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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 7, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 7, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, August 7, 1942. 1"“ , lug ,1 At Inda Short, .«FFETHODISI CHURCH -f‘ mirth and Pine St. ‘ , V- R. \V, Maulden . ‘SChOOl, 9:45 a.m. " Service, 11 a. in. ,H’ League, 7 p. m. rig p9 E Service, 8 p. m. Ianice ': 1 .Un SQUARE cosrnL H E. Dcarborn St. 3011001, 9:45 a. m. 8 Worship, 11 a. m. , “8 _Serv e, 6:30 p. m. e“title. Service. 7:4? Tactice. Tues, 7:45 p.m. , lidy, Friday 7:45 p. m. , ‘TEDWARDS CATHOLIC in‘ehird and 'Pine St. V- Mark “'iechmaun s, 7 a. m. Mass, 9:30 a. m. , Devotion, 7:30 p.m. u, T-_ OLIVE LitrnianN R- C. Muhly, 705 Dearlmrn ‘ School, 9:45 a. m. 1 Service, 11 a.m. l , i J“ League each first and third 7:30 . Is'rfAN SCIENCE :‘ bird. and Alder St. School, 9:45 a. m. p. m. i . i M“. A E i M 8 Om .. ‘6’ .- cm were, R. Trenckmann, iclrich ~ ette. Clerk Of the, Board. 5 . Check for sum 9,, ; lfrom Hobert Hedrick for Skill Bali, License. Turned in to Treasurer. " l —— Sunday Service, 11 a. In. ‘llcl'est 011 Highway in August. Ecliiity _ d [(591150 I‘CCHlVL‘ Sunday School. 9:45 a. In. I Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Service, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednes. 7:45 p. m. Pentecostal Radio program, Thurs-‘mm'mw- Vincent E. Paul and son. Commissioners, from Saln B. MATLOCK MISSION CHURCH License. Turned in to Treasurer. Pastor G. G. Hang Notice from Sunday School, 10 a. m. of Transfer MT. VIE‘V CHAPEL and filed. Rev. Charles Dale '3‘ (’3! CBC" Nil. 3. O. Bovcc l‘. :l. m. . . u230 1)., m. llvcnlil... saute, 7:45 pm. ST. DAVID’S EPISCOI’AL . MemorialvBuilding pmk huoklebmr‘v Fredrick Lucke, (Tentralia Sunday Service, 9 a. m. No services Cheek f0" CALVARI; I’ENTECOSTAL , TI‘CaSUIfm‘; 120 East Pine St. ‘ ' Permissmn Rev. George Nye to a CD t" r-u c: r—co r H O > i-a H o z TIDE LANDS 1 IS HEREBY GIVEN. That, Y, the lst day of Sept“, ,, encing at ten o'clock in, '-°0J1 of said day, in front, " main entrance door to thci Court House in the city of? §0unty of Mason, State of; on. by the County Auditor, “Duhty. the following dcscrib—, . lde lan together with‘ .veinents . uated thereoni 1d at publicauction to the . ldder therefor, to-wi * \No one except ci . us of} '1' States, or persons who, ared their intention to be~, P can purchase state lands, LICA’I‘ION N( 10573 ,b lands of the second classj iy the State of Washingtonp 1‘front of. adjacent to. abut- '01‘ within lots 3 and 4, sec- tllwnship 24 north. range 3 ., having a frontage of" , 3‘ chains. more or less, lip-l 9 $1,710.00. any tide lands previously Hama Hanla Logging Coili- nember 18, 1931, under Appli- 0- 9436. , £0 a right of way for a as shown on plat No. 356} ,, her 9, 1930 in the office of missumer of Public Lands all 1 Washington. 3‘18 will be sold for not less ., aDDI‘aised value above stated' I .n the terms and conditions fol- k“: than one—tenth of the p111" ’nnce must be paid at the u 81119. The purchaser, if he be {owner of the improvements, onhWith pay to the. officer‘. nthe sale the full amount of‘ , ,4 raised value of the improve- -- as above stated. One-tenth of base price must be paid an- thel'l".aftcr with interest on all gammy/merits at the, rate Of six, ', um per annuill: Provided, ty gurehaser may make full .. .0 principal. interest and, fish fees at any time and obtain. ‘5 purchaser of land contain— e" 01' other valuable materials. ite1‘1 by law from cutting or any such timber or mater- om first obtaining consent of .-l‘ been paid lid deed is made d . es of state ands are 98’ an 36m the res vations of, oils. [y fior ‘ 31. ores, minerals and fossils l'OPP‘mg mname, kind and description, ably oW' . 6 additional terms and con- m'escribed in section 3 of chap— ,“ the Laws of 1907. ancl will be sold subJect to . test: conditions and reservations by requested to serve the same duly \erificd with the necessary vouchers son county N attached. upon the undersigned Ad- by the county, received and filed. lministratrix or her Attorney of Re., In the matter cord at, the. address hereinbelow given { Pickering road. . and file such claims, together with ‘v R. Wcrbvrger at al. Waiver of Claims, proof of service, with the Clerk of for damage, ‘the above entitled Court within six road. was received as follows: months after the date of the first, Rudolph Werberger. 