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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 7, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 7, 1942
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Page Six Has Part in Wedding In Miss Lela .l'o \Yindlc was bride"- maid at the wedding of Miss‘ Laura Zetta Havens and George Martin Hobberd, .lr., of Olympia, which was held Saturday evening at the University Baptist Church? in Seattle. ~ Miss VVindle recently announced her engagement at a party given in honor of Miss Havens. V.F.“’. Will Hear Convention Reports Members of the V.F‘.W. Auxil- iary will hear reports of their recent convention this Friday,l when they gather for a regular meeting. The pledge of $1 per member for trainor planes for our country will also be explained. in Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270-W l MILLO’S QUALITY MARKET ! GROCERIES FRESH MEATS FRUITS shade, , black accessories, was worn by the , bride. Her corsage was orchids. Miss Lynne Halter of Hoquiam, the bride’s attendant, flowered dress and white acces- sories and a corsage of rosebuds. Jim Edinger, son of the bride, formerly on the Hoquiam police force and now a first class bosum coast guard, was best man for Mr. Barron. A wedding dinner was held at. Green Gables. were Mr. mate, George 0. Barron Marries Elma Thursday, July 30 Elma. trimmed with fur U. S. and Mrs. Simmons Slate Sunday FINEST FOODS AT BEST PRICES l l HOC’DSPORT ‘ 1‘ .. "in... . Family Reunion Members of the pioneer Sim-' mono family and their friends will hold a family reunion at the Z.. BY BOAT FAST’FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. N0. Al Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 p.m. to: Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, eXCept Sunday .CLARENCE CARLANDER, President PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES McCONKBY PHARMACY COSMETICS ATHLETE’S FOOT TREATMENT MONEY BACK GUARANTEE by NORflICI-l MAKERS 0F UNGgEflTlNE FILMS Developed and Printed ' gill ________________ without L danger of E severe S sunburn 5 sun TAN MM>FIIQ u... ..m on. NH When your stomach I: out of order, take Pcpto-Biurwl. It helps soothe, calm, quit! the Itomach and intention. For children a: well a: adult: LOTION BABY NEEDS MENNEN OIL 2.25 size 1.98 J ‘&J TALC 50¢ size .... .. 39¢ J &J CREAM BABY FEVER Thermometer WOI‘C $1.25 George 0. Barron of Shelton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bar- [daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. F. 1‘0!) 0f Olympia, was 1mith in l McCann. joined the ranks of army marriage to Mrs. Nellie Lloyd of Hoquiam, daughter of Mr. ers. J. F. Mitchell of Paul River, ‘B.C., Thursday evening. July 30 and The Reverend Lloyd N. Alden, read the marriage service at 7‘ o'clock in the parsonage of the! Methodist Church. ‘ A fall costume of olive green. and l Those attending- George 0. 'Barron. Miss Lynne Halter, Mr. Jim Edinger and Miss Olive Jones, l sister of the bride, and Mrs. Em- ily Stragland, cousin of the bride, both of Seattle. ' Mr. and Mrs. Barron will make their home in Shelton. Miss Mary Bedell Has Church Service Miss Mary Bedcll, lfrom China, missionary who returned dur- ling the past year has charge of the Sunday service at the Meth- odist church, while Rev. and Mrs. Robert Maulderl are vacationing. Rev. and Mrs. Maulden are spend- ing their vacation at Staircase atl Cushman and around the Olympic Loop. Entertains Card Club Mrs. C. I. Pritchard entertain— ed the members of her Tacomal Card Club at her home on Thursfi day. There were two tables of: ‘ cards in play. F. Simmons home at Mud Bay on, Sunday, August 9. EIIIT $1.00 Hinds Cream .......................... .L .... .. 49¢ 50¢ Hinds Cream .................................... .. 25¢ ‘ $1.00 Fancy Gift Soap .......................... .. 59¢ $1.00 Bubble Bath ................................ .. 49¢ True American Hand Lotion .......... .. pt. 25¢ Polaroid Goggles ................................ .. First Aid Kits .......................... .. 59¢ to $5.98 Tennis Balls .... .. 