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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 7, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 7, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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n Au. \RRIV , e Page 1171119? __- . J OURN AIS .V ’{ August 7, .V SHELTON-MASON 2’7 At Albuquerque 3 entertained a number of house. guests this past week, the first daught i. . lfi“ u H , l i . w w . ‘ MARRIAGE LICENSES Past Matrons Will ‘MYZ-aym; ‘ _ ’wll)p'9t°i:‘;l‘ l‘ ggiesggnDES;sgm“n E. 9 ' I , Borg; To 01 n1ng ‘ James A. Cunningham, 28, Entertain O. E. S. ues \, , ., I ‘ A f 0' i @011 l] V l -‘ Brownwood Texas and Ardice: ‘ v vJuv 1.. ,r u D r of D. d Mrs. Robert E. Brown - 9 ,i A “1‘1 Jllst 5 . . ‘ . The Past Matrons Ciub Wm or“ M 0 10 eg CO L r an :- ’:' Bennett 30~ Shelton at Sheltonv , entertain the Order of Eastern August 1. Three-day wait waived | Star Officer-S at a 12 O'clock pot- d Fellows Hall at 2 o’clock -Will meet on Tuesday ati l 33' Mrs- Earl harrima” Birth of a baby son to Mnjorl by order of Judge D“ F‘ eright' 1UCk Picnic at the A- Y- Bennett aftel'noon. . ,being her son, Lt. and Mrs. Merle Cmmin hunPBennett “ygddin l A ' —-—v—<—- ‘, Nebel of Everett over the week Held 3? Echo Farm Satumayg Harstine Island, August 5')” Mrs. and M13 OHS “700d m Albumin“, l _77--_ ‘ Ernest V. Lyttaker, :35, and summer home at Arcadia Point on neSOta Ed Wilson and Mrs. Lee Carlson? While the $5 auto Stan“; 1n) ilildur V. Lyttakcr, 30. both of Thursday, August 13. 1 end. Mrs. Nebel's parents, Mr. and South Uniting in marriage Miss Ar-l _. , ,. ._,que, ch Mexico, on July 27, was dice Marie Bennett, daughter ofiare givmg another one o. the”: 330m] {Fm-ho I‘pturm‘d Fri-[Mrs- 8- 0- Kremmel 0f ilcurned last Week by her sister, . longer is being sold by the pos- l'UHiOHi at Shtlltmli AUEUSt 1- Officers Planning to attend 31"“ 'm 8‘ two month .tmp tOlBend were gueStS 0“ sunday' Mr and Mrs Dewey G. Bennett, famous dances at th“ Hamlin“ |. Miss Clare Engelsen, and other tal department, a stamp of dif-i 3301111 Nik‘m‘dll, 38. 311d J8me Dv- aSked t0 phone Viola Kimbel as Wham She Y‘S‘ted her: sunda'y and Mondayi Mr- and Serdeant James A. Cunning- ‘ H311 saturdayi AHgHSt 15' With l local fricnds. The mother is the ‘ l'crent denomination, covering the Lll'lk‘ke'oll. 40' b0”! 0f Aberdeen. at 50011 35 POSSlblc- EaCh member. 15 and other I‘CIMWOS‘ IMI‘S' Ana“ Ballard “Of Tommov ham soil of Mr. and Mrs. David free ferry at 8i and 10 "‘91"leii'oi-iiioi- )tiiizi Eiigelsen. Federal use tax for the rciiiaiii- 1 Shelton. August 4. I to bring their own table servmc. _‘“ lcanada’ were their gueStS' While Cunningham. of Brownwood, Tex- and “3mm- YOU 3"“ Gordian-V in‘i ring, \Vood find her stepson ing eleven months of the nst Leon Di Graves: legal. Allyn, _. . - your, may by bought at all post vited. Good supper and good mus- oi‘i'ices in the state, according to ic are promised. Mrs. Bill Mathews and son , Norman of Seattle, have ‘ were both recently injured when struck by :1 car while walking on an .