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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 7, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 7, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eigh _____—_______ WWflW rooms. ANNOUNCEMENTS l Return Former Representative W. “an” GONNNNSTEN Nilll-l)'l."l,l‘\'i‘l Ci'll‘iflhliltc George Adams l l l l l l l His previous record in four terms including one as recog- nized floor leader in the House. fully qualifies this Mason County man for this important office. For County 1 Pm the Legislature SCHOOL sum. 1 RE-ELECT Representative Chas. R. Savage for STATE REPRESENTATIVE 24th District Democrat Clallam, Jefferson and Mason Counties I Your Vote Appreciated R. W. STRIKE Democratic Candidate F0 R COUNTY TREASURER Honest, Qualified, Efficient. Member V. F.W.. American Legion, ,‘xi'ange. Pomona Grange and No.13. ManyNews Notes About Hoodsport Residents Given By Doris Soule I Hoodsport, August 4 Mr. andI Mrs. Walter Kahlke of Tacoma, spent several days visiting friends and relatives in Mason county. Mr. and Mrs. Pat McDonaldl and children of Seattle, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yenter last week end. Mrs. Dave Eatwell spent four days at Copalis with relatives. She is now in Chehalis for a week; or so Mrs. Eatwell‘s father Jacki Spitzner, has been here, also Mr. Eatwell’s mother and brother of Chehalis. The Young Womens Club had a “no hostess" party at the L. L. Dickinsons home. They presented a gift to Mrs. Claude Wood. Mrs. Nissen returned last week after a very enjoyable two weeks in Portland with friends and rel- atives. To her many friends Mrs. S. J. Martin of Millbrook. Ontario, Canada, will not be able to make a trip out here this year owing to ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hanson are the proud parents of a son born in the Shelton hospital Tuesday. They have named him Frederick Simons. Both he and his mother are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean of} Seattle, Marshall Vail and Dean Gilbert, are in the Olympics forl a week. I Miss Clara D. Koremeir recent- ly returned from 20 years of missionary work in China and gave a very interesting lecture on her work there on Wednesday evening in our church. Her com- panion, Miss Gilmore, sang two songs beautifully. Miss. Eileen Hembury of San' Francisco has been here Visiting her mother and brother. They spent Thursday in Seattle. Miss Elizabeth Hilligoss was home for the week end with herl folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilli- SHELTON VISITOR DIES A frequent visitor to Shelton _m”__ ‘ and a resident of Hood Canal for City Swept department crews several summers, Mrs. J. A. Walk- this week laid a macadam surface: er 0f Tacoma! and formerly Of on the two parking strips which: ¥FP%ntr pisseflii iwagldAlirgggt 4' recently were created on the eastl le unera WI 8 .11 aY‘ 2nd west sides of the postofficel ng-eamali‘aesrt ergiifigerhls fig; lock. ' .__._,,, .fi.__ leave one daughter, Miss Dorothy _ lWalker, well known in Shelton T0” the PFOC‘PGCCS W118“? you am- l through her frequent visits here. With a. Journal Want-Ad P. 0. Parking Strips Get Macadam Surface? “Friday and Saturday SILVERBOW FARM , Honey 16-02. 250 LAKOTA i RIPE OLIVES. . .‘ . . . No. 1 tall 15¢ SUNWORTH Y~—28-oz. tin " Peaches Mar 670 l PURE Lard 2-lbs. 310 , NO RUB lLIQUlD WAX............qt.'73¢ SNOVVDRIFT ’ Shortening "31.710 , CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP gHIPs POST—l1-oz. Toasties 2hr I70 PRODUCE LEEQNS dozen YAKlMA TOMATOES 2-lbs. ONIGNS 10-lbs. 29c QBMWGES Mom 490 Lettuce, String Beans, Beets, Peas, Fresh Corn, Carrots, Avaoados Lowest Market Price . . . . . 