3 for $1.39;..:...12 for $4.98 Soft Balls ......... .......... ......... .. 59¢, TeBApco Prince Albert ....... .............. 79¢ Grange ................................ ........... .. lb. 69¢ George Washington .......................... .. lb. 59¢ Granger ............... ..L .................... .. .3 pkgs. 27¢ Chesterfields, Luckies, _ Camels—Old Golds .' .... ....... .. carton $1.59 3. I Miss Mary McCann Joins lRank of Army Brides Miss Mary Patricia McCann, brides Saturday afternoon when she became the bride of Lieuten- ant John R. Soules, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Soules of Santa lBarbara, Calif. The wedding was charmingly carried out in military fashion, with the bride and groom walking under crossed sabers to the last strains of Mendelson’s wedding march, as they left the church. The Reverend Father Guinan officiated at the ceremony held in the Fort Lewis Chapel, beauti- fully decorated with pink and white gladiolas. The bride was smartly dressed in a. ceiling blue tailored suit with navy accessories and a hat l of wine shade. She carried orchids and shower of stephanotis on her white prayer book. Her only at- .tendant, Miss Katherine McCann. her sister, wore a brown tailored suit of the same style with brown and white accecssories and wore a corsage of gardenias and yellow rosebuds. I Best man was Captain Angus l Hobbs. “Ava Marie,” “At Dawning" the service. The reception was held at the 'Officers Club. The first piece of the large four-tiered square cake was cut by the bride and groom lWltl’l his saber. Candles and flow- ers were used about the decorat- ed rooms. Orchestra music added the. finishing touch to the perfect setting. I “Because” and were sung before I For her daughters wedding Mrs. McCann wore a light blue dress with dark blue accessories. Mrs. Soules wore a dark blue redingote with white accessories. Gardenias sages. Fellow officers and their wives assisted with the serving, as did Miss Iris Lambert and Miss Wil- da Hutchinson of Olympia. More than 100 guests attended the wed- ding and reception. ’ i l . l 914 South Franklin ‘St. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCann, Mr. Mrs. George Cooper, Jr., 1 Georgia Valentine, Frank McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurst, Mrs. Carol McElroy and‘Lynn McElroy, Governor and Mrs. Langlie. Visits Sisters— Mrs. Bernard Winiecki until Tuesday with her sisters, i Marshall in Tacoma. l Relieve v” ‘9: Long-Lasting Nail Lacquer 'This is the new make-up‘that stays on oh! so long without chipping! Twenty breath-taking oriental shades. It’s our guess—you’ve never ‘seen your nails nearly so lovely as Chen Yu will make them. After a wedding trip to Gear- hart, Oregon, Lt. and Mrs. Soules will be at home in Olympia at Among the guests present were and Mrs. R. L. Soules, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott, Jr., Cliff Kel- i‘ly, William. McCann, Jr., Mr. and Miss :Mrs. Fred Ferris and Mrs. Paul I l and stephanotis formed their cor-l l 9 enriched the scalloped edges. She, , buds. armmON-MASON. COW s i Beaulieu-Courteau United In Nuptial High Mass A beautiful and impressive wed- ding ceremony was performed at the Nuptial High Mass in the St. Edwards Catholic Church Monday, . August 3, when Miss Anita Ger- trudc Courteau and Meaurice Beaulieu plighted their troth be- fore a large assemblage of rel— atives and friends. The Reverend Father Mark Weichmann, O.S.B. read the serv- ice at 9 o’clock in the morning. The‘ bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Courteau of For— the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaulieu of Elma. “Ave Maria” was sung by Mrs. Bea Larson and Mrs. Frank Hueston, who assisted the choir in the singing of High Mass. Mrs. Robert Allan, Sr., was the organ— ist. Entering on the arm of the groom, Miss Courteau wore a gown of white bridal satin with long fitted Sleeves and close fit— ted waist line. The long train of her skirt draped softly from the full skirt and the Shirred bodice was cut with a sweetheart neck- line. A tiara of wax orange