-\lbu<p.ierque street, but botlrlnternul Revenue Collector Clark i-eci‘ivering nicely and Mrs. 1 Squire. The cost of this stamp is Lll't‘ \‘food and her new son are doing 1 $4.59. ‘ Motorists who operated \xcll, according to the reports. stamped cars in July cannot \‘tllll— iply with the law now merely by .jMonday and Tuesday, Major Fred lThorpe, Mrs. Brown‘s brother, visited there. :iiiii Margaret Klein, 32, Seattle; ill. Seattle, August 3. as, was the simple home wedding at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, August 1 at Echo Farm, where Miss Bennett was born and reared to young womanhood. The ceremony was impressively ‘ :olemnized by Elder Glenn L. Massey of the Church of the Lat- EE VISITOR HERE , Adair Cannon of Detroit, and her two daughters, . 1 on last Sunday after en .‘Vismng Anacmtes W0 Wfieks “It; igmg Mrs. Bennie Banner and baby i1(lin optIIDC L, . . 11 late spending four weeks at the . cre‘“ lhome of her parents in Anacor- ‘ tes. l been 1 spending the week at the H. Gm, Sinclair home. : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and daughter have been spendim HOME LOANS Tagging of unstamped vehicles :w‘ill continue with state police, um i giving cooperation to deputy col-i lectors throughout Washington. , i l Townsend I Will lmeets at the Odd Fellows Hall :tairway on the arm of her grand- family reunion at Point Defiance Saturday evening in Moose Hall lied by post offices after July, and ‘ Simply sprinkle your pet with BUIIAUH,‘ Sitting the powder lightly *‘d‘m’y l iw Da Saints. before an impro- eral days this last weekyz. . f‘ri _ . Q- ,h) SHE) Stamp 1) up“, lInitiation Slated viged Slack ground of evergreen, Summer homcrhero on the llOl’Ll; nght“vilidgfielast RS) dglmqlicm‘ mtg-V C . t T I lAt Degree Honor Meet Tern and gladiolius in pastel’enlc\l/[r0f trig) fill‘igldjohn 1 H.” , l a»,.l,h,..i,,g the mum Monday are subject to the July rcqniro— . . onvenlen erms it Initieptirgi1 Wlll be the mzpn tfea- blades of ’ileCOt, peach and yel cock and Children Pauling mm .l MOM ‘n‘iutiiig’ iii Vlyl‘aiiori‘al Halli gilglrlgpliiiliéuiliplLipiHh: [1,“: a ‘ ure 0 e evenmgs en er am— . . ‘_ {Lyle attef’ded the Hitii‘npwk l . \‘Jlll‘lllSHIIQVV I‘onnsend club wil ‘ v . i ._ H u: _ A. . Reasonable Rates .ment when the Degree of Honor The bllde descended the Open ' “mid us first regular meeting this ‘ nomination stump nus tllSt,Ullllll . 1 l l needed SHELTON PRODUCTS co. PHONE 12:} venth St. Bridge iDegree of Huger annual picnic at Maple Beach itrains of Lohengrin's Wedding? ’[arch played by Mrs. Dan Ben-L iatron of honor. cer Lake last Saturday given by Miss Shirley Jones of Grant. Those attending were the1 c v c in g duncing. l l and Spokane. ‘ "he stamp may be obtained by calling in person at those of- ‘or certified check, or by making BUIIACH acts as a swift sure re- ’ pellent to many insect pests. n Handy Sifter Cans 25c up at Drug, , UHACH l 1 _ , Bennett, and was iv~ Park Sunday- .. ,‘0- i. .- ‘the onl laces mul'inv such sal , Ion Tuesday evening at 8 p. m, ather, J b h, Pm efm Several of 0m. “mug- p1.,,,1,;0‘ \lhlll‘, oilock. . p ,_ Y‘Pm I {fr :1“ 5mm] ‘: through the ml. or feathers_ Then i . A pmgram and refreShments en m marrlage y m}. C g attended a weinie roe-st ntS‘n‘riA. l‘h“ b‘mm‘gs ‘lw‘lt‘ng W1“ be now a”'.. I? l n k n‘ K L .m‘ watch the vermin roll off! Protect . lwill round out the meeting, hem down the stairs, to the r r U Hgflmvflfl by Yen-9311mmts and stamp offices in Tacoma, Seattle. your pets this easy armless way_ . l l l l l l l Mason County