0 Elmer publication of this Notice, to—wit:'Alfred W. Jones, July 24th. 1942, or said claims shill] Ernest Anderson. Hclcn Harrell. Bes~, be forcer barred. sic Anderson, I ,July 24th, i Mrs. Glennie Ball, P. E. Ball, FranCis‘ Date of first publication. 'Ax, Iva Ax, Isabel Droscher, Mr. and 1942. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for the said Estate, iSuite 1, Lumbermen's Bldg., Shelton, Mason County. Wash. C. H. Uhly for 7-24—31—8-7-14—4t. Turned in to of road district No. 1. Gas tax refund for $45.40 received N0. 1514 and turned in to Treasurer for credit NOTICE TO CREDITORS T0 of county road fund. FILE CLAIMS i In the matter of war damage insur- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ance, it was moved and so STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND motion on July 7th, to the effect that FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, 80 per cent 1 IN PROBATE ,court house. Social Security Building, be . ed and that 100 per cent coverage be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that carried on said buildings, carried. Remittance Gust Nordquist, Deceased. Letters of Administration on the Es- tate of Gust Nordquist, deceased. were Earl Parks granted to the undersigned on the‘ 25th day of July, 1942, by said Super— . ior Court. ‘ Board adjourned all persons having claims against said estate are required to serve them, with the necessary vouchers, upon the unv dcrsigned at the Law Office Of Alden C. Baylcy, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington, that being des— ignated as the place for the. trans- action .ofthe business of the estate. within six months after the date. ofl the first publication of this notice, to-Wit: Within six months after the 31st day of July. 1942, and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service,l or they will be. forever barred. lSSioner of Public Lands, un-l, “gun amount of the purchas1e| 312 of the Session Laws of. ... laung to easements for rights- ‘alld the. carrying Of tinlber, ‘nerals and other products Same. QJACK TAYLOR, Pmmissioner of Public Lands. . A ‘By FRANK YATES, “‘1 Ass't. Commissioner. “‘1 , 7-31 7-14-21—28—5t. SURII‘IONS UPERIOR COURT OF THE FT WASHINGTON. MA- Y McNutt. Plaintiff, ' —‘VS.'—" A- McNutt. Defendant. ATE OF WASHINGTON to Wayne A. McNutt, Defend- ‘5 hereby summoned to ap- ln sixty (60) days after the the first publication of this 1.1 tO-wit: within sixty days .th17th day of July, 1942 and , 9 above entitled action in ,, entitled court, and answer .aint of plaintiff, Neoma H. . and serve "a7 copy or your on the undersigned attor- 1011!‘ failure so to do, judg- ti l0 the demand of the com- '\—~7_///“ \ .13 to secure a divorce. . CHARLES T. WRIGHT. (Sage Attorney for Plaintiff Rme. address: i c 16mg, Shelton, ,» cunt-y. Washington. ,. ~17—24-31—8-7—14-21-‘28—7t. the registration books for the pre- cincts of Mason County, Washington, outside of the City of Shelton, Will gig ’ "t: on a . gigii‘krf‘fif iglggilsfiéfigfigfinmahd 31‘th the. establishment of a Herd District the 23rd day of August, 1942. until September 9th; September 8th being the, date of primary election. t 1942 ' ‘ us , Dated this 4th day of ug August 24 at 2:00 P'M, following Utility Bonds, 1936. of Public Utility District NO. 1. of Mason County, Washington. are called for payment at the Of the Treasurer Of said county and the interest on said Bonds Will cease intiff, Charles '1‘. Wright. v I{Ice below stated;- and in' -be rendered against you' "f" h has heel: filed with the: ‘ 531d court. The purpose or, , Service. 11 am day 3:30 to 4 m Statirn Kev TIP/Saar, day Service, p. m. 'Olympia. p' ‘1 ’ Board et. _ __ . Claims allowed. Remainder morrow. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS Surance be carried JN PROBATE the improvement of Pickering In the Matter of the Estate of Commencing Joseph W. Marsh. Deceased. 'fool. of Jones Notice is hereby given that the. present course undersigned, Pearl Watson, has beenl the Snodgrass bridge appointed and has qualified as Ad- ministratrix of the Estate of Joseph: W. Marsh. Deceased, and that all : Engineer be Or persons having claims against the said 1 . . Deceased. or the said Estate are hen», Attorney Generals opinion In re re— l PEARL WATSON, Mrs. J. M. Peterson, Administratrix of the Estate, RUy Boyce. of. Joseph W. Marsh, De—IKlock, Mr. Geo. Klock. ceased. Star Route. Shelton, Board. adjourned to meet again Mon- , Mason County, Washington. day, July 13. 