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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-8 — Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020 Drive-in hosting sold-out’TWilight’author event Labor Day in sights of Shelton Cinemas owner By Gordon Weeks gordon@masoncounty. com The owner of Shelton Cinemas says she hopes to reopen by Labor Day. The two-screen facility at 517 W. FranklinSt” in downtown Shelton has been closed since the coro- navirus outbreak in March. Owner Dorothea Mayes could have optgl to reopen, with safety precautions and social distancing in place, when Mason County moved into Gov. Jay Inslee’sPhase Three reopening plan June 22. But Hollywood studios keep pushing back the dates when it will release new-films for the screen, Mayes said in an interview with the Journal. , ' “I don’t feel like I can open the cinema with clas- sic product I don’t feel I can charge the full ticket price for a movie that’s good, but not new,” she said. , , Mayes also owns the Skyline Drive-In off US. Highway 101 south of Shelton, and said she is happy featuring favorites there. “The Fast and the Furious” and “Men in Black” are being screened tonight. On Fri- day, the venue hosts a sold-out in-person ap- pearance by best-selling “Twilight” author Stephenie Meyer. She is touring with her new book, “Midnight Sun,” a retelling of her “Twilight “novel from the vampire’s point of View. The first “Twilight” movie will be screened following a question and answer with the author. Mayes said she has little to do with the event, which is sponsored by a New York book company. “The whole setup is nOt ours We’re providing our space, we’re providing our projectionist,” she said. For the event, 300 cars with as many as four pas— sengers each are allowed. Attendees will receive the VS». Meyer new book, already autographed, in a bag, Mayes said. Meyer will answer questions from at- tendees submitted in advance. The rules at Skyline Drive-In include pa- tronsfimust wear face masks if they are away from their vehicle for any reason. Patrons can sit in their vehicle, including in the covered and uncovered bed of a truck or SUV. Guests can sit directly in front'of their vehiclesin chairs provided they don’t block the View or movement of others. Patrons are not required to wear a face mask if they are seated directly in front of their vehicle. Reservations to attend the drive-in are required by visiting the website Having Shelton' Cinemas closed for more than four months has been “painful,” Mayes said. “I need the money like I need air,” she said. Nev- ertheless, “I can’t open until I have product,” she said. UnsOlicited seeds from China showing up in Mason County a; Isabella Breda isabe//a@masoncounty. com Unexpected packages of seeds with a Chinese return address are arriving in local mailboxes. North Mason High School alumna Keri Hicks said she received a pack- age of seeds last week. On the shipping label, the contents of the package were listed as socks. " “It’s just a gray package, about 4 inches by 4 inches,” Hicks said. “There was a return address with a persOn’s name on it.” Hicks said she doesn’t click any fraudulent emails or marketing cam- paigns that appear, but in the past she has received Amazon orders originat- ing from China. “It’s really strange to be on a mailing list like this,” she added. According to the USDA, the seeds appear to be part of a scam where peo- ple receive unsolicited items from an online seller who then posts false cus- tomer reviews to boost sales. “We have been inundated with hun— dreds of calls from concerned people and people who have received seeds,” said Chris McGann, media relations coordinator at the Washington state Department of Agriculture. Not only have these seeds been de- liveredlto residences across the state, but all over the world. According to the US. Department of Agriculture, “people across the coun- WIN YOUR SHARE 01" UP 1'0 $40,000! THURSDAYS IN AUGUST EVERY HOUR ' ll AM 8 PM Drop the puck on our game board for your chance of o slam dunk prize of up to $l ,OOO CASH! See Club Red Cashier for details. try have received unsolicited packages of seeds.” Some of the seeds have been identified as cabbage, herbs and laven- der. In a USDA broadcast, Gary Craw- ford and Osama El-Lissy with USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service said that consumers in Cana- da, Australia and the European -Union have also reportedly received packets of seeds from China. Washington State University Mas- ter Gardeners sent out an email July 31 urging gardeners not to open the seed packets and instead-place them into a plastic bag and.mail them to USDA-APHIS-PPQ - Attn: Jason Allen, 1 Seattle Plant Inspection Station, 835 South 192nd Street Bldg D, Suite 1600, Seatac, WA 98148. US. Customs and Border Patrol is working to intercept these packages, as some may pose an ecological threat. 'In'an email to the Journal, U.S. CBP spokesperson Jason Givens said, “unso- licited packages of seeds may contain inVasive species or other materials that could harm U.S. agriculture and the environment.” . The seeds. vary in size, shape and color, but the USDA urges recipients not to plant any of the unsolicited seeds. Washington residents who have al- ready planted the seeds should leave the plants and contact Tim St. .Ger- main, USDA-APHIS state plant direc- tor, at or 253-944-2040.. - “TY Serving Western Washington for over 50 years #Al ROOl*1 11PR $599 on 10% OFF men IS mm ON ANY NEW ROOF 0R RE-RDOF Call us now for a free estimate (360)456-3822 Madam-www.mmmuwmmumammdm Inc. " routine. #A1R001*111PR