Savings elivered VIhere “Holds Picnic ett at the piano, was her only I P 1._ 1 H, , H , . ~ ‘ ,4 . ' . , The De re f H h 1 t H hes Misses Edna Vinson, Pau LIL it- Mrs. Alice W aite and dauoh- . ‘. . , H crown, seed Stores and pet Shops. _ ‘ l g e 0 onor ed he” ttendant’ Mrs Ben ug a ‘cheock. Shirley Sewell, Geraldine tors Geraldine and Shirley, 5nd “(5' bl m‘mmg ‘1 mom“ “1d” I & Loan ASSOClatIOIl l ' . . Waite, Nellie Harriman a n d Nellie Harriman, took Geor c , . . i , infh aafiporiilt 35 fpresent for the The groom who is in the army Clyde Harrimam Au report a good Hmed to Olympia Tuesday {7:0 i application through a deputy (01- Title Insurance Bldg. ga a e oon 0 games and Vis- medical corps and has been sta- ‘ time. rem)” fm, army dutv Wednesdav' lector. i pnwouuctn won“ iting. ‘A delicious pot luck dinner. To Vancouver Mrs. Annie Fraser and Mis Nell Shorter left on Saturda morning for a ten day vacatio; trip to Vancouver, B. C. One of Ame’ Exceptional YMPIA 5‘le mPIA, WAS” ,kuns 4‘ '.' ‘EETHEART TOILET Week End Specials EE PARKING FOR OUR CUSTOMERS ANSING—soo Count V .issue p, ,4hars 2 ii 3- ' ‘HEAVY SYRUP—14b. cans- 3 for 29¢ ..ure gardenias. The soft folds of ' Wandell, Joying a day of swimming andi ,ioned at Fort Lewis for some . . I ilk Jersey dress cut on princess nes, with a full skirt. The square eckline was shirred in the front nd caught with a spray of minia— he illusion veil, fingertip length,-. :11 from a coronet of gold leaves nd gardcnias. She carried a ouquet of white sweet peas and ‘ ink rosebuds tied with streamers E White satin ribbon. Her only ewelry was a gold heart locket, gift from the groom, and a 'old wrist watch, given by her iother. Mrs. Hughes wore a pastel pinkl 3heer frock cut on_simp1e lines ind a corsage of pink rosebuds ind a gardenia with maidenhair .ern. Mrs. Bennett chose for her laughter’s wedding a black and white sheer print in street length, with white accessories and a cor- 3age of rose tuberous begonias Mrs. H. A. Winsor and Mrs. J. F. Bennett, grandmothers of the )ride, wore matching corsages of ipricot tuberous begonias. At the close of the ceremony ifrs. Cunningham dropped her bouquet into the arms of herl :ousin, Miss Elaine Bennett. The rooms were colorful with; :easonal fIOWers and greenery for he occasion. l Assisting Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Winsor in serving the wedding' :upper were Mrs. Charlie Baker,l ;V[rs. Dan Bennett and Mrs. Frank aunts and great aunts )f the bride and her cousin, Miss lean Baker. Mrs. Cunningham cut the first )iece of the two-tiered wedding take, which was decorated with )ink rosebuds and topped with a miniature bride and groom. The Jake was made and decorated by Mrs. W. C. Bartlett. The wedding, planned for later, was hastened when Sgt. Cunning- ham received unexpected orders to transfer the first of this week to a base hospital near Brigham, Utah. Mrs. Cunningham plans to join him there in a few weeks. , Present for the evening were Sgt. and Mrs. E. Frick, Sgt. Thomas J. Beckett, Sgt. Richard R. Meyer and Sgt. W. T. Wieneke,‘ of Fort Lewis, Mrs. B. Morris Young of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson of Camp Three, Elder Glenn L. MasSey of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ben-i nett, Mrs. Frank