1942. Monday, July 13, 1942 Board met, all were present. Money order of $10.00 received from equipment Treasurer In the Matter of the Estate of i NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that galley. trict. Dated this Blst day Of July, 1942. C. W. BROWNER. Administrator of the Estate 7—31——8-7—14—21-—4t. NOTICE OF CLOSING REGISTRATION BOOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Treasurel- 32. Twp. HARRY DEYETTE, ‘ County Auditor and Registrar of Voters of Mason County, Washington. 847—14—2t. ___—_..———.————— COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Monday, July 6, 1912 Board met in regular session. Pres— Chairman; H. R. Dickin- . l and Harry Dey-‘FOR RENT: one sleeping room., of $750.00 received ( Check for sum of $750.00 received, mvvv" wvv-v W‘y“- wwww‘ For Rent , AA“.AA‘MA‘ AL-‘AAAAAAqu .. Gentleman preferred. Mrs. D. J. O’Neill, 206 North First. ,. 8-7—1t. Theler, for Skill Ball FOR RENT: furnished home, 2| Board D 107 from, C. L. and Clara Reeve, Camp Watzel‘ to Curtis and Etta Heathers, received, Liquor Control license No, Check from D. F. Shoemaker, Hoods— , FREE ‘REEENT {ugfiqhed , r00 : A . .l- m Sunday School. 9:45 a. In. port, for $12.00 for equipment rental. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Srrvice, received and turned in to Treasurer Road Dist. ‘ 7:45 p. m, for credit of . , i‘liiirs., 7:45 p. In. City of Shelton warrant of $15.00 ‘for equipment turned in to Trcasurerx for Road Distl rental, received and m] “ma St‘ Remittance of $5.00 from U. S. Bon- FOR furnished 8 1.00m , 9.44») n, m neville Power Administration for ease] . nicnt across SW of NE of Sec. 5-22-1 ‘ received and turned in to Treasurer. Notice of disorganization of School District No.’s 5, 12. 74. Permission granted G. Thompson, to on County lands in vicinity of Mason Lake. $750.00 Novelty Co. and mvvv v vavvvvvvvm l brush Mason ' Ball tolFOUND: owner please claim from Skill turned ' given to J. C. Junior; cut huckleberry brush countyi lands in vicinity of Mason Lake, Agate 'and Hal-stqu Iséand. ‘ Claims a1 owe l - — _—mr- 7— . Board adjourned to meet again to-“ LOST: Jersey COW, light COIOY’QdH July 1942 all present. (lay spent as Board Of Equalization. ' Board adjourned to meet again to—i Wednesday, July 8, 1912 Board met. all present. Claims allowed. N0. 1443 i It was moved and seconded that per cent coverage of war damage in« house, Secur— ‘ COUl't 'V'vyvvvvvvvvvvvv wvv "V IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THEI Memorial building and Social STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR' MASON COUNTY ity Building, carried. Petition of R. Wcrbergcr ct al, for road black top at u “18'1941' CHEV. PICKUP TRUCK "wwvvvvvvvvvvvwv at end of Hill. Pickering Sec. following road 9—20—2' received. It was moved and secondc be accepted and thatl——777——~_.-7L_LW..W.LEMMA- deged .Ua examine al‘ld! FOR SALE: 1929 H. D. motor- .arrie . that petition report on same. serving? oil and mineral rights to Ma—l on tax title lands sold, improvement of! per petition ofr and consent locate . Mrs. Jessie Jones; George, Ando . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE and Mrs. l Joseph Biscsi. Mrs. Geo. John C. Valley. Deceased. undersigned, William S. Valley, has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Last Will and Testa- ment and the Estate of John C. Valley, Deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said Deceased, or the said Estate are hereby requested to serve the same duly verified with .the‘ necessary vouchers attached. upon ’thc undersigned Executor or his Ab. torney of record at the address hero—I inbelow given and file such claims, together with proof of service, with ,the Clerk of the. above entitled Court, within six months after the date. of the first. publication of this Notice. to-wit' July 31st, 1942. or said claims shall be forever barred. rental. credit (iondcd that coverage Memorial and rescind— Building received from rental. credit of $18.00 equipment Treasurer 1944 Turned in to road district No. meet again 2 Monday. July 20, Monday. July 20, 1912 Board met, all were present as of previous meeting. ‘ Erie Lindsey equipment rental, credited to road dis— trict No. 1. Resolution re declaring an emcr-, remitted $6.25 . l Frank Nosworthy appointed to fill '—"“7_ the unexpired term of E on Mason County Planning Resolution re establishing herd dis-. J. Wright Council. l Resolution re public garbage dump at Union, Washington. Claims allowed. Permission to lay pipe line across county road known at Satsop ' . NO. 2 ,in NW1/ ALDEN g‘lfiEIEESflqulst- Deceased 20 N. Range 4‘W.W.M. granted to E. Attorney for Administrator, B _d Title Insurance Building, “31 Shelton, Washington, Road NWI/‘a Sec. 12. Two. C. Swanson. adjourned meet again Monday, July 27, 1942. Monday, July 27. 