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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 6, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 6, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-34 Shelton—Mason County Journal Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020 SERVICES WANT YOUR newspaper to follow you, your family friends - wherever you go? ’ We welcome address up- dates, vacation instructions and gift subscriptions. The Post Office will only fonivard com (J tfn) PUBLIC rioncas PUBLIC NOTICE Grapeview School District No. 54 822 E. Mason Benson Road Grapeview, WA, 98546 (360) 426-4921 (360) Fax (360) 427—8975 Notice of Special Board Meeting Wednesday— August 12th School Commons and Virtual Zoom am The GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Directors will hold a Special Board Meet— ing for purpose of reviewing/adopting the school district reopening plan AND reviewing an amended school calendar for adoption. The meet- ing will be held in the Grapeview School, District Commons Area. The public is wei- come to attend virtually, through Zoom conferencing, due to onsite meeting limi— tations. To attend via Zoom, please email Nick Schultek @ with your name and phone number so a zoom meeting link can be emailed to you. Please email at least thirty minutes before the meeting begins. Any inquiries regard- ing this notice should be directed to Kurt Hilyard, Superintendent, or Shari Magera, Administrative Assistant at (360) or (360) 275-4921. The Grapeview School District #54 complies with all federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual ori- entation including gender expression or identity, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained guide or service animal by a person with a disability. This holds true for all district employment and opportunities. inquiries regarding compli- ance procedures may be directed to the school district‘s Compliance Officer: Kurt Hilyard, Superintendent, and E. Ma— son-Benson Rd., Grapeview, WA 360v275/426-4921 or email khiiyard@ 2644 August 6 1t PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON iN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING In re the Es— tate of JUDITH E. RAYMOND Deceased. Case No.2 Probate Notice to Creditors (RCW The personal: representative named below has been ap- pointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW by serving on or mail- ing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be pre- sented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as pro- vided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publica- tion of the notice. if the claim is not pre- sented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as othenivise pro- vided in RCW and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonpro- bate assets. Date of First Publication: Per- son'ai Representative: CHESLEY PACKER Attorney for the Personal Representative: MICHAEL BIESHEUVEL Address for Mailing or Service: 114 Second Ave. S., Suite 101, Edmonds, WA Court of prObate proceedings and cause number: KING COUNTY, WA August 6, 13, 20 3t mail for a few weeks. Our goal is for your subscriber address information correct, to make sure you get your paper on time. Don’t miss an issue! Call 360-426—4412, email circu- or visit www.masoncounty. SPORTING GOODS & ACTIVITIES RANDOLPH BRAND, Gun— smith. Repairs, custom— izing, refinishing. Monday- Saturday AM PM. Shelton, WA 360—427- PIIBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND NO— TICE OF DECISION FOR Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Per- mit Notice is hereby given that Mark and Katy Wheelis have filed an application for an Administrative Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (SHR2020-00004) to replace the existing garage with a new garage that will have a second floor. The 876 square foot second floor will be used as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) within the shoreline jurisdiction. The ADU will be located 31 feet from the primary residence. The ADU is subject to Mason County De- velopment Regulations“ Section 17.03 and 17.50- Shoreline Master Pro- gram. Site Address and Project Location: 1231 E Point Wilson RD Parcel Number: Zoning: RR-5 (Residen- tial) Date of Received Submittal: May 5, Date of Complete Application: July 23, Notice of Application: July 23, Public comment deadline: August ‘24, Notice of Pending Decision will be issued: on August 25, The subject file application and decision can be viewed by contacting the Planner, Grace Miller, by email or phone. A public hearing will not be held regarding the proposed project, how- . ever written comments may be submitted to the Planning Department during this day shoreline public comment period to: Mason County, Planning Department, Attn: , Grace Miller, W. Alder Street, Shelton, WA 98584,ID’.: August 24, Following the 30-day public comment period, a copy of the decision will be fowvarded to all par— ties of record (only those whom provided comment(s) during the 30—day public com- ment period). Please be aware that the decision will only be forwarded to the ap- plicant, Dept. of ECOIOQY, Attorney General and. parties of record generated during the subject 30—day public comment period. Please note that there is a 14-day appeal period following the issuance date of said decision. The decision will be issued on or after August Timely appeals shall be filed with the Mason County Plan- ning Department in accordance with the requirements stipulated in M00 15.09 and 15.11 The proposal is exempt from SEPA review. Please contact Grace Miller of the r Mason County Department of Community Development at gbm@co.mason.wa .us or (360) 427-9670 ext. with questions re- garding this permit application . g August 6 1t ‘PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID — DAIRY PROD— UCTS SCHOOL YEAR Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be re- ceived by the Shelton School District Busi— ness Office, S. Ist Street, Shelton, Washington for DAIRY PRODUCTS during the school year. Sealed bids will be received until AM, Au- gust 18, and will be opened and read immediately foilOwing. Copies of the bid specifications are available at the Shei— ton School District Business Office, S. lst Street, Shelton, WA The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse any or all bids. August 6, 13 