5-lbs. 49¢ Pkgs. 250 15c Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood and daughter of Bremerton were Sun- day guests of their brother, Claude Wood. Mrs. Claude Wood accom- lpanied her husband to Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. J. Avery and family moved to Olympia this week end. ,Mrs. L. L. Dickinson entertain- 'ed Monday at Clarmel with a 12:30 luncheon. Her guests were Mrs. Phillip Abbey, Mrs. Kilby, Mrs. T. B. Smith and Mrs. Addle- man. The Fred Johnson's and Roy Asleson‘s have moved to Quinault. Howard “Bud” Johnson was ‘married in Couer d'Alene, Idaho, [July 25th to Florence Edlund of Portland. They were here visiting his parents, the Leo Johnsons ov- er the week end. They are resid- ing in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill had a family reunion Sunday, also other guests. Mr. Hill left Monday to be one of Uncle Sams boys. Mrs. Wesley Johnson has been visiting his folks for three weeks and helping in the store. Wesley was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Sund and ers. Sund Sr. of Rocky Point en- tertained the H. R. Dickinsons and Mrs. Don Soule and cihldren for Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Olympia were Saturday night guests of l mamma. l l l l goss. Ray Peterson leaves August 12 for Fort Lewis. Mrs. Claude Wood was a guest of honor at a stork shower in the Hoodsport gym Tuesday eve- ning. She received many lovely gifts. Games were played and a luncheon served. Jean Lunt of Port Angeles has been with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lunt for the past week. She has been helping in the store. Sunday they motored to her home and spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lunt. Potlatch Party Says Farewells By Elizabeth Hussman Potlatch, August 14—-M1‘s. Ja- lcobson was hostess Thursday af- ternoon for a luncheon and card party honoring Mrs. “Bud” Sim- mons who was moving from Pot- latch. Albert Morrison and Miss Vir- ginia Washbum of Tacoma, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison Sunday. Mrs. H. Lanning and Frances Lanning spent Thursday in Ta- coma and Puyallup. Miss Marion Jacobson of Taco- ma was home over the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holmes and child of Aberdeen were guestsl of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simonsl Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stensvold and Miss Lovejoy of Tacoma, were guests of the Jacobsons Wednes- ay. l l Agate Residents To Picnic Sunday, By Mrs. Mary Matthes l Agate, August 5~Agate Grange is giving a picnic at the hall on the bay Sunday. August 9th. A [good time is assured. Bring your lunch and enjoy a get-together.l All members and friends are in“ vited. I Mrs. Mamie Nickelson spent Tuesday visiting with Mrs. Mary Matthes. Clarence Brown has been call~ ed into the Army. He leaves next Wednesday for Camp Lewis. ‘ A shower honoring Mrs. Bue-l lah Satterfield of Shelton, a for-l mer resident of Agate, will be! held at the residence of Mrs: Martin Auseth Thursday. l Mrs. C. P. Grinrod and Mrsl M. Nickelson were Shelton shop-‘ pers Wednesday. Mrs. E. Crane i drove them in. Journal Want-Ado—Phone 100 DRY GOO OILED I SILK Curtaining 69° J u s t Arrived” A shipment of Oiled Silk Curtain mater~ ial, just what you want for ybur show- er curtains. W. - , . a _. CURTAIN SCRIM SPECIAL Our buyer bought a large group of short cuts of Curtain Scrim which we are offering at greatly reduced prices! . . . C o m e in and see these specialsll l m fl New Seersuckers 5,9" Here is the material you have been wait- ing for. Needs no ironing. I d e al for c o o l, comfortable, serviceable dressgg and