Wandell, Mrs. Robert Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bennett, Miss Elaine and Bob Bennett, Elder Geo. A. Anderson, Elder Norman A. Funk, Elder Kenneth R. Ballard, Mrs. Emma Conklin, Mrs. Ben Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rice and Mrs. Dick McGee of Shelton and Mrs. H., A. Winsor, Mrs. Charlie Baker and daughter Jean, Mrs. DeWey' Bennett, Keith Bennett and Ava and Una Winsor. Shelton Women Are Olympia USO Hostesses The American Legion Auxiliary IS now on the books of Senior} hostesses with the first of four serving last Thursday from 3 tol 11 P-m. They were Mrs. War- ren Earl, Mrs. M. A. Clothier, Mrs. Leigh Duffield and Mrs. E. F. Martin. ‘ AS senior hostesses the Aux- iliary ladies will serve at regularl intervals. A number of friends gathered at the Island Lake home of Mrs. Cora. Hepner last Friday night to honor the birthday anniver'sariesi of Mrs. Orin Parks and Harold, Light refreshments were servedI n l E How To keep cooking lrom spoiling your vacation like most of US, you are probably staying close to home for your vaca- tion this year—which means that household duties may go on as usual, vacation or no vacation. But with a. little clever planning. you’ll be amazed at how much more time there is for leisure. And you'll find vacations at home can really‘ be lots of fun. Below, the Safeway Homemakers’ Bureau has suggested several time- saving ideas. See it you don't think they’re good ones. Plan menus ahead of time. Allow plenty of variety, including a few foods you don't often buy; but choose things that cook quickly, or may be partially prepared in advance. Don’t undertake elaborate, time-consuming cookery—unless that’s your idea of fun! Be leisurely. Shop early in the day when stores are less crowded—you are less rushed—and the selection is better. Be forehanded. Plan foods that can be prepared in advance. hIeat loaves, casseroles. molded salads, pud- dings and cookies are good examples. Be cool. Do your heavy cooking in the cool of the morning, or even the night before if possible. Be smart. Purposer plan meat left- overs eVeI‘y so often for easy second- day cooking. Roasts, fried chicken, baked ham. for instance. And here’s a menu that shows you what we mean by advance preparation and tasty eating. VACATION MENU flaked llam Loaf-—Served _ Hot or Gold (111:5 and mold mmt in udrunm’; keep in rcfngt’m/or int/{I rmin I0 [NI/re.) Scalloped Noodles (Cook‘noodlcx; combine. with [ml cream sauce; keep m refrigerator until time it). balm”; L105 with buttered crumbs and brown in oven.) Buttered Freshly- looked Peas (Shell and cool; just before earring) Sliced Tomato, Grapefruit Section, and Avocado Ring Salad with Heated Rolls Butter Fresh Peaches and Cream (Slim’frm'l jun'f before serving) oatmeal Cookies (Balm! In. (In. umlu'lioux moment) * SAFEWAY ll ll MBER 55 'k How to have more fun during vacation A list of fine foods, low-priced every tidy * one girl learned about easy shopping ‘ Fruits and Vegetables GRAPEFRUIT ................................. .. 14¢ Glenn Ali-e. fancy 20- oz. APRICOTS ~ ......................... . .. ........... .. 12¢ Villlcy Llold halves lS-oz. SLICED PEACHES ........................ .. 18c ll igz'hwav 29ml. TOMATOES .................................... .. 17¢ Libby's fancy EST—oz. TOMATOES .......................... .. 