2t PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID FUEL SCHOOL YEAR Notice is hereby given that Mason County Transportation Co— operative will receive sealed fuel bids for the school year at the Shelton School District Business Office, S. Ist Street, Shelton, Washington Sealed bids will be received until (B tfn) surronr GROUPS LOSS OF a Loved One Grief Support group, NCCU New Community Church of Union E Dalby Rd. PUBLIC NOTICES AM, August Bids will be opened and read immediately following. Copies of the bid specifications are available at the Shelton School District Business Office, S. 1st Street, Shelton, WA The Board of Directors reserves the right to re— fuse any or all bids. , I August 6, ‘13 2t PUBLIC NOTICE RESOLUTION NO. VACA- TION FILE NO. 405 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION RCW IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF SHARPE STREET WHEREAS, NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that the Mason County Public Works Department'is requesting for the vacation of the following'right of way: a portion of Sharpe Street located West and adjacent of Block 92 as recorded in Union Hood Canal Land Improvement Company’s Plan of Union City that is ap— proximately x in size. WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commission— ers did set a date for publichearing on the matter before the Hearing Examiner on the matter and directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said hearing has been set for Wednesday, August 26, pm. in the Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer’s report, and be heard either for or against the vacation of a portion of the above said street locat- ed in Mason County Washington. DATED this 28th day of July, ATTEST: Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Assessor Audi- tor County Engineer Petitioner Post no later than 8/17/20 (20 days prior to hear- ing at each terminus of the county road or portion thereof proposed to be vacated or abandoned.) Vacation File No. 405 JOURNAL Publish 2t: August — August 13, (Bill Public Works) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Sharon Trask, Chair Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair Kevin Shutty, Commissioner 2637 August 6, 13 2t PUBLIC NOTICE RESOLUTION NO. VACA- TION FILE NO. 406 NOTICE OF INTENT v TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE VA- CATION OF AN UNUSED PORTION OF FIRST STREET :WHEREAS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Public Works Department is request- ing for the vacation of the following right of way: An unused portion of north half of Fir Street adjacent to Block 8 Lots 21 through in the Plat of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad AdditiOn to Union City. The vacation area is approximately feet in size. WHEREAS, the Board of Ma- son County Commissioners did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Hearing Examiner on the matter and directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said hearing has been set for Wednesday, Au- gust 26, pm. in the Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and be heard either for or against the vacation of a portion of the Union, WA Last Monday of the month, pm pm (N tfn) WANTED ONE OF the Journal’s readers might have something you want. there’s something you col— lect or are looking for, try running an ad under “Want- ed.” For up to 20 words it’s just $12 per week and per word over 20. Run 3 weeks, get the 4th week free. Call you can place your ad by If phone! (J tfn) PUBLIC NOTICES above said street located in Mason County Washington. DATED this 28th day of July, ATTEST: Clerk of the Board AP- PROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Assessor Auditor County Engi- neer Petitioner Post no later than days prior to hearing at each termi- nus of the county road or portion thereof proposed to be vacated or abandoned.) Vacation File No; JOURNAL Publish 2t: August 6 August 13, (Bill Public Works) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHING- TON Sharon Trask, Chair Randy Neather- lin, Vice Chair Kevin Shutty, Commissioner August 6, 13 2t PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR" COURT OF WASHING- TON COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Welfare of: PARKER, REGINA DOB: No: 207— Notice and Summons by Pub- lication (Termination) (SMPB) (Optional Use) To: Michael Parker, Father:To: Paige Peterson, Mother A Petition to Terminate Parental Rights was filed on April 24, A Fact Finding hearing will be held on this matter on: September 14, at pm. at Mason County Superior Court, 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, Washington You should be present at this hearing. The hearing will determine if your parental rights to your child are terminated. If you do not appear at the hearing, the court may enter an order in your absence terminate, ing your parental rights. To requestalcopy of the Notice, Summons, and [termination Petition, call DCYF/at or 1-888-283-2634fl’6view information about your rights, including right to a lawyer, go to Dated: July 28, by Sharon Fogo, Mason County C erk. July August 6, 3t PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON lN AND FOR KITTITAS COUNTY NO. 20 — - 19 PRO- BATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: RICHARD S. GRILLO, a/k/a RICHARD STROBACH GRILLO, Deceased. RFDL; The personal representative named below has been ap- pointed as personai representative of this estate. Any person having claims against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the 'personal representative or the per- sonal representative’s attorney at the ad- dress stated beiow a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of: thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW or four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the notice. if the claim is not presented within this time frame the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to 1 claims against both the decedent’s pro— bate and nonprobate assets. Date of filing of Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: July 22, Date of first publication: . July 30, RICHARD S. GRILLO JFI. Personal Representative c/o ELLIS LAW- OFFICES By: BARREL R. ELLIS, WSBA '# Attorney for Personal Representa- tive PO. Box 499 N Dolarway, Suite Ellensburg WA Tel. No. 925-3191 , July 30, August 6, 13 3t