blouses! ! SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J OURNAI] During Market Week we were fortunate to buy a large group of Draping Squares in assorted sizes and patterns at a greatly re! duced price. These squares are just the thing for Pillow Tops, Chair Covers, etc. ns spncm Draping Squares Special each 35¢; , the kind you get here at such reasonable prices—fresh . . . bursting with full-flavored goodness. There's a feeling of security and well-being in knowing that your pantry is well-stocked with, wholesome foods so get busy gum Don’t risk failures this year in your home canning. You'll make better jellies, jams and preserves if you start off with better quality berries, fruits and vegetables— firm . . . ripe . . . and plant a “victory garden" of home preserves this summer. IELL—WELL pkg. 5c Gelatin Dessert FLOUR 49-1115. 1.89- Fisher's Blend—77AM Purpose KOOLADE 6 pkg. 25 Delicious Summer Beverage MATCHES .. . . . 6 pkgs. 19¢ Seaport APPLE BUTTER . . jar 23¢ Libby, 33-oz. jar JAM Z-lb.jar32¢ Meadow Lark, Assorted kinds Pork & Beans pt. jar. . 2 for 29¢ Cerretellis CORN FLAKES .. . .. pkg. 5¢ Alber's 6-oz. pkg. VANILLA bottle 29¢ Old English, 8-oz. TISSUE .. .. Waldrof 5 rolls 25¢ SUNSHINE 2-Ibs. KRISPY CRACKERS 2-lbs. HONEY GRAHAMS. Both for 63¢ HI HO Butter Wafers lb. 21¢ HYDE PARK WAFERS .... .. lb. 29¢ Pruitsgss Vegetables TOMATOES . . . . . . .. 2-lbs. 19¢ Vine Ripe Slicers, Yakima GRAPES . . . . . . , .....'2-lbs.35¢ Gridle Seedless POTATOES . .. 12-lbs. 49¢“ Netted Gem, U. S. No. 1 POTATOES . .. 49-lbs. $1.39 ‘U. S. No. 2 Neted Gem ORANGES . . . . . . . . . lO-lbs. 79¢ ONIONS 10-lbs. 33¢ ........4-lbs.25¢ APPLES.H. BEANS.............2-lbs.25¢ Local Good Cookers Stringless 9 WHEAT OR OATS Your Choice Triangle, No Premium 3-lb. pkg. ........ .. 25¢ . Kitchen TOWELS Scott, 150 Sheets 2 pkgs. ............ .. 23¢ SALAD DRESSING Over The Top Quart ................ .. 27¢ Sandwich Spread Over The Top ' Pint .................. .. 15¢ MILK Carnation 3 Tall Cans ...... .. 26¢ ~ ROAST MUTTON Shoulder Rolled LEG MUTTON ,ROAST ............................. _. Meaty, Tender MUTTON STEW lb. 121/»: MUTTON CHOPS 2-lbs. i Economical ....................... .. BACON 1/2 -lb. Cello ...................... _. BEEF ROAST Rolled ................................ .. HAMBURGER Fresh Ground -. ................ .. HAMs Half or Whole ............. .. WIENERS Large ................................. .. DOG FOOD Armour’s .......................... .. LUMBER ’5 gamma . .... F‘rida y, August 7.‘ , lEs WRlTl JSTRALIA H13/ 20. Mr , rem-ma t! Week fron The! L. J 91‘ and Dad I Your lottm lglfild to hoe ,l m'IaErinc hi H homo mea ' Id like, to back there. 1 Others to ' around the only “6 1s to go t 8 day and n] guard isn't , week end So to tho . gtirls are 0 apprel ' than the a Short w: l . , P“- 9 Hit Parr , u‘ the air '5 on air interestinx 1t much t ' era to slec 4/) SON L0s1 ’ IN FLO] Mrs. s. L. CIGARETTES £1011. Boh. firine air Avalon, aDbond' Sensation, etc. 2 pkgsz the STXN: Camels, Luckies i119. Florid Chesterfield 2 pkgs in attendir . UM IN su ‘ “WT TO M: “5‘s. 1. L. ‘3 ' is weel- FLAIiE “he was i M‘ 9d ‘0 the s curs DOWN . Camp Cl STOCKING Swvliss _n of .Unior ELASTICITY e. assxgned . illIlms rep s ‘ \— . .Y‘ENLIST: IM‘xou M “‘3 Ely, s FOR "8.0." ~°Clure, c PROTECTS '1 . HEALTH 1 enlisted ' YY Recrui “3 an apt Igoi to: Large 23¢ SPARKLING ACTIVE LATHER s ‘ .‘ .0. 3 f 20¢ , COMPLEXION AND BATH STAYS SO FRESH AND SWEET SUGAR STAMP . PERIODS Stamp No. 6 Good UntI August 22 Stamp No.7 I ' , (Bonus) Good until Aug- ' McClel ‘ n aviatii i {in IN 00A: ., 1 lb. 16¢ \. lb. EAL jams 25¢ F . Cutter lb. lb. lb. 18¢, . 33¢ 22¢ ........ 25¢) ‘ 11 cans $1.00 I