2 for 25¢ :s‘ilrcrdalu {Ell-oz. tins HOT SAUCE ........................ .. 3 for 11¢ lifll‘fl‘dlx‘lulr‘ 87oz. tins SPINACH ................... .I .................... _. 14c liltnilruld Buy. PUMPKIN .......... ....... ................. .. 10c- l.ilili,\"s til—oz. CORN .,_. 27-014. tins tins 2 for 25¢ Del Moini- 204m. tins BABY FOODS ...................... .. 3 for 20¢ Gerbei 's 41/) »oz. tins BABY FOODS ......... ........... ...-3 for 20¢ Heinz 4‘;— OZ. tins I‘OMATO SOUP ................................. .. 66 Van Camp’s 10 Eli-oz. Hams Hormels . . . . . lb. 39¢ A Del—i-cut, Whole or Half Lamb Choips . .. lb. 41¢ Graded Good Lamb Lamb Roast ,. . . . . lb. 31¢ Tender Shoulder Cut Lamb Steaks . . . . lb. 31¢ Lean Shoulder Cuts Leg of Lamb . .. 1b.,33¢ 1942 Spring Lamb Short Ribs of Beef .. lb. 15¢ Meaty Cuts Famous Milwaukee tin SJFE W117 ENNRANTEED Mil TS 29¢ ' Ground Beef . . . . . . lb. 25¢ All Pure Beef ' Dairy Products BUTTER .................................... .. lb. 47¢- t'iesh prints "Tasty—Pound" BUTTER .................................... .. lb. 46¢ “Glenbrook” MILK .......................................... .. at. 13¢ Maison County CREAM.I ................ . .4 ______________ .. frcsh prints 1/7 nt. 15¢ EGGS ...................................... .. dbz. 46¢- lwith ice cream, coffee and cream nonths’ had as his best man a ‘ was served to round out the meet- [lose friend, Sgt. William T, I mg, which was enyoyed by all Vieneke. i . We can proudly say—our servke The bride was lovely in a white "WY I109 5° quite 68 fill! WY These especially low “Saturday”. prices'are gOOd every day of the week at'Safeway 2: Dressings MUSTARD French's 9»oz. . Heinz 13-07. jar CHILI SAUCE . Moncta l)!"l nd, lZ—oz. CATSUP ........ .. Red Hill 14-oz.- KETCHUP ..... _. Heinz ll l~ll‘Z. Lunch Box MAYONNAISE Nix—Made. l'i esh . . SALAD DRESSING ............. at. Duchcss PEANUT BUTTER ............ .. 2-lbs. Bm erly ROYAL SATIN ................. .. 3-lbs. Shortening CRISCO ......... .. Shortening SNOWDRIFT Shortening Mummy-mm rmm PEACHES lb.8¢ Washington Golden Jubilee GRAPES APPLES LEMONS Our service may not be quite as fast as you've come to expect—for each day more and more Safeway men are joining the armed forces. \Ve tell you this with pride and with the hope that you’ll un- derstand. For there isn’t time to care- fully train new people to take ‘the place of experienced Safeway men. But our new people are all Working hard to fill their shoes as fast as possible. .iax: '''' MUSTARD ..... . ..................... ._ 2 for SANDWICH SPREAD ............ .. at. 4. . and Shortening ...... 12c ................................. _. 9c ............................... __ 15c ............................... .. 11¢ 35¢ 406‘ 476' 35¢ 63¢ 69% 69¢ ........................ .. at. ................ .. 3-lb. tin ............... .. ‘3-"lb. tin¢ Thompson Seedless ONIONS 10-le 25¢ Oregon Kiln Dried APRICOTS CAN NOW Washington, Moorparks lb.8¢ California GraveriStiens¢ Fancy Large Sunkist ORANGES 1b. 892 Sweet Juicy Sunkist POTATOES . . 50-lbs. $1.19 U. S. No. 2 Penney Savers AIRWAY COFFEE .................. .. lb. 20c French Dressing ,— F~~ 1 l u Two Birthdays Honored (Keep scalzlml fomalom in rqfrigCralor ready ------- ------------------------- H lb' HS 1 bl‘wm ‘ 9 ‘ At Island Lake Party [0 [)601.