blos- soms held her illusion veil of im- folds from finger tip to three- uarters length. Hand fagoting‘ carried an orchid on her white prayer book, from which fell a shower of Cecil Brunner rose Maid of honor, Loretta Beau- 1ieu, sister of the bridegroom, syth, Montana, and the groom is; I ported net which fell in frothylI lfll (Vim LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor l PHONE 100 I wore a gown of yeliow moussel- inc dc soie, styled'with a modest high collar and full, long sleeves. ’ The girdle of the full skirt was of imported Mantilla lace as was the collar and cuffs. Helen Batinovich of Olympia and Maybelle Sparks Were brides- maids. Their gowns were designed like the maid of honor’s in pale blue mousseline de sole. Their picturesque shoulder length halo veils, which matched their dress- es were fastened with tiny bows the bride. Their arm bouquets ‘wcre fashioned with American and‘ daughter spent Sunday evening I U ~LIQUID.TABLETS,SALVE.NOSEDROPS Beauty roses, gardenias, double baby's breath and tied with white tulle. Carrying the bridal gown train,’ were tiny Dale and Jeanette Boud- dreau, nephew and niece of the groom. Dale wore a sailor suit and Jeanette were short White silk with crocheted yoke and wrist bouquet of Cecil Brunner roses and blue larkspur. Henry Rishel was best man, Ken Courteau, brother of the bride and Amos Boudreau were ushers. Altar boys Were Thomas Connolly and Dan Yarr. Bouquets of gladiolas and greenery decorated the candlelit altar and bo‘uquets of mixed carn- ations were on the side altars. Baskets of blue hydrangea were placed about the church. For her daughter’s wedding .Mrs. Courteau wore a black suit with white trim and black acces- sories. Mrs. Beaulieu wore an or- chid print dress with black and! matching accessories. Their cor- sages were of gardenias and Sweetheart roses. 'A Wedding breakfast-was held , in the church parlors, decorated with bouquets of sweet peas. The young couple cut the first piece of their lovely all white two tiered cake, topped with a miniature bride and groom figurine, which centered the bride’s table. Mrs. John Cormier was in charge of serving. Mrs. Mary Flint was in charge of the gift table and Miss Ida Beaulieu, sister of the groom. l presided at the guest book. For traveling the bride wore a two piece dress suit of rayon faille with aqua accessories and orchid corsage. They will make their home in the Kaydee Apart- ments, when they return from Canada. Mrs. Beaulieu has been employed at Rayonier Incorporat- ed and Mr. Beaulieu is employed in the Bremerton Navy Yard. Signing the guest book Were Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Rishel. Robert H. Allan Jr., Maude A- Mell,’ Mrs. V. T. Connolly, MrS. .W. F. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts, Mrs.‘ Palmer Rob- erts, Miss May Harrison, Miss Bessie Warren, Mlss'Lillian War— Bremcrton. l l Iron, Mrs. Eva Hall, Mrs. Mary lJaden', Mr. and Mrs. Walter S- Allen, Lucille M. Allen. , .Maybel'l’e Sparks, Helen Batin— oVich, Mrs. J. T. Gaffney, Miss Marion" Gaffney, Luc‘y Weyand. Bea Larson, Coreta Nutt, Stuart. Nutt, Laurie Hill, Mary Flint, Mildred Scott, Marjorie Keyzers. Bertie McKinney, Marie Opalka. Constance M. Willard, Nita 0P- pelt, Nita Cheney, Pat Johnson. George Wallis, William T. Bettis, iReverend Mark Weichmann, 0- S.B., Mr. and 'Mrs. Kurt Koehler. Jane Koehler, 'Etta Rector. l Kirk B. Parker, Mr. and MP5‘ iR. T. Harris, Tom Harris Patri-‘ lcia 'Gail Harris, Georgina Buch- mann, Mrs. Robert Allan, Sr., Jeanne Courteau, Mrs. M. J. Cour- lteau, Mary Cormier, Loretta M- Beaulieu, Ida M. Beaulieu, Ken- ‘n'eth Courteau, Mr. and Mrs. Am- os Boudreau, Dale and Jeanette aner. and Mrs. Charles Beau- lieu. , 0. E. S. Has Number Grand Officers Present The O. E. S. meeting held last lSaturday was marked by the [number of grand officers present. nine in all, and the official visit! of worthy grand matron, Mayme Harmony of Seattle. Preceding the meeting a no hOSt dinner fer 28 Star members Was held at the Colonial House. The supper served following the meet- ing at the Temple was attended by well over 100 guests. Visitors were present Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia Union. from a nd ...,.. ...,.