1042 Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. State warrant for sum of $131.05 for gas. refund. received and turned in to A. W. Hanna remitted $750.00 for Skill Ball License, which was turned in to Treasurer. Petition of R. H. Saeger ct a1. composed of Sections 28—29-30-31 and N. Range 2 received. It was moved and seconded that petition be accepted and Monday. at Court House, Shelton, be designated as the: time and place for hearing on same. U. S. Treasury Warrant for $15.00 for Transmission Line Easement ceived and turned in to Treasurer. , L Remittance NOTICE OF 30"” CAL Alice M. Waite for equipment I‘entall of $24.00 received from bedrooms, on Hood Canal, 11/2‘ miles past Alderbrook. Fire— place, furnace with oil burner. Inquire Journal. A78-7—14-21-3tl F l house in exchange for board and room for one adult. Phone 557. mornings before 9:30. Evenings’ after 9:30. M778-7-14-21n3t.‘ ' SHELTONEMASON COUNTY JOURN JOURNAL WANT ADS VVW For Sale I WA- ‘Am ‘MAMA‘MLA‘ COWS FOR heifers, had first calf. 2,Dur- ham cows, one 7-year Holstein. $55.00 to $65.00. Wilson Ranch, vmmv Real Estate MMMA‘AMAAMM OR SALE CHEAP: 40 acres, fenced, 3 room house, full base- ment, large shed, barn, second 7" PIG OWNERS NOTICE: Boar! service. Delmar Borden, Pot- latch Route. 8-7—21—3t. growth timber, 5 acres cleared. Well water. Four miles south Shelton. Inquire Martha Mason, 125 Fourth St., Bell Bldg. 8-7-14-21—3t. l iCOAL: in‘4-ton lots for larger,il house, downtown location. In- quire 11-J. Ree8-7-21s-73t. Lost and Found .. Guernsey heifer and pay for costs. L. L. McAferty, Matlock Route. 8-7-28—4t. Bangs tested. Notify W. P.l Bliss, Rt. 2, Box 114, Shelton. 7—31--8-14—3t. LOST: 14-ft. green rowboat from, Bayshore road, about 2 milesl out. Reward. Write Harry Ber- geson, Route 2, Shelton. 7-24-3178—77731; , “ ' Used Cars for sale. Only 8,000 miles. Call, 192. H-8-7m1t. , cycle, large super H. 4 hp. Alto outboard motor. Also 2 1937 Sidecars and 1 1927 Buick se- dan, All in excellent condition, M. L. Kolmorgan, R. 3. ' 7-31--8—7-14-21-28~»5t. l No. 1515 NOTICE TO (summons T0 : PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS STATE OF WASHINGTON ‘FOI: MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the. Matter of the Estate of Notice is hereby given that thel Date of first publication, July 31st, WILLIAM S. VALLEY. Executor of the Estate ot‘i John C. Valley, Deceased, 52?. North Fifth Street, Shel— at Hoods— gqu HOUSE FOR SALE: port. 4 rooms, modern, Lump $10 ton, Range $9.50 ton, Stoker $7.85 ton. $1 more per IWVW Classified Service SALE: 2 Jersey next to Carmen’s. 'Five miles ton in« 1 to 3 ton lots. Sack FOR coal $1, you bring sack 90c. Carl Morgan, phone 344—W, 635 out Dayton Road. K—8—7--1t. SALE: 120 bass Honer Accordion like. new. F. E. Beck— with. 8-7—1t , Dearborn. 7-10 tf. location, nice yard. $1,500.00. In- quire C. H. Wood, Hoodsport. 8—7-14—2t. FOR SALE: 7 room house, good condition. Good water, outbuild— ings. fruit, 151,4; arces. $35000.l L. C. Smith, Agate District. 8-7-21—3t. FOR SALE: 40 acre ranch, 4! room house, 3 acres cleared. Lots Of wood. Two miles from Matlock. A real buy. Inquire Journal. KE8-7-21—3t. , lFOR SALE: $500 down. Good Inquire E. W. Johnson, P.U.D. 3 office. 7-31——8—7—2t. , electricity, water, i house, lots. room modern house downtown district, close to grade and high school, nice;~ yard, .shrubs, spot, priced reasonable. Inquirel 829 Franin FOR SALE: flowers, garden S—7-24-31—8-7—3t. $350 equity in 4- room house with dinette, bath, hardwood floor and fire- place- in front room. Full ce- ment basement and furnace. Unfinished Phone 351-J. D~—7-24-31--8-7--3t. , + " . FOR SALE: 7 room house, full} large upstairs, close to business district $6,250. Inquire Shelton Sport- ing Goods or phon FOR SALE: hall. upstairs. $3300.00 basement, 2 1/2 lots, e 160—R. B—5—22—tf. FOR SALE: 7 room house. Close1 to business district. Full base—l ment. For particulars call at ' Shelton Sporting Goods. l 5-15-—tf. , m SEVERAL FINE LARGER homes for sale and I will be glad to show them at any time. Nothing is better than to own your own home. and get something your rent checks besides re- ,Prices from $3850 to $5500. Why not see me at once about these properties. All are worth much more than the HERBERT G. l for ceipts. price asked. ton, Mason County, Wash- ington. lCHAs. