.
One by one the wishes
were heeded, Careful thought
given to each wish that was
pleaded, A customized answer
to each wish was treated, Giv-
ing not what was asked for
but ‘stead what was needed.
For these people suffer a
crisis of soul, When focused
on self they miss the real
goal, So many go hungry,
with naught in their bowl,
Will anyone help so they can
feel full?
And how many suffered
a sickness untreated? Or
because they looked differ-
ent, their spirit defeated?
How many, for hate, have
just been mistreated? And
preventable pain is so oft re-‘
As Carrie heads off on her
next orbit spin, She inspires
the people to see what’s
within, To value the qualities
deeper than skin, And take
care of each other: stranger,
kith, kin.
Todd Richert, RN
Skokomish Valley
Farewell, Adam
Editor, the Journal,
This letter is addressed to
Adam Rudnick, former editor-
in—cChief of Shelton-Mason
County Journal. .
Sir, I write this in reply to
your article of farewell July
23, 2020 —- whereby you are
joining the “Red Crooks” in
My family up to 2018 had
owned and paid taxes in
Mason County for 100-p1us
years, myself for 50 years.
I have left messages, notes,
requests, visits to your office
regarding a matter that af-
fects every single property
owner in Mason County as a
class-action lawsuit.
Now as you are on your
way out you may have the
opportunity to read of this in
your former weekly or other
Washington papers if you pay
for paper delivery;
In the 19405, I delivered
over 100 papers a day in the
Olympia area, including an
evening paper and then to
St. Peter’s Hospital, room to
room with magazines and
papers. I then helped de-
liver trays of food, room to
room and get a free tray in
the nurse’s service room. I
regularly heard conversations
such as “Sister, would you i
please OK on Mr. (fill in the
blank)? He has passed away.”
My substitute and best I
buddy died on a refuel US.
Air Force plane. Both planes
exploded with the hose down.
I went into the US. Navy the
same month and year, J anu-
ary 1952.
I flew on Navy U25 over
Russia, four of which were
shot down. My plane went
down in Cambodia in 1967.
Where were you? I’m a
Back to Mason County,
where- you have a judge guilty
of malfeasance, corruption,
conspiracy etc. and a sheriff
guilty of violating his oath of
office, taking of private prop-
erty, elder abuse and veter-
ans, gifting of titled vehicles
and vessels, a federal crime.
Congressman Heck’s refusal
to aid his constituents, multi-
ple times and of course there
are those politicians that
print campaign literature on
(Washington) state presses
and the unions that loan
them the union bug to put in
the copy, if you know What I
mean. _'
And then there are the
police, who would rather pay
15 to 30 thousand dollars to
cover their crimes than have
it see light on TV and in the
You see sir, your B.S.
about doing one’s duty that
you would not even listen
to. Go to the archives at the
Daily Olympian. Who caught
and accused a congressperson
of accepting bribery? ’
Sir, this sounds like hypoc-
risy on your part.
Skip McConkey
voters pamphlet
Editor, the Journal,
A primary job of the
county auditor is manag-
ing elections. Voters need a
voters pamphlet at election
time. Mason County Audi-
tor Paddy McGuire provided
none. This is a major failure
by the Auditor’s Office.
The Auditor’s Office said it
requested money for a voters
pamphlet from the county
commissioners and was
denied. The county commis-
sioners are at fault, too, but
McGuire should have found
the money somewhere in his
budget; he could and Should
have provided a voters pam-
I used a King County
voter’s pamphlet for infor-'
mation on statewide offices.
I used a Thurston County
voter’s pamphlet for the
10th congressional choices
and local choices. There was
nothing for the 6th congres-
sional choices. I spent way
too much time going through
the weeds looking for good
The voters pamphlet
showed many jokes running
for political office. Examples
include 36 candidates fer
governor. Goodspaceguy says
he’s run against opponents
21 times. Lt. Governorhad
11 candidates. Public Lands.
commissioner. had seVen
candidates; one listed com- ;;
munity service as, “I’ve‘never
been to jail.” ,
We had 19 candidates for
the 10th District congressio-
nal representative. One con-
gressional candidate listed
his party preference as the»
Congress Sucks Party. Tw0
congressional candidates,
four governor candidates,
and one Public Lands com-
missioner candidate had a
blank page where their posi-,
tion papers and biography
should have been.
We need thoughtful can-
didates, not kooks posing
as candidates looking for ‘
their 10 minutes of fame. ‘
These nitwits, posing as real
candidates, make it diPfiCult
for serious candidates and "
impossible for voters with
no voters pamphlet. The vote,
'ers pamphlet is too costly to '
print and impossible to read i
with alls‘these‘icandl'dmv - l.
How are Mason County l
voters supposed to choose
between the serious and the ,
fools with no voters pam-
In the past, a filing fee ,
of 1% of annual salary was
required to run for office.
Is this still the rule? If not,
it should be re-instated to‘
prevent the crap presented
to us as a serious election. If
candidates cannot raise the
filing fee, they will have no
chance raising funds to run a
A smart vote is better .
than a quick vote, but the
worst vote is an uninformed
vote. Auditor McGuire and
county commissioners, you
failed us in the election with
the absence of a voters pam-
phlet. Please respond to this
letter to the editor. What we
want is an explanation; what
. we deserve is an apolOgy!
Ardean A. Anvik
Who matters
Editor, the Journal .
According to Genesis 1:26-
27, God made mankind in his
own image,.to be fruitful and
increase in number. Well, we
have done that and also we
have created a superior and
inferior'rating on people.
We are all equal in the
eyes of God, no man or wom-
an is above God. That is why
I really believe that all lives
God Bless America.
Bob Stone