- ....,..,........ on the sides. Each wore a small. gold bow-knot pin, a gift fromlof cadet blue taffeta, styled with] la square neckline, l l l ' bridegroom. ‘ appliques. lrosebuds and by tradition lthe setting of thc buffet supperl ‘ Following their .around Puget Sound the youngl JOURNAE Anderson—Smith W'edding i Solemnized Saturday ; The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Springer was the scene Satur—v day evening, August 1, of the wedding of Dorothy Louise Smith. daughter of Mrs. George Robertl Smith and Robert Thomas An-l derson, son of Mrs. Robert C.[ Springer and Albert W. Ander- son. The wedding cere'mony was read by Reverend R. C. Muhly of. the Lutheran Church at 9 o’clock in the evening before an impro— vised altar in front of an arch- way. Tall pink hollyhocks were placed fan shape in front of a bank of forest greenery at either side. Baskets of white gadiolas were arranged at the base of the' fan. Candelbras lit each side: About the room and in front of the mirror on the candlelit‘ man~ tel were sweet peas and garden flowers. . The bride, given in marriage by Mr. Robert C. Springer, wore a beautiful white satin gown with a semi—train. It was becomingly designed princess style with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves, which ended in points ov-| er the'wrist, and buttoning downi ‘the back from neckline to waist with satin covered buttons. The bridal net veil of fingertip length was caught to her hair with a band of orange blossoms. She carried an arm spray of pink and! white glads, made airy with ba< by‘s breath and tied with long satin ribbon and a shower of Cc—, cil Brunner roses. Her necklacel of pearls was a gift from the Mrs. Bernard Winiecki, pianist. sang “I Love You Truly” and; “Benediction.” Maid of honor, Miss Althea Lange of Olympia. wore a pow- der blue net dress over taffeta. Around the full skirt were floral Her corsage was of pink roses and SWeet peas. The bridesmaid, Letha Bozarth of Olympia, carried a bouquet of talisman rosebuds, pastel sweet peas and baby’s breath, tied with white satin ribbon. Her gown was cerisc velvet bows trimmed the sleeves and‘ corners of the neckline and two on the skirt front gracefully drap-i ed it. She wore .a corsage of pink: and white rosebuds and sweetl peas. William Gentala of Seattle was the best man while Robert Beck of Olympia was usher and lit the candles. I The white lace covered bride’s; table was enhanced with a two-l tiered cake. decorated with pink! 3. min-i iaturc bride and groom topped the cake. White gladiolas and pas- , tel garden flowers complimented: table. i wedding trip couple will make their home in Olympia. For traveling the bride chose a gray wool dress trimmed in antique red with a top coat of Nile green. Her corsage was of gardenias. ' For her son’s wedding, Mrs! Springer wore a gown of rosei colored crepe and a matching" corsage of rose buds and sweetl peas. The bride is a graduate of Sheridan, Wyoming, high school, where she was active in 4-H Club work. Her husband attended the Metropolitan and Dietz Business College after graduating from {Shelton high school. He is now employed at Fort Lewis in the lpost signal property office. He is a member of Alpha Upsilon Chap— ter of Phi Thetha Pi fraternity. Guests included Mrs. Gertrude Andrews, Mrs. Delphine Bozarth, J. Malcom Bozarth, Bob Beck, Al- lthea Lange. Letha Bozarth and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of glympia, Bill Gentala of Seat- c. From Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Otha Moore, Mr. and Mrs. William Aus- tin, Mr. and Mrs. FrankPiercn. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Godwin, Mr. .and Mrs. Paul Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Norma‘n Westlund, Fae Mill— er and daughter Jacqueline, Carol Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert C. Springer. Also included were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Odom of ‘Mrs. James Cowden and Son Visit Cousin Herc Saturday, Mrs. James Cowden and son _Warren of Olympia spent the day with her cousin anr‘ his wife, Mr. and Mrs. ClarenCI Quinn. Warren. who enlisted in, th( Marines the first of the year, wa' home from San Diego for a fev days. Shelton Boy Marries Missouri Girl July 6 Of interest to his many Shel ton friends is the marriage 0' IRichard Booth, son of Mr. anc' l Mrs. Leonard Booth and Miss Vio- :la Starchman of Missouri. The young couple were wed or the evening of July 6 at Issa- quah. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Browr‘ were their attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Booth are making their ,home in Issaquah, the groom be— lng an employe of Boeings. Returning to California Mrs. Ted Skelsey and WW daughters, Natalie and Jacki? Ileft Wednesday morning for their home in California. . They were accompanied by Horace Skelsey, Sr., who will vis— it his son for three or four WeekS before returning home. Return From Conference Reverend and Mrs. J. O. Bovee returned on Sunday from Des Moines where the Bible Confer- ence was in session during the week. About 35 Sheltonites at- tended with 25 attending most or [the week's classes. lwith the class of 1940. Mr. Ogden. .L -.L _ A. .. Miss Margaret W'oldcn \Vods James Ogden Sunday Down the fl'ower marked aisle, on the arm of her father, in a cloud of frothy marquisette and veiling, came Miss Margaret Wol- den Sunday afternoon,. August 2, Party Turns Surprise 0n Hostess Tuesday Mrs. ess with Mrs. Rolla Halbert and Mrs. Robert Tabke was surprised! Tuesday, gave honoring Mrs. Steve Rupert: .. Friday, A van? ‘Spend Sunday At ‘Camp Roganunda Mrs. Fred Short. Miss Jane Aldrich I Mrs. Jean Todd "- ,\ komish Valley, spe‘l‘1_t ‘ the Yakima Charles Walton, co—host— when the party they} lll'l'rnomsr 1 to become the bride of James R. turned out to be a surprise party camp, “Roganundflifl Fourth and I Ogden at 4 o'clock in the Mount for her also. as guests of Miss ‘ y‘igvh R, w_ 3 Olive Lutheran Church. . h -,~ Counsellor in j c 0401. 9:45 . . Three tables of brld e were ln-W 0 13 . .y s . z The bride 15 the daughter of play during the aftergnoon withxand Nature Lore l‘ Egégeieylg Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden 9f honors going to Mrs. A1 Koch’ weeks’ camping‘per ,’ Service, 3 Arcadia Road, and the groom ls Visited Miss Janlce A. . Mrs. Lawrence Edgbert and Mrs. f FOUR g . , the son of James Ogden Sr. of Gene Burgoyne lah, granddallghtol‘é” 927 EQ‘D‘gEE Capitol Hill. The impressive rites ' lson, who 13, Sports ’. .y sch0‘01_ 9.4;— were solemnizcd by the Rev. R. Refreshments were serVEd from Miss Betty Austin; “ Worship, 1) c. Muhly. . The multicolors of summer gladiolas and sweet peas artis- tically arranged at the altar and in the windows and the sprays of gladiolas and ferns which marked the pews were high light- ed by the tall standards of glow- ing tapers and the sunlight thru the stained windows. Mrs. Ann Wolden, dressed in a large table centered with pink and blue sweet peas, flanked with matching tapers. The place cards were also pink and blue. ' gle, Mrs. Edgbert, Mrs. Koch, Mrs. . William Carlson, ‘ Ashbaugh, Mrs. L. A. AttwoodpI Mrs. Leonard Walton, Mrs. Ada an era Servi Camper. relish Sm I Announces Sons Birth“ ‘ Word has been Mr. and Mrs. Marlo) of Springfield, oreg '1 EDWARns REhlrd and -f V Mark ‘5' Guests were Mrs. Herbert An-‘ Burgoyne, Mrs. Kenneth Blanch—. the .mle awn-Ls 'Il Mass, a. m ard, Mrs. Robert Allan, Jr., Mrsl qr‘ p Odo}, ., Mass, 9:30 i ..i). ..ll .. Iii. . n 113 Devotion- . Mrs. George , Shelton girl, 1. ‘ Mrs. May Burgess 0“ ‘12 OLIVE LI Hlllcrest on ] '11.. . biegc jersey with a corsage of goggs’t mid hfgori‘iqtiggzg x “ Sghoglfflgr’il’f gardenias, lit the candles. Carry- Wulifr aMr 1‘; 1b ‘rt and Mr‘s'l S I, gr icrvlce, 11_ ing out the summer colors were T ikon' 5‘ u e ' .' ,7,3%a§;)“‘;n“a“- the growns of the bride’s attend- a e‘ i, Z_ ants. Matron of' Honor Mrs. Hel-l mRISTIAN t i In East en Mathews, sister of the bride, from