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate. Suite 1, Luinbcrmen’s Bldg, lShclton, Mason County. Wash. 7-24-31—21‘7-14-2175} .2 From Grapeview At Annual Reunion 0f \7aslflCollege Grapeview, Aug. ’4—sThe alumni of Vashon College gathered on, August 2 at Burton in the Lodge Hall to celebrate the 50th anni- versary of the founding of the college. There were about 40 pres— ent but one who was missed was Mrs. Jones, wife of the first pres— ident, she had passed away this last year. Two went from this, community, Marion Hoke and Walter Eckert. Mr. Hoke was in the first class, in fact, he helped build the first building. He was also prominent in the first enter— tainment; given by the rival “lit-i erary societies.” (That phrase has, memories for those of us of that‘ generation Who Went to fresh-. water colleges and 'belonged to: ' i b vein that the . . - Name 15 hele y g‘ Series of received and turned in to Treasurerihterary societies with their bit- September 1, 1942: __ Public Utilit' District No. 1 Utility SIONERS. Bonds, Series)of 1936, numbered 9. WASHINGTON 10. 11, and 12, inclusive. R. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO- 1 of Mason County, Washington By: R. E. JOHNSON. Manager. . ‘Member 7-31—8—7-14-21—28—5t. Attest' v It May Concern: JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 4 a! gglved, By the Senate and Dresentatives of the State V011, in Legislative Session Elie next general election to i. th lS state there shall be sub- : 6 qualified electors of this ' 6:1? approval and ratification an amendment to Article s Constitution of the State of I Beby adding thereto a new designated Section 2 of awhlch shall read as follows: In: For the purpose Of tax— me Shall not be construed as ‘d the legislature shall have ‘2’ lay and collect graduated aRes from whatever source . LE REEVES, Secretary! of J -‘1‘0p0sed Amendment to the State Constitution TO BE IVOTED ON NOVEMBER 3, 1942 OFFICE or THE SECRETARY or STATEV {tedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resomtlon 0f Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is here .mgc’nSlderation of the voters of the State of Washington, a_pr°‘ 9ndment to the constitution of the said state, as f0110W5~ OFFICE OF THE, SECRETARY or STATE-_ 4% 11y that the above and by of House J oint, Resolution No. 4, passed by the L s ' ‘ of Washington at its twenty-seventh session. as appear prisinal of said Joint Resolution on file in my office- STATE or WASHINGTON, by published Of record, derived, and to provide exemptions. 0 sets and deductions. ffA’nd Be It Further Resolved. Th3: 9: Secretary of State shall cause tlie tgrbe going constitutional amendmen ceding the election in a Weekly news: paper in ever county where a {levtlge paper is pu lished throughou state. Passed the House March 12. 1941- EDWARD J. REILLY. Speaker of the_House. Passed the Senate March 11. 1941- vmmg A. Mums. President of the Senate, ary of CHAS. Filed in the office of the Secret State, March 17, 1941. STAI‘.‘ or WASHINGTON, August 2 Dated this 5th day Of August, 1942. recent entrant R , AN CLAPPER, 981stration Officer . City or Shelton. b A‘ y My Hand and the seal of the State of Washington this 20th “21:8 the a 1942. 1 : BELLE REEVES, JORD SEAL] Secrettml State' ‘ \ for credit of road district No. 1. Resolution of Thurston_D. Massey fice of et all in re W.P.A. pr0]ect. wages, thati ettlzé regeivgd anddfiled. ’ 031' a journe . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- MASON COUNTY. TRENCKMANN. Chairman H. R. DICKINSON. VINCENT E. PAUL. Member HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of. Board. WM- 1518 NOTICE =To CBEDITORS IN, THE SUPERIOR COURT 0 STATE OF WASHINGTO MASON COUNTY . IN PROBATE of the Estate of that the 8-7—~1t. NO. F THE N Iron i In the Matter Mal'Y,A. Shelton, Deceased. Othe is hereby given I underSigncd Edna Shelton KlI‘kW‘ has been appointed and has (11,1311 as Executrix of the Last Will Testament of- the Estate of Mary A‘ Shelton. Deceased. and. that all De!" sons having claims against the sand LState or the said Deceased are h¢reby duly veri— fled tequlresi to serve the same , lied With the necessary voucher at- mCth» upon the undersigned Execu- attorney Qf the , Lewis at the address being trix or Chas. R. Lewis, t ffice said Chas} the law 0 hereinbelow given. designated as the place for the trans- action of the business of the Estate same and file such claims. together with proof Of service, i i 5 with the clerk of published at least three months pre" ,the above Court within six , months 0‘ the date or the first publication of this notice, afieénbseiid glaims shall be A . a e ' ‘ r “st 7th, 1942.0 first publication. EDNA SHELTON KIRKWOO'Dv Estate Deceased. .mg SE] Lumbermen's Builds . 