‘ [)rcpurr salad (11‘. the last) “Damgmd FFOSh Prints ’ . l h I — ' I I . I ' H , SHOPPING BAGS .................. .. each 2¢ Large size JERGENS SOAP .................. .. 2 for 9¢ Regular size ‘hrii-s SU-PURB ................................. .. 20¢ Chase C(ll’llnli‘l‘filfl . _ _ . _ _ . _ . l VI l. H r/ 1‘; -(f ,.",2-... Th. families gathering to, the, coffee. \mk. or Iced lea CREAM ................................ .. l» pt. 20¢ “"9” " “‘“éOX’p f 4~¢ occasmn i 1 d h Alf a Kill—l Mu . Whipping; . OX1 DOL i- .................. .. 01' D mers Lclfvfrelll 6dr} 6 rs reMerrit re Vacaf'on fun KR 2-1135 2l—oz. P‘lckhge‘ JOhHS ' Owe ’ ' Read the article “V is for Vacations varieties V I i . ' — . i i l . H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. OHS, EPWIn Gillum 5, MTS- ”, , a i ‘ Bylaw. parka? Cora Hepner and the families of [00, In this week’s FaniilyCircle. It‘s ---------------- U lb‘ Ir FRUIT ARS‘ dOZ The honored gueStS- about morale, Vacations. and 111ore fun Km!“ (‘W’amed Ed“ Wgulm: quarts ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' JELLY GLASSES .................. .. doz. 42¢ . t home with c k' u worries elin i— . . .. n during the evening which was a “0 “In 1 Guide A checks , i . , , r H , . Tail 1,4. Pint Size spent Sm in nated. Out e\eiy lllllIMldi). free at ‘ ‘ ______________________________________ H. doz, 47d: . . I g g songs Safewafi bgfib “A- . i KERR LIDS .............................. .. doz. 9¢ ' cs ' At Deep Lake Mr. and Mrs, John L. Dotson land children joined the members {of Mrs. Dotson’s family Sunday lto make a party 0f 25 to 30 en-I visiting at Deep Lake. Wednesday and Thursday, Mrs- .O. P. Mobley and daughter Joan' 0f Olympia. were guests at the1 DotSOn home_ i l l l l l and Children s ent Sunda at lseal Rock on I—IIJood Canaly Mr.' :Eacrett's parents, Mr. and Mrsl iEd'Eacrett of Port Angeles and «thew 50“ and family, Mr. and l MPS.‘ Edwin Eaerett and daugh- iter 301ned them for the day. i BObby Eacrett, eldest son of ,MT- afld Mrs. Francis Eacrett is Shendmg this Week with his gmW‘ll’alents in Port Angeles, Safeway Homemd/éem" Blzreazz JI‘iiA Lin: WRIGHT, humor 55;}; .‘i ., r. . yvnuvw‘ WELLJ CANT SEE wuy r we ALWAYS HAVE TO ' ’ BUT WE (LA-[E TO SHOP ON SATURDAY, OF ALL THE s_PECiAL_s. FEDER L MILK ................ _. or Cherub UARNATION MILK .......... .. lrl ‘lu-UZ. tins ANN. LISTEN. .. Mug—oz. ANN LEARNS HOW 7'0 MAKE WEEKENDS FUN odour "ween- END SPECIAL 3 for 6 for 13¢ 52¢ THAT'S RIGHT SAFEWAV‘S "SATURDAY" PRICES ARE AND YOU MEAN TO SAY THAT SAFEWAY THE WEEK? V GOSH rrs SWELL, bEAR, NOW THAT WE HAVE OUR WHOLE WEEK- BALL MASON CAPS ........... .. doz. 22¢ CERTO .................................. _. 3 for 43¢ Pure fruit pectin. S-oz. VES, AND BEST OF ALL, TOM, l WT ONLY SAVE M SHOPPING ON WEEK~ DAYS BUT SRFEWAYTNCE‘S Why doh‘t yo_u get y9_p_r_ i‘big" order on in weekday too? At Seal Rock . SHOP ON SATURDAY— _ . KAY, so we CAN THING ISA PRICES AREAS LOW 6000 5&1! , ENDS FREE. ARE so LOWON evemumc, ' Mr. and Mrs, Francis Eacrettl TAKE ADVANTAGE lOTOF Reggie. As mus EARLY m ; LE mugs . lavew. T00 .\ut only Will you‘liave more time to play on weekends, but you‘ll be able to shop more leisurely if you get your big grocery order-on a weekday. Safe- wziyk specially low advertised prices, you know. are now good early in the . (reek. i SAFEWAY