Los Angeles, wore a gown- of pink net and carried an arm' bouquet of talisman roses and gardenias. Mrs. Peggy Walker and June . I arr Wolden, the latter a Sister of the will visit there about a monthl Mrs. Ellen Auseth who will visit in Searing Springs, Michigan, and ers. Jalmer Auseth, her daugh-| ltcr-in-law, visiting in Iowa, have. .I' S VS 45. Word has been received thatI OFF I Third and A ived at their destinations. They l bride, were bridesmaids, dressed . . respectively in blue marquisette' befgfieltretummg to the” homes! and yellow organza. They carried} m e on‘ . . TIDE Ln yellow and pink sheaths of glad- ‘ Mn and Mrs. Oppolt ' “31’s EERFJ . . l a . ' i l , k’. S 101‘“- lAnnounce. ‘N‘ita'sVEngagcmc/nt l . enclng at “The Lord's Prayer” and “Ben-l cdiction” Were sung by Mrs. Ber-v the wedding marches. ‘ lovely in a frothy gown of white; French mar’quisette with full bi— shop sleeves gathered in a tight wrist band of lace and with insets of lace at the waist. The modest 1 ,high neckline and sleeve caplets were trimmed in lace, and the skirt with a long train was cut nounce the engagement of their' nard Winiecki, who also played, daughter Nita to Cecil R, Ettinu. l ger, son The blondc bride was radiantly Taylorvillc, Illinois. ‘ not w.s.o.s. Schedule Wednesday Meeting , tian Service will hold a potluck. meeting at the home of Mrs. VV.1 noon " main entrall uCOurt HUUS!‘ 1 County of Eton. by lll!‘ . Quilty, the l' .7 tide lands Movements s ; field at publl , lddcr theref of Skill Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oppelt an-l of Mrs. Minnie Nolan of The date for the wedding has yet been set. , \No one ted States. 3.. {fired their -I‘Eh. can pure r PLICATION be lands or iy the Slat-l E‘. The Women's Society for Chris- full. .F. Roberts, 'Wednesday at 1 . n or wimv 1‘ She carried :1 Spray of sweet- o‘clock. The afternoon will be ‘ A l . township heart roses and gardqmas, Her Spent socially after a short busi- “1&1th liai'in . (- 1111s 1 full length blusher veil was fas-lneSS meeting and devotionals toned to a starched lace coronet.‘ edged with dainty seed pearls and was held by bunches of lilies of. the valley. ' Robert Lemke was the groom'si man and Arthur Wolden and Kenneth Wolden were ushers. For her daughter's marriage, Mrs. Wolden wore a dress of blue; and white print with white ac— cessories, Miss S. Ella Odgen, aunt of the groom wore beige and blue silk attire. Both corsages were formed of gladiola and‘ bachelor buttons. Following the ceremony the re— ception was held at the Wolden. home decorated with bouquets of! summer garden flowers. A minia- ture bride and groom topped the three-tiered pink and white bride's cake which centered the reception .1 table. Pink candles on each side complimented the table. Mrs. W. S. Rempel was in charge of the serving and Mrs.‘ Glen Ridel, sister of the bride- groom and Mrs. Archie Lemke poured. M'rs. Dorothy McGee pre- sided at the guest book. Mrs. Joyce Scott was in charge of gifts. Following a wedding trip to Eastern Washington, the young couple will make their home in Tacoma. For traveling Mrs. Odgen wore a beige suit with beige and brown accessories and a top coat of brown and blue plaid. Her cor-‘ sage was of gardenias. The bride, recently employed at the J. C. Penney Company is a graduate of Irene S. Reed schooll also attended the Shelton highi school and was employed at Ray-| onier Incorporated before movingl to Tacoma. I Out of town guests at the wed-l ding were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reynoldson and children, and Mrs. Hazel Davies of Tacoma. Mrs. Joe Hill had charge of the church. decorations. I General Welfare i Schedules Meeting f‘ The General Welfare Club will .v, how the” regular meeting" at the‘!‘«, Memorial Hall Saturday evening, I; with a lunch and dance follow- ing their o’clock meeting. Visits Mother Mrs. T. A. Thomason of Atas- ', cedero, Calif, is weeks in Shelton visiting her mo— ,1" ther, Mrs. Matilda Olson ‘and' her sister, Mrs. W. H. Smith. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. William StcVenson and daughter Rosemary, returned“ during the week end from a vaCa- ' tion trip to Couer d’Alene, Idaho, where they spent_ five days on the“ lake and back to the coast, for four days at LaPush Ocean beach, then on to Victoria, where-they! ipent Several days. " rt Vlrs. James Amunds I Honors Mrs. Cannon 'Honoring Mrs; Cliff Cannon, :‘ .vho will soon make her home inf Qlympia, Mrs. James Amunds en- tertained at her home last Thurs- * day with a pot luck dinner. The afternoon was spent hemming ".owels for Mrs. Cannon‘s newv home. ' ' Guests were Mrs. Frank Lynn. VII‘S. William Maxwell, Mrs. J. T.‘ Shimek. Mrs. Al Huerby, Mrs.’ Eliff Wivell, Mrs. Horate Skelsey, V‘Irs. Cliff Cannon and Mrs. James \munds. ’ l l 'tt Island Lake Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Johnson spent the past week at the Island Lake home of Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Bovee. . l l Return From Vacation 13 Mr. and MrS. Frank Worden 1nd children returned the first of the week from a vacation which took them east of the mountains to White Bluffs and back to Ta- coma and Seattle where they vis- ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Worden Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Gustafson. From Seattle Sally Jo Starwich, daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seattle, is visiting the 170m“ 01" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rector. I ‘Navy Mothers Slate Coming Social ‘Meet l hold a social meeting at the Kam- 1 ilchc home of Mrs. Florence Tay-E i .-, lor on August 12. l " All members attending will meet at the Memorial Hall by noon, Ibefore going to Kamilche. ‘Navy Mothers are invited to at-. tend. spending two Starwich, of this Week at {- t $1,730.00. any ride Hama Hal The Navy Mothers’ Club will, l'igll .‘ shown her 9. 1936 llssioncr of Washingtol ands will be 8 apprai. d v. the terms z *o A potluck dinner will be served. 1 less than unit‘- MASON CO STEAM LA .3225: & . owhm‘ of pt All . 0"thwith pa: \ ,9 sale tll m180d value- l Lil-chase: DI‘lnCll )- - . fifees at an: e purchaser 01' other y .‘U' otp 5' her ATTRACTIVELY Low PRICES! , any such I Ont first HI) mlssioner of ha?“ amount CGAI Ell. hqu been paid You’veuheard a good deal about price ceilings, and Ir .. t: ‘t’lfi,.“tfi.‘; by now, that prices are not fixed identically for 'eOal, 0,-9.3, H’. ,There are still important advantages in shopping I '. mgamanqgim ‘ have always found everything priced dependany IOW'. “ lprescfiggghl‘fl ’means Penney's to millions of value-wise Americans , lot an. Law, who want to buy War Bonds every‘pay<day! , Emind will' hi . condition 391:? 312 01 [ll . , 1 . . Smart New Styles! “g t” . "l '. lminerals an Fur Trimmed .e Sam . s " . «:CJACK TA} Ommissioncl . . . . By FRAN] Ncndlcpmnt. flower: or plaid Ass't. Com with luxurious collars of fur! 7- Swagzcr or fitted stylesl \——— Fall shades. Sizes 12 to 20. SUM)! 29 UPERIOF g . ,i 0F WA UNTY H. McNul Casual .45 *Styles! COATS ‘ 12.7 5 i. l Choose a ' . ’5 softbfleecc . ' ‘ , in oyish ' '. N r e b v “'1’”, or a " editith '. :mart tWecd ., “aim of p cut on new ' wand serve lines! Sizes , When the 1 21-2 maze. ' plaintiff, ( amine belo‘ Smart Fall COATS your failur .. . i .l . ‘3 u be rem Some trimmed With F0 the d( fur. others with rc- .gf hlch has k said Cour 10“ is to so. ‘ CHARL} Attorney 'mtlvablc linings! Cav— aler .twillg. fl (we r: n. tweed and plaid! Sizes 12 to 20. . 19.75 Pay a little at. a time on Pena ney's ‘ Lay-away Plan. S S la . ;‘ te Legisla i ccinsiders ' mendmen SE 1 JO INT P. . “Resolved, i . Rebrcsen laugh)“. in .1 . the next Solid Colors and New Fall Patterns! RONDO PERCALES 27¢ Superb quality percale! You'll find prints for the whole family! ...... ..yd. MO-DEGAY PERCALES. Fresh- as-a-daisy prints! Colors! 36"....yd. Smart Fall Tones AVENUE PRINTS Gay prints‘. . and matching colors!“ yd. .- BIG SAVINGS IN REMNANTS Assorted Lengths 2¢ t0-$1.50 N aw FALL ADVANCE PATTERNS 10¢ 15¢ —- 25¢ ERIEQIXING NOTIONS Pearl mm 4 New Bumns,_8¢ libis st 3 a’n the quail , {Cotton Tape Snap Fasteners Strap Sets