6 ton, Washin ton. R. LEWIS, g Attorney for said Estate, SW“? 1. Lumbermen’s Building Shelton, Ma; u Washington. Non County. August forever to-wit: Executrix of Mary A, Suite Shelton, 8-7-14—21-28v—4L N03101:), or (:LosINC. 0F ‘ . NOTIgfiMi‘STRIAIg‘ION noons m t State of the State of WaShlngtgfii the registration 15%st GIVEN a foregoing contains a full. “.119 a ("HMS 0f the ,City of Shelton, Masonl egislature County; Washington. will be closed to original reams 3r pi'c- 4. tration and 1942, until and ter fileds!) The tables were dec—' orated with gorgeous yellow flow-. ers to carry the golden annivcr—i sary idea, and the usual “do you remembers" were heard. Pictures, "Pickering News Events Recorded By Virtue E. Hanlon Pickering, August 4~Mrs. J. M. Peterson entertained Thursday af- , ternoon honoring her grandson, ,George Wright, of Tacoma, on his seventh birthday. Among those present were Mrs. Simmons and son Jimmie and Miss iBabcock of Shelton. MrS- Ernesticm'is of Shelton at a fmily din- Anderson, Mrs. Helen Harrell and ner Sundav sons Johnnie and Ernest,d " George Wright, Lorene Lun qUIS , were . F- Patricia Wright, the honor guest, Mr' and Mrs rank wandeu’ George, and the hostess, Mrs. . M. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Martin and l Charley Baker and Jean. left Saturday: for their home. in Sacramento, 0511- i day for her home at Salem, Ore., . ifornia, after spending a week at after a two weeks visit at Alder the home of Mrs. Martin’s uncle, [ Brook Farm with her brother and lsister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. of the college in its flourishing days were given out. Rev. Ward, ,of' Vashon, one of the early stu- dents, helped with the program. Mrs. Marion Hoke and Mr. and‘ Mrs. Harry Willis took Mn Hoke to the reunion. The Emmett Johnsons are re—l ceiving congratulations on the ar- rival of Judith Anne,‘ born on July 31 in Shelton. We are glad to welcome this newest resident in our community. , Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnstone haVe moved 'nearer Bremerton where Mr. Johnstone is employed. A number of the Stadium resi- dents, including the Oscar Sunds,v visited on Harstine last Tuesday. The next meeting of the 4—H‘ club will be on Saturday, August; 7, at the Spooner home. Some. people deserve several celebrations of their- birthdays. Such is Mrs. Ira. Palms Of Ma- son Lake. On Friday several of her friends in her card club in' Shelton surprised her with a Dar‘ ty. On Saturday she and Mrs- Cliff Barrett met their husbands in Bremerton and had dinner and a show. We haven‘t heard hOW she celebrated on her actual birthday, which was Monday. Mrs. Johnson is back at Work' in 'Bremerton although her hand. which was injured recently, is not healed and causes considerable pain. The Web Ethertons enjoyed a trip to the Upper Duckabush for several days last week. They spent the time hiking and fishing. The two young Ethertons also eniOY' ed the time with a visit-with their grandparents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Parks- Walter Burkhardt is working at agenhome again. The C. C. C. camp "‘5 September 8th, the same 1942. date of the Primary elec— includ-I where he had been working was , closed. Kenneth Hanson is our most into the armed forces. He is statiOned at Fort 8_7_14__2t' LeWIS- we”... o ANGLE. FOR SALE 3-room modern home (with break- fast nook (electric pump, fine garage and woodshed. Locaéigl a“ 6 _ on tract of fine: land about “- fi‘ rrxxz .‘ r, I miles from Shelton on Bayshore Andrews StUdIO road. Some waterfront proper- ty. This will make an excellent suburban home, close in, with plenty of land for garden and' some chickens. some terms. Price $2850. Will consider 6-ROOM modern home, nerd-wood, floors, fireplace, full basementi and furnace. ished upstairs. located on oiled s nice yard. Entire property inl excellent condition, and priced . - below present ‘value. Will con-I Amadla' was a VISItor at the sider terms—-$4200.00. FOR SALE - 7-room modern suburban home in ters, Gail and Helen Robinson, of Plastered Shelton, visimd with Mrs. H. A. full basement. Winsor and family Wednesday af- Flowers and shrubs and fruitlternOOrl. trees of many varieties. Nice yard and lawn, Also plenty of excellent den land. Chicken Gravity water Would cost $10,000 to replace, and is a real bargain at $4400, terms. Herbert G. Angie Angle Bldg. Also large unfin— . f This home is first regular meeting 0 the treat and has i week, Thursday, the 13th. excellent condition. with fireplace, all well kept, gar- View Farm with Mr. and Mrs, house and barn. system. Phone 304 daughter Norma Claude Hanlon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson were week end guests of relatives in Aberdeen and at- and family The Walter Claytons are at, their beach home spending 1113‘ two weeks vacation from his po- sition as engineer in the Hoquiam pulp mill. 'We are glad to hear that Mrs. E. C. Housen ‘is sufficiently recov- l ‘ cred from her attack of pneumon- | school Nurse On Job ia to return in a few days from the hospital. Mrs. Herman Burkhardt turned with her mother, Mrs. Mat— hews, for a visit with her family at Gridley, Calif. She will be home again by September 1. scores friends of your OLD NEWSPAPERS: for build- ing fires, packing, etc. Large bundle 5c. Journal office. 6-19—tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE for other v livestock, good riding pony, five I years Old. Weight 800 poundsi R. D. Stockwell, Road. Mill 8-7~—1t. Creek 0 FOR RENT l l 25-ft. cabin day cruiser. Chrys— ler motor. Phone 2-F-3. W«—8-7—1t. , $3 per month AT THE JOURNAL HURRY! , HURRY! SHIPLAP —— SIDING 2x8—2x6———etc. See Salesman on job or Can be Apartment NO. 1. PHONE 100 vvvvvvvm Wanted AAAuAA‘“. FOR SALE: Jersey, fainin COW. Wrecking 2 factory buildings atl WANT TO BUY small used cir-i McCleary~—100,000 ft used lum-I her. l l l l TYPEWRITERS ,FOR SALE OR TRADE for car, FOR SALE: Used girl‘s bike. seen' at Panatorium FOR SALE: B'—8-7-—1t. W l culating wood heater and bedl davenport. Must be in good ALE. 21_ft ,L~ ‘ru'ser condition. Box 108, Union, wash. FOR S ' caum c 1 ' F—v8—7—lt. WANTED: sused mower. State R make and price. Box 226A,, Matheny & Bacon Route NO. 3, Shelton C—8-7—1t, 1710 4th Ave. S., Seattle 'WANTED: manfor orderly work. 1 170—3 éALE; A5 testg‘d, milking: Phone 4280 t Inquire superintendent, Shelton hospital. 8—7~1t. 1. WANTED: room furnished: FOR RENT by Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWAF. E FLOOR SANDER , YOUNG WOMAN wants part or full time work. Experienced in cashiering, bookkeeping, typing and personnel work. Phone 17W. Betty Decker, phone 520. B—-u8—7*1t. l housework. Mrs. harney, phone 375M. 8-7-14—2t T—S-7~1t., WANTED: woman towcare fO; small baby and do general Orville Spin- ‘IPIRHNTH NO KODAK [Filth] 4251/ Shapsfloi Advice .__\ so“? . Shelton Valley ‘ News Brevities By IIna Winsor l Shelton Valley, August 4—The, grange in August will be next Mrs. Harry McConkey, from Highlands with Mrs. Signe Knee- l land last Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Gordon and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams and baby were visitors at Valley Walter Cooke Saturday and Sun- day. Harold is now engaged in de- ' fense work in Oregon. Wedding bells rang merrily. at_ Echo Farm last Saturday evening. More details will be found in an- other section of The Journal. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for full time, stay nights. Andrew Pho— to Studio. Phone 152. 8-7—tf. ,_ 'WANTED: 5 or 6 room modernl house, preferably with furnace. Close in. Inquire Journal office. W~~8-7-a1t. WANTED: man to clean 32ft. well. J. J. West, Route 2, Box 121. Ten miles on Allyn road. 8-7-14~72t. Mrs. WANTED: whoever borrowed my small brown auto tent please return Cora Hepner, 1211 Railroad or phone 62-J. H—8-7~—1t. lock logs. coma, Wn. large, WANTED AT ONCE: earloads or truckloads of sound Alder, Maple and Hem- Higher prices. eral scale. Prompt settlements. Northwest Chair Company, Ta- smooth, Lib- 7-31--8-21—-«4t. ley. WANTED TO BUY: used out- board motors. ware, phone 499, Olym Fairmont. fice. WANTED: Mrs. Clara Huntley and Miss. Margaret Huntley of Shelton and Mrs. J. T. Jeffries and daughter "Geraldine of Puyallup, were visi— tors Friday evening at Echo Farm. Mrs. Charley Baker and Mrs. last Wednesday evening where they went to a shower at the home of Mrs. Emma Conklin and her daughter, Mrs. Ben Hughes, in honor of Ardice Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gren— berg and children Rickey and Hannah and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shafer and children, Feryl and Visitors at Echo Farm Sunday Sgt. and Mrs. James A. Cunning- ham and Mr. and Mrs. R. R! Phillips of Shelton, and Mrs. Mrs.. Mattie Miller left Tues— Rutledge. Mrs. Miller made the round trip by bus. , Mrs. Dewey Bennett and Keith tended the wedding of Mrs. Ari-'and Sgt. and Mrs. Cunningham-'Thum. derson’s niece, Miss Aileen Rath were visitors Sunday afternoon at and Bob Long Of Hoquiam. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bolling in Isabella Valley, er. and Mrs. Walter Cooke Sun— day. High Low High Low Fri DeWey Bennett were in Sheltonu’xug, 7 High Low High Sat. Aug. Low High Low High Sun. Aug. Low High Low High Mon. Aug. Low High Low High Tues. Aug. 11 Low High Low High Wed. Aug. 12 Low High Low High Aug. 13 Mr. and ers. John Insel and children, Johnny Trillium and; Fri. iJean, of Gig Harbor, visited with , Aug, 14 Low High Low High Low High Low High Sat. Aug. 15 Again After Vacation, Miss Alma Peterson, Sheltonl school nurse, resumed her duties, in connection with pro-school health activities here August 1,! ireo‘pening her offices in the cityl ____.__ lhall after spending a month’s va-i JOURNAL Want Ads are used by cation during which she attenda-l and ed a child health clinic in Port— neighbora ‘with great success. land. Low High Low High Sun. Aug. 16 Low High Low High Mon. Aug. 17 WANTED TO BUY: ’39, ’40 or ’41 model sedan auto. Roy wards, Rt. 1, Box 223, 6 miles on Wivell Road, Isabella Val- L. Ed— 7-31--8—14—~3t. Hillcrest Hard- pic and 4-10—tf. women’ between 23 and 35 to work in grocery and meat markets. Write applica- 3:16 10:38 6:03 11:14 4:06 11:21 6:46 12:04 4:51 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m". a.m. Noon e26. BOEING '0'me wmow mm (000 ONE 03H 3:32 10:03 4:23 10:01u a.m. p.m. 10:36 p.m. 4:13 4:08 as on» 9’?” P’P?‘ 33‘ 335 w 3.3. 7:21 p.m. 12:45 a.m. 5:34 a.m. 12:37 p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. 11:02am. 4:58 pm. 11:11 p.m. 1 ft. H S‘NPP i... thr-‘N 0500503 H No wens wen 2‘9. i.- i... H p—A pa [.4 H H ens essw 5.4 .93.“? 3“ . . qum emaw wmmm omsm sum» H l H p. H 9.0.”? UNQN H 'cn'tobi'cn tion to Box 1, c-o Journal Of- S—7-24—tf. schoolbus driver, El- don to Shelton run. Accepts ap- plications either man or woman. Write or see Gladys Lockwood, clerk, Hoodsport. Tides’of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour 3: 55 minutes earlier) 7 -24-31—-2t. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50C. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader 75c minimum charge on each notice. Thanks, notices per word. Card poetry 500 display rates on request. Advertisements original 75c; classified inch; accepted over the telephone from phone subscrib- Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 6T5. n wmvmvvv V'mv vvvv‘ O For Sale AAA g“'A AAAM Jake M : FOR SALE: fresh cows. Clark, 102 B. Street, Elma, Wn. 7-31—-8-7—2t. New Hampshire Red Anna Huss, Bayshore between First pullets. Road, halfway Street and City Dock. ' 7-27——8-7-14—3t. Skokomish 7-31—8-7—-2t. Mrs. Alvin Butler. Valley. Durant “4" motor. Installed ‘ 1941. Herb Angle. ED COOKER—SPANI Ls FOR SALE. Cari Matlock Route. Smulter, Dayton, 8—7-14—21»3t. 2 heifers and 3 calves. Edith Lacos, Route 2, Box 279, Agate district. 7—31--8-7-14~—3t. apartment or larger. Call Mrs.‘ FOR SALEfvég—V_8m logging truck, double axle, semi trailer. Castle’s Mill, Route 2, Shelton, 7-24-31—-8-7ve3t. FOR SALE: gins, gEodEcihditioh Simmons, 8—7-14—2t. cows, Wash. $50.00. Dixie 829 Franklin. FOR SALE: 10 N. H. red year- lings, 3 White Leghorns, 2 R. 1. three year layers. My failing health is rea- son for selling. Mrs. Emma J. Booth, 407 South 7th, Shelton. 8—7'1t. Old, good red, WADE DRAG SAW for Sine: New magneto, Inquire at Journal Office. ' JH8-7-14-21m3t. IFOR SALE: 300.000 feet of tim- ber. Convenient road. to water landing. Address Box 25, Lilliwaup, Washington. R—7-24—tf. FOR SALE: 15 acres, small house, chicken house. from Shelton on Isabella Valley Road. Terms. William A. Gun- ter, Route 1, Shelton. 7-24-31—w8-7fl3t. new sprocket. mile barn, 4 miles room modern house, large sub-irrigated gar- den spot on 5-acre tract. Walk- ing distance of town. 940 E. Cascade. 7-24-31--8-7—3t FOR SALE : Inquire LARGE SIZE Duplicating SALES BOOKS 2 for 15¢ 4 for 25¢ . 65¢ per dozen Our prices are as low or lower than outside salesmen can quote you. THE JOURNAL v'vv W» , PROFFSSIONAL AA‘ ‘A‘AAM ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton in so RANGE I. it. HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123401 St. Phone 565 WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 — Shelton, Wash. DOANE BRODIE Attorney-AbLaw Angle Building. Phone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW L. M. Bldg. Shelton. Washington Suite 1 ,l RICHARD F. ,EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 .